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(From the Department of Bacteriology, New York University College of Medicine, New York)1

(Received for publication, June 2, 1944)

During the course of a study on factors underlying growth and toxin production by Clostridium welchii, it was observed that, when the con- centration of iron in the medium was suboptimal for growth, more acid was produced than when iron was present in excess. This observation was confirmed by rough estimation of the total titratable acid produced from glucose during growth of Clostridium welchii in media containing varying amounts of iron and suggested that the nature of the fermentation reaction might be dependent upon the amount of iron present. It was, therefore, of some interest to study the glucose metabolism of this organism in some detail, under conditions in which the sole variable in the medium was iron.

Few careful studies on carbohydrate metabolism of’ pathogenic bacteria have been reported in the literature. Friedemann and Kmieciak (1) studied the breakdown products from glucose formed after growth of a number of pathogens in complex media. For Clostridium welchii, lactic acid, acetic acid, ethyl alcohol, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen were the principal fermentation products and some butyric acid was found. The quantities of these substances which they determined accounted for 60

to 72 per cent of the carbon consumed. Slade et al. (2), using washed suspensions of Clostridium wekhii, also reported ethyl alcohol, lactic, acetic, and butyric acid production from glucose. They did not measure gas production and their data accounted for only 20 per cent of the carbon. In both of the above studies the possible effect of iron on the carbohydrate metabolism was not considered.

* Part of the work described in this paper was done under a contract, recommended by the Committee on Medical Research, between the Office of Scientific Research and Development and New York University.

t Part of the work reported in this paper was carried out by Eleanor Shaskan in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at New York University.

$ Part of this work was carried out at the Department of Bacteriology, Harvard Medical School. We are indebted to Dr. J. Howard Mueller for making the facilities of his laboratory available to one of us.


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Culture Methods

The fermentation of glucose was studied (1) by examining the products formed in whole culture on a medium of defined composition containing varying amounts of iron, and (2) by comparing the products formed from glucose when washed suspensions of organisms grown on a medium deficient in iron are used with organisms cultivated in the same medium containing an excess of iron.

Cultures-Two strains of Clostridium welchii were used in this study. The PB6K strain was obtained from the National Institute of Health, and a stock strain of unknown origin was obtained from the Department of Bacteriology, Harvard Medical School. The PBGK strain was main- tained by daily transfer in gelatin hydrolysate medium described below. The ‘LHarvard” strain was maintained in chopped meat broth.

Media-Two types of media were used for this study. The first con- tained a complete acid hydrolysate of purified gelatin as a base, while the other contained casamino acids (Difco) supplemented with tryptone (Difco). The gelatin hydrolysate medium was preferred for the study of products formed in whole cultures, since blank determinations were very small. Somewhat heavier growth occurred with the casein hydroly- sate medium which, however, contained a considerable amount of lactic acid, carbohydrate, and other impurities. The casein hydrolysate medium proved satisfactory for preparing washed suspensions of organisms.

Gelatin Hydrolysate Medium-Eastman’s “ash-free” gelatin was refluxed for 24 hours with 5 N sulfuric acid and the sulfate removed with barium hydroxide. After the material was decolorized with charcoal, the hydroly- sate was made up as a stock solution so as to contain 22 mg. of nitrogen per cc.

200 cc. of stock gelatin hydrolysate, 25 mg. of tryptophane, 100 mg. of tyrosine, 200 mg. of dl-methionine, 3 gm. of glutamic acid, 10 gm. of sodium glycerophosphate, and 1 gm. of pot’assium acid phosphate are brought to about 500 cc. with distilled water and the pH adjusted to 7.6 with 5 N

sodium hydroxide. 2 cc. of a 10 per cent solution of calcium chloride are added and after the preparation is heated to boiling the precipitated calcium phosphate is filtered and the filtrate tested for iron with a,a’-bipyridine. If any iron is present, the calcium phosphate precipitation is repeated until no appreciable pink color is formed with the bipyridine reagent (less than 0.04 y of iron per cc. as determined in the Coleman spectrophotometer). After the material is cooled, 10 mg. of adenine sulfate, 10 mg. of uracil, 1 cc. of salt mixture (containing 50 mg. of copper sulfate (CuS04.5HZO), 50 mg. of zinc sulfate (ZnS0~~7H,O), and 20 mg. of manganese chloride (MnC12.4Hz0) per 100 cc.), 1 cc. of 10 per cent magnesium sulfate (MgS04. 7HzO), 0.2 cc. of 20 per cent cystine hydrochloride, and 1 cc. of accessory factors (20 mg. of nicotinic acid, 20 mg. of calcium pantothenate, 20 mg.

