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English Word Categories with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation


Page: Categories:

1. - 2. Months, Days, Time of Day, & Seasons of the Year

3. - 5. Members of the Family

6. - 7. Parts of the Body and the Five Senses

8. - 10. House & Furniture

11. - 16. Food & Drink

17. - 18. Health Issues

19. - 20. Weather, Temperature & Colors

21. - 22. Clothing & Jewelry

23. - 24. Money & Important Numbers

25. Questions

26. - 33. Conjunctions, Prepositions & Pronouns

34. - 45. Pronunciation Practice

46. - 49. Numbers

50. - 53. Most Common Words in English (Top 100)

54. - 62. Irregular Verbs

Maps: World, USA, & Florida

Source: Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary


Months, Days, Time of Day, & Seasons of the Year

with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 1

Source: Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary

Months: Phonetic Spanish

Pronunciation Translation

January [yán-iu-a-ri] enero

February [féb-ru-a-ri] febrero

March [march] marzo

April [éip-rol] abril

May [mei] mayo

June [yun] junio

July [yu-lái] julio

August [óg-ost] agosto

September [sep-tém-br] septiembre

October [ok-tóu-br] octubre

November [no-vém-br] noviembre

December [di-sém-br] diciembre

year [yir] año

Days of the Week:

Sunday [són-dei] Domingo

Monday [mon-dei] Lunes

Tuesday [tús-dei] Martes

Wednesday [uéins-dei] Miércoles

Thursday [thérs-dei] (Castellano) Jueves

Friday [frái-dei] Viernes

Saturday [sát-er-dei] Sábado

day [dei] día

week [uik] la semana

Months and days are always capitalized in English.


Months, Days, Time of Day, & Seasons of the Year

with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 2

Source: Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary

Time of Day: Phonetic Spanish

Pronunciation Translation

afternoon [aft-er-nún] tarde

dawn [dóun] amanecer

daytime [dei-taim] tiempo de día

dusk [dosk] anochecer

evening [ív-ning] tarde, anochecer

midnight [mid-nait] medianoche

morning [mór-ning] mañana

night [nait] noche

nighttime [nait-taim] noche

noon [nun] mediodía

today [tu-déi] hoy

tomorrow [tu-mór-ou] mañana

tonight [tu-náit] esta noche

week [uik] semana

yesterday [yés-ter-dei] ayer

time [taim] tiempo, hora (of day)

Seasons of the Year:

spring [spring] primavera

summer [sóm-er] verano

fall [fol] otoño

autumn [ó-tom] otoño

winter [uín-ter] invierno

season [sí-sn] temporada


Members of the Family with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 3

Family: Phonetic Spanish Pronunciation Translation

aunt [ant] tía

baby [béi-bi] bebé

boy [boi] muchacho

boys [bois] muchachos o niños

boyfriend [boi-frend] novio (no oficial), amigo

brother [bród-er] hermano

brother-in-law [bród-er-in-lo] cuñado

child [chaild] niño (a), criatura

children [chaild-rn] niños o hijos

cousin [kós-n] primo (a)

daughter [dó-ter] hija

daughter-in-law [dó-ter-in-lo] nuera

father [fá-der] padre

father-in-law [fá-der-in-lo] suegro

fiancé [fiansé] prometido

fiancée [fian-sé] prometida

girl [guerl] muchacha

girl-friend [guerl- frend] novia (no oficial), amiga

girls [guerls] muchachas o niñas

godfather [gód-fad-er] padrino

godmother [gód-mod-er] madrina

grand-daughter [gránd-do-ter] nieta

grand-father [gránd-fad-er] abuelo

grand-mother gránd-mod-er] abuela

grand-son [gránd-son] nieto

great grandparents [greit gránd-péi-rents] bisabuelos

husband [jós-band] esposo, marido

man [man] hombre

men [men] hombres

mom and dad [mam and dád] mamá y papá

Source: Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary


Members of the Family with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 4

More Family: Phonetic Spanish Pronunciation Translation

mother [mód-er] madre

mother-in-law [mód-er-in-lo] suegra

nephew [néf-iu] sobrino

niece [nis] sobrina

parents [péi-rents] padres

relatives [rél-a-tivs] parientes, familiares

second cousin [sék-ond kós-n] primo (a), segundo (a)

sister [sís-ter] hermana

sister-in-law [sís-ter-in-lo] cuñada

son [son] hijo

son-in-law [son-in-lo] yerno

spouse [spaus] esposo o esposa

step-brother stép-bród-er] hermanastro

step-child stép-chaild] hijastro (a)

step-children [stép-chaild-rn] hijastros (as)

step-daughter [stép-dó-ter] hijastra

step-father [stép-fá-der] padrastro

step-mother [stép-mód-er] abuela

step-sister [stép-sis-ter] hermanastra

step-son [stép-son] hijastro

sweet-hearts [suít-jarts] novios

tot [tet] niño (a), que empieza a caminar

uncle [ón-kl] tío

wife [uaif] esposa

woman [uó-man] mujer

women [uó-men] mujeres

family [fám-i-li] familia

Source: Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary


Members of the Family with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 5

People: Phonetic Spanish Pronunciation Translation

anybody [én-i-bód-i] todo el mundo

adults [á-dolts] adultos

buddies [bód-is] compañeros, muy amigos

everybody [év-ri-bod-i] todo el mundo

everyone [év-ri-uan] todo el mundo

friend [frend] amigo (a)

kids [kids] niños (as), personas, jóvenes

lovers [lov-ers] amantes

no one [nou uan] nadie

nobody [nóu-bod-i] nadie

partner [part-ner] socio

someone [sóm-uan] alguien

teenagers [tin-eíyers] jóvenes

widow [uíd-ou] viuda

widower '[uíd-ou-er] viudo

people [pí-pl] gente, personas, pueblo

Husband and Wife Teenagers

[Jós-band and Uaif] [Tin-eíyers]

Source: Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary


Parts of the Body with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 6

Parts of the Body: Phonetic Spanish Pronunciation Translation

ankle [án-kl] tobillo

arms [arms] brazos

back [bak] espalda

ears [irs] oídos

elbow [él-bou] codo

eye-brows [ái-brous] cejas

eye-lashes [ái-lashes] pestañas

eye-lids [ái-lids] párpados

eyes [ais] ojos

face [feis] cara

feet [fíit] pies

finger [fín-guer] dedo de la mano

finger-nails [fín-guer-neils] uñas de la mano

finger-tips [fín-guer-tips] yemas de los dedos

foot [fut] pie

hair [jer] pelo, cabello

hands [jands] manos

head [jed] cabeza

knee [ni] rodilla

legs [legs] pieras

mouth [mauth] boca

neck [nek] cuello

nose [nous] nariz

shoulder [shóul-der] hombro

stomach [stóm-ak] estómago

teeth [tiz] dientes

toe-nails [tou-neils] uñas de los dedos de los pies

toe(s) [tou(s)] dedo(s) de los pies

tooth [tuth] diente

Created by: L. Kaplan Edited by: A. Napierkowski

Updated by: W. Nichols LVCC Update Edited by: S. Baretto


Parts of the Body with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 7

More Parts of the Body: Phonetic Spanish Pronunciation Translation

waist [ueist] cintura

wrist [rist] muñeca

body bódi cuerpo

human [jiú-man] Humano

The Five Sense:

