
Post on 09-May-2015



News & Politics



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  • 1.Warm-Up

2. Unit 4: Legislative and Executive Branches
Structure and Organization of the Executive Branch
Reapportionment and Redistricting
Structure and Organization of the Executive Branch
The Unit 4 Assessment is coming.
Start to study your exit slips and look at the Data Wall.
Regulatory Agencies of the Exec Branch
Structure and Organization of Congress
Power and Roles of the Executive Branch
How a Bill Becomes a Law
Electoral College and Electing the President
Electoral College and Electing the President
State and Local Government
3. Students will read a story about a candidate in order to review vocabulary and analyze Unit 4 concepts.
4. INM: Mr. White: A Political Tale
GP/IP: Reading, Videos and Reflections
Unit 4 Assessment
5. Rise to Local Government
Once upon a time, in a land very, very close to here, there was a young up and coming politician who was ready to take the world by storm. You see, he had been a teachera teacher who had listened to his students and cared deeply about those in his community.
6. Rise to Local Government
At the advice of one class in particular, he had decided to run for County Executive. Immediately following his decision, he immediately selected a political party that reflected his personal views and interests.
7. Rise to Local Government
After that, his students petitioned to get him on the ballot as a candidate, while working with his constituents to raise money that would finance a killer campaignsomething of legends. With the use of facebook and twitter, he was able to get his supporters out to the polls.
8. Rise to Local Government
He was an underdog from the very beginning, but his popularity increased with every poll taken by the media. By Election Day, it was clear that the people of Prince Georges county knew that they wanted him to be County Executive.
9. Reflection
What is the name of the process that he participated in to become an elected official?
What is the first step in campaigning?
How is a petition a demonstration of direct democracy?
10. Reflection
Which of these best explains why candidates for public office often spend more money on advertising during the last week of a campaign?
Advertising costs are lower at the end of a campaign.
Advertising may persuade undecided voters to make a choice.
Campaign laws require that all money raised by candidates be spent.
Campaign laws require that advertising be restricted to the end of a campaign.
11. Local Government Leadership
As County Executive, Mr. White cleaned up Prince Georges county with the help of his former students and closest political advisors. He helped obtain more funding for local schools through multiple initiatives that would increase technology in the classroom.
12. Local Government Leadership
He renovated public libraries, eliminated homelessness in the county, repaired roads, started new recycling initiatives, and gave students better choices for lunch. He recommended a record 2,000 laws to county council board membersall of which were passed into law by the legislative branch.
13. Local Government Leadership
The people were sysed, but Mr. White quickly grew tired of the local political scene and felt he could do more. He pondered his next move. Were his former students rightwas he, in fact, always trying to do too much? Or did the American public need his vision and work ethic to make society better?
14. Reflection
Which level of government is Mr. White currently serving in?
Which branch of government is he in charge of?
What branch does Mr. White have to work with to pass the county budget?
15. Reflection
Which of these is a local government most like to have the responsibility to do?
provide unemployment checks
set pollution standards for a factory
establish local libraries
regulate trade and consumer protection laws
16. Rise to State Government
Either way, Mr. White was clearly tired of the local political scenehe needed to move on. Given his broad support across the county, he knew that he could win the district in an election for State Senator. Why state senator, you might ask? Given his track record for recommending laws that impacted society, Mr. White knew he could greatly impact the state of Maryland by joining the legislative branch.
17. Rise to State Government
Moreover, he felt like some might view a jump to Governor as occurring too soon. Plus, the state had a Republican governor who he feared he might lose to. An early loss in his career, would mean doom for his political future. Mr. White gathered his vicious campaign team comprised of former students, and set forth to dominate in the next election for State Senator.
18. Reflection
Why did Mr. White choose to run for State Senator?
What does the General Assembly need to do in order to pass a bill into a law?
The General Assembly has two branches. What term describes this two-house congress?
19. Reflection
4. Which of these is a responsibility of the Maryland General Assembly?
approving the annual state budget
supervising the Maryland State Police
reviewing criminal appeals
vetoing unpopular laws
20. State Government Leadership
As state senator in the Maryland General Assembly, Mr. White continued to do work, recommending laws to his subcommittee and debating his heart out to get them passed through both houses and onto the desk of the evil Governor of Maryland where Mr. White was forced to hope they would be passed.
21. State Government Leadership
After his amazing track record in PG County, Mr. Whites laws were deniedwith the exception of one: a popular law that would change the way teachers were evaluated, giving more power to student suggestions and evaluations. This small success, however, wouldnt be enough to satisfy Mr. White, or his constituents.
22. State Government Leadership
He once again grew tired of local politics and at the urging of his supporters, decided to take his skills and determination to the next level. At the same time, the recession cut deeper into the wallets of the American public.
23. Reflection
1. What was the Governor doing when he denied the bills?