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of pyridoxine, 10 mg. of thiamine, 5 mg. of riboflavin, and 0.01 mg. of biotin per 20 cc.)1 are added and the medium made up to such a volume that the addition of the remaining components will bring it to exactly 1 liter. The medium is then distributed in 4 ounce acid-cleaned bottles and auto- claved at 10 pounds pressure for 10 minutes. Before inoculation 10 cc. of sterile 10 per cent glucose, 1 cc. of 1 per cent thioglycolic acid, 1 to 5 cc. of a solution containing the desired amount of ferrous sulfate (FeSOd. 7H,O), and 2.5 cc. of a 6 hour culture of the PB6K strain of CZo&idium welchii grown on the same medium are added to bring the volume to 100 cc. per bottle.

Casein Hydrolysate-Tryptone Medium- 20 gm. of casamino acids (Difco), 20 gm. of tryptone (Difco), 6 gm. of sodium glycerophosphate, 4 gm. of potassium acid phosphate, 200 mg. of magnesium sulfate, 2 gm. of sodium chloride, and 0.3 cc. of 20 per cent cystine hydrochloride are brought to 1 liter with distilled water and adjusted to pH 7.6 to 7.8. 4 cc. of 10 per cent calcium chloride are added, and the medium brought to boiling and filtered. The calcium chloride treatment is repeated if necessary until a negative test for iron is obtained with bipyridine. The medium is then made up to 2 liters with distilled water and 2 cc. of addition mixture con- taining the B vitamins listed above are added. 800 cc. of medium are placed in each of two acid-cleaned 1 liter Erlenmeyer flasks and the re- maining medium is distributed in test-tubes measuring 2.5 by 15 cm. Before inoculation, 10 cc. of 50 per cent glucose, 0.1 cc. of thioglycolic acid, and the desired quantity of ferrous sulfate are added for each liter of medium. The inoculum consists of 10 cc. of a 6 to 9 hour culture of Clos- tridium we&ii grown on the same medium.

Estimation of Growth-Growth was measured by turbidity in the Coleman universal spectrophotometer at 650 rnp and estimated as mg. of bacterial nitrogen per 100 cc. from a curve plotted with dilutions of a standard suspension of known bacterial nitrogen content.

Determination of Iron in Culture Medium-The pink color developed with bipyridine after reduction with sodium hydrosulfite or ascorbic acid was measured in the spectrophotometer at 515 rnp.

Analytical Methods

Gas Production-Carbon dioxide and hydrogen were determined separ- ately in the Warburg apparatus. To each vessel were added 1 cc. of a sus- pension of Clostridium welchii containing 0.16 to 0.2 mg. of bacterial nitrogen per cc., 0.5 cc. of 0.2 M phosphate buffer at pH 7, and sufficient distilled water so that the total volume including that in the side arms was exactly 2.1 cc. After equilibration under oxygen-free nitrogen in the

1 The authors are grateful to Merck and Company, Inc., for generous samples of B vitamins used in this work.

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water bath at 35”, 0.01 mM of glucose was tipped in from one side arm. Hydrogen was estimated after the carbon dioxide evolved was absorbed with 20 per cent sodium hydroxide placed in the center cup. Carbon dioxide was determined by subtracting the hydrogen evolved from the total gas produced, including the carbon dioxide liberated by tipping in 0.1 cc. of 40 per cent phosphoric acid from one side arm at the end of the experiment. Correction was made for initially bound carbon dioxide. The residual liquid was analyzed for lactic acid calorimetrically and the values so obtained closely checked those from the macro experiments. Control vessels without glucose consistently gave negative results.

Lactic Acid-In the experiments with washed organisms, lactic acid was determined calorimetrically with p-hydroxydiphenyl according to the method of Barker and Summerson (3). The color was read in the spectro- photometer at 560 rnp. Lactic acid in the culture supernatants was deter- mined by the Friedemann and Graeser method (4) with the apparatus de- scribed by West (5). Recovery of lactic acid was about 96 per cent by this method and duplicates usually checked within 2 to 5 per cent.