hearing [jír-ing] oído

sight [sait] vista

smell [smel] olfato

taste [teist] gusto

touch [toch] tacto

sense [sens] sentido



Created by: L. Kaplan Edited by: A. Napierkowski

Updated by: W. Nichols LVCC Update Edited by: S. Baretto


House and Furniture with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 8

Parts of a House: Phonetic Spanish Pronunciation Translation

attic [á-tic] ático, desván

back-yard [bak-yard] patio trasero

balcony [bál-kon-i] balcón

basement [béis-ment] sótano, cuarto bajo

bathroom [báth-rum] cuarto de baño

bathtub [báth-tob] bañera

bedrooms [béd-rums] dormitorios

breakfast room [brék-fast rum] desayunador

ceiling [sí-ling] techo interior, cielo raso

cellar [sél-ar] sótano, bodega

closet [klós-et] ropero empotrado

dining room [dái-ning rum] comedor

door [dor] puerta

door bell [dor bel] timbre

down-stairs [daun-sters] abajo

entrance [én-trans] entrada

floor [flor] piso

garage [ga-rách] garaje

garden [gár-den jardín

gate [gueit] puerta, entrada

grass [gras] hierba

key [ki] llave

kitchen [kích-n] cocina

land [land] tierra

landscape [lánd-skeip] paisaje

laundry room [lón-dri rum] lavandería

lawn [lon] césped

living room [lív-ing rum] sala

lock [lok] cerradura

main floor [mein flor] planta baja

Source: Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary


House and Furniture with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 9

More Parts of a House: Phonetic Spanish Pronunciation Translation

pool [pul] piscina, alberca

porch [por-ch] terraza

roof [ruf] tejado, azotea

room [rum] cuarto, habitación

shower sháu-er] ducha

stair-way [ster-uei] escalera

stairs [sters] escalera

tree [tri] árbol

upstairs [op-sters] arriba

wall [uol] pared

window [uín-dou] ventana

yard [yard] yard

apartment [a-párt-ment] departamento

house [jaus] casa


arm-chair [árm-cher] sillón de brazos

bed [bed] cama

chair [cher] silla

chest [chest] cofre

clock [klok] reloj

couch [kaoch] sofá, diván

desk [desk] escritorio

dressing-table [drés-ing téi-bl] tocador, coqueta

easy-chair [í-si-cher] sillón, butaca

locker [lok-er] ropero

mirror [mír-or] espego

rocking-chair [rok-ing-cher] silla mecedora, balance

Source: Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary


House and Furniture with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 10

More Furniture: Phonetic Spanish Pronunciation Translation

rug [rog] alfombra

sofa [só-fa] sofá

table [téi-bl] mesa

furniture [fér-ni-chur] muebles, mobiliario

Items in a House:

bathrobe [bath-roub] albornoz

blanket [blán-ket] frazada, colcha

carpet [kár-pet] alfombra, tapete

curtains [kér-tins] cortinas

cushion [kúsh-on] cojín

dishes [dish-is] plato

pillow [píl-ou] almohada

sheet [shit] sábana (bed)

tablecloth [téi-bl-kloth] mantel

towel [táu-el] Toalla

Pillow [Píl-ou]

Rocking Chair


Source: Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary


Food and Drink with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 11

Meats: Phonetic Spanish Pronunciation Translation

bacon [béi-kon] tocino

beef [bif] carne de vaca, carne de res

beefsteak [bíf-steik] bistec

chicken [chík-n] pollo

eggs [egs] huevos

fish [fish] pescado

ham [jám] jamón

fowl [faul] ave

hamburger [jám-bur-guer] hamburgesa

hot dog [jot dog] perro caliente

liver [lív-er] hígado

lobster [lób-ster] langosta

pork [pork] cerdo, cochino, puerco

pork chops [pork chops] chuletas de puerco

salmon [sá-mon] salmón

sardine [sar-dlín] sardina

sausage [só-sich] salchicha, chorizo

shrimp [shrimp] camarón, langostino

steak [steik] bistec

turkey [tér-ki] pavo

meat [mit] carne

hungry [jón-gri] hambre, hambriento

Hot Dog [Jot Dog]

Source: Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary


Food and Drink with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 12

Vegetables: Phonetic Spanish Pronunciation Translation

beans [bins] frijoles

cabbage [káb-ich] repollo ó col

carrot [kár-ot] zanahoria

celery [sél-e-ri] apio

corn [korn] maíz

cucumber [ku-kum-ber] pepino

green pepper [grin pép-er] pimiento verde

lettuce [lét-os] lechuga

onion [ón-yon] cebolla

pea [pi] arvejita

potatoes [po-téi-tos] papas (patatas)

pumpkin [pómp-kin] calabaza

salad [sál-ad] ensalada

spinach [spín-ich] espinaca

squash [sku-ách] calabaza

string beans [string bíns] habíchuelas

tomatoes [to-méi-tous] jitomate (tomate)

vegetables [véch-ta-bls] legumbres, venduras

Tomatoe [To-méi-tou]

Source: Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary


Food and Drink with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 13

Fruit: Phonetic Spanish Pronunciation Translation

apple [áp-l] manzana

banana [ba-ná-na] banana

cantaloupe [kan-te-lup] variedad de melón

cherry [chér-i] cereza

grape [greip] uva

grapefruit [gréip-frut] toronja

lemon [lém-on] limón

lime [laim] especie de limón pequeño

orange [ór-ench] naranja

peach [pich] durazno

pear [per] pera

pineapple [páin-ap-l] piña

strawberry [stró-ber-i] fresa

watermelon [uá-tr-mel-on] sandia, patilla

fruit [frut] fruta


breakfast [brék-fast] desayuno

lunch [lonch] cimida ligera del mediodía

supper [sú-per] cena, comida nocturna

dinner [dín-er] comida fuerte del mediodía

Strawberry [Stró-ber-i]

Source: Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary


Food and Drink with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 14

Fun Foods: Phonetic Spanish Pronunciation Translation

bread [bred] pan

butter [bót-er] mantequilla

cake [keik] torta

candy [kán-di] dulces, confituras, caramelos

cereal [sí-ri-al] cereal

cheese [chís] queso

chocolate [chók-let] canoa

cookie [kuk-i] galleta

dessert [di-sért] postres

eggs [egs] huevos

grocery [gróu-ser-i] tienda de viveres (abarrotes)

ice cream [ais krim] helado

pie [pai] pastel

popcorn [póp-korn] palomitas

rice [rais] arroz

soup [sup] sopa

spaghetti [spa-get-i] esapgueti

yogurt [yó-guert] yogur

chili [chíl-i] chile

chili pepper [chíl-i pép-er] ají picanteí

cinnamon [sí-na-mon] canela

garlic [gár-lik] ajo

herb [erb] hierba

salt [solt] sal

spice [spais] especia

Popcorn [Póp-korn]

Source: Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary


Food and Drink with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 15

Drinks: Phonetic Spanish Pronunciation Translation

beer [bír] cervesa

coffee [kóf-i] café

cream [kr-iim] crema

juice [yus] jugo

lemonade [lém-on-eid] limonada

milk [milk] leche

orange juice [ór-ench yus] jugo de naranja

soda [só-da] soda

soft drink [soft drink] gaseosa

tea [ti] té

water [uá-tr] agua

wine [uain] vino

drink [drink] beber

drank [drank] bebió

drunk [dronk] borracho

thirsty [thers-ti] sediento

Cooking & Eating:

fried [fra-id] frito (os), (as)

frozen [fró-sen] congelar, helar

sandwich [sánd-uich] sandwich, emparedado

food [fud] alimentos, comida

ate [eit] comió

eat [it] comer

eaten [it-en] comer

Source: Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary


Food and Drink with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 16

Dishes: Phonetic Spanish Pronunciation Translation

bowl [bol] plato hondo

cup [kop] taza

fork [fork] tenedor

glass [glas] vaso

knife [naif] cuchillo

napkin [náp-kin] servilleta

plate [pleit] plato llano

recipe [rés-a-pi] receta de cocina

spatula [spat-ula] spatula

spoon [spun] cuchara

tablecloth [téi-bl-kloth] mantel

tablespoon [téi-bl-spun] cucharita

dining room [dái-ning rum] comedor

kitchen [kích-n] cocina

Table Setting [Téi-bl Set-ting]

Source: Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary


Health Issues with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 17

Health Problems: Phonetic Spanish Pronunciation Translation

addict [á-dikt] adicto

addiction [a-dík-shon] adicción

backache [bák-eik] dolor de esplada

blood [blod] sangre]

cancer [kac-sér] cáncer

cold [kould] la cabeza fría

cough [kof] tos

cramp [kramp] calambre

cough [kof] tos

dentist [dén-tist] dentista

diabetes [dai-a-bí-tis] diabetes

doctor [dók-tor] médico, doctor

drug [drog] droga, medicamento

flu [flu] gripe

headache [jéd-eik] dolor de cabeza

hospital [jós-pi-tal] hospital

hurt [jert] herida, lesión

ill [il] malo, enfermo

illness [il-nes] enfermedad

infection [in-fékt-shon] infección

medicine [méd-i-sin] medicina

nose bleed [nous blid] nariz que moquea

nurse [ners] enfermera

pain [pein] dolor

pneumonia [niu-móu-ni-a] pulmonía

prescription [pris-kríp-shon] (med.) recetar

rheumatism [rú-ma-tis-m] reumatismo

runny nose [ron-ni nous]] sangrado por la nariz

sick [sik] malo, enfermo

Source: Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary


Health Issues with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 18

More Health Problems: Phonetic Spanish Pronunciation Translation

sore throat [sor throut] dolor de garganta

stomachache [stóm-ak-eik] dolor de estómago

temperature [tém-per-a-chur] temperatura

toothache [túth-eik] dolor de muela

surgeon [sér-yon] cirujano

surgery [sér-yer-i] cirugía

vomit [vóm-it] vómito

wound [uund] herida

health [jeith] salud

Doctor Coughing

[Dók-tor] [Kof-ing]

