

Kapitel 6Pläne machen


























Vokabeln KonjugationÜber-

setzungGrammatik Kulturelles

Wie sagt man

How are you?

Was ist:

Wie geht’s?

Wie sagt man:


Was ist:


Wie sagt man:

What time is it?

Was ist:

Wie spät ist es?

Wie sagt man:

to eat ice cream

Was ist:

ein Eis essen

Wie sagt man:

a quarter past…

Was ist:

Viertel nach…

Konjugiere:I want

Was ist:

ich will


I would like

Was ist:

ich möchte


nehmen(singular forms)

Was istich-nehmedu-nimmst




Was ist:ich will

du willster will

wir wollen


What are you eating?

Was ist:Was isst du?

Übersetze:Where are you

going to?

Was ist:Wohin gehst du?

Übersetze:We would like to

go shopping.

Was ist:Wir möchten

einkaufen gehen.


He watches a movie.

Was ist:Er sieht einen


Übersetze:Do you want to

dance (with me)?

Was ist:Möchtest du

(mit mir) tanzen?

Übersetze:I’ll have a noodle soup and a coke,


Was ist:Ich bekomme eine Nudelsuppe und eine Cola, bitte.

What isAccusative?

Was ist:The case of thedirect object.

What are modal verbs?

Where do they go in a


Was ist:Modals change

the meaning of a sentence and are

in the 2nd position.

How do you say

1:30 pminformal


Was ist:

halb zwei

What goes last when using

modal verbs?

Was ist:the infinitive of a

second verb

List at least 3 modal verbs!

Was ist:wollensollen


Kulturelles:In which hand do Germans

hold the fork?

Was ist:in the left hand

Kulturelles:Does pie exist in Germany?

Was ist:Nein.

Kulturelles:How do you know that

dessert will be served?

Was ist:a tea spoon is place above

the plate

Kulturelles:How much do

you tip waiters?

Was ist:

You don’t have to but usually

round to the next full amount.

Kulturelles:How do you put your silverware on your plate when you are

finished eating?

Was ist:The fork and

knife are place parallel on your


Final Jeopardy:

Was ist Limonade?

Final Jeopardy:Any fruity

flavored pop.

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