PERIODICAL FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH POSTAGE REV. … Ne… · past, present, and future leaders of the PC(USA). December

Post on 13-Jul-2020






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Address Service Requested


REV. CHARLIE SMITH - Lead Pastor/Head of Staff REV. REBECCA CHANCELLOR - Designated Associate Pastor

Address: 308 S 8th St PO Box 585 Salina, KS 67402-0585 Phone: (785) 825-0226 Email: Website:

The News (PE 708620) is published monthly by First Presbyterian Church, PO Box 585, Salina, KS 67402-0585. Periodical postage paid at Salina, Kansas.

The Brief will be available January 1, 2016, on our website, and around the church.

Sunday services are broadcasted each week at 10:05 am on KINA, 910 AM, 94.5 FM, or streamed live at

If there is something you would like included in the next edition, email, by noon on November 2.

Sunday, Nov 29 10 am 1st Sunday in Advent -

Lighting the 1st Advent Candle

Sunday, Dec 6 10 am 2nd Sunday in Advent -

Lighting the 2nd Advent Candle

Sunday, Dec 13 10 am 3r d Sunday in Advent -

Lighting the 3rd Advent Candle

Children’s Christmas Program Following worship there will be an opportunity

to purchase items made by our children to

support children’s mission projects.

Sunday, Dec 20 10 am 4th Sunday in Advent -

Lighting the 4th Advent Candle

Choir Christmas Cantata

Thursday, Dec 24, Christmas Eve 5 pm - Family Chr istmas Eve

Candlelight Worship

11 pm - Chr istmas Eve

Candlelight & Communion Worship

with the Adult Choir

Volume 47 Number 9 | December 2015

Advent and Giving at First Presbyterian Church Join us for any of these moments to be intentional this season:

November 29: Fir st Sunday of Advent. We will light the fir st candle with expectation.

Our annual collections for Heifer International will begin- visit the parlor table to donate a goat

or a sheep throughout the season of Advent!

December 1: Giving Tuesday—FPC’s Social Justice & Mission Committee hosts the showing of

the documentary, “Poor Kids,” in Blair Hall. In honor of “Giving Tuesday,” monetary donations

will be collected for Circles of the Heartland.

December 6: Second Sunday of Advent. We will light the second candle in preparation. With

support from the Social Justice & Mission Committee, the FPC Youth will purchase

gifts for families in need this Christmas season.

December 8: Circles of the Hear tland hosts the 3rd annual “Celebrity Dinner” fundraiser at

Tucson’s Steakhouse, 5-8 p.m. You just might find your FPC pastors there to “wait” on you!

December 13: Thir d Sunday of Advent. We will light the third candle recognizing our need for

repentance. Our children will share God’s Word with us in worship with a special Christmas

program. Our youth groups will gather for Christmas parties after worship.

December 20: Four th Sunday of Advent. We will light the four th candle with rejoicing! The

Adult Choir will proclaim the good news through the Christmas Cantata, “Night of the Father’s

Love.” We will begin collecting donations for the annual Christmas Joy Offering supporting

past, present, and future leaders of the PC(USA).

December 24: Chr istmas Eve. Have you been collecting quar ter s in an M&M tube this fall?

Turn in your donations for Feed My Starving Children by Christmas Eve! We will worship:

5:00 p.m. - Family-friendly worship in the sanctuary with carols and candle lighting 11:00 p.m. - Worship in the sanctuary with Communion, candle lighting, and music from the Choir.




John Barber will celebrate his 92nd bir thday on December 28.

Eleanor Smith will celebrate her 91st bir thday on December 30.

Marcia & Paul Anderson will celebrate their 51st wedding

anniversary on December 27.


Baptism of Liam Oliver Morris on November 8, son of

MacKenzie Morris and Ben Stutterheim.


to Dorothy Spellman, whose brother-in-law, Lee Spellman, Salina,

died Nov. 4.


Jan Carr, who died November 2. She joined FPC April 14, 1954.

Sympathy is extended to her son, Greg, and his wife, Melissa, and

their children, Sairee and Marek Carr, Denver, CO.

FPC Staff:

Rev. Charlie Smith Lead Pastor/Head of Staff

Rev. Rebecca Chancellor

Designated Associate Pastor

Tricia Cobb

Director of Youth Ministry

Shelby Dickson

Director of Children’s CE

Richard Koshgarian

Director of Music

Angie Koshgarian


Melanie Pearson

Office Manager

Marilla Colson

Office Assistant

Ed Zoch

Head Custodian

Tony Griggs

Relief Custodian

Do you have information you’d like to

have listed in the “Personals” section of

the newsletter? Contact the office at today!

December Birthdays!!

1 Jim Cram Chuck Elsea Mac Steele 2 David Atherton 3 Pete Peterson Connie Stevens 5 Marilyn Holgerson 7 Dan Norman 8 James Hall 9 Bridget Long 10 Brynne Atherton Jimmie Lewis 12 Lindsey Berg Patty Landes Mandy Stephenson 14 Monte Shadwick 15 Bill Cathcart-Rake Alice Herrman Judy Morrison Pat Neustrom 16 Chloe White

17 Curt Carpenter Katie Lidgett Colin Rupe Annie Shadwick 18 Carson Ann Jett Madeline Rohrer 20 Nathan Farmer 21 Betty Garrison 22 Harrison Jett 26 Zachary Ketcher RaMona Parks 28 John Barber

Katie Jarvis 29 Linda Johnson Dennis Lull 30 Brittany Blackim

Olivia Johnson Maddox Keyser Charlotte Murphy-Piersee Azbey Peckham Eleanor Smith 31 Kelly Hall Thomas Struble


Sign-up for 2016 Sunday Chancel Flowers!

Use this form to sign-up as a Sunday Chancel flower donor for Sundays in 2016.

Perhaps there is a particular date that is important to you to honor or memorialize

someone. All donors (whether there is one or ten, and those memorialized or

honored will be listed in the bulletin on the date desired. The cost is $20.00

Please contact Marilla Colson in the church office with any questions at or 825-0226.

