Get Connected Packet - Cross of Christ

Post on 14-Mar-2023






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Get Connected Packet

Table of Contents


Get to Know You…………….…….….………………………….4

About Us….…….….……….….….….….….…………………….6

Serve at Cross of Christ….….……….………………………….10

Sign- up to Serve…………….…….….…………………………12

OUT at Cross of Christ……….…….….…………………………14



Campus Map.….….….….….…….….…………………………23

How to Use CCB…………….…….….…………………………24

Contact Information……….…….….…………………………34

Introduction 1) What it Means to be a Part of Cross of Christ

Up-In-Out. We know that life is busy and that your calendar is full. We know that the church

sometimes is guilty of adding to your list of activities. We also know that Jesus is calling us to live Up-In-

Out. Our encouragement to you is to begin to think about how your life is being lived Up-In-Out. As you

look at your time at home, in the office, at school or at play, we want to help you to live a life that matters

and that is bigger than you.

a) Up— At Cross of Christ, we want you to join us in the life long journey of growing closer to Jesus and

growing up in our faith. We want Paul’s prayer in Philippians 3:10 to be a reality in your life. “I want to

know Christ.” Join us in this amazing journey of faith.

b) In— At Cross of Christ, we want to encourage you to fall in love with the people in our church. We

believe that God has made us into the body of Christ and in doing so He has set us on this journey

together. 1 Corinthians 12: 27 “Now you are the body of Christ, and each of you is a part of it.”

c) Out— at Cross of Christ, we are convinced that we are supposed to be living our lives for people who are

outside the faith. We believe that we are called to serve others, just as Jesus “did not come to be

served, but to serve.” Matthew 20:28. We want to invite you to join this amazing adventure called the

Christian life.

2) Ministries at Cross of Christ

i) 10:00 Service Volunteer & Office Help Cathy Lenhart,

ii) Worship Arts Rob Wren,

iii) Youth Pastor Marty,

iv) Care@anthemcross, Care Ministry Pastor Kevin,

v) Outreach & Events Pastor Kevin,

vi) Children’s Ministry Sheri Bandelier,

Taylor Bandelier,

On vacation, traveling on business or unable to make a Sunday service? Stay connected to the church through our website Or the Cross of Christ app for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices is the newest way to stay informed and connected with your church community. With the website or app on your phone or pad, you can stay up-to-date on Cross of Christ news. Read this week’s message scriptures, access church bulletins, listen to past messages, watch Weekly Word videos, access Church Community Builder, fill out a Get Connected card (for you or a guest!) ...and more, wherever and whenever! Visit to download the app on your iPhone, iPad or Android mobile device. Feel free to call the church office with questions. We are happy to help. (623) 551-9851.

Getting to Know You Information Form Date: ____________________ ! I am interested in membership (Please fill out the information as completely as possible) ! I am not interested in membership at this time, however continue to keep me connected! (Please supply any information you are comfortable with.)

Last Name

First (Male)

First (Female)

Mailing Address

Phone ( )

City State Zip

Are you transferring from another LCMS Church? If yes, list the church’s name

! Yes ! No City State

Winter Guest? ! Yes ! No Military Status: ! Active

! Reserve ! Veteran

Adult Male (if you are unsure of exact dates, please list approximate date)

Work Phone ( ) Birthday

Cell Phone ( ) Baptism Date

Occupation Confirmation Date

E-mail Former Church Affiliation

Marital Status Anniversary Adult Female (if you are unsure of exact dates, please list approximate date)

Work Phone ( ) Birthday

Cell Phone ( ) Baptism Date

Occupation Confirmation Date

E-mail Former Church Affiliation

Marital Status Anniversary

Children (Minor) (if you are unsure of exact dates, please list approximate date)

Last Name (if Different)

First Name Birthdate MM/DD/YYYY

Baptism MM/DD/YYYY

Confirmation MM/DD/YYYY

Current Grade


" Please have the church office contact me with additional information regarding baptism. " May we place you on our email list to receive e-newsletters/announcements from the Church? How did you originally hear about Cross of Christ? _________________________________________ Are there any additional questions we can answer for you? (If you need to talk confidentially with Pastor Kevin, please feel free to call or email them at the church office.)

If you would like to take the next step and become a member of Cross of Christ, please complete the membership information form and turn it in now or bring it in to the church office between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday.

About Us

For those who want to get a basic understanding of Cross of Christ’s history and beliefs, we encourage you to read

through these pages. This is meant to be a starting place for discussion. Write down and ask any questions you may have.

Cross of Christ’s History

• Kevin Kosberg moved to Anthem in July 2001. Six months later over 300 people came to the Christmas service in the park’s amphitheater.

• Worship began Feb. 10th, 2002 in a hotel with 91 people. • 3½ years later (Sept. 2005), with an average worship attendance of 241 in a strip mall, the church moved into the

newly built gym & classrooms, launching Cross of Christ Christian School with 250 students. • 2 years after that (August 2007) the second phase of the school building was completed.

Core Beliefs

At Cross of Christ we understand we live in a world that is constantly measuring us, keeping score, and judging all kinds of things about us.

That is why we are so committed to sharing God’s grace with the people we come in contact with. We believe that God is not keeping score in our lives, and that, in Jesus, He loves us completely. That is grace, and that is what we are all about.

We are also committed to connecting people to Jesus in a personal relationship. We know that for many people, religion is about a set of rules. We want to let you know that Cross of Christ is excited about your relationship with Jesus. We want you to know Jesus, personally.

Cross of Christ also understands that people are looking for answers to life’s tough questions. We believe that we have something that not only can help us in our lives, but that can have a lasting impact on our lives. We love and use the Bible at Cross of Christ.