Source: Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary


Weather, Temperature, & Colors with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 19

Weather: Phonetic Spanish Pronunciation Translation

cloudy [cláu-di] nublado

damp [damp] húmedo

lighting [láit-ing] alumbrado

rainy [rei-ni] lluvioso

snowy [sno-ui] nevado, con nieve

sunny [son-ni] soleado, con sol

thunder [than-der] trueno

windy [uín-di] ventoso, con aire

weather [uéd-er] tiempo

Sun & Clouds [Son and Cláu-ds]

Raining [Rei-ning]


cold [kould] frío

cool [kul] fresco

hot [jot] caluroso (calor intenso)

luke-warm [luk-uorm] tibio

warm [uorm] caliente (agradablemente)

temperature [tém-per-a-chur] temperatura

Source: Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary


Weather, Temperature, & Colors with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 20

Colors: Phonetic Spanish Pronunciation Translation

black [blak] negro

blue [blu] azul

brown [broun] café

gray [grei] gris

green [grin] verde

pink [pink] rosado

purple [pér-pl] morado

red [red] rojo

violet váiolet morado

white [juait] blanco

yellow [yél-ou] amarillo

color [kól-or] color

Source: Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary


Clothing & Jewelry with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 21

Clothing & Jewelry: Phonetic Spanish Pronunciation Translation

bag [bag] saco, bolsa

belt [belt] cinturón

blouse [blaus] blusa

boot [but] bota

bracelet [bréis-lit] pulsera

buckle [bók-l] hebilla

button [bót-n] botón

cloth [kloth] tela, paño

coat [kout] abrigo

collar [kál-r] cuello

costume [kós-tium] traje, disfraz

diamond [dái-mond] diamante

dress [dres] vestido

earrings [ír-ings] aretes

fashion [fásh-on] moda

garment [gár-ment] prenda de vestir

glove [glov] guante

gown [gaun] vestido

handbag [jánd-bag] cartera

hankerchief [jánd-ker-chif] pañuelo

hat [jat] sombrero

jacket [yák-it] chaqueta

jewel [yiú-l] joya

lace [leis] encaje

leather [léd-er] cuero, piel

nightgown [náit-gaun] camisa de dormir

overcoat [óu-ver-kout] abrigo

pajamas [pa-yá-mas] pijamas

panties [pán-tis] bragas

pants [pants] pantalones

Source: Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary


Clothing & Jewelry with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 22

More Clothing & Jewelry: Phonetic Spanish Pronunciation Translation

pantyhose [pán-ti-jous] pantys

pearls [perls] pertas

perfume [pér-fium] perfume

pocket [pók-it] bolsillo

purse [pers] cartera

raincoat [réin-kout] impermeable

ribbon [ríb-on] cinta

ring [ring] anillo

sandal [sán-dl] sandalia

shirt [shert] camisa

shoe [shu] zapato

skirt [skert] falda

sleeve [sliv] manga

sock [sok] calcetín

stockings [stók-ings] medias

suit [sut] traje

sweater [sué-ter] suéter

tailor [téil-r] sastre

thread [thred] hilo

trousers [tráu-sers] pantalones

underwear [ón-der-uer] ropa interior

uniform [íu-ni-form] uniforme

wallet [uól-it] billetera

watch [uach] reloj

zipper [síp-er] cremallera

clothes [kloz] ropa

jewelry [yiú-el-ri] joyería

Source: Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary


Money & Important Numbers with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 23

Money: Phonetic Spanish Pronunciation Translation

bills [bils] billetes

dime [dáim] moneda de diez centavos

dollar [dó-lar] dólar

half-dollar [jaf dó-lar] medio dólar

nickel [ník-el] cinco centavos

penny [pén-i] centavo

quarter [kuár-ter] cuarto de dólar

coins [koins] monedas

money [món-i] dinero

Coins [koin] (moneda) Bills [bils] (billetes)

$ .01 penny [pén-i] or 1¢, one cent [sent] $ 1.00 one dollar

$ .05 nickel [ni-quel] or 5¢, five cents $ 5.00 five dollars

$ .10 dime [dáim] or 10¢, ten cents $ 10.00 ten dollars

$ .25 quarter [kuár-ter] or 25¢, twenty-five cents $ 20.00 twenty dollars

$ .50 half-dollar [jaf-dó-lar] or 50¢, fifty cents $ 50.00 fifty dollars

$1.00 dollar [dó-lar] or 100¢, one hundred cents $100.00 one hundred dollars

Coins Bills

Source: Hippocrene

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Money & Important Numbers with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 24

Important Numbers: Phonetic Spanish Pronunciation Translation

area code [é-ri-a kod] código de area

address [á-dres] dirección

bills [bils] billetes

driver's license [drái-vers lái-sens] licencia de conducir

license plate [lái-sens pleit] placa

phone [fon] teléfono

policy [pól-i-si] póliza

social security [só-shal si-kiú-ri-ti] seguro social

zip code [síp kod] código postal

Source: Hippocrene

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Questions with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 25

Questions: Phonetic Spanish Pronunciation Translation

How? [jau] ¿cómo? (interrogativo)

What? [juat] ¿qué? (Cosa)

When? [juen] ¿cuándo? (Tiempo)

Where? [juer] ¿dónde? (Lugar)

Which? [juich] ¿cual? (interrogativo)

Who? [ju] ¿quien, quienes? (Persona)

Why? [juai] ¿por qué? (interrogativo)

Examples (Ejemplos):

What time is it? Who is your boyfriend? [Juat taim ís it?] [Ju ís yur boi frend?] When is dinner? Why are you sick? [Juen ís dín-er?] [Juai ár yu sik?] Where are my books? How old is your boy? [Juer ár mai buks?] [Jau ould ís yur boi?] Which way is Miami? [Juich uei ís Miami?

Source: Hippocrene

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Conjunctions, Prepositions & Pronouns with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 26


Conjunctions (also called a connective) are words used to connect phrases, clauses

and sentences. Commonly used conjunctions are:

English Spanish Spanish Conjunction Phonetic Translation Pronunciation

and [and] y,

although [ol-dóu aunque, sin embargo

as [as] como

because [bi-kós] porque

before [bi-fór] antes de

but [bot] pero, sino

else [els] de otro modo, de otro caso

for [for] para que

if [if] si

in case [in keis] en caso

nor [nor] ni

or [or] o

so [sou] por tanto

than [dan] que

though [dou] aunque

till [til] hasta que

unless [an-lés] a menos (de) que

until [an-tíl] hasta que

when [juen] cuando, ¿cuándo?

whenever [juen-év-er] siempre, que

where [juer] donde, ¿dónde?

whether [juéd-er] si

while [juail] mientras que

why [juai] por qué, ¿por qué?

yet [iet] sin embagro

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Conjunctions, Prepositions & Pronouns with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 27


A preposition is a word governing, and usually preceding, a noun or pronoun and

expressing a relation to another word or element in the clause, as in “the man on the

platform,” “she arrived after dinner,” “what did you do it for ?” Commonly used

prepositions are:

English Spanish Spanish Preposition Phonetic Translation Pronunciation

about [a-bóut] acerca de

above [a-bóv] sobre

according to [a-kórd-ing tu] según

across [a-krós] al través de

across from [a-krós from] frente a

after [áft--er] después de

against [a-géinst] contra

along [a-long] a lo largo de, por

among [a-móng] entre

around [a-ráund] alrededor de, en torno a

at [at] a, en

barring [bár-ring] excepto

before [bi-fór] antes que

behind [bi-jáind] detrás

below [bi-lóu] debajo de

beneath [bi-níth] debajo de

beside [bi-sáid] al lado de

besides [bi-sáids] además de

between [bi-tuín] entre

beyond [bi-ond] más allá de

by [bai] por, a, de, con, en

despite [dis-páit] a pesar de

down [daun] debajo de

during [dú-ring] durante

Source: Hippocrene

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Conjunctions, Prepositions & Pronouns with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 28

More Prepositions

English Spanish Spanish Preposition Phonetic Translation Pronunciation

except [ek-sépt] excepto, a excepción de

far [far] a lo lejos

for [for] por, para

from [from] de, desde

front [front] parte anteior

in [in] en, dentro de

in back of [in bak of] detrás de

in front of [in front of] delante de, en frente de

including [in-klúd-ing] incluso

instead [in-stéd] en lugar, en vez

instead of [[in-stéd of] en vez de

into [ín-tu] en, adentro

less [les] menos

near [nier] cerca de

next to [nekst tu] al lado de

of [of] de

off [off] de, desde

on [on] en, sobre

on top of [on top of] encima de

onto [on-tu] sobre

opposite [áp-o-sit] frenta a, enfrenta de

out [aut] fuera de

out of [aut of] fuera de

over [óu-ver] sobre

past [past] más allá de, más de

per [per] por

through [thru] través de

Source: Hippocrene

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Conjunctions, Prepositions & Pronouns with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 29

