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Post on 07-Oct-2015






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LIFE DISTRIBUTION: AN ANALYTICAL MODEL TO EXPLAIN DNA DOUBLE HELICAL STRUCTURE WITH FINE STRUCTURE CONSTANT AND HUBBLE TIME Acharya Balkrishnaa1, Madhan Kumara2, Sadhanaa1 and Paran Gowdaa1a1 PatanjaliYogPeet, Haridwar, Uttarkhand state, Indiaa2SastraUniversity, Tanjore, Tamilnadu, IndiaCorrespondence author:ParanGowdae-mail: parangowda@gmail.comMob: +918755366622AbstractIn this paper, we attempted to supplement and support the experimental evidence of DNA survival rate at extreme wavelengths with an empirical model on gene sequence, especially the non-coding part of the sequence. Our model is based on relativistic quantum mechanics principles of fine structure constant and Hubble time. We tried to explain empirically, the existence of blank states in a gene sequence using the wavelengths especially in the range of ultraviolet and infra-red frequencies of DNA molecules. Further, the structural of DNA is explained with fine structure constant of hydrogen atom which is much more a natural law of primordial matter than the helical structure itself through the ratio of DNAs wavelengths. The ratio is calculated by taking the experimental extinction coefficient value with that of its appearance value. Appearance and disappearance is like Schrdingers imaginary cat experiment of simultaneous birth and death of a cat or presently it is known as super conducting quantum interference phenomena. Life distribution on this planet is all about its interrelation, interdependency and interpenetration relationship with intergalactic cosmic phenomena and not just our Milky way galaxy alone. Key words: Life, DNA, Fine structure constant, Hubble time, Mind, WavelengthsIntroductionOur genome is the only experienced first copy of our life distribution. This has only about 2% of the human genome codes for proteins and about 98% codes for retro transposes or junk DNA ( Kammak, 2013). It turns out from literature that non coding DNA contains the epigenetic instructions of how to energize the proteins in our genome to alter function based upon environmental pressures. Junk DNA or non-coding DNA is an organic molecule in which life organisms store information along with coding DNA for biological functioning purposes. In the case of eukaryotic cells, the vast majority of genes about 98% are not continuous which are known as exons. Coding sequence expresses itself in the form of ATCG molecules which are known as introns. Non coding doesnt express anything and it remains as a blank state in the DNA sequence. It is also known as a C-value paradox which is the total number of DNA nucleotide residues in the genome (per haploid set of chromosomes). Non coding DNAis made up of all of those sequences while coding DNAoccupies only a small fraction of the genome. Here the question arises: what is the function of these non-coding genes in a given sequence? What it is doing inside the physical biological body?Can it be a replicating information unit which has fascinated not just biologists alone, but also, other scientists like physicists, chemists, mathematicians and astro biologists. The former, have made a lot of contributions to DNA understanding and, recently, they have applied several mathematical techniques for analyzing non coding regions. Some clues come from re-annealing experimentsand some contains genes for RNA molecules with important biological functions (non coding RNA, ribosomal RNA, transfer RNA). The exploration of the function and evolutionary origin of non-coding DNA is an important goal of contemporary genome research, including the ENCODEproject, which aims to survey the entire human genome, using a variety of experimental tools whose results are indicative of molecular activity. Because non-coding DNA greatly outnumbers coding DNA, the concept of the sequenced genome has become a more focused analytical concept than the classical concept of the DNA-coding gene (Waters, 2007) and (Lisa Gannett, 2008). Most of the development of analytical models borrows ideas from natural philosophy on the lines of many quantum physicists like W.Pauli (P. Varlaki, 2008).Quantum physics and biological sciences are gradually venturing into natural philosophy which was once an hallowed ground, and radically changing our ideas of life ( Jackkruise, 2013). As per W.Pauli, if fine structure constant ( ) of the hydrogen atom were bigger than it really is, we should not be able to distinguish matter from ether (the vacuum, nothingness) and our task to disentangle the natural laws would be hopelessly difficult ( P.Varlaki, 2008). Extending the analogy to DNA sequence containing coding and non-coding signals as protein matter and non-protein vacuum, and this landed up hopelessly as a C-value paradox ( Kammak, 2013) or junk DNA. The fact however that has just its value 1/137 (CODATA, 2011) is certainly no chance but itself a law of nature. It is clear that the explanation of this number must be the central problem of natural philosophy. Based on W.Paulis analysis of fine structure, we looked towards Bhagavad Gita (Saraswati.D, 1989), a natural philosophy and a sacred vedic book of Indian philosophy. It probably wasn't long after Bhagavad Gita developed a philosophy of life in the form of consciousness before or after death that it has continuity contact with those who had crossed over to the other side of life with the same consciousness of the same person it is some thing like quantum tunneling of particles passing from one side of the hill to the other side. Bhagavad Gita quotes the qualities of consciousness as it has neither birth nor death. Nor, having once been, does ever cease to be. It is purely an energy form and becomes active in the presence of protein matter. And the matter form is coded form of DNA. As the energy embodies, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the protein decay takes place but not this conscious energy. This consciousness similarly passes into another body after death of the protein matter. While cutting edge quantum mechanics could provide answers to what happens when the physical matter die. The consciousness in the form of non-biological frequencies, specifically electromagnetic signals contributes to non-coding DNA which possibly makes us different from other species. Humansare not closed systems; they are open, Ourcellslooks like convert mass into energy through chemically assisted nuclear reactions (Hirotaka Sugawara,2006) all the time which is another possibly of why humans have more non coding DNA than any other animal on the planet. For example, the E. Coli genome has 4.6 million base pairs and codes for about 3,000 different proteins (proteins of ~40,000 and 500 bp for promoters). Using the same assumption the human genome should code for 1 million proteins (3 billion base pairs, protein ~50,000 and promoters of 1500 bp).From where does the energy come from in the manufacture of bps?. May be these energies come from our environment or from self-generated molecular interactions. You call this natural selection (as Darwin calls it) today. Hydrogen being the lightest element of the matter, its fusion based low energy changes the structural and function of DNA / RNA at microscopic level. Proteins are a form of matter. Energy sculpts what proteins can and will do and how they will act in a cell. This is called conditions of existence, or epi genetics, today. Darwin told us about both. Of the two, he said conditions of existence were by far more important. Biology has forgotten what he said back then, because for 160 years, no one had a clue how epigenetic worked. In this paper, we try to show that the non-coding part of DNA molecules can survive and exist independent of physical environmental conditions or at extreme wavelengths and show its relationship with mind. The latest experimental studies conducted by (Oliver Ullrich, 2014) proves that DNA's genetic information is essentially capable of surviving the extreme conditions of space and the re-entry into earth's dense atmosphere. Life could have roots both on earth and in space (Warmflash and Weiss, 2005).To solve some of the DNA/RNA problems, (Joyce, 2002) suggests, some other genetic system proceeded RNA, just as it preceded DNA and protein.a. DNA relation to Hubbles time: red and blue shifts

