Peter mepham preliminary task

Post on 24-May-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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this is what i did for the preliminary task


Preliminary task

My group consist of:

- Peter Mepham (me)- Andy Morris

- Jake Bosworth

Practise and learning In this shot from my work when we where playing with the cameras. This shot is a shot reverse shot. This was done as you can see where the characters are going but not what they look like so it adds a depth of mystery. As we can not see there facial expressions or there movement.

We used the cameras for a lesson walking round the school making sure that we got used to the zoom but also making sure that we kept a steady hand. We then managed to try out different shot types as we wanted to see what the cameras capability was. We found that holding them in your hand results in the filing be shakily. So at this point we decided to use the tripods as we could get a steadier image as well as being able to zoom and also do panning shots.

Shot Analysis

ThelonelIsland – Threw it on the ground

0.09 seconds

At this time it is a 108 degrees shot where you can see all other action. You can also see all of the action in the scene so it is clear and easy to see. You can clearly see all of the action that is happen but they also zoom out to see what happens but it also sets the scene as the audience will know that they are in the middle of a street and someone is trying to give away a test drink to see what people think.

0.11- 0.13 seconds In these short scene they use a short reverse

shot. This is a great why to see each characters facial expressions. The director did this to add the most effect to the audience as you can clearly see what is actually happening. This is very helpful to the audience as they can understand everything that is happening in the scene.

These two pictures show that the man in blue is talking but it also shows great detail on the facial expressions. So the audience can see the conversation and how they are exactly feeling threw they eye contact.

0.14 – 0.34 seconds Threw out this long scene it flips

from Matron Action and 180 degree shot. This shows the idea of time passing and that it all of this is happening over that short period of time even that are put into slow motion. This happens continuously throughout the video this shows the audience that there is a lot of action and movement that all happen in one scene.

This scene is very useful as it will show clear images that are useful for the audience to understand what is going to happen. This way the audience are always engaged in what is happening.

When they use this shots it will give the audience the feel that there is a lot of action we have more time to take in what is happening and why it is happening at that point in time. This way we can all analyse what we have scene and then be able to interpret it in our own way.

Abused Homework

For our Preliminary task we decided to make a short film that took place in the school as it would then be quicker and easier to film. We then thought of what we could start to plan out for our task, we decided that basing it around what we already know would make the task it self a lot more easier and a quicker process. We looked into what we could do and we decided on theme of school, we then thought that we could use the idea of homework to base the story on, from then on we had our back bone of our story we just need to develop that idea that we had planned.

Planning and developing process We had a few ideas for when we wanted to plan a few of them were; a School Scene, drug deal or a business meeting. We had to consider all the pros and cons for all of the Different ideas that we had. We found that the school scene about homework as it would be easy and not to much of a challenge. Also from the beginning we all wanted it to be a comedy as we found this to be a good genera as it was easy. We also decided that our target audience would be teenagers as they would be able to easily relate to what we where going to film. We filmed or piece in the music classroom in our school it was very helpful as it set the scene well as it was meant to be in a school.

While we where planning we started to draw up rough sketches for what our story boardwould look like. We discussed our story plan in great detail and depth as we wanted to make sure that we new what we where going to do and that we did not have any problems with location or props. We found that basing our story in a school would make sure that we had all of the set and props to hand with out having to buy or look around for anything.

We managed to get all of this sorted fairly quickly as well as typing up a script with stage directions as we new what we wanted to do very clearly, this made the process of developing all of this very quick with very little mistakes. We managed to start or filming process quickly and this very helpful as we could then just run through the scripts and learn the words and stage directions.We also had to consider having the Matron Action, short reverse shot as well as making sure we stuck to the 180 degrees shot rule. We managed to do this by considering where we would put the camera.

Matron ActionWe used matron action in our task when I entered the room as well as when Jake entered. This gave us a clear shot that we where walking through a door but It also built the suspense.

We took these shots by placing a camera onto the tripod and then zooming onto the handle. We filmed these two shots separately and then just added them into the footage when we where editing the scenes.

Filming it all separately made sure that we did not have to keeping retakes when we messed up, we also found that it was more time saving and efficient. With this type of shot u can’t see what is going to really happen this makes the audience think. with this shot we found that it gave a clear image of what we where doing, it is clear and simple but works effectively.

This was the easiest scene to shoot through out the whole filming process, we only took one take at taking this shot it was easy and simple, however we did have to set the camera up in to the right position which took some time. We managed to get it right and we then didn’t move the camera while Jake did his matron action shot of his hand opening the door.

Shot Reverse Shot

When we where taking this shot we did forget about the 180 degrees rule, however we just retook that scene from the correct angle and we then found that this was better but also correct. we used the shot reverse shot to show Andys and Jakes conversations. This made a lot of sense as well of looking professional.

When we filmed this we did encounter problems but we managed to rectify them before we had any problems. we like using this type of shot as it showed the actors facial expressions and also hand gestures. This means that they can communicate with the audience, they do this by the audience feeling sorry for the actors character or making them laugh.

We hand a few funny parts to this part of the film as the actors had some funny lines (for example; foe shizzle). With this quiet funny shots we new they would make the audience laugh as they made us laugh to. We found shooting this part easy as we just did the whole conversation from behind Andy first and then we did it all from Jakes so we only had to edit it top make it all fit and flow like a normal conversation.

Evaluation of filmingDuring our filming process we found it a great learning experience as we got used to

what the cameras can do as well as knowing what we can do with in the school. It has

Been a helpful in making sure we know what we will have to do for our main task. Also I

have found that when we are filming there is a lot of things we have to consider a few

are: • Lighting• Background• Background sound

I found the filming a great learning process as we had found out that it was easier to film

all of the piece from one camera shot, then we would do it from another camera angle

and then we pieced it all together during our editing process. I also learnt a lot about what

I can do during the process I found that I am quite good with the positioning of the

camera and also small details in the background like bags, papers, chairs and tables. I

notice little things like this as I am a picky person. During the filming process we

managed to keep the camera still and steady and we managed to get a professional

looking film that is steady however, we did make a few small mistakes but we managed

to resolve these quickly by talking it through in the group and coming up with a idea. As a

group was ahead we managed to spend more time planning and sorting things out with

the filming. Overall we had a great filming experience as we got all the work done and to

a high quality. We all worked well as a group and we have decided that we will be working together

for our main task as we worked well together and got everything done quickly.

Evaluation of editing For our editing we used the Mac Book Pro software to edit or film, we used this software as it is

To a very good quality as well as it being so easy to use. The interface is easy but also friendly

it also is very clear and simple. As a group we found this software more professional as we

have much more choice to what we can do with the sound, editing, titles and credits.

We worked as a group to all do the editing together all voicing our opinions on what to do. We

managed to cut and paste the filming in the right order by editing. We added a title scene where

you have to select to play the movie, we chose one that is simple but is also fits in with what we

have filmed.

We also added credits to the end of the film as we now that in the past that students have been

criticized about not having any, so we made sure that we added them in. we also feel that we

have worked well on cutting the scenes to the right length and then adding them onto the right

Place and making sure that it flows and looks as natural as possible.

During the process of editing the biggest time consuming part was the importing of the videos

And then the burning it on the disc. We feel that for our main task we will be using this software

As it is a professional and also has wide range of choices for opening scenes, title scenes and

also credits as there easy to use as well as them being of a good quality. When we used the

Macbook Pro we found it incredibly easy it also made our life a lot easer as we managed to get

it done quickly, also we could then keep to our time plan as we where ahead of time, and then

we could double check all our work.

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