More Prepositions

English Spanish Spanish Preposition Phonetic Translation Pronunciation

till [til] hasta

to [tu] a

toward [touard] hacia

under [ón-der] debajo de

until [an-tíl] hasta

up [ap] encima de

upon [o-pón] sobre

via [vái-a] por

with [uith] con

without [uith-áut] sin

Source: Hippocrene

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Conjunctions, Prepositions & Pronouns with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 30


A pronoun is a word that can function by itself as a noun phrase and that refers

either to the participants in the conversation (e.g., I, you ) or to someone or

something mentioned elsewhere (e.g., she, it, this). These are called personal

pronouns. Common pronouns include:

English Spanish Spanish Pronouns Phonetic Translation Pronunciation

another [a-nó-der] otro

both [bouth] ambos, los dos

each [ich] cada

either [í -der] cualquiera de los dos

everybody [evri-bód-i] todo el mundo

everything [evri-thing] todo

he [ji] él

her [jer] ella, la, le

hers [jers] suyo, suya, de ella

herself [jer-sélf] ella, misma

him [jim] a él, le, lo, se

himself [jim-sélf] si mismo, él mismo

his [jis] el suyo

I [ai] yo

it [it] él, ella, ello, lo, la, le

itself [it-sélf] el mismo, la misma

me [mi] me, mí

mine [main] el mío

my [mai] mi, mío

myself [mai-sélf] yo mismo

nobody [nóu-bod-i] nadie

none [non] ninguno

nothing [ná-thing] nada

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Conjunctions, Prepositions & Pronouns with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 31

More Pronouns

English Spanish Spanish Pronouns Phonetic Translation Pronunciation

one [uan] uno

oneself [uan-sélf] se, sí mismo

other [ód-er] otro

our [aur] nuestro

ours [aurs] el nuestro

ourselves [aur-sélvs] nosotros, mismos

she [shi] ella

somebody [sóm-bód-i] alguien

something [som-thing] alguien

such [soch] tal

their [deir] sus, su

theirs [deirs] el suyo

them [dem] ellos, las

themselves [dem-sélvs] ellos mismos

these [dis] éstos

they [dei] ellos

this [dis] éste

those [dous] ésos, áquellos

us [os] nos, nosotros

we [ui] nosotros

what [juat] lo que, ¿qué?

whatever [juat-év-er] cualquiera

when [juen] cuando, ¿cuándo?

whenever [juen-év-er] siempre, que

which [juich] que, cual, ¿qué?

whichever [juich-év-er] cualquiera

who [ju] quien, el que, ¿quién?

whoever [ju-év-er] quienquiera que

Source: Hippocrene

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Conjunctions, Prepositions & Pronouns with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 32

More Pronouns

English Spanish Spanish Pronouns Phonetic Translation Pronunciation

whom [jum] que, el que, el cual, ¿quién?

whose [jus] cuyo, de quien, ¿de quién?

you [iu] tú, usted, ustedes

your [iur] su, sus, tus

yours [iurs] el suyo, el tuyo

yourself [iur-sélf] usted mismo, si mismo

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Conjunctions, Prepositions & Pronouns with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 26




First Person

Second Person

Third Person

Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural

Subject: I [ai, or ái] We [ui] You [yu] You [yu] He, She, It They [dei]

[Ji, Shi, It]

Object: Me [mi] Us [os] You [yu] You [yu] Him, Her, It Them [dem]

[Jim, Jer, It


Used Alone Mine [main] Ours [aurs] Yours [yurs] Yours [yurs] His, Hers Theirs [ders] [Jis, Jers]

Use Before Nouns My [mai] Our [aur] Your [yur] Your [yur} His, Her, Its Their [der] [Jis, Jer, Its]

(Note: words in [xxx] are the Spanish phonetic pronunciation of the English word.)

Object Pronoun Examples The object pronoun is used as the object of a verb, such as “Mary met him here”, or a preposition, such as “Mary came with him.” Other examples: “John ate dinner with me.”, or “Please give them my love.”

Possessive Pronoun Examples

The possessive pronoun is used in two different ways. One way is using the pronoun alone. The other way is to use the pronoun before a noun. Examples are: “It’s mine”, or “The purse is hers (used alone).” “It is my pencil”, or “Their house is beautiful (use before a noun).”

Source: Hippocrene

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Pronunciation Practice with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 34

"R" Pronunciation

Make sure your tongue tip never touches your upper gum ridge and you will pronounce the letter "r" correctly.

Examples: remember [ri-mém-ber] practice [prák-tis]

carefully [kér-ful-li] yours [yurs]

right [rait] target [tár-guet]

Practice: Repeat after me. [Ri-pít áft-er mi.]

"r" at the beginning "r" in the middle "r" at the end

red [red] very [vér-i] or [or]

run [ron] marry [mér-i] are [ár]

rest [rest] story [stó-ri] far [far]

ramp [ramp] berry [bár-i] door [dor]

read [rid] sorry [sor-i] near [nir]

rain [rein] carrot [kár-ot] sure [shur]

real [rí-al] orange [ór-ench] their [der]

wrong [rong] around [a-ráund] before [bi-fór]

write [rait] horse [jors] appear [a-pír]

rent [rent] large [larch] four [for]

rose [rous] forest [fór-est] there [der]

tomorrow [tu-mór-ou] ear [ir]

apartment [a-párt-ment]

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Pronunciation Practice with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 35

"S" Pronunciation

In English, when you pronounce words beginning with "s", you need to be careful not to create an "e" before you pronounce the "s". For example, in Spanish the word España contains an "e" before the "s", but Spain does not contain "e" before the "s". Therefore in order to issue the correct sound, think super or Saturday and remember the sound.

SPACE [speis] (espacio) STORM [storm] (tormenta)

SPAGHETTI [spa-ger-i] (esapgueti) STORY [stó-ri] (cuento)

SPANISH [Spanish] (español) SPRAY [sprei] (rociador)

SPARE [sper] (escatimar) START [start] (comenzar)

SPATULA [spat-iu-la] (spatula) STRANGE [strench] (raro)

SPEAK [spik] (hablar] STRATEGY [strat-e-gi] (estrategia)

SPEED [spid] (velocidad) SPLASH [splash] (chapuzón)

SPELL [spell] (deletrear) STREET [strit] (calle)

SPEND [spend] (gastar) STRENGTH [strengt] (fortaleza)

STAGE [steich] (escena) STRESS [stress] (estres)

SPY [spai] (espia) STRETCH [strech] (estirar)

SPICE [spais] (especia) STRIKE [straik] (huelga)

SPICY [spái-si] (picante) SPREAD [spred] (extender)

SPIDER [spai-der] (araña) STROKE [strouk] (infarto)

SPIT spit] (escupir) STRONG [strong] (fuerte)

SPILL [spil] (derramar) STEAL [stil] (robar)

SPIN [spín] (hacer girar) SPRITE [sprait] (duende)

SQUASH [scuach] (calabaza) STYLE [stail] (estilo)

SQUARE [skuer] (cuadrado) STOMACH [stóm-ak] (estómago)

SPORT [sport] (deporte) STEP [step] (poso)

SPRINKLER [sprin-kler] (rociador) STOP [stop] (parada)

SQUEEZE [scuiz] (apretar) STAIN [stein] (mancha)

SPOUSE [spaus] (esposo o esposa) STAIR [ster] (escalera)

STABLE [stéi-bl] (establo) STATE [steit] (estado)

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Pronunciation Practice with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 36

STATUS [stat-us] (estatus) STANDARD [stán-dard] (norma)

STARE [steer] (mirar fijo) STAPLE [stei-pel] (grapa, corchete)

SPRING [spring] (primavera) STARCH [starch] (almidón)

STACK [stak] (apilar) STILL [stil] (todavías)

STADIUM [stéi-di-um] (estadio) STAR [star] (estrella)

STORE [stor] (tienda) STAFF [staf] (personal)

“S” Word Pronunciation Practice

Sam smiled at Sally Smith.

[Sam smaild at Sal-ly Smith.]

Sarah smelled some sausage cooking .

[Sarah smeld som só-sich kuking.]

