Instructional Programs Curriculum ... - School Board Peel

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Peel District • School Board ~


Instructional Programs/Curriculum Committee

Wednesday, March 27, 2019 6:00p.m.

Brampton Room


Instructional Programs/Curriculum Committee

Agenda March 27, 2019- 6:00p.m.

Open Session

1. Call to Order Approval of Agenda

2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest

3. Minutes

March 27. 2019

3.1 Minutes of the Instructional Programs/Curriculum Committee Meeting held on 2018-12-19

4. Chair's Request for Written Questions from Committee Members

5. Notices of Motion and Petitions

6. Special Section for Receipt

8.1 Celebrating Faith and Culture Backgrounder- March, 2019

6.2 Celebrating Faith and Culture Backgrounder- April, 2019

6.3 Celebrating Faith and Culture Backgrounder- May, 2019

7. Delegations

8. Old Business

8. New Business

10. Reports from Officials and Staff

10.1 Camp SAIL

10.2 EngageMath Update: Focusing on Fundamentals of Mathematics

11. Communications • For Action or Receipt

12. Special Section for Receipt

13. Reports from Representatives on Councils/Associations

14. Questions asked of and by Committee Members

15. Public Question Period

16. Further Business

17. Adjournment


December 19, 2018 Instructional Programs/Curriculum Committee: nf


Minutes of a meeting of the Instructional Programs I Curriculum Committee of the Peel District School Board, held in the Brampton Room, the H. J. A. Brown Education Centre, 5650 Hurontario Street, Mississauga, Ontario on Wednesday, December 19, 2018 at 18:00 hours.

Members present:

Kathy McDonald, Chair Susan Benjamin Stan Cameron Robert Crocker Will Davies BalbirSohi

Member absent: (apologies received)

Nokha Dakroub


Trustee also present:

John Marchant

Adrian Graham, Superintendent, Curriculum and Instruction Support Services (Executive Member)

Peter Joshua, Director of Education


Joy Uniac, Superintendent, Superintendent, Social/Emotional Learning and Early Years

Nicole Fernandes, Board Reporter

1. Approval of Agenda

Chair McDonald welcomed Jay Sengupta, newly appointed as the Board's Human Rights Commissioner.

IP-01, moved by Robert Crocker, that the agenda be approved.

. ............. carried

2. Conflict of Interest

There were no declarations of conflict of interest.


December 19,2018 Instructional Programs/Curriculum Committee:nf

3. Minutes of the Instructional Programs I Curriculum Comminee Meeting, November 21,2018

.!f:.Ql, moved by Robert Crocker, that the Minutes of the Instructional Programs I Curriculum Committee Meeting, held November 21, 2018, be approved .

....... ....... carried

4. Celebrating Faith and Culture Backgrounder- January and February 2019

IP-03, moved by John Marchant, that the Celebrating Faith and Culture Backgrounder for January and February 2019, be received.

. ............. carried

5. EngageMath Plan for 2018-2019: Focusing on the Fundamentals of Math

The Ministry's Focusing on the Fundamentals of Math- A Teacher's Guide, and the Peel DSB poster on Balanced Mathematics Instruction, K-12, was circulated. Leslie Grant, School Effectiveness Lead, acknowledged Soni Gill, School Effectiveness Lead, Ryan Tackaberry, Instructional Coordinator of Mathematics and Numeracy, and the Mathematics Resource Teachers for their work on the EngageMath Plan.

Leslie Grant noted that EngageMath moves into Year 5 of implementation, and embeds the fundamental concepts and skills outlined in the Ministry's new resource, Focusing on the Fundamentals of Math -A Teacher's Guide, which has replaced the Renewed Math Strategy 2018. Professional Learning (PL) days for the new resource were held on October 5, 2018, for elementary teachers, and on November 15, 2018 for secondary teachers, to comply with Ministry directive. The areas of focus in the new Guide are: deepening mathematical content knowledge for teaching; utilizing intentional instructional practices; supporting modem literacies; engaging in assessment for learning. Leslie Grant explained that the plan for Year 5 of EngageMath is to refocus on two key components, Purposeful Practice, and Basic Facts and Operational Skills, as these directly connect to fundamental concepts and skiUs relating to number sense and numeration.

Ryan Tackaberry highlighted that the key concepts and skills categorized in the Teacher's Guide focuses are: working with numbers; recognizing and applying understanding of number properties: mastering math facts; developing mental math skills: developing proficiency with operations. He explained the importance of exploring the distinction between memorization and mastery at the elementary level, stating that memorization of math facts is essential to the student's ability to engage in complex problem solving. Learning strategies improve over time with content becoming more intuitive, and mastery and automaticity over content can be achieved by applying multiple strategies and critical thinking. Leslie Grant listed the elementary and secondary schools receiving intensive support and increased support, and advised that these schools will participate in their choice of professional teaming sessions and receive additional on-site release time. She described in detail the professional learning plans forK-Grade 8 and Grades 9-12, and the professional supports forK-Grade 12. She then summarized the Parent's Guide to the Fundamentals of Math.


December 19, 2018 Instructional Programs/Curriculum Committee:nf

5. EngageMath Plan for 2018-2019: Focusing on the Fundamentals of Math (Continued)

Trustees· questions of clarification were responded to by the administration, including: new students enrolling in higher grade are assessed and placed based on a central assessment system, and tracked in case adjustments are needed; designated mathematics classes for English as Second language students; multiple strategies to solve math questions are valued as it builds underlying conceptual understanding; need to ensure that use of games not only provide appropriate assessment of procedural knowledge and skiUs but also an assessment of conceptual knowledge; list of schools receiving intensive and increased support is set by the Ministry and no change will be made for the time being, irrespective of whether there has been some improvement in achievement; rotation of classes require specialized math teachers at the elementary level; Years 4 and 5 of EngageMath are focused on deepening teachers' mathematical content knowledge; in house training is offered for elementary teachers to become more proficient in teaching math; Ministry will be introducing mathematical proficiency testing for new elementary teachers.

A trustee asked as to whether there has been observable improvement in student math achievement as a result of EngageMath, and he commented that there needs to be an appropriate measure to evaluate the success of the initiative. Adrian Graham, Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Support Services, advised that EQAO results for math for Grades 3 and 9 academic are steady, but Grade 6 and Grade 9 applied math students across the Province are not progressing as expected. Stating that students in Ontario and the Board fare well on international tests, Superintendent Graham indicated that the question had been raised whether the Grade 6 EQAO math test is grade appropriate. He added that EQAO is now moving to review the tests. Board Chair Cameron noted that revised Ministry funding will result in fewer resources to support students, which can affect achievement levels.

IP-04, moved by Balbir Sohi, that the report re EngageMath Plan for 2018-2019: Focusing on the Fundamentals, be received.

. .. ........... carried

6. Focus on Poverty: Action Plan

Director of Education, Peter Joshua, introduced Kim Bennett, Research Officer, Assessment and Accountability, Jaspreet Pabla, Workplace Equity Partner, and Craig Caslick, Principal of lorna Park Secondary School, and he acknowledged Superintendent Adrian Graham, Joy Uniac, Superintendent of Education- Early Years, Harjit Aujla, Acting SUperintendent of Education, and Jim Van Buskirk, Chief, Social Work, all of whom worked on the Focus on Poverty initiative and provided different perspectives in developing the Year One Action Plan.

