Dominic Badaracco Trial

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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  • 7/28/2019 Dominic Badaracco Trial


    1NO.CR12-0263152-S : SUPERIOR COURT






    Members of the jury, you have heard the evidence presented in

    this case. It now becomes my duty to instruct you as to the law which

    is to be applied to the facts in this case.


    During these instructions, I will, for the most part, be reading

    from prepared material. I do this so that I do not inadvertently give you

    an incorrect instruction. So if I lose eye contact with you from time to

    time, please bear with me.



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    It is exclusively the function of the court to state the rules of law

    which govern the case, with instructions as to how you are to apply

    them. It is your obligation to accept the law as I state it. You must

    follow all of my instructions and not single out some and ignore others;

    they are all equally important.

    You are the sole judges of the facts. It is your duty to find the

    facts. You are to recollect and weigh the evidence and form your own

    conclusions as to what the ultimate facts are. You may not go outside

    the evidence to find the facts. This means that you may not resort to

    guesswork, conjecture or suspicion, and you must not be influenced by

    any personal likes or dislikes, opinions, prejudices, or sympathy.

    The actions of the court during the trial in ruling on motions or

    objections by counsel, or in comments to counsel or in questions to

    witnesses, or in setting forth the law in these instructions are not to be

    taken by you as any indication of the court's opinion as to how you

    should determine the issues of fact. If the court has expressed or

    intimated any opinion as to the facts, you are not bound by that


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    opinion. What the verdict shall be is your sole and exclusive duty and


    If I refer to any of the evidence in this charge, and I may do so, it

    will be simply for the purposes of illustration and clarification, and you

    are not to understand that I intend to emphasize any evidence I

    mention or to limit your consideration to that evidence alone. If I omit

    reference to any evidence, you will supply it from your recollection. If I

    incorrectly state any of the evidence, you will correct my error,

    because it is your province to review the evidence and determine the

    facts established by it.


    In this case, as in all criminal prosecutions, the defendant is

    presumed innocent unless or until proven guilty beyond a reasonable


    That means that at the moment when he was presented before

    you for trial, he stood before you free of any bias, prejudice or burden

    arising from his position as the accused; that nothing you might know


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    or guess about his past should be considered by you at all. Insofar as

    you are concerned, he was then innocent and he remains innocent,

    until such time as the evidence and matters produced here in the

    course of this trial satisfy you beyond a reasonable doubt that he is



    The burden to prove the defendant guilty of the crime with which

    he is charged is upon the state. The defendant does not have to prove

    his innocence. This means that the state must prove beyond a

    reasonable doubt each and every element necessary to constitute the

    crime charged. Whether the burden of proof resting upon the state is

    sustained, depends not on the number of witnesses, nor on the

    quantity of the testimony, but on the nature and quality of the


    Please bear in mind that one witness' testimony, however, is

    sufficient to convict if you believe it beyond a reasonable doubt and if

    it establishes either standing alone or together with any other

    testimony, all the elements of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt.


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    The state can sustain the burden resting on it only if the evidence

    before you establishes the existence of every element of the crimes

    charged beyond a reasonable doubt.

    What does that mean: Beyond a reasonable doubt?

    Now the phrase "reasonable doubt" has no technical or unusual

    meaning. You can arrive at the real meaning of it by emphasizing the

    word "reasonable." A reasonable doubt means a doubt based upon

    reason and common sense. It is a doubt which is something more than

    a guess or surmise. It is not a conjecture or a fanciful doubt, or a

    doubt raised by one who questions simply for the sake of argument. It

    is not hesitation springing from feelings of sympathy or pity for the

    accused or members of his family or other persons who might in any

    way be affected by your verdict. A reasonable doubt, in other words, is

    a real doubt, an honest doubt, a doubt which has its foundation in the

    evidence or lack of evidence. It is one for which you can, in your own

    mind, conscientiously give a reason.


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    Reasonable doubt is the kind of doubt upon which reasonable

    persons like yourselves, in the more serious and important affairs in

    your own lives, would hesitate to act.