Susan sang several songs about summertime.

[Sus-an sang séverol songs a-bóut sóm-er-taim.]

See Saul swim in the swimming pool.

[Si Saul suim in di suím-ing pul.]

Surely Santos will shake the snow off his shoes.

[Shur-li San-tos uil sheik di shou of jis shus.]

Sugar makes sour things taste sweet.

[Shú-ger meiks saur things teist suit.]

Can Suzy see the ship on the sea?

[Kan Su-zy si di shíp on di si]?

Sandy says Shirley can see the movie show.

[San-dy seis Shur-li kan si di movie shou.]

Sometimes soup smells sweet.

[Sóm-taims sup smels siut.]

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Pronunciation Practice with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 37

Samuel saw seven students sliding on the slide at school.

[Sam-uel so sév-en stiú-dents sliding on di slide at skul.]

Samantha sells shiny shoes in her store sometimes in the summer.

[Sa-man-tha sels shain-y shus in jer stor sóm-taims in di sóm-er.]

Shawn smiles as he sits near his sister.

[Shawn smails as ji sits nir jis sís-ter.]

Seeing sunshine so early in Sarasota suddenly surprised Scott Sanders.

[Si-ing són-shain sou ér-li in Sara-sota sód-n-li ser-práis-d Scott San-ders.]

Start sailing in the south seas to smell the salty air.

[Start sei-ling in di sauth sis tu smel di solti er.]

Speak softly as sister Suzy is trying to sleep in her small room.

[Spik soft-li as sís-ter Su-zy is trai-ing tu slip in jer smol rum.]

Surely you study your lessons to show you are able to speak English.

[Shur-li tú stód-i yur les-ons tu shou tú ár éi-bl tu spik Ing-lish]

Mr. Smith shaves sometimes in the sunny morning and again before sleeping.

[Mr. Smith sheivis sóm-taims in di son-ni mór-ning and a-guéin bi-for slip-ing.]

Source: Hippocrene

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Pronunciation Practice with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 38

“B” Word Pronunciation

Billy Bob bought a big blue ball.

[Bil-ly Bob bot ei big blu bol.]

Bright sun shined in Betty's bedroom.

[Brait son shain-d in Bet-ty’s béd-rum.]

Does Sarah ride her bicycle before breakfast?

[Dós Sar-ah raid jer bái-si-kl bi-fór brék-fast]?

But, will Brenda want to buy bread or bacon or both?

[Bot uil Bren-da uant tu bai bred or béi-kon or bouth]?

Building a beautiful boat can brighten a boring day.

[Build-ing ei biú-ti-ful bout kan brait-ten ei bor-ing dei.]

Bernie's book business is doing better than Barbara's.

[Ber-nie’s buk bís-nes ís du-ing bét-er dan Bar-bara’s.]

Between the bank and the barber shop is a ball park.

[Bi-tuín di bank and di bár-ber shop ís ei bol park.]

Both Bambi and Bert became best friends with Becky.

[Bouth Bam-bi and Bert bi-kéim best frends uith Bec-ky.]

Bertha began to believe that she will become a better student.

[Ber-tha bi-gán tu bi-lív dat shi uil bi-kóm ei bét-er stiú-dent.]

The big blue fish broke the water and bent the black fishing rod.

[Di big blu fish bróuk di uá-tr and bent di blak fish-ing rod.]

Borrow a book to read while you are being trimmed at the barber shop.

[Bár-ou ei buk tu rid juail tú ár be-ing trim-d at di bár-ber shop.]

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Pronunciation Practice with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 39

Susan bet Mr. Burns she would bake a wonderful bunt cake.

[Su-san bet Mr. Burns shi uud béik ei uón-der-ful bunt keik.]

Bobby blew hard to fill the blue balloon before it will break.

[Bob-by blú jard tu fil di ba-lún bi-fór it uil breik.]

Becky is bringing Bart to the beginning dance class in the ballroom.

[Beck-y ís bring-ing Bart tu di bi-guín-ing dans klas in di bol-rum.]

Bet you do not know if the bright sun and blue sky will be back tomorrow.

[Bet tú du not nou if di brait son and blu skai uil bi bak tu-mór-ou.]

He began to build a new big house after the old one burned down.

[Ji bi-gán tu build ei niu big jaus áft-er di ould uan bern-d daun.]

Buying at a sale is better than borrowing from Bailey Benton.

[Bai-ing at ei seil ís bét-er dan bár-ou-ing from Bail-ey Ben-ton.]

Source: Hippocrene

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Pronunciation Practice with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 40

“W” Word Pronunciation

Walter wants to win the World wrestling championship. [Wal-ter uants tu uin di Uerid wrest-ling cham-pion-ship.] Wendy went south. What will you do when winter comes? [Uen-dy uent sauth. Juat uil tú du juen uín-ter koms?] Would Wanda want to wonder the woods when it is warm? [Uud Uan-da uant tu uón-der di uuds juen it ís uorm?] Wow! Who walked into the wall? Was it Will or Bill? [Uow! Ju uok-td ín-tu di uol? Uas it Uil or Bill?] When we write words with sand, which ones will blow away? [Juen ui rait uerds uith sánd, juich uans uil blow a-uéi?] Water works at wearing away beaches. [Uá-tr uerks at uer-ing a-uéi bichis.] White, wool clothing will keep Mrs. Wilkins warm. [Juait, uul klo-th-ing uil kip Mrs. Uil-kins uorm.] Why does a waterfall seem so wonderful? [Juai duz ei uá-tr-fol sim sou uón-der-ful?] Where will Willy go when the winter winds start blowing? [Juer uil Uil-ly gou juen di uín-ter uinds start blow-ing?] Why would war start again in the world? [Juai uud uor start a-guéin in di uerld?] Were you with Wendy when she was working? [Uer yu uith Uen-dy juen shi uas uerk-ing?]

Source: Hippocrene

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Pronunciation Practice with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 41

Winona sings while she goes about her whole day. [Uin-o-na sings juail shi gous a-bóut jer joul dei.] Walk while wondering when Walter will return to work. [Uok juail uón-der-ing juen Ual-ter uil ri-térn tu uerk.] Will you wish you could win the lottery with your wonderful partner? [Uil yu uish yu kud uin di lót-er-i uith yur uón-der-ful párt-ner?] Wake up, wash your face, wear a nice watch, and walk to work with pride.

[Ueik op, uash yur feis, uer ei nais uach, and uok tu uerk uith praid.]

Source: Hippocrene

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Pronunciation Practice with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 42

G and J Pronunciation

(G y J Pronunciación)

In English, the pronunciation of words that begin with or contain the letters "g" or "j" is very similar to the sound of the letters "ll" or "y" in Spanish. (En Inglés, la pronunciación de palabras que comienzan o contienen las letras "g" o "j" es muy similar al sonido de las letras "ll" o "y" en español.)

Practice / Práctica:

At the beginning In the middle At the end

(Al comienzo) (En el centro) (Al final)

jam [yam] agent [éi-yent] age [eich]

joy [joi] adjust [ád-yost] cage [keich]

jab [yab] magic [ma-yic] large [larch]

jar [yar] enjoy [en-yói] energy [én-er-yi]

gym [yim] angel [án-yél] badge [badch]

gem [yem] injure [ín-yur] ridge [rídch]

jail [yeil] rejoin [re-yoin] college [kál-ich]

giant [yái-ant] danger [déin-yer] wage [uéi-ch]

jello [yél-lou] suggest [sog-yést] marriage [mér-ich]

jaw [yo] major [méi-yor] fudge [fodch]

joke [youk] subject [sób-yekt] bridge [brich]

June [yun] budge [budch]

gin [yin] wedge [uéd-ch]

gentle [yén-tl] grudge [gruch]



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Pronunciation Practice with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 43

Important / Importante: Words which contain the letter "g", where the letter "g" follows the letter "n" or precedes the letters "a, o, u, or r," sound just like the letter "g" in Spanish.

(Las palabras que contienen la letra "g", donde la letra "g" sigue a la letra "n" o precede a las letras "a, o, u, o r," suenan igual que la letra "g" en español.)