Date desired for chancel flowers: ____________________________________

Please list EXACTLY how you want your name(s) listed as donor:


Given in Memory of ____________________________________________________________________


Given in Honor of ______________________________________________________________________

Please return this form, with your payment of $20.00 to the church office or mail with a check to:

First Presbyterian Church, 308 S. 8th St., Salina, KS 67401


The Board of Deacons invite you to share in providing poinsettia plants as Christ-

mas gifts to nursing home and homebound members of the church. Plants will

decorate the sanctuary during Advent and Christmas Eve. Cost is $15.00 per plant.

You may pick up your plant(s) for your own use following the Christmas Eve

service if you designate on the form below that you wish to do so. If you do not

want to pick it up, the plant will be assigned for delivery to a member or friend of

the congregation. Please complete the form below and return with your payment

to the church office no later than Monday, Dec. 7th. Please note “poinsettia plant” on your payment.

Or you may email your poinsettia order to Melanie at

I would like to purchase _________ poinsettia(s) at a cost of $15.00 per plant.

I want to donate my plant for delivery to a member or friend of the congregation _____ Yes _____ No

I want to pick up my plant on Dec. 24th _____ Yes _____ No

Name of Donor(s) ___________________________________________________________________

Given in Memory of _________________________________________________________________


Given in Honor of ___________________________________________________________________


from Charlie...

When I worked for newspapers and the wire service, I learned how to calmly handle deadlines. The trick is to allow time

to avoid last-minute panic, and to divide the work into manageable chunks. This has served me well in ministry, with the

many hats we wear and constant reordering of priorities. It’s an example of “Parkinson’s Law,” as described by a ministry

colleague: That our work expands to fill the time available for its completion. This is why weekly sermons take a whole

week, but memorial sermons can be written in shorter time.

All of that is to say that I am feeling the growing pressure of a Dec. 15th deadline for the first draft of my doctoral thesis.

I am also looking forward to the relief and excitement that I no doubt will feel when the work is completed and I graduate

in May. Every day that I get closer to completion, I become more excited about the future here! My doctorate thesis

centers upon Leadership from the Pulpit and Prophetic Preaching. It asks the question, “Can what is proclaimed in the

pulpit lead to action by those in the pews?” Your feedback, especially in questionnaires contained in bulletins during

September, is an integral part of the thesis.

My thanks for your patience, and for your prayers. You are invested in this program, and you will be the chief

beneficiary. I’m eager to see what comes of all this. To God be the glory!

Rebecca’s Reflections…

It’s coming… Advent is coming… It is the time of year when we wait for Jesus to come again, to enter our hearts and

minds in a new way. Advent is a time for us to pause and reflect on the miracle and mystery that God chose to enter into

our humanity and live among us in the Christ child. In Latin, Advent comes from arrival and “to come.” Advent marks the

beginning of the Christian year where we watch and wait for the arrival of Emmanuel, God-with-us.

This is a season of holy waiting: waiting for God’s peace to come to earth… waiting for God’s justice to prevail…

waiting for the light of Christ to shine… waiting for the shepherds, the angels, and the Christ child. Advent lasts for four

Sundays, leading up to Christmas Day. Together, we will make our way toward Christmas. On each Sunday in Advent,

we will light the Advent candles in worship, one more each week, as we mark the weeks and watch for the light of Christ

to come. Our liturgy will reflect themes of Expectation, Preparation, Repentance, and Rejoicing as we get closer to the

birth of Christ. We will provide bulletin inserts each Sunday for you to take home and mark each day of Advent with

scripture, reflections, and prayer.

At a time of year when calendars fill quickly and the to-do lists get longer and longer, it is my hope and prayer for each of

you that you will find short moments throughout this season to spend time with God: to stop, watch, wonder, and listen.

In preparing some of our Advent liturgy and devotional materials, I was inspired by the Advent Prayer Guide from World

Vision. Recognizing the Syrian refugee crisis, the Advent Prayer Guide calls us to stand alongside Syrian refugees,

saying: “This Christmas, dare to step into the margins.” That is where Jesus often went, after all. And Jesus, too, was a

refugee. Matthew’s gospel tells the story of Joseph, Mary, and the young Jesus fleeing to Egypt until King Herod died.

“Now after [the wise men] had left, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Get up, take

the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; for Herod is about to search for

the child, to destroy him.” Then Joseph got up, took the child and his mother by night, and went to

Egypt…” (Matthew 2:13-14a, NRSV).

I invite you to an intentional season of Advent this year, an intentional time of watching and waiting, of expectation,

preparation, and repentance as we await a time of great rejoicing at the birth of Christ. In our thoughts, prayers, and

actions, let us dare to go and be with Christ: in the places where the poor, oppressed, broken and lonely dwell. And may

we recognize that in the moments when we are poor in spirit, broken, and lonely, Christ is with us: Emmanuel.

There are many ways to be intentional this season, and I know many of you will be serving and walking

alongside people throughout our community. I hope you will join us for some or all of our Advent opportunities in the life

of First Presbyterian Church (see cover page). As we continue our journey together here in this time and place, I pray we

are open to follow Christ’s lead as we think, question, grow, and serve… with faith and love.


December Side-by-Side Reading Schedule


Dec 1 - Bev Zizumbo

Dec 2 - Betty Garrison

Dec 3 - Toni Renfro

Dec 4 - Roger Morrison

Dec 7 - Brigid Hall

Dec 8 - Mary Exline

Dec 9 - Liz Carroll

Dec 10 - Chandra Cooper

Dec 11 - Roger Morrison

Dec 14 - Paula Knox

Dec 15 - Bev Zizumbo

Dec 16 - Liz Carroll

Dec 17 - Brigid Hall

Dec 18-31 NO SCHOOL

Faith Families Progressive Dinner: Dec 13

All FPC Faith Families (Fab Fourteen, Faith United, Fruit Loops, Team Green, and Zoo Crew) will join together

for our next Faith Family event on Dec 13, 4:30-6:30 p.m. at the church! The Youth & Young Adult Committee

is hosting a 5-course Progressive Dinner through different rooms of the church building. Come explore the

building and eat appetizers, soup, salad, main dish, and dessert in five different rooms! Each Faith Family will

gather for the five courses, but each family will begin at a different place… so your family may be eating dessert

first! Following the five courses around the church, all faith families will meet together to walk to the Ashby

House to deliver supplies and sing Christmas carols. All are encouraged to bring a donation for Ashby House:

non-perishable food, paper towels, toilet paper, diapers, wipes, laundry soap, dish soap.

