
Martin BelamOctober

Facebook social readers - a case study



Launched in September 2011


Read, watch and listen Guardian content in Facebook


An opt-in way of consuming Guardian content


People were very vocal about it


Very vocal indeed


Why design it like that?


Had one metric in mind...


...but actually shifted this one


It was an experiment


Any page was potentially a viral landing page


It spawned new conversations around old content


And presented a new revenue opportunity


I was making a weekly dashboard. That upset some people.


YouTube clips aren’t journalism


But neither are TV listings


A young, male audience primed to distribute


Facebook referrals briefly eclipsed Google


And then everybody said they “collapsed”


Any graph that starts from a high peak...


But “Reads” are not prominent anymore


The Guardian added “Agree / Disagree”


Unfavourably compared to the “Right / Wrong” table


Some actions speak louder


The water carrier


If I could turn back time...

Martin BelamOctober

Facebook social readers - a case study

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