
The Amendments of the Constitution.

• 1-10 13,14,15,and19

• By:• Justin Dean• Dakota Hull• Trey

The 1st Amendment.

• Right to freedom of speech.

• Right to have a religion.

• Freedom of press.

• Right to assemble.

• Right to a petition.

The 2nd Amendment.

• Right to bear arms/Right to own a gun.

The 3rd Amendment.

• The right to decline a soldier living in your home.

The 4th Amendment.

• Right to not have and unreasonable search and seizure without a probable cause and/or a search warrant.

The 5th Amendment.

• Right to a jury.

• The right to Double Jeopardy.

• Right to remain silent.

The 6th amendment

Allows you to have a trial in a civil case and were the crime toke

place and to face your accuser.

The 7th amendment

• A right to a jury in a civil case such as a divorce

The 8th amendment

• No over price fines or bails and no cruel punishment

The 9th amendment

• It protects the citizens of America’s rights

The 10th amendment

• Retains the power of each state and the and its people.

13th amendment

• The 13th Amendment means if you commit

• an crime you have to pay for it by doing time. There shall be no slavery.

14th amendment

• The 14th amendment means to protect the civil rights and people who was born in U.S.A

15th amendment

• The 15th amendment means you have the right to vote, But you have to be 18 or over to vote.

19th amendment

• The 19th amendment means that anyone one can vote, It doesn’t matter if you’re a women or men, You have the right to vote.

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