Between BRUCE POWER LP by Its General ... -

Post on 08-Mar-2023






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LOCAL 1000

Janu~ry 1, 2014- December 31 , 2011


Part Tltll Page a









In on:1et to readily Identify changes In lhls Agreement from the previous one, new d18J111es are balded.


























BRUCE POWER lP and BRUCE POWER INC, (Hereinafter referred to as "Tile Company")


POWER WORKERS' UNIO~ (PWU), CANADIAN UNION OF PU6UC a.,pLOYEES, LQoal1000 • CLC, hereinafter referred to as ltte ·union" Which executes this A!)treemant by Bob Walker. Bob Masterson, H•rold Turcotte, Doug Bohnert. larry Alderdice, Pau11 Seall'\lln, Unda Crombeen, Ken BeQan, Steve Piper and Kevin Squires Wl1o have been duly appoitoted for 11\e purpose, fn accordance with the consUlullon of the Un10n.

WHEREAS !he Uhlon has requested the Company to enler into a C::oHectlve Agreement and !he Company has CO!lsented thertllo:


that !here shall be two pal1s, namely, Part A- Terms an<S Conditions and Pan B-AppendiCes. tt I$ also Witnessed that ~ Company and lila Union agree each wilh the other as foUows:

"Safety Rrsr is Bruce Power's number on& value.

The Health and Safety or employees Is a matter of pnme lmportam:e to both parties. Overall safety performance is also a critical element il'!llle ongoing sucoess of B~uce Power.

The Company's commitment to Health and Safely Is stated In the Corporate Health and Safety Poflcy. Thts policy bullds upon the foundation prolilded by Health and SafEI\y legislation which eslebftshes the basiC tights or workers to know abOut workplace hazaros, to participate in lhe management of safely. and to refuse unsafe work. The Company recognizes these rights and will support any employee who reasonably feels It is necessary to exercise !heir rights under the legiSlation.

The Corporate Health and Safety Polley is supported by lhe Genenal Safety Rules which set the basie safety responsibilities and expectaUons of all employees.



1.1 The Company recognizes the Union as t.he sole bargaining agent for ail regular, part·tirne and temporary employees 1 Including technlelans or the construction field forces and security emploYef.!s but exclUding;

(a) Employees now 19presenled by other bargaining a_goents.

'~o,ees' ant~pursuan! to the r...IJt.u'RtliBihul• Adta om.mso, 1995. c.l&:118111WA ••Mll!(lilud. 2

(b) ~rsom ODO'IIe 111e tiM or auperow. ~~ term "WollUI!IIIUpeMSOI"" Includes stalf i!Aignmonllluc:h n fulfil!.wlg aatlw sup11NI$0ry roles or ass~ Wlth no dlrect staff aupcrvu:lon. but may lti\IOII!e wor1l preparallOtl C.4 .• lor outa,ge$} for WOI1I by ottw ball)aiMIO unit me.t'IIOef&

(~) Pwsons who enttiSe manegnl functions In eccultlanoe With the Ontano LaboUr IWBUona Aqt.

(d) Persons employed In o c:ooGdantlll oopactty In m~uers relatmg to laboUr relations In aceotdance with the Ontano Labour Reltltloni Ad.

1.2 The grlevanc:eletbll.ratlon procedu,. may be uaed to ctl&llonQe any unreasonable. arbitrary or bad fallh action taken by the Com~nv which resultt In 11~e excluSIOn of any employet or p0$1liotl from the bergalnlll{l unll. The porUoa will attempt to resolve diSputes expedUiously.

It Is recognized thai from tlmt~ to limo lnc~tmbentlln positions excluded under Miele 1 perform certain Inherent work fl.tncllolla whiCh at'lt part oj' lhelr noonal dulles. IL Is also recognized, however. that such WOf1( functions win not bo performed tor the purpose or reducing staN requirements or dOIIbtmtoly lo tt\/Qid ovetllme for employen represented by the Union. If lhe Union bellevot that this proVIsion li being abvsod, It may lodge a grievance under Article 2 or tho Collective Agreement.

Bargaining unit work ~nUy performed Of that work wl1tteh has been performed by members of the Unlon·s bargaining vnlt and any work wl11oh 1$ or hillS been pertormod by PWU members pursuant to nny jurisdictional acaord that Is or lhas beon applicable to Bruce Power will continue to be performed bY PWU lllptesented st1N 1un18ss otheiW!se agreed 10 by lhe parties. lhl.s d08$ not apply to 1lluat1ons Where work Is •illlmlnated.

'WOO(" In thls artacle shall be dellned as a specific &at of tiltks, for example lha fif'llllne supeM8lan of cMitradea at Bru~ Power.

The Com.pany 5hall produce to the Union .,ct\ quartet, doeurnenta~on a heWing en petllons doing WOI1< for U'le Company,

1..3 When an employee Is r~ fTom normal dl.lllllll to uc11 In • vacaled JX1$10Cin « renew lor an 1nannbent or petfonn a temporary aulgnment, lhl folloltwlng IMII apply:

a) When the length Of llme lnvc:lMI<IIa lti'10Wn to bO thiM trlOI'tl'ls or leU. the en',~ will ral£110 hM'ler pmm ~ISG.k:tloMI tt.tut.

b) Wlleo IllS ·~ that the length of time w.l be lcitngtr !Mnltvee montllS. the employee wHI be aduded or lneiuded ol the COI'IVTI.neonl110t of hiS/her new respo.nslbl!tties. Howewer, In the event che perjOd 111 ecrually Ia at INn IMie month$

(I) In exclusion eases, the Unoon Will be te1111butsed the dues llll'lldl wouJCl ha~ been paid;

c) When the length ot urna is unknown, lho emplOyee Wid retlltl hislhef present jufisdictton!W status 1JP to the ttwwe tnonlh ~110d.. 11' the I)O(IOCI ~M<l$ be~ uno months. the empby!le WIN tnen be ellhet lnducSed c• ellcludta



2.1 Apart from Miele 2.8 below, Chis procedUre shall not .,.:lly to Union OOIICOITW fegardlnQ t11e adequacy of Job docunenls «t~d/or t/'le rtiJng, for jooe OO!N'Od by 1M Cl•rlcor. Technloll Job\lallon Plan. wh•c:h. shall be prooe$$0d tn acconlonc:41 with th4t cnollenge procodU1111i oonlalned In 2.8 below.

2.2 Any allegJtJon that an employee has been aubjected to ~lnfalr treatment or ony dispute arising out of 1t1e oontent of thl$ Agreemenl anal! be uncleratOOd to be 1 nt matter ror the follOwing grievance proc:.edlJ(e, All matters or grievance by ony ornployto or group or class of employees rorwnom the Union is the bargaining agent and Which thu Union may deslm to present shall be dealt with In accordance Wlltllh4t follow~,~~ procedure.

2.3 It fs mutually agreed by tl1e perticts llereto lhtll flls tile eplot ond lnlent or 1111s Agroemool to acfJUSt grievances prompUy, Tllerefont, eny (lmpiOyee ClCIVOrod by lhlt Agrooment haVing a grievance may present such gnevancG to the fOPf'QRitnt~JUvo or the! Union appointed by the Union for !hat purpose. Tile Union repreaentetlve may then proceed to h8vo euch griownc:e adJusted In accordance wtlh the following s topa e&l8bllshqcf hertlby fnr the pvrpoto of adjusting grievances.

2,4 Grievance•

Grievances are to be filad within ttilrty (30) days rrom the data that tho griever knew or should have known the facts giving rise to the grlovanoe. Tlle C:ompa.ny la to reply tn Wfi\JtlO Wllllln seven (7) days.

Steps in grievance prooes$: Non·dlal:lipiJnary matters.

Step 1 Within seven (7) daya of reply or lima tlf!llted for rt'lpiy. • mNU~ wilh contae1 Sup81'111$01'

Step 2 If Step 1 meeting not 1\1110 or If gnewnoo not rMtDMid 111 Step t , ~c:et go b nelfl scheduled meeting of Grtovance Rewtw Bolara.

2.5 Grt.vanoe Revl- Board

Tile Grievance ReoAaw Boatd shall cot\$id o( two (2) U!Utll'l repftief1tatiWJS a1 a h/ol'llewll and t./0 (2) Manitgemer\1 ~tall\lfl8 Cet 11 I'I!Qh !&Vel). WfiO will Mile IN tuti'OI'I\Y 1D ~ ~animously to a final lind ~ .. IUement d ony ~ilii'IOI or un&nJmo\l~ly ape to 1t1e scheduling of 8tr'J grle~

Grievance Ra\1\ew Board· mootJnga.-e to be schedl.lted 11llglhtly n egraed ID by lhe parUes ar onSered by the Chef Mlltrai.Of The ~ of !he Grievance ~ Board Will be 1'0 altempt to seiUe ... ct$'8S, fa ill~~ Ule Gn.v.nca RtMeW ~ wtfJ ~to '-cb Where possible and ensure thai all docllmentary and Cl!hor ellldtmae il dlscmod by the parties.

If not resdved at Ule Grievance ·Review Board, ~a II'ICMI to artilrallon. Unless llw patUrs agree to r.gular1ltbltrarlart. or Mr. MarM r~, or tile Deputy cn~er Mllllator so Ofder. all ¢evances shell be $1bnitted to E)ped•ted Nbllrt1lott


(AI) Interest Penelti<K for Retroractl,. PaymentJ

If retroactive payments., .. requlied as a rnultol ony settlelOOrn (J.e .. llltlltratlon. rechtsslfl(:8\ion), ttl8 ~nywlll endea-.wr 10 molte paymenl.l within sixty (60) days of the sigrM'Ig of ltle sel1lclmont. If these payments 81'8 not made wiiNn siXtY (60) days, the axnpany agrees 110 pey In~ on IN ooltt&nd"JtlGf ltnOunls u at lhe 61st day to the atiJbYees at a ro.t. 012" &bolle pnme. For oacn ~delay of 30 days. the inletest rata Will i'lcraue 0y an lldd1UOMI ~. exx.puons wtU be jointly agreed to by lhe partie$

2.6 Disclpflrtuy !'tCMtlwa

(a) Pl1of 10 lne impot~Uon rl any d/aQpllnAty penolty, ~~ ~ stlal hold a DisCI~ lntfiMIIW, .nic:n ahal1 ~ S~ep 1 of !tie grleWt~IOe Pf00»$S

(b) The Company &nal ptOWie the UniOn an4 lilY Ollllpla)'e BS WhO rrtirf be diSCipl'lned IIVee (3) days' notice at IIlli tnleMiw.

(e) The lntel\4eW wll like~ between the Oampany, the Union and the accused Pf!W:Iual.

(d) The Company shallael out Its anegalloM and exatp1 wflere tile allegations could cooslltute a crlminaJ offence. !he Union Of lhelndllilduet(s) shall set out rholr W3l'Sion of the tt~~ents. Mlnutea, but not o tnmsc:r1pt. of the tm!Mew $illtlng out the substance of the dlscuulon shan be taken.

(t) Tl1e minutes or thO meeting shall bo proVided 10 tl'n Union and lhe aoouaed fndlttluaf(o) wltl'lln aeven ( 1) days ollhe lntorvfaw

(f) The Union And tho eocused lndtvldual(s) shaU forward a wr1ltan reply to the minutM, Ir any, within uven (7) days of receipt or the min~1

(g) Should Ute Company d'IOose to IMPOM discipline, the UlliOn has ten (10) daya lo file a grlevenoe commenc;ng at Step 2.

(h) Nothing In ~ dtacipllflaty lntervtow Pf0081SS Is tntarocled to Interfere Wl!h tile Co~ rfght ro I!Mttfgnto martors or lmpelr the ngl'lt of employees to Union repre$entation.

2. 7 Fac:llltles and Coats

(e) 'the Company ah~tll prolll<le the neQessaty facllllle!; for al meetings In tho grleY<Jnce process.

(b) Maintonanoe of notma1 eamlngt a.nd payment or e:!(p811Ses shan De pruvleled by the Company for oil Union mpresentatJves on a grleva111ce comm.ttee.

(c) Tho fees olell orblntors end c.o.t:s associated Wllh arbitration hearings shall be &har.d .quo tty by 11\o partie-. &Uiljectlo Clorfent Clf'OCtlces.

l.f DttjKile RHOiuUon- Miele 8, Plan B •nd OGt.a

Ally Mlcle e. ~n 8 or OGl d/sput~ shift be resolVec! en an upeal:led basis as se1 ovt below.

ta) The Union Will commence tN5 dlapufe "'-SooutJon ~lfOCe$$ by fling a grievance with the relevant conla<:1 5l.lpel'll&Of' Th9 l)&t1)es $hall meet wlthm •even (7) days to aUempl to resdve tne Ql'le'Vanee Felling a resoi'U!IOn of 111e 1'1\ialter Within fourteen (14) days of r~~ng the grievance, lhe tn1111M -.111 be refened 10 thltneJtl meeting of the Job Ctasslllcalion (JCC), Falling tnoluliOI'I ot that meeling, the gnevance shall be tVferred tc the Job ONs'dlellhon TriOuoBJ (JCT).

(b) The JCC wu sit monthly or as OCNIW!se ag~ to' by the partoes end corwS1 of two (2) union and two (2) employor t'llpfesentalaves. 1111\011 haw the poM'r to resolw any Ntk:le 8 and Plan B dlsputet tef81'19d tc It by unanirnous agreement

(o) Tho JCT shall consist or a, a Union nomlnee nnd a Company Nominee. The parties hereby nominate CIV!s Pallere ai'ICI (company nomlnOe to be named) aslhelr nominees. Mor11n TftPiltslty ehalt be lhe Quslr and ~nay, llftsr CJOnsl.dlallon with lhe panle5, appoint hla soccesw ~ Chair.

(d) The JCT shan hear gnevancea 011 an eJtpodited beals and dbdde at least fifteen (15) grievance& por day. No deQlsiQn or the JCT s proc:ndeJ\1 sett•ng unlass the JCT e)\pressly declares II to be so.

(•) Briefs ahaU be prepared by eaoh p!lrty for 08Ch grleltanoo Including a statement of facls, brief argument ai'ICI !he relevant pi'O\IWont of lhe Co~ac:llw Agreemenl. Theta br1e~ &hall bo provided lo the Chi!lr of lhe JCT' at feasl 7 clays prior 10 any hoJMg date. The Chair of the JCT wall adVise wt1lch grlevancu ~n tequlra Witnosses f()r Ct\ltdil)gJlY tasues. The pertlea v.411 also eKchMge these brtefl.

(f) The JCT shan del ermine 111 own proeedlll'e. may 41dmlt ovt4enco llla.t would not be admissible In COUJt and may rely on such ovid once to render a decision. The JCT' shall i'lave the power and outhor,cy to delerm.lne the real i5SUN In dispute between the parties "' a.ny parucutar caee lnd to re.tltva agail'st time tlmllall'l tho grt.vanc:e proc:e$S. ~ dedslons wlll be final end blndrng. AI. atbltrators shall have the power lo make ~..,m relief alders.. The JCT ehall take Into consldera!Jon lthe relevant terms of lhe oollectJVG agreement and lla appendlcN.

2.9 FacUlties and Costa

(e) The Compeny 5118N p!'()~Ade tl'l(lllft08SAIY 'll<lllltlet flor all '""tlngs In lhe Mlcle e, Plan B, and OGL grievance prooes;a

(b) Malnten111108 of normnl eam\ngs end 1ho poyment oil el([)811aes shalt be [)I'OVIded by tho Company for all UniOn repteSentatliiU on • dlapute resoivt!Oil commotteo.

(o} The fees of lbe JCT Chair iltlCf CCCII asaoclate<l WIUI1 JCT\ngs &hall be ahared equally tJy U18 penJes. E.ld1 petty Will pay It; own 111)m/noe on tho JC'f.


2.10 Dfspa.ltlon of Formal Grievances

The Compuny wot rmallZlll any lomtDI pvances presently In the ptocess of completion btJt not fihartzeo be lore l!le Agreement Ia a~gnect


2A. t Any allega!Jon that an emplo)lee has been demoted, JUS!pended, dlseharged or olhEI!Wise dlaelpGned Without JUt;t cause wn be a fit maltot ror ll'le grievan¢11 and arbitJaUon prooec!Ute$ as pro~ for in thte CoCJecllw Agreement.

2A.2 When dlsdpnnlng or dlscharg~ proba!Jonary emploveeo fof JUSI cause, it $ rec:ogntzed that the probat!orutry period Is an oxtllnsloo of the aeleallon process and that they have short $$Nice Thllfefore, the lhreal'lold for discipline and dlschatge may be less thai\ that of a regular emplovee In sJmlla.r QroumsliliiCle$.

2A.3 Oiselpllnary penal lias 1"811UIImg In a suspeoalon without PIIIY Will not be Imposed until a final decision, (agreemant blllwoen Union and Managemen1, 1cr an erbitrato!'s judgnenl) has been teached.

2AA Unless otherwise agreed to. aner a letter( a) or AIP!'Imandl ancllor dltclpUnery penally has been on ltn employee 'a nt. foro maltirnum of two (2) yoors, and there 1\0-.e been no fur1t'ler occurrences, lhrm tf'!elelt r(s) of reprimand and/of dlsalp~lnary penalty wln be mmoved from oil files.


A copy of al llllt 111 or emplovea reprlmlll'd ondlor dlsotplllnary penattJes shal be aent to the Chiclf Steward, oxcept In cases ~ In tho COmpany's opinion the matter lnwi'Jed Is or a confidential rwtur• In the letter lnsta~. the Jetter W1II 1Me !hat !he Union hila noc received a oopy of lha loiter.

This shAll not prevent o cuporvlsor lrom !liking on•lh9·J~• disdptlnary 11otlon InclUding lmmedlala aufpl'lnalon 'llbjeclto later confirmation.



The regular rbttretlon procon will continue on the baalt or the practice wrr~nlly adhered to by I he portJea, but any dlaput ttiOtlng to $UC11 prMtloo t)r any requests for changes in the .,ractlc!a may be referred to the Chief A.rblfrslor for a tull~g.

(1) This proced~.n ahtlU not apply to Union llllogllllons ,of unfair treatment or Union conGerns ~l'dtn; tho u<:leQwcy of job clocufnenta enc!Jof lha rating. for jobs COV$ted by !he Cloncat Technlclll Job Evatvt~uon Pllln which th•ll he processed In 8CCOI'Cianoe Wllh the chai'I!IIQI PfOC)eduros oonbllned In Tho Union Clanc:ai-Technleal Job Evaluation Manuat


tbJ When! a dllferlllt'Vllll arlsas between the parttn relating to the Interpretation, appi1C8tlon, or admlnlstl$tlon or thla Agreement, Including ui'!Y que51Jon as to Whether a matter Is olbltrable. or whore a" onegoUon ta made l/latlhls Agreemenl has been -ootated, 1he grievance shall p!'OCI!od to Arbltf'ti(Jon purauant to Art.Ce 2.5.

(e) i he Arbitrator or Arbitration Board shell haar and d~llomllne the difference or allegation and shall lssuo e deelelOn end the c:I&Qslon 6haU bo final &NI binding upor~ the parties and by any employee ulfocted by ft. The dooltllon 11li the majority shafl be the decision of the Board of Arbltrallon, bUilt lhefe Is no majOrity, 'the dee~slon of the Chairperson shall govern. However, In no evet1t allell tt'D Arblltlltor c~ Bootd ot Arbitration 1\alle lhe power to c11ange, otter, modify or omend any pi'O'\'Won of lhll agreement.

3..1 Prlnclplea of Expedited Artlltratl~

(a) Arbitrators shall decide at feast ftfteen C 15) go8WI'\Ialn cradi cmy.

(b) The decisions are precedent Alling and &hall 011 accomp!1tW by re~ on 11111 non{aotual tswes.

(c) The pel1les may use the SCIMC85 ol counseL

3.2 Chief Arbitrator and O.Piil)' Ch'-f Mlltntor

The Chlel Arbilntlor wil have e~usMI. final and blnd'.fl!!:l euthority over aii!S$ues relating to it1e sonedU!iog of ce$85, incluelll'l!l dec:is1oos as to who hatii'S whiCh case and when ll.IS heard IOd 5hell haw ~ power IQ /'ltl.ltYe agaln5t Ume .limit$, lmctud~ng ltlose In lhe grievance process 8I'Cf the refeo'al!O llfbltrollon In respld ot aU Gllises

P9wtrt Of tht Cbltt M llt!I!OJ

(a) Tht M.wtrator Will have tile powoer lo.

(I) (II) {Ill) (.1\1) (Y)

ltpPOIIlt ntrllt0f5: awign Qfi0Vilno8S fOf molu!Jon, schec:lule ~ dates In cootunJtiOn Wrtn ti11G partie~. delelm "' ~ hOu,. within whiC'h orll1trnlions are conducted; asmt In 11!docing the COli, end rediJCII'ISithe <lullly and Increasing the efliaeoCy of Ulll regular «rbblnlllon pmoeu,

Any of the Chilt Mlilratora powo,. m1y be assumed by tho Deputy Chief Albllrator.

3.3 AJI MJitratota

AllarbilnJIOfB ere to dell!tmtno tho1r own procedurt. mRy' ad"' it evidence that would not be admissible In cour1 and may rely on 11uch avldonoo to render • dec:.l$\on. All arbitrators wtll tJaVe the poWer and authotil)o to determine tJ;o ret~l leeuea In dls:puto be!W$en tile P8rtles 111 any panlaltar case and to reheve ogalntl time llmll• In tn<e grlavanca procaa All arbitrators shall haw lhe power to meko Interim relief ordora.



.._1 Worlllng condition& dunng the term of this Agreemom 5hlaD be as outlinod In t.hls Agreement nnd In NegotJated PollcleJand ~clicos and Mid·Tetm ~lqreemant• eJ<eept 6UCh Mid-Term ~rMmontt u oro egreed ot>to~t• by the perlle$,

In ~lion, tht~J~~nef'Pl envlronmentlll prMrogn surrounttllng an employee shall aJso be considered at worl(lng OO(Iditlons. TtlosO privileges wc>Uid Include such things as wash-up time. tran'PQ(tatlon recmtles. aeroty appOal\ceS, general laafetY or health precauUon&.

Any modlllcallon within lhe oonfinu or this AGreement shall be $Ubject to agreement by the Comll(lny and the Ul'llon'e executive. Changes 10 the undernoted sub{ects, hoWever, can be made With tho wr1llen agroumont of the Sector Board C~alr with the exoapllon as noted In 4.2 (t) and may be cant~tlled by tllher party upon the gi\rlng of 30 day.' notrce:

(a) Changes ln working lioutl between the hours or 7:00 am. to 6:00 p.m. ror an Individual, wo~ group or crew. The Cl'lltf Steward Will provtdetlidenlity the crew preferences ror atc~rt and atop times.

(b) The extension of ncrtlng positions btlyond 90 days '1s outlined In Part A, Section 5.8.2 (f) ond Soclion 4. 12.7 (1).

(c) MadlficatioM to houra Of work (apeclnc) 01 alllocalli011s for banked time arrangements muy be mode subject to 11greement by 81'\Jce Pl:lwer Msnugement and the PWU Sector Botlrd Cl'llllrperson,

II ttl Intended to proVIde a Joint appr~h and Its appllcalioo l~> to be made In the spirit of trvG1 and c:o-opernUon.

The follOWing prlnctplu will apply

.sa rely flrlt- mu~t not COITilJI"OI'IIlse the Mlelty o1 the employee or tho works ito;

• Tl'wt company lihall hall& an wo~ Qlnducted u efi'IIICbwly as posSible.

·ThO elfed1Witl8at of banked 1tme arra~tents wW be measured by its ImPAct on at~ II. on tile buflnAS, end out OJ:SICI!neB:

-A r~ Will be CO!ll$vcted wezy stl( (6) monllls and measured ageiiWt tile w..tness case..

(d) l.oc:al extensions to • maximum of Cine (3) monttas beyond \he normal 12 ~loci monlhl {In Which lhote h8Ye been no breaks in 1Slll'ltoyment exc edlng fNe (5) !TQ\Ihs) oo the use of temporary employees 10 meet $1'>ort Ullm staffing requllente~"ti Wimout lmiOkltlg t19Jb~ $181US

(t ) Nranget!18nl'l allowing O.xib.hl'f tor employees assigned to 1emporary wortt Madquar18f6 5\Jbje<:t to PWU SeQar Vce·Presidefll or delegatas approval

l~tw1-ly ••d •• ... ~'$A -~Of'll~.,lhl; Wl.:allllll* •r/"11111*""' ~4li;ln;ft .. lt .. O*a!w.Ni I I 2



Unless spe<llflcatly refenad to ln a Mid-Tatm AQreenHI11t I he pettlnetll ptOviS!ons of the Collocllve Agreements ~u apply.



IllS )olnl~ agreed thai the following Mld·Totm Agreement shall tO!'rn pert ot the Collective Agreement between the parties:





5.1 All employees covered by this Agreement wt1o ore membere or the Union on the dele hereof shall. as a condition of employment, maintain sue11 membC11"8hlp.

5.2 Employees 'h1lo are not members on lhe date hereof but •who beCome members of the Union subsequent to said date shall as a condlllon of employment, maintain lhett membership thereafter.

5.3 New employees shall, as a oondlllon ot employment, be ~~~ became members of the Union within 15 days of lhelr engagement and shalt, n a condition of employmenl, maintain their membership !hereafter.

Membership as a oondltlon of amploymanl as apeclfled 111 5.1, 5.2 11nd 5,3 si18Jt not apply while mern~ is withheld or suspended, or where a n~ember Is expeled by rhe Union.

In aft cases for employees in tna Co!lee1Jve Bargaining Until a a dellned in Article 1, the Company shall be responsible lor the slgnlrtg of dues authorizations and shall dedur:t from lhe weel<ly wages of each employee. an amount .,qual to the weei<Jy IM\Ion dues tn effect at the time and shall lransmlllhe monies so deducted to the Sec~ T reosurer o1 the Urion at the Urnes des(gnaled by the Union.

5.& A Union repres«~ta_Uve will b6 given en opport\lnjly to condUCl an ottenlllllon session for new probalionaryfregular empoyee(s) OT temporaryemployeeo With grutertMn 5 mCJOth$' S..Mce within regular working hours al a tlme and of a duratiOn 11181 is mUiually a~ble between the Company and lhe Union. The~ Ia to acquaint 1~"' new eiTI;IIoyee Wilh lhe benertls and duties of union membership

S.J The Companyw111 notoppQI>E! any a~IQn by the Union to •rJls<ttJ)!Ine Its members as ldenllf!ed fn ~ constitution.




Tho Union ..... to ~t and OdUal!e Ill SIMard$ lllld membershiP on 1he intertl d this Miele.

5A.1 Confflc!t of lntetU1

The Union roc:ognlzn that the indualarl of •tteuniY slalf lin this collective agreement rrvry create !he possibllily of • OCIInfllcl of lntetr..t ootween ch& l'tllj:lon$ibilitles to !hell dulles and ltlell mambtr~NP In 1M Uil!On. Tht Union will not ImP« I& $0QIJ]Iy staff r101n peri"OI'l'lllng any of cnew job duties.

These provt.IOnS.,. Intended to P\lf!T1It securJty stl'ltf to !Perform thalr dulles unfettered and to praeNe \he conf"!don!lallty of their WOfk. Socurfty stalf a1re sometimes required to take actlon w1th mPid to other~. llle the ll'ltent or these fJ")Vislon$ that security guards Will f\Afl\llheir dullea trrespeottvo or ¥mot11or the other empiO],.ees InvolVed are or are not represented by PWU CUPE LoaDl1000. The Company Qgrees lhal aU seeurity starr represented by PINU CUPE Loelll 1 000 wm have normal, acceu to Union representallon.

The Union eoreea not to purauo any lntemal dls01'pllnery actions again& seaumy stan fOt performing tholr l'hlttol,

My oonfllct or lntorest lmtolvlng •ecurlly atatl will be subj\Bct to an expeditious Internal oonfld~tt~Ual rcvlowtresclution proeM&. lithe Internal reso!Wlon process Is oot capable of re~otvlng tho oonnlot or lntero~. them en explldltlous axtEIIn81 process W111 be aQtvated.

Tho E~WCUtlvo CommiiiCMJ ol thg Union clo8rly recognlzeis the unique posftiofl of security staff regarding 11\eir retl:ltlonl'i"'P with other PWU CUPe Local 1000 represented employees and will etr1ve to onaure thot11ny conlrlet of lntereat Which may ar,lse is handled sensillvely and expedltlou:aly,

5A.2 Wlthdnrwal of Servlt~t.a

Reoognldng lh4l n11ocl \0 prolec:llhe Com$)111ny assets, e~nployees, the public arid In order to meet reQuiAiory requlremttnts, the perllea agree 10 the followlrg·

!•) n. Untontt,Qrcm to 0\W lha Q)mpany ~nty-one (21) calendar days' formalnolicCt Ill wrtting IKIOr 1o ony legal Wllhdmwal of MNioeS by seeunty Slaff;

(b) Tho Union OQre&$ that lhe Co"1Jllo1J1Y may use replac:eme.nt worl«<ls from any OM-PWU IOUI'C» to polform ACUtty function• w«hdrawn as e1 resull of cs legal stnke. Replaoement WOtll:era wdl only potfcnn aecurity functions during the dura lion of tho legal wotk JtoOpege:

(c) PWU MCUriCY 1111f will co-open~ta in the training or !replacement WOtJI:ef$ and U\811 proWle an Of'dqrly lumowr to replacement WOitlets before any withdrewal or servioes.. My 1f.rn1n0 of,..~ wotk8111 wflhil twenty-c11ne (21) calendar days prlor to a legal wotk at~ (1.-.. dumg the nollce petlod In (a) 11bove) Will not be aubfect to lempOtlry l~lon allowances ptOY!ded for elsiNitlete In this egreement:

(d) Upon request, the Company wlll fli'O'Iide the Union wilh Information on ltle number ol replacement W0111ers perfoonlng securhy ft.netlons:r


&.1 The Company shall not discnminale against an employee because of mambersn!p or aatMty in the Union or the sxerdse of his/her lawful rights. aod ilt!Y employee covered by t.he Agreement Who feels lhat he or she has suffered d'!Sllffmlna11oo shall have lhe ~hllo seek redress In accordance W11h Glievence and Art>ltratlon Pn~

6.2 An employee who has a complalnl wilh respect I!> cfiScrinnfnatioo In the employment relationship. as E!fM$1oned under the Canaclian Human ~~Act. or personal harassment as defiled under the internal policy Will have access 10 eiltu~ the grievance procedUAI or the lntemal Human Rights resoMJon ~cess if he/She so detslres The emJ){oYI* If llefthe so desires. may have a Union rept8Sel\lattve present. U Is l 'eCOgofzed that (118 preferred melhad oii'8SO!utlon is early lnteNerrtion lhruugh the W~ Humah Rights and Harassment complaints procedu19. however this does not preclude thte employee from seeking redraf>S under the gnevancelartlilration process.

No record of a complaint will be malntalned In an emplo~tee's personnel file, eKcept tn !he case of Individuals wfto have received discipllMI}' ae1Jon. Any person ag91st whom a formal ~lain tis filed must be given pral1ia.llats of the oompla1int, and IS entilled to Union representation (If applicable) sflol.lld he/she m desire.

As 'long as an employee has an active complaint of dlscriimlnation or harassment on the basis of prohiblled grounds, or pe~SCnal harassmenl under thte Internal complaints procedure, the Union sha• not file a grleYanc:e on the emptoyee's behalf,


The Company has and shall retain the eKotusille right an11 power to manage Its business and direct its wo~ roroes lncliJCfrng, but Without restnctingllhe generanty of tne fOfi!QOing, the r!gtll to hire. ~uspBfld. dlsd1arue. promote, demote. and dlsdpllne any employee. The Company shall eKeratse lite said functions In accordance' wllh !he ~rovislons of this Collective Agreement.


&. t Job classllicatlon and wage rates shall be as they appear in wage schedules conslituting part ot this Agreement. The Company shall discuss with the Uhlon cny changes to eldstfng fob classificauons and wage rates, or the l!ltrodUCIKlll of new Job d$SslficatJons and new wage rates. Where a dilterence attses berween !he parties, trm Company may Introduce the new or Job dass)flcaUon or wage tates: b'lll either part)t may require thai the difference


between tNm be IUDtnilted ditlelly to the atblntt.oon PfOCIU Q dOII!I'-0 lr) Arllcf• 2.8 8lld th& dads/on IMII be binding on boUt pllrtles.

ll.2 Tra-..ter of Du6M

Notwtlhsl~nd1ng MY other provisions or the Colled.MI A411toement IJ'IIt faOI>wltlSI shall a~.

BoUt panln ocknowledge that - need ro c:Mnge the wny we worl< to Improve elllcleooy. The part!U 8QfH that or,ly an approach whefe 111 the long run boll\ employee& and the company benefrt nom the changes WtD succeed. To meEit tJ111 chaOengeltW parlin agree to the lottowlng prtnc;lplu:

• Safety will not be negetfVely lmpact8d.

• Core dull~ts will not be removed from the exlstmg job clarsslflcclliona.

• Job ratlngs and pay ratings Will not be negallvaty effected by the chongo•.

• Where the fob duties are Increased the establlshed ~rooess will be followed to full)' aaaees the appropriate pay rate.

• Job documenls, occupational definftions, job expectation dOoumenls and pay rataa wlH be updated as neoossary to reflect lhD ehatlge$.

• People Will be property tto~lnllel and supervf$8d for \IM!r work !hoy do.

Managoment will lnfonn the appropftate CNef Steward( a:) Wltet1 dli\Y ~~ 11ra being considered. The Manager a!'ld the Ohl6l St4Wartl(s) ~ rassestthe ct\lange egalnst wortc efficMmcy end the DbQvo pnnciples and ~how to pnx:eed. the patUu wtl decide whether the wortc requires a I'8'YIOW of job dulles ancl pay rate. tr trw panl&s cannot agroe to the duty changet andfor the path forwanl then the matte~r Will be flel)edlted 10 JU!e$ 8looh to artll!nte Within ~ (30) dAys for fnal rasoMton.


9.1 These moucre are to be dealt v-111, In acoordanoe wf1.h Pan A Dnd Part B and The Union Clerical-T ~hnloal JOb Evoluutlon Manual.

9.2 Where a new fiald or endeavour Is undiH1aken by the eo.~y and 1M .mployae& concerned fan within 1t1e 1urisdletion ot lho Union bY Wtue or Article ., • the quest!Oil of ~U'Ier suCh employeee WIU be coveted by an eldsilng ~ of the Coi~!CIMI Agreememt. an ex11!1ng part ot U1e Collective Agreement wnh spedal provlalona « modlllioatlons. M 11 new pllt1. ot the ColleetlYe Agreement will be one for jolnlagr'Mment.

10.1 Vacancies


10.1.1 No person shall be appointed to a vacancy in lhe PWU - CUPE Local 1000 jurlsdlcUon unUI all qualified PWU - CUPE Looal1000 represented appllcanls have been selected. Temporary employees Will have priority selection over e:lllemal applil;:ants when applying to vacancy oppor!tinltias. Non-represanted employees rnay ba aprxJMied 10 .positions within the PWU's jurlsdiotlon bul will onlY be able to use that portion ot thei1r service Which was acquired while a mernber of the PWU.

,0.1.2 If an employee is appointed to a vacancy W11hln the PWUI- CUPE Local 1000 jurisdiction from a bargaining unit Wh1ch restricts seniority In the Compan)• to its own membership, his/her seniority will be rlfTitied to saNtee wilhln the PWU- CUPE: Local 1000 bargaining IJI'IIt.

1~.1.3 In Oiling vacancies Within the PWU - CUPE Local1 000 bargaining unit, the Company wlll take Into consideration whether the vacant position Is supel'(il;;ery or non-supenllsory.

The following wltl apply·

(a) Supervisory Positions

(i) In oonsldetlng applicants for supervisory positiions, primary consideration should not be given to seniority bul to personal qualities such as leadership, reUablfity. judglnent, ability to organize and ln&truGt and 1m understancllng and a display of the practice of good human relations. For supervisory positions, an endeavour wiU be made to sal~ the most proml$ing candidate,

(II) Only those Individuals satisfaoto!1ty possessln!g the above charactertslics, as assesslld by the Company, shOOIJd be con6idered. Where practicable, appflcants ror superVIsory positions should !be lntervleW81:f by the supervisor responsible for the selection. Seniority will govern onlY In cases wnem there does not appear. in U,e Company's opimon, to be much difference In quafiflcatians.

(Ill) For the puspose or this article, supervisory pos;ltions wilt Include;

• Uofon Trades Supervisor -level 3 and higher positions In the trades • Au1halize<l Nl/Oiear OperaiPr • 5enlor Steam Plant Operator • Senior Chemical Operalor • Senior Shift Control T echnlc:lan • Cteric<!l-teellnicaf joos whlc.ll are credltet:ll with degree 3 or hlgf'ler In the·

Responslbiftty for Supervlslon factor of the Clerical-Technical Job Evaluation Plan.

• Supervising Nl/Oiear Operator • Shift Emergency Response Coordinator

(lv) The provisions or Article 10.1.3 (a) (IIi) above villi not effect the status of Incumbents for Union representation or the fu1111re 90sllng of vacancies as they may occur.


(vt Appottllment& to position& above tile furttddloo of the Ur.lon Wll not be~ 10 tl'le Gnevance Procedure. However. tile Con~~pafiY Will orve dUG consldefa'llon 10 represenlallons of the Union Where thorel5 el'lldenco ol obVIOUS lrreg\Unt.ln or diSCR~pencies.

(b) Non-Superv~ory Positions.

(l) The Company will use all available lnf«lf\llll(llll al1d cloterrnine ~ aPl)llc8nta who ara qualified to fill the vacancy.

One of U1e requisites Is the mtnlmum years~~ ••peJfenoe u set out ln 11141 lob specification. Before any cooslderetJon is gNen ro senattY the IUpiiMIOf responsible fllf making the selectloo 10081 c!Qjlelmine, rtom 11'\e li4t of II)J)Ilc6ntt. those employees who have the quallflclltjons to do the lob sa!lsl'ild.oftiY

A recommendation by the superlllsor should •then be made from 11'18 qualolled employees, overall seniority~ the govetl'llno faetbr.

An employee's experience with ano1her ClOmll!lf!Y wi11 be Ulken rnto consldarallon In determiring his/her quahflcatJons for a !*itlcff'l.

(II) The Company may request a .allier of Pcsbug al\d/or Seloctlon lrom PWU • CUPE loca11 000 When !here are mectical reasons •~lilted w the 8fT1Plo)'ae or hlolhor Immediate family, as verified by the Chief Ph:,.s!clal11Man8ger of the Health SeMoes Department lf the waiver request Ill agreed to lly tho Union, lht emplo)'e9 w!tt be appoillled to ltla posillon.

(c) Oene111J

(I) tr U\8 candldale selected has already been appointed 1o another position, but has not yo! reported to the new job, he/she 5heH he glven the opportunity of Cl'looslng the one helahe prefers unlus 11 is In tho Con11panys Interest \hal hal she acaept the rnt appointment.

(JJ) On req\le$1, the Company wlll&xpleln,ln writing, to any unwccesslulllrulllcant for ao ectvertl$ed vacancy, tNI I'JaaQn Why he/ahe was not seleCted tor the PO$itlon.

{ID) Details of reqwemcn1s for notlflcaltOn ol applllcanls are round In Psrt A. 11om 4. t2.1 - 4.12.5.

10.1,4 The loiOwiog defillitbns shall be ustld to ctotormlne an employee's entitlement to be cons.idered for a non-supervlaory vacancy.

{a) Seniority

Elccept as provided In Section 10 1 or thll Miele.

(I) An employee's stnloflty, for PUI"J''$85 of selt~CUOO to vacanelot, anan ce 1tw set'IIICe credit &IS dcnned In PM A, Item 4.3.

(il} Sel\'lee wilh an acquired company will be ac!clod to lhD tmp~oy.o'a a.enloritr


(ill) Tho ID4,al servtc:e•IYt'\lh t~ OomPOIIY Will b& URid for companng 5eflionty of applicants ralher1hln aervtee In a positiOn, tnlde, Of oa:upatlln.

(b) Base Weokly lnc:ome

Ill The ma~e.tmum best rate per Claulfk:8t10t1u 5hown on wage~ 20, 21, 23 end43.

{U) Tho IYUI•Imvm b!IN hoUrlY rate per Cltnltlcotlon ea shoWn on wago aoneaule 22 mufllplled by 40 t1ours.

to) Promotion Appllcallon

(I) Where the base weekly Income (maxtmurn ratio) Of tho edVMised po1ltlon Ts higher lhan the base weeklY Income (maximum rete)t of ttle appllcanra ptesent poslllort.

(II) Where an employee aubmlla on oppllcellon to• o poaltlon of equ111 rating (aame base weekly Income) which roqulree fewor nonrual wookly houra of work.

(ill) W~are an employee who pteSently oocuplos o po11tlnn rooutotty requiring or subject to shill wort~, apt)ll&a lor a pualllon or uquol raUng (aeme bah weekly Income) but not rugulariy requiting« aubject ·to ahln work.

(d) ~,,.., Application

Where tha maximum rata (base weekly locome) or the position tpplled tor Is equal to lhe maximum rate of the oppllcant's present poalllon &tid ltlo rtcto,. ldenllftad In 10.1.4 (c) (H) end 10 1 4 (c) (Ill) do now exist

(e) O.motJon Ap.pllcetlon

Where the maxim11111 rare (ba• weeklY Income) or •the po~iUon a1J911<1 tor lllowertllan the max/mum rate of the applicant'• present po$Uloin.

10.2 transportation and Moving E:lq)enHs

Candfdates selected 10 vacancies Wl1ictl tepra$0nl e fat.~ral or c.lomouon "' acoordance wrth MICSe 10.1 and employ9d fbt a miO!tniJm of IIW'M (3) yunln WW C\mlf1l WOflt hMciQu$/tOl'$ shal be enfi1led to movlrlg e~ 1rt acc:ordanQe ~U\ llhe ~ ol P.rt A tt.m 6.18.

Candldates selected 10 ll'aln!le Ofl8f8f0r ~lOri$ Who ha!Ye two (2) ~ MMe. shaU bo eoll'lled 10 I'I10VW1g expanses In~ with the prow&IOila of Part A. Item 5.18.

Employees appo~nted to positions wi1ICh are lilld clue to an 4lgi1JOd 10 we...,.., of posting artdJot sei'C'ion, as provided In 10.1.3 (b) (II). Will. be eohlfod to ~noYIIIQ Q~W ••In aocordw'ICI With the pnwtsions o( Part A. Item 5.18.

10.3 TransitJon ProvtsioTa

By agreement of bolh parws for tne l!fm alltlta c:on.c:til,j• A,greemont Artra. 10.3 ha beon remoiled and this Article will not awur 1r1 tho prlllled t:Ofly of the Cdltc:twe AQrMn~ent but will, ~ Its suspeMed Slate form pan ot lht$ CoOoellve Aol'""*l The l*1lel ~ that In the event either party needs 10 nrfer to this Mlde, II Is ~,.ed IIWII lhe Alfldl (10 . .4) ll$11


appeared In the Collective Agreement, April 1. 2000 - M:arch 31, 2002 wlll apply. See Mid Term Agreement PWU·MT -0003.


