

Going through a range of typography and styles with different colours allowed me and my partner to come to a conclusion on what

typography would best suit as a logo that would be easily recognized by the fans or target audience. The feedback from my

partner allowed me to conclude what is the most preferred logo. The reason we selected this logo is because it is simple therefore it is easy to be recognized, it uses simple form of colours that are vibrant and appeals to the

audience due to the vibrancy and also the use of typography which conforms to the pop


Me and my partner have decided that the colour of the logo will change on the theme

and concept of the music video, digi-pak and website. The font and style will remain the

same however the colours will not be consistent. The typography style used was

serif as this is more feminine and modern and simply attracts the target audience. As our

target audience is mainly young teenage girls, most of the colour scheme will be quite bright and consist of pinks and purples. Hence the reason why our logo is pink. The logo will be

featured on all our productions to keep a consistent image.

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