Director Joshua reported that the complexities of student poverty and poverty amelioration were carefully reviewed during the work on the Poverty Indicators Report and the Socioeconomic Vulnerability Index (SVI), which uncovered many existing practices to support students. He noted, however, some practices need to be changed to provide students in poverty every opportunity to achieve success, in line with the goal of equity and inclusion outlined in the Board's Plan for Student Success.


December 19,2018 Instructional Programs/Curriculum Committee:nf

6. Focus on Poverty: Action Plan (Continued)

HighUghting that 12.8% of Peel Region's population is living in poverty, Jaspreet Pabla and Craig Caslick spoke about their attendance at meetings of the Peel Poverty Reduction Committee (PPRC) over the past two years, to ensure that the Peel DSB's perspectives are included in discussions. They reported that the Poverty Reduction Strategy 2018-2028 is focused on three priority areas: income security; economic opportunity; well-being and social inclusion. A strategic action plan of the PPRC is to partner with Peel school boards to develop and implement school community-based programs that increase the level of achievement and success for students of marginalized and equity seeking backgrounds.

Describing the work of supporting students and families living in poverty, Craig Caslick and Jaspreet Pabla noted four categories: early years - Camp SAIL (Summer Adventures in Learning; school years- mentoring program; strategies to engage parents/guardians­Parent Reaching Out (PRO) grants; strategies to encourage community involvement -Peel Newcomer Strategy Group. With regard to measuring the effectiveness of these programs, Kim Bennett described the eight indicators that were outlined in the Poverty Indicators report to track and monitor the progress and effectiveness of poverty amelioration programs and interventions. Introducing the Action Plan, Director Joshua spoke about the importance of maintaining the dignity and respect of students in poverty. He highlighted the five action areas of the Action Plan: awareness and understanding the impact of poverty; support for families living in poverty; equitable allocation of human and material resources; equitable participation in programs; student success and well-being. The Logic Model outlining the actions and activities, short-term, intermediate term and long-term outcomes, and ultimate goal for each of the action areas, was described in detail by the presenters.

Responses to trustees' questions of clarification included: working in collaboration with community partners is an important aspect of this initiative; launch of the Peel Learning Foundation will also support the removal of financial inequities to some extent; timelines for the action plans are being finalized; between 15% to 18% of Peel students live in poverty. Chair McDonald thanked the presenters for the report. She remarked that courageous decisions need to be made with regard to equity-based resource and material allocation, and she spoke of the need for bias awareness and being explicit in setting high expectation for all students. Remarking that the information contained in this report intersects with other aspects of student achievement, a trustee suggested that this report be brought to a Regular Meeting of the Board. Director Joshua confirmed that the report will be taken to Special Education Advisory Committee, and pertinent sections will be brought to the Physical Planning and Building Committee meeting. Chair McDonald suggested that the report can be brought to a Trustee Information Session .

.!f:Q§. moved by Susan Benjamin, that the report re Focus on Poverty: Action Plan, be received.

. .. .. .... .. ... carried


December 19, 2018 Instructional Programs/Curriculum Committee: nf

7. Question Period

There were no questions.

8. Public Question Period

Catherine Soplet reported that the Peel Poverty Action Group is represented on the PPRC, and she expressed her gratitude for the information presented in the report. She asked for a screenshot of the membership of Peel DSB's Working Group. Director Joshua responded.

9. Further Business

1. Next Meeting

Superintendent Graham noted that the Committee will not be meeting in January 2019, and the next meeting will be in February 2019.

10. Adjournment

IP-06, moved by Will Davies, that the meeting adjourn (20:15 hours) .

........ .. .... carried

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . .. .... .. ....... . ... .. . .. Chair . . . . .... . . .. . ... . .. . . .. .. .. .. .... . . . .. .. .. . .. ... . . . .. Secretary


PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD 6.1 Instructional Programs/Curriculum Committee March 27, 2019

Celebrating Faith and Culture Backgrounder­March


It is recommended that this report be received.


The Peel District School Board is a mosaic of many cultures and faiths from all over the world. Recognizing that faith is a part of the lives of many of our students, the Board committed to provide resources to help schools increase their connections to communities and better acknowledge faith and culture events of students and staff.

The Celebrating Faith and Culture Backgrounder, March 2019 continues the monthly publication highlighting faith and culture days to celebrate and remember.

Prepared by:

Ashley Sigda, Community Relations Officer

Submitted by:

Carla Pereira, Director of Communications and Community Relations Support SeiVices

Adrian Graham, Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Support SeiVices



Celebrating Faith and Culture Backgrounder March 2019

The Peel District School Board is a mosaic of many cultures and faiths from all over the world. To commemorate this diversity, the board recognises special faith and culture days of our communities. March 2019 has several special faith and culture days to celebrate and remember:

March - Xsaak and Susar Moon in Aborlslnal Spirituality

Xsaak is celebrated by Nlsga'a people of the Nass Valley in Northwest British Columbia. It Is the season when they fish for swarming Oolichan also known as candle fish (dried fish burnt and used for light}. The fish is dried, smoked and rendered Into oil for trade and use In winter.

The third moon of Creation Is known as Sugar Moon by the Ojibwe people. This month the sap from Maple trees begins to run and it is collected by the Anlshnabe as a healing medicine.

February 26 to March ! - Intercalary Days In Baha'r

For Baha'is, the Intercalary Days are days of feasting, hospitality, rejoicing, charity and giving of presents, as well as ministering to the poor and Ill, as they prepare for the annual Fast. The Intercalary Days are also used to complete the 365 days solar year as the 19 month Baha'f calendar falls short.

Sunset March 1 to 20- Ala (Fasting month) in Baha'l

In the Baha'I calendar, there are 19 months of 19 days each. The Baha'I day starts and ends at sunset.

Ala signifying loftiness Is the nineteenth and last month of the Baha'i year, and It is a month of fasting. Members of the Baha'i faith who are over the age of 15 abstain from food and drink each day from sunrise to sunset.

March 1 · World Day of Prayer in Christianity

World Day of Prayer is observed on the first Friday in March by Christian women of diverse traditions and countries. They come together In prayer on this day to affirm their faith.


March 4-Mahashlvaratrl in Hinduism

The festival of Mahashivaratri is dedicated to Lord Shlva, who is one of the three most important deities in Hinduism, along with Brahma, the creator, and Vishnu, the preserver. Lord Shiva Is the destroyer and reproducer of life.

During Mahashivaratri, adherents fast, chant, meditate, visit the temple and offer group prayers.

March 6 ·Ash Wednesday In Christianity

Ash Wednesday marks the first day of lent in the Western Christian liturgical year. Lent is a season of spiritual discipline, cleansing and fasting which occurs in the 40 days before Good Friday. The name Ash Wednesday comes from the ancient practice of putting ashes on one's head as a symbol of mourning and penitence.

March 11· Clean Monday (J) in Christianity

Clean Monday also known as the Great Fast or Pure or Ash Monday is the first day of Lent for adherents of the orthodox faith.

March 14 • New Year in Sikhism

March 14ls the first day of the new Sikh Calendar Year. This is year 548 in the Sikh Nanakshahi calendar. The years in the Sikh calendar start with the birth of Guru Nanak Oev in 1469.

March 16 to 20 • Ghambar Hamaspath-meadem In Zoroastrianism

Zoroastrian followers celebrate six seasonal festivals, known as the Gahambars. These are associated with agricultural seasons, and each Gahambar is celebrated by performing a Jashan (festivity) and thanking Ahura Mazda (the omniscient and omnipresent creator) for the seasons and the beautiful creations.