Management will determine whether they Implement Ar1ilcle 11.0 and/or ArticJe 11.1

Note: Appendix A of Article 11 forms part of this colleclive ~;~greemenL Any changes lo list, Including the addition or deletion of locations, workslles and work centres shall requlr& Joint agreemem.

AR11CLE 11.0

By agreement of both parties For the term of this Collective Agreement, Article 11 has been suspended and no employee wUJ be lrwoluntartly laid of( during \he term of tha CollectiVe Agreement. This At1icle will not appear In Che printed copy of the CoUeclive Agreement bul will, In Its suspended state, form part of this Collective At;~reemenl. tn the event that eitht!f party needs to refer to il, 11 Is agreed ltlat the Article as II appeared In the Collective Agreement. Apn11, 2000- March 31, 2002 Will apply. Siee Mid Term Agreement PWU-MT·0004.

12.0 SCOPE'


This Atilcle has been developed jolnUy lrt a spln1 of co-operatlon and trust. It Is Intended to pro'iide a joint approach to making good business decisions Which Involve the use of purchased services. lls application calls for these decislpns 1o be made In the same spirit of co-operation 'and. trust.

What follows Is based upon the belret that there Is a value and benefit to the employee. the corporatioo and the customer If:

• There is a greater Involvement by employee& In the cleeislon-making process.

• There Is an Improved understanding as. to Why purchased services are used.

• Employment security is &flhanced l)y a productive, ~3SIII1Y. a11d cost effective organizaUon.

• Union and Management work togetner and ac\1'8$pQnslbty, balancing the Interests of the customer. the oompany and the emptovee In declslons relating to the use of purchased services.

Thfs is a way or deciding how wCifk gets done. It is not Intended to hinder getting wort< done.



12.1.1 PllilOaO(Ifly

Ills the Company's Went to use reg\hr Slalf to Pttrform 1motl of Ita WOtll of 1 oonllllultlg nalUfe. Furthermore. lhe Cornpally WIB SII!W to proW!ilt 1regur.r .utl't IIIIth Slilbi~IY of e~t.

Tt. parties agree that a conswent, managed and ]011'11 IPP/'OIIdl tO the asstgnment of work Wlll'lin V'le Company .s I'IOCIIJSUl'Y to ~ 1'/eCUnly for 4111!pl0yeet, 1 more .necuv.. p!OductM! ()(QanlZSUOfl ancl an ellll8llenl produd tor Chi •Ptomef.

12.1.2 Principles

The folowlng Pf1nclples apply to 1116 relatlonsh!p betwoort tho Company 111nd tn. Union ~ lh& ~ performed by Un100 member&.

(I) We Wlll~~t~lhln the COmpany haw au ~ conducted at effectively at poalt>le.

(b) Wo will measure !he effectiveness or all work by Rs Impact on stall, on the buallles& and by Its utltmate rmpact on our customer$,

(o) We w111 do most wortc of a oontlnulng Mture With CCJmpeny emp!o)lees.

(d) We will determine wt1en worit It to be done by non-F'VVU memboft th~ugh a joint dooislon mallll'19 prooes.s and the retulls of lhe.e dtielalom will bo •Joint tttspom;lblllty.

(•) Wt will ensure lhat the Impact of theM declslont ~, C0111lfiUOU11 em~nt Is mlnlm(zed.

(1) We wiU use a team and oonsensus approach when ITUikll"ig docslons end any ~sues afi&lng wiD btl resolwd Internally wtltre !)06$1ble.

(g) We will consiAI and mako umely dedslons con&istltlhl will\ the nued lo ;at wor\ done

(h) We Will deVelop, Implement alld oontlnve e ]Oint PIQ(le$$ ol commlllllcatloolend education.

(I) We wlll achJ«\111 consistency tiV'oogh lt1e use ol th'"1e prii'!Cipla wrsus policy ond prooedure.


12.2.1 RNpc>nalblllty fot Declslont

The pereona who are responsible for ap~ the declalon proc:.eaa are the Company repl'esefllalive With tn. &l)llropriate deci$lon authority and the Union ,.preseotatlvo duGnated by the Union Executive. It Is recognllled that a given decision may require the lnwlvement of mor& than these two pem>ns.

Subject to 12.2.8 and 12.3.2(e) and (d) below, decisions IDu.s& purchased servtces will be mlde on e OOOsenJ\4 besis. Both partieS must consider ell relevant criteria wllh the mlltl.llll goel ot seleotlng ltle most effectlw option.


The decision makers are ~lllle for mald~~g IJmefy decision& and for lhe decis100 rtself.

12..2.2 Opportunity

The parties recognlzo thDl work m11y be clone more effectively Internally or extemally. OpportuMies r01 the application of this M tcle to new or t~xlstlllg work can be lnlllated by Man~ement enclloc the Union. Ills lntandedlhat )oinl orsous~lon should oornmence as soon as possible and beiOO!I detailed deftnillon of the need ID !'lave new Of existing work done by purchased services.

12.2.3 Dtflnlllon of Need

Th8 COmpany w1ll provide lhe PWU Wllh alllnfOimation presented fer the appmval or work on the Bruce Slle to be outeourced by the Company lhrouglllhe Society of Energy Professionals PSA f'll)i;o~s. but excluding BTU WOf!l. as519ned in aCCOI~ce with !he CPA. This wm racnltat& tho fUIIInt&nt or Article 12.0.

12.2.4 Alternalfvea

n1e parties will consider such altamaffves as, do 1lle wott< lnlema!ly do pon of the WOI1< lnlematly and pert extemally; do the work externally and agree to acquire c:a!)abitrty to do the work lnternalty In future; or do the work externally.

Coml)liance with Article 12.2.4 during an outage does no1t requllelha company to reassign. !$deploy. step·up and/or upgrade employees actiVely employed In core malntenllfl(le work.

12.2..5 Evaluation

The par11es will evaluate the altemalllles consklenng the Impact on the customer. employees and the business. Such. criteria as reliability of aervlce to1 the wstomer, custom« responsiveness. community lmpa.;t. Company relatJons lmpi!C!I, jotl continuity, ablt1IY to perfonn work, degree or over11me required for the wort<. lrvallablllty ot tt!.liOUrtes, cost. timeliness. quality, need for control o\191 results, safety a1nd Impact on onl/llonment will be assessed.

The total elfecliveneu of the altemallves will b4l evalualnd consldt111ng bot.h 1/le shan and 10ng-1erm impact& In given slluallons, certain c;rlterla mny be given a greater or lesser degree of Importance,

12.2.6 Establlshmtnt of Thmholds

The establishment ot ll1e threshold Is designed to removo fmm tho process on a case by case basis certain Issues retallog to p~ servlells. The threshold wfll operate In such a way as to aiJow fl&xfbltrty In foc,at ~clslon making. Any detts~ons regarding what Is below the UtJeshold will be I\On"ilreeec:loot setllng.

lr there Is a dispute With 1/'te unfol1 on whether !he proposed p!Jit!hased se!VIce Is pefTI"'Itted by the IJ'Ireshold and hte Is no c:ontensus, and If It maltes 1&en&e lr1 the circumstances the dispute will bo ruolved betore the purchased sorvice occ:urs. lack of agreement on obtaining an advance~ resolution will not preclude \he work rrom bellng performed. neither will it preclude the matter rrom being rtsOIY9d unc1er ln. 12..2.7 process.


The !)Uidelinos to datetmlne who !hot a wcttaaect ~lilt below !he lhfeahold are • tollowt.

• subject matter lacking tnaubstance; ot

• any Con$e(luenoee are relaUvely tnslgntneanl. or

• wnerv the nall.lre or conseqoon~a or the w«k Wlllch repreaente a purchebed seMCe Is remote from work currently performed by t~ PIJ\Ill on a continuing basts, For purposes of clarity, this does not mean geogrt~phlcally remote; or

• emergenCies: or

• any work performed under a manufaoturer'll warrenlJf, excopt where the manufacturer authorized the COmpany to do lhO work.

• Worit being done tor Bruce Power by l<lneotrlcs, Nallr Honzon System Solutlono (NHSS), ~ro One, AMEC Nuclear Sefety Solutullona (NSS)I and Ontorfo POWet Genetatlon at the polnl each company was spun off from OPGIOnterlo Hydro alld wort< of the same nature done by these companies in the fuwre, so tong as the Union continues to repreent tile employees or these companies.

Except in the case of an e1Tlef9cmcy, failure by tl'le COmlliii'IY 10 supply the Union wtll'l the folloWing Information by ru or ns othetwl5e egreod will roeull In 1'- wofli. "'quoeuon belog deemed to be aboVe threshold (In lhe Qtse of emervency such dec:tslom to use purchased $e1Vlces Will be SUbjeC1 to the samelnformallon requ1rements, IVIIIfiW and dlsputt~ resolution as non-emergency cases.)

Tha Company will notify the UI\Q'\ of the:

• ValUe of Worll as rtrOocled In TMdef'/Coi1!mCI/8Jd or Eatlmalu Doc:unefitt

• Scope of lhe Woril

• Localion of WOI!t

• Eslmaled Date of Commaneament Arid Dunttlon ol cne Wcwtt

Except m 111e case of emergaoey, after rec81X of lne aDCIV91rilormauon ~trill wortc loo Ulllon shal haw three (3) wotli'Jng days to reqvost 1111 opPQI11Ani\Y to attcuu tile pro~ purchased service, tailing wnklh the proposec2 porchasnl:l...-v'l(ll8 W~~~ll be CSeerned 1o be below threshold.

The panles will make them.&alves available for dlscu&$l0n Wlthm thrM (3)W011Ung days of the request fOf 8 ~sskln.

Upon request. onoe lhe WOI'It has been pel'fomll;d tl'le Compeny will provide the Uruon wtttl the detailS of the final contract costs.

(a) Threshold grlevanoes will be completed by the Chi4Jf StOWllld rotponSlblo tor thw PSA and presented to the line management person raJ9onalble for tne wotk lt1 QuestiOn


(b) Line management must reaoond In wntlng to the gr\GV811011 cillng Ita position wttt11n 7 da.ya (as • required wllh aft other grlovances).. Both par11e1 ehOuid endtlii\ICUf locally to eomplete a Record of Dllcuulon rorm or an agnted statllt!IOnt or tootsneet.

(c) Tl1& PWU onlc:e ~I a.Mign a grievance number. Cl:lplee ot the completed grlevonot and l'l~sociated fact sheob 011 Recorda of Oiscl.lsalon fonna .nould be sontto !he PWU offloo ancll..about Relations· Cotponste Human Ritaouroaa.

(d) GrjeWnces WiD be refel'red to Arbltmllon end aohedolod through jOtl'll agreement between LaboUr RelatioN • Corporate Human Aesourcet an<! the PWU otrice.

(a) If It mokaa aense to do ao. local dltcus&lonl ma-y lllkt pl9c:e WIUI • \/lew to resoMng tho lhtashold gnevance 11;1 to t.ho arbltrntlon d"t•

12.2 .7 Dispute Rnolutlon Proceu

(a) Mr. Tepfltsky thai! b4t appointed a.s FaQilllator to usl5t the pArties to rtiSOIYit aiiiAIIOS of appi1C8tlon and lnterpn~tatlon of th Al1lde with ltle1 power and authOrity of an artlltrat011 under the OntBIIo LabOUr RelaiJona M bill ool sub~ to the Arbltnltcn' Aol

(b) Any dispute between the panla relot.lng to W'he!M:r this Artlele applies to any declclon to use purchased S8Mces or If a purctwasad servloo fl•lls within the categories set 0111 In 12.2.6 Will be determ•nod In an ol(pecloted manrw~r t1y the fllcllftatOI' WhoA decls10n shall be flnal and btndlng.

(c) T1lt Union WI~ not be prtjudk* In any tVb$GqLJeflll <:1$0 by • ptrtleul8r purdlase ot teMc:es. Slmllarty, tho ComJ)IIny wtU 110t be preJUdiced by any deciSIOn not to~ eON!Oes. This epptlet to all ease• lne:IUdingll\rtatlotd case$


12.3.1 Purpote

Tho pu(J)O&e of INa Joint ComrnlUee Is to reiOive ct!slgroemanls. en a consensus besrs In a tlmoty and expeditious matmur. ns to whathor proposed IPUfc:hl~od 5efYiou Whoch are above lhrethOid may PJoceed. In Its defibet&tiooS. the commfw~~e will oonsldet 1111 fact01'$ln ll8ms f2.0, 12 1 Md 12.2.

Prior to e meeting ot lhe Joint, the Ccmpa:ny ·IAifll pt"'VVde the Union With the f~low•no t.nlormatlon r*atad to theo proposed PSA:

• COI)Ios ollhe Tender or Roqueal for Proposal doooments, If lhere 11ra any:

• an aocorato d&scr1ption of the WOI'tt wtllch Is ihe S(lbjoct of the ptop0$8CI PSA.

• accurate detalte on blda e g .. IJ'IOe, ~ of ltte ~~ as set fonh In the blct.

• a ~I to1t benefit anlllythl including eottl~ bUt axc:tudii-Q overtlead costs wtlioh would be l"cun ed.

12.3.2 Membership

The membership of the Joint Purehased Service Agreement (PSA) Committee shall be as follows:

(a) One (1) Management and Ot'IB (1) Union represen!silJ\Ie plus additional resources as required

(b) Where either party ~es to proceed wllh a Pureiu:1sed SeNices dl~usslon which Is above threshold, the parties wm endeavour to comp1lete discussion within ten (10) days of notice to the Union In the presctlbecl Corm.

(c) Falling resolution, the metter Will be addressed at .AJrbitrallon Within thirty (30) days of either party noUfylng the other there Is an Impasse,

(d) Mr. Teplltsky shall aot as the Nbitrator. Mr. Teplltsl\y will have the authority to make such orders IS!\ he deems appropriate to gf..,e full affect to his declslon(s) and to deal wllh any consequences Ills declslon(s) rnTght !lave In thEt workplace.


12.4. t The parties will jointly develop and maintain an QperatJng plan COflsistent with the provisiorn; of this Artlolo. Such plans will be approved by the appropri11te Company official and the Power Workers' Union VIce President. Failure to )olnUy develop an operating plan will not :adven>ely affect either party's riglus under the proVisions o( this Article.

These operational plans wm Include:

• An approach for lhe development and delivery of joint: training o1 decision makers.

• An ldenhficatton or the type of contmcts that am not subject to an irH!eplh review.

• A gUideline for a ttrno table on hoW oltel'l contracts of ,e recurring nature must be reviewed \Jndor ltlls Article.

• A process for joint review or potential <»n11acts Which lnYOI\Ie work normaJy perfonned by PWU represented employees and other stakeholders ..

• A PIOC8SS and a lima ~for decision making.

• A/llntctmal process for dispute resolUtion.

12.4..2 Manngemfint end UniOn repmsenlallveS may choose lo ~Xntly mview the aps~f~eatlon of the.t operating plan And determine the need fOf chall(le$ at an:~ tlme over the life or ltlis agreement.

12..4.3 Untll December 31, 2010. Arlicl& ,3 aod AtUde 14 ere suapenaed. See ¥lei Term AQreei'IWII PW\).MT~005. lt4rm 12.1 of this Miele will apply to decisions regan:flf'Q ltle use ot agency 8f11ployees.


The pnMsloos fn lhla Appendix and Article 12.3.2 (c) and (d) are to be apPlied ro !hose 1Jtoarions wtlere emplo'yeU are given surpkl$ 51lllU$ as a mull ot a Joint or arbilrated decision to use purchased services ro do ltle work ~I)' performed tJv the affected GlTIPicllyees. The defmlliontl contained In A.rtlcles ,0 and 11 will also apply to lhis Appendix.


The fUnction of the Joint Employment Security Committe.e Is to resolve disputes regarding the appropriate app~~eaoon or this Appendix.

The c:ommll\ee will cons1s1 of six (8) regular m&ITibers. Une (3) representing ll'le Union atld three (3) 1\lt)nlsentlng the Company. Two (2) additional member& from each party may be added from a work unit affected by lhe &IM'fllus s.ftuation under conslderatJon. MeeUngs may be called by ellller part,y.

In all di$putes refe(18(1to the commntee for &etllement, I he com~rn!'$ decision Will bo nnot and blndTng on both patties.

In the 8't0111 11\arlhe Joint Employment Security Committee IS unable tp resoiW a dispute. it will be ~tarred to Mr. Teptltslcy. The lnlenliOn of both pirrtle$15 to nave a speedy resolution of the dispute. Verbal decisions Whlel'l Will be c:onlirmed bll e vniltl!ll cfeclsiOn w.n be acoeptabte and all decis10ns ~ final end blnd1ng on both parties

The provlr;lons of this Appendix will apply tQ a ~ular employee wllh two (2) Of more yeaJS' senlol'lly who becomes surplus from Ills/her position as 11 result of contraoting out the worit ll0fl'TI811Y perl'ormlld by that employee. The effect of deciSions to use I)U(Cha:sed seM<:es on PWU members wilt be mlnlmllJICI by eocommodallog rectulred steff r~ucUons wl'le1'eV$r possible by altrtllon, transfer to other jobs or retraining. Redf;lploymanVcareer coun&artlng will be made available to affectlld starr When they are notified of lhatr surplus status. Training and career options will be discussed and lnoorpor!lted Into tne redePlOyment p!Bn. Reasonable training and educational leave will be applied as approptiato. The provisionS of this Appendix will not apPly to regular-saasonal employees.

The deflnltlon& contetned In Artlcliu 10 and 1 1 wm also Elpply to lhls Appendix

For ll'1e purf10ses of delermlnlng tr the employee has su~nclenl seniority to quaury for lhls Apportdlx, his/her senlonty will be c:ouoted up to the surs:~us date.

2.1 SurplUs ldentlflcotlon

When a deoiQIOo (o contract out results In a surplus In a ICtassltlcalton tn any work Site the feast senior emplOyee In thai ei85SIIlcatlon In lhe work slte 5Ntll be ldenllfied as surplus.. SUch employees will be able to apply for vacancle& as per Article 10.

2.1.1 If an employee 'Wtlll five (5) or more years' senlonty has 1not oaen selected to a vacancy within one ( 1) year after the surptus date, or an employee with 'two (2) years but less than flva (5) years' sen•ority has not been selected to a vacancy within al l!toen ( 1 6) -ks afler the &WP!us dale. he/she will be g1ven displacement rights as cont~Jned In ArtiCle 11 and AU other tem~S and oom:llflons of Article 11 will apply. At ttl Is lime all ot~~er prolliWils of Appendla A of Atllcte 12.0 will cease to apply.

2.1.2 lhe on& (t) year period for employees wtth llve (5) or mnra years· senlonty and the ISixteen (16) week period for employees With IWO (2) or more but Ia!.~ than rive (5) years' servon~ Is designed to allow employees not selected to vacanCies to avail themselVes of the retraining al'!d reskiiUng opportunitles outli~ In 2.0 (Eroployment :Seeulity) pnor to any cilsptacement as per Article 1 1 •

.2.2 Wage end Salary T111atment

2.2. 1 Seniority· Five Years or M0111

The employee'$ grade and progression Slep ~R be malnlained and negMted increases shaU epply tor one (1) year !rom the surplus date regardless of placement. It the empiQyee ac:Gepls a vacancy in a lower•rated class!Ticalion his/her <dOllar rate Sflall be frozen a title end of the ona (1) year unlll the rate for the classification equals !he employee'& doUar rate, at Which lime lhe 110rma1 wage and salary treatment shaQ appfy.

2.2,2 Seniority· Two Ytars • Ltn than Flvo Yoars

llle ef11pioyee's 9"'d8 and progres$0n step 6haiJ be mallntained and negotiated Increases s/lall apply fOI' st•teen (16) weells rrom the St.VPius date regardless of placement lithe omptoyee a~pts a ~nc:y In a lower-rated ctassjflarn)tl his/her doUar rate shall be fiW8n a t the end or alk!een (16) weeks for a period of three (3) ,months at which time a four pertent (4%) reduction tn l'llle wtll tal<o p(ace. Subaequent reducllons of four pen:enl (4%) wDI tal<e ptace _,nual}y 111er0arler unt~ the ma11lmum rote for thelower.;aled Job Is reaoned.

2.3 Genwal Condltlollll

2.3.1 Notwilhstanding tile proV!aions of this Article an employee Wllo Is within five (5) years ol notmal reliremeC'Il or within fi\'C (5) years Of eli!1iblfl!y for Undlsooont&d pension when faced with dl&placemen\ or layoff. wllh joint agreement may be given special conslderatJon forwortt site prclectloc'l4>referenoe.

Notwithstanding the piOVIsions or I hit ArtiCILe, I he part1es may make special arrangements for employees who are disabled to the eJ~Ient lhal a!t.emotiVEa employment would be diffiCUlt to find,

2.4 Moving Expenses

Prior to Article 11 applying, an employee Who isiOof11ifiecl as tufPIUS as pltf lhill Appendix ond Is required to relocate his/her residence shall receiVe moiling expen&;es In aCCQ(Qance with the provisions ol Part A, Item 5.18. Such moves wUI be treated as Compjtny.{nltlated moves.


By agreement of both parties for the term of tl'tos Collec11 ve Agreement, Article 1 311as been suspende.d and all PWU employees have employment security In accordance with applicable prol/l&fons onhe Collec«ve Agreement. Tl<lls Artlcle will not appear in the prlf!ted copy of the Collective Agreement but will. In Its suspended state, rorm part of this Collective Agreement. In the event that either party needs to refer to It, 11 Is agn3ed that lhe Article as It appeared In lbe Collective-Agreement, Aptll1, 2000- March 31. 20012 Will apply. See Mid Term Agreement PWU·MT -0004.


By agreement of bOth parties for the term of thia Collecll've Agreement, Article 14 has ~~een suspended and all Pv'VU emplOyees have employment security In accordance with applicable provisions of the Collective Agreemenl This Artlcle wlH not appear II') lhe printed copY of the Collective Agreement bllt wdl, In ns suspended slat&, fol'm part of this Collective Agreement. In the event that ell her party needs to refer to 11. Ills agmed that the Miele as it appeared In the Collective Agreement, Aprlt 1, 2000 - March 31, .200r.2 will apply. See Mid Term Agreement f'WU-MT-0004.


Th& emPloyer agrees ttlal\t 'fllill!lot dtreC\lY or Indirectly l'eQUS!>t governmallt to exempt the Company or the Unlon from the suooessor rights prov!sk>ns of the applicable labour relatfons legislation.

The &UCXleSSor rtghts provisions of th8 applicable labour relaUons statute shall be incorporated by reference Into this collective agreement. No board of arbitration estabftshed pursuant to tn~ grievance and arbitral ton provisions of 'this contract has Jurisdiction to make any decision Within the jurisdiction of the Laboor Relat1ons Board and nothing herein is Intended to affect 1t1e juris<liC\Ion or the Labour 130ard to reso)ve disputes n:!lated to the appllcallon of tne provlSlons of the statute. For purpc;Jsas of s.48 of the Or,tano labour Relations Act and s.51 of the Canada Labour Code, the Ontario Labour Relations Board or lt1e Canada Labour Relelions Board shall be deemed t(l be a BOflfd or Arbltna1ion for the resolution of disputes related to the lntBfJ)retation, applicatlo11, adrnlr)lstratiol'! 9r alleged vfol<ttion af this provision of the collective agreement. The remedial powers ot the Lubour 130atd shall be as sel out In the relevanL sta1ulory provisions governing suC'Cessor rights.

3 Thlo ~ ~~IP!l rortn&~r~~ ot 11'41 agret'll'lli!•L ~ Thlt AaJals l• t''!fC 1M Ia lhl! u,nnaflltiL.-IIL



This tlQreement sllsll come Into effect aa of the 1st day of January 2014, and shall remain in ellect until the 31st day of December 2017, 1111<1 thereafller from year to year unless terminated by written nonce gi\len by one of the parties tn the other within a period a! not more than two (2) months. but not less thDn one month prior to the anniversary date.

In the event lhBl either party desires to amend the Agree1ment but not to terminate the same. either party may, by notice In wnlfng not mora than 90 days and not less than 30 days before the annlwtn1ery dale, serve not!r.e of the proposed amen1:fments and both parties shall thtlmupOn commEJnc. to negoUate In good faith Wtth a v~1w to arrlVino al an agreement on the proposed emendments und all provisions of the AgreemEtnt, other thlln those proposed to·be amended, shsllllOntlnue In fUH force an<.! effect.


By agreement of bbth parties for the tenn of this COllective A(ll'tlemenl. Article 17 has been suspended end all PWU employees have employment SEtOUflty In accordance with applicable provlslone otttle Colleotl\le AgreornenL This M iele wlll ~101 appear tn the printed copy or tile Collecllve Agreement bUI wtn, In Ita suspended stale, romn part or this- Colteeltw Agreemsnt. In the avaot that either party needs to refer to It, It I& agresd thai the Article as It appeared In lhe Collective Agreement. April t, ~00-Me roll 31. 200lt will apply. See Mid Te"" Agreomenl PWU·MT-0003


Tht patties agree that far the periOd ol lime commencing 011 the eflecwe date of this Collec!ti\IQ Agreement and ending at the expiration of this CollecU\18 Agreement. no Involuntary layoff of ntgul• membem ollhd Power Wcwhr.s' Union bargaining unit w(lt occur.

Joint agreement is required before then will be any move1monl of ataff as a reautt of a mergor or IICqUisiliOn.










3.2 BENEfiTS

















































5.31 PL.ASnc SUITS


























A - 4




All employees loll Into one or the other for tour (4) prlncJpal categories as oulflned below


Thla Qategory d8SCI1bes person• taken on strength on a probationary basis with the prospect. If their services are found satisfactory, of a change of callegory to Regular full.ttme or Regular pert-Umo {SecOon 1.2. following},


Regui<Jr employees ore those lltnployoea who, haYing ~IHsrectorlly met !he Job requirements, are judged medically flt by the Heolth and Safe\y DIVISion for posiiJons which are part of tl'le continuing organization or the Company. li'hey mutsl ha~'8 served the required time In e prObationary category Wl'lich Is pert or the Oomparw's conlinulng organization, or In a temporary category which bocomas part of lho Compan11's conUnulng orgenlzatlon-

1.2.1 Rogular Fult.Time

Regular full-time empJoytles woOl the regular lloul'$ ol lne o.lassltraaUon Into which they are hired.

1.2.2 R-aular Part.nme

The Bt;tabtlshmenl of 8 regular port-Ume posftlon It! 8 jOI~II decision or lOcal management end lha o.hlef steward made In a spirit af trust and oo-oporstkm. The parties will ensure tn.t regular part-time positions are appropriately used to mah1taln oorporale efl'BGttvoness, nolto split a ra.gulllr full-lime pOt.lllon.

Re.gutar parH.Ime employees are regularly employed on ,an avorege or 24 hours Of less per week Clllculaled on a monthly beals. They are employed! lor a m1nlmum of 16 hours per month. Regular part·tlmO employees are tree tad as h!Q~IIar employees 8)(081)1 where noted olherwlae,

Pro-Ration Formula: The ~Uiar pBl\-tlme employee benefit pro..ratJon fotrnula Is <:alcUialed ba10ed on the hou-s worl<ed by tha «~gUior part·U~ employee expressed as a peroentage ol the normal SCheduled number ol hours for the dattll'icallon. Where lhe number of regular part,tlme hou1'5 vary In a week It Will be necessary to calc:utate U'lls percentage ovor a jOin tty agreed upon exlended ptKiod to gel an accura1e f~g~n.

1..2..3 fbtgular - Job Share

Regular full lime employees Interested In Job sharing amtngement' shsll ftnd an appropriate IJ81'\ner ffom the same work localion with ehnllar sllills and the same or lower terminal rates. These employees must estabnsh sn acceptable am~noemet1t between themselves befOAI awcoachtng Management wflh lh& roquest.


Upon attaii'WlU ~l ~een Management and t/llla employees, 1M Job shin arrangement -Mil opetate for a trial 6 monU1 perlod. Folio wang the 6 montli trial peood. lhe 9fT'al1g.el'n81\t W\1~

{a) be COI1Sicler8cl a temporal)' arrangement and be ext&flded by a IMxmt~ ol Slit (8) months at Which t;me , tne parties can edber malle the job $hare pe~rmanent or lind the~ tna1 job share ~and retum to full Ume wortt.

If durlng INs 6 Of 12 monOllriaJ period. one of the )Ott stlate partners Jea11u the arrangement. the remaining pattner can choose to make arrangements to anter lnto another trnJI Wllh a new job share partnef. In these c:lrcumstance5, the tnall)etiOd tn~y be extended to a maJC~mum ot eighteen (18) months frorn the '"'tlal1tcut data of tho arrangement

(b) AI !he point of entenng a pennanern tab stwe arrangement !he vacated pott~on wiiJ be posted and filled In eCCOfdance with Part A. Item c. 1.2..1 - 4. 12.5 In the esse of u. permatla/11 job shant arrallg8ment, the lncunbenls lill'8 requlrad to ntm81n 111 their arrangement until one partner permanently leaves llliel(lb &hare Al !hal lime, Ule oll'lef partner 11 requin!d to assumo r6S9Qnsi0lllly for the I~JJII-to\'ne poS"•tjon on 30 ct.Y1' nol.ce.

EmplOyees angaglld tn atob stl3f8 work amtngement atl! ~~ part·!Imo employees lot the purposes ot benents odmlnlstrltlon. Employees in job slJare arrangements \lt1l rever1 to regular futl-ttme Glatuu for thG purpoaes of •l>plicatlon or l\t1Jcle 10, and Artlde 11.

Service crwdlt tor lime epentln job aha ring etrangoments Will be calCUlated on a basis.


Regult'r·$8asonat ·A* emplOyees ore those judged medically fit by Health Se!Vices for the poal\lon lniiOived, who hove attolnect one yellr's accumuh1t1ve service, and who are steadily employed through tho year, e.>tc:ept for short term layoffs. In addltlon, temporary employees •tl9ooed In work Whklh Is not of a c:onunurng nature, s11all be efforoecl ragular-$88sonal Slatus UQCn ett111nlrlg 12 month$' 80CUtnulattd servkle.

1.3.1 REOULAR SEASC»4.At. "8 "

A$ one at a numtw Of el&lttt to dee I With overoompternet/'11 staff and also to Improve tile elfdency oJ ~ C!XOCUUOr1, 11 Ia Pfoposecllo Increase llha use or Regular Seasonal ·a· &taff.

The ~.., condfllOM I« theM Reguter Seasonal "8" ernployees ere as ronowe·

(a) To enter lhts ctassmc:allon you mU$1'

Sever \ll1d&r MlGie 11 and move 1n10 the ~ular Seasonal -a· employee category bU$d on ·~ until the ca1egoc'y il stantcl&o COimpliement. If not eoough poople apply then ma~emont am cf~raat hire trorn tho stnet.

A regUlar employee IS requtntd to MYW hlslhw wn~lloymettl as • rogutor and bo r&«npl0)9d es a RegUlar Seasonai -w Manegtment Will ensure a r.ttor 0( otter lo "

regular seasonal B position Is In the employees' hands prfor to hls/her severance request.

(b) A Regular Seasonaf •s• employee will be noUfied blf November 30 and May 31 elf the approxlmate liming and duration of their work assiginment for the period starling the following January 1 and July 1. Employees will be notined at least one (1) week before the start of their work assignment. These work assignments shall aggregate at least 20 weeks or 800 hours In duration. They will occur in not more than four (4) occasions. Each occasion is to be four (4) weeks or 160 hours, or greater. Failure to accept wiH remove their name from future Regular Seasonal "EI" assignment& unless joint agreement Is reached for extenuating circumstances e.g~ death In the famny or Illness.

(c) A Regular Seasonal "B" employee can be requested to work at other times for a mlnimum of two (2) weeks. Failure to accept has "'' consequence.

(d) Float.E!fS are eamed at the rate of one ('1) per seven (7) weeks (280 hours) and can be taken as mutually agreeable. Any unused HoalefS will be paid out at the conclusion of I he assignment,

(e) Vacation Is earned at the rate appropriate to seNiCEI as ouUined in Part A, Item 4..4.3 and is pald ouL aL the end of the assignment.

(f) A Regular Seasona1·s· employee shall accumulate sick leave as per temporal\' employees (0.5 days per month- Part A, Item 3.2.4>),

(g) Overtime shall be paid as per I he collectlw agraemenL

(h) A Regular Seasonal ·a· employee wllr be paid 15% In !feu or benetics, ioeludlng pension.

(I) A Regular Seasonal •s• employee wilL not have Jig tits under Ar1icle 11. Theft displacement rights are outlined below.

0) Mallagement wlll detennloe the me and composlUotn or lhe regular seasonal Cfew.

The crew size will not exceed 20% of the total work force or each trade at that location.

1.3.2 DiaptaeefTient- Regular Seasons' "B''

(a) A Regular Seasonal 'Er employee can displace a temporary empt~yee in an equal or lower classlllcalion rn hie/her occupational group Withln his/her worksiteloentre.

(b) lr (a) above IS not avallabl&, a Regular Seasonai"B" employee can displace an agency employee In an equal or lower classiflcahon In hls/h13r occupational gro~ wlthln his/her worl{sltelcentre.

(c) If (b) above i$ not available. employment is lermlnalt~d.


This section does 110t apply to t i!Cille emp loyees hire~l througll Appendix "A"

A -7

'f emp:nry ~ore hiNd 10 perlorrn wot1e !hot b e:qwteo to last for a short penod of llme or to petfotm wa1c In plate ole l8gUiet ~ who IS 8b5ent from Ns/l'l8r position.

F« \empcnry ~ and teropora~y patt-!Ktte ~ e a a. aa:unulatad seMo8 shall mean ens potlod d emi*JYmenl dlrtlg ~ there has been no break In employment elf.C~Mdiog fiYB {5) tnOntt1$. Note that ror pay purpo$8$ only. for \cmJlCQtY run trne iUld IIJmpO(Ilry patt.Wile ~ 8CDimutated seMce shall mean the total of at periods of empl'oynwt.

Benefit& for t.npora1y ~ ..,_ be es OUlhld 111 Pat1 A. ttem 3.1 - 3_3.

1A.1 lempcnry FuJI. n.-Tempot'af'f IIJII..ome em~ work the reg~Ar llouB d 1M clas$if"ation 11110 Whdl they are hired n may be engogecllof up to 12 montl'ls of aecunu~ated SIIMce.

t.A.2 Temporary Part·Tlnw

TIII'IIIIOI'<VY pal1-time ~are employed lor a petted d up lo t2 accumulated mon1hs on M 1'1011111J$ ol2.4 hours or less per week (calculated on a monthly basts). Temporary part-tim• employees are treated aatempomy ~loyee$ 8ltt1ip( wllete notec1 ~ Booeflts are PftH'Iied the $1111'18 as regular part·llme emplOYeeS.

To ~re that temporary part-time employees are propw1y classified as temponlty, an ast.e~siMift Is to be made as to the reglllaT or temponny slatJJs of the position Wl'le!1ever the temporary patt-Ume employee 1s employed lor twetlle (12) QOI'IIlnuous1 calendar fi10I'Ilhs. This asses1Stll8nl Ia subject to the gtlevanoe procedure.

This assHsmentls made based on lhe definition ol a regular part-tlme poslllOn. I.e. the wot1< It or a conUnul~ natu"' wllh a minimum of 16 hOurs !n a calendat month. If the position 1s deiANmlned 10 be temporory this wiN be COCllleyed 1o the Chief Stewald (the employee should be glven 11n end dale and will temaln temporary).

lr lha posiUon IS d~;tterm1ned to be regular parHime, a joint discussion must take plaoe as per the Regular Part·Ume p!'OIIIslons In the agreement pnor 10 the position being posted. If !he fno.Hntlenl's employment exceeds 12 continuous months lf\e IncUmbent wilt be given regutar perHime steM! and th$ Incumbent's ~nlonty will be calculated on e pn>~ated bol$1s.

If as a result of the assessment above, the positiOn IS still temporary pett-lime at !he 12 month aocvmUlatod s81Vlce marlt one of the folloWing options must be selected:

(1) The job Is posted as a regular 1Jarl·fime. This decision Is a joint decision as per regular part•llme provisions in the agreemenL

(b) The Chlel Steward agrees to an extensiOn of the temporary part-timer's eervfoe f« e specific period and lhe employee reLelns temporary status.

(c) The temporary part-limer IS terminated.

' ~ 111_.,..<»·•'*-lll J.lllllilfY 20?1 ftJ IICIU ~r~y ~CII• cali lldlrmonll!l<r 12c:OIIIWmofllhJ. tllty 'l'i.~Mit~ ~---011.1.:n14T 2lllr! olll>e .....,10 ..


Accumulated seNice applies to temporary eml)loyees. Uuch employees do no1 have ellher seniority or servtee credit.


Appointmen~ to regular status is conttngent on .sat~&factordy meeting the Company's medical requirements.

2.1 Probationary employees must serve a mlnrmum of three (3) mont he on probation tl servloe is saUslectory, they may be accorded regutarstat\Js etlhallirTI(I. A petlod ot not more ttmn tnree (3) more months can be used as a further period of JRbatton If It Is needed. At the am of this further period, employees must either be made NJgU!ar. t:r ansf&m!d to anolhet posltlon or dismissed. Regular part-time probationary employees rr1ust seNe Ill> to sill (6} c:e~ar months on probation.

Temporary employees engaged In wont of a continuing nature, slulll bo affon1ed reguiiSr status upon attaining 12 months' accomtJiated service In such aiR::unlStGnees the employee's position will be considered to be a vacancy. If the former tempomy&n~ploYGe I& 1101 selected to this vacancy he/she will be dedared surplus Ill acconjance with Anlcle 11.

Temporary employees engaged tn wont which Is not of 21 cxmnnuing nature, shall be affOttfed reguJar 688sonai "N status upon atlaining 12 months' iKlCllmlllated seNice.


Tllla section doe• not llpply t,o thon employees t)lrod Ulrough Appendix ''A''

3.1 DEf'INmOHS

See Section 1 A f« the definition ot temporary emproyee 1111d accumulated service.


The follow1ng are the beneflt provisions ihat apply to lem!XIrory employees.

3.2. 1 Vacations

EntiUed to a cash vacation allowanco of four percont ( ~~~.) of acot~mulat.ed wages.

3..2.2 Slatutcwy HolidaY$

Temporary employees will be enhlleclto &tatutoty holtda)• pay prcvided that they haYU IMlrked on their scheduled regular day Of work preceding and fonlowing lhe hOliday JIU1'SU8nt tO lhe Employment St.endatds Act (ESA).

Payment for such statutory holidays will be 11le amount the employee would normalty eam on a scheduled day of work.

A - 9

Tet'I'IIXli'1WY l!lfTIPAoyeos WhO h3Ye ac::a.nutated 20 weeks'serw:e In a atlencfat ,ear w. be ent!lled 10 1tvee (3) floating hondays sub$ecl to tne·

(t) Floettng hOildays may be tll(en on such days as p-,e employee and l'llslher supeMSOr mU1uall)' agre.e upon. folfowing reasonable advance noClce on the part d ltMt employee.

(b) Floe~ hoRdays shaD not be earned over tnto lhe following year unless wodc conslf,feraiJons cnvent !he employee from takkJJ the Rostor(s) 1nlhe )'QI ot erdlllemDrtt.

{0) wtwe the employee ts unable to read! mutual agreement Wllh hlshler supervl&or to take 1\ls/her floating holklay(s) bef~ year'«lcc beCause of absence C!lue to Illness, unused tlo;!llhg t'lolldays Will be essigned on the last WQI1<1og day(s) of the year.

fd} Where an employee fells lick on hfslher scheduled lloating hoRday. that day Will not be Charged &Q~lnst his/her sick leave credlls, but shall be treated e.s a floatii'IQ holiday fOf J111Y purposes.

(e) Entitlement on l ennlnatlon; If the employee lennlnates after having accumUlated 20 weelta' sei'VIce In the calendar year, the Compa"Y will matte a ca&l\ payment In lieu or nny unused tloatlng hOliday aedtl.

If I he employee terminates pnor to accumulating 20 weeks' service In the calendar year, entiUement Will be es follows:

(I) tl the employee has not qual£1led for enlillemenlln the p!W!vious year, he/51'18 will neve oo enlltlementln the current year. II he/she was granted a floallt\9 hollday under (d) above, the Company will recowrone (1) day' a pay t01 each floating horlday taken,

(II) If the employee has qualified for entHiementln the previouS ygr, his/her entitlement will be J)I'Oillted based on the number of weeks' 8QCOmutaled ~ In lhe year of termination_ For E!X8mple, an employee who lermlnatiJS after acoumulahng ftve {5) weeks' seNic:e in the year would be enlllled 10 5120tll$ or tlvee4ays.

The Company will either make a cash payment In lleo ot •ny unused lloatlng holiday credit Ot tecowr the va.lue or the unearned poojon of lloalk1Q holidays taken under (d) above.

In no case will an employee be entJJiecllo more than three (3) floating holld8ys or Ooa!fng holiday credit &1 a c:alendat yeM.

(f) Temporary pal\-tune employees &haiii"8QQ!I\te pt'Oof'atao payment (Ref, Pm A. Item 1.4.2)

(.g) FOt new ~ the 111.tlal &nllllement wm be acctued aner -~ 20 c:onllt'lUOU& wee!Cs. reganlles$ ol tne calendar yegt they .re accM!d.


3.2.A Slck ~· Entitlement

Tampo~aty omployees shall earn sea leave credit of OM·half (0.5) ·dey at 100 I*~ II. ('100%) lillY fbf each mon1t1 of accumuta1ed sel'1ce to a rnaxfmUrn of~ (6} days'.

3.2,5 H .. lth lnturanee Pl1n (Ellcludlnv SUmmer Sbldents R~arcRess of Wage Sctf!edula Paid From)

These empiCI)"'ft $hall be consldered n a gt'OU!) In onler that tt1ey m~ apPly to patl!Qpate In 1be SUpplemetllaly Plan and lt.l EJdaoded Health Benem Plan at group tatet, One~ pen:Qfll(1~)of an~ w.ill be pall! by !he eiTIJ)Ia~

The Company will pay one hundred pan:.eut ( 1 00'111) of lhe Ontario Hel1llh 1nsur11nce Plan premium for temparary employees wtlo have four 141 mot~ths' aecumL.ilated s6f'Yice.


When the employmont of a temponuy employee Is lennlnated for other !han cauw, ~the il anUlled to Ot'l& (1} WMk't notice in wrWnQ If his/her padrxl of employment rs IIY" (3) montl'ls or more.


The nooN~II'Ours of~ of a lemllCI"8ry CommunlcatiOriiS Co-Ordinator Wlh be up to a maJdmum of 35 hOUI$ per week whkrh may be scheduled on any day ot l.ll8 wee~&: With an avomge or two (2) dayo off per week. Temporary Communtcauona ~orornatar aro not eligible for tho paymenl of shift dlfferentl1lf OVertime ahtlll be paJd fOt all ~,.. wotlled In exoen oi351'10Ur& per week aa per Part A. lt&m 5.4.3, j)jtragnaph (a).