We also understand that daily life can be busy, stressful and draining. With that in mind, we design our weekend worship to inspire, comfort and fuel you for the coming week. Come hear what God has to say about His love for you and your life for Him. Mission Statement

Cross of Christ exists to connect people to Jesus. We are committed to: Knowing Jesus (Up), being the People of Jesus (In), Doing the Work of Jesus (Out). Cross of Christ’s Denomination Cross of Christ is a Lutheran church. The hallmark of Lutheran faith is grace (the forgiveness given to us freely because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross). We follow the teachings of the Catholic-monk-turned-church-reformer Martin Luther.

From 400-1530 AD the Christian church was for the most part one, catholic (unified) entity. By the beginning of the 16th century many Christians were complaining about the corrupt nature of the church. In 1517 Martin Luther wrote 95 theses (theological statements) against the church for debate. Among other topics, Luther challenged the practice of indulgences. Indulgences were pieces of paper that the church was selling for the forgiveness of past or future sins, mostly as a fundraiser for the 5.7 acre, lavishly ornate St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome’s Vatican City.

Luther kept arguing for a return to the original teachings and practices of the church, however, after much debate, Martin Luther and his German supporters split away from the Catholic (Roman Catholic) church. Many of the writings produced during this time were distributed to the masses with the help of the new Gutenberg printing press. The key documents, including Luther’s Small Catechism, were put together in the Book of Concord, which is the standard collection of Lutheran doctrine. Luther wrote the Small Catechism (catechism means “sound aloud”) after touring his country and seeing how unaware people were about the Christian faith. Most people attended a church service that was held in a language they didn’t understand. The Small Catechism is a small booklet that contains 20 pages of basic teaching about the Ten Commandments, the Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, Baptism, Confession, and the Lord’s Supper. 12 more pages give practical basics for prayer, communion and leading a Christian life in this world. The book was to be repetitively “sounded aloud” in question and answer form as a teaching tool. Cross of Christ’s H2H program for 6th-8th graders uses the Small Catechism. After Luther broke away from the Catholic Church, many others did as well, giving us what we know of today as Protestants (Baptists, Methodists, Episcopalians, Non-Denominationals, and many more). Lutherans maintain a distinct

position between Catholics and other Protestants. On the one hand, we side with other Protestants that God’s grace is truly free, and does not require any repayment through good works. On the other hand, we side with Catholics in believing that God works through baptism and communion to bless us with forgiveness, faith, and connection to Jesus. More information about our beliefs regarding baptism, the Lord’s Supper and the Bible is found below. Cross of Christ’s Synod

Cross of Christ is a Lutheran church in the Missouri Synod (LCMS). A synod is a group of churches that have come together for mutual support and greater effectiveness.

The LCMS started in the United States in 1847 after a large group of Lutheran immigrants left Germany to avoid being forced to join with other Protestants. They networked together to provide training for church workers, to be more effective in mission work, to mutually support congregations, and to have doctrinal unity.

Today the LCMS has over 6000 churches and 2.4 million members around the world. It is headquartered in St. Louis, and is sub-divided into 35 districts around the country. Cross of Christ is part of the Pacific Southwest District, and was started with financial support from the district and other LCMS churches in Phoenix.

There are many other Lutheran synods, including ELCA and WES. The ELCA is the largest in America, and is liberal in their approach to the bible, to women’s involvement in the church, and to working together with differing churches. The WES is very conservative in these areas. The LCMS falls in the middle. Some examples include:

Scripture. The ELCA believes the bible is true spiritually and morally but not always factually. Cross of Christ believes the bible is true factually, that we cannot dismiss the parts that make us uncomfortable.

Women. The ELCA ordains women as pastors. The WES does not allow women to serve in any leadership capacity or vote in the church. The LCMS believes the bible talks about pastors as only men, but has women teachers, youth workers, worship leaders, etc.

Other Churches. The ELCA allows pastors from other denominations to preach at their churches. The WES does not pray or commune with anyone outside of the WES. The LCMS partners with other denominations for service in the world, but is sensitive to the important differences of doctrine.

Understand that these issues are constantly under debate in the LCMS. While we hold the same beliefs, as a new church Cross of Christ is different in style and in culture from most other

LCMS churches. Cross of Christ on Baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and the Bible Baptism As parting words to his disciples, Jesus commanded them to, “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Baptism is not about how much you know, it’s about Jesus. Baptism is for people who:

• wonder what God thinks of them • are just starting a relationship with Jesus • want a relationship with Jesus • believe in Jesus, but have not yet been baptized

Baptism is not something we do, but something God does. God Himself is present as His name is joined to the

water, with all His power and all His blessings of forgiveness, life and salvation. We baptize people of all ages. Infants and young children are baptized for the same reason adults are baptized:

because of the command, promise, and gift of God. What is promised in Baptism is given to all who receive it; therefore, infants and young children also have the promise of God. They too, are made children of God. They too, are included in the words “all nations.” At the height of his popularity, Jesus specifically invited little children to come to Him, even though they wouldn’t fully understand. (Luke 18:15-17).

Lutherans believe in original sin: that we are all born as broken people in a broken world. We believe that “there is no one righteous, not even one.” (Romans 6:10) We believe that when Adam & Eve sinned, human existence changed from being pure, innocent, joyful, and rewarding to sinful, broken, guilty, and frustrating. Only Jesus can restore us. “For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man." For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.” (1 Corinthians 15:21-22) We believe people of all ages need the gift of baptism, so that they can have new life in Jesus.

Here are a few Bible verses about baptism: • Mark 16:16 – “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved.” • Acts 2:38 – “Be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” • Acts 22:16 – “What are you waiting for? Go, be baptized and wash your sins away.” • Romans 6:3-6 – “If we have been united with Jesus like this [through baptism] in his death, we will certainly also be

united with him in his resurrection.”

• Titus 3:5 – “God saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit.”