    Now, of course, absolute certainty in the affairs of life is almost

    never attainable, and the law does not require absolute certainty on

    the part of the jury before you return a verdict of guilty. The state

    does not have to prove guilt beyond all doubt, or to a mathematical or

    absolute certainty.

    What the law does require, however, is that after hearing all the

    evidence, if there something in that evidence or lack of evidence which

    leaves in the minds of the jury, as reasonable men and women, a

    reasonable doubt about the guilt of the accused, then the accused

    must be given the benefit of that doubt and acquitted.

    Proof beyond a reasonable doubt is proof which precludes every

    reasonable hypothesis except guilt, is consistent with guilt and is

    inconsistent with any other reasonable conclusion. You must, however,

    distinguish between a reasonable hypothesis and a possible

    hypothesis. A mere possible hypothesis of innocence will not suffice.


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    However, if you can, in reason, reconcile all of the facts proved with

    any reasonable theory consistent with the innocence of the accused,

    then you cannot find him guilty. On the other hand, if you find that the

    proven facts do establish the guilt of the accused beyond a reasonable

    doubt, then the proper verdict would be guilty.


    The evidence from which you are to decide what the facts are

    consists of:

    (1) the sworn testimony of witnesses, both on direct

    and cross- examination, regardless of who called the witness;

    (2) the exhibits that have been received into evidence;


    (3) any stipulations, that is, facts to which the lawyers

    have agreed.

    In reaching your verdict, you should consider all the testimony

    and exhibits received into evidence. Certain things are not evidence

    and you may not consider them in deciding what the facts are. These



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    (1) Arguments and statements by lawyers. The

    lawyers are not witnesses. What they have said in their closing

    arguments and at other times is intended to help you interpret the

    evidence, but it is not evidence. If the facts as you remember them

    differ from the way the lawyers have stated them, your memory of

    them controls.

    (2) Questions and objections by lawyers. Attorneys

    have a duty to their clients to object when they believe a question is

    improper under the rules of evidence. You should not be influenced by

    the objection or the court's ruling on it. In addition, where I have

    sustained an objection to a question, you should not speculate as to

    what the answer might have been.

    (3) Testimony that has been limited, excluded or

    stricken. Some testimony and exhibits may have been stricken or

    received for limited purposes; where I have given a limiting instruction,

    you must follow it.

    (4) Anything you may have seen or heard when the

    court was not in session. You are to decide the case solely on the

    evidence received at trial.

    (5) The document called the information that you will

    have with you at the time of deliberation. It is merely the formal


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    manner of accusing a person of a crime in order to bring him to trial.

    You must not consider the information as any evidence of the guilt of

    the defendant, or draw any inference of guilt because he has been

    charged with a crime.


    In this case a stipulation between the parties was introduced to

    authenticate and permit the admission into evidence of (1) telephone

    records and (2) bank records from Webster Bank. A stipulation is an

    agreement between the parties concerning some fact, which you as

    the jury are bound to accept as fact during your deliberations. A

    stipulation by itself does not, however, establish proof of the element

    of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. .

    The stipulations do not include the credibility or the weight you

    may give to the exhibits. As with all admitted evidence, the weight of

    such evidence is for you to decide.



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    There are, generally speaking, two types of evidence: direct

    evidence and circumstantial evidence. I am now going to discuss the

    difference between direct and circumstantial evidence.

    Direct evidence of an event is the testimony by an eye witness

    about what the witness personally saw or heard or did.

    Circumstantial evidence is evidence involving inferences

    reasonably drawn from proven facts.

    I am going to give you a simple example of the difference

    between direct and circumstantial evidence. Assume that it is a

    December night, around 11:30 p.m., and you are preparing to go to

    bed. You look out the window and see that it is snowing. You wake up

    the next morning and come into court and testify that at approximately

    11:30 p.m. the night before it was snowing in the area of your house.

    This is direct evidence of the fact that it snowed at 11:30 the night

    before. You saw it snow and you came in and testified to that fact.

