Just be Human

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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Just Be Human

How to engage on social media

Marketing isn’t Advertising

• What advertising is not.

– Posting social media

– Getting your audience to talk about you

– Your culture

– Your value proposition

• Good marketing gets your audience to feel something

– Keeps that feeling consistent across all channels

– Feelings don’t have to be warm and fuzzy

• I’ll explain how, once I explain why

Let’s get it out of the way…

Name the Companies

What’s the difference in product?

Why do you buy your toilet paper?

• Do you really know the features and benefits?

• Do you understand how it’s made?

• Do you know how it’s distributed?

• Does the company directly ask you to buy?

• If price is the biggest factor, do you buy everything in


Why do Charmin & Cottonelle stick?

• Make awkward situations approachable

• Take down barriers

• Acknowledge real life

– Kids asking parents weird questions

– If its good enough to protect a puppy, it has to be good

How did we get here?

Marketing is all fun and games, right?

Think About Mediums: Outdoor, B.C.

1,600s = Newspapers

1,800s = Magazines, billboards, catalogs

Early 1900s = Pre-Digital, Radio and TV

Your phone is better than this…

Messages had to come to people

There weren’t other options.

Then Technology

Gave People Power

All things digital = Consumer Voice

• Consumers get a voice

• Consumers have control

• Brands have more clutter to break through

– 3,000+ messages a day

Branding Changed Production Too

Technology is evolving all aspects of society.

Branding Evolution

• Started on livestock

• Evolved with trade

– Showed quality and consistency

– Allowed charging a higher price

• Industrial Revolution helped brands evolve

– Capitalize on mass production and economies of scale

– Allows for more competitive pricing

Adjacent Products!

But now consumers have power


Age of Consumer Voice

• Individual can get a message in front of millions, viral

• Companies can’t cover up bad products or service

• Local businesses have same tools as major brands

• Communication is instant vs. snailmail

• Always on communication

– Beyond time of transaction

Face it…

The Good!

• Crowdsource feedback


• Don’t need expensive

study to gain insights

• On-demand production


• Customer needs met

more regularly

The Bad?

• Companies have to be

transparent, truth will

come out

What makes you want something?

Who owns an apple product?


• Apple:

– Sell with emotion, not features and benefits

– User-centric design fuels product development

• All TP wipes your butt, there’s a reason beyond features

that makes you buy.

That’s nice Jen, but….It doesn’t apply to me.

Won’t work for my company.

Only works with a large budget.

People really like our features.

Our process is working, we won’t change.

Wasn’t this supposed to be about social?

It’s already too crowded.

Your excuses are…

You just need a plan.

1. Know your business

2. Understand Your Personality

• Define Your Culture and Values

– How does humanizing your brand fit into your culture?

– Does the culture need to evolve?

– What do you stand for?

• Limitations

– Know what you can’t say or do

– Really understand strengths and weaknesses

Personalities are Complex.

They React to Surroundings

And they need to evolve

3. Build a Team

• Emotional intelligence required

• Ideally: warm, articulate, passionate, confident,

extroverted, and generous

• Have both sides of the brain, even if it means two people

4. Have a Simple Checklist

Basic concept

• What’s in it for you?

– Does it position you as the ___________ expert?

– Will it generate the right leads?*

– Can it build a following?

• What’s in it for them?

– Is something in it for the audience?

*Really define what a good lead means

5. Get Out There

Exposing Yourself…strategically

• Collect customer feedback

– Knowingly: surveys, engagement, etc.

– Behaviorally: traffic patterns, open rates, click-through, etc.

• Get your company involved

– Allow employees to express themselves

• Balance employee freedom with brand protection

– Integrate culture into your hiring process


Remember How They Feel

Past Experiences Fuel Memories

Relating it to something makes it easier to understand


Savage River Lodge

Features and Benefits Don’t Sell

It’s what those DO that make you FEEL.

Feelings make the sale.


Good Conversation is Two Sided.

You must listen as much as you talk.


Go ahead, ask me anything.

I might even answer.

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