The ~ent fOf tchedu!ed work peffOITI'Ied on a statutory hofoday will be two (2) tlmss the employee's baaio rate plus a ( 1) lieu day.

Tile employee wfU be Pfl)lllded With a suitable cl&aning ailowance as outlined In Part A. llern 6.24.3 (e).

Tl'llnsportahon provisions will be In accoro.nce Wllh Mld: rerm J~Gteement (PW~) entitled --rranspoltatiC)n lor Employees lo OuUytng Stallo111". In •defttlon, the ~yWIII bear lhe cosl of transportation for tamale emp6o)'$!JI required lo ltiDvol during period& or dal'kneu In tho6e locations Wflere appropl'lota publiC ltllnaportatlon 1S1 not avallabl&

• Illy,., u. ....... •ll'ltUIIW ....... ,.,.. .... WOIII'III ... ~ .... 1110¥••. """oniiOr ....... ~~~~-Ill ........ Ml·-tA ...... II ' " ~~-~v,tc !JDul'll SQ .... a .. CIIII!'Ie-cl~ IIWUIItfto-cll$!" Nelll*>i•-OftMIIL



Ptogre$Si01'1 dale$ $hell be calculated ll'om the elate or IIP90intment, PfOII'IOIIOn or 30 deys ell(!( acceptii'Q a new pos.liOI'IIInd wnere the suc.,..-fiA, epplle:ent nas no1 repotted to lti8 position. S\lbseq,uenl Alary 11djustmeola shall be on annlvorury dates except a a otherwise Specified on the apPrOprillte Wlge achodul o.

Employees Who petfoml relief. acling, tempomry or rotatllOn lime In a posl!lor\ ror three (3) oorn;ecull~ months or more wUI have lhalllme counteo ~ tl'letr progres~Jion. Su~ ttme and subsequent ntllef, aallng, tiii'T\porary or rotat.on tlmo wtll be GUrnulatlvo, provided there Is not a break or twelVe (1 2) mon!N or mOffl between telief, acting, temporary or rollJtlonal periods wnere auotlleave 11 nola res\111 of pregnancy. <Jnc:e an employee !las aCCI.Imutated enough time to prooeed to 1118 next stop undor the con• Ire nts mentioned alloW, they Wlh move to the next appropriate step as per lholr wage sctndule.


(a) The progression date fore regular pcwt·tlme employee who wotks on avera~e 50o/o or more or the base hours nf tho 1\.111 time classlficaUon for the year will be alth• completion of oi1CI and ona third ( 1 1/, ) years of service.

(b) The progression data for 11 regular par1·11n1t employee Who work& on average ress rhsn 50'111 or lhe baaellOIJrs. or 11\8 1\.111 umo ctasslllceUon lor lhe year will be at the completion or two (2) years ser.ioe.

AJ> a regular practice employees &llal autom&tlcelly PfO!IIre&S from minimum to m9Ximum ea Indicated \n the raspect1V9 wage schocMM eubjOQI to It'll' followlng.

4.1.1 Withholding ProgrHalon (Un•llflaf•<rtory Perform•n1ce)

If an employee falls lo make satJsfactory hl51her progrue•Jon mory be Withheld foro period of six (6) months. (8 mont/\1 lor a teO~ar par'Hllllllt ~ WOtt<lng 60% or more of the ba$8 hours; 12 months for regular pon..Ume employee WOfktrg leu thAn 50'1' ol the base hour$.)

In taking this adlon I he Ctlmpany ahall prowle tho cmpi!DyM with ones ( 1) month's nollalllnd the reason tor ths Withholding.

The pedarmanoe of an ernp.loyea ~ progretaion hart bee!\ W11Meld h aDoYe Mil be reviewed wslhin seven (7) mot1lhs (nine (IJ) monlhl for e ,.g\ltilr part·tlme t11'1p10yee workJng ~or mora of the base hours of the c:IIJSSlfiCIUOo 11nd I~ (14) monlhs far n.gutar part-tsme emplc:JyUe WOf1Ung less than 60% of the blb4t hours of tile dbsl11callon). II progr 141 and generel performenoe are fOYnd ID be 511\ltflleloly, pogreaslon ~ be granted If no\ tne (l(Oployee shall be either rranst IT8d or d1~,

If at the time of 1his review the employee's Pf'OIII'OU lllld gonerat perlart'lliii'IClt wtre found satiSfllclary and 'llix (6) months llftat the revi$w hi&IMr l)e/iOfl'lltl a till:~ c:ontrnund 10 be satisfactory. lie/she may be graJ'I.Ied 11\e nol(t 1tep In hllllw ~

ihls 'MIIlhen re-establish hiS/her oligl!'llll progressl011 sl!lt,us.

If an employee In a recognized hourty-rated trainll'\9 pro"ram has not reached the acc:eptahle level of perfonnanoe hlslher progression may again be ~o~~ithheld In accordance with the above. Progression to the journeyperson or fob rare wiiJ not be ~lelsyed by more lhan six (6) montl'ls

14.1.2 Defemtl of Progression (Absences from Wortc)

When an employee has been absent from work for 11 period In excess of th198 f3) months, excluding approved ve~;:ation. hlslher progre5slon may bt~ deferred without pf'lor notJoe (Q( a penod of time not to exceed the length of the absence. l:iubsequenl progression dales may be adjusted accordingly,


111e term 'retrogression' fs used to Indicate a 1Jradual reduction In pay to predetermined adjusted rate.

4.2.1 Where Applicable

(a) Retrogression shan apply where a regular employee becom!!l> unable to perfocm the dulles of a job for Which he/she Is reoe~vlng the standard rate and is tiansferred to a lower-<aled job because or:

(I) A disability caused by accident Qr illness.

{II) lnabiUty to cope wtth Increased responsibility dl.le lo change in fob oontenl.

(Ill) Where the unsatisfactory petformanoe fs due to faulty sele®on and the emplOyee has 6efVed In the position for a pertod of at least one (1) year.

Ally retrogression for medrcal rea&Ons Is subject to ratifi¢alion by the Chief Ph,ysician/Men.agar Health SerVices.

(II) Retrogressiort shall not apply Where:

(I) An employe.e has less than ten (10) years' established service credit.

(II) l he change to the lower-rated job Is made al •the request of the employee to es~ heavy work or responsibility or for pe~sonal reasons.

(IIQ The change to the lower-rated job fs made necessary [or unsatisfactory job performance due to causes other ltum In Sec(lon 4,2. 1


Where retrogression does not apply, the employee will rece1ve the )ob rate for the new job effective al the time of transfer to the new job.

4.2.2 How Applied

The Company Will endeavour to provide an employee to 1Nhom Section 4.2.1 applies Ylftn work he/she Is ~pable of performing. H!slher rate ot pay shel:l be calCUlated as folloWs:

A - 13

(a) A new rate for the employee wiD be cak:Utated at the Ume the employee ls ratroQI'ilSsed. This Is calculated by adding to the base rate of 1tte new alassllicauon an additional two and one-half percent (2..5%) (except as specified below} ol the dlfferantlaJ between lha ~ for tile new job and lhe base rate fOr the &fllPfoyee's former jOb ror each year by which his/her continuous s811/Jce e)(ceeds ten ( t 0) years at the time ol transter For I'E!gUiar paf'I,.Ume employees, the new rate Is cale!Mled on an howly basis. For employees with 25 or more years of servl'c8, where the reason for retrogression Is Qne of 4.2:.1 (a) (I) or (II), live penl8nt (5%) Is used tn the calculation Instead of two and one-hall percent (2..5'!4 ).

The caiOtilatlon determines the rate lo wtllclllhe employee'$ pay will be reduced.

(b) The reduotlon In rate Wilt take place In steps eacn amounting to bul not exceeding approxlmatefy four percent (4%) of h~/her former base rate. (Hourty rate for regtJiar part-lime employees.) The first sr.ep shall ocour lhree (3) monlhS aner helshe has been lransferred to the new job. The subsequent steps shall occut at six (6) month lrttB!VBis unlillhe rate determined in 4.2.2 (a) has b!liln reached.

(c:) Wt,era the relrogressed employee is unable to do the Job to Whlcl1 he/she has bean retrogressed and demotion to another job Is neoossary, the rate lor this new job shall be based on tile differenUaf be!Wllen 1he-base rate of the original job from which he/she ha_s been retrogressed end the base rate or his/her new job.

(d) While ~lrogresslon Is rn progress and after retrogression Is completed, iDOrea&e-t> In pay !hat occur will be applied only to the base rate for the new job and the 19lrogre"ed employee will only receive a benefit wnen the blase rate (or the new job exceeds his/her adjusted rate.

(e) ll shall be the respomslblllly of each Human Resources ManagerfOffieer to adlllse U\e Unlon In writing when any employees are placed on retrogression. Tills Information will be ptoVldecf to the Union as soon as possible but In ar\)1 case before the reduc:liOnln rate specified In 4.2.2 (b) takes placs.

4.2.3 Special Provl•lons

(a) RetrogteSSed employees who are within 10 years of belng eligible to retlte withOut discount or who are w;tNin 15 year.; or normal retirement. shall have their rate frozen untll the rate for the job befng peritlfl1'1i9d catdles up to the lnm~n rata

(b) M employee wilfl20 years' service who IS retrogressed for medical reasons related 10 the wotklng condltlons and Job environment cfurir)g a SJQrnfiaanl portion rl hfsfl\er employment wllh lila Company, will have l'llslher wages mafnlalned until nelshe Is eligible fur an undlscoonled peoslon. The ~ rate Will be trozen thereafter.

The medfc:al reasons Will be reviewed and assessed by lhe l TO RB'Vlew COmmittee.

(c:) lf,ln the opinion of the LTD Review, an emplOyee Is ltlfrogressed becausa of a SBflolls injury that resulled from an on-tlleiob aCCident with ttle Compa~W. he/she Will have hlslher wages maintmec:l unW helsile is eligible lor an undlsmunlecl pension. This provision will apply to all regUlar employees regardless or ~ervica.

(d) An employee with 1M! (10) yenrt' s~OII who Ia relrogret&e<l bectUM o( a rept1llille sl.raln InJury or Injury oa~lllng I here from, Whloh Ia doomed compensable by the WSIB end relatea to hll/her ~)tl<lng conditions with the Com~ny will haw t\1$1ner wages maintained until ellglblo for en ulldiiOOIInlecf PGnllon. Tile wage mta wtll be frozon therealler .

The medlclal reasons will be rei/Miwed and ossease1d by the l TO Review Commmee.

4.2.A Special Commltmenta

Nothing II\ thla regulation wtll override spee~;tl commttrnonts that hn11a been rnndtt by lho compeoy ttllllfl certaJn tnstanc:ft rates or poy wilt be rm1lnt~lned.


4.3,1 lrmoductton

ll'lls Item deftnes aervlc-o credlt on<l dOKtlbeS tile basta lot <ak:Uillllng aeNioe credit for all purposes elCCIIplthose of tile Pen a ion P\Qn wtll/!h are COI18fJCI In the BtVQ) ~r PM$iorl Plan Rules.

The application or 1uch seniloo croditto vt~Callons, L TO, lllck teavo and oii'IOt benefila wiD <:Ontrnue 10 bO governed by tho appfOPrtitt U\ttructiona

A.3.2 S.rvlce C'redlt Calculation

In most cases lh• torvice credit of:& togutar employlte Is lhBt employee's SOOIOI'Ity. Tho exceptiOn to lilts c:at'l bo found In Atlide 10 1.2 where M employee w11o Is appointed 10 • posliiOA w11111n lt1e PWU jutlsdlellon from a b8rgenng ~1\ Wl\lch mt1tls set~lor~ 10 Its own m.mberr;hlp, hM hiS/her senlonl)' hmJtod lo soMce wlfhl1, lhe PWU baJVa!nl~ unit.

Senior! tv oppliolt to tflgUiar, r~gula"'"sonal, and pt'Oballonoty om~ only

Tempomry om~ have IICCUrnulaled aetvice only

SeMeo ctedit WIU not bO granted for absences Wllhout PIIY c:l greater than 15 days W11h u. OIIC8Piletl of,

(I) Nomlal and Eldtnded PregnaneylPalel\taVMI>!)U\Ie leave.

(It) Elected' Union ~~· ab5el1t on Urlkm bus!N-.

(IIQ Mectlc84 lolvt of 1~

(tv) "Tlr'M ofllo tieU crt OWirtlme WOfl(ad.

(a) Rt;Uiar EmpiO)'"•

Servlc. cndlt shall be tr. perjOCI of arnpi0y111C1111 Wtlll ttMt Compony end any setv1oe re.alor«< as per Plllt A. Item 4.3.3

A· 15

(b) Tamf101111Y FuU.nm.end Pvt·nme Employve• When Gr~~ntact Regular St.lllu.

When lei npanay employees ant prantad regular or regiJlllt.seasonel a latus. seMc:e c:tedit anaD be gom:led for a1 preW.. fut!-llme ....,ice a nil on • pllHat~ basis for 1111 patt4me seNice.

(ol Employees wlth ~ndlx A Servlc:e When Gt'lnbld Regular

When •ppllcanta wltfl Bnlc:.Powar Appandb. A aer.~lce .,. hired t.o nrgutv Ml• time or part-tima ,_n~ons and granad r.outw 11t.atua, S.rviC* Cradlt shall ba gnm..d for cumullltJW full-time or t>~a<l .-HII'M MNic:e where ttMre hu been no tnak In App.ndlx A •mpklyment gt"Mt..- than the terms dnctibed In Pert 8 , ~pendiJC A. Sec.tlon 8028 (v(l}.

4,3,) Reatoratlon of ServlC* er.dlt

Regular employees Who lemtinate and ant re-employed liD a catUnu~ng poeitlon s.hlllll'lawe their servloe credit restored. Proof of past serW:le must he ptO'Med by trw emplo)'M tn the tlrst 60 days of re-employment Lnless U. ·Compeny is caip3bte ol provldlng the proof wllhin I he llrst 60 days or re-employment. They st1al nol be reci'Jired to serw • further probcallOtwy period. No seN1ce credit will be allowed rw U1e petiocl botween 1Alf'm1n&lloo and re-employment.

Regular employees who were formerly employees of Ontllno H)'diQ al'ld/or ""Y O!Qno Hydro successor company shall be entitled to sorvfce aedd ,_toratlon lor lhalservlce pte'l'lded they are on Bruce Powets payroll as of Marctl31, 2002 and lrtmln Mgutsr status on or before December 31, 2002. In this case, service credit restoration IMII be I()( the purposes ol Yal::iltlo4'1 and seniority only. This provlslon applie& only ''' respect of pei'IOOa hi* aner decontrol from OPG to Bruce Power.

Farmer n~gular employees who aro rehlntd for tmnpot'8f')•full•llmo « temporary pert-tlmo assignments will not be granted regular status upon rel'lltll. Former J'fi.QUIIIr'<SetiiiOnaJ employees w\U retain regular·seasonai "A" stalua when mhlred for a l&mpotaryesatgnmant wllhln one year of their last termlnat)on data,


~.41 Genenll Policy

Wheoever possible, vacations will be granted •t datos r~~oor.ted by tho emplo)'I!M, but In ~ ol Ole Compelly't role In PfOV!dlnO a vllol eOI\'Ice at all limes, the Con~ny res~ lt'oe ri;htto ~ u. data wtl$n IIIIIOiltions may be tollen.

The prooess for npPfOVal of ~n sNIJI be ae foltowa:

(a) When • ~Is subrrutlod by the~ to tho eppropnate supel"'r5or, the request must be dlspot.ltjOned Wlll\ln a bwo WMk pe.llOd It the lima requested is more than one (1) month from 1M da~ the (Q(ffl II QMtn to the *'Pervteor.

(b} lfllle 11!1QUMt• for 1 ~ 110011111 than~ one (1)month peMd. it fs to be dl$p05[1lor1ed Wlltin two (2) cap


If lhe superVIsor c:anno1 d~t~poslllon the request In (a) abcJvo, wllhln the~ gl¥en two (2) _. pe!iod, then 3 rNton for not dl$po!Jitionlng the reques111~ that Ume perkXI mutt De QIV'en to tl'le employee. In Wllt1ng.

FaNuro 10 disposition tho VIICIIIfon 18q\test In the lime perlocls mentlonocl a bow, IS II f~ matler fOI' the gtievanca/atblttat.on process and will be dealt wlltl altha neKt GRB process.

4.4.2 R•lationthlp NlwMn V~tlon a nd C.tendllr Y~tar

F« 1111 puJ"'))8e of calculallnO vacation alloWances, the vacatiOn year commence& July 1 of lho prtYioln )"eefr 4nd eodl June 30 Of ltle calondar year \n which the vacatlon Ia to be taken.

VIICO'Uon Yur ~ cndlts) June 30

, ~,1~~~~---~l------~~~3~1 Calendar Year (lo be takan)

4.4.3 Vacacton EmJt~

Definition; The Employmefll Standards Act S1at8S lhat 1~wry eltll)loyer stl8ll give to eact1 employ~H~ • vacation with pay of at least two (2) w.lls upon the compi8Uon ol each 12 month& of employment The amount of pay for such vacalion &t18D not be JaM than an amount oqual to rour percent (4%) of the wages of the ernployeo 1n tbe 12 months of emplOyment for Whidlltle vacatloo is given.

Woges are defined as any monetary remuneration payable by an omployer to an employee under the tenns of a oontract of employment as weY as tlf'IY payment under the Employment Standatds Act except vacefion pay. Included tn wages are term!naho'' I»Y· ovorllme pay, holiday pay, sick pay, equal pay aajiJStmenta, shift diffGAII'IIIal$, prem!Um'f for waekafld 01' hoid~ys. on-(1811 end standby.

Wages do not InclUde vac:allon pay~ paid In lhet 12•tnonth ~. ~ unemployment benefrts. lips or olher gratuftles. gtftl find booUMe tl\8t art dtpondenl on the dlsaellan of the employer and are not related to hoc.n, ai"'ductlon ex etlldency. Allo ~ ar• traYelllng allowances or expenses. oonll1bl.ltlof\l tn8dt b)' en ••~r 10 pension funds, IM'Iemploymeollnsurance, death gn111ts, d .. b114Y ptm•. ••.6:»ni. plan$. ~ plans, mGdical plans, nursing plans 01' dental pllans.

When~., employee AIOeiws a gteater benelll for ~llon 01' vacellon pay. thai benafa Will ptewll 01191' the oondlllons set out in lhe Employment Sl.lindardl Act

ll'leamountotpeyfOl a vacation shall be notltU than •namount equOI to tour percent (4%) of the accumullltod wages ot tne employee In tho 12 moratns ot •rnploymortt fOI' ~ the vacet.lon IS orven end In calallatfng wages no eoaounl shill! be taken of any vacation pay previ<Miy patd

A- 17

Regullr Employees

A regular employee shall be eligible ror a vacotlon ol:

Lees than One (1) Yeat'1 Service by June 30: One (11 worldng day ror each t\Jll month or service oompleted between June 30 of thet prelllous yeannd JUly 1 or the current year up to a maJ(lmum or two weeke (10 working days}.

The employee shalt be paid four perc:enl ( 4%) of the acclllmulated wages In the )'ear ror which the vacation Is given.

FOf One (1) Year and Less TITan Three (3) YUB' S.rvlc.: 10 worldng da~(twoweells) annuany. Vacation pay shall equel10 de}'$' base eamt11gl or fo\r pet'CIInl (4%) of accumulated wages, Whichever is greater.

For Three (3) to Seven (7) Years of Service: 15 WOtklng days (three weeks) annually when an employee has completed from three to 1$8ven years c( siii'VIce by ll'le end of any calendor year. Vaoatlon pay shall equal15 days' base eamlngs ell' four percent (4%) or aocumolated wages whichever Is greater.

For Eight (8) to Flftaan (15) Ye;n of Service: 20 wort~ days (four weelo;$) annually wt'IQ!l an employee has oomplet.ed 8 to 15 )'Bal'S of serw:e by 11he end or any calendar year. Vacalion pay shall equal 20 days' base earnings.

For Sixteen (18) lO Twenty-Four (24j Year& of Sarvic:o: 25 WOilllng days annually WhOt1 an employee has completed 16 1!1 24 years of service by the end of a calendar year. Vacation pay shalt equal25 days' base eamlngs.

ln the year In which the employee Is first eligible for 25 -.rorkfng days' vacation. heltihe shalt be g,.nted llln Ofl8 continUOus periOd If he/she so requests.


Employees hired on the first wt~rklng day of January shall be deemed to have complltod a calendar year on December 31 or the same year.

for 'lW•nfY.f'lve (25) or Mote Year. of Service: 30 Wl' (klng days' vacation in the calendar year In Which l'tofS'Ile complete& .25 years of service. and In each succeeding year

Vac.tton BotiU5

In the calendar year In whleh a regular employee c:omple,llll·

26 years' service • 1 days base pay 21 years' service - 2 days' base pay 28 years' service - 3 days' base pay 29 years' service - 4 days' base pay 30 years' servtce - 5 days' base pay 31 years' service - 6 days' base pay 32 years' service · 7 days' base pay 33 years' sef"'ltce - 8 days' base pay 34 years' service - 9 days• base pay

A · 18

35 )..,.' ~8~\'\t~t • 10 days' base pay and beyond

Tl1& IIK8b0n bonuJ ahaJl be cafeullsled on the employee''$ base rate of pay as of July 1st of the year In whlctt tn. bonu. ta payable. These bOf'lvses 1are payable ontl'le Closa$1 payday to July 1.~>t or each year.

The vacation bonus 01111tlomentl.halls CUIT8tltly paid out sblrting In 111e 28• )Qf will be lteated as follows:

tal oontlnut the current melhod Of tecelvklg the mone)•


(b) ba!'ll<. u.. liYie 10 • mox1mum of aclC (8) ween, to be used mmedlatet.f OIWllding nlt.crelllCr?l.

lfopoon (b) IS chcaoit, Employee &wvlc:a Centre tiM 10 t»e llOtlfled by M'IJ~ 31 OJIIhe Cln'BI'II year.

RegWar Part·Tlme~a

Regular l)ali-lime employeos ate englble (Of paid vacallo~ Ume oft ll'la enutletnont Is based on calendar years ot aeiVIc. •nd payment f{lr time off Is c:el<:vlaled on a pro-rata baa is. (Ref. Part A, Uem 1 .2.2.~

Probationary Employoll

A pro~UOIWY emplOyee~~~ be enllllecl to a vacatlan ol one ( 1) ~ oay for oaM full month of &eiVfce camplll18<1 batwllen Ju,_ 30 of ltle prellious year and July 1 Ollhe CUfl'&nt year I.IP to maiCliTIIJm of two (2) weeks (tO worklrg dllys).

Four petcenl (4~) of Ute IOial pay of tho employee shall ba paid In llltt year IOfwlllch U. vac:auon Is gillen - wNc:havor Ia gNN.tor

Temporary EmJIIo~ .. M~e Regular

On attaining regular llllitus. tomporary employees will receive vacatiOn eniiUement f« all service as defined In Pllrt A, ltom 41 3.2 (b).

•A-• VacaUon - Shift WOfkera

Vacations will be govemad by the fallowing: The vacat!o11 year &hall be trom JallUIIIY 1 to December 31.

Subject to ex~pOona reauttlnQ from unforeseen or emeflllent conditions. arrllllQements Will be made to provide wc:atlons as undernoted,

(a) Fourteen (14) cansecutlv. daY• aft ~Mthon the periodl ~y 1 to September 30 (tummer schedule).

{b) S[)('-' ( 18) consecu!M day& olf lnal~ three wc11ekends wtlhln the penoc1 May 1 to September 30 (•ummer tcheclukl) to 8lJ WhO qualify fot three (3) or moro weak&' vacation.

A · 111

(c) Where muiUatly CiiDIM!Inlent to the Comcleny and the emplo)tes, ll an ~Ito reques1$. all or part olthe vacellon allowance "'-Y be laken outalde the pt.t!OCI ~Y 1 to September 30.

(d) A reqt.JMt oy anlnd1wlual for an extenslOfl of his/h1r vacatiOn period may bo grantod Dl the Ccmpany"s discretion by intwchanglng ~ aaheduled vac:ataon days or utiUIOd vacallon entitlement wllh daY$ of wOOt PfOvldlng q1ualifled rener Is available at the Jocaflon. If K becomea neoesaaty to cancel the additional emntton u outlined In tnls Item, lha employes granted the extension Will oe r•uqulnld to rewm lo lils/ sel'ledule without penalty 1o Ina Company. II, In any lr$anco and due to unrorneen d rcuroscances, vacallOn tchedules are~ 8~ecte<l. lho Compeny wtlJ use available relief so as to reduce the abnormal perioelto a mfnfmum.

The ocm.sec:utive daya referred to WOUld normally lndiJdo olhor tht111 vact~tloo entWement.

.. A ,S Special PtoVftlons aAd AllOWIUicaa

(a) Defemlent Of l ntltfTI.Iptlons ~ V~U:atlon•

Reimbursement wRI be made rat out-of1JC)dt;et eliPienseslnctiTed by an en'\J)Ioyoe who, at the request ol tl'le Company. eitller defel'$ en a~proved vacation or retums belore tho vaoatlon has expired.

Whan an employee Is called back from vaeallon or when an efnl)IOyee'a vac:abon ll cancelled al lht 111ques! of the Company, the empiD)'f!t shall recefYe premium ot pay 101 all normal hours worited on canoetled vacation daY$ for which seyen (7) ce1endar Clays' nollce has not been gillen op to a maximum of $0\leJ\ {7) calendar days


In the ttb0118 cases. lhtt cfe(arred or lnttwi'UPIOad ~ daY$ are to be ret~ohec!Uied at a later data 5Ubjecl to Sec:llfons 4.4 1 and 4,4JI.

(b) ltatutOfY Wolld.sya and Vac:atlons

If slalu1IJIY hoUdays. to whklh illlllmpjoyeels enlltlod wtlh pay, occur Within tlts or h6t vacatlon period, the emplo~ ahaV be granted an 411ddllionlll daY• vacation fOf eadlln IW U'lereof.

fe!) N.w Emplo)'llls

An ~ joining 1he 5181f botweao J.arnsary 1 a111d ~ 30 ancltaklng • vacaOon beforll July 1, 5hall receive only lhe days atOJNed fclf service to IN dale af oomment:lng 1M vacation. My romainh,g days aedlted ror MJVI\ce between the vacetlon comm81lQement date end June 30 shsU be taken btttween Juty, and Oeoember 31

An employee jOining the staff between JanuatY 1 Ill lid June 30 and tald~ hl$ vacahon .tier Juty 1. ahlll reo&Mt only tho days allowed for servKle to June 30.

If •n employee joins the staff between July T and Oecember31, no vacation~ con be uaed unlilanet December 31.


(d) R-~ Empfoywes

A/1 employee ~ ~ I.S tefmlntted eJicl WhQ I& 1'1)-eogEige(j wtthin 12 mooths ot lennlnetlon Sha• be granted a wc:at100 allowl)nc:e based on the employee's re-estabhtled service crwdlt(see Part A. Sectlon 4.3). Howe~~er, ll'le Initial vacatlon allowrala, Wflile ~ on tile 5amt tints as abOII'It, mU!t be taken es outlined In Sec:flon 4.4.5 (C).

4.4..6 Postpon.c1 Vac:ations

(~ WrtnU\8 e:xx:eptlon of ~employees tnoutflnecl k1 Sec!hon 4.4.5 (cl. vacations appwp08te lO the pa.rtjekr calendar year may be 10fanted at any lime but normally must bt completed by the efl(f ot 11\11 Y"'' ~ c:t postponement of vacatiOns btyoond tne end or that year ShaH beln 1ICCOfd'ance With 1M1 fonowlng.

(I) When! rt IS mtJ!Ua.'l)l agreetable, the employee may cany-over a maximum ol ono ( 1) week's vacation II) the following year (to be taken by May 31 of that rollowmg year). Request tor carry-oyer must be rn:ada 1pt1or lo September t ,

(ll) UndBf special elCtentml~ clrcumslances (es Identified In~ 4.4.5 (b), 4 . .4.6 (b) and 4.4.6 (d), application for postponement or CllfTY"'Y8T ol more than one (1) week.'s vacation may be made to the tl'espec:IMI director, 01 olllcltll ol equivalent rank, but 1t1e vacaUon mus~ be COfl~pleled by 114.y 31 ot the ne-.t Y'!lf

(Ill) Upon eligibility or 25 W0111fng de ys (nve (5) wtlelts) of WU'I\UII ~r,~c.tton, ~·• may defer enrJ aGCtJmU!ate any va_cauon orrtltlement beyond 15 di!~ pot year.

This deferred vacaUon is lo be USfJd In com~...-tlon with ony def&rred•banked time as par Part A Item 6.4.5 (f) (1), IQ obtai" a 11101dmlitn ol thirty (30) weeks of Ollld lime off to be used lmmedialety prtiCII:ldlng re~lremenl.

Employees who Wish to lake this paid tma olll lmtnedlately pi'1KieC'Jiog ratlf1lmtSnl must give a minimum of four (4) month& notiCe of the comrnencemetU of the paid time off. This commencement dale cen be cltlforrOd to a later date upon notlncatlon from the employee. Under speoal clrcumstanoes the employee eM reqlleSI Management to waive the rour (4) m<l•ntl" ootlco.

(b) An employee who ls on sick la11ve shall not be gran11ed a v1catlon until Judged IIIlo return to woOl. If sUll disabled wl'!el'l a.lck lnave eroc;llls explro, llowuvef, the omplo)'eo may be placed on urnod vacation.

(c) An emplo)'ee who beotlff1011111 While on VdCIIUon ahi•ll not be pia~ on clck laa1111 unlll efter t.effl'llna!lon or tO$ ~Uon. Under oxcepllonal <Wcumstanc:ee tn the cese ol wry liel1oullllness, sick love may be g111n~ at tl'le dliiCfttiOn ol ltle Cllief ~anager Health SeMc81. l ha ernploye4, would than be eniJ!ICid to the t110sed PQI1Ion of hts/tler vec:atlon &!tor rtcOYefY fn:tm the lllnen.

Minor Illnesses and injuries may cause some deg~ee of discomfort or disability to an employee wh\le on vacation. Yet tor tne most paf1, these do no~ necessitate complete removal rrom the vaaatlo11 setiing or loss or the benellciial effeots of the holiday. However. when an employee on vacation becomes seriously Ill or Injured end as a result m~st be removed rrom vaoatloo entirely, h~• or she strould be eotl!led to siCk te_ave.

The decision as to when an illness or non-occupational lnfury Is sufficiently severe to justify transfer from Ita cation to lilcll. f.eave should tile made on roedJcal grounds and rests with the Healfh and Weliness Oepartmer11. Normally hospitalization or complete confinement to ~ed lo the nome under regular PhY!sic:!arl's care have been the criteria used to judge severity, often alter consultation with the attending doctor. "Exceptional circumstances• may Include a number or things such as hospitalization, ltle need to be Oown home from a rrjp abroad, becoming seriousb' Ill on the firSt day or vacat1on, etc.

The decision to tran6fer from vacation lo sick leav~1 must be based on reliable medical evidence and made by a physician In lhe Health aM Wellness Departmenl All cases of requests for suell considefalloi1 should be referred to the Health and We!lness Deparlment wllhout elCceptlon.

(d) Where an employee is oo siGk ll!ave or workers' cc1mpensation and therel)y Is unable lo use his or her vacation credit du.rlng the current year sUch vacallons may be carried over to the following year In accordance with Sections 41.4.1 and 4.4,6 (a). Any outstanding vacatlon ctedit that has not been approved for carry over Into the next year shall be paid oul by Dec. 31 or the current year.

4.4,7 Vacation Payment on T•rminatlon

An employee whose servlca is terminated by the Com puny or by resignation shall be entitled to a cash payment In lieu of an ou~St.Bndlhg vacation aQQIWanCI), ,.alculaled proportlonately from July 1 marklng the beginning of the 12-month period an which the vacation enlltlemeot appllb9, Upon the death of an employee.. his or her estatle shall be entitled to the $&me payment

The payment will be based on:

(a) Four percent (4'Yo) of accumulated w~ges for an ennployee entitled to the prorated amount of 10 wor1<ing days annually.


In each or the folloWing sub~ns, lhe mrnrmum amount to be paid must be at least four percent ( 4%) of accumulated wages (see Deflnlllon, Subseetlon 4.4.3) of the employee If' the year for Whlc111he vacation Is earned.

(b) Six percent (6%) of base earnings to date for an employee entitled to 15 working days annually.

(c) EI{Jht percent (8%) of base earnings to datefot an employee entitled to 20 worl\ing day11 annualty.

A · 22

(d) Ten perO!!t\1 (10%) of bose eam!ngs to dote fotan employee a11ltlled to 25 ~lll9 days 8MUally.

(e) l'Wtlllle percent (1~) of bo&e earnings to date f()( an employee enlilled to 30 working day$ annually.

Tho value or lt\e vacation bOnUll be based on lhe om1ployee's base rate allhe tlme ol taf!TIInatlon. The wcation bonUs for the Incomplete yeat' or serVIce Ia pro-r.~ted ror !he number or comple!ad months tmm lile employee's ECD to the dl1ta the employee terminates.

Vacation allowance regulations (0( employees whow servloe ts termtnated owing to retimment on early, nonnal, disability or postponed pension ere in aocordanoe with the above-


4.5.1 Recognized

The days fisted below wm be recognized by the Company as stat.utory holic:IIVS. regardless of any oonmct betwooo theSe holidays and thOse declamd 1BS statutory holidays by mun11:lipal, PfQVInc:ial or fedond statutes,


Premium payment for worlilng on statutcxy nclidays wlll be made wtten working on tho actual atawtory hofida)• Indicated 0111he calendar, not the day Indicated on the shlfl schedule Any chang~~& made under the proVfalons of Patt A. Item 4. 7 "Special Time Off" will not change the payment provisions lo &TIIY other day.

New Yoar's Day Good Friday Easter Monday Vlctorla Day Canada Day Family Day

C.vto Hol1lday labour Clay Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Boxing Day

Wheo C.'loa(la Day tans on a Saturday It Gllall bo observod on lhe ronowing Monday.

In the event that Boxing Day or New Year's Day falls on 1a Sunday, It shall be observed on Monday. Slmll~:~rly, If Christmas Day rana oo a Sunday. II shall be observed on Monday and Boxtng Day on TUesday.

Wtten CMstma.s taUt on Tuesday. Boxing Dey shall be ~lb&etVed on Monday.

All regular one! probalf0118ry employeea shall be paid fOf statutory hoUdays,

Sllitt WOII(ers st\811 receive entitlement for the same number of statutory holidays as day worker~


A slatulory holld"Y falling W\tn111 1111emptoywo's vac:atlo11 periOd shalt not be counl*! u pan d his/her vacatton but lhall be taken as an extra day of hcJjtday.

Regular part-time employees will be ent!Cied to slatuiOfY holiday pay pro'oided that they have WOfleed on their 'Che<fuled regular day or work p~lr-.g end following tt. holiday pursuant to the Employment Slandllrds Act (ESA).

Peyment ror •uch stAt tutory hOlidays will be the amount ltho omployoo would normally am on a SCheduled dlly of work.

• • 5.2 Slc:Jt t..eev. C,..dlta

If ttn ~1910,- Ia not &Ched\Jielt to WOt'k on a slawtory hoi\Uay arid faits sick, hlsltler pay for 11wt rs.y ~ not be ~ eoalnst Ills/her slok leave Cl'edlls end he/she will reoelva payment at tOO 1*1»'11 (l~)dt'n.lher notmal dally base eamjnga.

If 11n employee Is sch9r:fuled 10 ¥1101\ on a statutory holiday and falls sld<, lhst day Is ~a ted as a normal aldl a:.y a.nd the tliTIPIO:vee would receive a he~~ csay at e Ia lilt dat.e.


Regular. regutar~land I)C'dlarlooaty ~ who lta'4 accumUlated 20 weeks' oonunuou• 5«\\fQe In q ~year (for ll8W empiol~. d'la lnidal enutlement will be aocrued 0'1\er work!~ 20 conl)lllliDVS ~. regaldless olltle calendar year they are accrued In) will be enUu.d 1o throe (3) lloallng holiday. subJect 11:1 tl'le following

4.8.1 Floating holidays may be taken on sud't da)l$ as the em~ and hfs.ther S'.apeMsof mutually agree upon, foi!Owino reasonal)lia lldvanoc notice on Chit part ollhe employee.

4.6.2 Floating holidays shall not be tanled over Into the lollovlling year t.ftess won <Xlmideralions ptevent lhe employee ftcm taki'lg the 11oa1.81(s) ~ !he )"er ol entil1emeriL

4.6.3 Where the employee Is unable to mutual agreomom VCh hl!.ltler StJIII!M$OI' lb 181(e hislhor !loa ling hollday(s) before year-end because ol al:.ence d\.111 to lrless. (IIXG!JlC 1llhGn exhausting sick leave pl'iot to l TO) unused floallng 1\olialays 'ollill be anignad on lhe IA3t working day(s} of the year.

u • .c Where an employee ralls sial on hlslhe.r sc:tledtlled floating hofld'ay, 1hat d6f not be d'largcld agalntt lllsii"RJr slok teaw ore<llts, but shllll be bllllled as • floating hal'ldlry for pay purpo18S.

•U.5 R19Mr and probationary employees may take their llostling hollday(s) before accuniAa1lnQ 20 MM~ka' 1erv1ee In e calefldar year •

.C.U RegUlar part-time employees •re entJlled td three (3) t~aUng holiiJays vpon completJng 20 weak$ o1 serw:e. P~ treatment for tne three (3) days 111 on a pro-rata basi$. (Ref. Part A, uem 1.2.2)

4.6.7 EntltfllfMJlt on Termination.: tr the emplbyee termlnatt!ll atler haVIng acc:umulatod 20 weeks' seMCa in the c:~~londar year the Company Wilt mella a cur. paymont tn llou ot any 1111Used l!oetmg holodly tred1l

A- 2ol

If the emPbyee tennenates prior to DC.a~rt~U~al~ 20 weeks' MMc8 tn u. calendar yeat, enlillement wlil be a ~

(a) lr the employee has not ql.lallfled for etlbllementln 1M pre\liou$ year. '*'he Win tu•-e no en'UIJement In tne Qlrrent yur II tlelstle was llfl'lllocl e tlo.atlng holiday 41nder 4.6.5 above, the Cornpiany wtiii'8Cli:Mir 001t ( 1) d.a(a pa~· for each lloallng holiday taken,

(b) ff the employee has qW!lfted lor ontlttement In lhu prii\I'IOUS year, hilll'ler entitlement will be prort~ted ba$ed on ltlo number Of w.ekt' .ecum~.t'-led t$l'llloe 1n the year or termination. For e~C.ample, 81\ .mployee Who ltrmll~etes efltr aGC~.mulallog fiw (S) weeks' s8Mce in the year would be entdted to Wllhl ol threo (3) days.

The Company Will either make a caBh payment In llau of any unullld floatll'lg holiday C18dlt or recol/flr the vslua of 1.1\e unearned portion or floatlng holidays ta.kan under 4.6.5 above.

tn no case wilt an employee be enlllled to more lh111•n three (3) 1\o;mng holidays or lloaHng holiday credit In a calendar year


4.7.1 Additional Time Off at ChrlatiMa and Naw Veal" I Hotrdey•

When Chrblmaa IIliis on Friday and Boxing Day on Saturday, an addJ~onal half (0.5) holiday will be gmnted employees on tho prooedlng Tnurtday.

When Chri!ltmaa fells on Saturday 11nd BoXIng Day on Monday, nn additional half (0.5) holiday wtlll:wl granted omployon on the ptOcedfng Friday.

When CMslmas lal.le on Wodne5day, the Friday foUowtn; Bolo;rog Day shaD be gnmted as an ll<ldilionel ( t) holiday

WhM New Yea!'t Day (Gila on 8 SaiURII'ly, tn ad41ti0NI (1) hdliday sllaJI be granted 00 either tho prtlcedlng fnday M tho following Monday.

Those resJUiar employees wnoce regular sdleduted day d w011t faJis on lhe holidays ~ ebovo wl be om"'*' UlO t~ on iii1Cf (100ipietl$1lted at a nile equal to !heir normal de~ mlnga.

4.7'.2 Paymontforflmelr\4.7.1

Ellgtblo ~ ~ lo wartt d1.1111g 1ne d;r)'$ In 4. 7 I shall be paid as folklws:

(a) It employea ore normally~ co wotlt 8l'"ll1 are reqUired to WOfk on such a day, lhey 1lhd be pe.'d &maq,! lime ror audt wor1l Wllhin OOI1Tial sdlec!Uied hours and given ~lime on Wtlh pey, up 10 a m&IOO!um or nciflnal $Cheduled halls. WIUlm llie fol~ cl)( (G)~

(b) If omployeu nr• not ~lly .cheduled to WOI1t on suctla &y and are l1lqUII"ed ID wottc. U'ley ahall be peld at tho nste notmally p.11d for OWt1Ime wert.

(c) Bigible shift employees oo a s&l/en (T) day coverage basis W11ose nonnai&Chedule<l day off falls at SUQtl designated Ume, shall be alloWed oqul\talent ttme off With pay, wl tllln the following six (6} month$.

4.7.3 Remembnm~ Day

The foUowfng employees wi.U be eligible for lime off andllor payments as desclfbed In 4. 7.4.

tal ThOse em?~ Who are seMnQ 01 !'lave setWd In U1e Canadla!1 Armed Forces Including those WllO are cvrren!ly active In the restlt\<!8S.

4. 7.4 Ramtmbran~ Day Payment and nm. Off Provlslon•

II on Remembrance Day eligible employees as descnbed 1n 4, 7.3 are·

(a) J'IOf1YISJIY s<lheduled to wottt, eligible employ9es shaU be allowed lime olfwlth p&y, at stralgllt lime for &Gheduled haUlS ar; far aa work schedUles will pennll

(b) scheduled to ~rtt and theY are required to wen, they shall be paid at the rete that normally applies foe that day and gillen equivalent time off With pay, at atralghl time up to e mnlmum of nOITIIal stheduled hoUri, 11111tNn the following slx (6) months.

(c) not normally sdledUied to WOOl end they are reqUII'IId lo worlt. they shall be paid at the rate normally 1ecelved fOf overtime work

(d) Shift wort(el'$ Ofl8 saven (7) day OOV8rage who lll'li• on a regUlar dey off, sttall be allowed equivalent tJma off w'l\h pay w1thln the following stx (6) months

.C.7 .5 TreiltrMnt for VaGatton

Special lima off, as noted In 4 7.1 and 4.7 3, hrldng wllhln eliglbltremployees· vaca!lon porfOd .shall not be counted as paf1 of lheit vacation but shaU 114• taken as additlooalllme off.

4. 7.6 Sick L.n~~e er.dlt

When apedal Ume orr. a& noted In oU .1 and 4. 7.3 OOQits while eligible employees are oo Sldt lea\18 etedit. their pay Will not be charged agamt sick laBile credits and they will receive tOO% poymant at their base rate for normal sahedule<J hours.


l'Mse benefit• apply to employees hired prior to Ja11uary 1, 2001.

