Nuts and bolts of christian finance 3

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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Gospel Baptist Tabernacle

781 Salem Road, Rossville, GA 30741

Where the Love of God

abounds, everyone is


Children’s Church taught

by Paul and Marsha Davis

during preaching.

January 12, 2014


We have learned some general principles of God’s

Plan for our finances and spiritual well-being.:

God owns me and my stuff.Seek first the Kingdom of God and His right-

eousness and all my needs will be supplied.

Live willingly by every Word of God.

We must be faithful in the lesser things -- And

then God will bless us with the true riches.

And learn to see money as a lesser thing!


The way we handle our finances reveals a lot

about our spiritual condition.

Finally, We are not to be conformed to “This

World’s View” concerning anything,

Do we really trust God for all things?

Is God and His righteousness first?

But rather be changed so that we

do all things God’s way.

It’s a learning process.


Prov 22:29 NIV Do you see a man skilled in his

work? He will serve before kings; he will not

serve before obscure men.

You can’t be a skilled worker at something for

which you have little or no talent.

We all have different talents and abilities, and

they all come from the Lord.

He has a Plan for our lives, and He equips us

to fulfill that Plan.

We just need to fit ourselves into

His Perfect Will.


I Cor 4:7 For who maketh thee to differ from

another? and what hast thou that thou didst not

receive? Now if thou didst receive it, why dost

thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it?

It is up to us to learn what talent

God has given us.

What we might wish we could do,

may not be what we are gifted to do.


Once you learn what your talent is --

Then work hard to develop and use that talent well.

Ex 36:2 NIV Then Moses summoned Bezalel and

Oholiab and every skilled person to whom the

Lord had given ability and who was willing to

come and do the work.

A willing worker is a valuable worker and

will be recompensed accordingly:

Either by men or by the Lord.


After we have found our talent we need to

learn and receive training to do it right.

Eccles. 9:16 KJV Then said I, Wisdom is better

than strength:.....

DVT It is better to work smart, than to beat your

head against a wall through ignorance.

Working hard is not enough; work smart;

Find the right job and the best way to do it.


Don’t make your career decision on money alone:

But you have to make a living for your family.

Prov 24:3-5 Through wisdom is an house builded;

and by understanding it is established: and by

knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all

precious and pleasant riches. A wise man is strong;

yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.

Do you want a good life for your family? -- a good

home with good a good living?

It will come through wisdom, understanding,

and knowledge.


There are a lot of Christians with the potential

to do skillful work and be blessed financially

through that work.

But, because they are unwilling to get the

necessary education or training, that potential

is never realized.

And they spend their lives doing a job which is

below the ability God gave them.


Proverbs 1:22 How long, ye simple ones, will ye

love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their

scorning, and fools hate knowledge?

A woman with potential to be a pediatrics nurse

ends up working in a day care center for minimum

wage due to a lack of education.

A man with potential to be an engineer ends up in a

machine shop at $8.00/hr for lack of education.

Don’t be afraid to go back to school or get some

training, if you need to.


The problem often begins

in school.

But if you were like some

of these in school, it’s not

too late to learn.


Prov 6:9-11 NIV How long will you lie there, you

sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep?

A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the

hands to rest - and poverty will come on you like a

bandit and scarcity (want) like an armed man.

Some people can’t keep a job because they won’t

get up consistently and get to work on time –

And then whine because the boss fires them.

Get up and go to work – on time –

Every day!


Prov 13:4 NIV The sluggard craves and gets nothing,

but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied.

Prov 15:19 The way of the slothful man is as an hedge

of thorns: but the way of the righteous is made plain.

Prov 20:4 The sluggard will not plow by reason of the

cold; therefore he shall beg in harvest, and have



Prov 22:13 The slothful man saith, There

is a lion without, I shall be slain in the streets.


II Thes 3:10 NIV.....If a man will not work, he shall

not eat.

Prov 16:26 NIV The laborer's appetite works for

him; his hunger drives him on.

In other words, the best incentive for a man to

work is an empty belly.

If someone will fill his belly without work, there is

a type of man who will not work.


Don’t be afraid to make changes.

If you are barely living, things can get better.

You may have to move from a place where you are

familiar and have family and friends.

If there’s a better job for you

somewhere else, go to it.

Do what it takes to get a good job.



Find your talent; don’t listen to flattery;

listen to honest feedback.

Get any training or education you need to do it well.

Be eager and determined to work;

work hard, and do it right.

And don’t be afraid to try for something better.


Balance: Better is not always more money.

Once you are making a living, better may be better

working conditions; something that fits you better.

Better may mean more time off to be with your family.

Better may mean more time to give to the Lord;

More time to give to the church.

But, You have to make

a living!


These same principles apply to your spiritual

life, your family life, your mental and

emotional well-being, and even your health.

Our entire being

belongs to God.

Walk through


God’s Way,

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