Practice / Práctica:

At the beginning In the middle At the end

(Al comienzo) (En el centro) (Al final)

go [gou] cigar [sí-gar] beg [bég]

get [guet] agree [a-grí] pig [pig]

girl [guerl] begin [bi-guní] bag [bag]

gone [goun] anger [án-guer] rug [rog]

great [greit] forget [for-guét] log [log]

guess [gues] bigger [big-ger] dog [dog]

green [grin] hungry [jón-gri] egg [eg]

glass [glas] beggar [bég-ar] drug [drog]

gather [gád-er] cigarette [sí-gar-et] flag [flag]

good [gud] legal [lí-gal] leg [leg]

grill [gril] again [a-guéin] fig [fig]

gas [gas] vinegar [vín-i-gher] dig [dig]

grapes [greips] pager [peich-er] rag [rag]

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Pronunciation Practice with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 44

G and Y Pronunciation

(G e Y de Pronunciaciones)

Practice / Práctica:

yoke [youk] joke [youk]

yellow [yél-ou] jello [yél-lou]

yam [yam] jam [yam]

yacht [yat] Jack [yak]

Yahoo [ya-ju] jail [yeil]

you [yu] jew [yiú]

yard [yard] janitor [yán-it-tor]

yardage [yard-eich] jealous [yél-los]

yardsale [yard-seil] jean [yin]

yaw [yo] jaw [yo]

yawn [yon] jelly [yél-li]

yea [yéi] jerk [yerk]

yeah [yéi] jersey [yer-sii]

year [yir] jet [yet]

yearbook [yir-buk] jewel [yiú-l]

yeast [yiist] jewish [yiú-ish]

yes [yes] jingle [yin-gl]

yesterday [yés-ter-dai] job [yob]

yet [yet] jockey [yo-ki]

yield [yield] join [yoin]

yoga [yó-ga] Jesus [yes-os]

yogurt [yó-guert] journal [yur-nl]

york [york] joy [yoi]

young [yong] judge [yoch]

your [yur] July [yu-lái]

yourself [yur-self] jump [yomp]

youth [yuth] June [yun]

yo-yo [yó-yó] junk [yonk]

yucca [yú-ká] just [yost]

yummy [yúm-mi] jungle [yon-gl]

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Pronunciation Practice with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 45

V Pronunciation

(V Pronunciada)

To make the "V" sound in English, you have to place your upper teeth on your lower lip. (Para hacer el sonido "V" en Inglés, lo que tienes que colocar tus dientes superiores en el labio inferior.)

If you say "b" instead of "v", it will sound like this:

(Si dice "b" en lugar de "v", sonará como esto)

very [vér-i] berry [bár-i]

vest [vest] best [best]

vow [vau] bow [bau]

marvel [már-vl] marble [már-bl]

vase [véis] base [béis]

Practice / Práctica:

At the beginning In the middle At the end

(Al comienzo) (En el centro) (Al final)

vine [vín] even [í-vn] brave [breiv]

vase [véis] over [óu-ver] love [lov]

vote [vout] every [év-ri] live [liv]

vest [vest] cover [kóv-er] move [muv]

very [vér-i] river [rív-er] drive [draiv]

voice [vois] heavy [jév-i] stove [stouv]

visit [vís-it] movie [muv-i] leave [liv]

valley [vál-i] clever [klév-er] have [jav]

vowel [vo-uul] eleven [i-lév-n] carve [kárv]

vacuum [vák-yum] liver [lív-er] five [faiv]

Venice [vén-is] never [név-er] save [seiv]

Vera [vér-a] ever [év-er]

value [vál-iu] November [no-vém-br]

van [van]

Source: Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary



with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 46

The first nine (9) numbers are easy, very important, and usually written in sentences, such as two instead of 2, or three instead of 3. Use a written number to begin a sentence. Cardinal Ordinal 0 zero [sí-rou]

1 one [uán] 1st first [ferst] 2 two [tu] 2nd second [sé-cond] 3 three [zri] 3rd third [zerd] 4 four [for] 4th fourth [forz] 5 five [fáiv] 5th fifth [fifz] 6 six [six] 6th sixth [sixz] 7 seven [sév-en] 7th seventh [sev-enz] 8 eight [eit] 8th eighth [eitz] 9 nine [náin] 9th ninth [náinz] Numbers Larger Than 9: 10 ten [ten] 10th tenth [tenz] 11 eleven [i-lév-en] 11th eleventh [i-lév-enz] 12 twelve [tuélv] 12th twelfth [tuélfz]

Source: Hippocrene

Updated by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary



with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 47

Cardinal numbers 13 - 19 have the same ending sound, teen [tin]. Ordinal numbers 13 - 19 have the ending sound, teenth [tinth] 13 thirteen [zer-tín] 13th thirteenth [zer-tínz] 14 fourteen [for-tín] 14th fourteenth [for-tínz] 15 fifteen [fif-tín] 15th fifteenth [fifí-tnz] 16 sixteen [six-tín] 16th sixteenth [six-tínz] 17 seventeen [se-ven-tín] 17th seventeenth [se-ven-tínz] 18 eighteen [ei-tín] 18th eighteenth [ei-tínz] 19 nineteen [nain-tín] 19th nineteenth [nai-tínz] The Cardinal numbers 20 - 90 end with the sound, ty [ti]. Ordinal numbers 20 - 90 end with the sound tyeth [ti-ez]. 20 twenty [tuén-ti] 20th twentieth [tuén-ti-ez] 30 thirty [zér-ti] 30th thirtieth [zér-ti-ez] 40 forty [fór-ti] 40th fourtieth [fór-ti-ez] 50 fifty [fíf-ti] 50th fiftieth [fíf-ti-ez] 60 sixty [síx-ti] 60th sixtieth [síx-ti-ez] 70 seventy [sé-ven-ti] 70th seventieth [sé-ven-ti-ez] 80 eighty [éi-ti] 80th eightieth [éi-ti-ez] 90 ninety [náin-ti] 90th ninetieth [náin-ti-ez] Saying other numbers is very simple, just add the smaller numbers to the larger ones like the examples: 25 is twenty-five (20) (5). 25th is twenty-fifth (20) (5th).

25 [ís] [tuén-ti-fáiv]. 25th [ís] [tuén-ti-fifz].

Source: Hippocrene

Updated by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary



with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 48

Large Numbers: Ordinal numbers greater than 100th include the word "and" prior to the ordinal number. Cardinal numbers do not include the "and." 100 one hundred [uán jóndred] 100th one hundreth [uán jóndredz] 101 one hundred one 101th one hundreth and first 102 one hundred two 102th one hundreth and second 103 one hundred three 103th one hunundreth and third 104 one hundred four 104th one hundreth and fourth 105 one hundred five 105th one hundreth and fifth 106 one hundred six 106th one hundreth and sixth 107 one hundred seven 107th one hundreth and seventh 108 one hundred eight 108th one hundreth and eighth 109 one hundred nine 109th one hundreth and ninth 110 one hundred ten 110th one hundreth and tenth [uán jóndred ten] [uán jóndred and tenz] 200 two hundred 200th two hundreth 300 three hundred 300th three hundreth 400 four hundred 400th four hundreth 500 five hundred 500th five hundreth 600 six hundred 600th six hundreth 700 seven hundred 700th seven hundreth 800 eight hundred 800th eight hundreth 900 nine hundred 900th nine hundreth

Source: Hippocrene

Updated by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary



with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 49

Very Large Numbers: Place commas in numbers of four or more digits. See the examples below. 1,000 one thousand 1,000th one thousandth [uán záusand] [uán zausandz] 1,015 one thousand fifteen 1,015th one thousand and fifteenth [uán záusand fif-tín] [uán záusand and fifí-tnz] 1,000,000 one million 1,000,000th one millionth [uán mílion] [uán mílionz]

Source: Hippocrene

Updated by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary


Most Common English Words (Top 100) with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 50

The list below of most common words in English cannot be definitive. It is based on an analysis of the Oxford English Corpus of over a billion words, and represents one study done by Oxford Online, associated with the Oxford English Dictionary. This source includes writings of all sorts from "literary novels and specialist journals to everyday newspapers and magazines and from Hansard to the language of chatrooms, emails, and weblogs", unlike some sources which use texts from only specific sources.

The Reading Teachers Book of Lists claims that the first 25 words make up about one-third of all printed material in English, and that the first 100 make up about one-half of all written material.

Rank Word Rank Word Rank Word 1 the [di] 16 he [ji] 31 or [or]

2 be [bi] 17 as [as] 32 an [an]

3 to [tu] 18 you [yu] 33 will [uil]

4 of [ov] 19 do [du] 34 my [mai]

5 and [and] 20 at [at] 35 one [uan]

6 a [ei] 21 this [dis] 36 all [ol]

7 in [in] 22 but [bot] 37 would [uud]

8 that [dat] 23 his [jis] 38 there [der]

9 have [jav] 24 by [bai] 39 their [der]

10 I [ai] 25 from [from] 40 what [juat]

11 it [it] 26 they [dei] 41 so [sou]

12 for [for] 27 we [ui] 42 up [op]

13 not [not] 28 say [sei] 43 out [aut]

14 on [on] 29 her [jer] 44 if [if]

15 with [uith] 30 she [shi] 45 about [a-bóut]

Note: Words in [xxx] are the Spanish phonetic pronounciation of the English word.