2. What are the options of the General Assembly if the Governor denies a bill?

3. What role does state government have in education?
24. Reflection
4. If the President and Congress disagree over a tax bill, the President can veto the bill.
Which of these applies to a presidential veto?
checks and balances
judicial review
representative democracy
25. Rise to U.S. House of Representatives
After carefully studying his options, Mr. White would decide to run for a seat as a United States Representative in district 4 - the district that encompassed his beloved Fairmont Heights High School. He once again would depend on his financial base and his former students to propel his campaign.
26. Rise to U.S. House of Representatives
This time, however, he couldnt depend on twitter and facebook in the same way, as this election was bigger. He needed more money and more major advertising.
27. Rise to U.S. House of Representatives
It was clear he would need to launch an amazing media campaign in order to unseat the incumbenta five-term Republican with a stronghold on the district. Despite the challenges that confronted Mr. White, he and his team pushed forward with the campaignknocking on doors, kissing babies, shaking hands, planting treesdoing whatever they could to win over neighborhood after neighborhood.
28. Rise to U.S. House of Representatives
After a long nine months, election day loomed in the distance. The baby-kissing and hand-shaking wasnt going to be enough to win. The recession was killing the economy. His constituents were of the most heavily affected by the recession. Mr. White needed to do something drastic to address the needs of the American peopleof his people, in his beloved district.
29. Rise to U.S. House of Representatives
He sat down with his team to review the problems facing the general public. After hours of debate, they came up with one solution: Legalize marijuana in order to sell it and obtain the profits through taxes. The profits could be used to rejuvenate the education system in the communities, as well as alleviate the tax burden for those in the middle and lower classes.
30. Rise to U.S. House of Representatives
His team immediately staged a press conference to announce the plan, and Mr. Whites popularity immediately skyrocketed to the point where he knew that he would win by a comfortable margin.
31. Reflection
Districts for US House of Representatives are based off of what concept?
Before Mr. White could run against the Republican incumbent Representative, he needed to win the first election. What is this called?
The ability to pass a law to legalize marijuana is based on what kind of power?