If you are not in a Faith Family, but would like to join us for this event, contact Rebecca in the church office.

All are welcome!

FPC Notes...

JOURNEY WITH JESUS: 2016 Stewardship Campaign

We are nearing the end of our 2016 campaign, so if you have not received a pledge packet, contact Melanie in

the church office today! As of Nov 17th, we have received 154 pledges for a total of $510,382.80.


FMSC is a Christian nonprofit hunger relief organization working with volunteers to produce MannaPack Rice,

a scientifically formulated food formula that is culturally acceptable worldwide, and then is donated to feed

children in 70 countries around the world. We will collect donations, including change collected in your mini

M&M tubes, through Christmas Eve. Then we will join others in our area to pack 175,000 meals on Sunday and Monday, January 17-18 at Kansas Wesleyan University– Hauptli Student Center. Sign-ups will begin soon. If

you have questions, talk to Rebecca or a member of the Social Justice & Mission Committee.

Christmas Cantata: “Night of the Father ’s Love”

Join us in worship, Sunday, Dec. 20th for “Night of the Father’s Love” performed by the FPC Chancel Choir.

All of the mystery, the awe, and the excitement of the first Christmas Eve are skillfully and imaginatively captured

in an eclectic mosaic that combines fragments of the familiar with Pepper Choplin’s always-unique perspective in

word and music. "Night of the Father’s Love" manages to guide the listener through the Christmas story as though

hearing it again for the first time.

Join the Chancel Choir and guest musicians in the celebration during worship on Sunday, December 20!


Poor Kids Documentary - December 1st

Poor Kids documentary screening about child poverty Our Social Justice & Mission Committee is partnering with the

Central Kansas Extension District to host a documentary of Poor Kids, by

PBS’ Frontline. All FPC members, friends, and community residents are invited

to attend the documentary on Tuesday, December 1, at 6:30 p.m. in Blair Hall.

Poor Kids is an unflinching and revealing exploration of what poverty means

to children, and to the country’s future. We will have refreshments available, and

admission is free.

Participants are invited to take part in "Giving Tuesday" efforts on December 1st by

making a monetary donation to Circles of the Heartland.

Baskets will be available at the church for your donations.

Online donations can be made at

We hope to see you all there!

3rd Annual Celebrity Dinner to Benefit -

Circles of the Heartland

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, Dec. 8 and make plans to join Circles of the Heartland for the 3rd Annual

Celebrity Dinner. Local community leadership from the United Way, local Pastors, teachers and volunteers will be

“serving” tables at Tucson’s Steakhouse from 5-8 pm. Come out and enjoy a delicious steak dinner and help raise

money for a great cause.

Many thanks to FPC Pastors Charlie and Rebecca for their willingness to

come and serve you! You will have the opportunity to “tip” the Celebrity

Wait staff as a means of donating to Circles of the Heartland. This is a fun

evening and the money goes to support a wonderful local program.

Scheduled to appear as Celebrities: Amanda Michaelis, Martha Rhea, Ann Knowles, Father Keith Weber, Steve

Thompson, Melanie Bergstrom, Jake Montoya, along with Pastor Charlie Smith and Pastor Rebecca Chancellor!!

Heifer International: Pass on the Gift

Heifer International is a global nonprofit humanitarian assistance

organization working to help end hunger and poverty, and at the same

time protect the environment and care for the Earth. Heifer provides

living gifts of area appropriate livestock and training in environmentally

sound agricultural practices to families in need to help lift themselves

out of poverty to become self-reliant.

There will be tables in the parlor during Advent to sell books and gift

cards for Heifer, or you may also make a monetary contribution to

Heifer through the church. To learn more about Heifer International, visit


Christmas Joy Offering: Keeping the promise of the Advent season

During this Advent season, we reflect on the influence a promise can have on our lives.

God promised each of us salvation, and kept that promise with the birth of Jesus. That promise sustains

and uplifts us, during good times and challenging ones.

When we understand this deeper meaning of a promise, we also understand each of us has a special

responsibility to make, and keep, faithful promises of our own. The Christmas Joy Offering is one way

to do that. Each gift received equally supports two vital promises for our faith.

- Through the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions, the Christmas Joy Offering assists church

workers and their families during times of need, giving

back to those who have spent their lives in the service

of the church. The program provides grants for housing

supplements, income assistance, and pastoral vocational

leadership needs.

- The Christmas Joy Offering also supports the education and development of our future leaders

at Presbyterian-related racial ethnic schools and colleges. These schools are dedicated to nurturing

opportunity and creating environments where diverse students can succeed from a foundation of

Christian values. The Offering benefits Menaul School and Presbyterian Pan American School, two

secondary schools that ready students for a path of higher learning, as well as Stillman College, where

graduates are prepared for lives of leadership and service.

When you give to the Christmas Joy Offering, you help sustain these promises and uplift our brothers

and sisters in Christ by reducing their burdens and opening new paths of opportunity.

Please give generously:

through a congregation offering during worship in Christmas Joy-marked envelopes:

Sunday, Dec 20th & both Christmas Eve Services, Thursday, Dec. 24th

Text JOY to 20222 to give $10

For more information, please see below:

- Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions

- Presbyterian-related racial ethnic schools and colleges

- Menaul School - Presbyterian Pan American School -Stillman College


FBI - Children’s Christian Education

Wow! Who can believe that we will shortly be half way through the 2015-2016 FPC FBI (Faithful Bible

Investigators) program? The children have been working through a curriculum called 'Feasting on the Word,' and

what an amazing journey it has been to see their hearts and minds open up and talk about God's good news! It has

been a great ride thus far, and it's getting more exciting as we practice for our Children's Christmas Program.

Please mark your calendars for the FPC FBI Christmas Program on Sunday, December 13th during worship.

