Fun in Functional 2009

Post on 08-Sep-2014






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Putting the Fun in FunctionalApplying Game Mechanics to Social Media

Amy Jo Kim, Ph.D. CEO, ShuffleBrain Inc.

First, some terminology…

What is Social Media?

What is Social Media?

player-created content

What is Social Media?

player-created content

social infrastructure

What is Social Media?

player-created content

social infrastructure

tools for


What is a Game?

Formal Definition

a system in which players engage in an artificial


defined by rules, that results in a quantifiable


*from Rules of Play by Eric Zimmerman and Katie Salen

Informal Definition

a structured experience with rules and goals

that’s fun

Games tap into our primal response patterns

Games engage us in flow

What are Game Mechanics?

the systems and features that make games fun, compelling and addictive

Game Mechanics for Social Media

1. Collecting

Show me your stuff!

Impressive Collection = Bragging Rights

The Power of Completing a Set

only X more to go…

Game Mechanics for Social Media

1. Collecting

2. Points

Game Points are given by the system

Social Points are given by other players

Redeemable Points drive Loyalty

Southwest Airlinessimpler Frequent Flyer points Dollarsearn while you shop

Leaderboards drive player behavior…

…and express community values

Levels punctuate the game experience…

…and unlock new powers and access

Game Mechanics for Social Media

1. Collecting

2. Points

3. Feedback

Feedback accelerates mastery…

…and adds fun

Social feedback drives engagement

Game Mechanics for Social Media

1. Collecting

2. Points

3. Feedback

4. Exchanges

Exchanges are structured social interactions

basic, primal form of social engagement

Social Exchanges can be explicit…

… or implicit (i.e. emergent)

comments are implicit“Add Friend” is explicit

Some social environments have both

Game Mechanics for Social Media

1. Collecting

2. Points

3. Feedback

4. Exchanges

5. Customization

Character Customization

Interface Customization

How is Social Media influencing Games?

Trends in Social Media

1. Accessible

Trends in Social Media

1. Accessible

2. Recombinant

Trends in Social Media

1. Accessible

2. Recombinant

3. Syndicated

Case Study: Youtube

What do you collect?

How do you earn points?

How do you get feedback?

Where do you have exchanges?

How do you customize your experience?

Is the service accessible?

Are the data objects recombinant?

Can the service be syndicated?

Case Study: Twitter

What do you collect?

How do you earn points?

How do you get feedback?

Where do you have exchanges?

Can you customize your experience?

Is the service accessible?

Are the data objects recombinant?

Can the service be syndicated?

Case Study: PhotoGrab

What do you collect?

awards, games played and created

How do you earn points?

playing games, improving your skill, creating popular games

How do you get feedback?

in-game (score and rating), meta-game (stats and notifications)

Where do you have exchanges?

comments, notifications

Can you customize your experience?

Customized game skins and data feeds

Is the service accessible?

EZ game UI and game creation

Are the data objects recombinant?

Recombinant games and game objects

Can the service be syndicated?

RSS feeds, widgets

What do YOU think about the intersection of games and social media?

Join the discussion at


Thank You – Any Questions?

@amyjokim (Twitter)

Amy Jo Kim (FaceBook)

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