The Hubble parameter is related to cosmic behavior time measurement in terms of red and blue shift wavelengths. Here we are making an analogy that the same cosmic phenomena is taking place at microscopic level also inside the neural circuits of brain of human beings in terms of coding and non-coding gene sequences (Kumar et al, 2013) and (Gowda et al, 2014). The non coding DNA is assumed to expand some thing like red shift expansion given by the relation: z = (obs - rest ) / rest ) for relatively nearby objects, wherezis the cosmological red shift, obsis the observedwave lengthand restis the emitted/absorbed wavelength of the non coding signals. If z= -1, the inverse fine structure constant which indicates less than a million light years away from our milky way galaxy This non coding is a biological entity inside the neural structures is assumed to be interconnected, interpenetrated and interdependent to a larger cosmic entity. The Hubbles law in the case of these two entities may be stated as distance between larger cosmic entity and physical entity which is continuously expanding in the cosmic space.Depending on Hubble parameter and environment conditions, the coding and non-coding genes wait for suitable time to encode itself and express in the form of gene expression. We are not sure of at what time it gets into a coded form. It totally depends on the surrounding environment. For physical DNA, the coded information takes 9 months to appear in the form of a child possessing the physical characteristics of mother and father or their grandparents. The non-coded form of the genes which is assumed to indicate Mental characteristics or conscious behaviour is tough to explain. The non-coded DNA in the brain without physical or objective shape is synonymous to the cognitive mind. Simultaneous encoding and non-encoding takes place in the brain. Encoded information becomes DNA protein molecules or coded ATGC nucleotide base pairs and non-coding information takes the form of blank or nothingness.We have Hubble evidence of an expanding or contracting universe in the form of red and blue shifts. The mind is also something like expanding contracting mini universe inside the brain. If we could rewind time, the trajectories of mind behavior would all converge to a contracting point of a non-coded gene as an infinitely singular density point or mental crunch gene or its vice versa . Scientific reasoning would tell us that cramming a huge physical body into a unique, single mind point would be very intensely density point -it is more of a line with the body DNA at one end and our mind continuing at the other end. Another question might be how big this mind gene point? Is it the size of a pin point or the size of our galaxy? While energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it doesn't have to have a mass, meaning the singularity was most likely mass less energy and the big bang is a transition from mass less to coded energy with mass to give us our "physical" body DNA. There is a plenty of speculation of what caused the escape or transition of mind gene from the body but we are not sure if there is anything conclusive. There are just too many unanswered questions and we have to be able to collect data in order to figure out things or at least create a workable mathematical model that can take us where we cannot go.Based on the above analysis, the following model is proposed to explain the behavior of the non coded biological entity of the brain in terms of the value of the Hubble parameter.The given value of Hubble parameter is H = 160 km/sec/million light years ( 1 million light year = 9.46 x 1012 km) = 10-12 x 160/9.46 / sec T = 1/H = 1.86 x 1014sec = 13.6 billion years age of earthThe Hubbles time parameter inside the brain T is related to the non coding part of DNA and also coding part in terms of out side environmental conditions. T is given by an empirical relation which may be given in terms of coding and non-coding DNA. The coding part is related to biological action and its reaction is non-coded reaction or non-biological reaction. As per the law, they are equal and opposite. The relation is given as Cn = Cc / k (based on contraction / expansion ratio)where Cc = contraction rate of cells or death rate of cells and Cn expansion rate of cells and k is a constant. As per the estimates in physiology, in 24 hours time, 60 billion cells die and roughly an equal, lesser or greater number of new cells generate. The contraction rate is roughly 1 million cells die / sec.i.e. Cc = 106. The constant k depends on Hubbles time factor T. The constant is to be found through Hubble time T, if T = 4 billion years old, then the Cn =10-8 cells =0 cells which shows that it is non coding DNA. Roughly we can say that non coding DNA is a singularity DNA which is an essential part in DNA helical structure. The inference drawn from the above is;