    Now assume that it is another December night, the weather is

    clear and there is no snow on the ground. You go to bed and when you


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    wake up the next morning you look out the window and see snow on

    the ground and footprints across your front lawn. You come into court

    that morning and testify to those facts. The evidence that the night

    before there was no snow on the ground and the next morning there

    was snow on the ground and footprints in the snow across your front

    lawn is direct evidence, your eye witness observation, of those facts.

    That direct evidence is itself circumstantial evidence of the fact that

    sometime during the night while you were sleeping it snowed, and that

    sometime thereafter someone walked across your front lawn.

    In deciding this case, you may consider both direct and

    circumstantial evidence. The law permits you to give equal weight to


    There is no reason to be prejudiced against circumstantial

    evidence simply because it is circumstantial evidence. You make

    decisions on the basis of circumstantial evidence in the everyday

    affairs of life. There is no reason why decisions on circumstantial

    evidence should not be made in the courtroom. In fact, proof by

    circumstantial evidence may be as conclusive as would be the

    testimony of witnesses speaking on the basis of their own observation.


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    In passing upon the guilt of an accused person on the basis of

    circumstantial evidence, you must be satisfied, first, that certain facts

    or circumstances exist; and second, that those facts or circumstances

    do beyond a reasonable doubt, lead you to conclude that the crime

    was committed by the accused.

    Unless the existence of those facts or circumstances leads you,

    as reasonable men and women, to only one conclusion, namely, that

    the accused is guilty, then, of course, you would not be justified in

    finding him guilty.


    You may draw reasonable inferences from the established facts in

    this case. The inferences which you draw, however, must not be from

    a guess upon the evidence, but they must be from a fact or facts which

    the evidence has established. In drawing inferences from established

    facts, you should use your reason and common sense. The inferences

    which you draw must be logical and reasonable, and any facts,

    whether inferred or proven directly, which are essential to proof of an


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    element of the crimes charged must be proved beyond a reasonable



    I now want to discuss the subject of credibility by which I mean

    believability of testimony. You have observed the witnesses. The

    credibility, the believability, of the witnesses and the weight to be

    given to their testimony are matters entirely within your hands. It is

    for you alone to determine their credibility. Whether or not you find a

    fact proven is not to be determined by the number of witnesses

    testifying for or against it. It is the quality, not the quantity, of

    testimony which should be controlling. Nor is it necessarily so that

    because a witness testifies to a fact and no one contradicts it you are

    bound to accept that fact as true. The credibility of the witness and

    the truth of the fact is for you to determine.

    You may believe all, some or none of any witnesss testimony. In

    making that determination, you may consider the following factors: (1)

    was the witness able to see, hear or know the things about which the

    witness testified; (2) how well was the witness able to recall and


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    describe those things; (3) what was the witnesss manner while

    testifying; (4) did the witness have an interest in the outcome of the

    case or any bias or prejudice concerning any party or matter involved

    in the case; (5) how reasonable was the witnesss testimony

    considered in light of all the evidence in the case; and (6) was the

    witnesss testimony contradicted by what the witness has said or did at

    another time or by testimony of other witnesses or by other evidence

    that you do believe.


    With each witness, you should consider his or her ability to

    observe facts correctly, recall them, and relate them to you truly and

    accurately. You should, in short, size up the witnesses and make your

    own judgment as to their credibility and decide what portion -- all,

    some or none -- of any particular witness' you will believe based on

    these principles. You should harmonize the evidence as far as it can

    reasonably be done. You should use all your experience, your

    knowledge of human nature and of the motives that influence and

    control human conduct, and you test the evidence against that



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    In short, you should bring to bear upon the testimony of the

    witnesses the same considerations and use the same sound judgment

    you apply to questions of truth and veracity as they present

    themselves to you in everyday life.