Ghambar Hamaspath~meadem is also known as "All Souls" feast where departed relatives are remembered.

March 17 ·St. Patrick's Day in Christianity

This feast day commemorates the anniversary of St. Patrick's death in the S'h century CE. The Irish observe this day as a religious holiday. Multi-day celebrations feature parades, concerts,


outdoor theatre productions and fireworks shows. One traditional icon of the day is the shamrock.

March 20- Sakyamunl Buddh1's Nirvana Day In Buddhism

Nirvana Day, also known as Parinirvana, Is an annual Buddhist festival celebrating the death of Buddha after achieving Nirvana (liberation from cycle of rebirth and suffering) at the ase of 80. Followers of the faith visit temples, offer prayers, meditate and read scriptures describing the last days of Gautama Buddha.

March 20 or 21· Holl in Hinduism

Holi is the Hindu festival that welcomes spring and celebrates new life and energy of the season. It has rellslous roots (attempt to burn Prahalaad by Holika and Hiranyakashyap), but the festival is also filled with fun and sood humour. On the evening of Holi, large fires are lit and prayers and offerings are made. The next day is celebrated with colours, so Holi is also called the "Festival of Colours." People celebrate the festival by daubing each other with paint and throwing coloured powder (gulaal) around in an atmosphere offun and frolic.

The religious significance of the festival of Holi is to mark the burning of self-conceit, selfishness, greed, lust, hatred, in fact all the undesirable tendencies, thoughts and behaviours.

Sunset of March 20to 21 -Purim in Judaism

Purim is one of the most joyous holidays in the Jewish calendar. It commemorates the story of Esther and how she saved the Jewish people who were living in Persia from extermination at the hands of an oppressive ruler and his advisor.

This festival is celebrated through feasting, carnivals and group celebrations. Followers of the faith send food to friends and neighbours. Like all Jewish holidays, it begins at sundown and ends the next night.

March 20- Shunkl-sorei-sal in Shinto

Known also as Shu bun-no-hi, on this holy day, ancestors are given reverence on home alters, as kaml (god), and are considered active members of the living family. Grave sites are cleaned and purified.


March 20 • Lady Day (Ostara) in Wltca

The spring equinox is "lady Day." To followers ofWicca, It is a time of conception and new growth. It is celebrated by undertaking activities like planting seeds In the garden, collecting wild flowers, decorating and eating eggs, and cleaning the home that lead to prosperity. Green and yellow are colours specific to this feast.

March 21 • Naw Ruz/Navroze In Zoroastrianism, and Baha'r

The spring equinox marks the New Year for members of the Zoroastrian community (following Fasli Calendar). The New Year's Day will be observed on March 20 or 21 by followers of the faith. People from Persia or Iran who also celebrate Naw Ruz (Noruz) will observe it on 20th. The traditional Naw Ruz table called "Sofreh haft-seen11 consists of seven kinds of food each beginning with the letter "s" or "sin" in Farsi symbolising life, health, wealth, abundance, love, patience and purity.

• sabzeh, wheat or lentil sprouts, symbolizes rebirth • sa manu, a creamy pudding made from wheat germ, represents holiness • seeb, an apple, stands for health and beauty • senjid, the dried fruit of lotus tree, signifies love • sir, garlic (which is considered medicinal), represents health • somagh, sumac berries, stands for the colour of sun and the victory of good over evil • serkeh, vinegar, indicates old age and patience

Other things associated with this celebration: • a book symbolizing wisdom (holy texts or books of Iranian poetry) • sekeh, coins, representing wealth • sonbol and laleh, hyacinth and tulips, symbolizing spring • painted eggs to reflect the fertility of the people and the land • a mirror to symbolize reflection of life • candles, indicating happiness • goldfish to represent life

From the first to the 12th day of the New Year, people visit each other. On the 13th day, called Sizdeh bedar, everyone goes on picnics, as it Is considered unlucky to stay indoors on the 13th day.

The Baha'i people have adopted the Iranian custom of beginning the New Year in the spring equinox. The day begins at sunset, and the New Year celebrations are held during the evening of March 19th. It Is one of the nine Baha'i holy days on which work is suspended. It is generally observed with a meeting for prayer and celebration.


March 21, 24 or 25- Avalokltesvara Bodhlsattva•s Birthday in Buddhism

This day is celebrated by followers of Mahayana Buddhism as the birthday of the enlightened one who is most compassionate like Buddha and is known as Avalokltesvara Bodhisattva. The celebrations include visiting the temples and offering prayers.

March 21· Eld e-Navroz In Islam

Shia followers of Islam observe this Eld. The day is associated with significant religious milestones for observers of the faith. Adherents believe that on this day the Prophet received his first revelation and also named his successor. This feast Is an Important celebration for lsmaill Muslims.

March 21 - Hola Mohalla in Sikhism

Hola Mahalia is a festival of mock battles where followers practice martial arts known as gatka. The festival is celebrated on the day following Holi. Guru Gobind Singh started it as a gathering of Sikhs for military preparedness against the ruling Moguls in Anand pur Sahib (in Punjab, India). Today it is a celebrated by holding competitions and display of martial skills. The day of observance varies for followers of revised and old Nanak Shahi Calendar

March 26- Khordad Saal in Zoroastrianism

Zarathushtra (Zoroaster in Greek; Zarthosht In India and Persia) is the founder of Zoroastrian religion. Historians and religious scholars generally date his life sometime between 1500 and 1200 BCE. This day is recognised by members of the Zoroastrian faith following the Fasli calendar as Zarathushtra's birth anniversary.

Ideas /Or celebf'Qt/ng special /filth and cultural days In your school

If you have a colleague who celebrates one of these days, don•t forget to offer them best wishes! If you have students in your school who are followers of any of the listed religions:

- Make sure the dates are included on your school calendar • Have your principal announce the day over the PA system - Hold an assembly to talk with students about the Importance of these days - Include a mention of these days In your school newsletter - Include information on your school website • Display student artwork announcing these days or depicting their ideas about these days


-Invite a member of a local faith group to come in and discuss the significance of this day with students

·Have class discussions about these days -Ask some of your students who celebrate certain holidays to write a short essay on how they celebrate this day at home. Have them read it to the class to share this celebration with the other students.

-Have parents offer a cultural session

Questions: If you would like any more information on how to celebrate these days, please call Ashley Sigda, Community Relations Officer at 905-890-1010, ext. 2573 or e-mail her


Celebrating Faith and Culture March 2019


March Xsaak and Sugar Moon Aboriginal Spirituality March 1 Intercalary Day Baha'I Sunset March 1 to 20 Ala (Fasting month) Baha'r March 1 World Day of Prayer Christianity March 4 Mahashivaratri Hinduism March 6 Ash Wednesday Christianity March 11 Clean Monday (J) Christianity March 14 New Year Sikhism March 16 to 20 Ghambar Hamaspath-meadem Zoroastrianism March 17 St. Patrick's Day Christianity March 20 Sakyamuni Buddha's Nirvana Day Buddhism Eve of February 28 to Holi Hinduism March 1 Sunset of February Purim Judaism March 20 to 21 March 20 Shun ki-sorei-sai Shinto March 20 lady Day (Ostara) Wicca March 21 Naw Ruz/Navroze Baha'i and

Zoroastrianism March 21 Eid e-Navroz Islam March 21, 24 or 2S Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's Buddhism

Birthday March 21 Hola Mohalla Sikhism March 26 Khordad Saal Zoroastrianism



PEEL. DISTRICT SCHOOL. BOARD 6.2 Instructional Programs/Curriculum Committee March 27, 2019

Celebrating Faith and Culture Backgrounder- April


It is recommended that this report be received.