Empirical explanation of blank state or non coded DNA in the electromagnetic spectrum of specific wavelengths of DNA spectrum proves that it has 0 cells approximately or no coded proteins by using Hubble time. It may be simply a longest wavelength of the spectrum bounded by the objective proteins but maintaining its original nature of longest wavelength. It is like a frozen gene of a dinosaur in the mosquitoes blood trapped as a fossil source There is a possible linkage of the blank state to the other universal blank state galactic systems through Hubble shift. We may hypothesize that this relationship of blank state with the outside world lead to the possible existence of mind which we can neither be observed nor be proved.We have a literature support on the above observations with the gene miR-941, which appears to have played a pivotal role in human brain development (Hai Yang Hu et al, 2012). As per the research team findings, it is the first time a new gene carried by humans and not by apes has been shown to have a specific function in the human body and it could shed more light on human brain development leading to language speaking. It is believed that it emerged between six and one million years ago, after humans evolved from apes. As a species, humans are wonderfully inventive socially and technologically evolving all the time. The scientists say that this new molecule sprang from nowhere at a time when our species was undergoing dramatic changes: living longer, walking upright, learning how to use tools and how to communicate the gene is highly active in two areas of the brain, controlling decision-making and language abilities, with the study suggesting it could have a role in the advanced brain functions that make us human. It is known that most differences between species occur as a result of changes to existing genes, or the duplication and deletion of genes. This gene emerged fully functional out of non-coding genetic material in a brief interval of evolutionary time.b. DNA structure and fine structure constant of Hydrogen atomAn attempt is made here to physically interpret and understand the DNAs double helical structure with the fine structure constant of hydrogen atom .The physical interpretation of DNA through fine structure constant is certainly the most important need of the hour and we have to find ways and means to find its meaning through DNAs structure studies. We propose a fine structure model of DNA based on the idea of (Haldane, 1947) experiment in which ultraviolet radiation had been seen to encourage the build-up of organic compounds from a mixture of water, carbon dioxide, and ammonia. Here, it is compared to bio fluids of the brain in terms of the genes: its appearance and extinction wave lengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. It is something like the Schrdingers cat, where the gene expression appears in the form of proteins and disappears / vanishes (blank state or emptiness) at the same time. The Schrodingers cat is a famous illustration of principle of superposition in quantum mechanics death-alive action at the same time. The disappearance is related to non-coding DNA which is yet to be explained fully -it is known as a C- value paradox in genetics. Roughly, the DNA electro magnetic spectrum is given below;Table 1. DNA Electro Magnetic spectrumRadioMicroInfra redVisibleDNAUltraviolet

