
  1. 1. When I decided the song we are going to film which was Never Enough. I knew that I would have to look at artists like Taylor swift, Shontelle, Kelly Clarkson.
  2. 2. I looked at Taylor Swift because she has songs about breaking up like we are never getting back together. She has more relationship related songs so I watched a few of her music videos to see what kind of shots they used and how many costume she changed to. The Video I focused on more was White Horse because the way it was filmed thats the way we wanted to do our music video. I wanted it to have the artist singing and then a flashback to appear then back to her singing and flashback throughout the whole music video and the flashbacks would show the narrative.
  3. 3. I looked at Cher Lloyds video for ideas of flashback because I knew that we would choose to do flashbacks. Cher Lloyd flashbacks were unique and different. It was a moving picture, me and my group thought we should do that but we are only students and that would be to complicated for us to do. I also looked at Taylor Swift Mine for flashback ideas. The way she did it in her music video was by cutting to the flash back. Furthermore, I looked at Kelly Clarkson Because of you the reason I looked at this song is because in our music video we are going to have a couple arguing which then goes into a flash back. So I wanted to see the way they do it. so when editing I would have a rough idea in how to edit it.

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