    You are entitled to accept any testimony which you believe to be

    true, and to reject, either wholly or in part, the testimony of any

    witness you believe has testified untruthfully or erroneously. The

    credit that you will give to the testimony offered is, as I have told you,

    something which you alone must determine. Where a witness testifies

    inaccurately, you should keep that in mind and scrutinize the whole

    testimony of that witness. The significance you attach to it may vary

    more or less with the particular fact as to which the inaccuracy existed

    or with the surrounding circumstances. You should bear in mind that

    people sometimes forget things. On the other hand, if a witness has

    intentionally testified falsely, you should carefully consider whether

    you should rely on any of the witnesss testimony. You may reject the

    testimony, but you are not required to do so. It is up to you to accept

    or reject all or any part of any witness' testimony. If you find that a

    witness has been inaccurate in one respect, remember it in judging the


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    rest of his testimony. Give to it that weight which your own mind leads

    you to think it ought to have, and which you would attach to it in the

    ordinary affairs of life, where someone came to you in a matter and

    you found that in some particular he was inaccurate.


    Evidence has been presented that a witness, Robert Brunetti,

    made statements outside of court that are inconsistent with his trial

    testimony. You should consider this evidence only as it relates to the

    credibility of the witnesss testimony, not as substantive evidence. In

    other words, consider such evidence as you would any other evidence

    of inconsistent conduct in determining the weight to be given to the

    testimony of the witness in court.


    In evidence as states exhibit 14, is a prior statement of Ronald

    Richter in the form of a recorded telephone call with Robert Brunetti.

    To the extent, if at all, you find such statement inconsistent with the

    Ronald Richters trial testimony; you may give such inconsistency the


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    weight to which you feel it is entitled in determining the witness's

    credibility here in court. You may also use such statement for the truth

    of its content and find facts from it.


    As you will remember, there was testimony here from an

    inspector with the Division of Criminal Justice and a judge. The

    testimony of an inspector or judge is entitled to no special or exclusive

    sanctity merely because it comes from a person with that position.

    Like a police officer, an inspector or judge who takes the witness stand

    subjects his testimony to the same tests that any other witness does.

    You should not automatically believe or disbelieve them merely

    because of their positions. You should weigh and balance their

    testimony just as carefully as you would weigh the testimony of any

    other witness.


    I am going to talk for a moment about opinion evidence, expert



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    In this case, two witnesses took the stand and stated to you not

    merely what they knew as facts, but they gave opinions as experts.

    These were:

    Dr. Bloch ENT physician

    Richard Seman -- Appraiser

    No matter what may be the expertise of a particular witness who

    states to you an opinion upon a fact in a case that opinion is subject to

    review by you. It is in no way binding upon you. It is for you to

    consider along with the other circumstances in the case, and using

    your best judgment, to determine whether or not you will give any

    weight to it, and if so, what weight you will give to it.

    In weighing and considering the testimony of an expert you

    should apply to him/her the same considerations of credibility that you

    apply to any other witness. In deciding the weight to be accorded to

    the testimony of an expert witness, you should also consider his/her

    education, experience, ability in the particular field of knowledge and

    any other material facts of the sort developed in the course of the

    testimony. You should consider the proof, or lack of proof, and the


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    completeness, or lack of completeness, of any facts considered by the

    expert in forming his/her opinion or reaching his/her conclusion. You

    should recall the testimony of the expert witness in the case in the

    light of the principles that I have just stated to you.


    As you know, the defendant, Dominic Badaracco, did not testify in

    this case. In a criminal trial, the individual charged with the crime is

    under no duty to testify on his own behalf. You may draw no

    unfavorable inference from the defendant's decision not to testify.

    The law does not compel a defendant to take the witness stand

    and testify and no presumption of guilt may be raised from the fact

    that a defendant decides not to testify. You must not permit such fact

    to weigh in the slightest degree against the defendant, nor should it

    enter into your discussions or deliberations.

    A defendant is not required to establish his innocence, because

    as I told you earlier, he is presumed innocent. He does not have to

    produce any evidence whatsoever if he does not choose to do so and

    you can not hold it against him in any way.


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    As I have already told you, the burden is on the state to prove the

    defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If the state fails, a

    defendant has the right to rely on that failure and, of right must be

    found not guilty.



    ( 53a-147)

    [Read bribery count]

    The defendant is charged in count one with bribery. As relevant

    here, the statute defining this offense reads in pertinent part as


    a person is guilty of bribery if he offers a public servant any

    benefit as consideration for the recipient's decision, opinion or

    recommendation as a public servant.