Source: Wikipedia, the free

Encyclopedia and the Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary

Most Common English Words (Top 100) with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 51

Words ranked 46 to 100:

Rank Word Rank Word Rank Word

46 who [ju] 65 good [gud] 83 use [ius]

47 get [guet] 66 some [som] 84 two [tu]

48 which [juich] 67 could [kud] 85 how [haw]

49 go [gou] 68 them [dem] 86 our [aur]

50 me [mi] 69 see [si] 87 work [uerk]

51 when [juen] 70 other [ód-er] 88 first [ferst]

52 make [meik] 71 than [dan] 89 well [uel]

53 can [kan] 72 then [den] 90 way [uei]

54 like [laik] 73 now [nau] 91 even [í-vn]

55 time [taim] 74 look [luk] 92 new [niu]

56 no [nou] 75 only [óun-li] 93 want [uant]

57 just [yost] 76 come [kom] 94 because [bi-kós]

58 him [jim] 77 its [its] 95 any [én-i]

59 know [nou] 78 over [óu-ver] 96 these [dis]

60 take [teik] 79 think [think] 97 give [guiv]

61 people [pí-pl] 80 also [ól-sou] 98 day [dei]

62 into [ín-tu] 81 back [bak] 99 most [moust]

63 year [yir] 82 after [áf-ter] 100 us [os]

64 your [yur]

Source: Wikipedia, the free

Encyclopedia and the Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary

Most Common English Words (Top 100) with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 52

Parts of Speech - In Rank Order

Note: These tables are not a division of the top 100 words into five categories. The top 100 has few prepositions listed in its content, as an example. And, there are words listed in the following tables that are not on the top 100, such as person and little.

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

1 time [taim] 1 be [bi] 1 good [gud]

2 person [pér-son] 2 have [jav] 2 new [niu]

3 year [yir] 3 do [du] 3 first [ferst]

4 way [uei] 4 say [sei] 4 last [last]

5 day [dei] 5 get [guet] 5 long [long]

6 thing [thing] 6 make [meik] 6 great [greit]

7 man [man] 7 go [gou] 7 little [lít-l]

8 world [uerld] 8 know [nou] 8 own [oun]

9 life [laif] 9 take [teik] 9 other [ód-er]

10 hand [jand] 10 see [si] 10 old [ould]

11 part [part] 11 come [kom] 11 right [rait]

12 child [chaild] 12 think [think] 12 big [big]

13 eye [ai] 13 look [luk] 13 high [jai]

14 woman [uó-man] 14 want [uant] 14 different [díf-er-ent]

15 place [pleis] 15 give [guiv] 15 small [smol]

16 work [uerk] 16 use [ius] 16 large [larch]

17 week [uik] 17 find [faind] 17 next [nekst]

18 case [keis] 18 tell [tél] 18 early [ér-li]

19 point [point] 19 ask [ask] 19 young [yong]

20 government [góv-ern-ment] 20 work [uerk] 20 important [im-pór-tant]

21 company [kóm-pa-ni] 21 seem [sim] 21 few [fiu]

22 number [nóm-ber] 22 feel [fil] 22 public [pób-lik]

23 group [grup] 23 try [trai] 23 bad [bad]

24 problem [prób-lem] 24 leave [liv] 24 same [seim]

25 fact [fakt] 25 call [kol] 25 able [eí-bl]

Source: Wikipedia, the free

Encyclopedia and the Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary

Most Common English Words (Top 100) with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 53

Parts of Speech - In Rank Order

Prepositions Other

(Pronouns, Conjunctions, etc.)

1 to [tu] 1 the [di]

2 of [ov] 2 and [and]

3 in [in] 3 a [ei]

4 for [for] 4 that [dat]

5 on [on] 5 I [ai]

6 with [uith] 6 it [it]

7 at [at] 7 not [not]

8 by [bai] 8 he [ji]

9 from [from] 9 as [as]

10 up [op] 10 you [yu]

11 about [a-bóut] 11 this [dis]

12 into [ín-tu] 12 but [bot]

13 ever [év-er] 13 his [jis]

14 after [áf-ter] 14 they [dei]

15 beneath [bi-níth] 15 her [jer]

16 under [ón-der] 16 she [shi]

17 above [a-bóv] 17 or [or]

18 an [an]

19 will [uil]

20 my [mai]

21 one [uan]

22 all [ol]

23 would [uud]

24 there [der]

25 their [der]

Source: Wikipedia, the free

Encyclopedia and the Hippocrene

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Concise Dictionary

Common Irregular English Verbs

with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 54

Base Base Progressive Past Past Spanish

Verb Verb Gerund Tense Participle Translation

Singular Plural Base Verb


Use with Use with

I, you, we, he, she, it


awake awakes awaking awoke awoken despertar (se)

[a-uéik] [a-uéiks] [a-uéik-ing] [a-uouk] [a-uouk-en]

be(am / are) is being was / were been ser, estar

[bi] ám / ár] [ís] [bi-ing] [uas / ueir] [bi-n]

become becomes becoming became become hacerse, llegar a ser

[bi-kóm] [bi-kóms] [bi-kóm-ing] [bi-kame] [bi-kóm]

begin begins beginning began begun empezar, comenzar

[bi-guín] [bi-guíns] [bi-guín-ning] [bi-gan] [bi-gon]

bend bends bending bent bent curvar, doblar

[bend] [bends] [bend-ing] [bent] [bent]

bet bets betting bet bet apostar

[bet] [bets] [bet-ting] [bet] [bet]

bite bites biting bit bitten morder

[bái-t] [bái-ts] [bái-ting] [bit] [bit-en]

bleed bleeds bleeding bled bled sangrar, echar sangre

[blid] [blids] [blid-ing] [bled] [bled]

blow blows blowing blew blown volar, soplar

[blow] [blows] [blow-ing] [blu] [bloun]

break breaks breaking broke broken romper

[breik] [breiks] [breik-ing] [brouk] [brouk-en]

bring brings bringing brought brought traer, llevar

[bring] [brings] [bring-ing] [br-ot] [br-ot]

build builds build-ing built built construir,edificar

[bild] [bilds] [bild-ing] [bilt] [bilt]

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Edited by: S. Baretto


Common Irregular English Verbs

with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 55

Base Base Progressive Past Past Spanish

Verb Verb Gerund Tense Participle Translation

Singular Plural Base Verb


Use with Use with

I, you, we, he, she, it


buy buys buying bought bought comprar

[bai] [bais] [bai-ing] [bot] [bot]

can (could) can could could poder

[kan] [kan] [kud] [kud]

catch catches catch-ing caught caught agarrar, tomar (bus)

[katch] [katches] [katch-ing] [kot] [kot]

choose chooses choosing chose chosen escoger

[chus] [chuses] [chus-ing] [chouz] [chouz-en]

come comes coming came came venir

[kom] [koms] [kom-ing] [keim] [keim]

cost costs costing cost cost costar

[kost] [kosts] [kost-ing] [kost] [kost]

cut cuts cutting cut cut cortar

[kot] [kots] [kot-ting] [kot] [kot]

dig digs digging dug dug cavar, excavar

[dig] [digs] [dig-ging] [dag] [dag]

do does doing did done hacer

[du] [duz] [du-ing] [did] [don]

draw draws drawing drew drawn dibujar

[dro] [dros] [dro-ing] [driu] [dron]

drink drinks drinking drank drunk beber, tomar

[drink] [drinks] [drink-ing] [drank] [dronk]

drive drives driving drove driven manejar, conducir

[draiv] [drivs] [draiv-ing] [drove] [driven]

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Edited by: S. Baretto


Common Irregular English Verbs

with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 56

Base Base Progressive Past Past Spanish

Verb Verb Gerund Tense Participle Translation

Singular Plural Base Verb


Use with Use with

I, you, we, he, she, it


eat eats eating ate eaten comer

[it] [its] [it-ing] [eit] [iten]

fall falls falling fell fallen caer (se)

[fol] [fols] [fol-ling] [fel] [folen]

feed feeds feeding fed fed alimentar, alimentarse

[fid] [fids] [fid-ing] [fed] [fed]

feel feels feeling felt felt sentir (se)