• 1 Peter 3:21 – “This water symbolizes baptism that now saves you… by the resurrection of Jesus Christ.” • Revelation 22:17 – “Come!” Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the

water of life.” Communion Just before Jesus was betrayed and crucified, he gave his disciples a command during their Passover meal. He took bread, broke it, and told them, “This is my body given for you, do this in remembrance of me.” Then he took a cup of wine and told them, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink this, do it in remembrance of me.” Communion is about Jesus coming into our lives, and it is a time for us to remember the sacrifice of his broken body and shed blood on the cross. Understanding the context of the Jewish Passover meal helps us understand communion. The greatest day in Jewish history was when God brought them out of slavery in Egypt. God told them to take a lamb and eat it, putting its blood on their doorposts. When God’s angel would pass through and kill all the first-borns, it would “passover” the houses with blood on the door. This was the act of God that brought them freedom and a new identity as a nation. They were to remember the Passover by eating a special meal with a lamb every year. Jesus and his disciples were celebrating the Passover when he instituted communion. The meaning is rich. Jesus is our new lamb. His blood now frees us from death and gives us a new identity. His deliverance is now what we are to remember and celebrate. It is the greatest day in our history. In the early church in the city of Corinth, Christians were mistreating the Lord’s Supper when they gathered. Some were getting drunk and leaving nothing to eat before others had even arrived. The apostle Paul wrote to them (1 Corinthians 11) about why this was unacceptable. He taught them that because the bread and the wine were truly the body and blood of Jesus, the meal should be celebrated with reverence. At Cross of Christ we state every week that this bread and wine is Jesus’ body and blood, and we celebrate the great gift with thankful reverence for Jesus’ sacrifice. Some Bible verses on communion:

• John 6 – See Jesus’ miracle and teaching, “I am the bread of life.” • Matthew 26, Mark 14, & Luke 22 – Jesus institutes communion. • Acts 2:42 – “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and

to prayer.” • Acts 20:7 - “On the first day of the week we came together to break bread.” • 1 Corinthians 10-11 – Paul discusses the importance of communion.

The Bible The apostle Paul wrote to a young pastor named Timothy about the role of the Bible. Paul warned that there will be days were evil people did godless things, but he encouraged Timothy to stand strong, using the Bible for guidance. But how does the Bible guide our life? How can a book full of mostly ancient narrative be authoritative for us today? One approach is to read the Bible and pull out life lessons, or commands. For example, you could read the stories about King David and pull out 10 principles on leadership. In this way the Bible becomes a very practical rulebook for success. Another approach is to read the Bible and pull out answers to questions. For example you can find various Bible verses to help you answer, “Is Jesus the only way?” or “Can people who commit suicide go to heaven?” In this way the Bible becomes a set of truths to be proved and believed. Both approaches can be useful at times (the second approach was used above to teach about Baptism and the Lord’s Supper), however, they essentially want to change the Bible from what God has given us (ancient narrative, poetry, visions, and correspondence) to something else (a rulebook or list of truths). Lutherans have two helpful tools for approaching the Bible and understanding how it guides our life. The first is to distinguish between Law & Gospel. Any part of the Bible that places a burden on us to ‘live right’ is Law. Any part of the Bible that teaches about how God has forgiven us when we did not ‘live right’ is Gospel. Paul talked about Law and Gospel in Romans 6-8. He said the Law was given to help us live righteously, but it also shows us how unrighteous we are, and how much we need a Savior. While the Law shows us our sin, it does not equip us to actually live righteously. He concludes, “For what the law was powerless to do, God did by sending his own Son to be a sin offering, so that the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in us.” (Romans 8:3-4) So, when we read the Bible we distinguish between Law and Gospel. There are helpful verses about how to live, but ultimately, Jesus has lived perfectly for us and because of his sacrifice on the cross, we are forgiven. Every week at Cross of Christ you should hear about the cross, because it is the basis for everything. The second tool for reading the Bible is to understand that we are part of the overall story the Bible tells us about. Instead of picking out verses here and there that make our point, at Cross of Christ we try to read and understand larger sections of scripture as a whole. For instance Luke 18:18-27 records an encounter between Jesus and a rich ruler. The ruler asked Jesus what he had to do get eternal life. Jesus commanded him not only to obey all the Old Testament laws perfectly,

but also to give away everything he had to the poor. If we treat the Bible as a rulebook, and we read this conversation out of context, we will have to take away something like, “Success is found in living totally for God,” or “You can’t go to heaven if you care more about money than God.” But if we understand the role of Law and Gospel, and if we understand this encounter is part of a larger story about Jesus, then we can arrive in a much different place. You see, after this conversation the disciples ask Jesus, “Who then can be saved?” and Jesus replies, “What is impossible with men is possible with God.” Now we see Law and Gospel: you have to live perfectly to be saved, but no one can, so God saves us. Now we see our story: we are all broken people in need of the help and forgiveness God gives in Jesus. In Conclusion We hope that this gives at least a small peak into who Cross of Christ is, what we believe, and why we do what we do. The best learning comes from questions, so feel free to ask anything. We would be honored if you decide to join us in our mission to connect people to Jesus.

Serve at Cross of Christ (Information Sheet)


“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men.” 1 Corinthians 12:4-6

Sunday Morning Volunteer Teams & Office Help

Contact: Cathy Lenhart,

Street Greeters/Welcome Table: Welcome guests on the curb, give directions and/or answer questions or staff the Welcome Table before and after services.

Door Greeters: Welcome guests at the exterior doors, give directions and/or answer questions.

Ushers: Task orientated: hand out Bibles and bulletins, seat people, pass offering baskets, direct people to communion.

Communion Assistants: Assist with distribution of Communion.

Office Gang: Assist the office staff with mailings, folding, filing, data entry, or other office duties.

Worship/Tech Team

Contact: Rob Wren,

*** No experience necessary...we will train you! ***

Display: Use a prepared presentation to control all projected displays with one simple click.

Audio: Monitor sound board to provide quality audio during service using our state-of-the-art, user friendly sound system.

Lighting: Control a straightfoward lighting console to provide focus and ambience during worship.

Adult Traditional Choir Vocalist: Using traditional music to connect people to Jesus at the 8:30 am service.