4.8.1 $1~ ~ave PI!UI

ihe beneltl$ ot I he Company's Slak Lea\18 Plan shall be consldered as pari of this Agl9emenl. However, Il ls recognized !haifa provisions are not an automatic right of an employee and the &dmlnlstrallon of this plan and ell decisions regarding tht approp(jatllfless or degree of Its appriC81Jon shell be 118$1ed solely In the Company.

The Company's SIOk leave Plan will provide that probal~nary and regular e~mployees will commence with a aredlt of eight (8) days at 100 percent ( 100%) and 15 days at. 75 P81oent (75%) pay. payable from the first day of alcluless. Tills t:redlt Will continua to be available unUI

A· 26

the smplbyee attalllll ~ first aJ'1I'1UIII ac:c:umutatfon dl•te as a regvl11r employeo. At the lime cA this aCCII.III:dabon date and eadl wbseque.nt aocumulallon data he/she IMJiaoqulre additional Cfedita or eight daY'S at 100 percent (100"4) pitY and 15 aeys at 75 percent (75%) pay. The aoc:untlllation of aedits WilJ be s• ;t)jeQ to the prollts.ons of the Corr\penys Stell LeawtPW\.

Regula( part•tme emplu)'8 as shal recelw a Pf'O'(Billd m.lmber of tUck days. When a 1t~gutar part-~ emplo)M l$ absent due lo tr~ on s $ChedU!ed day of WOttc. they shall be paid ror the hours of II!Ofk &ehediJied for !hal day pn7tlided sick 'k!a111t creditS are ova liable.

NOI'TTU)ny employees wll be expeded 1o aiT1II1ge routine lnedlcal or dental appointments during non-working hours. Whefe 5Uc:h appointments annot be a~ dUring ~ hours e:nd the em~ cal't be r~ from ~ d~ICies. then the Ume sheA be charged against an employee's sick leave 6me.

PWU represented employees who take less UWin half (0.6) a day tar mecflcal ~ntmen~ &hall not ltave sucn Ume charged against sCI< leave for !lillY purposes.

Employetes who are on sick leave for 30 days ar more may be e~ to parilcpaiO In a YOCIIIIonal rehabilitaUon program In accordance WI#\ the Comi*'Y'• f)Oilcy.

All major medlcalabsei'IC9 forms will be oornpleted ror any abtence o1 rtve (5) conlltluoul days or more or when requested by management. The c::ompany wiU compan•ota tno employee for the cost <tssoclated with compleUng these llomls uP 10 • mulmum tJII3CHIO Additionally ltle company will compensate tl'le em~ ror t~ lUll 006t ror all mlldleal fotmiJ or medfcal lnfomtalion required to support t.. TO or addltlcnol modlcol rorms reQtlliUIIIy Health Services. This provision does not apply to Doctor's not till requette<l by un. Management o part or the admlnlstratloo of the sick reave plan.

Employees will be required to submit all forms required bty m"rwgemontlhfough lholr personal physician,

SIQk Leave benefits are condlllof'lal upon receipt ot these ro~TM and It Ia the mponslbllity or the employee to ensure thatlhe employer recntvos theset forrn• within D rouonaole period o( tJrne-.

Arty d!sdptrne ~ed to sk:lllealle lh3t le lrtlpoilld end Otlov8d by the u11lon \IIIII be referred cfirectly to Mar1in Tep~tsky f01 re.soiUtlon.

Refer to ·Sick Lea\1'8 and Long Terrn Dlsabtllty Plana· ewlod Aprl11, 1900.


ihase benefits apply to employns hired on or aft1r Jl•nullfY 1, 20111.

U . t A Side lave PIAn

lhe benefits or Uw Comp;my's Sk* leave Plan attan be ~~red as part of this Agreement.\I'Br, II II te<lOgJ'II'*' 1M! ct. ~tlons are not en a.~ttomat10 right or an employee and the administration ot tillS plan ano aQ Oeds!On$ ~~the a~l8t!$$$ Of degree or Its application *hall oe vested lOIII~ Itt lhll ~·

The O:lmpel'\y'a Side Leave Plan wHJ provldo probotfonn~y and regulllr employees W1th substantial IMCO!II& proleallon regardless ol their tenlotl~f· Pfoballonafy ancl RegUlar Employees will &CCI.lrnulate 8 sick leave cttldlllS (a credit eq~a 8 hours. 7.! or 7 hours. whichever ~tpplles to the employee) per year or •orv1oo a1t 1~ ot the employee's base pay.

When employees have e)ltlausted their 5lc:k lenve creclllll, lhey will be p;lld at 75% of !heir base rate for a period or up to 6 months.

Employees who are on continuous sick Jeeve lor II monlillllnd WflO qua!il'y ¥.ill be plated Of1 long Term OlsabUity (l TO).

'"the event or denial ot the L TO benelils ttte eml)lo)'90 •WI• hew lhw ·ragBS malnlainld •t 75% of base wages until completion of an l.'ll> appul p!IOCIISL

An major medlcal absence forms Wlf be completed l'w any abaanoe 0( 5 c:onli/lUOUI days or more or When requested by managemenl. The Compttny ..,w COI'I\I*'SIIIIhe emplo)'ee tor the oosl sssoe4ated with completing these folms op to a 'mu1irlllm ot $30.00. Additionally the oompany Will compensate the employee for the ftM alSI IIor all medical forms or medical Information mqufr-.ct to $Ullpolt LlO or additional mea<:el forms reqw,.a by Hoetth SoMcfls. This Pf0111sion Cloes not apply 1o Doctor's notes requested oy Una M;magement as pltrt of the admilllstrat•on cA the Sil* leave plan.

Employee& will be requlrad to submll an. fonns required lly management ltvough their personal physk:ian..

Sick Lea'Je benenta art c:ondiiJonalllp(Jrl receipt of thesEt rorms, and Ills tne rosponslbl.hly of the emplo)IM lo ensur. lhat the employer receives lhes4t ronns within a rea101\4ble period ot lln1e,

Ally ~pllne related_, Al<* llave tnet iS imposed and g~I8Yild by the Ul1lon Will be rarerred directly to MllrtV\ Teplitsky far ~n.

RegU&ar pan.tlfn8 emt* 1 au s wtii8Celll'e a pro-rated number of sick leave cndlts When a regu.IAr part<lkM employee IS e!l5ent due to llness on a ·scheduled day of wortl, lt1oY shaN be peicl Jet ltle ncxn ot ~ ~ for that day pnMded si~ lell~~e ctadlla are ova~

Nonnally empiD)oeea wlft bt eXJ*:ted to 111111nge routine mediC81 or dental appointments dUring norl"Wortdng hcNrs, Whant auch appolntments ca1nnot be arranged during non -rtting hours end ihe ~~~ can be 11lleased from hislhar dUilies, then the lime shall be Cf\l!l98d agat.nSI an amployee't 6idc leave tlme.

PWU represented employeet Who lllke tess thtn half (0,5) a day for medical appointments 1hall not haw such tlmo charged against &'Jell leave (0( ~tay purposes.

Emproyees who ere on olok leave for 30 days. or more may bo eligible to perhdpateln a IIOC8lJCMI rehllbllllellon progrem In with the COmpany'$ policy.


4.&.2 I.Qng Term Dltoblllty

(t) General Prov111ona of L TO Plan

The Long Term Olseblllcy (LTD) Plan' p~s financial MCUrlty and reflal'JI~I!ItiVa employment features lo rogular employee~~ during the~r absence from wartt due to extended sickness or Injury. L TO benefira eommai!C8 upon comple!Jon of lhe quallfyll1g perlod wtllch Is defined below. Reglllar employeeo Who are apjlf'OII8CI rcr the proVi1ions of the L TO Plan will be subject to the (ollowtng aanlrllctual pn:~vlslons.

All employees who are In receipt or L TO benefits 1odh be oi1Ql01e to parllc~pe~le In tile Rehabilitation and Re-employment Program deperrdent upon !hell' medical suitability and procedural requirements.


LTD Qualifying Period • Tha quaflfylng p8f\Od IS defined ns the period six (6) Clllendar monlhs from the starting date of the 8fTiployee's a~ntlnuous absence due to diSIIblllty; or a total of $IX (6) months In aceumulalive a1.1ti\OII.teel medal eb$ences In the year prror to the date s1ck leave expires due to ttle same progre6Sively deterlorallng disability; or lor those employees hired prior to Januaty 1, 2001 thtit expirallon of sick leave whichever Is longer.

Dlsal!lllty Period ·The petiod in wtlict\ an emplo~ee cannot COI\IInuously perform the essential d\JIIes of any posltJQn available In ~mea w1th tne priority placemenl c:rrterl<~ of tho Rehabilitation atld Re-EmployTMOI P\'Oc:edure.

S.11el1t t..evel • Til& Company a grEIG$ to assume the full cost of an L TO Plan ror all regular employees. The Plan would provide for a ~nonthly Income during the dlsabfnty pet'lod aquel to Cha lesser cf:

(I) Sbuy-flw percent (65%) of base earnings at the end olttle qualifying penod for L TO bene/its. or

(II) Sewnty·flve pera~nt (76%) of base earnings atlhe end or the quafrfylng period for LTD benefits less any cor~~pensallon awards lfrom the Wori<.place Safety and tnsuranoe Board (WSIB) (eKcluding the Non·liiconomlc Loss award) and/or the Can ado Pension Plan. exdlld1ng benefits tor lrJependents.


Regular part·tlme employees shan be eligible fOf pro-rated income bene fils.

Mls.cellaneoua Provisions ·A ~n hired prior n~ January 1, 200t Who runs out of •ldl leave credits will be granted e leave ot absence without pay unUI sud! lime as ll'le L TO qualifying penod elapses. A person hired on ctr alter J;tnuery 1, 2001 who runs out of sick leave credits wtll be J)laced on 75% or their hase pay untH the L TO qualifying period elepses. rtle employeee will continue to reCI8.1Ve service ctedlt during this l)ellod and l'lave covorage malntalned In bul will not bo ruqulted to oontnbUla to the Compal1)"s PMS1011 Plan1 Health and Dental benefits, and the Company's Group Ufe tnslll'CIM8 Plan,

A -29

Whers an employee hes been retrogressed to a lower ..rated )ob for medical reasons and Within IWo (2) years (not Including the LTO qualifying penod) begins receMng a monlhly Income llllder !he LTD Am for reasons dlrec!Jy related 10 the anginal meCICIII condition, the base eamiogs Used to compute t11e L TO 111011tt1ly income payment shall be the current rate of lhe employee's original classificatlOt'l.

Exeeptiona and Llmftlltfons to the lTD PLin

L TO beneljls will not be made available lor claims resuJIIng from:

(I) A diSability for whicn 1he person fs r.ot under continuing medical supervtslon and trealmenl conSidered sallsfaotosy by the Insurance Carrier and the Company.

(II) A disability caused by lntenhonal self·fnnlctecil injuries or Illness while sene.

(Ill) A disabiliiY from bodily lojury resulting dJrecth1 orindireclly from lnsunection. war. serVice In the armed roroos or any countsy, o•· parficfpet.on in a riot.

CM Normal pregnancy leading ID mnfinemenL

(v) Dl$3bi~Y trom occupational injuries for which the employee is rec.elvtng Total Temporaty Disability Benefits or during lhe fi1'SI 24 monlhs or a Future Eo:>nomlc I..Pss Award or dUring the first 24 months fron~ the date of Loss 01 Eaming (LOE) Award from lt!e W0!1qllace Safety and Jnsur.mce ,aoard,

No amount of L TO benelfl will be payable w'tt11 respect to tne disabllity of an employee during any or the follOWing periods:

(I) If the disability Is due to mental disorder. any period while the employee ts not under the continuing care of a certified psychlalrist or other care al.lthomed by tne employee's psyahlalrisl.

(II) Jr lhe disability Is due to substance abuse, alc:ohoHsm and/or drug addiction any parted in which the employee Is not tel1ified ~~ being actively supervised by and receiving oontlntling treatm8111 from a rehabill~tion cen~re or a provlnciaUy designated Institution.

(Ill) The periOd during which ltle employee Is on leave of absence. Including Pregnancy Leave or Absent$. n1e lTD qualify period !~~~Ins on the date the emp!Qyee Is expected lo return to wort\ trom that leave of .absence.

(b) Btnonts While on LTD

(II Service Credit: SerVice credit shall not con~lnue while the employee Is in receipt of l TO benefits. Upon return to wtKk, servicEt credit shall be applied as per Item 4.8.2(d),

(II) Vacation Credit! Any outstanding vacation untillement tor a pel'lSon going on l TO will be paid In cash upon Ol!~ry of ~leave. The casr, payment Will be ('.Sicufaled Ol'l the base earnings 11t the expiration of sick leave for the prorated days of vacetlon entitlement, any outstanding Ueu da)fs, any oulstanding ftoaUng statutory

A· 30

holldcays, .net blrnkoo lime No vacaUon ontll•ml«inl, nouHrg holldays, or banked l ime accrues while a member It In receipt of L TO benefits

(Ill) Vecatlon Credit DurinD Rehabllittltloft Employment: Vacation credits w111 be e&nlOd bl!•ed on 1111 hou~ worXad ond the ernplo)'M'I vec:allon entiUement mulllplled by the correspondlrQ porcenlage ll!iled below. These c:rodlla wiU be paed In a~sh In U~e las I pay period of I I'll year II not U$ed by December 31, or upon retum to regular employmen~ or upon lermiN tllon. For lhG purposes of WW~IIon onJy. vac-tiOn enltUemenl wur ~ Nmed 85 p~tr Soollon 4,8,2 (d),

Vacation EnUUement Perc:entage of AccumulateCI I Based on Service C(8d•l) El~mtnasiHourw Worked

1 o wo!1<.ina ctavs or leu •nnuall.v 4'/o 15 woriuno dava amuallv ~ 20 workino dew annualllt 8% 25 worldoo days annuallv 10% 30 wotklno dalll annll411v 12~

(lv) Tho Company heallh and dental coverage pttmhJms conctrwo to be main~ I1Gd by the Company,

(v) 'Tho Company PeMion P'-n! 'Tho omploye~~t's mombe111hlp In IJ'Ie pfltn continues. Upon elq)lry of sldlleav~ the requlretnen1 for &mptoyee CIO(lttQ/Ilont for employees lilted Pflor lo J4f'luary 1, 2001 It wtf\led. AA employee Is not rvqtll!'l!ld te make conttibutlof'4 to tho plan While hel411e rs reoeMng 1. TO benel\t$. The rew-.m.nt penaion conhnue& to aCQIInulate. 'Veal'll of sel\4co oonflttue to aCQI/1\UI.ete for entlllemantlo right$ and benefita under the Pontoe~n Plan,

(Ill) The Com,J*Yy Group Ll'-lnaurance Plan: ICommonclng tho fu'al d1y of tho month following the end of lhe qualifying period f01 L TO benofilll, an employee will oontlnue reoewlng IJ'Ie aame insurance opUoo during receot of L TO benflfta as thal In force prlor to such recetpl. An wnp~oyee who 1511\ n~Celpl oil. TO bene'fita Ia 001. r~qulred to make contnbullona to tho Group Ufe Insurance pbn.

(\'01 Sick LNve Entftlement ~ rocolpt d the memonat11'111m frOM the Chief Physician recommendong lhat lhe ~~should make ~n for l TO benefits.. enltlle(Jlel\1 CO IIClQII'IIUIBle Otle$1019 1slok IGitYa crvclotl ~~~ - on the day fo~ lho next IIICICUmUIIIJGn dale ptO\'Ided that It tAIII within the quafil)'lng period.

(VIII} Union D"-": Upon ~ry of sk* le.IW ~ en~vee·• UnlQn duels lllell c.a

(llcl Employee atalua wol conllnuli wftJ\ IW6pect to rNWttaiiWig teclreu ng"" lo contnKIWai pn:M&IOI\I.

(c) ~rrtng Dlubltity After Retum to Regular Wa~il

11. on retum 10 regu~;Jr Ol'l'lj'IIOymentlfler rec:GI'Mg Cllubtkty benefits, a IWsoquont penod ol dlsablf&IY r'6Cili'S will'lln six (6) monlhs *MI 11 '*led lo 11'18 caused tne prellioul d118bility. Ute following shall ~

.... 31

Enlitlemenllo elOSiin; Uck leall'lt cn.dilt &haD ON,._ the qWillf)'lng J*1Dd $hull be waiYed. and the em~ wu Immediately reco~ve LTD benet•~ aJ If !here tWl been no retum to WOfiL

(d} locfMdwaJ Rtturn- to R~gut•r Employment

(I) Servlct Credit: Service Cnxlil continues 10 DCIC1HI wt\lle on l TO.

(fl) \'eaUon Credltl The employH 'W\11 start eamlng wcatlon at8Citl based on total seMoe Ct'lldll

(Ill) The Company Hnhh and Dental Covorago: Premluma c:onllnte to be 1'1181ntllned by 11\e Company,

(Ill) The Com.,.ny Penalon Plan• Employee COII\Itlbutlona recommence.

(v) The Cotnpllny Oroup Lift 1n1uran.c. Plan: Employee oontrlbuUON recommoi"'Ci&.

(vi) Sick LtDVI Entitlement: For employees hllred prior to January 1, 2001 eight (8) days al100 percent (100%) and 15 days 111 75 percent (76%) pay wU be Immediately credited. On the nral aocumulaUon dat.e, ra$10filllon or $loll leave credits will take plac;e based on the total service credit. It is recognized thalltlis proll!slon Is aubjoctto ll'le proll!slona ol recurring disability as defined In Section 4.8.2 (c).

(vii) Slok LAalfa £nt1Uomant: For employ••• hllrod on or attar January 1. 2001 eight (8) alvk leave credits ehr;all be lmmedlotoly credited.

(viii) Union Duoa: Union duoa reootnmonco,

(a) Tarmln.tlon of L TO Banenta

TM l TO benefit 0011148 wtlon any of the following eventa OCICI.r

(I) Tho date the IndiVidUAl ceases to be totallY disabled or engages In any OCCUpation for wago or pront e~tcepl as pef!TIIllld by the IRohabllUatl\118 Employment Clause.

(II) The dille tho lndMdVIII IOJIChe$ 111J8 65-

(Ul) The dats lh& lndi~UIII f••ts urvenonoblY to llumlsh proo( ~ 1h8 contlnvana~ of suet~ total disability, or falls 10 ILibmlt to un e•:amlnation roquesled by the Plan's mectical edYISOtll At lhul point ol L TO benollls w!J cease and tile employee w.n be lermll1ll!Od

When 11n 81'11~ doH nell comply IMih U. eb<MJ reqUirements Ule Union will be lnfarrnod and lid aa the employ.o'a acMx:ate' prior 10 SUdlloiTillnaiiOn.

(lv) Ttw ctlllt cne lndMdual dies.

(\1} Ttw dAtflhO tn<!Mdual roceivar; pet•sb• undor the Company Pen.5101'1 Plan.

(I) lnctu:atiull

(i) llD Benefrts: lnc!Mduals who are In ~ of lTD beneriiS ,..... lhllr LTD benefr&level incteXed by the same amount &hat pensions 1ft tndeJCMl

(fl) Pensfon Calculation - Base Eam111Q&: For the purposes of calculalmg the pension benefit for l TO recipients the base earni1'19S at the ond of !he qual~ pe.riod Will be increased by the amount o1 1M inefexetlon tncroew granto<lln (t) above.

(Ill) Insurance Benefit- Base Earnings: It Is B$Veed lhat ror Jl'.'1IOAI ol catc:ulallng the group life Insurance bensfll for lTD reaplentll, the base eamlngs at the end ol the qualifYing penoct wiU be lns:reased fly tile amount of the inde•aiJon lnaaase granted In (l) above.

4.8.3 Rehabllltltlon and Re•mployment

~!alive em pi~ Is an lmponanl. feature of &he Plan which proVIdes an emplOyee Wllh additlonalllnancial incentive and assistance to re-enter the \Writ foroe. Ills deflned at any employment Wilhn the C<Jmpany and ·remalns rn effect untll the employee is onere<~ regular employmeot.

If during the cilsabil1(Y penod, an employee be<:orn$S capable of worttln;. the Company shall endeavOI.lT to provide an (diSabled) employee with wo11t hefshe Is capable ol performing. Il ls recogniZed that an employee must be prepared to attempt rehabilitative ernpiOymenL In the event the employee refuses reasonable ret\Sbllllallve or regular employment, he/she shall be leiTillnated and fooelt aJI nghls to l TO benefits.

During rehabBitatlve employrnsnt, re.munetatlon wll be promted based on the hours WOI1ced and the hourly me d the current base rate of the rehablitatrve po$illon. Emt*Jyees Will continue to recel\18 approved L lt)/Sid( l.eal/6 benefits, however, the bone#llle\1181 WIJI be adjusted so lhat the IOil!JI of tne rehabilotaUVe eamlngs and tflese beMflts shaft nat eletlled the current base rate of the posillon occupied prior 10 dlsablemenL

Mer the employee has successfully completed his/her rehabllltallve employment and has been placed In a regular job on a con!lnulllQ capacity, he/she will be paid at the normal nate o¥ the job 10 wNdll\el&he has been placed. subjec:IIO atty appllcable relrogresslbn po~cy.

U ,Jo& ~ .nd ln&w:aoce ao.rd Paymenc.

The WOflfp(ace Salei.Y and 1nsuranca Board (WSfB) rs responsible ror actmtniSter!ng IN Woril:place SafelY and Insurance At:t and PIJ)'meots Will be made accocdihg to lhe PfO~ aet out Within lhat Ad. ~ fUllJI'e feglstalive or regulatory cha119es mey l'leOilssitale furttMtr discussion on the part ol both parties.

Pendiflg lhe decision or the WSIB regarding ent.tfement to awlllds, an employee's norllWI '!IIlli be maintained at hislher c:urront level of sic* leal/6 (L&. 100%, 75~. 0%).


•U.S SuppJementary Gnmt

(t) Deflnltlon of lupplenMntary Gttnt

The euwlefl'lltltary gnt.nt ls on tmounttK~ual to tho dltrerence becween the WSJB award and IN tmployee'a f10ml81 earnings atter &ta iUIOf)r deciiiCif.ona.


WSIB twafd for thl$ seol/on ex~s perma111nl lmpalrment awartla gran loci for accident datos prior to Ja1nuory 1, 1990, NOn·Econom\c: Loss Awards or Older WO!ilet" SIJI)plements.

Trio omployee'a earnings fOf tho purpose of catculnllno lhe aupplamenrary grant Will lnctudo onlY r.gutar achedufecl houre ror o normiiiNak.

n,. aupplemef'ltary grant will be such n amount at to maintain the employee's normal not pay.


Such t Qfllnt will not lnaludo paymtnts fot llllfl bonus, re ef pay, ovet1Jme or fl(ernium houri or other paymen11~ whloh are not ~ble wtlen the emplOyee fe 8bs8tll rrom. and not available for ~

(b) Who Rtcelv .. tl'le SUPC~Itmtntaty Grant

ThO tupplementary grant Will be mad 11 01\ly to ptOOattOI'lary and 1110U1ar emplo)lees.

Elr\p~ who art recei-Mg W()(lq)l•c:e 5aftly a11rd Insurance 8oaro bel'efits (Ot dUns or lr4u11ts suffered While 1rt the employ of an etnpjo~ Olh8r lt\'811 the Corrc;Jany are roqulrtd to nobly !he Company d being In l"eeeeept ct those benefits 1t1 onfet ID qualify for the auppielriOnlafY gnll\t. TI1eso e~ Wlll M• be tllgrble for sick lecMt while reoelWl; Warllplace Safety and lnsuranQII BcetO benefits thet qusl1fy lor the 111pplemontary gn~ot.

(cj Rtaponalblllty fOit Jlaymtnt

Tl'lll rupanslbll1ly for paymonl Will be In ltCCOI'CI40C:II with nw Slandard Author~· ~yfoll Document•.

(d) Withholding the Orant

The DWard d thO l~tary g!Wil $1'10Uid not b• WIIIV\ald unless lhere IS strong eVIdonol of II'Ofi' negligence or oblllous miscondUtill on tnt pert of the 11\'l.lnld employee. The aupplamernary g/1111\ w/JI «» Withheld II the om,:Jtoyee 15 not Ol)o()C)IIIa(ltlg tn lhe Early end Sate Return to Wtwk Process or • Labour Mantee R&«ltry Pla11 or refuses a rnodicaly sull.l!lblo posthon

Authority tor Wltnholdlng the g~lla wsteci 111 dnetors ~r conslt\.l:tiOn ~~~ 10 oonWiatlon wfth Huma11 Resources and Com~1!Jon and Beneli'!a.

(e) P1.1yment While In Receipt ofWSIB Award

An employee In receipt of Total Temporary Disability (nD) benefits will receiVe the supplementary grant for lhe entire period. Upon nolillcaUon or lhe amount of the Economic Loss (FEl) BWI.Ird and/or LOE award the Company agrees to p<JY supplementary grant monthly on the FEL award and/or Loss of Eamfng (LO~ award for a maximum of 24 months. Any workers' oompen&ation payments in eKcess of lhe FEL award and/or lOE award, eKdudlng the Non-Economic l()SS (NEL) award. shall be oooskfererl part or the FEL awafd and/or LOE award lor purposes of calculating the supplemel)tary grant. Upon request, the employee shall be pa/(1 0\lt any outstanding vacatiOn enutlemenl while payments are being prooessed.

Fer employees on rehabilitative employment the total CMJpensaUon of FEL and/or WS16 Award plus rehabilitative earnings plus the Company supplementary grant shell nol eKteed 100% of the current rate of the pre-dfsablllly fob.

If after 24 monlhs In reoelpl of supplementary grant and a FEL award and/or LOE award the employee ls sUIJ unable to return to work. he/she shall be placed on sick leave. The employee will oonllt'lue to draw from hislhet sic!( leave bani< on a daily basis at the rate of ltalf (0.5) a day If !he amount equal to the supplementary grant is equal to, or less than 4, and a full day If the amount equal to the supplementary grant Is greater titan 4 hours per day. While on approved .s!ak leave, however, !he benellllevel Will be adjusted so tnal the total of any WSIB award and the sick leave benefit shall not exceed lhe employee's current base rate_ Upon expjry of sicK leave, if the employee. Is still unable to return to work, he/she shall qualify for LTD less any award, pensfop enlltlemenr ancUor any supplement from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (exclUding NEL award) and/or the canada Pension Plan •

.-.8.6 Walwr of Posting Of Selec:tlon

If at any lime an individual Who Is In receipt Cif lTD or Wor1\plaoe Safety and Insurance Soard benefits is capable of retumlng to any further serVice with lite Company or" a medically sUitable position becomes available for an employee who Is medically ~ed While at work or on sfck leave, the Company will request, and the Union shall normally grant a waiver or post111g or seleotlon after considering all medically restricted employees eligible onder the ~abllllation and Re-Employment Policy.


4.9.0 Medical R.eimbU1'8ement Plan

It Is recognized that from time to time employees are faced with exceptiooal needs ror items not covered by the EKtended Health Plan. Rallter than amend the Plan to cover spectnc Items applicable to a limited number of employees, It was agreed we could accommodate e.xcepUons to the Plan If e degree affleldbllity was Introduced. This Plan applies to PWU represented employees only in the following categories. regular. probationary and regular seasonal. The Medical Reimbursement Plan {MRP) is Jointly administered between the PWU and BnJoo Power.

A- 3!i

The Medic:al R.etmblnelnenl Plan (MRP) ia to be ueed In address llluallons ln¥0Mng extr$me personal hardshiP andll;ir where the Ptan Is silent em tner seMce or Item. or the reqtlllt!lllllnl exeeflds the ptan limit This does not tAke tne place of !hi rt19ular process for exceptions to the Extended Health Plan, EliOII{ltlons may be a~ llf the Comlli!"Y agreos lhet1l iS a cost bene/i110 the Company Wanagement wll contribUia $.315,000,00 tor eacn year of the collecllve aQreetnenl ~January 1. 2010. Th$ local MRP committee will be compi\Sed of ooe (1) represenlatNe ffOI1l tho PWU and rono 11) from Managemen~ wt1o will dl$posjtlon llle submissioN Quai\GfiY.

Th$ reQuests for c:.oversge must be submitted to ihe Cerrl'$r tor determlnaliOn of ellglbWty and subsequent payout provided they meet the rules of the !name Tax Act (ITA). For fllrlher Clarfflcalloflrefar to lntenl. ~~ PWU-JI.001 Medical Raimbursement Plan.

4.8.1 Rogutar Employees, Pen.lonen and R;egulw Empie:~ R~vlna Wortplace 81f•ty and lnsurano. Boatd P~ents

Subject to the condition that employees entOIIItlelt spoCJisa and dependent chlldnm, the Company agrees to pay 100 peroent (100%) of the prerntums rot:

Exception: Regular part-time employees shall be eAglble for Heal1h lnsvranct Plan coverage. Such emplOyees w\11 be requll'(.ri 10 pay COSis of premltJns (em;~ pi OHIP) based on hours. not wuked divided by lhe regular houri of the Classification. If he/sh$ elec1a not to pay, w!U not be ~vd.

(a) OHIP • Covers medical and S1andardl ward hospllll &ervlet!S.

(b) Supplementary Plan - Covers seml-pnvate hospital serv!OeL

(c) Extenchld Health Bemrflt Plan - Co11'11111ge detaOs are contalnttd In the m.mM'lt bloctlurtt enliUed • Health and DEtnlal Betlefils for Members tor the PWU, Eligible Oependentl and Pensioners•,

(d) Group Dental Insurance Plan.· Coverage d$1&1111 ar$ cont.amed In tho cumllll brOChuro entitled "Health and Den lei Benents for MembeMI (I IIIlo PWU, Eligible Oepend111ts and Pl!nsioners".

All emp!Qyee may YOII;.Intarlly discontinue coveraQttln p111ne (b), (c:) 1nd (d). Upon llileOiry, and depending upon the tefi1!1S of oooh pion, a Wl!ltln_g penod mll$1 be salttfied before S8Moes will be covered. Thla would not apply to ohangetrelaUng to manlalfdependents m wa.

Elfec!tiY& January 1 or Bach year or the collectiVe &tiJI'Oement. dontl3t re11s w«lt>e paid up to the amount• shown In tho current OOA Fllfl Gukle.

~9.2 Probatlonary Em&*,_• Tb$ Co!npa~WID pay 100 poroant (100%) of aU clalmsa!nd foos for all probationaty1nd regiJW employees~ are oowred by the Sema.pfiyate. Hospital Aceommodatlon Plan, Exlended lieelth ~Pion el'd 0&11taf Plan Co11e11~ will comrrtenoe on the employee'& Es1abrlShed Coimn81~C~~mont Oala and will cease on the omployM's tetmlnatlon data. The


Company will pay 100 pei'Cf!f'lt (100%) of CHIP PI&mlums commencing the secood IT10I1ttl of ernptoymenl


4.10,1 ,._n1lon and lnauranc:e PlaM

t•> The present Pension and insurance Plana of BnJce Power form pa1t of this Collet1ive Agreem81'1t. Tl'!e penSIOn portion or the Plan IS generally desetlbed in the current brocliuro •aruca Power Pension Plan". The Insurance portion of the Plan fs generally de act! bed In the current brochure ·sruce Power - Group Ufe Insurance Plan, U111ng Benent and Spousal Life Insurance Brochure• CMnges to the plan affecting employees Within the jurisdiction of the Union shall be subject to the following:

(II Changes other than leglsleUve changes shall be made only UJ)OI1 mutual consent

(II) Bruoe Power shall not request legislation or Order-in-CouncH approval for propoaod regulations or make rules whlch would c:Mnge employee benefits Ullless upon mutual comnmt. Moreover, Bruce Power will not unila:lefCIUy seek legisla:lion to chenge eccess to surplus unlus upon mutual consent

(110 In the event of the enactment or any general· ponalon legiSlation spp(fcabte to the emplOyees of &tlce Power, a~ others, Bruce Power fl'lil), after no4ifadon to the UniOn. effect amel'oCimeot « the Plan PfO\IIdod tltat the eombiflation of benelils resulting ~ the Plan a a 10 amended Rnd IUch lllgl$lahon wlll not be less In Iris &Qg!l!glll. ~ tne benefits l'lt1N provfdod

•As oppoeod to~ !n,uatect by I-'- ComP4111Yalln S.Ctton 4 10.1 (a)(i).

(b) PtoaiOn and lntUfllllC& ttems "'10 be a:ubml!IOd •t ln.l1mt INlt regular amendments to VlO Cotr.dJve AgJeement are 5\Sbmtlleod al'ld ~ be negotJafed Ill Chit tJrne or r&QUiar betgainlno.

4.10.2 P·enalon Phm

(a) Tho Interest rate 011 contribUtions. raltlr'neel 1o ~,trmlnated employftM will btl 11111cvtated as set oul ln the Pension Plan of Bruc:e Ptlwer.

(b) Integration with Other ElonafTta: Pension dlsoblllly to be discontinued upon Implementation of lTD Plan. Those presently 011 p.ntlon dlSAI:llllly to conllnu undor 11'\e el(fsUng proYisklns.

(o) In raoogrlllioo of proposed benefit Improvements lhe Union &QroH lhliiM IAllue ot any El rebete silall accrue ID BlUCe Powet

(dJ e.rtv Retfr.ment-wtt.hout DiScoont

(I) Rule ot 82

Dfcotwe July 1, 2000, any member who on the Claro or rotlrotntW!\ 11 ~t.eo oy 11'11 Power WO!Mis Utioo may. oo or alter tile rll"'t day of tne mon1illf1 wtlldl 111!1 wn d the men\be(s age 111 years and yeora of COf\l"'uoua employmont Ia

A. ':17

equal to or greater than etglllY two (82), rec811Ve a pe11$lon tnat '' 100 percent or tile mBmber's earned pension CXl!TlPUied in ecc:otdance witl'l the rules of the ,penslon plan, In particular, rule 15

(II) Employees who do not qualify for an unreduc:ed early reltrement pension under 4. 10.2 (e) 0) or 4, 10.2 (e) (ii) mny rellre without discount aftel' completing 35 years of conl.lnuous serVIce.

Early Retlrernont Olsc;ounts

Tablet Table 2 Table 3 All employees vltlh 2.6 or All employees With 15 or Female employees hfred more years' coniJnuous more blii less than 25 •years' prior to 1976 With 15 or more servlee (eKcept females contifluoos s8f\ltce (8lCcepl yesre· continuous set~~~ce hired Drior to 1976} females hiredprl9r to '19761 Age Peroent Age Percent Age Percent

Discount Oisc:ounll OlsooOnl 55 15 55 25 50 25 56 '2 56 22 51 22 Employees wllh 25 or 57 19 52 19 more yeara' continuous 58 16 53 16 seMCe ere eliglbte for the 59 13 54 13 rule or 82 at age 57 or 60 10 55 10 greatOf. 61 8 66 8

62 6 57 6 63 4 58 4 64 2 59 2 65 Normal &0-65 Normal

Reliremonl Rellreme/lt


The abave lllctors apply to employees IM'Io ~I) not othei"'Me qualify tor undlsoounted early retirement pension.

(e) Ellrly Retirement - Wlth Ol~unt

(I) The early retirement discount Cactort ~~:hown ~rt lllble 1 are for employees wllh 25 or more years' conUnuou& 6ervlc:e (e)(cept fe~nales hlte<l before 1976) Who do not qualify for undlscoun!CIO early relltament penulon.

(U) AU employees who terminate and vest U1elr pl!llslon Will be entJIIed lo the same early retirement diSGoOnl atro aet out under (I) 1sbave provided t~y had gompteted 25 years' continuous service by the date of their tennlnatlon.

(Ill) Tile early retirement discount factors shown~~~ Table 2 eppty to all employ&n who have 15 or more but less tl1an 25 years' contlnuoUB service, eltOI!pt tamales IJJred be.fore 1976,

A · 38

{lll) The earty retlfement discourrt fa010t'$1t1owr\ In Table .3 apply ro all female estiPIOyees hired betnre t976wno have 15«more '/Nr'i• cont1nuous seMOe ond do not qualify for an uncftscounted pension.

(f) Tn1nst.r of Penafon Cradi'ts BetwHn Reclp.roc:al Emplo)'llts and Bruce Powet

Providing tile reCiprocal employers agree, the pen$101'1 credits may be ln!n5feiTOCI to el'ld from the reclprooal employer and Bruae Powor II the elfeoted employees have fully vested their pension credits with I he former employer and were hired by Bruce Power/reciprocal employer within three months of the tetmlnatlon date. This provision allows retroactive application.

(g) Indexing

Pension benefits for Pension Plan membeta who Immediately prfor to tennlnahon of employment were members of lhe Power WOIUra' Unl~. Will be increased oo January 1 of each year by 100 percent ( 100%} of tile Increase In the Consvmer Pr1oo Index. up to a maximum of 8 percent (8%) per year. In the event that the Increase In the CPI exceeds 8 percent (8%). the Increase shall be earned forward to future years. In the event thellhe CPI decreases, the percenlnge decrease shall be applied In detomdnlllg &ubsequent Increases In pension t;lenefltG. A decre9so In the CPI shall not reduce pension benefits In payment.

(h) Survivor Benefits

Pensions of survivors of reiJrees who were members or the PWU on the day tl1at he/she retired, shall be based on 66 2/3 percent (66 213%) of the member's pension.

(i) Continued Contributions

Employees may elect 1'0 continue to contnbute to tht pensfon plan be~ 35 yeara o1 service.

4.1 0.3 Group Ufo lnsunanc:e

(•l At 11'18 time pennanent wage s<ljustments lo base annual eaml~s (as defined In lhe Insurance plan) are Implemented. l!ldju&l~nts Will also be made In lnsultlllCe COil9rage as follows:

(I) If the change Is elfecti\!e on or between the flrst calendar 11nd ti1B first Osoal clay of the month, eligibility Js established for the gtven month.

(In If I he change 1s effective .on any other day of the month. eliglbltlty Is established lor the ne~ month.

lbl Ufe lnsutallCB coverage of $20,000.00 \Iiiii be provided for employees who are required to woric or trall'el in helicopters or aii'Ctnlt This eovetage shall be •n addition co U~e Group Ufe lnS~Kaooe Pfan.

(c) Addftlonat Uta lns:ura:nc.

A· 39

The Employer w\11 Implement optlc,lns to pun:! 110 men un.t1 ol hfeiNui"'JJICe (4x ot 5x base pay) al no cost to the Employer for ellilble IHTip\o)'OOS. .adica' lnfom\ab will be required 1o determine ellgiblllty.

(d) Spounl Llfelnauranee

Effeetlve July 1, 1994, ellgibl6ty under tho Spout~ I ute ln$-uranc;e P1091am In place 85 of Aprll1, 1994 Will be ext811ded to PWU tef)resented atnployees Ell'ec!IYa May 1, 1.004 thls program will be axtended to retirees.


4 ,11.1 Bonus and Outatandfng V~e~tloo Paymenl.t on ReU,.ment

(a) All amoroyee Who haa completed 10 ~&rt of conllooous employment, shall II$ g1Ye11. on· retirement, e C88h bonus taqUI.llla on• (1) month'(~ pay. (In the case of a regular pett~me employee, the on. ( 1) mont11'8 pay will be pro-roted as per Part A. Item 1.2.2.} The emp~ wiltllaVO U. oplloo Ia bnnk the C46h bonu1111owards retirement. This banked lime Is 10 be ueod tmmedlotely ptoeed.Jng retirement.

(b) The~ on rw~ aholl alae be~ o cash payment rorany outstanding vaca101 credits The Clllh Plymen( W1ll be on the same basts as oulfined In Part A, 4.4.7- Vaealion Paymtt~t on Tennine~llon.

(c) If reqlllred by !he Co"'PCW'Y to po6tpone hWI'Iet vacatioll fot tl'le year Immediately Pflor to rellramont. he/she lhBll IWCeMt e c:nh p.1ymont for that period. No payment shell be made for unUAid \I8CII!lon IOf any olhw years,

4.11.2 Retirement WliiJe 111

An employee who raus tU and .. not Dble 10 rwtvm 10 'MII1t ptiOr 10 U'le ap{I'OIIed normer or ea!iy retirement date, shall, subjeclt to approvol by the CWef ~ oontlnue 10 be caulod on tho paYJoll as follows:

(a) Slck l.eavo Oraot !;.ten• to or a. yond R.etirement Date

tt tho slallloave grant oii/Tias the employee to ot beyOnd the a,ppi'CMid rel:rl!ment dDte, tho employee a hall be rellred U))on befng declated fitlo return to WOttl. rT 1JPC11 explrAUon of I he sick leave grant, whlcl'levef comes firsl. The employee lhall be gJven a cash payment In lieu of My out&tanding vacation enti\Jemenl up lo normal tellrement dlte (see SIJbs&ctlon 4. 11.1 (b) preceding], plus a bonus or one ( 1) monett's pay Cf4 appllcablo, tee Subsection 4.11.1(a)).

(b) Vacation Cr.dlt and Bonus Extend a to or Beyond Retlnunent Date

If lhct $lett leave grant expires prior to the api)IOved retirement elate. bUt pan or all ot 1M outs&ancllng vacation etedlt (Pal'\ A, S~rion 4,4,7 · VacaUon Payment on TOfll11nauon) and bonus of one (1) month's pay pr C~ppUeable, cee Subsection 4.11 l (a) preceding} ca!l'.es lo or~ 1M approved ntttrement dtlte. the employee shall be given a cash payment in lieu cf any unused portion of:

(I) The vacal.ii'Jn cr&dilllceumW!Itecl up to tho expiry of I he llc:k leave: andlor

A· 40

(II) The (1) month's bonU5.

(c) Sick UtliY11 Grant, Vacatl on Credit end Bonua ElJtl)lru 8ofore Rlltlrement Date

lr ltte sick leaw grant together Wi th any outslalldlng vacation c:n:rdll and (1) month's bonus {Wtlete applicable. see the prtteed~JVJ SUbSE•Ctlon 4,11, 1(8)] does not carry to ltle approved date, the case snan be re(effed to ltle H4!8Jth Servloe$ (or II Clelermi1'1BtiOO or the employee's ellglll(li ty for LTO,

(d) Unused Vacation Crodit for Pnlcedlng Year

An employee on sick teaw grant wtllch extends oooer the beginning of a calendar year may be allowed ctedll fot' any unused vacation ror 1110 preceding year. subject 10 the approval of the director. or Qffdal of equfvalellt or l~igher status Will'! the con(lUI'tence of Health Services.


