Implementation of the EC-Marine Strategy Framework ... Documents... · HELCOM JAB 5 – 16.11.2011 Dr. Christine Wenzel 1 Implementation of the EC-Marine Strategy Framework Directive

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HELCOM JAB 5 – 16.11.2011 Dr. Christine Wenzel 1

Implementation of the EC-Marine

Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)

Christine WenzelMinistry for Agriculture,

the Environment and rural Areas of Schleswig-Holstein

The German Initial Assessment for the Baltic Sea


Key question

HELCOM JAB 5 – 16.11.2011 Dr. Christine Wenzel

What is the current status of the marine environment as

regards ecosystem features and characteristics as well as

pressures and impacts ?



1. Main requirements/background

2. Contents of Initial Assessment

3. Conclusions

4. Outlook

HELCOM JAB 5 – 16.11.2011 Dr. Christine Wenzel


Each Member State shall,

“in respect of each marine region or subregion concerned, develop a marine strategy for its marine waters“

as part of this strategy produce “an initial assessment of the current environmental status of the waters concerned and the environmental impact of human activities thereon“ (Art. 8: e.g. taking account of assessments made pursuant to existing Community legislation)

HELCOM JAB 5 – 16.11.2011 Dr. Christine Wenzel




Each Member State shall,

build upon relevant existing programmes and activities developed in the framework of structures stemming from international agreements

HELCOM JAB 5 – 16.11.2011 Dr. Christine Wenzel



Habitats/Birds Dir.


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Using Synergies –existing Assessments:

Overlaps but also differences in methodologies/ results – need for adaptations or harmonisations


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CFP: different ICES Reports (on EMPAS Project; on Effectsof sediment extraction, assessment of contaminant conc.)

HELCOM: Initial holistic assessment (2010), thematic assessments (2009/2010)

Bird-/Habitats D.: Report of the European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity according to Art. 17. Habitats-Directive(2008)

WFD: River Basin Management Plans, includingassessments of the ecological and chemical status



In respect of each marine region or subregion, Member States shall make an initial assessment of their marine waters, taking account of existing data where available and comprising the following:

HELCOM JAB 5 – 16.11.2011 Dr. Christine Wenzel


Requirements/Contents “an analysis of the essential features and characteristics, and

current environmental status … an analysis of the predominant pressures and impacts,

including human activities, on the environmental status … an economic and social analysis of the use … and of the cost

of degradation of the marine environment…”

And at the same time

take into account elements regarding coastal, transition. and territorial waters covered in particular by WFD,

take into account other relevant assessments such as those carried out in the context of Regional Sea Conventions

HELCOM JAB 5 – 16.11.2011 Dr. Christine Wenzel


Contents of the German Assessment The structure of the German initial

assessment is strictly linked to requirements of MSFD Art. 8

HELCOM JAB 5 – 16.11.2011 Dr. Christine Wenzel

Analysis of environmental features/status Analyses of pressures and impacts economic and social analysis Synthesis of the overall status

HELCOM JAB 5 – 16.11.2011 Dr. Christine Wenzel

Contents of the German Assessment

Physical and chemical features

Habitat types

Biological features

Other features

characteristics, current environmental status (Table1 Annex III)

HELCOM JAB 5 – 16.11.2011 Dr. Christine Wenzel

Contents of the German Assessment

Physical loss

Physical damage

Other physical disturbance

Interference with hydrological processes

predominant pressures and impacts including human activities /Table 2 Annex III

HELCOM JAB 5 – 16.11.2011 Dr. Christine Wenzel

Contents of the German Assessment

Contamination by hazardous substances

Systematic and/or intentional release of substances

Nutrient and organic matter enrichment

Biological disturbance

Cumulative and synergetic effects

Assessment of pressures and impacts pursuant to existing Community legislation (and other international regulations)

HELCOM JAB 5 – 16.11.2011 Dr. Christine Wenzel


good conservation status have not been achieved for all relevant habitat types

Macrophytes, fish fauna, marine mammals seabird species are not in a good status

the overall status of phytoplankton and macrozoobenthos is not good

HELCOM JAB 5 – 16.11.2011 Dr. Christine Wenzel


Contamination by hazardous substances, accumulation of nutrients/organic matter and biological disturbances are too high

these pressures have considerable negative impact on the ecosystem

HELCOM JAB 5 – 16.11.2011 Dr. Christine Wenzel


Based on the currently available assessments the

German Baltic Sea cannot be considered to be in a good

environmental status

HELCOM JAB 5 – 16.11.2011 Dr. Christine Wenzel


review, in a coordinated manner, all elements of their marine strategies every six years after their initial establishment

MSFD Art. 17

Member States shall



HELCOM JAB 5 – 16.11.2011 Dr. Christine Wenzel

assessment methodologies are consistent across the marine region or subregion

MSFD Art. 8

Member States shall ensure that

transboundary impacts and transboundary features are taken into account



Member States co-ordinate their co-operation within Marine (Sub-) Regions such as the Baltic Sea

HELCOM JAB 5 – 16.11.2011 Dr. Christine Wenzel

MSFD Art. 6

“make every effort, using relevant international forums ..., to coordinate their actions with third countries“

“…use existing regional institutional cooperation structures, including those under Regional Sea Conventions, …“



HELCOM JAB 5 – 16.11.2011 Dr. Christine Wenzel

HELCOM to be established as the coordinating platform for the regional implementation of the MSFD in the Baltic Sea including striving for harmonised national marine strategies for achieving good environmental status

HELCOM Ministerial Meeting 2010

HELCOM will play an important role in ensuring cooperation and develop consistent strategies in the Baltic Sea Region


HELCOM JAB 5 – 16.11.2011 Dr. Christine Wenzel 21

e. g. complete assessments

of status of particular ecosystem features/characteristics (e. g. zooplankton, non-indigenous species)

of several impacts (physical loss/damage/disturbances, interferences with hydrological processes, systematic and/or intentional release of substances)

of cumulative effects of pressures

:Fill existing gaps

Harmonize to the extent possible different assessment methodologies and approaches within the Baltic Sea

22Foto: M. Stock / LKN

Thank you!HELCOM JAB 5 – 16.11.2011 Dr. Christine Wenzel

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