H2h…6th through 8th grade

High School

Children’s Ministry

Contact: Sheri Bandelier,

or Taylor Bandelier,

Play and Praise Nursery (0-24months): Periodically help in the nursery keeping it a physically and emotionally safe environment

Children’s Praise: As a team, help lead Praise Groups of children on Sunday mornings during the 9:30am service (and seasonal ministries ie: Easter). Praise Leaders serve only once a month, depending on rotation, and work together to share stories and activities with children that nurture relationships with Jesus.

Nursery (0 – 24 months)…Room 221 Children’s Praise (3 years old to 3rd grade)… Room 219

Care Ministry

Contact: Pastor Kevin,

Meals Ministry: Pastor Kevin,

We offer spiritual, practical assistance, and guidance in the following areas on a situational basis.

• Prayer Team

• Visits – Sonshine Tea Company

Outreach & Events

Contact: Pastor Kevin,

The mission of the church includes reaching out to help those in the community through various opportunities throughout the year. Most noteably is the Thanksgiving Food Drive, Easter Basket’s for the Senior Center in Black Canyon City, Clothing Drives, and Christmas Presents for families who are experiencing financial trouble. Help is needed in organizing and distributing these gifts.

Other Outreach Opportunities throughout the year • Habitat for Humanity / Restore • Teen Challenge • Andre House Soup Kitchen • Phoenix Rescue Mission • Sacks and Socks for the Homeless • Foothills Food Bank • Network of Anthem Area Assistance Providers • St Vincent de Paul • UMOM • plus many more

Get Connected Class –

Serve at Cross of Christ (Sign Up Sheet)

Name (s) Phone _______________ Email

Sunday Morning Hospitality Squad

8:30 am 9:30 am

Street Greeter

Door Greeter

Welcome Table Assistant


Communion Assistant

Help with Coffee & Snacks when needed

Office Help Possible Days or Times:

Worship Arts

8:30 am 9:30 am

Audio Team





� H2H � Bible Max � High School

� Please contact me with additional information about your youth programs for my child

Children’s Ministry

� Children’s Praise Care Ministry

� Phone calls or visits to congregants in need (Home/Hospital/Hospice)

� Add me to the email Prayer Chain list

� Add me to the email Meals Ministry list

� Possibly a group facilitator

� I need further information, please call me

Get Connected Class –

Additional Opportunities

� Decorator for special events and services

� Community Outreach

� Help in the Kitchen for various events

� Provide a dish for various Church functions

� Set-up and Tear Down for special services and events

� I would like to help coordinate occasional events


� I am going to use envelopes provided by CoC

� I am going to use Electronic Funds Transfer

Connect to our web-site for updates regarding each of these ministries – and access our church calendar at If you have any questions regarding any of these programs contact Cathy Lenhart in the church office 623.551.9851 or e-mail

OUT Cross of Christ Lutheran Church offers many ways for you to show and share God’s love with others throughout Anthem, the Phoenix area and beyond. Below we have listed various opportunities for you to do that. Please contact the church office for more information and watch the Sunday bulletin/web page for more details. If you want more information email Cathy at WEEKLY SONSHINE TEA COMPANY – members visit other members of Cross of Christ or the community who are going through a “tough” time in their life or would just like a visit once in a while. The members bring a pot of tea, teacups, goodies, a devotion, hearts to listen, and prayers. MONTHLY ST VINCENT De PAUL – Members go into Phoenix, help prepare, and serve, an evening meal to the homeless men, women and families in the area. RONALD McDONALD HOUSE – Members provide and prepare a supper to serve the guests at the Ronald McDonald House. UMOM – Members provide and prepare a Sunday (4th Sunday) noon meal for the homeless women and families at the Watkins Center downtown. ANDREA HOUSE – Members go downtown and help prepare and serve the meal to homeless around the area. CARRY OUT – Members collect various items to donate to the Foothills Food bank. Check the Sunday bulletin for the monthly item. TEEN CHALLENGE – Members make and serve lunch and play games at the facility. (A Christian program featuring adventure-based therapy for struggling teenagers.) EVERY SIX WEEKS OR SO EASY OUTS – Members donate items and make up sack lunches on a given Sunday. These lunches and toiletries are delivered and shared with the homeless people downtown. YEARLY OUT DAY - On an appointed weekend in the fall the members of Cross of Christ do various serving projects for the Anthem and surrounding communities (helping individual families or organizations with various projects). MISSION TRIPS – Members travel to various locations in Arizona the U.S.A., or the world to share their love for Christ with others.





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Constitution Of Cross of Christ Lutheran Church

Anthem, Arizona

Preamble It is the will of our Lord Jesus Christ that His disciples should preach the Gospel to the whole world (Mark 16:16, Matthew 23:18-20, Acts 1:8). That Christ’s mission for His church might be carried out according to His will, He has commanded that Christian’s unite in worship (Hebrews 10:24-25), practice fellowship with one another (Acts 2:24), witness to all people (Acts 1:8), help each other grow in the Word (Ephesians 4:11-14), serve the needs of all people in Christian love (Ephesians 4:11-16, Mark 10:42-42, John 13:35, Galatians 6:10), administer the Office of the Keys as His Church (John 20:21-23, Matthew 18:15-20), and maintain decency and order (I Corinthians 14:40) in the Church. Therefore we have organized Cross of Christ Lutheran Church as a mission outpost, to connect people to Jesus, building a community of disciples to serve the Anthem community and beyond!

Article I Name

The name of this congregation shall be Cross of Christ Lutheran Church of Anthem, located in Anthem Arizona.

Article II Purpose

The purposes for which this congregation is formed, in addition to those stated in the Articles of Incorporation, are: A. To establish and maintain the Office of the Christian Ministry in our midst for the spiritual benefit, education and training of the

worshipping community. B. To facilitate the spreading of the Christian faith in our community and around the world. C. To foster Christian fellowship and charity. D. To contract with persons, firms and corporations and to be contracted with and to do all other acts necessary or expedient for the

administration of the affairs and attainment of the objects and purposes for which this congregation is formed.