41.12.1 Postand Tr.nafet • GeiMif'lll

All reglAar fUII·tlme and rogUiar p311· !ime poaltlons wirh1~1 Of one lewl above the Umon"s jW'ISdlctlOI'I Will be advertla&c:l wt1eo they become vacant. SelecliOn to be made or the vacancy c:ancelled within f01.1r (4) months after the posting date Olf the advertl:;ement Transfers of suc;ces.sful appijcunts to be made or rate far the 118W pol !Ilion paid In aecon:1ance with lhe PromobOn Rule as identified 111 Part A sec:tlon 5.10.1 - fi. 10.3 no later Chon 30 daY$ from lhe date ol selection (or the poslllon. Ourtng this 30-day period, Managemenl Will provide a firm transfer dal& to the new poslbOn and 8'/SfY eff011 wiiii>O mede 1o complete the transfer \!lilhln live (S) months or ecceptenoe o1 the IM!W position Alletr 30 days ol eccepllng a new PQJltion and where the successful appltc::ant has not reponed to the new posillor!, tho «mployee's progression lime Will commence Where the SIJCIC86Sfuf applicant has not reported to the new position and the new posilion 1$ ll tower rete of pay than the potltkln being vac::ated the applk:anl wttl maintain tne ~unsling rate ol pay until actuailly reporting to the new Q05ltJon. Wllete the 6ucce551ulliPPflcanl temams in the wrrent pi)Sltlon lhe PfO\'IS!Ont of the Collective ~ant that apply to lhe CIJITetll906itlon Will remain l1n effect un~l the transfer Is completed.

One (1) copy of the compiled list of appllclrnls for olllldvertised vacanc:tlee will be forwarced to the Union Otf~Ce,

4.1 u Hollne«ttot~ to Appltc.nts

<•l It the decisiOn has been made Within live (5) weekt1 of tho closlng date of SIMI advertisemont. then al that time, 1t1o supet'Jisor wf~ll ttte vacancy or hl&lher Human Re60urtles contact wlR be responsible for:

Advising aff epplleantt Who 118119 beenlntEit\18Wed or the dec:IIJon In WfliJJlg

Supplying Human R8SOI1roes Wllh the tlst of sUCC8!15ful applicants for pubJ;catJon. The pubtrshed fist Win be considered appropriale notlflc:ntlon for t.hose applicanls who were nollnteNiewed.

(b) If the decision has not been made Within five (5) weeks of the closing date of the aCiver11tetnenl. thOn atlharllme. the supervisO( willh the vacancy or his/her Human Resources cot11act will be responsible for.

Ensuring lhlt all appPCIIflfS who do not po$sess tile necessary qvatlflcaUons are noUfied lnat !hair eppUcatlono have been C01'1sldered and tl'ley were not successful.

Ensurln{llhat all remaining l.'lppllc:ants ere ll\lormed or lhe delay, the slatus of their appllciiUon and When a decision Is likely to be macle.

(c) Whefl a final docision hill> been made. the supervl1&or or his/her Human Resources Manager will ensure 0'181:

The unsuccessful applicants not yet Informed are noUfled of the rmal decision as soon as possible. The name or the sucoessful appllcent(s) should be given.

The sucoenM eppllaant(s) and hili/her sUperVIsor Is notilled.

Notify Human Resources olthe name of the suecerssful appffcanl(s) lor publlcatlon.

4.1 a .3 Slmllllt Vac.ncles

When a elmnar vacancy occurs beyond four (4) months following the pos1Jng date or che adver11oement ft must be reposted and considered septtl'tllely.

4.12.4 ln11ructora and Training Technicians

Advertised vacancies for lnstruators and ttalnlng te.chnlalaru may be tilled on a temporary basis. The lime periOd shall not e~ 1 B montht after which the Incumbent wm revert to his/her regular olasslfiCiiUon end tocatlon. Tho poslllon(l•} will be &CIIIeltlssd eoch lime wtlh tha provision that an employee wiU not be IS81ecited for fVW) (2) consecutive terms. The employee win be compensated as per Part A. Item 6.1 1.1 for the posltlon vhule he/she Is r.)IIJined In ll and hiS/her progroStiOn In hlslher original ctassttloat1011 Will not be ~yed bacausa of such a tomporary asalgnmont The number of positions In " department filled on a temporary basis will not e'XCIIed 50% of tha posJllons fillod on a regular basis. Exceptions to ltlls clause may be joln!ly 8Qraed to between 1he Seetor Vle&-PreSident or de1Bg111e and Management.

4.12.5 TemporaryRoUef, Acting. or Rotatlonllf Opportunlcy Poshlons

Temporary ReRef. Mtlng or Rotational OpportUnities 19C11Uired for greater than tweh!e (12) moolht will be pOIIIed at the location. Selectlon criteria 1-'N be per Article 10 Selection Rules. Should a st1ol'llerm relief situation evolve to exceed twet\18 (12) months, tile~ Manager and Chief Steward will determine the most appropnate l!tay to d•t with the situation

Rt!IM Po!Jtlon:

• Backfilling for an employee who has vacated lhelf position temporarily. e.g., ma.temlty leave.

• BackfUIU\g ror an employee who has moved lo some other temporary Job.

ktlno Pos!tlcm:

A- 42

• ri!Hng a I'IIOOg~ed position in 1hB ocvanlzatlon with no ii"ICUTTibent. • W111tng let a fUll-time person to be selected/assigned to thal position.

R91111on OIJI)Ortunity{Iempo!!ty A,sslgnrMnt:

• Not 8 base, regular posrilon in the ocvanl:zalion. • Dvllnluve d\JI'atJOI\ With speal1c stan and end date. • W~ W!U nor conttnue atlet rotation tennlnales.

(a) The Company agree~> IX) fh6 p11naple or lhe release or employees to 1emporary aa.ignments.

The followmg Cllltetia Wtll be ClOMidered based on the Company's values:

• O&vetopmenlal Oppom~nlllea • Pfomolional Oppettunlllet • Buslneu needs

In the event thai an emplo)'ea cannot ~ released as n~quested, the appropnate M~r Will meet with the C/'llef Steward to discuss and disclose all details wtth a view 10 ro80Mng tho INUe.

Tl'lla item 11 aubject to the gf~e-Y811C81atbitralion process.

4.12.8 Clerical - Ttct\nlcal Provttlont

All wcancies as tot out In Attlde 10 1 and as COW!tad by this secUoo of the agreement will be I)Oateo '1<1len lhey become vacant with Ule lof1owing exceptions

1. A change to the Job dulles. nstlng attd/or salary grade resullirQ from a Cterical-Technlcal Job Evaluollon Plan ella~. or a Relliew af e RaOng fr'/the Job Classillcatioo Commllt ... oro chango to a Job Iiilo oo4/or OQCUp&tlon ood'e of'Jy, shall not be conaldllfOd to Ct'O#IO a VllctAnoy.

2. A onong to lho dut.lot ol an ocoupled job. wnere.n thB salary grade remains unchanged. ~htlll not be cont!Mtad to create a vacancy.

3, A chango to the dutMN oC a Job coveted by the Oaric:al-Technlc:al Job EvaluatiOn Plan which reiiilll in an lncnaso to the aalory glllde shaS not be CDI\liidered to cnate a II8C3f1CY If !hera Ia, In tile ComPenYs opinion, an employee in the immediate wor1< group who Ia 1110 only ono quttiJitd to perfom1the resoltlng Job. Howevel'. in such cases, if I hera it • mont t;enlor omplo)'8e in the same Job in the same work group who was not llppolnled to tna muttlng jOb, hal$1le shad tlave the right to seek redress under Article 2, Grievance Proced~.

4. Q\anget 10 lobt ~ nsauu tn a SUJPius 1n $laiT comptement of lh.e work group sllall not be conaldered to crNio a vac:allC)' In 1t1e rewtting Job(s)

5. The restn.oclln1g of a JOb In a mat~ner whiCh juatl\1 .. appftcaUon ollhe Dclwnward Resltuc:Wring Rule {sedlon 5.9.9 (b) oi!Nt &eeliol\ 01 AQreemenl) Ul the lncumberlt. >&hall not be ~5idefed ID ueale a vacancy'.

4.12.6 (a} Posting~·

A notice of vacancy refemf'I!IIO jobs CIOYilled by lha CIGncal-T ~Neal Job Evah.111Uon Plan man be ees.:~ on tne job daeripllon and jCb speOiflc:a!iotl and sttan oe potl.a com~. NotNng contalnod '" the notlc:e of ~ 11\all con~n~wne the !nfonnaUon c:ontalned In 1118 iob ~ No lm~ mformatkln (subjoct to 190011 limitations) .shall be omitted. A no110e ol vacancy 1elt1ng out a hlghet educatiOn or upenenoe req\.lhmeot !han lndlc:ated 1n lhe JOb i~lledtJcatlon Will ~ 1 COti'WC:t8d notice of ~ .nci&J\ extended date ot cJosun~,

4.12.7 Trsdn' Clasalfl<=ltlons ProvltdoiUI

(a) Selection tot Acting fn Vacanc:les

Solection to be made within 90 days after 11 wcanc;y In an eXIlltlng saltiOn OOI!llllo, and where &here Is a qualtf.ed applicant. Selec:llon wtlllin 90 d4ys r. not applc8ble In llalrtng new atat!ons

All acting posltJorls are to be limited to 90 dayt unatu extenllonl .. llgl'ted to by tile Company and the appioprlate Seotor f'891'esenl.oll'<18 of the UniQn, Pending lhe ~I of !he suoce&stut applk:altt and his/her essumln(J ot u_, notmal dutiOt, lha &Oting ~mbenc vhlls performing lhB oonnal dutiA and respon$lbiili1Gs or an •amlftll" POSIUon shill receive lha rate torlhe position.

(b) Staffing Nudear Operator Po.ltlocu

(I) SupeMsing Nuclear Opera lot a no AuUlCiritecl Nuclollr Operator YliCI111C181 win be filled u91g Miele 1 0.1.3.(8).

(II) Nuclear Operator and Major Panel Operator f)()SIIIoinl WIU be ~ unci~ Article 10. Posftlons will be adver11scd .s!DIIno tho naqulred sp&clafizatJon and requisite qualifklatlon&. e.g., handling, Urlil 0, and unlta.

(In) The selecUon of lateral applicants Cram a gfwn cla:sslt1ca11on trom a $flEICilied depal'lrnt!f1t may be llmlte<t to fiVe In all)' ca~'ld~r yeer.



(I) Salal'le$ and 'WitgO mtes wll be In accorcSAnca With the salary and wage $d\lld\lles Which am pen ot tiVs agreement

(b) Trsnshlr ol Dudes

Nolwttmlarldlng •nt otroer provtsl01l$ of tl'le Colledlw Agreement the followmg lhaJI apply.

Both parties aCknowledge that we need to change the way we wor!llo Improve efficiency. The parties agree that only an approaclh where In \he lollQ run both employees pnd the company benefit from the char.tges will suaceed. To meel lhls challenge the parties agree to the l'oltowing princl~lel>.

• Safety will not be negatiVely Impacted,

• Cora duties will not be removed from the exls\i11g job classifications.

• Job ratings and pay ratings will not be nega~vely affected by the changes.

• Where the job duties are increased the eslabllsthed process will be followed to fUllY assess the appropriate pay rate.

• Job documents, occupational da1inillons, Job eJ{pecta!lon documents and pay rates will be updated as necessary to reflect the cl'tarlQes.

• People witt ba property trained and supervised fOI' the work they do.

Management will inform U1e appropriate Chief Ste111ard{s) When duty changes are beins con.sidered. Tile Manager and !he Cllief Steward(!l) will assess the change against work efficiency and the above principles and decide hOVtr to proceed. The parties will deckle whether the work requires a review of job duties aold pay rate. If the parties cannot ag~e to U'te duty changes and/or the path forward then the matter will be iJXI)EI(fited to Jules Bloch lo arbiln!te wllhin thirty (30) days for final resolullon.


5.2.1 Hours of Work for 35 Hour Workers- General

(e) Weekly..salaried employees w!lose basic hours or~~ are 35 hours per week may be pe-riodically requtred to cl:laf'\9e their work toceUon und to wo~ 40 hOurs per week or the same hours as field staff. All hours In excess of 7 11ours par day, Monday to Friday, are to be paid at the SpPropriale premiUm rate.

(b) Certain technician classifications which have been established on a 40-hour week basis snan continue to wort< normal hours of 40 hours pe1r week but When 011 (leld wor!l may be required to work the same hours as U1e field staff.

!i-.2.2 Hou111 of Work for 35 Houns Work ere- Specific

With the exception of shift work, head offiCE! hours shall he a 35-hour week

8:30a.m. - 12:00 noon (Monday through Fr iday) 1.00 p.m. - 4:30p.m. (Monday through Friday)

5.2.3 Variable Working Houra for 35 Hour Wori(ers In Bruce Power Satellite Office

Employees wltt be requested each month to select their ~;tandard work period ror the fbUOW1ng month. The WOfk week will consist of 5, 7 -Mour days. Molnday to Friday. The hours of work selected must be In accordance wlth lh& observation of c:Ofe working hours of 9:00a.m. to l1:45 a.m. arid 1~15 p.m. to 3:00p.m.

A- 45

&uplo~s may select a starting 11tne wNdl la ll0188fllef' than 7:00 a.m. And nolloler than 9·00 am or at 1/4 hOUI' .n~ts prior to thal 'fhalr finltil'llng limo will not be earlier lhan 3:00 11-m. They may select etther a 30, 45, 60. 75 or 90 mlnu1to lunch petlocl to be taken between 11:45 a.m. 111\d 1:15 p.m.

The hour$ of 9o'OOl $01ected 111'8 S\lbje<:t to the I IJI)GMsof'l GPCWOVII. The 6Uj)I!I'VISOI' may, If necessary. r8$triQ some employaasto the hot.n of 8·30ia.m. to 4:30p.m. (for 35 hour per week omplorees}. The supervisor may notecJ9n 35 hcliU per woek employee• to heMs of work outside of 6:30 a.m. to 4·30 p.m .. ·~ a PfOV]d1lCI ffJf In Part A. Se~ 54 e•cept 5A.4, 6.4.5 (1), 5.4.4.

Where lf'l \he Companys ~. a worlf. VIlli QIIIIIOt be Of*lled satJsfacmrily under varlable wortdng hours, they will not be lm!llementad Tn 11'1111 Ulll

lndlv!dual deviation from selected work ac:hedules wlllriiqutre the supeiVi~s pnor •PI)roval.

5.2.• Hours ofWork for 35 Hour Wortt.ra-~ Site

Hours of work (lnci\Jdlng variable houR or work) fn locallona other than Bruce Powllr Satellite Office shall be negotiated by the Company and l/'le Seclor VIce President or Oeteoate of the Union.

Wl'lere in tl1e Company's opinion. a work unit cannot be oporated ullafactonly under variable wort<lng hours. they will not be tmplementttd In I hal unll

5.2.5 Hours of Work tor 37.!1 Hour Wol'kert

The normal work week ror employees &hall be 37.5 hour·s por WO$k ~!Jiatlng of 8 hour& per day Monday through 'Thursday, and 5.5 hours on Friday.

All hours worlted tn excess of nonnal dally hounf \IIIU be paid for Iii Ulo 4pllf0prielo overtime rate.

5.2.5A 37.5 Hour Wot'f(eJ'I (Houts of Wort Amlnt~~tmentfo)

When exploca \0 alternate hours d work ~ta. ~~~ pMt.w!sr interest ot ~ 11 ~WI be lalen inlo account 'llltlilst besl mee~~~g the neeas d bi.IIIMA, ClUIIOn\e!r llr4 ct.ontt.


ln eon&iC1en1g altemallw Mlf1( e~. !he fonov.1~ tllOUid bo ~

1 Where possible ho\n should be am.~ 1o aDow tne~te llci(fbffit)' '« Ulo emplo)'M t~Qch ll is rec:ogr1ized employee'S have the rfgflt to work the~r notrnal llollt1 (8'00 11 m lo 4 30 p.m.),

2. Procluctl\lilY levels will be maintained t.e. the PfopOUJ ~ be 00$1 oltedl~

A· 46

3. The Importance of job cowrage Is a major rectvlremelll. e.g. S1nce each s~Nfe,or is responsible for ooverage. he or she w1n determine witltl s131f the IIPPfOP!Ial& mix of starting and qultliog t1mes to ensure adequale coverage.

4. ElfectJve work new among units w,(l be maintained.

5 Appropnale leVel of senlioe to both external and intemal ClJStOmefS wUl be provided.

6_ lnll!rface and service to Construction trades Is essenllial.


1 n is recognlZ!!d that different sites and dllfereat pa!1s of each Of93nlzatlon may haw different requtrements ttlat nave to be met

2. lndill!dual slle agreements will be negotiated by mld~'rm and wilt be established on a trial basis.

3 As much as posSible equitable and consistent tteatment 'Nih be ensured fat pArticipating employees.

4. Variable hours, summer hours and othe1 arrangements may also be considered.

5. Small joint teams w!R be established at each locaUon to develop, monitor end modify arrangements. A member of the team Wilt be the Chiof Steward of the work group Involved. Proposals wilt be developed in less than three rnonlh Ume frame from the first team meeUng date,

6. SubJect to approval by Bruce Power local Senior Management and the Power WOit\e(s Union (PWU) Sector RepresentatiYa or delegate.

? . Arrangernenls negotiated are subject to cancellation on one month's written nollce by either party.

This IB11$J~e has been estnblished In a &pi tit of mutual U'Ust and cooperat.lon.

5.2.6 Hours of Work for Shift Workers

ti!J Rogular SchedUle

(I) A 12-mon\h sdledute wlll be posted 30 days prior to Its starting date. The schedule Will avera{le 40 houts per week and will Indicate the d~. hours of WOOc (shift) end position for each employee. The S1:l'ledule WJII end on the last day or ttle ltscal mont)\ of December The design elf the "'gular scl'ledute shall provide for a minimum or 16 hours off between shifts when working on an 8 hour shift sanedula and 121'\ours off between shills when wor1<1ng1 on a 12-hour shill schedule.

(ll) The regular schedule will be prepared so lhaL each employee's time Is balanced to uro (0) In the case of an 8 hour stllf1 scl'ledu~~ or plus or minus 4 hours In lhe case of a 12'·hour shttt schttdule (in this case the pl1us or min liS time will be carMd into the next schedule) as of 111e last da,y or cne schedule.

(Ill) Allhouot'l the content. ~r>eretlon. po&tlng and lldmlnlsll'81101\ of the ahif't schedule 1$ 1M 80MI r~•IY of IM oompeny, the preteren~ of the mafortty of sMft W'OtlloB at Oltch ttllllon for a parfiCUI.:Ir basic 1type of &d'IIKI~fo WIU be acfopted. Such pteC.rencos Will be made known to the company P«IOf to commencement of pntpaf8Uon of the now ad\ The fl'I\Bf *:tledule Wlft be mutually agreed to with the Sector nlpftientatlve unloQ In ~ comp•ny's oplnlon, the elflaiency of the Ita bon or the heatUl of a ahln wotke. could bo detrimentally elf octad by the chosen sel'ledi.Ae, then the company wlfl pflW161 Ole ~!IGctor Vroe Pr•&ldent or delegate With nt;nons «medical oplnlons wny the dHIAid schedUle cenoot be lmplernenlad.

The ptefecence ol llldMduel thrtl WOtltors rogerdlng vacation peflOdl Will be conslde.ced, prowllng audl prof•nmoft ant n~ade knOwn prior 10 commencement of pr1196fatlon of new IChecfules

..,.,. folloWing are the recognfz.ecl Clllarta or an &ceePtabla shift ICMCIUie:

(a) The schedule tnould equitably n>ta~ arnong en crews

(b) The setle<IUIO a!Wufd follow a repealing po_ttom 10 tl'let 1\ Ia aas~tY ull(jerstQOd

(c) fhe. eehedule $hOUid never be far off bettanQil and tholild reaiSOIIably appn>l(jmate tht lime 0'11 pi'O\IItlnns of day work. It folbwl then that a schedule shOUld not laa.,.long seq~~MCIM of wofk Wlti\OUt tll'Tie off. flO( tong sequences ol tJme off. In the cese or 1ll-llour INn te11Gdu'-'. time balances lhOuld cycle between (•I·) 36 nour& wlth an 8Cli1llonal (..-f.) 4 hotn as an e•ceptloo.

(d) Supemumenu:y at11ft& shall be Indica ltd' on tho rogul&r W!edUie as MondllY lo Friday day shll'is (0800 • 1800 houri) only.

(a) When .schedunng 12-NMn snlfta. tho meLidmum nvrnborol n.gh1ahllts to be WOfked in aequence would be 3 end thet molCimi.IITI n1.1mbett tJ d4~ to be worked In a sequence would be 4,

(0 Tl'lo 12-hour shift~ shall PfO~tfOiatteoat 48 hO\n off bei'NoOJ\ each sequonce of shlfla and atlaalt 2 fi'I}Uiv dgya ott will be schldulod ln each week (pay period).

(b) ReVIsions to the Regular Schedul•

A minimum o'l7 days' notJctJ sholl be glvoo when an employw'a houra tJ wotk. .u shown on !he regular S<lhedute. are to be ctlallQGCI, with tho folloWinO OlCC411)1ioM.

(I} With 3 days• notJoe an ampfoyee's houn ol wDf'll. may be c:Mnged 11 • foroed unit outage occurs for l'eatiorl$ of equ.pmont f11Uur•. or for a ulaty reason Refer to Mld·Terrn Agreement R•7 for doJinltloo ot unit outage.

The appllcebllty ol tl'te 3 day notiCe period In ttU ol1use is dependent upon a shll\ d\ange no lice being ~$sued to the aneatod en~ployees Wllhln 48 ~ ol tho ocxrurTenc.e ol lha forced unit outage

(II) In lho case or lllness, which would result In a staff shortage, 4 days' advance noUec~ will ~ given When placln,g an employee on shift.

(ill) Whon work load pemuts, a supernumerary day may be tnterc:hanglld with a regular day off at the employee's requesl

When WDtit load pennlt&, regular days off scheduled to oorraot tt plus (lme balance t.Wittng from a revision lo his/her regular schedule may be resohadul&d at the employee's requeSL

When scheduled work IS perfomled on a statulOfY holiday, an addltlonsl day (f) off 0 ~ scheduJed in leo ot ltte statutory h()ijday, This Ueu <tay shall be Identified on

tne Khectule. When worit load permits It may be tnt8RN.ngtld Willl another sclledlied working day after lhll stawtaey holiday at the employOO'ai'IIQUUt.

(fv) Rsvrslons to ilie regUiat schedUle WiD proVIde ttl8 following mlnlrnum hoors olf be tween shills.

(a) stllft ohange not10es between 12..hour chit\1\ wtl proVIde at toast 12 hoors off.

{b) Shift rJ\ange nolloet frcm a 12-hour &hlfl to an 8 hour shaft Will provide at least 12 bouft; on.

(c) Shift change notices from an &-hour ahltt to a 12·hour &hlft will provide at least 15 hours off.

(d) Shtlt change notices between 8-<hout ahlfta WID provide atleast15 houB off

(e) Shift c:~ notla!s between 10410Ur &hilt$ wiU prow1o at least 12 haul$ off.

(f) Shift change notices from a 10-hovr shift to a 12-hour 111111 or VIce versa win provide at least 12 hours off.

(g) Shift change nollcas from a 10-hour shl" to an &<hour ahlfl or vloe versa will provide at teas115 hours olf.

r allure to provide the abc:MH1ot.ed minimum houns ofl \IIIII teq\.h thai oromiUm rales be pald rar tl'le fnt alf~ed sMI.

(II) ReVIaloos to the regular &Chedule wi!He WC>flling a 12-nour ahln schedule Will not ro&Uitln an emptoyea worlllng more than 3 nlgl'll sllifts In a r<N~ and must provide at ttul 2 period• of 24 hours off ln a week (pay penod). Notw1lh$tandlng the foregoing. an add111onaf •2-hour periOd ol WO!il may be WOtked ror MAR coverage.

(vi) Shill worilef'5 with a prus or minus 4 hours tme balancs assigned 1o dayWOIIt or stlifl for an lndetennlnata period of tm1e may be required to talla dlt or wort a 4 hOW period respectl\lely, bUt 110 peymec11.$, premiUm ot Ol.hetwlse wrll apofY to JUClh time worked as an extension of a normal 8 hoor day ~ resolVe a minus 1~ bt1l11nce.

(vll) Plus Ume balances wlliQh still exist as of the 1as1 day of me requSat sctleCMe lhall be paid for at premium rate.


Minus Uma balances whit:ll occur as a resuJ11Df dlanges ID the n;:gular schedule shall be worked otr wilhln two (2) rascal meill1fts of 1he end of the sdledule month In Which the minus balance occtJrs unless it Is mutually ag~ to between the employee and his/l'ler supervisor to eXIend ltlis petiod. Mmus balanc;es 1101 MJfked otf within this two (2) month peood will be written off (unless 1t has been agreed to extend thiS period).

(VIII) An employee who commences Matemlly/Panenlal leave. or tramlog In eKce&S or 5 weeks may have herlhiS plus or m,nus lime balai"'I$ IXJlT'eCted in adva1 ICle. Wl\are mutually agreeable between the employee arid hts/her superv~sor Unoorreded tune balances sfialllle fmen far the duration of such leave or tratnlng.

(c) iransfer to Day Worll

A 'Shlfl \IIO(kef rnay be reqUfred to work on day wottl In such cases the nonnal work week shall be 40 hours perweell co!lslsting of 5 dc1ys of 8 hOOI'S (not before 7 00 am. and not later than 6~00 p.m.) Monday to Friday InclusiVe. All woi't( outside of normal scheduled hours shall be oonsldered overtime and patd at the appropnate premium rate as per Sacllon 5.4.4, 5.4.5 (I). 5.-4.8. Nollficalion of! transfer to or trom d<l)' wol't( shall be In wri!Wlg with a minimum of 1 days• notice,

{d) Penalties

Failure to gJve the required notice as ind'ICated In Subseetions 5.2.6 (a) tl) and 5.2.8 (c) shall require the payment of premi\Jm rates for worlk perfomted until the notiCe has expired.

Fanure to g1ve the required notice as Indicated In Subsection 5,2.6 (b) eht~ll reqvlre payment of premium rates for only &hose hours within lhls notice period that 11\e employee oad not previously eKpt;tcted to wor'll,

Revisi011s to Subsections 5,2.6 (e) (li) (a) (d) (e) and (f) of e shift Cll'lenge notice to conect an errorwtlich does not affect hours of wane will not be c;onsldered as IS!Iulng a new shill change notiCe,

r•l MhtcelJanttous ScheduUng ProllfaJons

(I} Changipg PQsltlona on a Shift: Changing c:1r positions on a given shift shall not lnvolve premium rates of pa,y.

(II) Oeflnhio!l: Notice es referred to In thls sectlcm shall be defined as per the following eKampla One ( 1) day's noltce shan mean 24 hours pnor to lhe start of the first affected shift.

A notice period shall be deemed to commence COillcldent with the signing, or verbal nollllcetlon or posting, where appllcablt,, of the st'llfl change notice.

Verbalnollficetlon shall be given wl')en the en,ptoyee Is absent from hiS/hof regular wor1t headquarters and he/she le not &Cheduk~d lo return before the commencement of the requtred minimum notlce period. Thus Is to be followf>d by posted notice Withlo 24 hoU1"5,

A- 50

n. regular scMdule for onal'l ~ shall ~ ll1e posted sclledulllos per &lbseellon 5.26 (a) (I) modif.ecl by 111y aNn c:Nnge notices tn effec:t

A shll\ chlnOt nota snaq ~used IM ol fe\o115l0nt to en «tiOIOyet's regulaf aehecl~.

C•l Roa~ fM thlft change,

(b) Details of changCid hcutl of watt.

(c) Oelalla of ume betanco competed to crew

(d) TTme of PQfting.

(t ) SlgnlniJ or atotemen1 of vetbal noClflcetkllll (where applic3bte).

(f) Routing.

(Ill) P.nn1nent Location Trantftr or Promotion Within a Station: Oil permaner'll ll"'nsfer to • fl4fW location or promotion w11111n a atatJon the lndMdual employee 1$ required to atsume the eJdsttng IIOhedu'le tor tho flfNI po5itlon without notice Of peoalty. His/her limit balance •hell, unle18 ·~lecial Cltc:Umstarwes prevent, be •dJuttoo before taking over his/her po&l!iOn Olllho regUlar $Ciledul•. and Ill any cue bofote the zero (0) balance date or tho e~Ung schedule.

(Ill) Chaoglno C'"' Within a Work L.ocatiom Wllllln a giVen work location \Miefe morG tllan one tlllft 1ohedu16 eld$ta, an emplci)'M mey be moved from one af!N to another wilhovt notlco or penalty, 111 tong as t~sJher hOUI'I of work 111maln und'IAnged.

Wtlellt 111 ~~~ normal area of work Withll'llhe location Is eMrlged with less IJID.n 1 t! f'lovrt' notJce, lral/81 ~ work B!1UJI, wtlere raqulred. will ba on the Compants tme.

(v) If 11mployees at tho Bruce Sd8 61alt lhlns at dl~erenl times the Company will supply bu5es tor Meil&Nft Of pay n~ IISlf()enses a~ per FW41.

(v1) FolloWing tmplonwnauon ol the 12-nour &d'toltlulo, r;uoh schedUle may be aenoolled tm~lo!Y by Manewoment. shoUld ettner the safe open~ !ion of the ptant or public IJbfocy bo odvel'lely off&otlld due 10 tho 12-hmx shUt schedule.

The , 2.nout sahodUlo fNIY be canc:ellecl f~ other reasons by Management or the Unton upon two (2) II\Ontlls' written nolle& to the other PBrtY·

(vii) Aulgnmenttolfrom Training: Nomlally an •ampJoyee w1n ret:eove hlsltter IIGIIIOillllent to ar,d from tra1ntng p per Part A., Item 5.2.6 (b). However, en OMI)loyM'• woril hoadquartats or his/her 1!10111: assignment Within his/her reSidence heedquattera may be cNingod from day ltelnh~ to day wotlVday shill (ot vice

A -51

versa), wtlhoul noliee 0( penalty piOVided tua/'her hours of WOflt aril no1 cl'langed on the flm elloct~ coy, If one~ lhtl 101~ cc>ndlllont OlCifll'

(1) to ffil a.n unforeseen Vlf~ICY tl the COUI'Se

(b) 1f the oourse Is cancelled

(c) If the lndtvtdual flnlshe$ eorty

Where mutually agreeable between 1118 emplt)yee and his/her supeMsor the employee may retum to hls.lher regutor ahlll ~lllhout nolice Of penally.

Management w\U make reasonable efforts 10 tmlnlmlte parsonal lnconvenlence or hardship to employees when • wnoe of wa11< headquarters Is neeea80ry.

(f) Condltlooa Whllo Worklrtg on 1 12-Hour Shift St~tcMo

(I) When a niQular shift commancoa before mldntlght and continues after midnight. all houra during tho O(lnUnuoua ahlrt chall, for Pll)f and time balance purpOS8$, be recorded and ttealad aa If they occurred durt~llllhe calendar day In which !he shift ends.

(II) Pay Provlalon•

Wh•n on employee Ia scht'ldlllod lo work a 1~!·hour shllt,the following w!J1 apply

(a) In determining orodlls used for YliCllltloniS, llooHng holldaYII and sldt leave, 1.5 dayw will be deducted.

(b) In detetmlnlnQ pay treatment for

(I) lllMIIIllnQ Line oulllde nom\81 WOf.llng h<Mn

(II) poyment lor tempormy 11.1~1

(Ill) tlme dhetglll!lnd ·~ • empiO)M Un.on mpresenlallol'll Will be made on on nouc-tor«u basis to a maximum~ 12 l'IOur&exoopt lor(l)wtleta the maxllmum wdl be 8 houra.

(q In detormlnlng P4Y treatment b tbe follcJWtng Items a day will be consldered to bl 12 hold!

(I) l•~ ot AbtenCI Wlli\ Pay, Port J\, ll*n 5.6.1.

Ul) Moving Deya

(Ill) Payment ror ~•. PMI A. 111m 5 11 Thole-., ql.l$flfy for payment uncter Pltn. A. Item 511 and pe.iform those dUties for greater Chon a houtl , • 12 hour shift shall recaMI an lnstrwtor bonUs of 1.5 limes !he tnttructol"'a alfowane.Er..

(d) In cletermWng pay tnlftlmcrrt (Of

(I} S:atutocy Hdodllys

(11) Special Trme OIT

l,t day 'Wil c:onflf'IUe co 11\Ml 8 tw:ua.

(Ill) RHt P4rlods

Each employee shall be ef1t1Ued 10 a 10-mlhute rest petloc2 epj)tOjC(ma~ onoe Within every four(4) hours at a t;medeslgnated bylhe Compony,

(g) 10 Hour Shifts


The normal hours d 'Mltl( far non-tme ~ 10 twxx sMtt an. .tO in any 7 day l*tOd (I Of clariflC8tlot\. The COMpany may 6ChecUe ._, 0 hout &Mtl ln a~ 7 day penod).. Sh& may be performed 1n one (1) or two (2) 8h!na per day, Mondiry to Sunday. ltlciUSive, and may be petlotl'l)(ld Within U1e following •hlft wlndowl

1st shfl\ - 0600 l'lrs to 1800 hra 2nd shift - 1400 hrs to 0200 hrs

Shift Dlffertntlal

lttthlft - no shift cftl!erenllal 2nd $httl-$1.10 per hour: .tfeetlve January 1. 2018$1.20 per hour


One (1) meal period wolf be Included wllhln each shirt.

Notice Period

A minimum or 1 days' nollee &halt be given When an employoo'a hours or work, as shown on the regular sChedule, ere to be changed. Wllh the following e)(()Gptlons:

(I) In the case of illness, Which would result in a stall, rour (4) days advance !'I alice Will be given when pladlng an employee on shift.

(II) Wllh 3 days' notice an employee's hours al wof'll may be change<llf a roroed untl outage occurs for reasona of eqUipment failure. or 101 8 18faty roasoo. Refer to Mid-Term Agreement R· 7 for deflnltloo of unit out.'lQG-

The appllcablllty of the 3 dey noUce perk!d In lhls clause Is dependontupon a shill change notice being Issued io the affeeled employee A within 4a houMi or the occurrence of the roroed unit outage.

A -53

Non-Time Bala.noedShlfl Schedules

10 I'!OIJr I10IHlme balanced stt\lt scl1edutea wm be 18$&\9ned as folloWs;

a minimum durallon ot 4 weeks and; a maxlmum ol 4 days ol 1st shills in a row .,00; a maximum of 4 days or 2nd shifts In a row.


When scheduled wort\ I* peTformod on a statut01y holiday, an addlllonal (1) day otT Will be sche<1LIIed In lieu of the staMOIY hol1day lllls INeu day SllaU be ldei\!Jfied oo the schedUle. When wonc load pennUa It may be lntenchanged wlll'l another seheduled worklog day after the sta!\1101)' holiday al the empbyoe's l'eqUUliL

Provlston Concerning Time Off

When an employee Is sclleduled to wolile 10-hour sl'lll\, the following will apply

(a) In detormlnlng cred11.& used fOf was lions, lblllng holidays and sick. leave, 1. 25 days Wlll be decluc;ted.

(bl ln delllnnintng pay ~tment ror

(I) travelling Irma out,lde norma! working hours (11) payment fOf tempo111JY supervision (Iii) time charges end expenaes - employee1 Union rep~esentaUve

catcvlatlons will be made on an hou"'for.tiOIM' basts to a maximum of 10 haul's axcopl for (I) where lhe malCimllm Will be 8 hUUI$.

(e) In delemtlnlng pay treolment for the foUowi"l:tltems a day will be considered to be 10 hours:

(I) (II) (UI)

Leave ot Absence With Pay, Port A, 1te1m 5.6., Moving Days Payment for lnslfUOlOI'$. PaJl A, I lam 5. 1 1 Tho $It Who qualify for payment under Part A. Item 5.1 I and perform lho:.e dulles for greater than 8 hours In a 10 hour shirt shall receive an lnstructor'·s bonus of 1.5 llmes the lnstructOf's aHowanc&.

(d) In determining pay 1realtnon1 fClf

(I) Statutory Holido:r (II) Specl8J nme o

11 doy $hall oontlrlue to me11n G hours,

(h) Ch11ngo of WOfk Ho•dqullf1onJ

A - 54

(l) In the event a shlfl employee Is assigned 10 a temporal)' wortt headquatteq OUIWA h!Sitwlr residence. heactquatters he/she shall receive a minllnvm tJf 7 day. nola unless no cnange In hours of wo11t is required. failure to gMI the reouftd noclee llhalllllqulre the payment of premium nrtes lor wadi pedor:med at !he new W'Oflt headquarters unlit the notice period has e'JC&Iired- Managemenl Will PfOVId• ltanaportahon for those employees Who llave no reasonable lranslJOrtatlon llvallable to them.

(ff) In the event a shift employee is assigned to a temporary w011< headqul!l1ers within his/her residence headquar1ets he/she shall receive a minimum of3 days nollce unlou no ctlange In hours of worK Is required. Falfure to give the requlred ootlce 1naU require the pa)'lllent or premt11111 rates lor work performed at the new work hna.dqusrtera untll lhe notJce petlod has expired. Management will provide tron•portatlon for those employeu who have no reasonable transportation available to them.

(Ill) M oatly rotum to hishler JeQUiar ~ tiOtldquarters initiated by Managernellt will r&qu•te o new thil\ Minge notice Will\ 1he ltppfOpnlite nollce as stated in (l) or (li) a bOw.

Falura ID gtva the leQUiffX! notloa Wll require the payment of premium tales for work perfOfl'l'led at tmltler regu!M worlt headquartets unfil the notice period has el(plrod.

(hi) Tht Bru~ alto Is oonsldero<l 01'111 work headquarters.

(v) A shllt employee may bo .aslgned lo a tempota.ry work headqueners wlll'lout notice or penalty, If h015ho lolJVOt and tolums to his/her work tt.adquarters within 81 lingle ~ifl.

(I) Speclel Shift Schedules

Spoc14t t.hlft schedules WI~ bo 11tlltfld on • volunlnty basis.


It lhtnl ate not enough voluntom to &181f the SChedule. the prow•• for trufng 111e positions, Wtll bo as per Appendix B, Bruce Slte DeplOyment Agreement (lateral OepiO)'IIlenlsJ,

Tho process ror having a speciAl sohtlduto Implemented will ba as rolluwa

(•) Management wlh epproach too PWU Sector Board Chalrpo1110n ('who 11 the Jlgn11'1Q aulhorlty) Wt!h the request.

(b) The request wm include:

• business case • ratiOnale for schedUle • ltngth ot schodUle (&hOfl t.~rm only) • ctasstflcalion& rtqulrld

(c) The FWU Sector Boam Ct\alrperson will review the requMt and Will Inform fT\31\ilgement if any ilddltionat Information Is required, pr1or to a decision be•no made on the request

The use of spec;al shift sd'ledules are for shan term application e.g., vacnJum buildlog OUf.llge. These sched'ules shaU not be used to IC!I)Iace the maslllf sdlediJies as idenlffied in 5.2.6 (e).

The p!OYfSions !01 shit c:tlange notiCes fot ~al shlllBchedules wiU be the same as lhase f« the reg\lar shill sc:tneOIAes.

AddltJon&l Outaga Schedu.IM

(I) Addlttonal Outave Sc:hedulea

a 1, 2 and 3- (based on G Clrew) X. V and z- (based on G aew) 4 Crew /1..0 (no suptm)- (based on I'Ollltlng 12 hr shifts) 4 Crew (4X4) 4 days-4night~ {b8sod on rotating 12 hr shifts)

(II) Pflnclpler.

• Maldmum dut11tlon - Two W&eka before oreaker open to one week after breaker close.

• Voluntary participation by 0\.ltaoefno toroe ttanafer to any Addlllonal OUtage Schedule a

• Unit Outage only • Schedules must be "Urolll to Hour~ of Wort<" oompflanl (BP-PROC.0005). • Applies to shin worker claa.lflcoliona only • "The base schedule wiU be ~titled for oaeh additional outage schedule.

This will eatebbh the pay traatment for hou,. WOI'kad and the hoiiS or wonc r8$tricUons for lhBI schodute.

• Schedules used k'l outeget wm bl baa&cl on 40 hOursfweel< • nme Balanoa provlalona, where appropriate, will be utilized to ensure paid

hour& are not less thftn 40 beM hol/111 per week. • Tlme workod In oxc:au of r;chodulocl base hoots will be paid at pnmlum


(Ill) M8nagemenl hn. the discretion to dolam~lna and lrnplemeflt additional sdledules for outage related work as required. Any new schedUles will be teW!wed with the PWU Sootor Solllil Chair prior to lmplemenla!loo. end any such sdle<fules shall con1ply with the principles listed a bow.

Management will Inform employees a minimum or one month In .avanoe ot the outage, wt'lfch schadulos wiU be used dum~ the outage and on wNc.h work programmes. Thrs wlll allow emplo)'&{lS to cleal'ly understand wt\lch tch8doles they are volunteering for.

Thl• egreemenl wnl Blq)lre on December 31, 2011 unleu otherwiH agreed by tho pattles. No!wilhstandlng the preceding, the par11ea agtea to review addillonal

outage sohedules requirements for the 0 1 1S11d 02 outage program for 20f8 by June 30, 2017_

(k} Principles for V Shirt Schedule:

• This outage schedule Is Intended to be used fQf" Ulnlt Outage work programs Wflere 2.4/7 ~overage Is required

• Maximum assignment per employee - total of 1210 ctays per year (can volunteer for more)

• Plus time balances whlc:h still exist as of the last day of l.he regular sdledule shall be piiild for at premium rate

• Any positive time balante hours accumulated whll'e working V Shift will be calcul11ted at premium rates. When the employee ls removetd fFom V Shift the follow I !IS will occ:ur:

• Any i)ortlon of their tlme balanc:e hours rtquired to COI'I'ec:t a time balance situatfon will be applied.

• The remaining portion of the:Jr time balanc:e hours will be paid out. • If the empfoyee prefers, they c:an have all 1or a portion of the remaining time

balance hours scheduled by Pay Services as Rnular Days Off during the cuNent year. To do this, the employee must submllt an HR ticket within two weeks of being assfsned to V Shift, specifying the n~lmber of hoiUS to be taken off.

• Regular shift dlange provlsfol\s apply. All shift c:h:ange .notices onto the V..Shlft Scll!dute will be dosed shift dtange notices (start and end date).

5.2. 7 Hours of Work - Part Time- Bruce Site

Designated regular part-time positions In the seconty OJlJSnl:zation at Bruce Site may be scheduled to work between 06:00 and 18:00 hours. Sfal'f working lltese hours are not entitled to shift differential a.s described In SecUon 5.3, 7. When CJne or more part-time security staff are Ul)available to wor)l, ft.lll·lime seculity s1aff may be sc:heduled to start work as early as 06;00 as replacements. In this case, Section 5.3.7 will not apply.


.5.3. 'I Shift Differential and Shift W()ff( for 35 • nd 37.5 Hour Workers - General

Ills recognized that from tlme to lime il may be necessary, due to the nature of the Company's operaUons. to place certain weeklY· salaried day workll\ll employees on shill wodc. Where this occurs. the following provisions will apply.

(a) Shift wortc st~all not be implemented for a perloel of 3 wor)<ing dl!Y$ or lass. II the worklng period is 3 days or tess, the a.pproprlate premium mle will t'>e paid fOr the minimum 3-<lay period.