The Peel District School Board is a mosaic of many cultures and faiths from all over the world. Recognizing that faith is a part of the lives of many of our students, the Board committed to provide resources to help schools increase their connections to communities and better acknowledge faith and culture events of students and staff.

The Celebrating Faith and Culture Backgrounder, April2019 continues the monthly publication highlighting faith and culture days to celebrate and remember.

Prepared by:

Ashley Bigda, Community Relations Officer

Submitted by:

Carla Pereira, Director of Communications and Community Relations Supporl SeNices

Adrian Graham Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Support SeNices



Celebrating Faith and Culture Backgrounder Aprll2019

The Peel District School Board is a mosaic of many cultures and faiths from all over the world. To commemorate this diversity, the board recognises special faith and culture days of our communities. April 2019 has several special faith and culture days to celebrate and remember:

ApriJ- Mmaal and Sucker Moon in Aborlslnal Spirituality

Mmaal is celebrated by Nlsga'a people of the Nass Valley In northwest British Columbia. It is the season when rivers again become accessible after winter. The Nlsga'a people can launch their canoes and resume travel on the Nass River.

The fourth moon of Creation Is called the Sucker Moon by the Ojibwe people. It is believed that Sucker goes to the Spirit World to receive cleansing and teachings for this world during this period.

Eve of April 2 or 3 -lsra and Ml'raj in Islam

M rr~j ai-Nabiy commemorates the journey of the prophet Mohammed from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascension to the heavens on the night of 27th of Rajab (seventh month of the Hijra calendar). This festival is also known as lallatui-Miraj, lsra Mlraj, lsra, Me'raj and laylat ai-Mi'raj. On his return Mohammed imparted this knowledge to mankind. It was In this Ascent that five daily prayers (salat) were made obligatory for Muslims. The holyday will be observed from the eve of April pt or 2nd.

April 5 - Vasant Navratrl and New Year's Day in Hinduism

Chaitra Navratrl (AprilS to April13) begins from this day. This festival is observed twice a year~ in the month of Chaitra and then in Aswayuja (September/October). It lasts for nine days In honour of the nine manifestations of goddess Durga. During Navratri (the word literally means "nine nights"), devotees of Hinduism observe a fast and undertake religious activities like puja.

This day is also the beginning of a New Year 2074 for Hindu followers of Vikram Sam vat Calendar. The New Year's Day celebrations and festivities vary amongst the many denominations of the faith. Gudl Padwa will be observed on this day and Ugadi wilt be celebrated on the 6th.


April 8 - Farvardesan in Zoroastrianism

Zoroastrians following Fasli calendar celebrate this ten day Farvardegan or Farvardlngan festival honouring the dead. Followers of the faith believe that guardian angels of

humans and spirits of departed souls (fravashis) return to earth during this period and accept the hospitality of relatives.

April9 to 27 -the month of Jahil in Bahj'(

In the Baha'i calendar, there are 19 months of 19 days each. Each month represents an attribute of God. AprilS is the Feast Day for the beginning Jalcil, the second month of the Baha'i calendar, signifying "glory."

The Baha'r day starts and ends at sunset. The first day of each month is known as a Feast Day.

April13 or 14- Valsakhl or Baisakhl in Sikhism and Hinduism

Celebrated throughout India, Vaisakhi has special importance for Sikhs. On this day In 1699, Sikhs believe that Guru Go bind Singh, the tenth Guru, created the Order of the Khalsa and gave the five articles (kes, kara, kirpan, kangha, kachha) of the faith for amritdhari or initiated Sikhs. This is the holiest day of the year for followers of Sikhism. Sikhs celebrate this day by visiting gurudwaras and distributing kada prasad. Processions led by the Pan] Piaras or the five religious men, are taken out. Kirtans and recital of

passages from the Granth Sahib are also organized in gurudwaras.

On this day, the farmers also commence cutting their harvest. The day is celebrated with Bhangra and Gidda dances in Punjab.

Vaisakhi, the first day of the Hindu solar year, is celebrated differently in the many regions of India. The farming communities in the northern states of India celebrate it as an agricultural and harvest festival. For people ln Himachal Pradesh, it is a religious celebration and for many others- Bengal and southern states it is the New Year's Day with its distinct customs and traditions.

April13 or 14- Saka and New Year's Day In Buddhism and Hinduism The Saka calendar's New Year's Day is a religious and cultural celebration for Sri Lankan, Indian, Burmese, Kampuchean, Laotian and Thai Buddhists. The Saka calendar is a lunar calendar based on the Hindu astronomy ofthe holy Vedas.


This New Year's Day Is celebrated also by Hindus In many Southeast Asia countries, such as India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia over two days. The exact date of celebration is determined by astrologers. New Year's Day observations, traditions and customs vary based on adherent's country however common to all are feasts, gift giving, religious ceremonies and spending time with family and friends.

April14 • Theravada New Year in Buddhism

In Theravada countries, Thailand, Burma, Sri lanka, Cambodia and laos, the New Year is celebrated for three days from the first full moon day in April. In Mahayana countries the New Year starts on the first full moon day In January. However, the Buddhist New Year depends on the country of origin or ethnic background ofthe people. For example, Chinese, Koreans and Vietnamese celebrate late January or early February according to the lunar calendar, whilst the Tibetans usually celebrate about one month later while the Burmese, Cambodian, Srllankan and Thai Buddhists celebrate their New Year on this day.

April 14 or 21 (J) -Palm Sunday In Christianity

Palm Sunday is the first day of Holy Week leading up to Easter for Eastern Orthodox churches who follow the Julian calendar. It celebrates the story of Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, where people spread palm branches and clothing before him. During Palm Sunday services, many churches distribute cut palm leaves, sometimes woven Into the shape of a cross.

April14-20 or 22·26 (J) • Holy Week begins in Christianity

Holy Week Is the period from Holy Monday to Easter Sunday. In Eastern Orthodox Christianity it is also known as Great Week. It is the last week of lent. Each ofthe days of Holy Week has its own traditions of services.

April 17 - Mahavir Jayantl in Jalnlsm

Mahavira-Jayanti is the festival to commemorate the birth of lord Mahavira, who was the 24th and the last Jain Tirthankara (enlightened soul). He was born on the 13th day of the rising moon In the month of Chaitra (March/April) In 599 BCE in India. Jain temples all over the world are decorated with flags for the occasion. On his birth anniversary, the followers of the faith observe the day by visiting temples, offering prayers, reaffirming their beliefs, meditating and listening to discourses on Mahavlra's life and teachings.


Mahavlra-jayanti is celebrated not only to mark the birthday of Mahavira~ but also to lnculcate his teachings in one's life. Mahavlra preached that right faith (samyak­darshana), right knowledge (samyak-gnana), and right conduct (samyak-charitra) together is the real path to attain the liberation of one's self.

Aprill8 or 25 (J)- Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday) In Christianity

Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday) is remembered as the time Jesus ate a final meal together with his followers. On the evening of Maundy Thursday, Christians remember Judas' betrayal of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.