Article III Confession of Faith

A. This congregation accepts without reservation: The Scriptures of the Old and New Testament as the written Word of God and the only rule and norm of faith and of practice.

1. All the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church as a true and unadulterated statement and exposition of the Word of God, to wit: a) The Three Ecumenical Creeds (the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed) b) The Unaltered Augsburg Confession c) The Apology of the Augsburg Confession d) The Smalcald Articles e) The Large Catechism of Luther f) The Small Catechism of Luther g) The Formula of Concord

B. No doctrine or practice in conflict, or inconsistent, with the above norms of our faith and life shall be taught or tolerated in this


Article IV Synodical Membership

This congregation shall be affiliated with the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod as long as the confessions and constitution of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod are in accord with the confessions and constitution of this congregation as laid down in Article III.

Article V

Membership The membership of this congregation includes the Baptized Members, Confirmed Members, and Voting Members as defined in the bylaws.

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Article VI Organization

A. Voters Assembly The Voters Assembly shall consist of all confirmed members, 18 years of age and older, present at a regular or special meeting of the congregation. The congregation, through the Voters Assembly, shall have final authority in managing its internal and external affairs.

B. Board of Ministry Directors

The Board of Ministry Directors shall be the governing body of the congregation and is responsible to administer all the congregation’s affairs except the following matters for action only by the Voters Assembly:

Call or remove a called worker 1. Purchase or sell church property or buildings valued over 10% of the annual operating budget 2. Adopt the Annual Ministry and Financial Plan 3. Dissolve the congregation

C. Officers and Boards

The officers of this congregation shall be such officers as the Bylaws of this Constitution prescribe. The officers and boards prescribed in the Bylaws shall have no authority beyond that which has been conferred upon them in the Constitution or Bylaws.

Article VII

Called Workers The office of Pastor in this congregation and other called staff shall be conferred only upon such workers who profess and adhere to the Confession of the Church (Article III), who have been declared eligible by the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, and who are well qualified for their work. All called workers shall, in the call extended and accepted by them, be pledged to this confessional standard.

Article VIII Property Rights

A. The congregation represented by the voting membership shall have the right to acquire and own such property as is necessary for

the successful realization of its aims. Everything owned by the congregation, whether movable or fixed, is the estate of the congregation. Two thirds of the votes cast at two separate, publicly announced meetings, must approve the sale, purchase or erection of buildings or property with a cost above 25% of the annual budget.

B. If at any time a separation on account of doctrine or for any other reason should take place in this congregation, which God may

mercifully prevent, the property of the congregation and all the benefits connected therewith shall remain with those members who adhere to the irrepealable articles set forth in Article X. The privilege and right of appeal, however, shall always be granted any dissenter. This appeal shall first be placed before the District Commission on Adjudication. The decision of which may be appealed to the Synodical Commission on Appeals. The decision of this Commission is final.

C. The property of this congregation is irrevocably dedicated to religious and charitable purposes and no part of net income or assets

of this organization shall ever inure to the benefit of any director, officer or member thereof or to the benefit of any private individual.

D. Dissolution may be done only after all voters have been notified by mail, the matter has been publicly announced prior to and

considered at three (3) consecutive meetings of the Voters Assemblies, and at least two-thirds (2/3) of all votes cast in each meeting have been in favor of dissolution.

Article IX Quorum for Decisions

All congregational matters decided by the Voters Assembly shall be decided by a simple majority votes cast at a properly convened meeting of the Voters Assembly, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution and Bylaws.

Article X Amendments

A. This constitution, except articles II, III, IV, V, and X, may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Voters Assembly provided that

the proposed amendment has been included in the call of the meeting at which the proposed amendment will be acted upon. B. Articles II, III, IV, V, and X may be amended by a two thirds vote of the Voters Assembly provided that the proposed amendment

has been included in the call of and discussed at two meetings before the meeting at which the proposed amendment is to receive

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action. Due notice that a vote will be taken shall be given to all voting members of the congregation. Any changes to these articles shall not change their essential meaning. Whether this has occurred shall be decided by Synodical dispute-resolution procedures.

C. All amendments to the Constitution shall be recorded in the official copy of the Constitution and By-Laws and kept in the church

office. All changes and updates shall be reproduced and distributed to the church officers and made available to the church membership upon request from the church office. All changes shall be noted and dated on the cover page of the Constitution.

† † † † † †

Bylaws Of Cross of Christ Lutheran Church

Anthem, Arizona

Article 1 Baptized Membership

Baptized members are all persons within the congregation who have been baptized in the name of the Triune God, whether children or adults, and come under the pastoral care of this congregation. It is expected that all baptized members will: Attend worship services faithfully and regularly.

A. Lead a Christian life as taught in Galatians 5:19-26. B. Out of Christian love, submit to brotherly admonition, according to Matthew 18:15-17, when having erred or offended. C. Contribute, as God has blessed them (1 Corinthians 16:2), of their time, talents and treasure toward the maintenance of the

congregation and the extension of the church at large. D. In due time, take a course of instruction in preparation for confirmed membership in this congregation.

Article 2

Confirmed Membership A. Confirmed members are all baptized persons within the congregation who have received a course of instruction in Christian

doctrine that meets with the approval of the Board of Ministry Directors. B. Persons seeking to attain confirmed membership may do so through the following ways: Transfer from another congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

1. Reaffirmation of faith following a period of non-involvement in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. 2. Profession of faith from a non-Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Lutheran Congregation. 3. Adult confirmation for those from a non-Lutheran background.

C. In addition to the duties of baptized members, it is expected of all confirmed members that they: Accept the confessions of faith listed in Article III of the Constitution.

1. Familiarize themselves with the doctrines of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. 2. Partake of the Lord's Supper. 3. Participate in continuing Christian education. 4. Provide for the Christian training of their children by making use of the educational agencies of the congregation.

Article 3

Voting Membership Voting members are all confirmed members, 18 years of age and older, who attend a Voters meeting.