(b) The Company will proVide ~sa hO\Jrs' (7 calendar days) posted notice or the commencement and termination of a shift. Fanure Ito provide sud! notice will require a penally payment of premium rates for all changed ~lOUrs of work within the notice period.

A- 57

Wlth the followtnQ 8*:leplionl:

(I) Three (3) days· notice if a forced unll outage oeot~rs fot reasons or 8Q\Mpmenl tallure « for a $&fe'y ~son. Refer to Mid· T ann Agreement R-7 f()( defllld.ion o1 101 outage.

The applicabllty ollhe lhree (3) day notiCe per10d in thls clause Is dependent upon a shill chafl98 noclot being Issued to the alfec:ted employees within 48 hoo3 ollhe oa:urenc:e of !he forced unit ou.t.fllla.

{B) In !he case or Illness, fout (4) days' nob will be given.

Falllse to pnMde the atxwo nodoo ~ ~uintlhe paymom d premium rates for 'Milt l)etformed d\mg UIO ncta pel1od.. FOt putpOse& of dariticalion Part A Item 5.3. t (11) end Part A rtam 5.J 1 (D) do not aPI)Iy.

(c} SUch a plaang on shin~ lhall not d~ an e~ of hit/he( to1a1 number ol normal ICMduled weekly houri

(d) Revlslor\ to !he work sehedur. ahell pnMde f« a minimum~ 15 hOtn off between sllifts. Failure to prcMdo &UC!h Wnl off Wlll roqulro the penal(y pa~t for the fli'St affected shill

(e) Shift dlrferenUal shall apply to emplov-tt requhd to work on a :khlti sche:d.ule «a 2-shlrt aohe<lule and sh:lll not upply for overtime. hour5.

(f) Shlll work wtll be lldllldulod on • Mond,Y to Frld~ay baal7.

(g) Work In excess or the tot&l. number of nonnol dolly hours will be pa.ld at the appropriate overtime mh!lll.

(h) Ttta following ahlfl dllfan111tlnll ohln 11pply:

(-1) Ono doll11r ($1 .00) por hour to 8fllployeos sc:hedulecl to ·wotk between 1he hoUTS of 1800 and 2400.

(It) One dollar and thirty oenla ($1 .30) par hour to employees sdleduled to WOI1c between the hourt of 0000 and 0800.

(I} Regular part-limo and lomponary part-time employees will not be eligible for shift c1ilfeMntl81 when the lhitl &tarts and ends between the hours of 07:00 and 18:00.

6.3..2 Sl'lift Wort~- T~nleal St•rr (lnt.,.CCion and Maintenance Techniclaos)

(a) Appllc:ablllty

This~ a~ 10 lnapec:tlon and Maintenance Technicians (t&M) VII/Ill.

(b) Intent

I&M Technkllana ere pr&nanly day workers. However outage requirements mean lhat !Mse employees will be required IICI work shitl from time to time. The Company may

A -58

rooli!CI and aSS~gni&M T e<:hn!dan.s to shln worlt for up lo eight (8) months In total per enrn.n '* ompto)'ee.

(cJ llllpMC'Mtrtation

AI~ Che content. Pf11Pilflllloll. posting and admlnlsltallon of ttl& shlll scl'ledule ts the ~ty ollhe Company, an eMUal company wide seci\JI ballot VOl& by I&M T~ans WlJI determine Whettw the Wft schedule will be composed of 8 or 12 hour sltltts. The choice of a simple majonty olthoee voting will prevail. Shirt preferences will be made known to the Company prior to the commencement or the new schedule. A company wide 12 month I&M schedule Will be posted 30 days prior to Its starting date.

(d) Duration of Shttt.

Shllt WOf1( employee$ wiD wotk 8 Of 12 hour shifts d&tarmlneclln ltCCIOfdAnce wlttl6.3.2 (e). The d&elgn of Sl'llll schedUle$ may be time balai'\Ced to g,eat« t11an baSlt hour5 (35 hotn p&f week). The design of lhe ~ w~ provido for a mlninlum ot t8 flOUfl off between 5tllfts When wotltlrlg on an 8 hoUr shift ~ end 12 hours atl between lhllls When working on a 12 hour shift &ehodule..

(e) Schftdutlng Provlalon• WMn on Shift

A mtnlmt.~m or seven (7) daya' notlen wlll bo glvon when an employee'• &hill. &ehedule Is changod or when an emplo)lei!IS put on &l,lrt With lhe following exceptlool!

(I} Throe (3) days' notice If a lorold unit outage oocurs fOf reasons of equipment failure or tor a safety reasort Rei or to Mid-term Agreement R-7 for defrrntiM of l.lnit outsge.

The applleablllty or the three (3) day notice p&rlod In this datmt os dependent UPQn • &hilt etla.nge notice being IUI»d to the effected emplOyees wttntn 43 hours ollhe OOCUTrtnCI cl the forced unit OUIIgo.

(U) In the CillO of nine$$. roor (4) dav-• notk» Will be glwn

F AIIYre to pol/Ide the allow notlco wUI require the payment of premium re1es for WOI1c porlormltd du~ the nolloe poriod. For purposes or clarffication Part A-I lam ~.3. 1 (a) and Part A ~ Item 5.3.1 (b) do noliiWfY.

m All emplo)'N Will not receiw less pay on avemgo 85 a result of being placed on shill wort1 thlln halatle would haw rec:eiWid as compenaation lor working regular day llourL Tl'lls 110m OYIIffldM Part A. Item 5.3. 1 (c).

(il) ROIIbion to ltle wotlt sc:hed~Ae shalt ptO'Jide ror 8 minimum 15 hoUrs orr between ahllts. F.-we to CN"OVIde eucr. Gme o11 'tllllltlQwe the peoaltY ror tJ'le rm atfec(ed shift.

(N Shift DiffeNntlet

stlift d~ &hall appty to a~ 111quJied to work on a 3-shlt\ sohedil'- ore 2-UIIft ~ Tne first part or a :HNft or 1 2·st\lll tdle4uiQ snau beg ill at normll ~!UTI.,

Regular part-lime and' temporary part-lime employees wilt not be eligible for shift dltrerenUal when lfie shift starts and ends between the houn~ of 0700 and 1800.

p) 8 Hour S'tlifts

A shlfi differential of $1.00 per hour shall be paid to employees who are scheduled LO work between the hours of 1600 and 2400.

A shill differential of $1.30 per hour shall be paid to employees who are scheduled to work between the hoUI'S or 0000 to 0800.

0) 12 Hout Sbifts

A shlf\ differential wiD be paid for the night &hlft only.

The shift differenllat wm be $1.45 per hour; atfectlve January 1, 2018$1.80 !)Or hour.

(k) The appropriate shlfl differential shall be paid for the fin~t eight (8)/lwelve (12) houra or each scheduled shift on any regular scheduled day of wotll and shelf no1 apply for overtime hours.. Wheo premium lime It lrwo!Yed ror paymem of shlt\ Wtlflt, lll6 Pf9mlum rate shal be computed on lhe standal'd ba$lo rate. exdudll!lg shift differential.

(I) Wolf( 1n ex.cess of the total number ol notmal $Chec!U:ed hours wm be paid at the epproprlate overtime rates,

(m) Premium Payments

The cornpuUng or liotilfy rale$ fOr ovet!fme shell be tn accotdilnoe 1111tn tl\e folklwing:

Tha basiC weaklY ~e or uc:h ~·· ctusllicellon. as $81 0\ll fn ulary schedule 20 and 21 Without any lntNments, premiums or bOnlJS8S, shaQ be dMded by 35.

Promlum payment, for the undernoted, shall be as follows:

(nl Shllt Workers

(o) Scfleduted WOftc

(I) One and (1 .5) limes the amplo~"s basic ral8 shaD be pajd for sctleCMed work performed on Saturdays and Sundays.

(II) TWo (2) limes the employee's basic rate shall be paid for:

(a) Scheduled wot11 performed on a statUIOfY hoi'Kiay wttleh oocvrs on Monday to Friday. An addlllona.l day off wm be scheduled in lleu or the slaWtOJY holiday within 6 mont.ns of the end at the posted &etledule.

(b) Scheduled work performed on a statutory l'lorlday Which OCCtJrs on a Saturday. The premium for a scheduled Saturday in (i) above shall not apply.

(p) Wt!en these employees are required to work , 2 hour shifts 5.3.2 (g) Will not apply. For putposes of ctarifleatlon, lhls Item ove.rrides Item 5.3.1 (d}.


(q) Scheduled hours worked In pay petloda hwoMog shill work w,ll be ctedittcl1o a lime bal\1<, M amount equal to bese haws ror !he pay period wori<ocl on ohltt wlU oe paid and Cledueled from the lime banlt. Plus tlme balances wnlcn still exl•t as or \t'tll g$1 day of the YQar shall be paid at pN!mlom rates or Where tt Is mutually agreeable al Of a portion ll'leteol may be la\en off at jlremfUm rates. PIUs llme balanoe.s ~lctl a6ll hilt .r the end of the shift asslgnmenf shall be paid for at premM'n ~. Minus time balolnces whicll OCClJf as a result of (lhanges to 1t1e regular liot!edUfe sheB ~~eo o!f Within two (2) fiScal months oflt'te end of the scheclufe monU'I in which the minus balance occurs unl6ss It Js mutually agreed to between the employee and hishlet supervisor to extllllCI this period. Mrnus balanoas not worl<ed olf wilh•n tnls lWO (2) month peflod WUI be written off (unless It has been agreed lo extend this period).

(r) Shltl WOI'k may be scheduled on any day or lt'te week. Overlime for lh058 aaslgned to shill will be paid for hours worked In excess of the scheduled shift hours with applicable premiums.. For purposes of ~rinoatlon, Part A. Items 5.3.1 (t) and 5.3., (g) have no eppllll&tion.

Overtime beyond scl)eduled hours of work may be taken off at mutually agreed upon limeS caleulat.ed in acoordanoe with the applicable premium t~~tes. Where there is no agreement. overtime shall be pard at the applicable premium rates.

(a) When scheduling 8 or 12 hour8hlfts the shift will consist of 5 conseculr\le 6 hour &hilts or 4 consecutive 12 hour shifts. The shift schedule shall provide tor elleea't48 hours off between sequence of shifts.

(t) Shift Schedule Pay Provlalona

When an employee ls scheduled to wolf( an 8-nour shin. the folloWing W111 apply.

(I) In determining credits used for vacations, floabng t\Oild3ya and sick loa...e. one and ooe-seven.tll (1 11,) days wiU be- deducted.

(II) In determining pay ueatment for

(a) llavelllng llme oi.JI'&ide normal worlting heM$ (b) payment for temporary supetvision (c) lime charges and expenses- employee Ul'lton reprotentatl~

caJcUiaUons Will be made on an hoUr-for-hour ba&ll to e mntmum of 8 l1ggnr except for (a)~ the maxunum will be 71loura

(IU) In determlnirlg pay ITNII'netlt tor 1111! ful1owlng Items e day Will be COI'1SlC1etwd to be 8 hOIJI'S:

(a} Leaw of At~Sence~th Pay- Paf1 A -ltam 5.6. 1 (b) Mowlg ~lay$

(e) Payment for lnstnJctors -Part A. Item 6.11 . Tho$e wno quafJty for p!lymlll"ll under Part A. Item 5.11 and periorm those duticl$ for greater tnan 7 houn In an 8 hour shift shall receive an tnstruolor COOU& of 1.S lrnes 4he ins~Neto(B allowance.


(lv) In determining pay treatment for

(a) St,ai.Uiory Holidays (b) Special Time Off

a day Will continue to mean 7 hours.

When an employee Is scheduled tu worlt a 1 ~~ hour shift. the following Will apply:

(i) In determining credils used for vacationrs, floallng holidays and sick leave, one and five-sevenths {15/r )days will b& deducted.

(II) In detemtlnlng pay treatment for

(a) traveUing lime outsld'e nOflllal WOJi1lng hours (b) payment for temporary supervision (c:) time charges and expenses · employee umon representative

ealcUialions will be made on an hour-for'-hoUr basis to a maximum ol12 hours except for (a) where the maximum wUI be 7 hours.

(iii) In deteiT!llnlng pay treatment for the foU"wJng Items a day will be considered to be 12 hours:

(a) Leave of Absence With Pay- Part A • Item 5.6.1. (b) Moving D~;~ys (c) Payment for lnstruatQI'S, Part A, !tum 5.11 . Those who qualify for

payment Under Part A, Item 5.11 olnd perform those dulles ror greater than 7 hours In a 12 hour shift shell receive an instructor bonus of 1.5 limes the fnstructor"s allowanc1!l..

(lv) In determining pay ITeatmenl for

(a) Statutory Hofktays (b) Special Tlme on

a day wiJI continue to mean 7 hours.

5..3.3 Delet.d Provisions Wlten on Shift

When an Individual Is assigned a shffl and lfhe provisions. or 5.3 .. 2. (d) are In effeGl, the tollowlng provisions will not apply,

{a) Section 52.1 • Hours of Work for 35 Hour Wolilers • General (b) Secllon 5.2.2, 5.2.3 • Hours ot Wolil - Specific (c) Section 5.2..4- Hours of WOI1\ - Bruce Site

5.3.4 lr the I&M Technlclan Schedule at Bruce Sl·le has start at:td stop times whfch do not af!Qil w11h the regulilt1y scheduled bus serviceS', then the company ·wiD supply buses for eaoh shlft Qf pay tra\161 expenses as per TranspOrtation to Outlying Staflons (PW-8}.


5.3.5' Compensation foe ll'avet •nd II'IM!IIif\'lt ttusn be 111 .ccot~nrq wtlh IN roiiM'Int ICKtioM of Pall A of the Collecllw Agreement.

5.3.6 Shift Wotk - Tld\nloal Staff (Instructor)

l•l Appflcabltlty

ThiS sec!Jan 00\'181'1 tho following dlllslf'icei.IO.n lnli!rUCirK.

(b) Intent

The intent of this sectJon Is 10 prollfdo • tr.Jmewotll wlthJn wl\ldlem~ In the aballe named classlU~ may be eqlgnod 10 shl" IMllk on 11 Mond8y to Fridlily bQ/s 101 llmlted perloc1s ot cme. The "'lmltod JMtlod• Is to bo 1811 than llmle (3) month.t In each year for each employee unleS$ the emplo~a n\'OIIf"'ld spe<:tllcal!y coneenta to an eldenslon.

(c) tmplemem.tlon

When shill wo!X is ~. rnanagemeol wtiiiOilott prctoroncet tor lhlft work from tho employees i\ the req\Mod classfficallons. If omplo)"l65 W~tl'llhe requlntd &klll, knowledge, experience, eto •• Indicate a pref111ence f01 shirt work. ma~rnont 'Hill select from among theSe employaea. If lnsllfflelent ql!all"ed wJunteeB ere ev.JIIllbto, m.magemeot wrn assign the 5ttn work to quaUfied ~tn'lplo~ endeavoring to minimize personal inconvenience.

(d) Duration of Shift Houn

The~ ·wt1cJ may be reqUired 10 wont &nl!111 IIIWW thl$ MCUon ~~ boCn 35 and 40 houl' pef weett positions. They w1ll wo!X o lime bolanced IGhociUio.

Forty (40) hour per week emplgyBa$ when uslg,ned to shll\ work w.u work tho wmo hours as ~ shift wotkers on shill

Till~tlve (35) per weett employees wtlen Aatllgned 10 sh<lt wotl! Wll notma"Y wotk 7 ~sNits. ThiS may. at maJ'UI,gotriOI'(I's discretJcllo, be IIIQ'eased to ~ llllb.

(e) S,.c:ial Provlafona Wheo on Shift

(I) Shin wen shall not be tmplemented for • j*~Dd of 3 WO!Ic1r1Q days or less. If the wol1dnp period is 3 daya 011ess, the ~118 ptemlum tate Will be~ ICf In& mlntml.lm USy period

(II) The Compal'ty Will OI'O~Mle 72 holn' (3 c:etencllat dlyl) PQt(Od ootJte (:1( tha commencement end tennina11on cia 'hlft. F•~lure to prcwldo IUCII'I nobce will require a penalty payment of pn111111.m rates b al c:NmOed houra ol WOI'It Wtlhln uw noLICie peOod.

(Ill) SUCh a plae~ng oo shift wor1t $Ntll oot d~ an emplo)<M of his/her tolllmJmber of I'IOfTII8llY 5CheQUled weet<ty hQIU..

(Ill) Revision DO the wor1< scllodllle ttlall pftl\llde lc~ o minimum of 15 hours olf between stllfts. Failure to provide sud1 hme off wal l'eqi'JII1! the penalty payment for 1/'e fil'lil affeded ahill

(v) Shift dl1'feranllal aha0 apply to e~ requlreciiO wetk on a 3-stlltl sclledula or a 2-&hlft schedule end shall not.flppty tor overtime holn. Regular part-lime and temporary part· llme employoot wlll not be el~jlble for sh1ft differential wl1en the shift staru and ends between 0700 and 1800,

(vi) Work In excess of tho tOtal number of normal dallY houra will be paid at the appropriate overtime rates.

(f) Delttod Provision• Whtn on &hlft

When an lndiV1duol Is assigned a st!llt anc:l ttlo pro11~slons of 5.3.8 (e) are In effect, the following provisions W1ll not apply:

(I) Section 5.2.1 : Holii'G of Work for 35 Hour Workers · General

(II) Section 5.2..2, 5.2.3: Houra of Wotit- Specin<l

(Ill) Sootlon 5.2.4: Houn1 of Work- Bruce Site

5.3. 7 Shift Dlfre,..nllal for 40 Hour Wotktrs

Shift differentials &hall apply to emJ)Ioyees required to work on a 3·shllt schedule or a 2·shlft schodute. The first port of a 3-shlfl or a 2--s.hlft -schedule shall begin at normal starting time. Regular part·tlme and temporury part· ttme employees wtn not be eligible for shift differential when the shill storts and enc:la belWee'l the 1\oura of 0700 and 1800,

(a) a Hour Shirt.

A tlllt\ dlfferei'\Uat of $1.00 per hour shall be peld to employees Wllo are scheduled to wortt between tho hours of 1600 and 2400..

A shill dlrtotentlal ol S 1 .30 por hour shaft be paid to employees who are scheduled to work between 111e hOUf8 of 0000 to 0800.

(b) 1Uio,ur Shl"-

A ahlfl dlftetentlal wm be paid lor the nlghlthift only'.

The ehlft dttrimlnllal WtU be S1.45 per hour. effKtlvo Jln\UifY 1. 2016 $1.60 per hour.

(c) The apprQpftllle still\ dllferentlal ~~~be paid lor ltle first elghl(8)/lwelve (12} hours of each sdlcduled shlt1 on any regular scheduled day of work and shall 1101 apply for overtime houra. When premium llme Is Involved fOir payment of shift Wllfll. the prem1um 111te shall be computed on the standllltl basic rate. ~e~ng shift cflffereolial.


5.3..8 Shfft Wotlt - Radhdfon Control Tochnlcl•n•. Tec.hn1cllllln..,_c:101'S, Plannlnv. Training T.chniclana, Huc~Ml T.chnologlm

This S~tetloo covers the following da$sillt:allon$:

Radiation CMUOI T ethnlclam T e<:hnical tnspecsl!Ors Planning T echnlciana Tnl!nfnQ T echnfeians Nuaear TeehnoJoglsts

(b) The foltowlng Items shall apply,

(I) Section 5..33, 1, PBI'SOt\al Property

(II) Soation 6.33.2, Aaleu to Radiation Recon.1a

(Ill) Section 5.33.3, IoniZing Radhruon

(IY) Seotlon 5.33.4, A.adlalion Umlla

(v) Section 5.32, Parsonnol Oevelopmont

(vi) Sectlon 6.31, Plasllo Suits

(VII) Section 5.34. E.metgency ~e OfgiOJoi~

(VIII) S4M:tlon 5.6 3 (b), Entry Co-Ordinal ton

(c) AJ1 ollhlt fol~ng J)(OI/1slons lhOU apply­

P~Jrt A, ttom 3.4 Part A. Item 4.12.8, 4.12.6 (a) Part A. Item ti. 1 Part A. nom 5.2.1, &.u. 5.2.3, 6.2.4 Part A. Item 5.3.1 Part A. llem 5.3.2, 6.3.3. 5.3.4, 5.3.6. 5.33 Part A, Item 5,3 8 Part A.. ltom 6.4.1, 6.4.2, &.4.3, 6.4,5, 5.4.6, 6.4.7 Part A. llorn 15.5 Part A. nom 5.8.1. 5.8 ~ Port A. Item 6. ~ Part A. Item !5.10. 1, 15 10.2, 5.10.3

(d) Intent

ll\e mtont of ll'u• aoctlon Is to proVIde a framework Wllhtn Which employee$ In the abolle named datsfflcallona!Ny be rrnlgno<S 10 any of t111e exiSU~ $hilt sd\edule$ tor limited 110noo. of tlmo. TM "llmttod period" Ill to bo less than three (3) months~ each year 101' oac/'1 em~ unless tne employee ttWOivod a!)eeifically c:on&enl& to an extension.

A· 65

(•) fmplenwntatlon

Whon lhlft Wllf11 Is requlrod, management WJU solicit preferences for shlft WOfk from llle employees In llw required claaSifiCII!Ions. If emplo~ with the required skill, ~. tKPflllence, ole.. IndiCate a p-elera11C8 fOf shltl work, management~~~~~ select from •mono these omQioy.e!l, ll lnsuffidenl quali~led YOiunteers am available, management WiU aaalgn the ahlll. work to quablied 'employees. endeavouring iO mlnfmt1'8 penoonal tncon"WWIence.

(f) DuratJon or Shift

Tho IIITIPIO}'OOI who msy be requtred co work al'l!ftlt ui'\Cier INs sectiOn Include both 35 ond 40 hour per week poslllom~ They will work a lime balanced schedule. Forty (<10) hour per week employees when assigned to shift ~IOI'k wtn work the same hours as reguler 1Mt wol'kers on ahlft

Thlrty.flvo (35) hour por week employees When astllgned to t1hlft work will nonnaliY work 110vcn (7) hour llhlfta. This may nt management ditscttellon be lf'ICI'e8Jied to eight (8) hour ehllta.

(g) Special Provleione on Shift

(I) Shift work shall not be implel!lOflted lor a pertiod of three (3) wotlting day& or less. If Itt a working period is three (3) days or less, the appropriate premium rate wiU be pl'lid for the minimum three (3) day period.

(II) The Company will proVk:le seven (1) days ~lt.ed notice ot the commencement end lefmlnollon of a shill. failure to provide such notice will require a penalty payment ot ptetnlum re tes lor all changed hours al wot:k W'rthln the notice period.

In tho case of Illness, which would result In a staff aho~e, fOUt (4) days' advance nollce will be g'i~~en When ptacno an employee on shll\,

(Ill) Such a pla(:ing on 1111ft wottt $1'1&11 not cSepMI an emplo)"ee of his/her IDial number of normally scheduled weekly hours.

(hi) Rolllslon to tho \IIOftl. sclledule shan pi'IMde f<w a mlnlmum or 15 hours oft between 61\tna.. FaiU'e to proYICMI SliCh tim& dl wiD rectuire the penally J)ayment fCJt the flrtt alfected l!llll'l

(\I) Shill clllflln!ntial wu apply iO employees (8Qlllir«<IO WOI'k on o ttne (3) shill sctaedule ot a twa (2) shift schedule and ahaU not ~ fCJ" 0\ICI'tJme holn

(vi) Wor111n exoess ol the tOW runber or f'oOf11Uif dlllly houB be paid at the ~ropttet• ovenine rates

(VIIJ PIWMlm payments fCJt WOit on wee~ and s&atlMfY ~YI Wll be .. anown In Pan A. Item 6.3.1 o. ~ Payments foe· 40 Hour Wotk«s.

(vlll) Whlln emDJayees as Identified tn 5...3.8 (a) are' required to wort~ t2-haur llhlhs, IPo folowlng sedlons of Item 5.3 8 Will not apply. s..u (f). 6..3..8 (g) (iv), u..a (g) (v). 15 3.8 to> c~> and 6.3.8 (g) c\lil.


The appropriate provisions of Part A, Item 52.6 Shift Workers and Item 5.3.2 0) Shfftwof'l( ~mel Shift Differential. 12-.Hour Shift, will apply. The exception to this Is that Part A, 5.2.6 (c) Transfer to Day Wofl<, win nol apply to Racf~atlon Control Technicians and Technical Inspectors.

lh) Deleted Provisions When on Shift

When an Individual is ass1gned a shift and the provisions or 5.3.8 (g) are In effect, the following provisions Will ndt apply:

(I) Section 5,2.1; Hours of WOfk tor 35 Hour Workers • General

(II) Section 5.2..2. 5.2.3: Hours of Work · Specific

(lit) Seclioo 5.2.4: Hours of Wo!i\- Bruce Slte

5.3.9 Shift Work - Computer Support Personnel

(II) The folloWinO items as set out snan apply:

See reference 5.3.8 (b)

(b) All of the following proVisions shall apply:

See reference 5.3.8 (c)

(c) Intent

Management ·may establistl dassltlcaUons for ongoing shif1 work it deems essemlal to support the operation of department business com puler functions. Shift wofl< will be on a basis and may include up ID a two (2) shift op8fallon occuning betWeen 0700 ancl2400 floors..

(d) Implementation

New Job classifications ldentiHed as having the potential to work shift v.ill be created. The filllng of these new positions will not result In any present or any subsequent surplus dedaralion or downward restructuring of personnel presently In similar day work positions.

(o) Hour• of Work

The employees assigned to wol'k Sllifl Will work a 35-f1our par week time balanced sllhedule. The normal shift duratron of each shift wlil be seven (7) hours. axcepl thai al Management's disaetion, this may be lncroased to eight (8) hours. Banked rime w111 be taken in full day increments only

A - 67

(I) R•gul.v Sctledu ..

(1) A 12·month scnedule will be poetnd 30 day. prior to !18 stllrbng date. The schedule wlltever&ge 35 ho.lltl per week and wdl Indicate the days, hours ol wor1< (shift) and position tl:lr oaeh emplOyee. 'f"he *lltledufe will end on the last day or l/'le flsall month of Oeoambor. The design or the rogulilr •chedule shall provide for a minimum of 16 houtt off between shirts when working eight (8) ho\Jr shit\$ and 17 hoUI't ofl between ahlfts When wor1dng aeven (7) hour ah~

(II) Tho regular actledule witf be prepared so that .ach emplovee'a lime Is bela"* to zero (O) as of the last day of the scnedute.

(Ill) Allt)ougll lhe content, preparation, J;IQ'Ung and lldmlnlslllltlon nf uhlfl schedules Is the solo rasponslblllly of the Company. the pnarorene& of the mQjorlty or shill worl<ef'S at each station tor • particular baelo r~ or ache<luf41 will be adopted. Such prefere~ will be m.Oa known to IJ'Ie Company prior to commencement of lhe Pf'eparatlon of new schedulu. However, llf In the Company's opinion, the effiCiency or the station or the h&allh of e 1hlft worker 00111<1 be detrtmontally affected by the chosen $Chedulo, then IJ'Ie ColrnJ;l(!lny Will provide tne Union (Chlof Steward) with reasons or medical oplnlons w~1y tho desired achedule cannot be Implemented.

The preferenoa ol Individual ellll\ wotketa A!Q4trding VI)Callon pertoclt w1U be considered, prolt1dlng such preferenoet ere m111de knoWn prior to commoncemonl of lha pAif)llratlon of,_ ldledufc~:~.

rne rollowfng are the ~nlzed critW!a or an ~p.table ehln 6d1ecluie•

(I) Tbe schedule shoUk1 eQUitably ro1ate amor.g oil c:rw..

01) The 8d'laclule shoiJ!d fo410w a repeating ~tefln ao ltrll II II .sily und.mood

(Ill) The sc:flecfiAe $1QJid ne...., be rw on belanoen lhoUJC rouonably ·~'­the time oft' provisions of day wonc. It foltoww !ll'wn ~hod 11 SClhOdlJie should noctuw long sequenoas or work without time otf, nor long taQ,tJMOeS of llme 011.

lui Rmslona to tt~e ~~~- S<:t\eckl ..

A rnirliiTMl of seven fn days' noiiCe "*'be glwn when an ~piOt'al'a houtJ of woek, as .s.NJwn on the fegula( SChedule, ~to be Cl\8ll)41d. v.lll'l ttle follotMV .-cep\IOnw

(l) With three (3) days' nolica, en em~ WI hol.n or WIQ ITIIIY bo c:hMgod fcf • busJness computer fsllura or If a forced unit cx~tt;a oacurs for ra~~~sons or equ!l)menl failure, or lor a safely raa$0n. Retor to MiCf.. T 8fm licii'&OIMnt R· 7 for definition of unlt outage.

The appf~Cabllity or the rtveo (3) clay noUCie periOd In tnt• ClaUM le <ltPtndonl upon a shift change not loa bel(lg Issued to the llffocled ontployoos within 48 hours Of tho OCCI.IrTenOtS o( the foteed unit oublge.

10) In the case of il1tleu, lmlch woufd resutt ln • Uat.f ~o. four 1•> dayt' aclwnc:e notlca \!iiJ1 be gl118n when placing en employee1 on ahllt.


(iii) When workload pennll6, regular c!aya off teNtduled to correct a plUs llme balaoce resulting from a revision to 11lsltter regular sc:trec!ufe may be rescheduled at the employee's request.

When ~uled WOik Is perlotmod 011 a staltJtory hOhday, an addillonaJ day off will be sdleduled In neu of llle etetutoty hotldoy. Thos lieu dily ahall be Identified on the schedule. When workload permit~ It may be lrltercl')anged Wotlt ei'!Otl!er scheduled wori<ing day after the si!IWIOI'f hOliday at the 'tmpiOyee's request

(iv) Revisions to ll'la regular sdledule will p1'0111de for a minimum of 15 hourll oft balwefln 91llts , Failure ID provide e minimum of 15 hours off will require that premi\Jm rates be paid tor the Oral alteded sh tn.

(v) Plus lima balances whloh still exist as of the lout dDy of tho rogutar schedule &half be paid lor at premium rain

(h) Tramlf•rto Day Wor1c

A st!lft wO(t(et may be reqUired tD work on Cl8y 'HOOt In such cat es, the normal work week shall be 35 hours per week, Hours of work will be In accordance woth Part A, Item 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3 and 5.2.4. All work outside ol normal scheduled hours shall be considered overtime and paid at the a~>proprlate p1111mlum tate. Notfficallon of transfer to or from day work shall be In wrtllng wtth a mlnlmumo or seven (7) days' notice.

(I) Penaltln

Failure to give the required noUoe 8J> Indicated abo've shall require the payment of premium rates for wotlt performed unUI tho notice has. e.<plred.

01 Special Provision& Wh>tn On Shift

(1) Shift 'Mlf1< shall not be lmPiemented for a pet~od o( three (3) working oa~ otless. tr the workmg penod ls three (3) days or leJs. the appropriate premiUm rate will be paid for the mlnlml.lm lhree (3) day penod.

(U} SUch a placing on 5hfft wom shall not deprive an erTij)loyee ol hfslhat total number ot normally sdleduled weelcJy hours..

(IIQ Shift dllterentlal shall apply to employees wotltlng the second shin eadl day and shaD not awly for overtime hOurs.

(iv) Wane In excess of the total number of normal1dally nours a• detennlned In 5.3.8 (d) Will be paJd at the appropriate ovenlme rates.

(k) Oehit•d Proml- When On Shift

When an lndMdualls assigned a shllt and 1110 prolllst0t1a of 5.3.8 ate In diiCI. the following provisions not apply.

(i) Section 5.2. 1 • Hours oFW~ for 35 Hour Wolkttl • General

(U) Secf1011 5.2.2, 5.2.3: Hours or Work • Specific

A - 69

5.3. 10 P,.mium Paymems for 40 Hour Wc:rters

The CICifriPIJUI'IQ at hourly ra1es for OWI1bm8 shall be m aCIIXIRio1nc» wl!h U"e following:

The basiG weellfymteor ead\employee's cliasiTcatiOf'l~ as setout ln aa~rysdwdtl!es 20. 21. 22. 23 and 43 w!Jhout any Increments. pt6mi\Mns 01 bOnuSM. shall be dJVidecl by 40

PfUITIIum payment. fOf the undemoled. tllaB be as ~ ....

(1) Shift Wert.,.

(a) ~duled w~

(1) One and one-~ (1 ,5) limes the employee'to beslt rate 11'11111 be ,.;d for td1adcJied work perfonnad on Salurday5 end ~ays.

(IT) Two (2) t.mes the 81T1Pio)'ee's basic,.,. sha" bo pilld for.

(a) Scheduled worj( perfocnled on a stat~rn:wy hOliday~ occurs on ~Y tc Frtday. An additional day off will bo scheduWd In lieu of !he statutory I'OiicSay within $IX (6) months or the end or lhe IIIOSled SChedUle.

(b) Sctleduled WQf1c petfonned on a ~IUtt)l)' llolld.y whk::h OCIOIQ en a Saturday, The pnmum for lld'leduted Satun:tay In Q) above shall noropply.

(2) Contll\uous Dflv11)G

Employees given a conl!nuous driving •SSignmenll Wfll be peld In aocordiiN:e W'oth tM following;

In each twenty-four (.24) hour pelto<l each wJn be ~~ld eight (8) hol.n at the bulc rate, eight (8) hours at the appropriate premium rates and eight (8) hou1"5 at no pay (real period). On Salutdays. Sunday& and stal\llory ttOflda)'* U'le appropoate premium rates shall apply,

The total time or the trip shalt be determined from the Uma the employaes stan worj( on the day the trip commences lilt the time lhe employees flnlsh work oolhe day the trip end&. (From wont headquarters ond retum to wott~ 11eadquanere)

Wllh less lhan lhree (3) days' noUce 1he appropriate rete lor< or notice IMU apply to the first eight (8) hour b11slo mte period,

5.3.11 Turnover Paymen~

(a) The following conditions apply for the Operators &l&tabllahed under the sanlormml to Grievance No. 2000·0051006.

1.1 TO mover Is Included as port Of 11'\e base rallS In rocognii!On of dulles required (or the job.

A - 70

1 2 At the time of the settlement ANO's. CRO'a, SASS, SSO's and SNO'a base rwtes were increased by 6.96~ (retlectlng 0.4 hour wmover) maease While MPO's, N0'6 and SO's base rates were Increased by 3. 72% (reflectlng 0.25 hOUf turnover).

1. 3 This settlement eliminated all 6% premiums paid tor additional duhoa.

i 4 JED's will be rownllen to 1nclude addltJonal dulles altar reccmmendatlons tr1lm lhe 6 lmiJ Opettto.' Jo,Jif Committe&

5.3.12 A.ddltfonal Bank.c:l llme Amlngementa FOf Shift WOI'k.,..

For each year- of A · E shill work performed since January 1. 2002 an employee wm accrue three (3) weeks of Convertod Banked Time Allotment to D maximum or frfty-two (52) weeks. Thla Ia In addlllon to the standard tl'llr1y (30) weelc; oomblnaUon ot deferred vacaUon and banked overtime.

The employee may belll< Conveftod 86Med 11me ICIWIIfV lllo Allotment Ill any year of employtMnt but at no tmo oxoood the Allotment. Thla t!me w.n be taken as paid lime off unmedlately prec:edtng rottternonl

Shift prem1001s aodlor aMl dlfferenUaJ may be converted to floura of Con~~ertod Banl<ed l1me by calCUlating the monetary tatlo between the houtty valUe or !he premium and/or dltferenllal on the one hand and the hourly baae rate on 1M other hood

OvertJme may be appllctd 10 Con1111ttod Banl<ad r .me

Fat each year· of A - E shift work performed a net January 1 200'7 employe-es al'lall be credited with twenty (20) hOul'l of Convel'\ed Briecl nme by the Compar~y.

·One (1) yeat ol rolalln!J &hltt C!Of'Uta ot a minlnun o1100 ahlfts, NIUdif)g supemumerartes. n:natlng additionef out~ge scmKMe !ll'lffta, .. 1oen,. end OIIWt eppo ..t limo oft Whit. assigned to sl'lifl WOf1c.

5.4 OVER11ME

5.4.1 Overtime for 35, 71.5, and <W Hour WOf'fcers

Due to the natua ollhe CompanY's openttiof1!J, 101mt emp1oyeeti Will be rwqulred to wort~ ~ Overtime Wlll be mllllnllzed and mallllgOd w.thln the limit$ ol OO(l)Otll1a effectiveness and CLI5liDmllr rnpact. In raoognltlon d employee we1Hl6l~ and tllconY81\Ittlee. an elfort shal be made to eq_ultabfy cf&Stribl.tte owt'llme ~~ an qualtriecl em~loyees. 0\lertime, as used hetU\. means that pall Of the ect\.lal worll:fng !Jme wt'llctl It oo1Jlc1e u. normal schedUled hOUB and Is, therefore. subfec\ to oompematlon et premium talu.

5,<4.2 Owrtlme Definltion.a for l5 Hour WOf'fcera

Ptean-anged Overtime~ Wortt performea outs1de the normal scheduled l'loUfl tor WhiCh rtetlf!C8tion must be gi\len a mi.nlmum d 24 hours In advance (21 hoiii'G for computer Slb-tlranch shift wonung employue$). Time sNtJI be oounted from the ume tho em!l'O> ea reports for woril Wlli the omplayee fll'llshes WOtit.

A· 71

E"*VtMY Ovtrti!M: WOI'k performed outside tno ~nnal acl'le<liJied OOUfl which Is nelltler prearra~ n« exton~ ~rltmll Ttme. 3hall be c;ou1~ted from the time tile ..mployee reporta lor wor• until the employee flnlshe5 work..

E.lnentlon Owrtlme: Wotk pe!fotn*l outtkle the nortnalschedllfe<l hours as an eKtenslon or thl normaiiCI'Ieduled 11ours (either limttdletely precndlng or following the normal ~eheduleO hotn), ~ ahall be c:ounrtd from the time It)& employee repottJ fot work unlll ootmaf ata!tfnG 1111\e or rrotn normal qulltlng lime untlllh~t employee nnlshes ..wn.

5.4.3 Peyment for OVtrti!M for 35 1nd 37 .s Hour Wortlera

0\l'artlmo, u \lleCI horut, means that pert of the llatual ·wotki~ lime. WNch 1s outalde the notmal ad'oeduM<I hourt, lt\CIIs thereiOte, 8Ubjec4 to cornpenMtton at premium rates.

Prwmtum peyment for overtime thall be as rot row.

(1) lwa (2) ttmes the employee's baste rato shall be Pllld ror:

• All want petfQrmed after normal quilling ttme, Monday to Friday 1nalustVe, and on an unscheduled ooy of wooc

• AI watk performed on Salurday, Sunday and siAtutory holldpp, which ocaurMonday toFndoy.

(b) Overtime ~ lli\811 be computed by dMQfng tne 11mployee'a basic weel<ly salary by hblher normal we11kly hours of worll

5.A.4 Pey Entftlem.nt for .CO Hour Workml

(1) Monday to Fliday fnolu•lw

(a) Scheduled Day of Wor11

(I) Twa (2) 1m1o. !he emplOyee'• b.ulc! rattt fof aD ovet1lnte WOlle perlom~lld.

(b) Unechedw.d 0~ ol WOt1C

(I) Two (.2) limN !lie emplo)lee's basic l'lltl!l shd be paid fw all watlt perlotmed,

(,t) a.tunfay, suncs.y

TWo (2) clmes the employee's baSIC rate lor a§ Ove41ime ~ petfonned.

(3) Statutory Holldaya

(a) Monct.y to Friday

TWO {2) tlmetltle employee's b(lslc rate ror liJI wr11 petfonnad P"" eiQN (8} "<M.n alslllllghl tcme n per Part A. Item 4.5. 1.

The eml)loyee may request lime off Wllhoul pay for the bask: staiUiory hours In eddttion to any oll811ime hOul$ wot~Uiid es per Pan A. Item 5.6.2.

{b) Saturday

TWo and OM-half (2.5) IImas the employee's basic rate f'or all overtime work l*formetJ.

(4) Bnk: Rate Clleu .. tlon

The bas'ic rate 11 IIQuallo the basic weekJV tale or each employee's aassl11c&ti0n M "t oc.!l in salary Sct1edvtes 20, 21, 22. end 43 Without any Increments. premiums Of bonuse$, d'i'f'fded by lhe I10fl'Ml weokly houl'$.

s.A.S ~-Mlsc.f~ PtOYfelone

~11'80US PnMeloM fM 35 end 'J7 ..5 Hour Woricen

(a) lh order 1o al!e'Mta uoeulw IIIOOfM!nl~. an effort shall be mooo to oquttobly cllsltbJte 011ertme amongJt ell qUIIII'Ied employees. Where tmploY"• fool !hoy hovo be«~ 11S$lgned enor!MI omoun~ of ovortlme, consideration or 11uch on~• anan be CDII$ldared fJt matter fOf dl.scunJon at local level.

(b) The Company t~groetto control excet.tlve authorized overtime by realtlcUng aotuol overtime to not more than 12 hours P« week. excluding ttavelllng lime. Under extntordlnacy clrc.matances, tho Union Will consider waiving the rostrlgtlvo lot~turo• ot this Clause.

(c) A travoJilng allowance up to • maximum or one (1) hour shall be paid at the approprlete overtime rate when an ernptoyuc Ia ct~llod In to work overtime and an extra trip Is Involved. S.O alto Socllon 6..4.6. Under these clreurnstances and llitlere the PfOvldod transportation hi riOI evonablo, the fiT!Ipluyee Is enlitled to retum mileage.

(d) 8eceu10 en ornployq wu ~t~qulred 1o work oV8ftlme Of because he/tho loat time In Clhllr~Jno chlfts, helat16 wll not be tnvented from workl~ hltlher total number of normal dally hol.n In MY notma1 «d\edvled day of W0/1<. II lhe employoo cannot ~ aupplltd W•th ltl8 work reqw.d to make up tile I10ITTI8l dnlly nours of work In !hot <toy, hltJ.Ihor pey 51\1111 bo Odjustod 10 provide a min mum ar hllllhot normal weekly 1\outa of worlt..

(e) 1r an omploy~Mt who has wotked owrtlmeend Is (lllys.ic:ally capeble Md the~ ot which helahe It OtdJnatlfV • member iJ at wort<. he/she wu noc be depn\led o1 the OClpotUjniiY ()f ~log t111/tlef nonnal WledUied hours in edell4\on lo the owrtlrne helahe m11y hnvo worlte<l.

(f) An omptoyoe who Ill& accumulated o'J811tme hovrs snail recel~~e this In eamltlgs, calculoled "' the oppropriate p111mlum rate and cannot be required 10 take Ume off In lieu or paymont.

(I) Banked Tim• In Lieu of Overtime

An employee who has accumulated overtime hours &hall reoelve this In earnings, calculated at the appropriate premium rate and cennot be required 10 take 11me oft In llou or payment. However, the emplOyee may Instead tltcllo tCCJUe lieu llmt crodlt calculated at the appropriate premium rate In place ot p;~ymtnt

A· 73

If no request is made prior t.o the overtima billing WO!Qd, payment al lfle appropnate overtime rates will be automatlc tand paid, Pan A. Item 5.6.2 Will cnnUnue to apply.