[fil] [fils] [fil-ing] [felt] [felt]

fight fights fighting fought fought luchar, pelear

[fait] [faits] [fait-ing] [fot] [fot]

find finds finding found found hallar, encontrar

[faind] [fainds] [faind-ing] [faund] [faund]

fly flies flying flew flown volar

[flai] [flais] [flai-ing] [flu] [floun]

forget forgets forgetting forgot forgotten olvidar (se)

[for-guét] [for-guéts] [for-guét-ting] [for-got] [for-got-en]

forgive forgives forgiving forgave forgiven perdonar

[for-guív] [for-guívs] [for-guív-ing] [for-gav] [for-guív-en]

freeze freezes freezing froze frozen congelar

[friz] [frizes] [friz-ing] [froz] [froz-en]

get gets getting got gotten recibir, conseguir

[guet] [guets] [guet-ting] [got] [got-en]

give gives giving gave given dar, regalar

[giv] [givs] [guiv-ing] [geiv] [giv-en]

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Edited by: S. Baretto


Common Irregular English Verbs

with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 57

Base Base Progressive Past Past Spanish

Verb Verb Gerund Tense Participle Translation

Singular Plural Base Verb


Use with Use with

I, you, we, he, she, it


go goes going went gone ir

[gou] [gous] [gou-ing] [uent] [gon]

grow grows growing grew grown crecer, cultivar

[grou] [grous] [grou-ing] [greu] [groun]

hang hangs hanging hung hung colgar

[jang] [jangs] [jang-ing] [jung] [jung]

have has having had had tener, haber

[jav] [jas] [jav-ing] [jad] [jad]

hear hears hearing heard heard oír, escuchar

[jir] [jirs] [jír-ing] [jerd] [jerd]

hide hides hiding hid hidden esconder

[jaid] [jaids] [jaid-ing] [jid] [jid-en]

hit hits hitting hit hit golpear, pegar

[jit] [jits] [jit-ting] [jit] [jit]

hold holds holding held held aguantar

[jould] [joulds] [jould-ing] [jeld] [jeld]

hurt hurts hurting hurt hurt herir, lastimar

[jert] [jerts] [jert-ing] [jert] [jert]

keep keeps keeping kept kept mantener, guardar

[kip] [kips] [kip-ing] [kept] [kept]

know knows knowing knew known saber, conocer

[nou] [nous] [nou-ing] [niu] [nou-n]

lay lays laying laid laid poner

[lei] [leis] [lei-ing] [leid] [leid]

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Edited by: S. Baretto


Common Irregular English Verbs

with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 58

Base Base Progressive Past Past Spanish

Verb Verb Gerund Tense Participle Translation

Singular Plural Base Verb


Use with Use with

I, you, we, he, she, it


lead leads leading led led guiar, dirigir

[lid] [lids] [lid-ing] [led] [led]

leave leaves leaving left left salir

[liv] [livs] [liv-ing] [left] [left]

lend lends lending lent lent prestar

[lend] [lends] [lend-ing] [lent] [lent]

let lets letting let let dejar, permitir

[lét] [léts] [lét-ting] [lét] [lét]

lie lies lying lay lain mentira

[lai] [lais] [lai-ing] [lei] [lein]

lose loses losing lost lost perder

[luz] [luzes] [luz-ing] [lost] [lost]

make makes making made made hacer

[meik] [meik-s] [meik-ing] [meid] [meid]

may may might might poder

[mei] [mei] [mait] [mait]

mean means meaning meant meant significar, querer decir

[mín] [míns] [mín-ing] [ment] [ment]

meet meets meeting met met conocer, encontrar

[mit] [mits] [mit-ting] [mét] [mét]

must must must must deber, tener que

[mast] [mast] [mast] [aost]

pay pays paying paid paid pagar

[pei] [peis] [pei-ing] [peid] [peid]

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Edited by: S. Baretto


Common Irregular English Verbs

with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 59

Base Base Progressive Past Past Spanish

Verb Verb Gerund Tense Participle Translation

Singular Plural Base Verb


Use with Use with

I, you, we, he, she, it


put puts putting put put poner

[put] [puts] [put-ting] [put] [put]

read reads reading read read leer

[rid] [rids] [rid-ing] [red] [red]

ride rides riding rode ridden ir en coche (car)

[raid] [raids] [raid-ing] [roud] [rid-en] ir en caballo (horse)

ring rings ringing rang rung sonar

[ring] [rings] [ring-ing] [rang] [rong]

rise rises rising rose risen subir, elevar

[rais] [rais-s] [rais-ing] [rous] [ris-en]

run runs running ran run correr

[ron] [rons] [ron-ning] [ran] [ron]

say says saying said said decir

[sei] [seis] [sei-ing] [sed] [sed]

see sees seeing saw seen ver

[si] [sis] [si-ing] [saw] [sin]

sell sells selling sold sold vender

[sel] [sels] [sel-ling] [sould] [sould]

send sends sending sent sent enviar

[send] [sends] [send-ing] [sent] [sent]

set sets setting set set poner

[set] [sets] [set-ting] [set] [set]

shake shakes shaking shook shaken sacudir

[sheik] [sheik-s] [sheik-ing] [shuk] [sheik-en]

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Edited by: S. Baretto


Common Irregular English Verbs

with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 60

Base Base Progressive Past Past Spanish

Verb Verb Gerund Tense Participle Translation

Singular Plural Base Verb


Use with Use with

I, you, we, he, she, it


shall shall should should deberá

[shal] [shal] [shud] [shud]

shrink shrinks shrinking shrank shrunk encogerse

[shrink] [shrinks] [shrink-ing] [shrank] [shronk]

sing sings singing sang sung cantar

[sing] [sings] [sing-ing] [sang] [song]

sink sinks sinking sank sunk hundir

[sink] [sinks] [sink-ing] [sank] [sonk]

sit sits sitting sat sat sentar (se)

[sit] [sits] [sit-ting] [sat] [sat]

sleep sleeps sleeping slept slept dormir

[slip] [slips] [slip-ing] [slept] [slept]

speak speaks speaking spoke spoken hablar

[spik] [spiks] [spik-ing] [spouk] [spouk-en]

spend spends spending spent spent gastar

[spend ] [spends] [spend-ing] [spent] [spent]

stand stands standing stood stood estar de pie

[stand] [stands] [stand-ing] [stud] [stud]

steal steals stealing stole stolen robar

[stil] [stils] [stil-ing] [stoul] [stoule-n]

stick sticks sticking stuck stuck pegar, adherir

[stik] [stiks] [stik-ing] [stok] [stok]

sting stings stinging stung stung picar, punzar

[sting] [stings] [sting-ing] [stong] [stong]

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Edited by: S. Baretto


Common Irregular English Verbs

with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 61

Base Base Progressive Past Past Spanish

Verb Verb Gerund Tense Participle Translation

Singular Plural Base Verb


Use with Use with

I, you, we, he, she, it


sweep sweeps sweeping swept swept barrer

[swip] [swips] [swip-ing] [swept] [swept]

swim swims swimming swam swum nadar

[suim] [suims] [suim-ming] [suam] [suom]

take takes taking took taken tomar, llevar

[teik] [teiks] [teik-ing] [tuk] [teik-en]

teach teaches teaching taught taught enseñar

[tích] [tích-es] [tích-ing] [taut] [taut]

tear tears tearing tore torn rasgar, desgarrar

[tier] [tiers] [tier-ing] [tor] [tor-n]

tell tells telling told told contar, decir

[tél] [téls] [tél-ling] [tould] [tould]

think thinks thinking thought thought pensar

[think] [thinks] [think-ing] [thot] [thot]

throw throws throwing threw thrown echar, tirar

[throu] [throus] [throu-ing] [threw] [throu-n]

understand understands understanding understood understood entender

[an-der-stánd] [an-der-stánds] [an-der-stánd-ing] [an-der-stud] [an-der-stud]

wake up wakes up waking up woke up woken up despertarse

[ueik ap] [ueiks ap] [ueik-ing ap] [uóuk ap] [uóuk-n ap]

wear wears wearing wore worn llevar, puesto

[uer] [uers] [uer-ing] [uor] [uorn]

will will would would

[uil] [uil] [uud] [uud]

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Edited by: S. Baretto


Common Irregular English Verbs

with Spanish Phonetic Pronunciation 62

Base Base Progressive Past Past Spanish

Verb Verb Gerund Tense Participle Translation

Singular Plural Base Verb


Use with Use with

I, you, we, he, she, it


win wins winning won won ganar

[uin] [uins] [uin-ning] [uon] [uon]

write writes writing wrote written escribir

[rait] [raits] [rait-ing] [rout] [rít-en]

Created by: W. Nichols LVCC Edited by: S. Baretto


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(Updated on 315t Ma~ 1011)


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