Residual Glucose-Glucose was determined by the Stiles, Peterson, and Fred modification of the Shaffer-Hartmann method (6).

Volatile Acids-A suitable aliquot was acidified to Congo red with phosphoric acid and was steam-distilled until the distillate no longer con- tained significant quantities of acid. The total volatile acids were esti- mated with 0.04 N sodium hydroxide and after they were concentrated to a small volume on the water bath the solution was again acidified and re- distilled with steam. The individual acids were then determined by parti- tion in isopropyl ether by the method of Osburn and Werkman (7).

Alcohol-Suitable aliquots of the fermentation mixture were distilled over mercuric oxide (HgO) and mercurous sulfate (Hg$OA). The distillate was made alkaline to brom-thymol blue and redistilled over mercuric oxide into a volumetric flask. Aliquots of the final distillate were treated with standard potassium dichromate at 85” for 1 hour and the equivalents of dichromate used up were determined by titration with thiosulfate with potassium iodide and starch as indicator. No attempt was made to identify the individual alcohols and the results were calculated as ethyl alcohol.

Experiments and Results

Iron Content of Clostridium welchii Cells--During growth of Clostridium we&ii the iron present in the culture is taken up quantitatively by the cells and no iron can be detected in the culture supernatant until its concentra- tion surpasses the optimum for growth. Table I shows the effect of adding iron to casamino acid-tryptone medium containing 0.4 per cent maltose.

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It will be noted that no iron could be detected in the culture supernatant until its concentration was in excess of about 0.6 mg. per liter and that the iron content of the cells varied from about 0.0005 mg. of iron per mg. of bacterial nitrogen to a maximum of 0.0039 mg. of iron per mg. of bacterial nitrogen (0.007 to 0.05 per cent iron on a basis of dry weight of bacteria). The organisms themselves turn bright pink when treated with bipyridine. Since these results were obtained, data on the assimilation of iron by various other species have been reported by Waring and We&man (8).

E$ect of Iron on Lactic Acid Production- These experiments were carried out with gelatin hydrolysate medium containing 0.8 and 1.0 per cent glucose, from which the iron had been removed as completely as possible, (that is, had been reduced to about 0.03 to 0.05 mg. per liter). Before


Effect of Increasing Iron Content of Medium on Iron Content of Clostridium welchii Cells

Casamino acid-tryptone medium containing 0.4 per cent maltose.

Iron content of medium Iron in culture super- natant

. - mg. per 1. mg. )er 1. nrg.

0.04 (Cu.) <0.03 8.2 0.13 <0.03 13.3 0.23 <0.03 14.3 0.33 <0.03 16.0 0.43 <0.03 16.2 0.53 <0.03 16.8 0.73 0.13 UT.7 0.93 0.27 16.9 1.13 0.50 16.0 2.13 1.47 17.0


Iron content of bacteria, Fe per mg. bacterial N

o.zo5 (Cu.) 0.0010 0.0016 0.0021 0.0027 0.0032 9.0038 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039

inoculation, ferrous sulfate equivalent to 0.0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mg. of iron per liter was added to each of a series of bottles containing the medium. After 36 hours incubation at 37”, the growth, residual glucose, and lactic acid were determined for each culture. Fig. 1 shows the effect of iron on lactic acid production. Each point represents the average of more than four separate experiments. The points at zero iron added represent re- sults obtained after removal of as much of the iron from the medium as possible. It can be seen that as the iron content is decreased the lactic acid production approaches 2 moles per mole of glucose fermented. This limit is a hypothetical one, since no growth occurs in the complete absence of iron.

Fermentation of Glucose by Washed Organisms--Complete carbon balances

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from glucose were carried out in duplicate with washed suspensions of Clostridium welchii grown in media containing high and low concentrations of iron. The details of only one complete experimetlt will be given here.