The employee can bank up to thsir normal weekly hours or wotll. and can ooly renew the hours or portion thereof after i\ han been taken as tlme oflt7 paid out.

The aCct\Jed Jleu time will be taken at a lime •Wbich Is mutualty agreeable to bolh pat11es.

Banked lfme cannot be t.91<.en Whl!f1 o'llelilme Is required to cover lhe stllfllhet the lndillfduB1 IS requesting Olf.

ArtY banked lieu time not sCheduled off as of December 1111 of each year wlh be paldOtll

Employees can defer a total of fiva (5) weeiai: of banked llme to be taken ImmediatelY preoedJng retirement This baok:ed time is to be used in combll1lllion wilh any deterred vacation as per Part A. ltenn 4A.6 (a) (Ill) to obtaln a maximum of thirty (30) weeks of paid time off [mmedlately preceding retirement.

Employees who wish to take this pafd time oJr immediately preceding retirement mvst gJva • minimum of four (4) months no1ic;e of the commem:emenl ol the paid time off. This commencement dale can be deterred to a later date upon nourauan from the employee. Undar ~peclnl circumstances the employee can request Management to waive lhe rout ( 4) mtlnth notice,

(fl} O~~~trtlme Miscellaneous Provisions for 37..5 Hour Workers Only

An employee Who has accumUlated overtlrne hours shall reoelve this, In earnings, calculated at the appn:!priate llremlum rate and ec~nnol be required to take time off In W9l.l of paymeol. Howevef, the employee n~ay elect to bank one (1) hOI./I' for elldl overtime hour wot'Xed for applicallon lQ the Christmas st'iutdown. The maximum number or hours that can be bankEtd is equal to the duration of the Christmas shutdown. The premium portion of lhe ovartlme worked shall be received In earnings the folloWing pay period,

(g) An employee who Is required to worit continuously for more than 16 hours or an employee who accumulates 16 hours or woritlng tlrne in any 24 hour period without a minimum fl\le (5) 11our contln\laut break between 23:00 and 07:00 hours shaD be entitled to an eight (8) !lour rest period, 11me spent for meals may be deduc(ed from the total elapsed time bUlls not to be ~nsidered as breaking the continuity of the hours worfced.

It the rest period extends Into the emplOyee's nann at scheduled hours or work. he/she shall be pa1d at straight time ral&$ for the portion of the rest penod which extends into IJ'te normal scheduled hours. lhls Is in addU lOll to Jihe overtime worfced,

Should he/aha be reqUired to continue woritlng beyond 16 hours he/she shall be paid two (2) tlmes hlslher l'lOrmal basic rate unUl an eJgM (8) hour rest period Is granted. Should an ernplo)'fle be released before 16 houss have elapsed, hefshe will110t be enutted 10 en eight {8) hour rest S*IOd. and hl$/het right to continue wct1t at straight Ume will be governed by Section 5.4.5 (ej.

(h) Equrwlenl time off wilhoul pay- See Part A. Section 5..8.2.

(I) Special Provlslons Concerning Overtlme for 40 Hour Worllora

(I) Tuna shall be counted from the time the emPloyee reports for ow.rtlm& worlt at U11t station until he/she finishes overtime WOift at UHt staUOn or unlllll!Jiher ~~ schedutad hours of WOift begin subject to (v) below.

(II) Because an employee was requrred to WOtk overtime or because helihtt loti Urne In cl\aJ1ging Shifts, he/Sile shalf not be preveni«S from WOrillrlg h~ toll!l nifll!bor of nonnal daily hours ln any normal schedUled day of work. tr the employoo Cltlnnot be 51,1pplled with the work required to make up the eight (8) hou~ ol WOift In ll'lol day, hlslher pay 6haU be adJusted to provide a mtnltnum of eight (8) hO\rl wotlt

(Ill) If an employee Who has worked overtime and Is physically capable and lht gang or which he/she Is ordinarily a member Is at work, he/she shall nol be deprived of the apportunlty of working his/her nannal scheduled hO\JI'S In addition to 11'\o OWI'tlme he/She rMY have wodl.ed.

(fv) An employee who !'las accumulaled o'll$'bme hours ~hall. receive ltQ. lo Nmlngs. eaJculated at the appropriate premium rate and oonno'l be requftad to lnko tine otf '" rtet.~ of paymenl.

(aJ See reference 5.4.5 (f) (Q.

(\1 An employee wt1o rs requirecl to worl( continuously lor more 1t1a11 16 hotll'$ or an employee wno ac:wmulates 16 hours o1 WOiftlng tlme In any 2A-hour portod, ahllll be entitled to an eight (8) hour rest period. Time spent for meals may be dodUCI1od from file total elapsed time but is not to ue considered A braald~ the ~of the ho\n WOfked.

tr the rest period extends ink> the emJliO)oee'$ nonnal sd'ledl.lled llou,. or woril. he/she shall be paid at slraight time rales for the portion or tne.1'11511*1od wn~ extends Into ltle normal scheduled hours. This Is In addition to lho o110111mo worked. Should he/she be required to continue worldng beyond 18 hout11 h6/she shaH be paid !WO (2) times hislher normal be&lc rate until an eight (8) llour real period Is granted, Shoukl an employee be released before 16 houri "-vo elapoed, he/she Will not be entitled to an eigtu (8) hour ~• period, and hr.thor light to continue work at straight time win be governed by Seetlon 5.4.5 (l) (Ill) aoov.,

M) All employee woo Is receiving double (2X) Ume While perlormlng ovettltno worl\, which extends Into the calendar day containing htslher schedUled d.ty off, wll remain at double {2X) lime until he/she receiVes an &tghl (8) hour 11t&l period

(vii) When less than 48 hours' notice of the requirement to worl( ovettfrno work Is gtven a.nd where an extra trip is required, a travelling allowance of one ( 1) hour at straight tlme shall be paid.

(viii) EquiValent Uma off without pay see Part. A. Section 5.6.2.

A - 15

(l.a) At BNPO wllere the provldBd transponatlon ~~not avallabl&, the cost of speoal tre11$PQrtDilon wll b$ proWled. This PtOVISiDI1 aileD b$ ~ for any future alation

8 .4 .8 Minimum Payments- Ovvrtlm~r foc 35 and 37.5 Hour Worlcers

All 3S and 37.5 hour weekly.salaned omployees ~ 11111 called ouiiD wozlt overtime With or wllllout noiJce shall receMt lhe tollowl11g,

When minimum payments apply no travel allowance wfU be pa10

(a) AU prearrangod owro~M pelfOIT!Mid or reported fot due to tact~ of notice or canc"ellation. Monday 1o Frtelay lnciU&Jve, shall receive a mlnfmUJm of IWO (2) noors at straight lime or tho ac:lualllme worbld at the appropriate pt'8111fum rates, Whichever ts 1116 greater.

(b) All prearranged overtime c;ancolled within 48 hours of the Clastgnatecl time of Wllfk commencem•ru WJJ rectulro or two (2} tli)Vfl at straight titne.

(c) Aft prearranged ovel'llma perfonned or reported ror due to Tack or notice of c;ancellalion on Saturaays. Sundaya and filatulory holidays shall re<:eMt a minimum payment of four ( 4) hours at slnlight Ume or tho act\J:IIIIme 'WOI1ted at the app opciale premium rates. whkll'lever Ia the gteater.

(d) Thl& shaD not apply the overllmo periOd c:onnmenc:es on a SatiJI'day, SUnday or atafUtory hOliday, as port of a lOnger owrtfme period c:onfmvtng Info the next calendar day.

(a) Aft amorgency ovol1ime wort< shalt rooelvo • minimum payment or t~ (4) hours at At!1Jight t1mct. or tl'le actual lima wol'ked at lhe llj)PfOpriale premium rate, wntchever Is ltle g~ter, providing short emergency calls are nol tejpeated within one (1) hour of lhe completion or a prevloue call for Which the four (4) lhourminlmum was paid.

If tho c:etkiUt OCCUIIIU& than IWO (2) f'loors bet ore lhe commenoernent ol nonmal slurtlng time. tho minimum will not llj)ply and the approptlale premium rate wtll be pald cot~Unuously from the caU<O\/ttlme until normal slar11ng llme..

5.4.7 Overtime - Regular Pert.TlrM end Temporary Paf1·l11m• EmployMs for 35, 31.5~ and 40 Hour WOI"ffm

Ove!1/me Ia defil'led oa:

(a) Houl'l wortcod whletlar•ln IIXOIIS$ or the nonmal da111y hours or the cl;tssfficalion. Tha preml\nn payment fCf auah work Is !WID (2) times tho employee's basiC rate for all work .,elfonnad after the c:IUslficatlon'a normal quitting lime


(b) Houns wof'ked In w:eu ot 2• In a--.. The pron~llum payment for such work is 1wo (2) Urnee IN empto~ «»tic: r.te.


(a) Unschecluled hours worked on Satwday and SiJnday. The premiUm payment fat unscheduled hours worked on Saturday and Stmday is l'lliO (2) limes tile employe6's basic 1'81e.

5..4,8 Owrtime Cancallallon and Minimum ~nta for 40 Hour W~eB

(~ Cancellation

All overtime cancelled within 48 hours of ns scheduled commencement shaflresullln a cancellation payment of fouT ( 4) hooTs at straight lime except In the folloWing ctrcumstances:

(I) Overtime aiT<l!lged in the CUTTen! shift as an axtellSion of the shift, requires no cancelfatioo payments.

(IIJ ~ma arranged as an extensiOn before the normal how-s of wo!X l1lq\JII1IS no cancellation payment if cancelled wUh more ~ I Z hours' natlce.

():1) Minimum Payments

All oV811tme perfOIIIll!d ar reported for due to lade of r,o6ce of canc.ellatlon sl'lall msult In a minimum payment of roor (4) hours at the appropcfale premium ~ate exoept 1n the followmg oircumstance:

0ver11me arranged during fne emptoyee·s normar workfng llouts and WOrked as an extension before and/or after the employee's normal hours of work, requires no minimum payment

5.4.9 Covet11ge Overtime

Thtl tollowlng will remain in affea for the wrm of the Collective AgrMmenc

£ffec::tfw January 1, each yNT emploY" ac:eumul818d ove.rtlme l!ouB wUI be ntHt to uro (0). Employees who then acc:a.nm.llate 250 hours or mora of overtime e~ommencfll9 "-nuary 1, wUJ tbereafter be entitled to overtime payments at the nrte of two and one 1\alf (2.6) time. their basa hourty rate fot a~y ovel1lme twurs worked tNt n.v. been wOI'kad to tlflabla• other amployen to bike floating statutory h.olldaya Of vacation time.

• Tha tenn 'enabled' Is defined as the approval of entployee vacation and flo.wtl11g statutory holidays being dependent on another Individual working overtime.


In recognition or the importance of regular meals to an individual's health and effec1lvenes15 on the job, the Company Will suppty meals as outlined below and When requlrec;j, wfll assign an employee to secure the meals.

(a) Employees provide !heir own meals on regular days of work.

lb) When an employee works ovef1ime on a regular day ott, he/she will be expecled lo provide one meal if 23 hours notice has been given.

A- 77

(c) When an employee works extension overtime befor:a or after nonnal scheduled hours, all required meats will be proVIded by the Compatly. The first meal (or meal allow~mce) will be provided When two (2) hours of overtime are wcttked. Subsequent meals or meal allowances will be provlded every four (4) hours of overtime worked thereafter.

(d) When meals cannot be reasonably obtalnacf, an allowance or $15.00 per meahllill be paid.

5.5.1 Meal periods

(a) Employees on day work shall take a meal period di:~Sfgnated by the Company and sllall not be paJ!l for thfs time (unless otheiWlse provided! for tn the CollectiVe Agreement).

(b) Employees on shtfi wor'!< &t'l&ll eat their meals dunng the ~;hill hours as conditions pem1it.

(c) When an employee works extensl r;m overtime, or overtime on an unscheduled day or Work, no time shall be deducted for eating such metals Where the employee eats the meal on the job and In a minimum of time.


5.6.1 With Pay

Occasionally, a'l employee will be In a sltuqtion Whl,lre 1.1118@ Is no reasonable altemative to being absent from work for personal reasons. Sometltm1s the employee will. al the same time. be ootnmllted to considerable additional expense. ProVIsion Is made so that the Company may ameliorate the t1ardsh1p to ltle employee •which may result.

(a) General

When In the Company's judgment the clrcumstaneos warrant such action. leave of absenC4 with pay wHI nonnslly be granted.

Thls leave ts based upon reasons of personal eme~gencY, such as severe llln~ss in ltte Immediate family which would necesst.tate remainfng home until adequate arrangements could be made for outside help, or being in close atlenctance at a hospltal. Also, In cases Where an employee is raced with the effects or a severe stonn, nre or lloo<J.

(b) Benlevement L..eave

Should bereavement occur in a regular or temporary employee's family, he/she may request bereavement leave, and he/Stle st'l<tll be grtanled such lime off with pay as is reasonable unqer the ai'C\Imstances. A perlod of up to live (5) days may be granted In the event of the death of the ammedlate famQy Including parent. parent-t~W. spouse and child. A per1od of up to three (3) days may be !V"&nled In the evenl of the death of a member of the family including, brother. brother-In-law, sister, sister-In-law, son-In-law, d&JJ;Jhter-in-law, grandpSients, grandparents-rn·law•a.nd grandchildren

Factors gowmlng d~.rratlon lnc!ude retallonshlp ol the cflocwsed 10 tile •ITlploYM. locatiOn of fUneral. and r-t for the employee 11o b& involved \n arrangements or 9li8Cilt0f duties.

(e) Funeral l.aaw

In the event of the death of a fellow employee, a regular emp/o)U may tnt elowod limo off W11h pay to attend the fiinefal. Usually the time requJ18d tS len than ot~•h.elf (0.6) dey. Regutat pan.ume employees shan be grante<111le time olf Wllh pay If echeduled to work.


Section 5>6.1 (b) and (c) Ia a guide applicable under oroinary clreumstances. on ltle di$Unct understanding li'ltll ll does 110t set rigid limits either maximum or minimum. For further ctorificatlon refer to Intent DOCl.lment PWU.Jt.006, Bereavement Leave.

(d) Annual Training for Reserve

A regular employee who serves with the Reserve Forco of tho Canadian Armed Forces and can be spared from work may be granted leave of absence In order to attend annual training.

The employee will be paid the difference between the gross amount reoelVed rrom the Department or National Defence for the full training period and base earnings for the period of absence. The employee will be required to furnish hlslher supervisor with a statement from the commanding officer of the reserve unit. showing the amount received from the Oepaliment of National Oefence for the trllinlng perfod.

(a) Logat Hearings

Ba!08 earnings will be m11intalned Wilen an employee Is caUed lor JUry duty or It subpoenaed to appear In oourl as a witness BKGeptln cases lnvohnna Inter-union jUI'!!idlcllonal disputes.

5.8.2 Equivalent Tlmet Oft Without Ply

Employees who havo wortcod OV'Irtlmo may be granted one (1) hour off lOt aaoh hour worbd, without pay. In lnetem.&nts of not less than ontH'Ialf (0.6) day, proVided lhtt emplOyee mqueMs 1he time ol1 and !tie workload pennita. Thlt provl&lon may only be eCCle ... cS when overtii'M wQI1cad hu not *" benbct In with Part A. Item 5A.$ f(l) Mid (l)(lv).

5.6.3 FamfJy c.,..

A rag\Jiar empto)lee IS entttled IICI t.Me up to fiw ($) ~ per ca.lendar y&ar tor ITie purpose of p!'OV1dlng famtty care to en tmmec:llal• famtly n)ember. The employee must psy chis ume back at a lime mutualy agreed to f))' hlslhef ~aor W!lhln three {3) manthol of tlklng the absencle Of by taking ltm6 off without 1)8Y. The lime ~ shaD be WOitted back on an hour for hour I>Uia. OuMg lt\ls un. (J) monlt\ Umt frat!*. •ratnay 1eav. taken' may be acf~ \0 'family tuw ~· In • mll'lirnlm 0( one ( 1) tiOVIIncrements.


Temporary employees are ellglbfe tor family l'lM8 days but aucn employees shalt be requited to oay back lime laken within ooe (1) montl'llnstead of 111e three (3) months lor regular employees.

tn llle case Wl'lere an employee requ~~S~S famlly cart teaove Which would result tn a drop beloW minimum raqulred complement. Management must try to 8CICOillltlodato the request if at all pos5lbl& and 0\is may require caning ln other &latr or hc»tflrlg stiff over Into the l'lflllt s111n As a tits! stsp. the supeMsor should lfllorm ll'le employee making the request of llle shusiiOrl so tttat ihe employee may be able tv m41C& otner ammgem,tnts to address th~ fnmJJy matter


Sabballaals must be applled for and agreed tv by the parties Involved.

I.e.., When sabballcals aze allowed, 4 year5 pay can be •1Pf88d over a 5 yeat penod. The emplOyee WOftca the first lour (4) year; end gets the a"' y>ear off, while bting paid 80'Yo ot hl$/he( base sarary (minus all normal decf~tlona) lor 1'1'18 tlrsl four (4) yerus. In tl'le 5-tt yeor, the employee receives as campensatlon, the banked bme dllference (mlnvs all normal dedoctiMs).


The PfOC8S$ lor sebbeUcalsl& outllnod In tfle policy 'Seii·Rinded satlbaticals•.

s.e,s Compaaalon.te care a._..v.

6eneflls undbr the Supplementary UnemploymentBGnotrit (SUB) Plan for Regular Employees • Compas&ion81e Care t.ea~~&.

Leglelallon was en&eted effech\18 January 1. 2004 throunh tile Federal Govemmerrt to slow employees to aooess El bonofits to provide CIII'B or support 10 a gravely ill family member wllh slg!lllicant risk b( death within twenty-s!Jf (26) weeks. The Ptovlnolal Government ot Ontario has also slated that thcty w\11 enectleg•alellon to alow l'at'l!ly members leave up to eight (8) weeks In 2004 to care for seoously Ill family membert. Provided they qus1Jfy for 8 payments. regular employee$ who are el~lble for Compassionate Care Leave under the Employment lnsuntnco Act. sllall be paid • benefit ln aCXl011tance With llle SUpplementary Unemployment Benefit Plan. In order to receiVe this benellt, lhe employt9e mu11 provide the Company with proof that he/she has applied for aod Is ellgfble lo reoeiV~t Employment Insurance beoefits pursuant to tho Employment lnsv111nco Act. The grant p1yrnent may onlY be pa1d upon receipt ot proof tf'let the employee 15 eligible tor El beoeRl&. The slmpkt$1 ·proor of eliglbUIIY" Is !he counterfoll from the employee's first E1 <iheque.

According to the Supplament!lly Unemployment Benefit tPian payment will oonslst of:

(a) For those t!IITII)Ioyees on Cotrlpa.sslonate Care Leal/8 pursuant tv the Employment Insurance Acl. the following entitlement wm apply: up to Eilghl (8) weeks, oependent on the length of his/her El Or'ltlllement. equivalent 10 tne difference between the employmem Insurance benefits the employee ~ ol.lglble to receive end 93 por1;0nt (93%) of tho employee's ba5e pay.

A -80

(b) Other eamlogs receiVed by the employee wm be considered so that ttle total comb!natlon of SUB. El benefits and other earnl11gs wtll not exceed 93 percent (tm(.) of the employee's base pay.

These pa)lments Will only be made if the employee signs an agreement with the Company proWiJng:

(I) that helsha w\lJ return to wol'k and remain In lhe Company's employ for a period cr 2 rnontl!s li'oollhe date or return to work;

(II) thai he/she VoiD telum to worlt. oo the date of lhe eli:Plry of lheJr Compassionate care lea'te, unless lhe employee cs eollt.led 1o anothef lea~~e proVIded for In this egreemenl,

(fil) tnat the emptoyee that helsne l&lndeblecf to the Company for the payments receM!d it hel$he taJis 1o rewm to WOI1t as per the provfsions of aubseot/on~ (I) and (II),


5. 7.1 General Provisions

To be eligible, lbe employee must flaw WOited for the Company tor • period or at least 13 weeks preceding the estimated delivefY date or 119118 been employed by 1.1'10 Company tor 13 weeks by tho date on Which the child oomes into the c;ustocly, care and oontrol of the pomnt for the first tlme.

These leave provisions are available 1o all categones of employeu, In addition, regular employees Including regular part-limo employees elfgible for pregnancy leave, pttrontal leave, or adoption leave are anlllled to supplementary unemployment benents (Ref 5. 7 ..4).

Pregnant employoes are enliUOd to pregnancy leave Including those women whosa pregnancies are lermloaled by atill·birth or miscarriage Within 17 weeks of lhe expected birth date (Ref. 5, 7 .2). Following tho birth of lhe child, lh& emplOyee Is also ef!glblo tor parentot leave. (Ref. 5. 'T .5)

Adoption Ia ave Is uv;fioble to the parent WllO Is designated as lhe primary caregiver (Ref. 5. 7,3), Parental leave Is also avall~tble 1o such an ~ployeo (R•f. 6. 7 .ti).

Parental leave is also available to emplo>'885 not eJlglbte for pregnancy Of ;rdoptJon Ieaiie but who have become the parent of a child (&.g. an employee who5e SI)OUse has ~ven birth to a dl\lld or the adopllve patent wl\0 15 not the p(mary C&n~gl\ler). (Ref. 5.7.5~

A leave 8l«enslon Is available to employees who lake a pregnancy leave folklrwed ay a poren!XII leave (Ref. 5, 7 S(b}l.

Sei'IIICI cadit will be granted fOt lha full dutaliOn of SlJCh Ieaiie$

TWo f2) weektl' nollce Is reqUited for such a leaYe, except as no(ed In 6 7 2 (b~ Tho C!CI'I\t'M11Cell'l$nl date can be advanced or (1elayed upoqlhe g1111ng ol • tunl\ef t11w0 (2) 1111 w nollco. Slrrularly, tl'le lermlnat;on date can be advanced Of delayed upon 91~/~ni tour (4} MGQ nollcle.

A · 8f

EligibilitY for such laeli'e does not neceu&rlly mean Ute ~1111ployee 1$ elllltled to El benetila. Howeller, El benefits may be avallab.le tnth• case or ~ouc:h a leave end employees 5houkl be referred to the MM!st Et ofllce to f11eek tnelr entlUemenl

The Company wiU continue for th& duration ol•ny auon lleave to pay tne same stlare of the premiums tot otttP. EHB. Dental Pfan. Ule toaurnnce and Penalon Pltln tnat u would nonnatly pay for the emplOyee. Thl5 wUl not apply Wllh respect to any benefit plan where the employee Is normally requlted to make an employee oontnnution and !Wshe hal> given 1t1e Company Wfftten notice lhatllelshe does not Intend to pay such C01ntributlons.

An emplOyee going on sucn e Ieaiie may Pl1lP8Y tllslh$1" pension oontl\bUUons prior to t.aklog I he leBV$ or mal!e up oonlrlOuttons within one (1) year en a lump sum 011 return to work 10 establish pensionable uNice for the period of absence. ~to the leave, hefsho must sign the eppropflllte forms Indicating whether or not tlelsfle ~o~~(&llea 10 prepay the pensiOn plan oooltibuUons.

Positions temporarily vacated as a result of a pragr!IIIIC)I/adopiJon or parental leave will be fiHed on a temporary basla only unfll the employee on leave l'ltums.

Provided the employee re\utTI$ to wotll no later than the e?tpjraUon or his/her leave entiUement. helahe wilt be offered:

(II) the position most recently held If It still eKists and slhan be entitled to a rate ol pay not le!IS than hl~r wagoc at the cornmenClOmcml of the leave or If grea1er tha wages that the employee would ba earning had tile employee 'wol'ked lhroughout the IB8ve.

(b) Should the poaltlon most recently held not exl&l as a result or a surplus In the unit In acconlance with Ar1icle 11 he/she will be offered o GOmparable positiOn at lhe toca!ion he/she was prevloual)' working el a rata or pay not 1866 than his/her wages at the commencement of the leave or If greeter the waget~ lhat the employee would ba eamt119 had tile employeg worked throughout tl'le leave.

ille granting of oxtenslons to the normal ~ay aatlng p1erlod for positions vacated by an employee on pregnancy/adopllon/parenlal leave shan bill automatic so long as the employee rem aiM on leave to a maximum os oonned In this .s~n. The Chief Steward snail be advised or all casas where thla subsection opptlos.

6.7.2 P111gnanc;y Lnvo-General

Prior to commencing pregnancy leave, the female emplo~ee mus! Indicate In writing her desfl'l to return to wa<k following her pregnancy.

The Canadian Human Rlghta Act requlres lhe employer Ito eccommodate the needs of pregnant employees In the wo~ptace, unless to do so w.ould cause undue hardship to the business. If a pregnant employee Is unable to work In hor regular work locallon because of tne possible radloactlvlty level, her Normal base rate of pay will be maintained during the period or relocation.

(1) Duration of LM~

An eligible lt~male employee may apply for pregnaniQy Teave. to commence atler the 2Z"' woek of pregnancy for a duration of up to , 7 week! I.

The pregnancy leave of an employee wtto Is not enlitled to take parental leave ends on 1M fatOf of tile day thetis seventeen (17) week.s after tile pregnancy leave began or ll'le ~y that Ia she (6) weells aftet the birth, stlll·birth or mrscarrlage.


Female employees INho are the parent or a child are entitled 10 parenl!llleave ln addition to pregnancy leave. Parental leawla dosoribed In 6. 7.5. Unless otharw'1se mutually agreed, parental leave must Immediately follow the pregnancy leave UPlless the cNlcf has not come Into tile custody, cere and c:onlfol of lhe parent ror the first time.

(b) Phy1Jclan'• Certificate

When a female employee appllet for Pf99natiCY leave st1e miJISt pro~ her superviSOr with a cartlftcate from 1'wtr physician stating that $he Ia Pf1l9nBI1I and givlnq the estlm3t.ed date of delivery at least two (2) weeks prior to tho date she plans to com11'1enCB the leave.

In the case or a female employee who slops working prlof to the commencement of her schedUled leave becauae ol a bttth. stUI-b!M or ml&camage that hap()8nS ~rtler than the employee was el(1)41Qied to glw birth, INII o~ must. Wtll'lin two (2) weel<s of stopping work, give her wpervi.sor.

(I) written notlc;e of tho date the pniglliUlCy '-"w began or 11 to begin, nnd

(II) a eert~te from a legally qua11t1$d rnodie011Jr8Chtlooet that. atatea the date of the birth, stllJ.Oirth or mliCan'iago lind the date tn. ttmplo)11e was expeclod to gtve borth.

When a femalie employve resign~ without notifying her auporlllsor that she Is prog11ant and she has not applied for ~c:y luve, biJt W•thln two (2) weeks following her resignation, provides her ~sor Willi a oortlflcato ti'Om her l)hyllcl8n staling she was unable ID pedofm het job dutieS bec:IIUM of a medical OOI'Idltlon orttlno from het pregnancy and gMng v.. es.IJmatad or Dduat de!MKy dato, sho ~~loll bo onllllod to pregnancy leaw if It is requested.

The SupeNISOr shoukl ob1aln the ad\IICIID end OIII!;IMCO Of HW!Ilh Services if darif1C8tlon lS required.

(c) Pregnancy and the Sick Leave Plan

fobmal pregnancy leading to confinement Is not an lllnosa under lha tcrma of tho Slck Leave Plan. However, absences dUe to pregnancy-related rnneaaet 01 cort\pllcallonl shalt tie considered as sick leaw under the term a of lhe alck leave plan


S.7.3 Lepl Adoptlons-Prfmary c..GlWf

In cases d. legal adopfion Where lhe child is raised In the !lome ct'l$ followlng w!JI•PilfY 111M ~!pt ollhe child.

(a) Where the child is less tl)an elemental)' schOOl ag~. the pnmary caregiver wHI be granted leave of up to 17 weeks.

(b} Where the c:tllli:IIS elementary scilool age «older and Ina prmery cateQiver requo11ts leave, lhe d.rauon v.'11 be cased on !he (l!()OIIni\endallon of the adoption agency With the fll\al decisfon being made by 1118 Compan(s Chief Ptlysloan.

(c) The pnmaty caregiye( Is also entitled to parental Jea~ (Rof 5. 7 .5).

5 .7.4 Benefits Under the Supplementary Unemployment Benefit (SUB) Plan for Regullr Employees

ProW:fad they qualify for B pa}'Tnents, en'4lfoyees wt10 ate e1Ju1.b1e rOt pregnancy leavetparentat leave or lbe regular erne*~~ Who is 1M Clllntflt detiQil&tld as IM ptimary caregfYef In a legal ~lion proceec~:ng ~ be pa,iCt a bane-t,tln oocc"'ance ~\h lho ~ntary Unelnploymerct Benetit Pllwl. In oruer liD rM:OIYo thts bef1e!tl. the omployee must proVide the Ccmpany With ptOO( ltW he/she has appRod fOt and Is eligJb4e 10 .l'te:ielve employmentlnsorance benefits pwauanlto the EmplOyment lnwranc:e Ad. The grant paymenl may onlY be paid upon reoelpt or PfOOf that. the employee Is el!gibl• lOt El benefile. The simples1 •proor of etiglb1Uty" lllh• covnterloll from lho employee' a firSt El cheque.

According to Ole SUpplementary Unemployment Bene hi Plan paymenl will consist ol;

(a) For thoae employees on PfGOMI'ICY leaYIII « in the case of a tegeledopiJon, the pnm~11y caregiVer sllall be entttled 10. CWO (2) weella at 93 percanl (~"'r.) of the emplroyee't ba.­pay. Additionally, an employee on pilM't:llteaw ~ partner IS not eligltlfe to receive El bon11filo, tlhall be ent~led lo CWO (2) week$ at 93 pefCII!nl (~) ollhe ~'a base pey.

(b) For U1ose err1ployees on pregnancy loal/6 or In the case ot a legal adoption, U~e pnmary caregiver flhall be enUIJed to, up to 11noen (15) addllionaJ weekly payments depenc:lenl on the length of his/her El entitlement, eqUivalent to the dilfetence bel\lleen U1e employmenl 1011uranco benents the employeca ls ohglble to rece111e and 93 percent (93%) of the employee's bau pay.

(o) For lhoM employees on parenta.l llllll/8, up to 5 weeks acldltional weeldy payment dependent on tile length of hls/Mr El •ntlllement, equivalent to the difference be~ the employmenttnsurarlCe benoit IS the employee Is eligible to teee~ve and 93 peroent (93~) of tho employee's base pey

(d) Other eomlngs received by the employee will be considered so that the total comb~noiiOn ol SUB, El beneftls and other earnings will not Gl(ceed 93 percent (93%) of the emploY"'• base pay.

ThEm! paymenw IMU only be maae tf the employee. signs an agreement wlth the Company, ~

(I) that hetslle wHirelum to work and remain In the Company's emplOy for a period ot slx {6) months rrom the date or ret~m to wort<:

(11) that he/she wlllretvm to work on the date or the e1<piry of her pregnancy leave or hlslhet octoptlon leave. unless the employee Is entitled to 111nother leave proW:Ied for In tills agree1118111;

(Ill) thai the employee recognltes that hefshe is lndeblod to the Company for the paymentl received 'If he/she rafts to return to work as per the provisions of subse<:tions (i) and (II),

5.7.5 Parental Leave

(l) Gen.e1111

Emplo)'08S who halie been employed by the Company fOf a perlod of at least 13 weeks by the date on whloll the child Is bom or comes lntc1 the custody, care and conttol of the parent for the first time are eligible for parental lea VIa as descrlbed in Seollon 5. 7.5 (b) below. A parent Includes a person with whom a chl,ld Is placed for adoption and a perwn who Is In a relationship or 5011'16 permanenoe w11h a parent or a ctllld and who tnlel')ds to (feat the ctllld as his or t;er own,

(bJ Duration of Leave

Employees eligible for parental leave may take this leave beginning not later than 52 weeks of the child being born or coming Into care. IUnless otherWise mutuaUy agreed females on pregnancy leave wishing to take a parental teaw must commence parehlal leave immediately following the end ollhe pregnal'l4;y leave unless the c:tlflrl has not come Into custody. care and control of the parent fotr tfle first lime.

A birth mollfier C$n take both pregnancy an4 paren~~lleave. Tllo$e who taka. pregnancy leave are en.lftled to up to 35 weeks' parental lea\18. Brrth mothers Who don't take pregnanoy leave, and a !I other new parents, ate entitled to up to 37 weeks' parental taave.

tr each parent of a M'ollbom tool! the maid mum les\le allowed at separale times. the baby would haw a parent at home for 89 co~ve weeks (17 weeks of pregnancy leave fotlhe lwtn mother. pk$ 35 weeks or pa1entalleave for the birth mother, pkls :n week$ ol perentalleaw tor tile other parent~

Empfoyees ~ w!sf1 to take f111511!ave must gllr'lt lt1e Company two (2) weef(s' notice In writing prior 1.0 the dal& the leave would begll'l and faM (4} WMits notice af the date the leave will end IT I hey waan to termina1e the leave priur lo 18 weeks ~ lhe dale the te~Jve commenced

An employee. wtoo takes e pregnancy leawtfolloweatf by • parental leave as per Item 5.7.2 erad 5.7 .5 may elect to nave the total lea~"' eldatlded up \Q 56 weeks. This oanstltutes an eJttel\aion af uP LO 4 wee)(a.

5, 7.6 SerY!ce Credit

EmplOyees who ~ !Jf&nted PfeQnanoy/adopUon/l)arentalleave from tne CQmpany on ~ aft« November 18. 1990 wtn be eligible tor service credtf tor the fUll duration,


s-7.7 RNt«atlon af "'-vloua S.rvlc.

Fot employees ~ a1ler May 12. 200f, pro'lldino lhoy 1ate on 8ruce ~a PBY'Oft u of Mardl31, .2002 and a2a1n regular!U5 on ot before Docemoer 31. 2002. female employees who ~ granted matemlly leave IMlllle oNgtble ror tena croctrt111 foiDws:

(l) those employees who tool\ nonn&l maternity fea\'el1 Will lie eligible for service aedft up to a maximi.VTI d 11 wee11a.

(b) ltlOSe empio')l!es who look exarndoct mltom/tyf!)&l1totalle8WIS on or alter Apt~ t, 1977 will be el\gible ror seMce credit for llle run <fumllon.

tn thlt ease, seMc8 credit restonltlon Will be for the purpoMt of vacation anzl senionty only. Thlt provision applies only in re&pect o( per1ont hnd alter deoonllol from OPG to Bruce Power.


In ttl$ event \hat an employee cannot be releaud u teq1ueatod. the epproprtete Executive Team Member wiJIIM(jt With tho Chief Steward lo diseula. end dtsdose au detans with a view to resoMnglhe IS$Ue.

5.1.1 Princlpfoa Re Ruoureing for Relief, AdJng & Temporary ar RotJitlonat AN~nmeuts for 35 •nd 37.5 HourWortera

R«agnnzing lhat renet. adlng and tempcdty assiQtments contl'ii:IV!e 10 tl'le de-welopnle(lt of pe~ and conlribule to the WOfl( being done elfedNIIIy. lhlt f~ wiD be COM$idered when re$CMdng these 8SS1Qnn'lei'IIS:

• the more senior employees Will bo glvGn "tcnnc~'

• assigrments may be split bel~n employeee;

• specific quaHflc:atiOn~o rwqulrod lor the p:llllian will be lall.en lntD oonaidaration;

• lor supervisory I)OS.IIIons prtmftiY consldlreUon Will bo glvon to personal qualifies such as leadership and the understanding and display ot ll'lla practice of good human relauons:

• employee development:

• Employment Equity objeo11* dl~ssed In actvanc~ With Ill& Union shall be considered:

• emoont or notice and dura lion of aSIJIIJnmtnl will bo gonsldered.

Tnese a&slgnmenls Will be dlslrtbuted as CMJUllllbly 811 po51lblo, over lime, once the above alnditions have been c:onsidellld.

The fcwmallor ullllzaUon of the a bow m a Buslne•s Unit (Or smaller unll) wlB be a Joint responsibility.

A - 86

DiSpUte$ w.a be resolved locally and may be ~t~temld to the Sector Vice Pre&ldent or Oelegete and the Local Manager.

Ci\'eulnSiance5 which negate consldera!Jon ol the aboVe an:ntions will nonnalty be dlswssed Ill ad\lanc:e Wlln &he UnJon.

5,&.2 Rell•f Work For 35 & 37.5 Hour Woricera


It Ia tho Intent of this Item that when an employee Is relieving in a higher rated position that htllho be properly compen~ted for tho duUes lila! hel$11e is perfooning. The assignment of relief Ia 11 Management right and Increased duties must be assigned not assumed.

(., The Company shall noWy the t~tnployee tn writing, In advance where possible, of the requlr~mentto petfonn relief. of the ~nttaf naliAre of the majof duties to be pelfooned. ~mc:l tt\o 1o be paid dUfli!O the 191lot petlQd.

(b) EmPIO)ulln the weeicty1aletleel schedule. wt1e0 refseW!g fllr the nonnaJ duties of an ornploywe tn " hlgher}Otl~ not Wined In 58.2 (c) below, for a period of one( t ) fuR W011ting dlly or more shill be paid, lOr the fullrt~llef period, altha tale establtshed by the Company for 1 ... relieved poaillon or lhrw percent (3%) above tne employee's normal rate wtdel'lever ls greater

Fenure to notify the employers tn wrmno or tne major dtJiies to be performed and the rate to be paid wlll require the poyment or lhe nrst step of the salary grede ol l11e relieved posttJon or t.hree percent (31!t) obove the employee's normal rate whlcl'lever Is greater, lor the enUre raltef period

(c) Employees In the weef<ly.pfnried Gehodule, when relieving for tho normal dtJIIes of an omployoe tn a notHiniOn tupoMsory posl!Jon for a period of ono ( 1) tull wotit~ day or more &hall be paid ror the fun peeled etlhe rate established by the Company for the ret eved polltlon or rrv. l)e(COnt (5"') llbcMt the emptoyee'l nommf ,.,o wl'lldlever II greater

Fallura to noUfy the emplOyee In wrtttog of the rnojOr dUtle:~ to be pet1om~ed end the rate \0 be Jlllid wil requlra tllo poymont ol tO l*'t4lnt (10%) obol/9 tho omployee's nornu~l rete, for lhe entire relief poriOd.

Employees who perfom~ relief, OGling, tomporury or rofatlont In a poslllon ahoW be subject to progressions • outllned In ~iOn 4. 1 ,

(d) NotificaJJon of the Chief Stewa.rd Is requlrlld whon tho employee Is re<~wed to relieve ro. a period of two (2) working days or more

(•l S;.atulory holidays Wtl no\ affect 11\e conllmJit)' if they occur between tho r~t~t and aeeond days.

Payment for vacallon, $let( lee¥"& and stalutory holid&Yt al\eU be a& Ole teller 11110 If they occur during the fllllef pel'lod and at the normal rate II II ~urs 8llhe bOQinn~ng or the and of the rafter period

A - tsT

(f) Wheo an.,._:,.. 1110 be~· .t., 1 llti•C~Qeay, ~. f or rolalioNipoiCIIOft, the Oampeny &hal raJy 1M ~)'INI tmei the aw SMu 11clln WflllnO MUIIlQ OUl

1 The 10son for tne pfocemen4 In thl ~lion 1.. 1M gel t«al netln of Jhe mapr CIUU. IO be pel tonned. 3 The rate to be SMild 101' the poaltJOn. 4. The e.Jq~Ge~od CI\Aiion. s, The MmO of the Incumbent (llanv).

M employee may act In 1n eld.lmg job In which a wcanc:y 11 CtMted. po~ the M'tVal of a suoceaa:IIJI appHclnt to !he vac;ancy.

The~ or 11w ~ petiCCI ltld no1 uoeec1 90 days Ctom 1M d.ll4 thl omi*J)'M tt pli108CIIn lhlllcllng Q98Cily, unleM ~a~~ mens !on 11 8D'MCf ~ by thl CotnpMy and ~ Chief Steward of the Union. Ptndlng U. amval of the • ..,...,l'ul· 11ppllcllnt and hrs/her auumlllg 1ne I'IOI'In4l du , the acting lnc&mlbenl who IS l*fctmiOQ lhl normat cMies n mponslblllllea or on llelr.g II*IUon INI nce1va the ~ rate .n -..11'1 the W.....,..S..r.ned AeW 0..... clllw Agraemenl.


faU'e to notdy ondfor teqUOil f~ O.(!Atll:CIOfl awnf ngly WII reqwe payment of the penalty CleaOI1bfld In the IPPIOPflllte W~lal1ed ~r C!au.a:e of ti\IJ AQreemanl

s.e..a Relief Wotk fOf 40 Hour WOI'IItrw

Payme~~t ror vacatlon, &dt leo~~e end aatutoty hdlcla1S S1lal be ati!'W ,., m. If lhlrf occur lh.lfllll 1M relief PI'IOd end at IN notiNII ""* r tt OCCin • lhtt ~ no or 1t1e ena ot .. r.IJOf ,.nod. ...,._. otllol 101M ~!)ft..,_,

When on ernplo)JeeiCQU/nta a lieU dfJy ~ ~ 11'18 Ngll0tof1110d poe.IIIOn. 1110 lieu day IIIIIA be paid at fhcl !Wgtler rato.

(1) ()perwtOI"'

~*''· wtlOft used 1.0 supply,..., In a hiQher-nlted union ~1 postliM. lhall be paid the rata for 1M poa:ltlon. ~ wiU be on 1111 hOUI..foN~out be$1$ When palfortnlrg lh8 dutlel ln U. hlghftr ct.alllcarJon.

When requlrwl to ,.llovv 111 o no.,.unlon 5uporvltory position for • Pfriud ol one (1) WOfklng day 01 mo,., Nuclear ()pe(eton~ 8hAI be paid twenty.l'NO percent(~) ebove tho respectJ\Io joumeypoiiOil rat.« tiV. percent (5'9fo) ab0'4 tne1r nonnel !a'IB, whlctleYer Is or-~tor

When~ to ,.,....,.In ellOI'Wnlon I1JPII"'J:KII'Y PQS.t10n for•I*"'d done (1) WOIIung day ot mora, 11w fobmg Gtau. allans shall bo $lll'd flvo ~ (5'1.) abaft their~ rete;

• Major Panel Optra\Of • SupeMslng Nucltlt Opora1or

A· 88

• Authorized Nuclear Operator 111 Trslnll'lg!ANO • Certified Unit 0 Oon!rol Room Operator In l"raining/CRO • DefUe.lled Reactor Panel Ope rater • Fuel Handling Control Room Operator

Chemical and Steam Operalors. when relieVIng In or appointed to a higher-rated posilfon, and have. accumulated t~e surn of 1400 hours of actual work In the higher posltlon In any nuclear station shall receive the ret1a of the next highest progression step In that position.