Following worship, the children will have a craft sale that will include beautiful work made by the FBI families.

Thank you to each and everyone of you for all of your support of the Faithful Bible Investigators. It has been a

beautiful honor to see the love of our church shine upon these children as they grow throughout their faith jour-

ney. We look forward to seeing each of you at our upcoming program during worship.

Love and grace to all,

Shelby Dickson

FPC Children's Education Director

FPC Youth Group

The FPC Youth have had a great fall and look forward to the upcoming months!

This fall the youth have been learning what it means to be “called” through our Sunday curriculum. Have you ever

thought about your spiritual gifts, how God is calling you to use those gifts, are you listening? Our Youth have! Our

Senior and Mid-high Youth have explored together and separate in age appropriate conversations. We’ve enjoyed

delicious lunches provided by parents and congregation members. Sharing a meal together and exploring our faith

has led the way for many of our adventures this fall.

We’ve had fun exploring our faith, and we’ve also gotten to know each other and Rebecca through games. We

hunted zombies at the paintball field and braved a haunted house. Most importantly we’ve helped others: we shared

our Omaha mission trip with our dessert meeting, and with the help of the congregation we were able to put together

51 hygiene kits for PC(USA)’s disaster relief. That’s one more than our lofty goal we set! The Social Justice &

Mission Committee graciously helped us with the shipping and handling fees of the kits, and they will be on their

way soon! We are also in the midst of collecting items to help our neighbors in Salina! Please continue to fill those

brown bags! We will deliver the items to the Salina Area Emergency Aid Food Bank at the end of November!

Our Senior High Youth continue to meet at Moka’s every Thursday morning. The group of 15-20 is an amazing

group of youth. We have been exploring the beatitudes in Matthew 5:1-12 through The Kingdom Experiment. We

take an in-depth look at each beatitude and pick from a list of experiments to explore at a personal level.

We are looking forward to the Advent and Christmas season and to the spring! We plan to work with an area agency

to bring a better Christmas to local children and families! We will be helping with the Faith Families Progressive

Dinner and caroling! A group of 8th through 11th graders are about to embark on the ultimate faith journey through

Confirmation. A Confirmation Kick-off Retreat is planned for the end of November with confirmation classes

starting in early January. We also plan to have fun at our annual Christmas parties! We will be hosting a regional

group for our annual Nerf Wars in January, a youth worship service and many other fun events!

The FPC Youth would like to THANK YOU, the congregation, for your constant support! Whether it’s financially,

emotionally or physically, you are always making our hopes and dreams come true. If you are looking for more

ways to help; please contact Tricia. See the next page for some pictures of our Youth!

The Youth are not the future of our church. The Youth are the NOW of the church!


FPC Youth Group pictures…

Youth visiting a Haunted House!!



The FPC Youth are asking the congregation to join

in for a Christmas Cookie Fundraiser supporting

Upcoming Youth Mission Trips and the very

exciting Presbyterian Youth Triennium 2016!

You can support the youth in TWO ways:

1. Bake 2-4 dozen of your FAVORITE Christmas cookies

to be delivered to the church by Friday, December 11th

2. Purchase a platter of assorted Christmas cookies

to be ready for pick-up on Sunday, December 13th

The Youth will assemble your delicious cookies on festive Christmas

Cookie Platters wrapped beautifully with a bow for you to enjoy at home, take to

your office, or give away as a gift.


Opportunities to Grow Together

Our Adult Education Class is currently studying hospitality using: Practicing God’s Radical

Hospitality: Exploring Difference, Change and Leadership Through the Spiritual Discipline

of Hospitality written by Teresa Chávez Sauceda. This study continues through Sunday,

December 6th at 9 a.m. in the Hope Room. All are invited to join us for Bible Study, reflection questions,

and thoughtful discussion. Following this series, the class will take a break through the end of the year.

Beginning Sunday January 3rd, the Adult Education Class will begin a new study in the Being Reformed: Faith

Seeking Understanding series called “Seeking Social Justice” written by Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty. The six-week

study will continue through Sunday, February 7th and will include the following topics:

A Christian Challenge to Current Social and Economic Problems

A Reminder of the Not-So-Distant Past

A Social Trinity for a Social Creed

Hearing “the Voices of People Long Silenced”

Voicing Concerns in Harmony

Living with Authenticity, Integrity, and Faith

Fridays at Noon: “The Wired Word” continues with Charlie. Bring a brown-bag lunch to join Charlie Smith for

this class on timely topics with lots of discussion. If you are not on the email list, but would like to receive the

weekly email with subject matter, please call the church office and let us know!

Women’s Bible Study meets on the fir st Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Hope Room for the study

“Come to the Waters” by Judy Record Fletcher. Rebecca Chancellor is leading the study this fall as we look at the

various biblical images of water. Thus far we have talked about the birthing waters at creation and the life-giving

baptismal waters. Our lesson on Monday, December 7th will take us in another direction as we consider the absence

of water: thirst and longing. All women are invited to join us for Bible Study and lively discussion!

Can We Walk to Bethlehem by Christmas? From Salina to Bethlehem, the distance “as the crow flies is 6,713

miles!” Collectively as a congregation, we hope to cover that many miles by December 25th (or maybe January 6th

on Epiphany when the magi reach Jesus?!) through our individual walking, running, aerobic activities, and more!

This is part of a holistic approach to ministry – including health: “A church and community wide program to in-

crease the health of body, mind and spirit.” The hope is that we are inspired to take care of the bodies God gave

us—in whatever way we are able. Weekly devotionals and Passports are available at the church for both children

and adults and allow you to track your mileage. In addition to miles running or walking, you receive 1 mile credit

for each 20 minutes of other aerobic activity, including Tai Chi, chair exercises, etc. Children can also earn a 1 mile

credit for each day they eat five servings of fruits and vegetables. Track your miles and bring them to the church to

help us “walk to Bethlehem!”

The Adult Education Committee meets the third Tuesday of each month, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at FPC in the Hope

Room and would welcome any member who would like to join us. We will be using the next couple of meetings to

determine our choices for adult education opportunities in 2016.