Two flasks, A and B, each containing 800 cc. of casamino acid-tryptone medium were inoculated with 10 cc. of a 12 hour culture of the “Harvard” strain of Clostridium welchii grown on the same medium. Before inocula- tion 0.1 cc. of thioglycolic acid and 8 cc. of 50 per cent glucose were added to each flask. The iron content of Flask A was approximately 0.04 mg. of iron per liter. 5 cc. of 0.1 per cent ferrous sulfate were added to Flask B (1.25 mg. of iron per liter). After 12 hours at 35” the flasks were removed from the incubator. The pH of Flask A was 4.7 and the growth equivalent


----m-m Growth as % of maximal

- Lactic acid produced

9 0.4- ---q

I I I 91 11 0 1 b p 8 I

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 2.0 iron added Cm;/liqrams per lifer)

FIG. 1. The dotted line represents the growth of organisms as a percentage of the maximum growth obtainable with excess iron in the medium. The solid line repre-

s.ents moles of lactic acid produced per mole of glucose utilized.

to 8.2 mg. of bacterial nitrogen per 100 cc. The pH of Flask B was 4.9 and the growth 14.0 mg. of bacterial nitrogen per 100 cc. Each culture was centrifuged in acid-cleaned Pyrex vessels and washed once with boiled saline, after which the organisms with low iron content were made up to a turbidity equivalent to 2.58 mg. of bacterial nitrogen per cc. (Suspension A) and with high iron to 2.62 mg. of bacterial nitrogen per cc. (Suspension B). The suspensions were used immediately both in the Warburg ex- periments as described and in macro experiments as described in the follow- ing.

The fermentations were carried out in 250 cc. conical flasks fitted with a ground glass stopper through which were sea.led two glass tubes, one of

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which passed to the bottom. Both tubes were fitted with stop-cocks. To Flask A were added exactly 50 cc. of 0.2 M phosphate buffer at pH 7, 5 cc. of 0.4 M glucose (2.0 mM), 10 cc. of Suspension A, and 35 cc. of distilled water. To Flask B were added 50 cc. of 0.2 M phosphate buffer, 10 cc. of 0.4 M glucose, 15 cc. of Suspension B, and 40 cc. of distilled water. Both flasks were then flushed out for 5 to 10 minutes with oxygen-free nitrogen and then quickly evacuated on the water pump. The stop-cocks were closed and the fermentation was allowed to proceed for 20 hours at 35”.

TABLE II Effect of Iron on Glucose Fementation by Washed Suspensions

Bacterial iron content (Fe per mg. bacterial N), mg ..........

Glucose fermented, mu ......... Lactic acid, mM. ............... Total volatile acids, rnx ........ Acetic acid, rnx ................ Butyric “ “ ................. Alcohol (as ethanol), W. ...... Carbon dioxide, mar ............ Hydrogen, mar .................. Carbon recovery, 70 .............


Low iron High iron

Experiment 1

0.0005 (Ca.) 1.00 1.73 0.06

(0.04) (0.02) 0.025 0.33 0.38




Experiment 2

0.0005 (Ca.) 1.90 1.60

(i::) (0.09) 0.10 0.24 0.21


Experi- ment 1

0.0039 1.00 0.42 0.88 0.56 0.32 0.16 1.35 1.93 ‘9.2



s -

Experi- ment 2

0.0039 1.00 0.33 0.94 0.60 0.34 0.26 1.76 2.14


The results are given as mM of product per mM of glucose fermented. Hydrogen and oxygen recoveries from low iron fermentation were 96 to 100 per cent. The hydrogen and oxygen recoveries with high iron, after correction for lactic acid pro- duct.ion,, were greater than 100 per cent and indicated that 1 molecule of water enters into the acetic-butyric acid fermentation. The values in parentheses were uncertain owing to the small quantities involved.

At the same time similar buffered suspensions were incubated without glu- cose, to serve as controls.

After 20 hours incubation, 10 cc. of 30 per cent metaphosphoric acid were added to each flask. The suspensions were centrifuged and each super- natant was collected and analyzed for residual glucose, lactic acid, volatile acids, and alcohol. The results of two complete experiments are shown in Table II. The results from the control determinations without glucose are not included in Table II since the yields in every case were too small to be of significance. The yields of lactic acid from glucose produced by washed suspensions are in good agreement with those obtained from whole cultures. Thus, with cells grown on a medium containing excess iron, yields of 0.33 and 0.42 moles of lactic acid per mole of glucose were ob-

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tained. The average of seventeen experiments on supernatants of whole cultures yielded 0.46 mole with a variation from about 0.3 to 0.5 mole of lactic acid produced per mole of glucose fermented. The iron-deficient cells yielded 1.6 and 1.73 moles of lactic acid per mole of glucose fermented, compared with an average of 1.66 moles produced by four cultures grown in deferrated gelatin hydrolysate medium. From preliminary results it would appear that volatile acid production by whole cultures will also check the results with washed suspensions, suggesting that carbohydrate fermentation is the sole source of these products in the defined medium.