106nm103nm 500-9000nm400 -700 nm2-390 nm1 nm

DNA protein disappears or gets damaged at the extinction coefficient (Fasman, G.D) of 274 nm between visible and ultra violet region) for a double stranded DNA is 0.20( micro gram meter)-1 . Based on this data, Appearance coefficient 2 nm Disappearance, 274 nm.The ratio of these two coefficients gives i.e.= 2/274 = 1/137 which is a fine structure constant of Hydrogen atom.This DNA wavelength based calculation of fine structure matches with the spectroscopic measured fine structure value. The fine-structure constantas the ratio of the velocity of the electron in the first circular orbit of the atomto thespeed of lightin the vacuum which is defined by ; = v/c =0.0073, where v= velocity of electron and c=speed of light. The fine structure determines the size of the splitting or fine structureof the hydrogen spectral lines .The fine-structure constant so intrigued physicist, W. Paulithat he collaborated with psychiatristCarl Jungin an extraordinary quest to understand its significance. This proves the fact that DNA helical structure has a relation ship with the fine structure value of primordial hydrogen atom. c. MechanismThe fundamental physical constants of the universe such as fine structure constant of the hydrogen atom are all either immensely small or enormously large while our fine structure constant value 1/137 turns out to be a human sized number. The number 137 and its (possible) place in the scale of the universe continues to pose a challenge to understand its physical significance even today as well. The classical field theories use more unified representation of the connection of electro magnetic and gravitational fields, unite the law of conservation of electric charge with the laws of conservation of energy and momentum into a single structure. But so far these theories have no natural connection with quantum theory, and are unable to interpret the additional fundamental property of charge - its atomic nature to the classical law of its conservation as its quantum-theoretical nature. As such, the fine-structure constant is just an alternative expression of the elementary charge in terms of the natural unit of charge. The mechanism of DNA interaction could be understood through quark particle interactions. It is a key molecule responsible for storage, duplication, and realization of genetic information. DNA is a hetero polymeric molecule consisting of residues (nucleotides) of four types, A, T, G, C. The stability of DNA is very fundamental to understand the neuro functioning of brain system. DNA of all living creatures have an identical physical, spatial structure: sequences of the two strands of the double-helical form obey the complementarily principle. This principle is the most important law in the field of DNA, and, probably, is the most important law of the living nature. It declares that, in the double helix, A always opposes T and vice versa, whereas G always opposes C and vice versa.The DNA has hydrogen in the form of electron bounded in its molecular structure. In our approach a conjecture is proposed that DNAs electron energy transfer to phonons takes place continuously. These reactions are assumed to be chemically assisted nuclear reactions (Hirotaka Sugawara, 2006). A Feyman diagram of quark particle interactions are given below. e v