Led by Christ, together in

faith and love, we joyfully

think, question, grow and


Adult Education


FPC Youth Group pictures…

Youth visiting a Haunted House!!



The FPC Youth are asking the congregation to join

in for a Christmas Cookie Fundraiser supporting

Upcoming Youth Mission Trips and the very

exciting Presbyterian Youth Triennium 2016!

You can support the youth in TWO ways:

1. Bake 2-4 dozen of your FAVORITE Christmas cookies

to be delivered to the church by Friday, December 11th

2. Purchase a platter of assorted Christmas cookies

to be ready for pick-up on Sunday, December 13th

The Youth will assemble your delicious cookies on festive Christmas

Cookie Platters wrapped beautifully with a bow for you to enjoy at home, take to

your office, or give away as a gift.


Opportunities to Grow Together

Our Adult Education Class is currently studying hospitality using: Practicing God’s Radical

Hospitality: Exploring Difference, Change and Leadership Through the Spiritual Discipline

of Hospitality written by Teresa Chávez Sauceda. This study continues through Sunday,

December 6th at 9 a.m. in the Hope Room. All are invited to join us for Bible Study, reflection questions,

and thoughtful discussion. Following this series, the class will take a break through the end of the year.

Beginning Sunday January 3rd, the Adult Education Class will begin a new study in the Being Reformed: Faith

Seeking Understanding series called “Seeking Social Justice” written by Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty. The six-week

study will continue through Sunday, February 7th and will include the following topics:

A Christian Challenge to Current Social and Economic Problems

A Reminder of the Not-So-Distant Past

A Social Trinity for a Social Creed

Hearing “the Voices of People Long Silenced”

Voicing Concerns in Harmony

Living with Authenticity, Integrity, and Faith

Fridays at Noon: “The Wired Word” continues with Charlie. Bring a brown-bag lunch to join Charlie Smith for

this class on timely topics with lots of discussion. If you are not on the email list, but would like to receive the

weekly email with subject matter, please call the church office and let us know!

Women’s Bible Study meets on the fir st Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Hope Room for the study

“Come to the Waters” by Judy Record Fletcher. Rebecca Chancellor is leading the study this fall as we look at the

various biblical images of water. Thus far we have talked about the birthing waters at creation and the life-giving

baptismal waters. Our lesson on Monday, December 7th will take us in another direction as we consider the absence

of water: thirst and longing. All women are invited to join us for Bible Study and lively discussion!

Can We Walk to Bethlehem by Christmas? From Salina to Bethlehem, the distance “as the crow flies is 6,713

miles!” Collectively as a congregation, we hope to cover that many miles by December 25th (or maybe January 6th

on Epiphany when the magi reach Jesus?!) through our individual walking, running, aerobic activities, and more!

This is part of a holistic approach to ministry – including health: “A church and community wide program to in-

crease the health of body, mind and spirit.” The hope is that we are inspired to take care of the bodies God gave

us—in whatever way we are able. Weekly devotionals and Passports are available at the church for both children

and adults and allow you to track your mileage. In addition to miles running or walking, you receive 1 mile credit

for each 20 minutes of other aerobic activity, including Tai Chi, chair exercises, etc. Children can also earn a 1 mile

credit for each day they eat five servings of fruits and vegetables. Track your miles and bring them to the church to

help us “walk to Bethlehem!”

The Adult Education Committee meets the third Tuesday of each month, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at FPC in the Hope

Room and would welcome any member who would like to join us. We will be using the next couple of meetings to

determine our choices for adult education opportunities in 2016.

Led by Christ, together in

faith and love, we joyfully

think, question, grow and


Adult Education


Christmas Joy Offering: Keeping the promise of the Advent season

During this Advent season, we reflect on the influence a promise can have on our lives.

God promised each of us salvation, and kept that promise with the birth of Jesus. That promise sustains

and uplifts us, during good times and challenging ones.

When we understand this deeper meaning of a promise, we also understand each of us has a special

responsibility to make, and keep, faithful promises of our own. The Christmas Joy Offering is one way

to do that. Each gift received equally supports two vital promises for our faith.

- Through the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions, the Christmas Joy Offering assists church

workers and their families during times of need, giving

back to those who have spent their lives in the service

of the church. The program provides grants for housing

supplements, income assistance, and pastoral vocational

leadership needs.

- The Christmas Joy Offering also supports the education and development of our future leaders

at Presbyterian-related racial ethnic schools and colleges. These schools are dedicated to nurturing

opportunity and creating environments where diverse students can succeed from a foundation of

Christian values. The Offering benefits Menaul School and Presbyterian Pan American School, two

secondary schools that ready students for a path of higher learning, as well as Stillman College, where

graduates are prepared for lives of leadership and service.

When you give to the Christmas Joy Offering, you help sustain these promises and uplift our brothers

and sisters in Christ by reducing their burdens and opening new paths of opportunity.

Please give generously:

through a congregation offering during worship in Christmas Joy-marked envelopes:

Sunday, Dec 20th & both Christmas Eve Services, Thursday, Dec. 24th

Text JOY to 20222 to give $10

For more information, please see below:

- Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions

- Presbyterian-related racial ethnic schools and colleges

- Menaul School - Presbyterian Pan American School -Stillman College


FBI - Children’s Christian Education

Wow! Who can believe that we will shortly be half way through the 2015-2016 FPC FBI (Faithful Bible

Investigators) program? The children have been working through a curriculum called 'Feasting on the Word,' and

what an amazing journey it has been to see their hearts and minds open up and talk about God's good news! It has

been a great ride thus far, and it's getting more exciting as we practice for our Children's Christmas Program.

Please mark your calendars for the FPC FBI Christmas Program on Sunday, December 13th during worship.

Following worship, the children will have a craft sale that will include beautiful work made by the FBI families.

Thank you to each and everyone of you for all of your support of the Faithful Bible Investigators. It has been a

beautiful honor to see the love of our church shine upon these children as they grow throughout their faith jour-

ney. We look forward to seeing each of you at our upcoming program during worship.

Love and grace to all,

Shelby Dickson

FPC Children's Education Director

FPC Youth Group

The FPC Youth have had a great fall and look forward to the upcoming months!