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Article 4 Termination of Membership

A. Transfers A member desiring transfer to another congregation shall make that fact known to the administrative offices of the congregation. The administrative staff shall arrange for the mailing of a letter of transfer to the receiving congregation.

B. Whereabouts unknown or moved The names of people whose whereabouts are unknown or who have moved from the area after a reasonable period of time shall be removed from membership.

C. Discipline All discipline in this congregation shall be administered in accordance with Matthew 18:15-17. The purpose of any disciplinary action is to renew a member's relationship with the Lord and with the church. A member shall be considered self-excluded when unresponsive to the witness and ministry of the church.

Article 5

Voters Assembly A. The Voters Assembly shall meet at least once a year. The day and hour of the annual meeting shall be set by the Board of Ministry

Directors and typically publicized one month in advance. The notification shall contain an agenda of items to be considered as well as the slate of nominees for election.

B. The Voters Assembly may meet at other times of the year subject to a call by the Board of Ministry Directors or at the request of any 20 voting members of the congregation. Notice of any such special meeting shall be publicized as far in advance as possible but no less than one week in advance. The notice shall contain an agenda of items to be considered. The President, President-Elect, or their designated Board of Ministry Directors member shall preside at all Voters Assembly meetings.

Article 6

Called Workers A. Calling into Office for Called Workers After authorization is received from the Voters Assembly, the Board of Ministry Directors shall create and appoint a Call Committee of at least 4 individuals. No more than one-half of the Call Committee members may be members of the Board of Ministry Directors.

1. The Call Committee shall consult with those in the affected ministry area and with the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod as part of their efforts to secure the names of candidates.

2. The complete list of nominees shall be submitted to the congregation along with the recommendation(s) of the Call Committee.

B. Removal from Office of Called Workers

Any Called Worker may be removed from office by the Voters Assembly by a two-thirds majority secret ballot vote because of persistent adherence to false doctrine, scandalous life, neglect of duties, or inability to perform the duties of the office.

Article 7 Officers

A. President:

1. Preside at all meetings of the Voters Assembly and the Board of Ministry Directors. 2. Appoint any necessary boards, committees, task groups or action teams in consultation with the Board of Ministry Directors. 3. Enforce the constitution and bylaws. 4. Perform the general duties as are common for the office, including such additional duties as may be directed by the Voters

Assembly from time to time. B. President-Elect

1. Perform all of the duties of the President in the latter's absence and such other additional duties which may be directed by the Voters Assembly or by the President from time to time.

2. Chair and appoint a Nominating Committee with the advice and consent of the Board of Ministry Directors. C. Secretary:

1. The duties shall be those commonly required of that office, especially the keeping and preserving of accurate records of all Voters Assembly meetings, and handling such correspondence as the congregation may require.

2. Keep minutes of all Board of Ministry Directors meetings. D. Treasurer:

1. Assure that accurate records of all receipts and disbursements are kept and preserved, and submit a written report of them at all regular meetings of the Voters Assembly.

2. Assure accuracy and propriety of all financial transactions of the congregation.

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E. Election 1. Nomination:

With the advice and consent of the Board of Ministry Directors, the President-Elect of the Board of Ministry Directors shall annually appoint and chair a Nominating Committee of at least 3 persons, whose responsibility will be to develop a slate of candidates for officers and Board of Ministry Directors members to be elected each year. The committee shall contain a majority of non-Board of Ministry Directors members, shall function for one year only, and shall report their nominations to the annual Voters Assembly.

All nominees shall be voting members noted for their Christian knowledge, zeal, and experience in the spiritual work in the Kingdom. Specific criteria, such as professional qualifications and experience, for elected officers shall be outlined by the Nominating Committee prior to accepting any nominations. In addition to the Nominating Committee's slate of candidates, any voting member may nominate candidates. Such nominations shall be called for in the annual Voters Assembly meeting prior to the time that nominations are closed. Nominations from the floor at the annual Voters Assembly meeting are only accepted provided the nominee is present at the meeting and consents to the nomination.


Nominees who receive more than fifty percent of the ballots cast at the Voters Assembly shall be the elected officers. F. Term of Office

Each officer shall serve for a term of two years and shall serve no more than two full successive terms in that position without a break of at least one year. The term of office commences January 1 following the election.

G. Removal from Office Any officer who is unable or is willfully neglectful in the performance of his official duties, may be removed from office by the Voters Assembly. Such action shall be initiated by the Board of Ministry Directors.

Article 8

Board of Ministry Directors A. Membership

The Board of Ministry Directors shall consist of the four congregation officers listed in Article 7, and at least two and at most six voting members who will be elected at large by the Voters Assembly. Unless specifically approved by the Voters Assembly, the members of the Board of Ministry Directors may not receive compensation from the congregation. The Senior Administrative Pastor is an ex officio member who will only vote in case of a tie.

B. Nomination and Election

The nomination and election shall take place at the same time and in the manner described for the officers as stated in Article 7, Section E.

C. Term of Office The term of office shall be two years, with approximately one-half of the Board of Ministry Directors being elected each year. Board members shall serve no more than two full successive terms in that position without a break of at least one year. The term of office commences January 1, following the election.

D. Vacancies In the event of a vacancy the President shall create a list of candidates from which the Board of Ministry Directors will elect an individual to serve until the next election for that particular position. The President-Elect shall fill the unexpired term of the President.

E. Meetings The Board of Ministry Directors shall typically meet once a month and at least quarterly and may be called more frequently at the request of the President or any three Board of Ministry Directors members, or the Senior Administrative Pastor. An elected officer shall be present and preside with 60% of the members of the Board of Ministry Directors to constitute a quorum for any meeting. Notice of each meeting shall be posted. Minutes of the meetings shall be available to voting members upon request.

F. Removal from Office

Any Board of Ministry Directors member, who is unable or is willfully neglectful in the performance of his official duties, may be removed from office by the Voters Assembly. The Board of Ministry Directors shall initiate such action.

