Military Dictatorship in Brazil

Post on 30-Jun-2015



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Coup d’État Military Dictatorship in Brazil

The First Days• A legalist dictatorship

o Constitutionalism

• Coup d’état? Where?• Suport from the middle classes• Political Vacuum – until 11 ͭ ͪ� ͪ ͪof ͪApril• U.S. ͪaid

Castelo Branco• 1964 – 1967

• Suposed to be president until the end of Janio Quadros’ mandate

• Persecution of political enemieso A list made of 46 names

• João Goulart, Luís Carlos prestes, JK, Leonel Brizola• All political rights were taken• Most of them were sent to exile

o Communism and the Ligas Camponesas were


Castelo Branco• Economic sanitation

o Wage depression o Drop of the inflation

• Intervention in the states

• AI-2 end of all political parties• ARENA X MDB

o The military party and the allowed Opositiono “A Arena era o partido do sim, o MDB era o partido do sim senhor”o This lasted until 79

Castelo Branco• Attack to airport of Guararapes – Recife

o Against Costa e Silva• Several dead

o hardening of the regime

• National security lawo Escola Militar das Américaso counter-guerrilla, scientifictorture and interrogation

• Castelo Branco não concordava que Costa e Silva fosse o seu sucessor. Não pela pessoa, que era um ótimo camarada de farda, mas pelo grupo que o rodeava, muitos deles "sedentos de vingança contra os nazi-comunistas" , ou temerosos da força dos comunistas. Castelo Branco tinha prestígio suficiente para fazer o seu sucessor, e acreditava, com muita fé, na democracia como antídoto a qualquer golpe nazi-comunista (que já voltaram a ser aliados, como o foram no início da Segunda Guerra Mundial). Pela lógica, o sucessor de Castelo Branco deveria ser o general Ernesto Geisel. Castelo Branco permitiu que Costa e Silva o sucedesse porque temia que um enfrentamento causasse um racha no Exército, o que poderia culminar com um enfrentamento militar, reduzindo ainda mais a soberania nacional....Foi um erro (ou acerto) que nos manteve fora dos quartéis por 21 anos.! !

• Newton Cruz

Costa e Silva• 1967-1969• A harder side of the dictatorship

o Linha Dura

• Thrombosiso Because of his condition Costa e Silva leaves Power

• A Military Junta takes the power• In order to prevento the vice to take office

o  Pedro Aleixo o He opposed AI-5

• The desease would later claim the life of the dictator

A New Constitution• 1967

o sense of legalityo Concentrates within the Executive Power most of the power of decision;

• Only gives the executive the power to legislate on matters of safety and budget;

o Establishing indirect elections for president for a term of five years;o Tendency to centralization, but preach federalism;o Establishes the death penalty for crimes of national security;o Restricted to workers the right to strike;o Expansion of Military Justice;o Open space for the enactment of subsequent laws of censorship

and banning.

Costa e Silva• Frente Ampla

o Lacerda, JK, Goulart

• Student Protestso Une

• 1240 arested

• Passeata dos Cem Milo 1968

AI-5• Restraining civilian liberties

o Censorshipo Closed the congresso The end of Habeas corpus in political crimeso Prohibition of protestso Prohibition of gatherings in squares or universitieso Prohibition of syndicateso SNI

• Serviço Nacional de Informaçõeso DOE CODI

Médici• 1969-1974• Economic miracle

o Foreign investment• Foreign debt

o In 1974 the external debt was 6 X what it was in 1964o In 1981 it was of 62 Bi – in 1964 it was of 6 Bi

o National industry• unlasting goods

o Mutinational industry• Lasting goods

o Statal Industry• National security

o Low salaries• “A Economia vai bem, o povo é que vai mal.”• income concentration• The country profits but the workers still receive the same low salaries

o More purchasing power in the middle classo Facility in obtaining credit

Armed Struggle• Guerrilla

o Influenced by Mao, Vietnã and Cuba

• Urban Guerrillao VPR

• Vanguarda Popular revolucionáriao ALN

• Aliança Libertadora Nacionalo VAR-Palmares

• Varguarda Armada Revolucionária Palmares

o MR8• Movimento revolucionário 8 de Outubro• The Kdnapping of the US Ambassador

Armed Struggle• Urban Guerrilla

o Carlos Mariguellao Mini Manual do Guerrilheiro Urbano

• 1969

• Fleury and the death squad

Armed Struggle• Guerrilha do Araguaia

o 1967-74o the encounter between the rivers Araguaia and Tocantinso A communist Guerrilla

• Inspired in Maoo A violent region

• The large land owners Were promoting the assassination of the peasants

o Operation 74• 6,000 soldiers

o Elite Squado Including paratroopers

• the guerrilleros were captured, tortured and executed

o Where are the bodies?

Ideological Propaganda

• Control of the Mediao Censorship

• A Brazil on the right path• A government that worked hard

o World Cup 1970• Athletes as heroes of the nation

o A way to draw attentiono So people wouldn’t focus on the disappeared or tortured

• The first title in the Formula One• The first title in Chess

o Changes in schools• No longer history classes

o Social studies• No longer philosophy

o Moral and Civic Education

Ideological Propaganda

Geisel• 1974-1979• End of the economic miracle

o Petroleum crisis• 1973 – 80%

o Energy projects• Ethanol• Nuclear energy

o Issuance of paper money

• Political Openingo Distenção lenta e gradualo The militarys go back to their headquarters

• The arena Politics stay in powero The end of AI-5

• 1979

• The April Packageo 1/3 of the senators would be indirectly elected

• The bionic senators

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Wladimir Herzorg

Figueiredo• 1979-1985• UnB dean• Astronomic inflation• ABC strikes

o 78 &79o Lula and syndcates

• Political Openingo A lighter censorship

• ARENA PDS• Amnesty

o For the persecuted and persecutors• If you were a public employee you couldn’t come back to your job

• Direstas jáo A failure

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