The end of Lent is observed differently by the various Christian denominations. Followers of the faith mark this period with prayer, fasting and abstinence.

Aprill8 or 20- Nisfu Sha'ban in Islam

Nlsfu Sha'ban is observed on the fifteenth day of the eight month, Shaban in the Islamic calendar. The adherents observe prayers through a night long vigil, read the Quran and ask for forgiveness on this holyday.

April19 or 26 (J)- Good Friday (Holy Friday) in Christianity and Canada

Good Friday commemorates the execution of Jesus by crucifixion. It is a day of mourning for followers of the faith. During special Good Friday services, Christians meditate on Jesus' suffering and death on the cross, and what this means for their faith.

Sunset of April19 to April27- Pesach [Passover) in Judaism

Pesach, or Passover, commemorates the liberation of the Jews from Egypt and slavery. It is celebrated for eight days. Pesach begins at dusk (before sundown) on April 19th. The first and last two days of the festival are full holidays ·work is not done by followers.

A highlight is the Seder (meaning "order") meal held in each family's home on the first evening of Pesach, when the story of their deliverance is recounted as narrated in the Haggadah (the Telling, the Story). Matzah (unleavened bread) Is eaten throughout the festival, as are other foods that contain no leaven and are symbolic to the struggle. There is a great spring cleaning in the home before the festival to ensure that no trace of leaven is left in the home during Pesach.


Sunset of Aprll20 to May 2- Rldvan in Bahli'(

The festival of Ridvan, considered the "most great festival" in Bah~'f, Is a 12-day celebration that starts at sunset April20 and runs until sunset May 2. The most important date on the Baha'i calendar, Ridvan (pronounced "Riz-wan 11

) commemorates the public declaration of the prophethood of Baha'u'llah, the acknowledged founder of the Baha'i faith.

The first (April 21), ninth (April 29) and 12th (May 2) days of Ridvan are all major Bah~'' holy days. Baha'is suspend work on the ninth day (April29).

April21 or 28 (J) -Easter or Pascha in Christianity and Canada

Easter, also known as Pascha, commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christians attend special church services to celebrate the resurrection.

In Eastern Christianity, the oldest and most important festival of the Christian year, it initiates the fifty-day period culminating In Pentecost. In Eastern Orthodox churches, the church year begins with Pasch a. The holiday's name Is derived from Pesach, the Hebrew name of Passover.

While its origins are religious, many Easter customs are less serious and have more to do with celebrating the beginning of spring: Some of the traditional celebrations include:

• painting eggs In bright colours and pretty designs

• arrangins/participating in Easter egg hunts • giving and receiving chocolate Easter bunnies

April22 or 29 (J)- Easter Monday in Christianity and Canada

Easter Monday is the day following Easter and Is celebrated as a holiday by followers of Christianity. Adherents celebrate it with many traditions depending on their country of origin. Egg rolling competitions and dousing each other with water are a few of the traditional celebrations.

April 24- Zarathosht-no-Diso in Zoroastrianism

In April each year, Zoroastrians following the Qadimi calendar, commemorate the anniversary of the death of Prophet Zarathustra {Zoroaster), the founder of their faith. Scholars say he lived between 1500 and 1000 BCE in northeast Iran.


April28 to May 16- the month of Jamal in Bahd'(

In the Baha'i calendar, there are 19 months of 19 days each. Each month represents an attribute of God. April28 is the Feast Day for the beginning of the third month of Jamal, which signifies beauty.

The Baha'i day starts and ends at sunset. The first day of each month is known as a Feast Day.

April 30 to May 4- Ghambar Maldyozarem in Zoroastrianism

Followers of Zoroastrianism celebrate six seasonal festivals, known as the Ghambars. These are associated with agricultural seasons. Ghambar Maidyozarem, the mid-spring feast, celebrates the creation of the sky and the harvesting of the winter crop.

Ideas for ce/ebrarlng special faith and cultural days In your school

If you have a colleague who celebrates one of these days, don't forget to offer them best wishes I If you have students in your school who are followers of any of the listed religions:

- Make sure the dates are Included on your school calendar - Have your principal announce the day over the PA system - Hold an assembly to talk with students about the Importance of these days - Include a mention of these days in your school newsletter - Include information on your school website -Display student artwork announcing these days or depleting their Ideas about these days - Invite a member of a local faith group to come in and discuss the significance of this

day with students -Have class discussions about these days -Ask some of your students who celebrate certain holidays to write a short essay on

how they celebrate this day at home. Have them read it to the class to share this celebration with the other students.

-Have parents offer a cultural session

Questions? If you would like any more information on how to celebrate these days, please call Ashley Bigda, Community Relations Officer at 905-890-1010, ext. 2573 or e-mail her


Celebrating Faith and Culture April2019


April Eve of April1 or 2 to April 2or3 April 5 AprilS

April9 to 27 April 13 or 14 April 13 or 14 April14

April14 or 21 (J)

April14·20 or 22·26 (J) April17

Aprill8 or 25 (J) April 18 or 20 Aprlll9 or 26 (J) Sunset of April 19 to 27 Sunset of Aprll20 to May 2

April21 or 28 (J) April 22 or 29 (J) April24 April 28 to May 16 April 30 to May 4


Mmaal and Sucker Moon

lsra and Mi'raj

Vasant Navratrl and New Year's Day Farvardegan Month of Jalal

Vaisakhl or Baisakhi

Saka and New Year's Day Theravada New Year Palm Sunday

Holy Week begins Mahavir Jayanti Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday) Nisfu Sha'ban

Good Friday (Holy Friday)

Pesach (Passover) Rid van

Easter or Pascha Easter Monday

Zarathosht-no-Diso Month of Jamal Ghambar Maidyozarem


Aboriginal Spirituality Islam




Sikhism and Hinduism

Buddhism and Hinduism Buddhism Christianity Christianity

Jain ism

Christianity Islam


Judaism Baha'i Christianity

Christianity and Canada

Zoroastrianism Baha'i Zoroastrianism



PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD 6.3 Instructional Programs/Curriculum Committee March 27, 2019

Celebrating Faith and Culture Backgrounder- May


It is recommended that this report be received.


The Peel District School Board is a mosaic of many cultures and faiths from all over the world. Recognizing that faith is a part of the lives of many of our students, the Board committed to provide resources to help schools increase their connections to communities and better acknowledge faith and culture events of students and staff.

The Celebrating Faith and Culture Backgrounder, May 2019 continues the monthly publication highlighting faith and culture days to celebrate and remember.

Prepared by:

Ashley Bigda, Community Relations Officer

Submitted by:

Carla Pereira, Director of Communications and Community Relations Support Services

Adrian Graham Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Support Services



Celebrating Faith and Culture Backgrounder May2019

The Peel District School Board is a mosaic of many cultures and faiths from all over the world. To commemorate this diversity, the board recognises special faith and culture days of our co mmunities. May 2019 has several special faith and culture days to celebrate and remember:

May- Yansa'altt a Flower Moon in Aboriginal Spirituality

Vansa'altt is celebrated by Nisga'a people of the Nass Valley in northwest British Columbia. It is

the season when the woods are filled with fragrance of berry blossoms that yield the fruit in the


The fifth moon of Creation is called the Flower Moon by the Ojibwe people. During this time, all

plants display their Spirit sides for the World to see. During this period of new life, all are

encouraged to discover their spiritual essences.

May 1 - Beltane in Wlcca

Celebrated by Wiccans, Beltane is one of the four major sabbats (seasonal days of celebration).

