
Google Panda Google Panda AnalysisAnalysis

The Google Panda algorithm was out in February 2011. Its main purpose is to boost the user search experience by encouraging websites with first-class content and undervaluing those sites with insignificant content. The Panda algorithm was named after Navneet Panda, a Google engineer who played a key role in its initial development. Panda is meant to improve Google’s ability to do this by increasing the visibility of high quality sites in search. Here we point out some analysis of Google Panda.

The users must be capable of trusting the information on the site, but they should also believe that your site is safe enough to fill in personal information.


The bounce rate specify how many users go away from the site right away without viewing more than one page.

Bounce RateBounce Rate

The more time a user spends on a website, the better for Panda.


A spotless and easy to use web design can enhance the user experience considerably.

Web DesignWeb Design

Too many ads can displease the users. These will be a distraction from the site's main content.


Outbound links can have an effect on the reliability of a site, depending where they lead to and how many there are.

Outbound linksOutbound links

Even the domain name can be a factor in gaining the user's trust. Choose a proper domain name.

Domain nameDomain name

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