
Breaking GroundPitched by Denisse Contreras and Christine Drexel

Rebecca White

Rebecca White

Adopted by the White’s

Happy, Sheltered, Privileged, Humble

Honor role, role model, good student

Mexican descent

Craves for family attention and is less materialistic than rest of White family

Grace White

Grace White


Resents Rebecca because her late husband wanted the adoption

Stuck on social status and class level

Holds Frank (Son) to high standards and will do anything to make him happy

Took over husband’s landscape design business after his death

Frank White

Frank White

Pampered Mama’s boy

Never worked a day in his life

Not a strong male character

Very into his looks (metrosexual)

Rides his mom’s coattails

Everyone likes him because he has money and pampers his friends

Alejandro (Alex) Salvador

Alejandro (Alex) Salvador

Very down to earth and real

Strong, Hard-working

Works under father’s gardening company for the White’s mansion

Idolizes Rebecca, sees beyond her family inheritance

Pedro Salvador

Pedro Salvador

Keeps a tight shift on all workers especially his son

Has had to work hard for where he is at currently

Takes pride in his work

Determined, Looked up to by workers, Isn’t easily controlled by money


Bradley James

Bradley James

House Manager for the Whites

Knows everything that happens throughout the household


Serves as a pseudo-parent for Rebecca White

Director: James Cameron

Director: James Cameron

Director of Titanic

Knows how to control audiences feelings and emotions

Wants to venture into the romantic drama genre after several years with his success with drama’s.

Story Line

Rebecca White (18 years old) recently graduated high school and was accepted at USC. She is enjoying her last summer home when she meets Alex. After a few encounters they fall madly in love only to be caught by Grace White. Meanwhile, Alex and Frank had been hanging out almost daily breaking the stereotypical worker/employer relationship. Grace is upset about these relationships and demands that Alex be fired immediately. Rebecca maintains the relationship with Alex during the beginning of her college career.

Story Line (Cont.)

The relationship works however there are constant challenges such as: Alex going to community college, their friends not getting along, the commute to see each other and the lacking ability to relate to each other. This makes Alex mad and at a sorority party they begin to argue and one of her fraternity friends gets into a fight with Alex about how to treat a girl. Alex is eventually pushed off of the balcony of the house and dies. Frank comes to Rebecca’s help and this brings together the family.

Events (Time Line)

Opening Credits: Song: Uptown Girl-Billy Joel Scene: Rebecca White driving up to the house in her convertible, Alex is doing landscaping but Rebecca doesn’t notice him, Grace is on the phone with clients inside the kitchen, Frank is shooting hoops in the driveway.

First Time Meeting: The butler asks Rebecca to go and get her acceptance letter from USC and she eagerly accepts. On the way out to the mailbox she runs into Alex and they being talking and joking. Alex accidently misses part of the bush and Rebecca laughs. Alex is smitten by Rebecca.

While Rebecca is out going to the gym and Grace is on a business trip Frank is encouraged by Bradley to invite Alex to stop working and play a one-on-one game of basketball with him.

As Rebecca and Alex’s relationship develops (towards the end of summer) , Grace catches them kissing behind the trees. Grace confronts Rebecca but it is not resolved and Rebecca goes away to USC almost immediately after.


White Mansion

A lot of landscape

Beverly Hills, California

Year: 2009




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