Beltane is a word that refers to the 'fire of the Celtic God of light.' This sabbat Is the last of the

spring fertility festivals, when nature is blooming and full of life. Beltane has also been known

as May Day, as it is traditionally celebrated on May 1 with May pole dances. Another custom is

to make a small bel-fire (a bonfire, or light a few candles) and either leap over the flames or

walk between two bonfires for fertility and prosperity.

May 2- 12th Day of Rldvan in Bahil'(

The 12th Day of Ridvan concludes this important Baha'I festival. The festival of Ridvan,

considered the t•most great festival", is a 12-day celebration that starts at sunset April19 and

runs until sunset May 1. The most important holyday on the Baha'i calendar, Ridvan

(pronounced "Riz-wan") commemorates the public declaration of the prophethood of

Baha'u'llah, the acknowledged founder of the Baha'i faith. The first, ninth and 12th days of

Ridvan are all major Baha'r holy days. These days are marked by communal prayers and

celebrations and are days when work is suspended by adherents.


Sunset of May 1 to May 2- Yom HaShoah in Judaism

This Holocaust remembrance day is a Jewish holiday. "Shoah" is the Hebrew word for destruction and is another name for the Holocaust. The anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943 is the date chosen to commemorate the six million Jews who died during World War 11. In Israel, a morning siren sounds stopping all activity, and people stand in honour of those who died. Jews around the world hold memorials and vigils, often lighting six candles in honour of the six million Holocaust victims. Many hold name-reading ceremonies to memorialize those who perished.

May 6- Ramadan in Islam

Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic Calendar, is considered one of the holiest months of

the year by followers of Islam. It is during Ramadan that Muslims observe the Fast for the entire

month. Muslims fast (abstaining from both food and drink) during the daylight hours and in the

evening eat small meals and visit the mosque and family. It is a time of worship and

contemplation. Also a time to strengthen family, community ties and supporting the needy.

May 7- Akshaya-tritlya in Jalnlsm

Akshaya-tritya (Immortal Third) celebrates the day when Lord Rishabha broke his first year-long fast by drinking sugar cane juice. Jains who fast on alternate days for six months, or a year, break their fast by sipping fresh sugar cane juice. People who perform the austerity of Varsitap (fasting for a year on alternate days or longer period at a time) complete the austerity on this day by taking sugar cane juice. This day is considered to be very auspicious for going on a pilgrimage to Shatrunjay (located in Gujarat, India).

May 12 or 19 - Sakyamunl Buddha's Birthday in Buddhism

On this day, Buddhists celebrate the birth of the founder of their religion. Slddhartha Gautama

was born in the sixth century BCE, a prince of a north kingdom In ancient India. According to

Buddhist scriptures, he was so concerned about the inequities of human life that when he was

29, he gave up his royal position, left home and strove to live a virtuous life. At age 35, he

attained enlightenment and became Sakyamuni Buddha. He died at the age of about 80, and

left a number of his students who continued to study and spread Buddhism all over the world.

Buddhists celebrate this day by visiting temples to make offerings of prayers, incense, fruits,

flowers and donations.


May 17 to June 4- the month of 'Azamat in Bah''r

In the Baha'i calendar~ there are 19 months of 19 days each. Each month represents an attribute of God. May 16 Is the Feast Day for the beginning of 'Azamat, the fourth month of the Baha'i calendar, signifying "grandeur."

The Baha'i day starts and ends at sunset. The first day of each month is known as a Feast Day.

May 19- Wesak Day/Buddha Day in Buddhism

For followers of Buddhism, mainly In Sri Lanka, Wesak is the major festival of the year, celebrating the birth, enlightenment and death of the Buddha on the day of the first full moon in May {except in a leap year when the festival is held in June). Adherents visit temples and pay homage to the Buddha with candles, flowers and Incense. Chanting and prayers are important part ofthe day.

May 20- VIctoria Day in canada

Canadians celebrate Queen Victoria's birthday on the Monday proceeding May 24 which is the actual birthday of the Sovereign. The holiday was declared by the legislature of the Province of Canada in 1845.

May 21 to 24- Abori1inal Week in AboriJinal Spirituality

The second last week in May is when the Aboriginal communities across Canada celebrate their culture, heritage and spirituality. During this period many Pow-Wows and gatherings are held.

Eve of May 23 to May 24- Declaration of the Blflb in Bahlfl'r

Siyyid AU Muhammad declared himself to be the Bab, or "Gate of God/' at two hours and eleven minutes after sunset on the evening of May 23, 1844 in the Persian city of Shiraz. Members of the Baha'( faith believe that the Bab was the herald and forerunner of Baha'u'llah, the messenger of God for this age. The date of his declaration marks the beginning oft he Baha'i faith and calendar. Every year on this date, Baha'Is around the world gather to commemorate this event. They abstain from work on this day.


May 24- Zarathosht-no-Diso in Zoroastrianism

On May 24, Zoroastrians following the Shenshahi calendar, commemorate the anniversary of

the death of Prophet Zarathustra (Zoroaster), the founder of their faith. Scholars say he lived

between 1500 and 1000 bee in northeast Iran.

Eve of May 28 to May 29 - Ascension of Baha'u'llah in Baha'r

This date commemorates the death in 1892 of Baha'u'llah, the founder ofthe Baha'i faith. This

anniversary is a day of rest and is often observed by prayers and readings. Baha'fs suspend work

on this day.

May 31- Lailat ui-Qadr in Islam

Lallat ui-Qadr is the holiest night ofthe holy month of Ramadan. It is also called the "Night of Power," as Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad first received God's revelation {Qur'an) on this night. Followers spend the night in worship.

May 31-Jumatul Wldha in Islam

Jamatul Widha also known as Juma-tul Widha is observed on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan. Prayers offered on this Friday are extremely significant to followers of the faith. They believe that any lapses in prayers during the year can be recompensed by offering heartfelt prayers on this day in the mosque.

Ideas for celebrating special faith and cultural days In your school

If you have a colleague who celebrates one of these days, don't forget to offer them best wishes! If you have students in your school who are followers of any of the listed religions:

- Make sure the dates are included on your school calendar - Have your principal announce the day over the PA system - Hold an assembly to talk with students about the importance of these days - Include a mention of these days in your school newsletter -Include information on your school website - Display student artwork announcing these days or depicting their ideas about these days - Invite a member of a local faith group to come in and discuss the significance of this day with

students -Have class discussions about these days


-Ask some of your students who celebrate certain holidays to write a short essay on how they celebrate this day at home. Have them read it to the class to share this celebration with the other students.

-Have parents offer a cultural session

Questions? If you would like any more information on how to celebrate these days, please call Ashley Bisda, Community Relations Officer at 905-890-1010, ext. 2573 or e-mail her Ashley. Bigda@


Celebrating Faith and Culture May2019


May May 1 May 1 to May 2 May2 May6 May7 May 12 or 19 May 17 to June 4 May19 May20 May 21 to 24 Eve of May 23 to 24 May24 Eve of May 28 to May 29 May31 May31 May 10 or 17 (J)


Yansa'altt and Flower Moon Beltane Yom HaShoah 12th Day of Ridvan

Ramadan Akshaya-tritiya Sakyamuni Buddha's Birthday the month of 'Azamat Wesak Day/Buddha Day Victoria Day Aboriginal Week Declaration ofthe Bab Zarathosht-no-Diso Ascension of Baha'u'lliih Lailat ui-Qadr Jumatul Widha Ascension


Aboriginal Spirituality Wicca Judaism Baha'i Islam Jain ism Buddhism Baha'i Buddhism Canada Aboriginal Spirituality Baha'r Zoroastrianism Baha'i Islam Islam Christianity


PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD 10.1 Instructional Programs/Curriculum Committee March 27. 2019



It is recommended that this report be received.