Article 9

Powers of the Board of Ministry Directors The Board of Ministry Directors shall have the power to develop policies as required to execute the goals approved by the Voters Assembly. Written policies shall be available upon request. The Board of Ministry Directors shall have the power to conduct and

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perform the acts and affairs of the congregation in its stead between Annual meetings of the Voters Assembly. The Board shall have no authority beyond that which has been conferred upon them by the constitution, its bylaws, or by the Voters Assembly.

Article 10

Duties of the Board of Ministry Directors A. Under the President and with the guidance of the Senior Administrative Pastor, the Board of Ministry Directors shall:

1. Be responsible for establishing policies necessary to direct the overall program of the congregation for the furtherance of Christ's Kingdom in our midst;

2. Ensure the preparation of the mission, vision, budget, and plans to be adopted by the Voters Assembly and their subsequent implementation.

3. Ensure that the financial integrity of the congregation is maintained; 4. Authorize the Senior Administrative Pastor to administer the day-to-day operations of the congregation in accordance with its

own policies and directives and those established by the congregation through its Voters Assembly; 5. Encourage the congregational staff in their work through prayer, word and action and concern itself with the spiritual and

physical health and welfare of the staff and families; 6. Create and maintain a succession plan for the position of Senior Administrative Pastor and evaluate his performance; 7. Exercise with the Senior Administrative Pastor discipline within the congregation with respect to all matters of membership of

the congregation as provided in the Constitution and Bylaws; 8. Direct the calling of special meetings of the Voters Assembly as requested by the Senior Administrative Pastor or voting

members; 9. Be responsible for the receiving of and acting upon, if necessary, feed-back and/or complaints from members of the

congregation regarding aspects of its operations; 10. Establish appropriate consultative and action committees and approve the appointment of members; 11. Be available for any additional functions that the Voters Assembly may confer on it.

Article 11 Duties of the Senior Administrative Pastor

A. The Board of Ministry Directors' responsibility is generally confined to establishing topmost policies, leaving implementation and

subsidiary policy development to the Senior Administrative Pastor. All Board authority delegated to staff is delegated through the Senior Administrative Pastor. The Senior Administrative Pastor’s duties are to: 1. Provide regular reports to the Board of Ministry Directors. 2. Maintain the financial integrity of the congregation. 3. Annually, lead the preparation of the mission, vision, budget, and ministry plan to be adopted by the Voters Assembly 4. As authorized by the Board of Ministry Directors, implement the ministry plan and budget adopted by the Voters Assembly and

conduct the day-to-day business of the congregation. 5. Based on the adopted ministry plan and budget, create an appropriate structure of called, contract, and volunteer staff

positions and ministry teams. 6. Maximize opportunities for members of the worshiping community to use their spiritual and secular gifts through participation

in ministry. 7. Fill open positions of his direct reports with qualified workers and delegate responsibility to them for implementation of

specific parts of the annual ministry plan and budget, including the hiring and discharge of non-called workers, formation and dissolution of ministry teams, and the conduct of the day-to-day ministry and secular affairs of the congregation.

8. Create and maintain a plan for leadership development. 9. Implement a process of performance evaluation for the workers in the ministry 10. Discharge non-called workers, as needed 11. Be available for any additional functions that the Board of Ministry Directors may confer on him.

B. The Senior Administrative Pastor may not: Incur annual non-budget expenses exceeding 5% of the annual budget

1. Discharge a called worker 2. Create new ministry programs without the support of the Board of Ministry Directors.

Article 12

Amendments Amendments to these Bylaws may be made in the following manner: A copy of the proposed amendment shall be presented to all voting members in writing at least two weeks prior to a Voters Assembly meeting at which the amendments will be considered. At this meeting the vote shall be taken on the amendment and a two-thirds majority shall secure adoption.

Offering Envelopes or On-line Giving?

There are various ways to give gifts to the ministry of your church. You may use the Offering Envelopes provided for you in the weekly bulletin, or choose to participate in our Church Community Builder (CCB) On-line Giving program.

Church Community Builder On-line Giving is a program designed to help you conveniently give financial gifts to your church through automated giving. By participating in the program, you can use electronic funds transfer to give your weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual offering. You may designate these funds for the General Fund or Building Fund.

Simply log onto Church Community Builder (, click on the “Give” tab and input the requested information. For additional information on obtaining a CCB ID and Password, contact Cathy Lenhart at 623-551-9851, ext. 239 or

For additional information regarding giving, contact Rob Gaboury at 623.551.9851, ext. 240 or



39808 N. Gavilan Peak Pkwy. Phoenix, AZ 85086 Phone: 623-551-9851 Fax: 623-551-3673

Online Giving


You can give online, whether you want to give a one-time gift or setup an automatic giving schedule.

How does online giving work?

When you go to the “Give” page on our website ( you will see a link to click. When you click on the link you will be taken to a page where you can enter the information for your donation. Anyone can make a gift, there is no need to setup an account.

Is online giving secure?

We have partnered with Church Community Builder, a company that works with thousands of churches to provide a secure, high-grade, 128-bit SSL encrypted online system. Your information is kept secure and is not shared with any third-party for any reason.

What can I use to give online?

You can use your bank account or any Visa, MasterCard, or Discover card when you click on the link mentioned above. If you want to make a direct bank deposit, you will need to have a CCB (Church Community Builder – our online directory) account with us. To setup a CCB account, go to and request a username and password by clicking ‘Sign Up’ below the CCB login on the right-side of the page.

How do I setup an ongoing giving schedule?

To do this you will need to create a CCB account with us. (See above.) Once you login to our CCB website with your account info, you will be able to setup an ongoing giving schedule using credit card, debit card, or direct bank deposit. In our CCB website, click on the blue "My Profile" tab at the top of the page, then click on the gray "Financial" tab below your name, and then click the green "Give" button to setup your giving schedule.

Will I still receive a contribution statement?

Yes. Your online gift will be recorded and it will be included in your contribution statement for the year.

Is there a fee for electronic giving?

