

The old and the new

5.9% of the UK population

(3.2million UK adults)

were in at least 1 of the 12

main boating activities in 2012.

An experience.

A holiday getaway.

Maritime festival.

Time with family and friends.

To boost the local economy by spending in local shops, cafes, museums etc.

Retain local audiences

Grow the Northern Ireland audience by 10%

Engage with the sailing communities.

To establish a brand and create platform for next 3 years.

#1 Great EscapersFamily Fun

Culturally Curious

Slow Travel, Relaxation, Rebalancing, Getting away from it all, Connecting with Family, Breath-taking landscapes, Ancient sites, Remote places, Landmarks, Restaurants offering fresh, local Food, Authentic Pubs, Technology

“A great weekend filled with ‘craic’

harbouring music, night life,

gastronomy and culture headlined by

the pinnacle of modern boating


Connect with the consumer emotionally and rationally.

Engage consumers through; Word of mouth advertising

Connect and interact with consumers via social media.

Create traditional media to support digital media.

Experience one of the greatest spectacles of modern boating technology for free.

FEEL-motivated, excited, an emotional connection to the city, feel like it’s a safe place (change negative preconceptions) understood.

DO- enquire, visit the website, talk to their friends and relatives, engage with the brand on social

THINK - Safe place fun, friendly, prosperous, cultural, historical, eventful, passionate people, artistically, musical, modern, leader (example for changing times). Peaceful.

1. Good craic

2. Good value

Experience to cost ratio.

3. To try new things.

Galway maritime festival.

Holidays abroad. The sun.

Cork ocean to city.

Lying in bed.

Clonmany festival?

Local events.

Sea sessions Bun Doran

Brand guidelines.

City of culture logo, NITB Logo.

Advertising of demerit goods alcohol etc.




Social media

Radio north/south Ireland,

Yacht clubs (posters) E-mails


Useful app.

Yacht magazines, Newspapers,

Flip board- travel,

Trip advisor,

Secret escapes, Travel zoo,

YouTube, Google.

Comparison Sites




Social Media

Discounted travel sites such as group on, travel zoo and secret escapes




Pamphlets for the none tech savvy.


Our research suggests that a large focus on digital media will help to retain and engage our target market.

79% of adults in the UK said

that they used the internet in

Q4 2013 ONS - Internet access

quarterly update 2013

Budget allocation Social media £10k

Search engine £4k

Website £4k

Sailing websites £5k

Online newspapers £4k

App £2k

Travel sites £2k

Radio £2k

TV £10k

Newspaper £4k

Magazines £2k

Banners etc £18k

Literature £10k

Posters £3k

Road show £30

Other £7k

Social media insights, How many click.

Website traffic

App Downloads

Bed nights

Money generated within the city.

Great escaper

John 29 single, Manager in local business in rural area.

Income between £30-50k per annum. Antrim.

Likes sailing, golf, gastronomy, night life, social media, culture.

Classic rock, relaxing, outdoor activities.

Member of the yachting community. Has a been involved in boating from an early age.

Come stay in Derry/Londonderry for FIMF and you will experience the homecoming of the pinnacle of boating technology (for free), you will be entertained with the things you like to do and it won’t cost you a fortune.

Old vs NewWe want our advertising to showcase the history and culture in contrast with the pinnacle of modern boating technology in a fun, retro but trendy style.

The website must conform to the standards of the w3c latest web stands authority guidelines.

The website must be built using html5 and cs3.

Responsive and compatible to all internet enabled devices.

An app icon with a direct link to the website must be downloadable from app/ play store and the website.

Content Management system.

Email management system must be in place using mail chimp.

“ The web has moved beyond the desktop and it’s not looking back…” Ethan Marcotte

Emails created in responsive CSS in order to offer the consumer a more visual experience.

Social media must branded with regular updates, posts (image based) and replies.

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