With the exception of butyric acid production, the yields of the various products from glucose by organisms of high iron content agree fairly well with those reported by Friedemann and Kmieciak (1). The medium used by them apparently contained close to the optimal iron concentration. Friedemann and Kmieciak’s yields of butyric acid were very much lower than ours.


According to Kubowitz (9), all fermentations in which free hydrogen is concerned are inhibited by carbon monoxide. In particular, Kubowitz showed that the fermentation of glucose by washed suspensions of Clos- tridium butyricum, from which acetic and butyric acids are norma.lly produced, is shifted towards a pure lactic acid type of fermentat.ion when the process is allowed to take place under carbon monoxide. Relatively high concentrations of cyanide (lo+ M) tend to cause a shift in metabolism in the same direction. The results here reported show that a similar change in metabolism of Clostridium welchii may be brought about by reducing the iron content of the bacteria. Provided the medium contains an excess of iron, the principal fermentation products from glucose are acetic, butyric, and lactic acids, ethyl alcohol, and considerable quantities of carbon dioxide and hydrogen. On the other hand, when Cl. welchii is grown on a medium deficient in iron, the fermentation process is a far less efficient one and, lactic acid is the chief end-product. Organisms of low iron content produce minimal quantities of gas and of acetic and butyric acids, whereas the yield of lactic acid from glucose under these conditions may be increased more than 5-fold. Since lactic acid is an end-product and since added lactic may be recovered unchanged from cultures of Cl. welchii grown in the presence of excess iron, it would appear that two separate mechanisms exist for the breakdown of glucose. One of these would require the presence of a considerable amount of an iron-containing enzyme. Both mechanisms presumably act simultaneously, but the extent to which a given pathway is followed is dependent upon the concentration of iron- containing enzyme within the cell. In all probability, it would be this

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iron-containing enzyme which is inhibited by carbon monoxide and cyanide in the experiments of Kubowitz referred to above.

Glucose ___f intermediate ---+ 2 lactic acid \ Fe\enzyme

I Acetic acid Butyric acid Alcohol Hydrogen Carbon dioxide

Further work is necessary to determine the existence and nature of such an iron-containing enzyme and the reaction which it catalyzes. The intermediate in the accompanying scheme may well be pyruvic acid or a derivative thereof, since Kubowitz (9) demonstrated that the same shift towards lactic acid production under carbon monoxide occurs with pyruvate as substrate as with glucose.

It ‘is generally supposed that strict anaerobes, such as the Clostridia, do not possess the cytochrome system (10). The enzyme postulated above must, therefore, contain iron in some other form. There is some evidence that the iron is loosely bound in the postulated enzyme in a manner com- parable to magnesium in the thiamine-containing enzymes. In the first place, lactic acid and gas production by washed organisms, as well as growth in defined media, are completely inhibited by 0.002 M bipyridine. This suggests that iron is not present as a hemin derivative. It also infers that iron may enter into some other step in the scheme of glucose break- down besides the reaction leading to acetic and butyric acid formation. This inhibitory action of bipyridine on Clostridium welchii stands in con- trast to its effect on aerobic organisms known to contain the cytochrome system. Growth and metabolism of the diphtheria bacillus, for example, are apparently unaffected by bipyridine.2 Secondly, the acetic acid- butyric acid fermentation by washed suspensions of Clostridium welchii is relatively insensitive to cyanide and the shift to the lactic acid type of fermentation is only partial even in the presence of 0.001 M potassium cyanide. Finally, preliminary experiments have indicated that the same effect does not occur when inorganic iron is replaced by hemin or by other metals such as manganese and copper.

When iron is added to washed suspensions deficient in iron, lactic acid remains the chief end-product. However, as the fermentation proceeds, there is a small but definite acceleration in the carbon dioxide and hydrogen production and the final yield of lactic acid is somewhat lowered.