W u d u u d d Fig. 1 Feyman diagramindicating the electron self-interaction. e- = electron; W = bosons and - = neutrino , u and d = up and down quarksWhats really going on is that the proton is made of two up quarks and a down quark, while the neutron is made of two downs and up. The electron exchanges aWboson with one of the quarks, converting into an electron neutrino in the process. How quarks of the DNA and gluons behave over sufficiently large distances is not known. It is suppose to be that the weak interactions are really carried byWbosons at large distances. In quantum mechanics, large distances correspond to low energies - that the energy of a wave decreases as its wavelength increases; quantum mechanics is all about waves. If we are trying to figure out what is going on down there on Planck scale of space time, do we see vibrating strings, or non commuting matrices, or spin networks, or what? Hard to tell, because it makes no difference at all at the large-distance/low-energy physics also which we can actually observe. The EM field generated at Plancks scale in the neural brain because of super conducting quantum interference ( switching signals from one neural circuit to the other ) in the region of neo cortex which acts as a powerful transmitter that allows us to interconnect with other galaxies at extreme high speeds, while storing massive amounts of information, all while using very low power dissipation. It is capable of detecting magnetic fields produced in spaces or around the body. Recent datashows that various nuclei in the dorsal thalamus in vitro can express at ~ 0.005 -0.1 Hz. That is greatly facilitated by activating metabortropic glutamate receptors or Ach receptors.This means that environmental EMFs are directly linked to neurotransmitter responses found inside the brain.d. Mind gene - Blank state, Hubble parameter andFine structureBased on the above empirical findings, the complex phenomena of mind thinking process may be now be explained through blank state, Hubble parameter, and fine structure. The blank state is related to a complex pattern of weak interactions with cosmic quarks at low energies or at long wave lengths. We may now assume that the electron of the blank state is a self interacting particle which exchanges W boson to form electron neutrino. This neutrino interacts with gluons at long range Hubble distance to form patterns of thinking / life. The hypothesis may be stated as if we could rewind time, the trajectories of mind behavior would all converge to a contracting point of a non-coded gene as an infinitely singular density point or mental crunch gene or its vice versa. The vice versa is what we see today, the mind gene as a expanding or diverging point with its circumference no-where yet with its focal point at the center of the body. A question might arise then how big this mind gene point is? Is it the size of a measurable entity or the size of our immeasurable universe? While energy cannot be created, nor destroyed, it doesn't have to have mass, meaning the singularity was most likely mass less energy and the big bang transition from mass less to coded energy with mass to give us our physical proteins . There is a plenty of speculation of what caused the escape or transition of mind gene from the body but we are not sure if there is anything conclusive. There are just too many unanswered questions and we have to be able to collect data in order to figure out things or at least create a workable mathematical model that can take us where we cannot go.

The initial point of thinking of the brain activity very well remains a mystery however, we may believe that after the tiniest fraction of a second, the gravitational force, strong nuclear force and the electromagnetic force got separated between the particles, which probably causes the thinking process. The mind gene itself created space, time, and all of the matter based DNA and unified string energy as we know today. And we the human beings living in this gravity based earth always thinking beyond the milky way galaxy is a gross reminder of our ancestral connectivity to extra terrestrial world or what we call our distant cousins living or dead in the alien world.Mind gene may be a part of the residual wavelength spectra which may be a connecting link through the blank states of the distant cousins living/dead in the alien world. Based on our above analytical model of DNA electromagnetic spectrum, Hubble time and fine structure constant, we may hypothesize that the residual part of DNA is some how related to the remote galaxies through Hubble parameter. In addition, the fine structure constant value of 1/137 indicates our relation to the primordial basic element of existence that is Hydrogen atom. Its physical presence in the form of the fine splitting of Hydrogen atom through quantum interactions is a grim reminder of our relation ship with nature. Its linkage to the coded gene in the form of phonon electron interactions gives an indirect reference to the existence of mind gene which is to be unraveled experimentally. Hydrogen atom is the basis of all mental phenomena in the universe. It is a basic building block of the universe. In cosmology, the entire ordinary matter based universe is estimated to be approximately 0.2 atoms per cubic meter (Mullins, Justin, 2004)and where as the critical density of mono atomic hydrogen and its critical density in the universe is estimated to be approximately five atoms of monatomic hydrogen per cubic meter. It is the same hydrogen atom Life (Haldane, J.B.S., 1947) is not under our absolute mind control. It has a remote switch. It is not under our control because it is related to the outside world through Hubble time. Let us analyze its connectivity relation through the DNA spectrum. The wave lengths of DNA spectrum extends to the radio region of the spectrum. What could be the possible longest wave length of the residual DNA that one can extend inside the physical body?. Or in other words, the question may be put: can it be a simple straight line projected to infinity becomes a circle. The answer could be the same thing happening inside the neural brain i.e. minds orbit is a relativistic orbit where the embedded electrons involve in energy transfer with phenons .