This fall the youth have been learning what it means to be “called” through our Sunday curriculum. Have you ever

thought about your spiritual gifts, how God is calling you to use those gifts, are you listening? Our Youth have! Our

Senior and Mid-high Youth have explored together and separate in age appropriate conversations. We’ve enjoyed

delicious lunches provided by parents and congregation members. Sharing a meal together and exploring our faith

has led the way for many of our adventures this fall.

We’ve had fun exploring our faith, and we’ve also gotten to know each other and Rebecca through games. We

hunted zombies at the paintball field and braved a haunted house. Most importantly we’ve helped others: we shared

our Omaha mission trip with our dessert meeting, and with the help of the congregation we were able to put together

51 hygiene kits for PC(USA)’s disaster relief. That’s one more than our lofty goal we set! The Social Justice &

Mission Committee graciously helped us with the shipping and handling fees of the kits, and they will be on their

way soon! We are also in the midst of collecting items to help our neighbors in Salina! Please continue to fill those

brown bags! We will deliver the items to the Salina Area Emergency Aid Food Bank at the end of November!

Our Senior High Youth continue to meet at Moka’s every Thursday morning. The group of 15-20 is an amazing

group of youth. We have been exploring the beatitudes in Matthew 5:1-12 through The Kingdom Experiment. We

take an in-depth look at each beatitude and pick from a list of experiments to explore at a personal level.

We are looking forward to the Advent and Christmas season and to the spring! We plan to work with an area agency

to bring a better Christmas to local children and families! We will be helping with the Faith Families Progressive

Dinner and caroling! A group of 8th through 11th graders are about to embark on the ultimate faith journey through

Confirmation. A Confirmation Kick-off Retreat is planned for the end of November with confirmation classes

starting in early January. We also plan to have fun at our annual Christmas parties! We will be hosting a regional

group for our annual Nerf Wars in January, a youth worship service and many other fun events!

The FPC Youth would like to THANK YOU, the congregation, for your constant support! Whether it’s financially,

emotionally or physically, you are always making our hopes and dreams come true. If you are looking for more

ways to help; please contact Tricia. See the next page for some pictures of our Youth!

The Youth are not the future of our church. The Youth are the NOW of the church!

December Side-by-Side Reading Schedule


Dec 1 - Bev Zizumbo

Dec 2 - Betty Garrison

Dec 3 - Toni Renfro

Dec 4 - Roger Morrison

Dec 7 - Brigid Hall

Dec 8 - Mary Exline

Dec 9 - Liz Carroll

Dec 10 - Chandra Cooper

Dec 11 - Roger Morrison

Dec 14 - Paula Knox

Dec 15 - Bev Zizumbo

Dec 16 - Liz Carroll

Dec 17 - Brigid Hall

Dec 18-31 NO SCHOOL

Faith Families Progressive Dinner: Dec 13

All FPC Faith Families (Fab Fourteen, Faith United, Fruit Loops, Team Green, and Zoo Crew) will join together

for our next Faith Family event on Dec 13, 4:30-6:30 p.m. at the church! The Youth & Young Adult Committee

is hosting a 5-course Progressive Dinner through different rooms of the church building. Come explore the

building and eat appetizers, soup, salad, main dish, and dessert in five different rooms! Each Faith Family will

gather for the five courses, but each family will begin at a different place… so your family may be eating dessert

first! Following the five courses around the church, all faith families will meet together to walk to the Ashby

House to deliver supplies and sing Christmas carols. All are encouraged to bring a donation for Ashby House:

non-perishable food, paper towels, toilet paper, diapers, wipes, laundry soap, dish soap.

If you are not in a Faith Family, but would like to join us for this event, contact Rebecca in the church office.

All are welcome!

FPC Notes...

JOURNEY WITH JESUS: 2016 Stewardship Campaign

We are nearing the end of our 2016 campaign, so if you have not received a pledge packet, contact Melanie in

the church office today! As of Nov 17th, we have received 154 pledges for a total of $510,382.80.


FMSC is a Christian nonprofit hunger relief organization working with volunteers to produce MannaPack Rice,

a scientifically formulated food formula that is culturally acceptable worldwide, and then is donated to feed

children in 70 countries around the world. We will collect donations, including change collected in your mini

M&M tubes, through Christmas Eve. Then we will join others in our area to pack 175,000 meals on Sunday and Monday, January 17-18 at Kansas Wesleyan University– Hauptli Student Center. Sign-ups will begin soon. If

you have questions, talk to Rebecca or a member of the Social Justice & Mission Committee.

Christmas Cantata: “Night of the Father ’s Love”

Join us in worship, Sunday, Dec. 20th for “Night of the Father’s Love” performed by the FPC Chancel Choir.

All of the mystery, the awe, and the excitement of the first Christmas Eve are skillfully and imaginatively captured

in an eclectic mosaic that combines fragments of the familiar with Pepper Choplin’s always-unique perspective in

word and music. "Night of the Father’s Love" manages to guide the listener through the Christmas story as though

hearing it again for the first time.

Join the Chancel Choir and guest musicians in the celebration during worship on Sunday, December 20!


Poor Kids Documentary - December 1st

Poor Kids documentary screening about child poverty Our Social Justice & Mission Committee is partnering with the

Central Kansas Extension District to host a documentary of Poor Kids, by

PBS’ Frontline. All FPC members, friends, and community residents are invited

to attend the documentary on Tuesday, December 1, at 6:30 p.m. in Blair Hall.

Poor Kids is an unflinching and revealing exploration of what poverty means

to children, and to the country’s future. We will have refreshments available, and

admission is free.

Participants are invited to take part in "Giving Tuesday" efforts on December 1st by

making a monetary donation to Circles of the Heartland.

Baskets will be available at the church for your donations.

Online donations can be made at

We hope to see you all there!

3rd Annual Celebrity Dinner to Benefit -

Circles of the Heartland

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, Dec. 8 and make plans to join Circles of the Heartland for the 3rd Annual

Celebrity Dinner. Local community leadership from the United Way, local Pastors, teachers and volunteers will be

“serving” tables at Tucson’s Steakhouse from 5-8 pm. Come out and enjoy a delicious steak dinner and help raise

money for a great cause.

