Social media: the case for pharmacists

Post on 12-Sep-2014






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Social media vs health:Is it bad, doctor?

Clo Willaerts (@bnox)VAKA, 28/09/2011

YouTube: first impression

How-to videos


YouTube in Belgium

Why use YouTube?

1) excellent for SEO purposes

2) strong branding capabilities

3) responding to customer complaints

Twitter: first impression

Why use Twitter?

1) customer communication: monitoring & managing conversations

2) brand exposure: impact is = what you can get others to say about you

Twitter users

case: @de_apotheker

LinkedIn: first impression

Why use LinkedIn?

1) profile: great for personal branding & vanity searches

2) groups: position yourself as an expert

3) company profiles: employer branding & hiring

Profile completeness

Company Profile

LinkedIn Groups

Facebook: first impression

Facebook in Belgium

Users: 4 357 480

UV/mo: 6,2M

Why use Facebook?

1) customer communication: social interaction, customer feedback

2) brand exposure: brands ecosystem

3) traffic to your website (limited effect)

Personal profile

Privacy settings & friend lists

Business pages & Edgerank

Life streaming

Robbie McEwen's elbow on Twitter

My leg on Twitter

Self tracking: peer pressure

Self tracking: find patterns (bigpharma apps)

iManage Migraine: US app for migraine sufferers that includes a patient diary, educational elements and analytical tools for the patient and their

doctor to better understand the information entered into the diary.

Tactic: niche health communities

Tactic: niche health communities

Information: Kim Kardashian's psoriasis

Information: Google Flu Trends

Information: info hunger

83% already used the internet to look for information on health related topics

95% search engine – Google !

36% Wikipedia

And less ... 5% pharmaceutical sites

61% of online patients active on Social Networks

33% read about their disease on communitiesSource: Health Study 2010 Insites Consulting

Health info(source: Pew Internet)

Self diagnosis

Peer opinions: Facebook

Peer opinions: Twitter

Tactic: trusted filter

Final tips

1) be findable

2) be likeable

3) be shareable


Thank you very much!@bnox

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