Fig. 2 Longest wavelength projected to infinity becomes a circle Mathematically, it may be expressed as;Singularity point of mind = lim. y (x) = 2r2,where y(x) = mx + c is equation of straight line x

where, r = radius of the circle, y and x are variables, m = slope and c is a constant. The straight line inside the physical body is called as Kundalini line or vertical line as shown in Fig.3. In Indian scriptures (Chaitanya G, Sadhana T, 2006), Kundalini is defined as a vertical line of subtle energy flowing from brain to anus region in the physical body. y

xFig.3. Vertical line with un defined slopeHence, the mind gene of the residual DNA is apointof zero volume, but with very high mass or energy, which makes the density infinite. It is a synonym to Stephen W. Hawkings black hole singularity. According to Stephen W. Hawking, singularities either occur entirely in the future or entirely in the past. The Big Bang singularity always lies in the past (if you were able to rewind time, galaxies will become closer together, eventually coming together at a point).A contraction (something like black hole) singularity is the dimensionless point where all matter pulled into it and is concentrated. It has infinite density and therefore does not exist within space-time as it is the point of infinite curvature of space-time. There was only one cosmic mind gene singularity and it contained the whole macro universe. Since these singularities are infinitesimally small and therefore they possess infinite density. It has all of the properties of a contraction singularity and from it 'grew' coded DNA. This is the mind body relation. Therefore, the main difference is that a contraction singularity is the end of space time (and pulls matter in) and the mind or expanding gene singularity is the beginning of space time (where DNA matter are 'real').It is the character or habit of ones own life experience or in other words the experience of life distribution is nothing but patterns of embedded mental blank states of DNA that is carried out during a particular period of life time or the existence of physical body. It is organic mental evolution of ones own mental actions in a given physical time. How it gets carried forward without physical protein form is a un answered question. The mental behaviour or embedded mind behaviour is cosmic time dependent which is independent of our planetary physical time. And therefore non coded information to get into coded information is a time dependent evolutionary gene. Its identification or evolutionary evolution of patterns to become visible is always cosmic time dependent. A hope in the direction of finding the mind gene has come through by the recent (John O Keefe et al,2014) findings of Nobel laureates who discovered that how specific brain cells help rats and other mammals spatial maps of their inner brain environment in short inner GPS of the brain. The findings opened up new avenues for understanding cognitive processes like memory, thinking and planning apart from medical treatment advantages like Alzheimers disease. The positioning system they discovered helps us to know where we are, find our way from place to place and store the information for the next time. The MMP-9 gene ( Bhargava, 2014) )plays a major role in cognitive and hearing functions and removal of the said gene decreases Hyper homo cysteinemia-induced cognitive and hearing dysfunctions. The removal of this gene is an indication of existence of cognitive process in the brain. This research was carried out on mice but has large implication for humans; Mind gene is always fresh and young. Its younger than the physical age. Extending the logic of young body cells is younger than we think, ( Nicholas Wade 2005),the findings shows that the cells from the muscles of the ribs, taken from people in their late 30's, have an average age of 15 -10 years. Extrapolating the logic to the mind, it indicates that mind is as old as the age of earth (based on Hubble time).AcknowledgementsThis research paper could not have been completed without the blessings of SwaniDayanandaSaraswati, USA, and equally, the guidance and cooperation of the researchguide Dr. Maratha Doherty, Dr. R. Srinivasan, Sastra University, Swami Haridas and sisters of Sri Sarada Ashram.

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