Many thanks to FPC Pastors Charlie and Rebecca for their willingness to

come and serve you! You will have the opportunity to “tip” the Celebrity

Wait staff as a means of donating to Circles of the Heartland. This is a fun

evening and the money goes to support a wonderful local program.

Scheduled to appear as Celebrities: Amanda Michaelis, Martha Rhea, Ann Knowles, Father Keith Weber, Steve

Thompson, Melanie Bergstrom, Jake Montoya, along with Pastor Charlie Smith and Pastor Rebecca Chancellor!!

Heifer International: Pass on the Gift

Heifer International is a global nonprofit humanitarian assistance

organization working to help end hunger and poverty, and at the same

time protect the environment and care for the Earth. Heifer provides

living gifts of area appropriate livestock and training in environmentally

sound agricultural practices to families in need to help lift themselves

out of poverty to become self-reliant.

There will be tables in the parlor during Advent to sell books and gift

cards for Heifer, or you may also make a monetary contribution to

Heifer through the church. To learn more about Heifer International, visit


Sign-up for 2016 Sunday Chancel Flowers!

Use this form to sign-up as a Sunday Chancel flower donor for Sundays in 2016.

Perhaps there is a particular date that is important to you to honor or memorialize

someone. All donors (whether there is one or ten, and those memorialized or

honored will be listed in the bulletin on the date desired. The cost is $20.00

Please contact Marilla Colson in the church office with any questions at or 825-0226.

Date desired for chancel flowers: ____________________________________

Please list EXACTLY how you want your name(s) listed as donor:


Given in Memory of ____________________________________________________________________


Given in Honor of ______________________________________________________________________

Please return this form, with your payment of $20.00 to the church office or mail with a check to:

First Presbyterian Church, 308 S. 8th St., Salina, KS 67401


The Board of Deacons invite you to share in providing poinsettia plants as Christ-

mas gifts to nursing home and homebound members of the church. Plants will

decorate the sanctuary during Advent and Christmas Eve. Cost is $15.00 per plant.

You may pick up your plant(s) for your own use following the Christmas Eve

service if you designate on the form below that you wish to do so. If you do not

want to pick it up, the plant will be assigned for delivery to a member or friend of

the congregation. Please complete the form below and return with your payment

to the church office no later than Monday, Dec. 7th. Please note “poinsettia plant” on your payment.

Or you may email your poinsettia order to Melanie at

I would like to purchase _________ poinsettia(s) at a cost of $15.00 per plant.

I want to donate my plant for delivery to a member or friend of the congregation _____ Yes _____ No

I want to pick up my plant on Dec. 24th _____ Yes _____ No

Name of Donor(s) ___________________________________________________________________

Given in Memory of _________________________________________________________________


Given in Honor of ___________________________________________________________________


from Charlie...

When I worked for newspapers and the wire service, I learned how to calmly handle deadlines. The trick is to allow time

to avoid last-minute panic, and to divide the work into manageable chunks. This has served me well in ministry, with the

many hats we wear and constant reordering of priorities. It’s an example of “Parkinson’s Law,” as described by a ministry

colleague: That our work expands to fill the time available for its completion. This is why weekly sermons take a whole

week, but memorial sermons can be written in shorter time.

All of that is to say that I am feeling the growing pressure of a Dec. 15th deadline for the first draft of my doctoral thesis.

I am also looking forward to the relief and excitement that I no doubt will feel when the work is completed and I graduate

in May. Every day that I get closer to completion, I become more excited about the future here! My doctorate thesis

centers upon Leadership from the Pulpit and Prophetic Preaching. It asks the question, “Can what is proclaimed in the

pulpit lead to action by those in the pews?” Your feedback, especially in questionnaires contained in bulletins during

September, is an integral part of the thesis.

My thanks for your patience, and for your prayers. You are invested in this program, and you will be the chief

beneficiary. I’m eager to see what comes of all this. To God be the glory!

Rebecca’s Reflections…

It’s coming… Advent is coming… It is the time of year when we wait for Jesus to come again, to enter our hearts and

minds in a new way. Advent is a time for us to pause and reflect on the miracle and mystery that God chose to enter into

our humanity and live among us in the Christ child. In Latin, Advent comes from arrival and “to come.” Advent marks the

beginning of the Christian year where we watch and wait for the arrival of Emmanuel, God-with-us.

This is a season of holy waiting: waiting for God’s peace to come to earth… waiting for God’s justice to prevail…

waiting for the light of Christ to shine… waiting for the shepherds, the angels, and the Christ child. Advent lasts for four

Sundays, leading up to Christmas Day. Together, we will make our way toward Christmas. On each Sunday in Advent,

we will light the Advent candles in worship, one more each week, as we mark the weeks and watch for the light of Christ

to come. Our liturgy will reflect themes of Expectation, Preparation, Repentance, and Rejoicing as we get closer to the

birth of Christ. We will provide bulletin inserts each Sunday for you to take home and mark each day of Advent with

scripture, reflections, and prayer.

At a time of year when calendars fill quickly and the to-do lists get longer and longer, it is my hope and prayer for each of

you that you will find short moments throughout this season to spend time with God: to stop, watch, wonder, and listen.

In preparing some of our Advent liturgy and devotional materials, I was inspired by the Advent Prayer Guide from World

Vision. Recognizing the Syrian refugee crisis, the Advent Prayer Guide calls us to stand alongside Syrian refugees,

saying: “This Christmas, dare to step into the margins.” That is where Jesus often went, after all. And Jesus, too, was a

refugee. Matthew’s gospel tells the story of Joseph, Mary, and the young Jesus fleeing to Egypt until King Herod died.

“Now after [the wise men] had left, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Get up, take

the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; for Herod is about to search for

the child, to destroy him.” Then Joseph got up, took the child and his mother by night, and went to

Egypt…” (Matthew 2:13-14a, NRSV).