The primary focus of the Camp SAIL program is to enhance achievement outcomes for Year 2 Kindergarten to Grade 5 students by targeting essential numeracy curriculum expectations. The program is designed to mitigate summer vacation learning loss while increasing individual skill development. Enhanced parent engagement and greater student self-confidence are enduring benefits for participants.

The oral and visual report provides an overview of the 2018 program, which was offered in ten schools in July 2018. The learning strategy included a comprehensive math program with a variety of instructional/assessment approaches in rich learning contexts, including guided/direct instruction. opportunities for student inquiry, a variety of groupings for collaborative learning with peers. and time for independent learning. This year, funding was provided for the addition of ELL (English Language Learners) as well as STEM (Science, Technology and Math) learning through robotics materials.

The key areas of focus for Camp SAIL 2018 were: • teaching and learning strategies offering differentiated/personalized

instruction and assessment using descriptive feedback • connecting summer learning to the regular school-year programs • parent and community engagement- including summer jobs for Peel

high school students/graduates • professional learning and capacity building for educators • physical and creative experiences to promote healthy living • focused numeracy instruction • instruction in, and engagement with, robotics materials

Prepared by:

Joy Uniac, Superintendent- Social-Emotional Learning and Early Years

Submitted by:

Adrian Graham, Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction



PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD 10.2 Instructional Programs/Curriculum Committee March 27, 2019

EngageMath Update: Focusing on Fundamentals of Mathematics


It is recommended that this information be received.


On December 20th 2018, the Ministry of Education released funds to the Peel District School Board to support the Focusing on Fundamentals of Mathematics. As a system, we have re-initiated a variety of differentiated professional learning opportunities that are targeted to support math educators as they continue to deepen mathematical content knowledge for teaching.

Prepared by:

Soni Gill and Leslie Grant, School Effectiveness Leads

Submitted by:

Adrian Graham, Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Support Services



Peel District • School Board ~ -------------------------------------

MEMO Date:






January 241h, 2019

Principals, Elementary Vice Principals, Elementary

Adrian Graham, Superintendent· Curriculum and Instruction Support Services

Superintendents of Education; Assistants to Superintendents of Education

Engage Math - Elementary Professional Learning (K~8)

Soni Gill, School Effectiveness Lead, (MFO), ext. 2981 leslie Grant, School Effectiveness Lead, (NFO), ext. 2376 Ryan Tackaberry, Instructional Coordinator, Mathematical Literacy K-12, ext. 2546

Before the winter break, the Ministry of Education released funding to support the Focusing on Fundamental Mathematics, replacing the previous Renewed Math Strategy. As a system, we will continue to focus on deepening mathematical content knowledge for teaching through the use of PRIME, ensuring there is alignment with the key concepts and skills outlined in Focusing on the Fundamentals of Math: A Teacher•s Guide. Refocusing on two of the six key components of Balanced Math Instruction. K-12: Basic Facts and Operations Skills and Purposeful Practice will be central to Peel's EngageMath Plan - Year Five.

Recognizing that half a year is remaining and we face challenges with the OT fill rate, schools will receive a limited amount of release days for use from January 24"' to May 31•t. Where possible, please try to distribute the days evenly over the months of February, March, April and May to alleviate pressure on the fill rate. Release day allocations per school have been determined by:

• A baseline allocation based on FTE; • Your status as either increased or an intensive support school; • The number of primary, junior, and/or intermediate Communication Classes in a



Note: Release Day Allocations will be forthcoming from your Superintendent. Please track usage according to your allocation . Cut-off date for release days is May 31st, 2019.


The release days can be utilized in a combination of the following ways (details below): 1 . Site-Based Professional Learning e-Modules; 2. Leaders in Mathematics Speaker Session; 3. Site-based Collaborative Inquiry.

Administrators might choose to assemble a school team to engage in one or more of the following sessions listed below. The selected session(s) should support student and teacher learning needs, which align with the schools' E3 Numeracy Theory of Action. For example, a school might assemble a team to work through a collaborative Inquiry using an e-Module and/or Speaker Series to launch the learning with two additional on-site days.

Site-Based Professional Learning e-Modules, Grades 2-8 (Available beginning February 5th, 2019)

Before vou click on the web links below, log into your POSB.NET account:

a. Use Google Chrome browser if available; b. Visit and log in as you normally do; c. Click on the web link in the chart below that you wish to access; d. If you get a message saying "ask for permission" or "switch account" please choose

"switch account" and choose your @PDSB.NET account in the list on the next screen.

If (d.) does not work, or you get a "404" error, please review this video (how to use a Chrome incognito window to access the link)

Site-Based Professional Learning e-Modules, Grades 2·8

e·Module 1: Flexibility with Number (Basic Facts and Operational Skills) Website Link- https:/ comiQdsP.netlflexibilitywithnumber

Participants will build knowledge of the teaching and learning of math facts and mental math strategies by using mathematical models to develop concepts and skills critical to solving challenging problems.

e-Module 2: Professional Noticing (Approaches to Instruction/Assessment) Website Link- https:llsites.

Participants will develop assessment approaches that focus on the development of conceptual and procedural understanding, skill-development, and problem-soMng to support teachers in noticing and responding to their learner In real-time.

e-Module 3: Purposeful Planning (Purposeful Practice) Website Unk- hUOS:IIsites.qooqle.corn/Qdsb.neVQumosefulplanninq

Participants will plan for purposeful practice to strengthen the connection between skills, concepts, strategies, and thinking to help students improve fluency and consolidate concepts, facts and procedures.


~ ~Leaders In Mathematics Speaker Session

Note: Sessions will be available on Frontline starting January 31st, 2019. Schools can choose to allocate up to 3 release days to attend the Speaker Sessions. For example, three teachers could attend one session together OR three teachers could choose three different sessions. Sessions will have a maximum capacity of 60 participants.

Leaders In Mathematics Speaker Session

Dates Speaker/Title Topic location

Thurs., Feb. 28'h Doug Duff Participants will explore the Red Rose Convention Centre development of additive thinking 1233 Derry Rd E

Author of • The School Leader's by investigating the relationship of Mississauga, ON Guide to Building and Sustaining addition and subtraction over time. LST 186 Math Success" and Math UP School

Addition & Subtraction

Wed., Mar. S'h Doug Duff Participants will develop an Red Rose Convention Centre understanding of the development 1233 Derry Rd E

Author of "The School Leaders of the principles of multiplication Mississauga ON Guide to Building and Sustaining and division. LST 186 Math Success" and MathUP School

Multiplication & Division

Wed., Mar 271h Doug Duff Participants will learn to support Royal Ambassador students as they move from 15430 Innis Lake Rd

Author of "The School Leader's multiplicative to proportional Caledon ON Guide to Building and Sustaining reasoning. L7C 2Z1 Math Success" and MathUP Schoo/

Proportional Reasoning

Tues., April301h Natasha Henry Participants will investigate Red Rose Convention Centre strategies for equitable outcomes 1233 Derry Rd E

Natasha is a scholar and educator supporting Peel's We Rise Action Mississauga, ON specializing in Black History. She is Plan. LST 186 the President of the Ontario Black History Society and has been awarded for her work in curriculum development.

