Brookside Newsletter

Post on 05-Feb-2022






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Brookside Primary School, Bright Street, Clitheroe, Lancashire BB7 1NW

Week Ending 18th December 2020

Brookside Newsletter A Message from the Headteacher: Dear Parents and Children,

What a lovely end to the term we have had this week.

School has been awash with the sound of laughter this

afternoon as everyone enjoyed watching their

Christmas panto treat —Cinderella!

I hope you enjoyed the video links we sent you sharing

your child’s class activities. Unfortunately due to

safeguarding constraints, they have now been

withdrawn, but hopefully you will have read our earlier

text and taken the opportunity to see your child and

their class in action!

A huge thank you to our Friends of Brookside

Volunteers for ensuring the chocolate tombola went

smoothly. The children love activities like this and

£166.50 was raised for FOB funds. Fundraisers like

this help the FOB pay for treats for the children such as

the panto this year.

All that remains now is for me to wish you all a very

Happy Christmas and a healthy New Year and I look

forward to seeing you all in January 2021!

Mrs B L Allan

Attendance w/e 18th December

Slightly down on recent weeks as we slip

below target to 96.3% However Reception

achieved 100%! Y4 were nearly there with

99.1%, followed by Y2 on 98.1%.

Well done to those classes!

Traffic light reports for attendance since September

will be sent out separately.

Birthday wishes to: Grace and Noah in Y1,

Jessica in Y2.

Elsa-Rose and Casey in Y3

Savannah in Y4

Oliver and Ahmed in Y5 and

Daniel and Lucy in Y6

These children all have birthdays next week or during the Christmas holidays.

Dates for your Diary

Fri 18 Dec School closes at 3.30

Mon 4 Jan Welcome back to school

‘Doorstep Christingle’

Christingle services will be a little different this year, Clitheroe Churches in Partnership have organised a 'Doorstep Christingle' on Christmas Eve. Every child has received a Christingle Pack complete with instructions and materials, to make a Christingle—this can be done before Christmas Eve. It may help to watch this short video which explains all about the Christingle

The service starts at 3.30pm on Christmas Eve. Just log onto then listen for Clitheroe church bells to ring at 3.55pm which will be the signal to stand on your doorstep and light your Christingles at 4pm.

Free School Meals

This is a gentle prompt to say that if you think your child may be eligible for Free School Meals as you are in receipt of certain benefits, please contact your Area Education Office on 01254 220747.

Please note that it is worth applying for even if your child receives the infant free school meals as school will receive extra funding for your child.

House Points

It’s the end of term so we have our first house point winners! The children have all worked hard this term earning points for our first two Brookside Values: confidence and loyalty. The results for the term are as follows:

1st – Waddow

2nd – Salthill

3rd – Ribble

4th – Castle

Children in Waddow house can look forward to a treat in the new year!

In January, our first value will be inde-pendence. And we have sent the certifi-cate along with this letter. We love to re-ceive these and find out how our special values are being demonstrated at home.

Abigail & Esther

We are delighted to share with you that Esther and Abigail were winners in the Clitheroe Heritage Open Days Walking Quiz Competition held in September 2020.

They each received prize money and a certificate and will hopefully appear in the press as part of RVBC’s report into Clitheroe Heritage Open Days.

Well done girls!

Brookside Primary School, Bright Street, Clitheroe, Lancashire BB7 1NW

Ho! Ho! Ho! It’s the end of the last week of

term and what a fantastic term it’s been for

Year 6! This week has seen a bit of

everything. We started the week with our

English and Maths tests which the children all

worked really hard on and I didn’t hear a grumble from

anyone! We finished off our Brazil topic with some art-

work looking at the statue of Christ the Redeemer and

then made our own brilliant models out of clay. We’ve

ended the week with all things Christmassy, including a

film, a pantomime and fabulous Christmas cards. I

hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New


What a fanstastic week we have had in

Reception. We have been busy writing

letters and making Christmas and winter

decorations. Bernard Butterscotch our

class elf has been getting up to mischief this

week. He managed to get himself stuck to our

clock! We have had a role play shop in the

Maths area and have been practising paying for

toys using 1p coins. We had lots of fun at the

chocolate tombola and enjoyed watching the

pantomime on the white board. Merry Christmas

and a Happy New Year from Reception.

What a fantastic last week of term in Year 4! In

DT, we have been taste testing some seasonal

foods. We evaluated their appearance, taste,

smell, and texture. Then, we designed, made,

and evaluated our own healthy seasonal wrap! They

were brilliant! In English, we planned and wrote our own

persuasive brochure about Greece. We included day

trips for families and children, hotels, and why people

should visit. At the end of the week, we enjoyed making

some seasonal crafts. I hope you all have a lovely

holiday and see you in January!

In Year 2 we have had a great final week

of the term. We made our castles out of

cardboard and we all managed to make

the drawbridge move up and down.

When we painted them, we took over the hall

floor. It was lots of fun! In Maths we have been

learning about litres and millilitres, choosing the

most appropriate unit for measuring. The

chocolate tombola was exciting yesterday and we

all won a delicious prize. Today, we watched the

pantomime Cinderella. It was very funny!

We have had another busy week in Year

1! In English, we have applied all the

skills we have learnt so far to show how

we can write our own stories

independently! In Maths, we have looked at

days of the week and months of the year and

focused on the words ‘before’ and ‘after’ when

organising them into an order. In Science, we

completed our investigation on which material

would be the strongest and most waterproof to

help the boy and the penguin fix their boat. We

found out that plastic was the best for this. We

have started to look at puppets in DT and have

really enjoyed practising the different joining

techniques and designing our penguin puppets!

We have had a lovely last week of the term in

Year 3! We have written biographies for both Da-

vid Attenborough and Jane Goodall. In Maths we

have been completing our end of term assessments and

Mrs Miller was really proud of how hard we all tried. We

have been busy in topic this week choosing the

ingredients we would like to include in a healthy pitta

pocket for Paddington and created our own simple

recipe to follow to make it. We are looking forward to

learning skills and techniques and then making our own

pitta pockets in the new year! Mrs Miller and Miss

Mathieson would like to wish everyone a Merry

Christmas and Happy New Year! We look forward to

seeing you in 2021!

Our final week of this term in Year 5 has been a

very productive one! In English, we completed

our How To Survive in the Wild explanation texts

and then used the skills we had learnt to write a

survival guide for someone travelling to the Grand

Canyon. We have also really impressed Mrs Knighton

with our arithmetic skills during an end of term

arithmetic test in Maths! Our final pieces of artwork

inspired by Henri Matisse have been finished. We

used three different printing blocks to create abstract

paintings and created seasonal cards using the same


What have we been doing this week?

These snapshots give an insight into what has been happening in each class this week. There is lots of interesting work taking place so please take some time to read about every class. You may be surprised about the range of work the children do!

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