32. Reflection
4. What is the purpose of proportional representation
To protect larger states populations from being unfairly represented
To protect smaller states population from being unfairly represented
To provide equal representation to all states
To provide ways small states can participate have a big influence on elections.
33. U.S. House of Representatives Leadership
Now that he had the Representative Seat for the 4th District, he knew that he would have to follow through with his promise. Mr. White rises to fame quickly in the house due to his interest in this terribly contentious bill that will legalize marijuana and eliminate taxes for those below the poverty line.
34. U.S. House of Representatives Leadership
He quickly becomes known as a representative of the people and somebody to be reckoned with by senior Senators. The only problem is that the House of Representatives is dominated by the Republican party, who currently have a majority in both the House and the Senate.
35. U.S. House of Representatives Leadership
Mr. White would introduce his bill in the house subcommittee for ways and means. He would get the bill passed on to the committee where it would be met with Republican resistance. Despite the fight that he would put up to keep the bill in its original form, the bill is significantly changed in committee.
36. U.S. House of Representatives Leadership
Still he battles to get it passed out of the house and on to the Conference Committee, but a negotiation is not possible.The Bill has gone to the Senate but is blocked by the Republican Majority, even though national polls demonstrate a strong interest on behalf of American citizens.
37. U.S. House of Representatives Leadership
Its clear that the American political system has failed Americans. The future looks bleak for the economy, and the poor, with jobless rates skyrocketing around the country and foreign nations beginning to dominate the manufacturing industry. Things would start to look even bleaker though. People would continue to lose jobs, and little chubby babies would turn into sticks.
38. Reflection
Given that Mr. White is a Democrat, how will he pass this bill into law as he faces a Republican majority?
What concept is demonstrated with the fact that it takes two houses of Congress to pass a law and then signed by the President in order to become a law?
What do the polls tell us about the status of democracy in American? That is, is it truly a representative democracy or not? Why or why not?
39. Reflection
4. Which of the following lawmaking actions is an example of a check and balance?
In order to send a bill to the President, both houses of Congress must pass it.
A majority is needed to pass a bill into a law.
Congress has the powers to make laws
Committees review bills before sending them to the full house of Congress.
40. U.S. Census, Reapportionment and Redistricting
It was a decennial year and that could mean only one thing, the US Census. It was time to count the population so that each state could get its fair share of House of Representatives seats.Mr. White knew that his district would vote for him again in a heart beat. For one, the majority of them were Democrats.
41. U.S. Census, Reapportionment and Redistricting
For another reason, he had passed laws that improved their lives, and he continued to fight to pass the marijuana legalization bill, despite the Republican resistance. But neither he, nor any other member of the House of Representatives, was guaranteed anything after this process was through.The state could have any number of changes, increases or decreases in Representative seats and district lines could be all mixed up.
42. U.S. Census, Reapportionment and Redistricting
Well, as it turned out, after the US Census had gathered and analyzed all information, Maryland was in for worst combination. They would lose seats.That could only mean one thing, the state would have to redraw district lines for the now 7 seats apportioned to Maryland. Unfortunately, the Republicans in the state legislature had schemes to once again thwart Mr. White
43. U.S. Census, Reapportionment and Redistricting
They were in charge of districting and would try to draw lines to make it impossible for Mr. White to win reelection District 4.He would have to win over the hearts and minds of a district that would be 80% republican with military backgrounds. The same group that had formed MOFOM Military Officers and Families Objecting to Marijuana.
44. U.S. Census, Reapportionment and Redistricting
Did White have a chance to win if he ran for reelection? What should he do? Should he mount a massive campaign and throw loads of dough into winning or should he take a different course? Perhaps, or should he set his sights higher and run for President of the United States?
45. Reflection
What are some of the purposes of the US Census?
What influence does the two parties have on the representation in the U.S. House of Representatives?
Why is gerrymandering illegal?

46. Reflection
4. The process of determining representation in the House of Representatives is a demonstration of federalism because
The legislative branch reapportions and the executive branch redistricts the positions
The Senate has the position for 6 years but the House of Representatives have the position for only 2.
The Federal government reapportions and the executive branch redistricts the positions
It is written into the Constitution so it was signed by the states
47. Rise to U.S. President?
Mr. White decides to bow out of the House of Representatives race in his district and instead announces his candidacy for President. At the young age of 35, Mr. White will attempt to become the youngest President ever. First though, he will face an uphill race and slim chances of winning the Electoral College.
White wins Democratic Primary in Maryland by landslide
White beats fellow Dems in California
White wins Iowa caucuses
Polls show White leads in southern states
Young candidate impresses and wins Democratic Primaries.
Up next: White says bring on the Republican President!
White walks 1,000 miles to shake the hands of cancer patients
48. Rise to U.S. President?

White behind in polls to Republican President
Middle American states all leaning Republican for Election
White picks up California, Illinois, and Ohio
Who will win Florida? Polls dont know.
White leads popular vote by grand margin, does it mean hell win the electoral college?
Down to one stateDj vu of 2000.
Florida will decide it all
Can White pull of the stunning upset?
White: 242; Palin: 267
White says, No matter what happens, Ill always live in the White House.
49. Rise to U.S. President?
Things were oddly similar to the year 2000 when Al Gore was leading George Bush in the popular vote count. It would all come down to the state of Florida.

What will happen next?
50. Reflection
How is the Electoral College system different from a popular vote?
What was the first election that Mr White had to win?
How can media influence an election?

51. Reflection
4. All the following are potential problems with the electoral college EXCEPT
A. Swing votes get all the attention
B. People dont directly elect the president
C. The total number of electoral votes change every 10 years.
D. A candidate may win the popular vote but still lose the election
52. We want to improve the videos / text from this lesson and wed like your input.
What other videos would enhance this lesson?
What was too hard / too easy?
What would you differently? What would you do?
53. Unit 4 Test is on Thursday February 24 and Friday February 25th.You have a copy of possible questions. Study this and your past exit slips.

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