Your entire gift will be credited to you as a donation, and you will not see any fees. There is a 2%-4% fee for credit card and debit card transactions that comes out of your gift and goes to the processing company. For direct bank ACH deposits there is a $0.60 fee that comes out of your gift and goes to the processing company.

Why do you accept credit card payments when so many people struggle with credit card debt?

Used within the parameters, debit and credit cards can be an efficient tool for payments and budgeting. Many people utilize them in place of checks or cash throughout the month, and then payoff the balance in full. For these people, we offer the option of using a debit or credit card to give. We strongly discourage those who struggle with credit card debt from exercising the option to give online with credit cards.

Whom do I contact if I still have questions?

Feel free to call or e-mail us. You can call 623-551-9851 and ask for Rob, or e-mail





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Basic User Walkthrough

Basic User Walkthrough

Table of ContentsAccessing the Online Community 3Your Personal Home Page 4Viewing & Updating Your Profile 51. Contact Info 5

2. Profile Tabs 5

3. Actions Menu 5

Groups 8

Basic User Walkthrough 2

Accessing the Online CommunityWelcome to our online church community! We have provided this tool to help you get better connected with our church. You'll be able to find groups to get involved in, see events you might want to attend, participate in discussions, meet the needs of others in our church community, and find volunteer positions based on your passions and gifts.

After requesting a login or being assigned one, you will receive an email containing your login information. Use the link in the email to access your online community.

NOTE: Bookmark the login page and save your login information so you can quickly access the online community in the future.

Basic User Walkthrough 3

Your Personal Home PageOnce you log in to the online community, you will land on your personal homepage. This page contains information specific to you, including:

1. A welcome message from the church

2. Your profile box

3. A list of upcoming church-wide events or events hosted by groups you belong to

4. A list of your groups

5. Activity in groups you belong to

Basic User Walkthrough 4






Viewing & Updating Your ProfileClick the Go to my profile link in the profile box on the homepage to view information in your profile.

1. Contact InfoYour phone number(s), email, campus affiliation (if applicable), and address will be located here. Only you and appropriate church leadership will see your email address. All others will see a generic Send an email link instead, which allows them to email you without ever seeing your email address.

2. Profile TabsYou can view your recent activity, family information, personal information, involvement, financial history (if enabled), and serving availability from the tabs on your profile.

3. Actions MenuThis is where you can edit your profile, adjust your availability to serve, set your communication preferences, change your username and password, update your privacy settings, or update your whole family’s contact information at once.

Basic User Walkthrough 5




Viewing Other ProfilesTo view a profile for another person in our online community, first click the People tab at the top of the page. You will only be able to see listed profiles. If you do not see a People tab, it means you have limited access to the community and will not be able to view any other profiles besides yours and your family members’.

After clicking People, begin typing a name in the search box. You may type first name, last name, or a combination of both. As you type, the system will automatically narrow your results and generate a list of people who meet your criteria. Click the name of a person to access their profile.

On the Info tab, you will be able to see the information the individual has chosen to share with the online community. Anything not shared will be blank or show the message ‘not enough privileges to view’, meaning

Basic User Walkthrough 6

administrative rights are required to view the information. Because the tabs in profiles are sticky, any profile you access will open to the same tab you were on previously.

NOTE: Adding an individual to your friends list will allow that person to view information in your profile with privacy settings of friends only or friends and my groups members. In addition, it will give you easy access to friends’ profiles if you wish to email them or view a phone number. This is a one-way add and does not require approval from the other person.

Basic User Walkthrough 7

GroupsGroups are the backbone of our online community. Events, volunteer opportunities, message boards, and most emails all start through groups. You will see the groups you currently belong to on your personal homepage or by clicking the Groups tab in the navigation bar.

To see other groups you may wish to join, click ...or discover a new group. You may also click Search on the top right corner of the page. This will pull up a window where you can set your search criteria.

Basic User Walkthrough 8

From each group’s page, you are able to view the number of participants in that group and all of the group details. In the tabs, you are able to view events, messages, needs, positions, files, and volunteer schedules for that group. You can see information in these tabs only for groups you are a member of or for those that are Open to all.

In the Actions menu, you are able to join Open to all groups and request to join groups that require approval.

Once you are a member of a group, you may also have additional privileges based on the group settings, such as viewing other participants’ information, signing up for an event, sending a group message, commenting on messages, creating needs, and uploading files.

Finally, to access step-by-step instructions about the online community, click the Help button located at the top right corner of any page.

After clicking Help, you will be taken to the Help Desk page, where you have access to both help articles and video tutorials divided by topic.

Basic User Walkthrough 9

We are so glad that you have joined our online community! We hope you enjoy all of the opportunities to connect.

Basic User Walkthrough 10

Contact Sheet

Cross of Christ Lutheran Church

39808 N. Gavilan Peak Parkway Anthem, AZ 85086 Church Phone: 623-551-9851 Fax: 623-551-3673 Website:

Church Contact Information:

Pastor: Rev. Kevin C. Kosberg,

Associate Pastor: Rev. Marty Strohschein,

Director of Christian Education (Youth): Rev. Marty Strohschein,

Director of Worship Arts: Rob Wren,

Outreach & Event Coordinator: Rev. Kevin Kosberg,

Children’s Ministry: Sheri Bandelier,

Taylor Bandelier,

Connection Coordinator: Cathy Lenhart,

Communications Director: Halli Goolsby,

Administrative Assistant: Aleta Millette,

Kay Klavon,

Business Manager: Rob Gaboury,

Board Members:

President: Randy Bosch 623-551-4865

President Elect: Bob McFall 602-359-3901

Secretary: Kendra Salmen 623-249-4779

Treasurer: Carrie O’Connor 630-453-1529

Member at Large: Rob Bandelier 623-229-8643

Member at Large: Kay Klavon 623-337-4635

Member at Large: Del Mau 623-551-2202

Member at Large: Glenn Klinksiek 708-927-0484

Member at Large: Donna Yow 913-284-3263

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