    The essence of the crime of bribery is the voluntary giving, or

    offering to give, something of monetary value to a public servant to

    influence the performance of official duty.


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    For you to find the defendant guilty of this charge, the state must

    prove the following elements beyond a reasonable doubt:

    Element 1 - Benefit

    The first element is that the defendant offered a benefit.

    "Benefit" means a monetary advantage, or anything regarded by the

    beneficiary as a monetary advantage, including benefit to any person

    or entity in whose welfare the beneficiary is interested. In this case,

    the state alleges the benefit to be money.

    Element 2 - To public servant

    The second element is that at the time that the benefit was

    offered, the person who was to receive that benefit was a public

    servant. A "public servant" is an officer or employee of government or

    a quasi-public agency, elected or appointed, and any person

    participating as adviser, consultant or otherwise, paid or unpaid, in

    performing a governmental function. In this case, the state alleges the

    public servant to be Superior Court Judge Robert Brunetti.

    Element 3 - For consideration


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    The third element is that the offered benefit was consideration for

    the recipient's decision, opinion or recommendation as a public

    servant. The state need not, however, show that the public servant

    could actually have rendered the decision, opinion or recommendation

    requested. Similarly, the state need not show that the public servant

    officially took any action in response to the offer of a benefit.

    In this case, the state alleges that the benefit was offered for

    Judge Brunettis help in connection with a grand jury investigation.


    In summary, the state must prove beyond a reasonable doubt

    that 1) the defendant offered a benefit, 2) to a public servant, and 3) in

    consideration for the recipient's decision, opinion or recommendation

    as a public servant.

    If you unanimously find that the state has proved beyond a

    reasonable doubt each of the elements of the crime of bribery, then

    you shall find the defendant guilty. On the other hand, if you

    unanimously find that the state has failed to prove beyond a

    reasonable doubt any of the elements, you shall then find the

    defendant not guilty.


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    Shortly, you will retire for your deliberations. You should not

    begin to deliberate until you have received the Information and

    exhibits and you should only deliberate in the jury room when all of the

    jurors are present.

    When you do retire and deliberate, please be mindful of the

    following points.


    You should not be concerned in any way with the punishment to

    be imposed in this case in the event of a conviction. That is a matter

    exclusively within the province of the court under the limitations and

    restrictions imposed by statute. You are to find the fact of guilt or

    innocence of the accused uninfluenced by the probable punishment or

    consequences which follow conviction.


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    Nor should you, the jury, be influenced by any sympathy for the

    accused, or any other person who might be affected by your decision.


    In conclusion, I impress upon you that you are duty bound as

    jurors to apply the law as I outlined it; to determine the facts on the

    basis of the evidence as it has been presented; and then to render a

    verdict fairly, uprightly and without any prejudice. When you reach a

    verdict, it must be unanimous. That is, for each count all six of you

    must agree on the verdict.

    Each of you takes into the deliberation room your individual

    experience and wisdom. Your task is to pool that experience and

    wisdom. You do that by giving your views and listening to the views of

    others. Despite that, in the last analysis, it is your individual duty to

    make up your own mind, and to decide this case upon the basis of your

    own individual judgment and conscience.

    The defendant justly relies upon you to carefully consider his

    claims, to carefully consider all of the evidence and to find him not


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    Likewise, if you wish to make a request to hear any of the

    testimony again, as you have a right to, put that request in writing.

    Please try to be as specific as possible.

    When you have reached a verdict, inform the marshal simply that

    you have reached a verdict, but do not tell him what your verdict is or

    put it in writing. You will be asked to return to the courtroom to

    announce your verdict. Your foreperson will announce your verdict

    orally and the rest of the panel will be asked whether that is your


    With that, the six regular members of the jury may retire to the

    jury room. The two alternates should remain here.


    Thank you for your attendance. You have served an extremely

    important function. Do not discuss the substance of the case or

    speculate on the deliberations until you know that a verdict has been


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    returned. While it is unusual, alternate jurors are sometimes called

    upon to take the place of a juror during deliberations.


    Counsel should review all exhibits with the clerk and then

    stipulate that all exhibits are in order so that they may be brought into

    jury room.


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