2 Pappenheimer, A. M., Jr., unpublished experiments.

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One of t,he common reactions used for the identification of Clostridium welchii is its ability to produce the so called ‘Mormy fermentation” in milk. In order to obtain consistent and characteristic reactions, the addiCon of iron has been recommended (11). The significance of this finding is clear from the present results, since milk is known to be deficient in iron.

So far as we are aware, there have been no previous studies on the effect of iron on carbohydrate metabolism of pathogenic bacteria reported in the literature. It has been recently shown that carbohydrate utilization and gas formation by a strain of the tetanus bacillus are increased with in- creasing iron concentration in the medium.3 On the other hand, it has been known for some time that traces of iron exert an important influence on the yields of various other metabolic products, notably bacterial toxins. Thus maximum yields of porphyrin and toxin by the diphtheria bacillus (12) and of tetanus toxin by most strains of the tetanus bacillus (13) are obtained only under conditions of relative iron deficiency. In the present experiments with Clostridium welchii, iron concentrations necessary for maximum toxin (lecithinase) production, maximum growth, and minimum lactic acid production coincided. Provided the medium is suitable for toxin production, the yield of toxin or lecithinase closely parallels the change in metabolism. The relationship between the lecithinase produc- Con and carbohydrate metabolism is not a direct one, however, since the shift to a lactic acid type of fermentation at low iron concentration occurs equally well under conditions otherwise unsuitable for lecithinase produc- tion (that is, in the absence of toxin-promoting factor).

It may be remarked in closing this discussion, that carbohydrate metab- olism, lecithinase production, and growth of Clostridium welchii are not the only factors dependent upon the concentration of iron in the medium. The morphology of the organisms is markedly altered as well. Organisms of low iron content are elongated, curved, and entirely atypical. As their iron content increases, there is a gradual transition to the typical morpho- logical structure, which parallels the altered metabolism. Further work is in progress on this phase of the problem.


The products obtained from the breakdown of glucose by Clostridium welchii depend upon the iron content of the cells.

As the iron content is decreased, the reaction shifts from a predominantly acetic-butyric acid type with production of large amounts of carbon dioxide and hydrogen towards a more purely lactic acid type of fermentation with

0 Mueller, J. H., and Pickett, M. J., personal communications.

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slight gas formation. Under the conditions of these experiments the iron concentration necessary for maximum growth, optimum toxin production, and minimum lactic acid production is identical. A progressive change in morphology accompanies decreased cellular iron content and parallels the change in metabolism.

One of us (A. M. P., Jr.) is greatly indebted to Dr. Morris J. Pickett of the Department of Bacteriology, Harvard Medical School, without whose advice and assistance this work would not have been completed.


1. Friedemann, T. E., and Kmieciak, T. C., Proc. Sot. Exp. Biol. and Med., 47, 84 (1941).

2. Slade, H. D., Wood, H. G., Nier, A. O., Hemingway, A., and Werkman, C. H., J. Biol. Chem., 148, 133 (1942).

3. Barker, S. B., and Summerson, W. H., J. Biol. Chem., 138,535 (1941). 4. Friedemann, T. E., and Graeser, J. B., J. Biol. Chem., 100,291 (1933). 5. West, E. S., J. Biol. Chem., 92, 483 (1931). 6. Stiles, H. R., Peterson, W. H., and Fred, E. B., J. Bact., 12,427 (1926). 7. Osburn, 0. L., and Werkman, C. H., Ind. and Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 3,264 (1931). 8. Waring, W. S., and Werkman, C. H., Arch. Biochem., 1, 303,425 (1943). 9. Kubowits, F., Biochem. Z., 274,285 (1934).

10. Stephenson, M., Bacterial metabolism, London, New York, and Toronto, 2nd edition, 29 (1939).

11. Hastings, E. G., and McCoy, E., J. Bact., 23, 54 (1932). 12. Pappenheimer, A. M., Jr., and Johnson, S. J., Brit. J. Exp. Path., 18, 239 (1937). 13. Mueller, J. H., Schoenbach, E. B., Jezukawicz, J. J., and Miller, P. A., J. Clin.

Invest., 22, 315 (1943).

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ShaskanAlwin M. Pappenheimer, Jr. and Eleanor



1944, 155:265-275.J. Biol. Chem. 


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