We Rise Together: Equity In Math Education

Thank you for your continued support focusing on the teaching and learning of mathematics.



• School Board Peel District

~ -------------------------------------MEMO







January 24'h, 2019

Principals, Secondary Vice Principals, Secondary

Adrian Graham, Superintendent- Curriculum and Instruction Support Services

Superintendents of Education & Assistants to Superintendents of Education

EngageMath - Secondary Professional Learning

Soni Gill, Coordinating Principal - School Effectiveness Lead K-12 MFO, ext. 2981 Leslie Grant, Coordinating Principal - School Effectiveness Lead K-12 NFO, ext. 2376 Ryan Tackaberry, Instructional Coordinator, Mathematical Literacy K-12 ext. 2546

Recent confirmation of Ministry funding for the purpose of supporting Professional Learning in numeracy and mathematics means that beginning in February 2019, we will re-initiate Professional Learning sessions for EngageMath ·Year 5 through Achieving Excellence In Applied Courses (AEAC) to support Focusing on Fundamental Mathematics, which has replaced the previous Renewed Math Strategy.

In semester two, all secondary schools will participate in Professional Learning for grades 9 and 10 applied mathematics teachers through a combination of centralized and site-based learning sessions. AU school teams will have a choice of the following topics based on student and teacher learning needs, which align with their schools' E3 Numeracy Theory of Action:

1. Assessment in Applied Mathematics, or; 2. Learning Culture and Learning Environment, or; 3. Evidence-Based Strategies 4. Leaders in Mathematics Speaker Session (Individual participation is optional)

Schools identified as "Increased" and "Intensive" support will also be required to track student achievement in grade 9 applied math using GoSecure, (revised utipsheet" attached for registration into ad min virtual sessions). GoSecure will be available after February 41h. At that time, please copy and paste !ltms:// into your browser to ensure you have access and are properly set up.

To frame our Professional Learning, all grade 9 and 10 aoolied math teachers are asked to administer this Pre-Instructional Assessment Tool (PlAT) before February 12'". You can access the PlAT using these links:

Teacher guide: Student pages: https:l/ d88nna

AEAC teachers may also consider using this data for their initial GoSecure report.


2018·19 Secondary EngageMath/AEAC Status

lncreaaed Support Schools Intensive Support Schools (4 release days per grade 9 and 10 applied math teachei)

(5 release days per grade 9 and 10 applied . math teachei)

BramaleaSS Casllebrooke SS Brampton Centennial SS Heart Lake SS Cawthra Park SS Judith Nyman SS Central Peel SS Lincoln Alexander SS Chinguacousy SS Louise Arbour SS Clarkson SS David Suzuki SS Erindale SS Fletcher's Meadow SS -Glenforest SS Harold M. Brathwaite SS -Humberview SS Mayfield SS 1 North Park SS I -Port Credit SS Rick Hansen SS -·-Sandalwood SS Stephen Lewis SS Streetsville SS -T.L. Kennedy SS The Woodlands SS Turner Fenton SS ·- __ .. ,. West Credit SS -Non-Identified Schools Schools with Vocational Programs (3 1'8/ease days per grade 9 and 10 applied Vocational Networks will continue In math teacher) semester two (4 release davs DtJr schooiJ Applewood Heights SS Humberview SS App/ewood School Glenforest South Jean Augustine SS Judith Nyman SS John Fraser SS Lincoln Alexander SS Lome Park SS Roy McMurtrv School Meadowvale SS Turner Fenton SS I

Mississauga SS West Credit SS Parlcho/me School Peel Alternative School (North South) -

2018/19 AEAC R rtl D t f epo ng a es or ncrease d dl t an n ens1ve suppo rt h sc oo s omy : Initial Mid-Term Final

8eRie&ter 1 ~. '"lO '>nio NG¥ember 2~, 2Q 18 ~~h.,·-~ ,~ ~nin

' ' Semester 2 February 26, 2019 April 23, 2019 June 26, 2019


Release Time Allocation release days must be used by May 3151 please tr!,_ck code 55 usage In accordance with your school's a,llocation

-- .... ~~~!1 .,_ . ., Central PL Session On .Site Total . 1 day per grade 9 & 1 o AEAC Intensive 4 additional on-site release 5 days per 9 &10

Support School applied math teacher to days for each grade 9 & 10 applied math attend school selected PL applied math teacher for teacher. Session team planning & integration

or speaker session PAM CODE: 55 AEAC Increased 1 day per grade 9 &10 3 additional on-site release 4 days per 9 &10 Support School applied math teacher to days for each grade 9 & 10 applied math

attend school selected PL applied math teacher for teacher. Session team planning & integration

or speaker session PAM CODE: 55 ·-Non-Identified 1 day per grade 9 &10 2 additional on-site release 3 days per 9 &10

School applied math teacher to days for each grade 9 &10 applied math attend school selected PL applied math teachers for teacher. Session team planning & integration

or speaker session PAM CODE: 55 - ... .

Professional Learning Sessions 9 & 10 Applied Mathematics •Please select one session per school team. Individual teachers may also choose to attend option 4 below.

Sign up will begin on January 281h and close on February 71

h on Frontline.

1. Assessment In Applied Mathematics (Approaches to Instruction/Assessment)

Participants will investigate effective assessment strategies to February 1211\ 8:30-2:30

guide daily Instruction; Inform final evaluations; and create CBO: Mlsslssauga Room differentiated assessment tools which honour conversations,

February 13111, 8:30-2:30 observations and products. ~FO: Streetsville Room

2. Evidence-Based Strategies (Approaches to Instruction/Assessment)

Participants will explore evidence-based Instructional and February 1211\ 8:30-2:30

assessment approaches to support conceptual and procedural CBO: Inglewood Room understanding, skill development and problem-solving in a

February 13111, 8:30-2:30 mathematics classroom. MFO: Lyndwood Room

3. Learning Culture and Leamlng Environment (Attitudes to Math)

Participants will build a coherent understanding of Inclusive learning February 12"', 8:30-2:30 communities to build co-created learning spaces that support student Sandalwood Heights learning and well-being in a mathematics classroom.

February 13~~'~, 8:30 - 2:30 CBO: Mlssissauga Room

• 4. Optional Speaker Session: Making Math Moments Meaningful by Kyle Pearce *limited caoacitv (60 oarticiJ>Bnts per session)

Participants will engage in an interactive learning session that will May 22"e~, 8:30-2:30 demonstrate how a positive and carefully crafted inclusive learning Red Rose Convention Centre, Mississauga environment supports meaningful learning. May 2310,8:30 - 2:30

Reel Rose Convention Centre, Mississauga


Vocational Professional Learning Team, 9~12

MANDATORY FOR: Judith Nyman, West Credit, Humberview, Turner-Fenton, Uncoin Alexander, Glenforest South, Roy McMurtry School

Participants will: engage in collaborative conversations to plan developmentally appropriate learning experiences for students. Learning experiences will make connections to money sense, measurement and proportional reasoning. Teachers willleam how to develop learning experiences that build upon students' prior knowledge and everyday experiences over the course of two days.

Date and Location Learning Team

Wednesday, Apri13 14 Vocational math teachers per school Humberview SS PAM CODE: 55

top related