I invite you to an intentional season of Advent this year, an intentional time of watching and waiting, of expectation,

preparation, and repentance as we await a time of great rejoicing at the birth of Christ. In our thoughts, prayers, and

actions, let us dare to go and be with Christ: in the places where the poor, oppressed, broken and lonely dwell. And may

we recognize that in the moments when we are poor in spirit, broken, and lonely, Christ is with us: Emmanuel.

There are many ways to be intentional this season, and I know many of you will be serving and walking

alongside people throughout our community. I hope you will join us for some or all of our Advent opportunities in the life

of First Presbyterian Church (see cover page). As we continue our journey together here in this time and place, I pray we

are open to follow Christ’s lead as we think, question, grow, and serve… with faith and love.





John Barber will celebrate his 92nd bir thday on December 28.

Eleanor Smith will celebrate her 91st bir thday on December 30.

Marcia & Paul Anderson will celebrate their 51st wedding

anniversary on December 27.


Baptism of Liam Oliver Morris on November 8, son of

MacKenzie Morris and Ben Stutterheim.


to Dorothy Spellman, whose brother-in-law, Lee Spellman, Salina,

died Nov. 4.


Jan Carr, who died November 2. She joined FPC April 14, 1954.

Sympathy is extended to her son, Greg, and his wife, Melissa, and

their children, Sairee and Marek Carr, Denver, CO.

FPC Staff:

Rev. Charlie Smith Lead Pastor/Head of Staff

Rev. Rebecca Chancellor

Designated Associate Pastor

Tricia Cobb

Director of Youth Ministry

Shelby Dickson

Director of Children’s CE

Richard Koshgarian

Director of Music

Angie Koshgarian


Melanie Pearson

Office Manager

Marilla Colson

Office Assistant

Ed Zoch

Head Custodian

Tony Griggs

Relief Custodian

Do you have information you’d like to

have listed in the “Personals” section of

the newsletter? Contact the office at today!

December Birthdays!!

1 Jim Cram Chuck Elsea Mac Steele 2 David Atherton 3 Pete Peterson Connie Stevens 5 Marilyn Holgerson 7 Dan Norman 8 James Hall 9 Bridget Long 10 Brynne Atherton Jimmie Lewis 12 Lindsey Berg Patty Landes Mandy Stephenson 14 Monte Shadwick 15 Bill Cathcart-Rake Alice Herrman Judy Morrison Pat Neustrom 16 Chloe White

17 Curt Carpenter Katie Lidgett Colin Rupe Annie Shadwick 18 Carson Ann Jett Madeline Rohrer 20 Nathan Farmer 21 Betty Garrison 22 Harrison Jett 26 Zachary Ketcher RaMona Parks 28 John Barber

Katie Jarvis 29 Linda Johnson Dennis Lull 30 Brittany Blackim

Olivia Johnson Maddox Keyser Charlotte Murphy-Piersee Azbey Peckham Eleanor Smith 31 Kelly Hall Thomas Struble




Address Service Requested


REV. CHARLIE SMITH - Lead Pastor/Head of Staff REV. REBECCA CHANCELLOR - Designated Associate Pastor

Address: 308 S 8th St PO Box 585 Salina, KS 67402-0585 Phone: (785) 825-0226 Email: Website:

The News (PE 708620) is published monthly by First Presbyterian Church, PO Box 585, Salina, KS 67402-0585. Periodical postage paid at Salina, Kansas.

The Brief will be available January 1, 2016, on our website, and around the church.

Sunday services are broadcasted each week at 10:05 am on KINA, 910 AM, 94.5 FM, or streamed live at

If there is something you would like included in the next edition, email, by noon on November 2.

Sunday, Nov 29 10 am 1st Sunday in Advent -

Lighting the 1st Advent Candle

Sunday, Dec 6 10 am 2nd Sunday in Advent -

Lighting the 2nd Advent Candle

Sunday, Dec 13 10 am 3r d Sunday in Advent -

Lighting the 3rd Advent Candle

Children’s Christmas Program Following worship there will be an opportunity

to purchase items made by our children to

support children’s mission projects.

Sunday, Dec 20 10 am 4th Sunday in Advent -

Lighting the 4th Advent Candle

Choir Christmas Cantata

Thursday, Dec 24, Christmas Eve 5 pm - Family Chr istmas Eve

Candlelight Worship

11 pm - Chr istmas Eve

Candlelight & Communion Worship

with the Adult Choir

Volume 47 Number 9 | December 2015

Advent and Giving at First Presbyterian Church Join us for any of these moments to be intentional this season:

November 29: Fir st Sunday of Advent. We will light the fir st candle with expectation.

Our annual collections for Heifer International will begin- visit the parlor table to donate a goat

or a sheep throughout the season of Advent!

December 1: Giving Tuesday—FPC’s Social Justice & Mission Committee hosts the showing of

the documentary, “Poor Kids,” in Blair Hall. In honor of “Giving Tuesday,” monetary donations

will be collected for Circles of the Heartland.

December 6: Second Sunday of Advent. We will light the second candle in preparation. With

support from the Social Justice & Mission Committee, the FPC Youth will purchase

gifts for families in need this Christmas season.

December 8: Circles of the Hear tland hosts the 3rd annual “Celebrity Dinner” fundraiser at

Tucson’s Steakhouse, 5-8 p.m. You just might find your FPC pastors there to “wait” on you!

December 13: Thir d Sunday of Advent. We will light the third candle recognizing our need for

repentance. Our children will share God’s Word with us in worship with a special Christmas

program. Our youth groups will gather for Christmas parties after worship.

December 20: Four th Sunday of Advent. We will light the four th candle with rejoicing! The

Adult Choir will proclaim the good news through the Christmas Cantata, “Night of the Father’s

Love.” We will begin collecting donations for the annual Christmas Joy Offering supporting

past, present, and future leaders of the PC(USA).

December 24: Chr istmas Eve. Have you been collecting quar ter s in an M&M tube this fall?

Turn in your donations for Feed My Starving Children by Christmas Eve! We will worship:

5:00 p.m. - Family-friendly worship in the sanctuary with carols and candle lighting 11:00 p.m. - Worship in the sanctuary with Communion, candle lighting, and music from the Choir.

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