It an operator. relle\ling In a higher position ralls sic:k, hefshe will be paid &Jck benefllS or tile rate or lhe Job In which he/she Is relieving only up to tire first point on the schedule where helshe would have normally returned to his/her basic rate. From this point onward, sick benefits during thfs Illness wilt be basted on h~er basic classJOcatlon rate

In re<:agnlllon that operators ar-e regular1y required and scheduled to provide relief In higher positions. they shall receive for their lull wcatlon period the rate of the higher positron when such relief has been provided for 50 percent {50%) or more or a wcation year. Operators rellel/lng 1n a higher pos/Uon for less than 50 percent (50%) of the vacatlon year will be pai!l tne rate ot their f89Uiar classiflcatiol'l dul'ing 1t1e run vacation per'iod.

Except as naiad above, employees who pet1orm mlief, acting, temporary or rotations In a position shall be subject to progressions as outlined In Secllon A 4.1.

Where It Is necessary to use step..Up tn a regular Sl~dule. suo!') sChedUle sl)all provide for eaoll position being Oiled from the rroxt posillon In line, except 11'1 specJal ~ses such a.s where the oCC\lpant of the next position In line lacks sufficient qualifications. In ernargency relief an effort s~all ~ made to $Upply such relief from an equal posiUon or tha next lower posiiiOI'I in line.

To take care of staff development training situallons for lower classifications It Is recognized I hat any loWer classmcalion may from Lime to 1ime assume the. responsibility of any higher posilion. This Is a strict training situa:Uon and must not be used as a substitute for normal reUel procsdures.

(bl Entry Co-Ordlhatlon

When stepped up ID the position of Entry Co-Ortitn:ator an employee shall be paid the Entry Co..Qtlllnalor rate or 5% above their classification Whichever Is greater. This classlflcatlon or step up rale Is not available to any employee wne Is In receipt of payment for supervision.

5.8.4 Non~Unlon Supervisory Relief

When reqUired to relieve In a no11-unlon supeMsory poslhon for a period of one (1) wor11ing day or more, the following classifications shall be paid twenty·hMl percent (22%) above the respecflve journcyperson rate or ffve percent (5%) above ~heir normal rate, whichever ls greater


• Civil Maintainer I • Civil Maintainer II • T&WE Mechanic • Mechanical Maintainer • Shift Control TeChnlctan • Nuclear Operator • Emergency Services Maintainer • Maintenance Assessor (Journeyperson- Mechanical Maintainer) • Civil Maintenance Assessor (Joumeypel'8on - Civil Maintainer I) • Control Maintenance Assessor (Journeypel'8on- Shift Control Technician)

When required to relieve In a non-union supervisory position for a period of one ( 1) wo~lng day or more, the following classifications shall be paklllve percent (5%) above thelr normal rete;

• Major Panel Operator • Supe('llising Nuclear Operator • Aull'lorized Nuclear Operator In Tralnlng/ANO • Certlfled Unll 0 Control Room Operator In T ralnlng/CRO • Defualled Reactor Panel Oparalor • Fuel Handling Control Room Operator



The job challenge process contained In Ole rica I-T echnlcal Job Evaluation ManuaJ, "Plan B" and refe!llld to In this section shall be replaced for the term of O'lls Collec11ve Agreement wi1h the expedited process contained In Article 2.8, Dispute ResoJutlon­Arflcle 8, Job Challenges, and OOls. The Job Oassification Committee shall assume aN the responsibllitles normally associated witll the Joint Salary Commllt&e tor llle term or this CollectiVe Agreement.

5.9.1 The Clerical-Tec"'nlcal Job Evaluation Plan

The provisions which ·form the basis of ttte Clerical-Tectmlcal Job Evaluation Plan, formerly referred to as Plan 'B', are contained In the Collective Agreement and ll'le lJnlon Clarlcai-Tecl'lnlaal Job Evaluation Manual. Matters pertaining to lheapplioaUon at dollars are contained In the Collective Agreement. Jab evaluation matters are conlalned In the Manual. The Company shall ldenfffy lhe Company groups responsible for deaiJng With the Union In the foregoing matters.

5.9.2 .)obs by the Clerical-TecholcaJ Job Evalu•tlon Plan

The plan shall cover aU jObs fallin!l under this section of the COllective Agreement.


S.U fdentlflatlon of Joa.ln Salary Schedule

All jobs PfOC6$&ed under lhe Cletlcai·Technical Job Evaluation Plan shall be deslgnallld a salary grade In the CUTront safary sd!edl.lle ISSUed '" oonjunc11on with 1t1e Collecllve Agreement

11.9A The Union Cl•rlal-Tod\n1c:al Job E"vatu.-lon Manual

The Manual Is a supplement or lr.. Collec:U.,. Agreement and Its provisiollS shall apply u If set forth •n tuff heretn.

The Manual shall bo IUpp/lod to All amployees whose jobs are CIJY9fed by ltle plan.

5.9.5 R7ghts of tile Pa(tl"

The Company has and wn retain t11e e~tclusive rfght and power 1.0 decide What W0(1( Ia to be done end who Is to do It 1111d liCCOrdlngty tne COI1'1j)$ny shan apply the Clencat-Tecl'ln\Cat Job fvaklallon Plan to detem'llne appropriate salary grades for jobs, The Company 51\811 exereiso ttlese ngNs In acoord11nco wlltlttle ptOvislons as sal forth In the Collective Agreement and the Union Clerlcai·Technlcot Job Evaluation ManuaL

The Union's right shall be to set on behalf or Its members to ensure that the Clerical· Technical Job Evaluo!lon pt~n It baing property applied. In order to cany out this function. the Union Job Evatualfon Ottlcer a hall work In liaison with the appropriate Company groups responsible tor the admlnl11tratron of such matters and he/she shall be permil1ed, within reason, to Interview employees during rogular working hours.

The Union shall exercloe these rights In accordance with the provisions as set forth In lhe Colleclive Agreemtmtand ttle Union Clerical· Technical Job Evaluation Manual.

The Union shall rotaln its rights to participate jointly wllh the Company In developing andlor modifying the CI~I·Technlcal Job EvaluaUon Plan.

In Ull evunt or oonmct between lhe fOfegolng general statements, regarding the tights of the partieS, ond the apeciJc P/'OIII&lons contained In the CoJJectwe Agreement and the Union Olerk:aJ.Teahnlc81 Job Evaluation Manual, the latter shaa govern

5.9.8 Sal•l'Y Sc!Mdul•

The salary eclheclule for job5 cov«ed by lhe Clerical-T ectmical Job Evaluation Plan and Issued In COfljUil«lon w11h the eut~Wn\ Collective Agreement shall have th$ lonowtng ollllliCUirUIJC:S:

(a) The Alary sdledUie shall be a salary range schedule With a total of 18 salary grades.

(b) The percentage lnctement from salary grade to salary grade (based on step 3 of eadl otary grade) COIICU!¥1ed 11om salary grade 51, step 3, shall be annotaled 0t1 the t.chedule 20 Which Is currently in effect.

(e) Each aall.lry grade It composed of tl'lree {3) steps, The second step II> '¥1 percent (97%) or the maxii'O\jn'l and the firSt step Is 94 percen1 {94%) of the maximum. The time


lnt&M~I required for Dnnlwrsnry progroulon shaP lbe In accordance Wllh Part A, SectJon 4. t.

(d) Wl'len an lncrumbenl la promoted from one fl8laty !llf'llde to another. he/she shaA tie promoted In accordance Wlth Pllrl A. Section 5.10.1, 5.10.2. 5.10..3 - Promobon ~

(e) The relationship between tile qfary grede end the polrlt rB111!e Shell be 13 po/ms g 11111 rrrst salary grade and 21 points fOf eadl srdary grado thereaftw.

5.9.7 Wagea and Rettoaet.IV!ty upon Upward Rtldautnc:alllon

Upwatd ReclualfiCIItlon n a Result of c .. ...,.,, lnll!lat~ Ac1ion

(a) Transfer from the existitlg salary grade to the,_ INgtler salaly grade shaA be by fie step \0 step method.

(b) In cases where Management creel&s a Jcb oocununt With MW cMies that they el(plot the incumbent to perlorm on a goii'V-fOfWSI'IS basi:l only which ~ In an llpW8rdJ teolassdlcallon, tho Incumbent shall be ltlnsferred to the new j)b by using the promotion rule,

(e) Retroaetilfa entJ~ b8secl 011 tile step to at~ 'method, shall be (:QlTif.lULtd by going biiCk to the date When 1tw lnCireaaod Job demands and responsib411lies were lnslltutlld or undef1aken.

Upward Reclualflcatlon ••• RKult of Emi)JOyee lnlllat~ Action Through the tnuanco or • ReGOfd of Dl.c:uulon Fonn.

(l) T ransler tram lho existing 181ary gracSa to the new lt11gher salary grade shalt be by I he f)fomotlon rule. except In the follOWing situallona wlhere It shaH be by the step-to-step method:

(a) ~ !titre It no clulngo In Job content or )ob demand, but the job speclficatlon factor 1"3tlngll chans~o resulting In 11n upward 1'8Ciasslflcatlon of the job.

(b) Where e Clhange In job demand It reoognlzedl resulting In an upward tec:leulricellon of \tie elfeOI.O Incumbent& and where suctllnC~;J~T~bents ha11e been pedormlng the du«os ond/ot unc:l011aklng !he rosponslbllilles which caused the ~ for a period of one (1 ) year or morn prior to the dale d the fn1 dl&cuUion as teCO«<od on ltl6 Rocord of Oltc1U$810t'1 foon and wtrere these S!lne \na.~rnbenls n.w been In tho mo•ltnum tltp lllf IJMI salary grade mr the job fOI' one (1) year or moro pnor to the data of tho tnt discussion.

(U) The date ollhe ltanafer of an employee to a hJghol aalary grade whether by the promotion tole or the step.!Oo$18~ I!IOihOd ahaiiiiO lthe c1ala of the c:ommencemenl dllhe retroadMly an<l the !Tlln51er aha II be from 11"11 nlery ilf1lde and step in effect on that date..

(Ill) Retroactive entitlement In Subseotlon (I) above sh11n be as set out In the Union Clencai·Technlcal Job EvaJuaUon Manual. However. employees who proVIde relief In a positfan that Is upwardly reclassified for a period of three (3) consecutive months or more shall be entitled to full retroactJvity for the period of time spent In the job during the challenge and/or Management review period.

(lv) All incumbem who has left the COmpany's service shall be entitled to retroactive payment. as a result of cllallenge for th& affected period during which he/she was In the Company's employ.

(d) Interest Penafll8.s fot RetroactiVe Payment.

If JetroadiYe payments ara required as a result or an~ settremont (J.o., arbitration, reclassllicallon), the oompat1y wUI endeavour to mak.e payment& within sixty (60) days or the signing of the settlement. lfltleSe payments 11n1 not ma4e Within sixty (60) days, the company agrees to pay Interest on the ou~ndtng amounts ell ol the 61 11 dey to the employees at a tala C1! 2% above pnmo. F« each. furlhor delay of 30 deys, the interest rate wm increase by an 2%. Elcceptlonlt wlll be Jointly agreed to by tne parties.

5.9.8 Training Situations

Normally, an employee receJves hlslher training ond experience by befog promoted through a series of estabUshed job$ f« Which job de.sCilpllons and Job tpeclflcallons exlsL His/her movement up 1t1e tacSder from Job to job Wlll oecur When 1118 Company determines lhat l'lel&he is capable of perl'ormmg the outles end retponalblllllo$ of a hlgher-raled job, and an opening exists.

At times, however. In oertaln IYJle.$ of war11, an employee will be edvancsd through a planr1ed series of training ateps In WhiCh halt; he Wlll be directly trafned for a spemfla job whTch he/she Will eventually occupy, I.e., a tetmlnnljob. This ts termed a tnlinlng sitiJatJon.

The Company wlll ldenlfry the need for auch a training slluatlon and will structure the terminal Job, A job deaclipUon end Job apec;ncauon wiU be prepattld ror the tenntnalJob only. The Job Classlflcatlon Committee Wlll eatabllsh tne final rellng ror the terminal fob. and will determine the appropriate trAining o~tops leading to the terminal job rate.

The training stepo will be astabllshed In the following manner

(a) Formula for Developing in~lnlng SituetloM

The hlrlno retes will be establlsl1ed based on survey data supplied by the COmpany and/or !he Union and will be consistent wllh the mean hiring rate being paid by other companies to lnaxperlet'Ced graduates possessing the specified education required to perform I he terminal job.

The time span or the tralnl~ slluaUon will consist al a number of years equal to the minimum number or years indicated In the e)(p(!rlence factcr applying to ttoe rerminal job.

For each year of the time span as determined above an annual tmining step Will be established. The Job Classification Committee may approve the dtlfiSion of annual slaps Into quarterly or semkmnual sub-steps Where suotl acUon has been recommended by line management.

A· 93

Salary Glop dollars shaf be c:aleulaled ID prooa ad k, geometric ~ from the hloog ,..,. to step 1 of the Rlafy grade fer tho tenn111al job In Ole number of yeata of lhe IJlllnlng S\ruauon The dobf va!Uf)s ltlut ~lned llor eac:l'1 step sllaO bo lnlnlloted to the neatl!S1 salary grade .encs st~ (above or below) which appano on ad'lodule 20. The !aetw used to multiply eech annual au.p dollars to lind the next 111\nuol atep 'Mil be 'F t..e ..




Nvmber of yea~ In the trarnilng snuauon

Hlf1119 rate

Terminal rate

Where appllcable the dollara for the halt-y9arly etep IIIII! be starling doltMt muli i{)IKMf by 'F'h' I.e.,

Fh = l"' !i..!_ R •

(b) Advan~mentThrouah Ttaln.lna Situation~

(I) A trainee wrll (wbject to SUbsec:.l.lons (II) and ~Iii) tonowrno) 8dVanoe to each subsaquent trairlmg &1ep at tile desl9natod lnliervalt ·ba.sed oo U. oat• of appo.ntmetll to the !nlltllng situation. Upon Ol)nlplellon of hit/her lnailit!g. holsl'le will be placed In the first progression step of Uhe &alar( grade a~ to the tennlnal job. He/Sile w.lllhen be Wl>jtce 1'0 the condrllOnl ot ·U'Ie ~ TecMieal Job Evaluatlon Plan.

(il) If at any time the trarnee is Judged to be lnc~~p•bla of parfonnW~g U. tennlnol Job In a saUslactory way, helahe may be rerno\10<1 rram the training sltUilUOI'I.

(UI) If a trainee, 11'1 the Company's opinion, falls to make &.il1lsfa¢tory PfUOI$ta hlllher nelrt lramlng slap IMY be delayed, rn ~nco Will' !"- PfOviiiOnJ of Pan A. Subsec.tlon 4,1. Such e dotay may take ¢110111 on onil ( 1) OQllllllon onty tnroughout the ltalnlng program.

(lv) If a ltalnee,ln the ()!)Inion of the Company cfl~~ exceptiOnal ability, hel&he may be advanced 10 101 training step Which 111 mor1t In kotphlQ Wllh l'li.nMir achlovtd progress.

(v) If a pen;on having suU.abllt el(ptuien<~o tS appc~tlnted to a lralnlng situatiOn, 1he Company may place hlmlhar in any tt11lnlng &lieP judglld 10 be epproprfal• 10 Ills/her applicable experience


(vi) If a lrail)ee, who has not yet attained the 18f1Tll:nal job level, believes tha( he/she ls fullY performing the dulles, and llas Che responsibWilas of the tenninal job document. he/she may Institute a challenge.

(c) Continuing Administration of Training Situation!~

The established hiring rates will remain In effect until altered through negoll('ltion between the parent bodies er until altered through a1cl!on resulting from a rev1ew by the Job Classification CommUtes upon the request by the parent bodies.

Recalculation of training step values [according to 5.9.8 (a)] will occur with a change in 11'\ii! hiring rate.

The existing trainees will remain on the training sllut~tions on which they ware hirsd unlil they have reached the step 3 of the salary grade of the terminal job.

(d) Tiered Training Situations

In certain Instances, It may be necessary to develop' a hierart)hy or terminal jobs with training situations leading to each level, e.g., to the )jUnior, to Intermediate. and to senlor lewis. In .such cases, the principles and practJces ~1s set out In this agre.;~menl will serve as a gUide in the development of training steps and their values.

5..9.9 ClariGai-Technlcal Job Evaluation Plan

(a) Merit Rating

It is agreed that If, as and when merit rating Is to be Instituted, the plan (system of measurement), but not the application. shell be subjealto negotiations

(b) Downward Restructuring Rule

This provlsior) shall apply to lncornbenls whose /o~s ara coversd by the Cleril:a}-Technical Job Evatualloo Plan.

Should the job which an Incumbent Is perfom1ing be changed, but the basic funcllon and significant duties of the job remain Unal\a!1Qed, and 1sll0Uid the }Ob then lalllnto a lower .salary grade, the following shall apply.

(I) The Incumbent's salary dollars {rate) shall be tleld constant, except for Increases referred to In Subs4;1c1Ion 5.9.9 (b) (iv) oommentclng on the data of Issue of lhe Advice of Rating form Issued by ltle Company.

(II) Annually lhereatler; the lnoumbel'lt shalll'lave hisft\er rata reduced by one (1) progression step in the manner portrayed by ~le cllart below,

(Ill) The above process shall continue until the ma)(lmum dollars in the salary range for lhe restrucll.lrsd job are reached.

(IV) In the foregoing process of reduction. ament S•alary schedule dollars sl1all be used. Tllesejnclude 98!1f!f81 neg oUsted increases, a~id cost Qf living Increases.

(v) Reduction of One Salary Grade

{a) Incumbent Is In 3rd progression step•

(1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3)

(b) Incumbent Is In 2nd progression step$

(1) (2) (3) {1) (2) (3)

(c) Incumbent Is In 1st progression step•

(1) (2} (3) {1) (2) • (3)

{vi) Redudion of Mont than One Salary Grade

(a) Incumbent Is in 3rd progression step1

{1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3)

(b) Incumbent Is In 2nd progression step'

(1) (2) (3J (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3)

(c) Incumbent is In 1st progression step'

(1) (2) ~3) (1) (2) 3) (1) (2) (3)


5, 10,f General - Promotion Rule for 35 alld 37.5 HoiJt Workatl

Object: The object of the rule Is to ensure, on promo bon, an Increase in s.alary to compensate for an lnaease In Job demands and responsJbliiUes.

~ Or\ lila d•1e d lt.lut ol tile Allvltll o! Rating lorm.

' lllld ' ili4 7llocl l lillj

l 'blj


Defini tion or PromoUon: Promotion means • cllenge lo • ~.w job whiCh comes a hlo'­ma:xlrnum salaty schecWie rate (baH rate} cr a hlglW sallory g~e ~from an tncrMSe 111 job demands and ~lbllitlo$ wrtn.n a }Ob.

5.1 0.2 The Promotion Rule • for .15· end 31.5 Hour Worlulf'a

(e) On promotion, the employee's rate Is to ~tel a ttl• ~~ Pf'OIJAIUlon atep (in the salary grade for the job} whletl WIR g1w a minimum lncre sa of lhree percent (3%) above toe employee's el(lttfng basic rete

(b) In the QJS& ~r single~ promotions (Of the equlvatont undof Pay E<I\I'IY) tl'le following Will apply;

• If at step 1 o1 t11e cui'IWint graoe, go to 1top 1 of the next Ql'8cle.

• If at step 2 of lh• current grade, go to step t of tho next grade.

• If et step 3 ot the current or&de, go 10 6lep 2 of the next grade

5.10.3 Actmlnlatratlon of tt~e Rule - tor 3!1and 37.5 Hour Worko,.

(I) Payment of t tle Selery Onado for tl\e Job

On promollon, the llfTIPioyee will be ploeod dlrecUy 111 the salary grocle lor the tob. IJ«:ept In training siu.raOon& under the Clertcal· T eCil!Vc:al P'ian (Wllere en 11rt1ptoyee may be advanced gradually through the appropriate training job levels to lha terminal job grade). Holsho will be gmnted the prograsslon step requirttd by the promotlon rule, except where a hi$1h8r progresaloo step ta being granl&d br previous eXf)erience ISUbS$CIIort 5,10.3 (d)).

(b) Promotion from Hourly·P•Id to WMidy S.larledl Jobt

The promotion rule epolles In the 118M of &n hou~"9$1d employee being promoted to a wcekJy.salarled job.

The rule dou not apply ln the case of • weekly.salarled empioyee being prornoled to an houtly jOb.

(C) Pl)'fOII Ratn In Eac.N of App~ Jot> Gtlde$

When an emp/OV" Is belnO l)ekla 6Peclal rate (such u results from r8S1rudUI'lng of jobs. r~. lmplemenunlon of new salary plan, 01 salary guaramee) whlctl exoeects lhe lppropnabt rallt for tho jClb helsha l'lol4:fs, helshe should on ~tlon:

(I) Continue lobe paid the speciill rate, or

(R) a. pad Ole progreulan step roAUtllng from Of~ !ian olltle promotion Nle to the tpj)(Opr~ta ~iOn 11e9 tnlne approlled oraoe o1 hlslh« tonner job. wtliC:hiM)r N higltor

(d) p,_VIOUI Elcperlenc.

Where an employee being promoted has had previous applicable experience In a higher level job but was demoted for reasons other than cause or Inability, a higher prograssion slap than Is Indicated by the promotion rule may be chosen by the Company.

(e) Relief Situations

In relief SJ1uatlons wMI91ess than the nonnal duties ere be1ng performed and a lower salary grade has been established for I he relief period, lhe promot100 rule will be used to establish the appropriate progmslon a1ep In Ill* lower &alary grade.

(f) ProgJWUfon Following Promotion

Progression dates shall be c:aloufl'tttd 11om the data ot appointment, promotion or 30 day.; after accepling a new poslllon and where the £lJCCe$SfUI appOc:ant has not reponed to the posltlort, SubSequent Alary edjUIImeniJ lhaQ ocoor al 12.monfh lntEIIVills from ll'1e appointment or IJ")moClon ~te.

5. 10.4 Mlnlmum Inc,.... on Promotion - OptntOfS

All opennors When being promottld shell rocelve tr- wage ~ole rate which provides a minimum increase ot 3 percent (3~) of hl$/htr 01dsUr1g basic rata or the maxtmum rate for the new job. whichever Is the lesser.


6.1 1.1 Daily Allowai)C:.

An allowance of $50.00 per day or part or a day will be paid to an employee withdrawn from his/her normal dUlles for up to a maximum or sixty (60) consecutive worldng days. to prepare for and/or deliver classroom Instruction or group dl!monstratlon.

lnstsu~tors assigned beyo,d sbdy (60) consecutive wort\log days will be compensated at the regular Trelnlng Technician rate (In each ot the disCiplines ldenlllied by the parties. lhe rate of lhe Training Technician shall be determined by adding 10% to the rate of the position to which the discipline Is tied) less 5%.

Temporary lns1ruct0f requirements anticipated to exceed nve (5) months In duration but not greater ltlafl e!ght8811 (18} months shall be pos\ed as Temporary lnstrucfOf vacancies (as per Part A. loom 4.12.4). Compensation will be the regular Training Technician ra1e (In each of lhe dlsclpllnes idenUiii!d by the parties, the rate of lhe Training Tachnlclan shall be delermined by adding 10% !)) the rate of the posiUon to \1>1'11etlthe dl.scJpllne Is !led).

These training delivery oppcrtunilles Will be dlstnouted as equllabty as possible based on lhe sJ(llJs fl(IC:8SS8Ij' to carry Ol.lllhe lrafnlng.

Employees so appointed wt1o are requln!d to glvelostructfon outside or normal wol1!1ng hourr. &t1all be paid for this time at the approp!iate premium rate 1n addition to the aiJow~mcelrata

TM allownnae would not apply to:

• prepatlng and/or presenllng a segment or hlelher ro1uUne sa raw meetJng,

• an tho Job IJ'alnulg given by an employee;

• lhoae amJ;IlOyaes woose normal duties lnclucle lnstrucOan.

• any tupef\llsor who Is not removed from hf5/hor normal cMie& and wno reoewoa ~ \han 5 percent (5%) more than those tle/&he SUIJIIt'11ilset:

• normnl journeyperGOn to ap,orenUee felaUonstvps;

• the eveluntlon or performance on a spec:j(IC inllnlng pcc,ed as'" 11'18 Sedllcal Molntenanoa Training Program.

6..11.2 Weekly Allowance

Those employooa Who aro appointed to instruc:l OITs aloing IIIith their AIQ\I!at clutios shaft receN& $30.00 per week bono. wNcl'\1$ln CXIMPII\SaliOrtl for thelnstn.ICUon ar.J preparation of rnstrucUon matet1al ond tor evalUating the pecfCrrnnnee amd progress of the orr on o continuing basTs of atlas~ one (1) week's din't1011.

Employees so appollitod who are reqund to giW U1&1nlcll0n oublde of norrnol worlung hOIJnt &haD be paid ror this time at the ~CIC)Ifattt pramiUm nl!tl rn ackhllOn to tile allowance specilled above.

This allowance does not apply to·

• an tne JOb ln!jning Q!Yen I))' an~.

• employees Whose normal cfts:les rocfude Insll\lclion.


5. t2.1 General

TWo (2) classes or headqoartl!f'S lint es18bli'Shed by 1116 Company ~ headqU8rters and 18$1dence lleadquattera.

5.12.2 o.flnltloN

Wortc Headquarters • R~ular. Thatlocallon to whloh the employc9 normatly repons i1 ceder to receive hlslher dallY wot11 assignment or to pedoum hislhef rogulat dulles.

Wotk H .. dquart.n · Temporal}': The cef1fre from Whk1l1 an employoo 11 directed to work whef'l carrying out~ or pan at hislhef dulles away from hiSII!er rugular wortt tleadquerters

Rttldtf!Cit Headquart.,..: The 1'8Sidenee headquamn Is lhet locatton withfn which or odjiJOOIIl lo which helstle is e1Cp8Cied 10 reside or Is 8$.$Wrted by the Company to reside ror pu!'JIOMS of p1 yrnernt or allowances..


The resido!loa headql)artors may or mll)' not lbe lhe aame location as tho Wont headqulll'tors.

Householder: Houaeholdet Is defined aa a person who maintains a OOiflplete dwer~

5.1U Eatabllthment of Headquartera

(I) Worlf ~actquartera

The Ccnu~any may, etltt diSCfetlon. astabllsh wortc, headquarters rn any loci lion for elf~ administration

~ Period • O'vefnlght Al:Mience al Temporary Work tt.lldquarters: In lhe event 1111 employee Is assigned to tempoouy worlll'leadqr.mrtors and overnight absence 1s ~. line (3} da~ nollce wiA be given. Nollclt will no I be rOQlJifild whore emetgent ooncMION •t. Pernilty. Failure to provide nob as aboYa wUI rec1ulra payn'!Ont of promfum rates tor wurlc perl011110d from the tempoo&y wot1< headquarteR until the notices period hDs ~ This pc'O\Il:slan does not appty to travelling aews.

0>) Rt~ldence HeadquattM1a

Tile establlshm6nt ol residence headquertera be ctepondef\t upon the pr~ of edequate living racilil!es atll'lallocation.

Residence headquartln for employees With no spc11.15e Of ~15 may be any locallon wtiOfe there are board.lng factlilles eiJhef Opmpany or pnwtely owned.

Residence headquarters for "''~es With • SJJOIIIS8 eodiOf dependents may be fillY locollon where thiJre Is housing 8CIOOI'I'llt10IIl0n wtleUW It be Company or privlltllly owned.


Such B<XlO(flmocfatlon must be one at whlcl\ lt Is reasonable for lhe employee to raskle.

El&lbllah.rMnt of New R"ldence H•adqu., When a resldenoe hea~~n Is establlshod In a location whleh was not preYiou'!lly 10 designated, LBbout RelalJcrrs, shall acMie the Union.


The Unlart need not be ed~ on lndMdual moves from OM BlteblltMO I'IISiclal'lce tleadiqVIl'ter5 to another.

A· roo

5.12A Chlnge of HMdqUir1 .... Upon TrallSfw

{a) Advlol of KeedqlJaltln

An employee shall be EICMsed, When employ.d or lransfetted, of the loc:!st!on ol Nlllhtw lal51dence and wort tleaodquancn.

(b) HotiGI ofTr8nat.r

When employees with more than onu ( 1) monttfll set~~~oe am IT!Insf&mld 1111d a change or residence headquarters Is involved, a minimum of one ( 1} month-. writtm notice $hall be gillen. This shall not apply In Ole cuo of an employee befno tnl\5ferred n • teS\Jit or an advertiSf)(f vacancy or as a te!IUII ol tho Wo.1<5ltellocatlon Redeploymerr\ dause of Artlcle 11.0.

(e) OuretJon ofSt.y In New R-'ct.nce Heacfqu.vtAire

Householder. A change !n ruldonce headquarlers wiTI nd be made f« a hausaholder unless it would appear !hat heishe Will· be located at tho naw tdAdenc:e heodct~ fOf a period of at least six (6) mon~

Uvlng ln Trall~~B: For those employees fiYing In tlousehold lreiata, t'I'IOW .. for lesaer periods than six (6} months may be e1Mo1'1l.ed at llle cf~lion ot the d1VIelon or region concerned. bearing in mind the dfttAnce and economics lnvoiVOd.


When a supeMSOf diracts employee6 to ltaV$1 betw&en one worll centre end another work ce~~tre, tney shall be eotiDed In any C<llendar day to payment for travelling at the opprcpnate pnM1lWm ml9 tn aooordance wilb condl!JoPlS governing ovar'llme up to • mlJllimum olthe number ol hours which constiMe a nonnal wort day subjed to tho following:

5.13..1 0\lerttme will be paid wtlen elflplo)'ees am required to drtve a Con;pllny vohk:to outsldo nonnal woritlng hours l.ri3ss bel~ used exe!Uslvely for lhefr own petaonaltmnsportonon.

5.13..2 When traveling by public transportation, travelling lime shall be cO(lsldored to lncluda wallinS) por\Ods beyond the employee's control up to a miDtlmum or live (6) houra; both proeedlng, d.ur\110 end subsequent to the travelling period, but excluding meal periods (ono (1) "ovr Glltn) occurr111Q during the wailing period.

5.13.3 When a berth 01' overnight accommodation Is allowed and ei/Bllable, compen!latlon shall not be made between 2300 hours and 0800 hoUrs, nor shall the time spent fOI' noon ond e~~enl119 muls (one (1) hour each) be subjeot to compensation.

5.13.4 Norm;ally ~ion lnt,ervfews are oonduated during employee's normal WOf1(1ng hours. If the Interview and/or travelling time eJCtands beyond normal quilting time or, where It • una\IOidable. and an lntellllew ls schedUled outside an employee's normal ~ng nours.. additiOnal payment will be made IJI etralght tune for eaet1 tlour spenl In lntet'YieWing or up to a maximum of a normal day's basK: pay for each day lnwlved.

A · t01

5.13.5 No compensatiOn ror IN\'IllllnO u,.,. OlU.O. the nonNIJ 'fll0(!(119 hours t.hd be made In h falloWing drQimstnn<:es:

<•) For the fR1 thrtlll (3) hotn &nM~IIlng ~each wary vmen dnlcted by hfslher supervisor lb .u.nd I fltlning COUI'8e tiWrf from hla/her IIOITI18l WOt1l headquarters for frve (5} days 0t more. Pavmtnt for pe!lodt be)'OnCJ the foiSt 1lne (3) 11oo1s wilbe 11 ~h11itne rati!IS ~ to maxmum of • normal cloys beslc pay

(b) For attlndlmco lit <X.WMil"'lkns (exatpt wher8 it ls pan or the emploYee'$ nomwl fiJnclicn).

(c:) When a ~ of fhfdenee headqullltet$ and !'Mated ltans1a !s Involved. the employee wiQ I'IOI"'YYdY trwvel dlll1tl; normal worfllng houls WftfloUI an.y loS$ of baw pay. If v. omployee IS requi,.clto ll'IIVIII on a rvglllar ouy off. paymen1 fa( travelllrlg lime will be made 11 atr.lght time up 10 a maxiiTIUm or the number of hours wfllch crons!lwte a norma~ wonc dey.

(d) On petlodlc rtlUm to realdenoe tleadQuartef$ ...suiting rrom a pennanont transfet, ae ovlltnod In S.Ct10«1 5.19.

(e) For • new employee raporllng to some admlnlstratMI centre or stellon fOf lnslrvc:Uon or tralnlt'IO before rapottlng for wor!( at hlslher new loc:atlon.

5.13.6 Where the Compttny normally proYldea transpot1atlon faciiiUes between re&ldenoe he11dquartera end work he&dquartore for normal dally ho11.1rs art employee required to wotk elCtenslon overtime, either lmmedlotely precedlrtg or foUc1wing lhe normal scheduled hotlls. will ba provided tree return ttaneportallon between resldeoo~ headquartors and well( headq uartort.


Equlvaflmt tlme o(1 without pay may be ~od on 1t1e basts at en hour off fat eech hour .lf*1l trawltrng provided the workload PGITI1tt8.


5.1._1 TI'WWJ Outl,. ol RHidence ~

When emp~oyoH arv ctlrKted to WOftt at a temporary ~fit headquarters whlc:h Is oul$/de of their 111S1donc:a ~ and when wc:n headQI..Ianm is within a reasonable OtSiance of ll'leir l'8tolderlce headQI.IIrltn, the emplc;ee may wish ID commute dally rather than Alm8ll'lat the tempotll()' woc1l h••~ Wilen commvt!ng Is JntJiual!y agreeabl&, the employee II'IIY ctol"l e dally lntwt eJCplllll88 on the folloWing basis:

(a) Whore the tamporary WOftt he!ldQuart8f$ Is tess lh<lln 40 roect kilometres from the regular wottt. headqi.IAI'!M; • $1·4.00.

(b) Whn INt ttJmponwy wont he.8<1Quariels Is 40 roadl kilometres but tess than 56 road kllometrn ~ the reouler WOfl( headqt.!arters: • $16.00.


(e) Where the ta•IPO'•fY work headquartef$ls 66 road! kllome1TeS bulless rnan 80 road lcllomt!tre flom the regub' WOI'k headquarters. • S,22Jl0.

(d) Where 1M temporary worlt IMladQuatters ts 80 twdl kibnetres but less than 105 road kilometres from IN regular WOflc headquarten~ · • s:zaoo.

(e) Where lt\o tenlPOflllY woftt heaefquattortls 105 10110 kilometres or mote from the regular wol'lt '-dquerters; • $34.00.

The dally tntvel ffxpen$8 shalt apply only when it •s In thEt Olmpany's end the employee's lnlenlSIIo continue 111111dlng at home during sUClh temporary changu ln headquarleta. Under lt1eSe dreumstances. employees are fOCIIJI""' to be at thllit temporary wonc tleadquatt«a •t t10t'l'l18f starting lime and remain unlllllO(mal qUlttlng ~ ...

In eddtflon lo INs Nlly tmwl expense, the employee stla1ll bo.

(I) Paid for time .tpOnl trawlfing on the ftrSt tnp when ~1'18 wo11< headquaners fs chnoged and the tact tnp when holshe returM to hl.llher regWir ,WHk headquatters.

(11} Entitled once every two (2) weeks to payment ror BlctUAIIltne spent ira veiling at straight lime up toe maximum Clf 111ree (3) hour$ llad1 way be~ temporary llelldquatters and regular WOI'k heaclql.llll't.eni.

Whlle an employee Is In rece\pt or benefilS under SI!Ctlon 5.14, he/she will not be entilled to any or the Pft"'I:Sion• as setlonh In Sectlon 5.19.

! .14.2 T,.vellnelde R81ldence H-.dqwn1•ra (Port Elgin • nd Klncardfno)

When employees are dlreotecl to report for work et norm111l startJng lime at a tempo1111Y wol'lt headqUIM18111 which Is Within their I'Hido:nca headquart•s. they wil be paid • dally travel expense equivalent to the return road k*WMIRIS betweeln Ullll temporary work headQ\Iar1«$ end the regularworil headQI!attert. computed et hi CltlnlllllllarldatO kl!Qmo1re rere UJlless IIley reside wilhin e 3.2 km. radlua ot the IMTipOI'IIty wort< hndquarters. Thll traYI!II expense wilt be paid each day tile employee woftts at lhe tampon11ry wotk nudquarters. In addillon to thla daily traw11 expense. 1M emplo~ shall be poid fot lllme spent on the first lr" \\otlen U\8 W'OI'k headquarter$ is cnaf9'd 1nd tile last 11111 WIWt hel&he rewma to hllslher regUlar WOiit headquatl8r5.

$.1A.3 Dally Trawl EltpeoM EX~Ilon

When employee$ are ditec:led to wotk ate tempocaty work heedQuattete os In Seo110n 5. 1A 1 or 5.1 4.2 8lld 1he Oompeny provides a wtvd e tor daWy IJIWtSportallon, 1t1o •bow dally 1m1e1 expenses shall be rectuc.d by 60 pera~nt (50~).


Transp011atlon to sta!JOnllhllh be in aomraano~1 lll'lth Mid·Te~ Agl-stenl PW-a.

Employees at the 8tuoa Site whO evalllhemlol~~es at lhl buleorvloe &hail bo ahaf98d a standard rare or $2-00 each way and 14.00 per round tfl'p•.

A· 103

The kilometre rates applicable under M1d• Term Agreement PW-8 shall be two-thirds (~/3) of the current Company lolometre rate.


For purposes of payment of travelfing allowances lhe boundaries ol Meii'OIJOiltan Toronto, for COmpal'\y purposes shall conform to the roronto metropolitan area boundaries as recognized by the municipalities conslrtuUng Metropolitan Toronto.


Tl1fs does nol affect other special settlements relallve to moving aUowence, meals, etc., presenlty In erteot within the metropolitan area of Toronto.


Kilometre rates paid to employees using their automobiles on Company business shall be as follows:

5.17 .1 The r:ate pald per kllometre Is related La changes ln the Prtvate Transportation lndelt component of the Consumer Price Index OJ CaFlada,

5,17 .2 Future Increases of one cent ($0.01) per kilometre will occur with each additional ten percent (10%) point Increase from the base flgure of31 .5 (1992 CPI: 100) In accordance with the formula described ln a letter of a_greement between Ontario Hydro and the llnlon dated May 25, 1983.

5.17 .3 Conversion tactor is 1 mile= 1.6 km.

5.17 .4 A. decline In the Index below tl)e level of a previously surpassed Uigger point for two (2) or more consecutive months will result in a redl.l(:tloo In the paid rate to the appropriate pmount.

5.17.5 The effective da.te tor any !lew kilometre rate lllggered by this Indexing formula Will be the fii'St elf the month fullowing tile month In Whid! the mdex is published.

5.17 .6 The additional payment for hauang J'!ousehold trailers will be nfne cents ($0,Q9) per kilometre. The payment tor hauling smaller trailers (oarnper, ski-doo, boat, etc.) will be three cents ($0.03) per kJiometre ..

5.17.7 The above rates Will apply on a province·Wide basis.

As a condition of employment, the Company does not require anyone to OWI1 a car. When transportation Is required, the employee may. with the Company's appro \Ia I elect to Use his/her own car at the approved kilometra rate but If he/she does not elect to use hlslller own car or If l)elslle does not own a car, the Company Will, If necessary, provide allemal)ve transportation appropriate to the occas!oo. However, ownership of an appropnale dflvel's license may be a condition of employment In some si tuations.

A - 104


~ 18.1 Genenl

M.ethod of Tnansportaflon: The method of lran!lportallon and aft expenses charga:~bto to 1ho Company In mows of employees.m subjeclt to !he control and approval of the COfnl)any,

Packing and Shipping Furniture: In WiN/ of tho Compa~e vrillingness to pay for pecking tum•ture. as well .s b'Msponallon. employees usually w~l not be allowed time or ttallelllng e)(penses to retum from poll'lt of WOI1C In order 1o loot •ller pecJUng and sh1~ng of furniture. subjec;t to Subsac!ion 5.18.5 (c), Time Off For Mov..

!5.18.2 Notice of Tntnsfef

Refer to Section 5.12.4 (b).

5.18.3 TraneferofTemporafY Employ"'

The Company will onlY pay neces&I'Y tr.veiWng ClCJ)CNie$ of tempcn~y employees Wf!8n they are moiled from one IOc"tlon 10 •nothor ot lhtl Oomperr(s request

The tronaportallon of lom.nea o.ndlor fl.lmlllJfe of such emplo~ w!R not be pgfd.

5.18.4 Appointment of Hew ProblltloMry Employ.ea

A new employee hired for o regul8r poettton In a loCation other lhan the polnl of hire Will DOl ort11nanly be recompon~od for moVIng expenses.


In excepllon&l cases. u pert of the employment agreement. the Compeny lnliY pay all or pan of the mo111ng expenses or the em~ and household to the lo<laflon where ltle employee Will be etrlflloYed

This rule applies to a new openUOI'-irHtainlng or a new apprentice who It baing assignod to the fil'5t IOoetiOn.


Costs of trans,porting lhe family of an opecator.ln·tralnlng or of on apprentice to a new looetron dunng the tnlinlng period wm be 1)81<1, bUt CO$\s of moVing tl'le household elfeel$ of •n ~raror·fn·tralnlng or of an apPrentice who ts • housenolc* will only be Plll<l wn.n they na~~& attalnea rwo (2) )'UTI' smvloo or on the flM1 move to • regular position.


5.18.5 Transfer of Regular Employees

The fo!lowl119 Instructions will apply to all regular employees subject 10 the fOlloWing Jimitatlons; An operator-ln.-training will be eligible when progressing satisfactorily with the training course, after tile attainment of two (2) years' service. Apprentices will be .eligible upon successful completion Of the Ieamer stage of their development, I.e., When theY become improvers. In the case or fagular parl·llme positions. expenses for employees will be pro-rated based on the hours of the position Into which they are moving except for movf)s governed by Article 11 .20 In which case Part A. Item 5.18 applies In wl'lole.

Householders: Whef'l the residence headquarters of a regular employee wt1Q Is a householder Is changed l'la/she will be entitled to the moving expenses outlined below unless the new residence headquarters Is within a reasonable commuting distance from his/her residence.


A housenolder Is defined as a person who m!linlalns a complete dwelling.

(a) Transponing the employee and family.

(b) The packing, freight or truck charges on household effects, among which will be Included boats and second automobiles which are part of the personal effects of the employea.


Items of this kind wl'llch are used for business farming or commercial purposes, as well as large boats such as houseboats which would require specfal transportation would not be lroi\Kied In moving expenses paid by the Company.

together ll{rth,

(cJ The cost of board and lOdging fbr !he employee's family while rumnure ls ln tran8il

Board and lodging: The Company will also pay lf1e expenses or board and lodg{ng allowance for !he employee as applicable under Part A. Section 5.20.

f(ST regular employees 11\llng in household trailers, moves for lesser periOd& of time than stx (6) months may be authorized by !he department head or construction manager concerned. In lhls connection the distances and economics must be carefully considered.

lnckjental Out·of·Pocl<et Moving Expenses: Employees may claim a $4,500 allowance for miscellaneous out-of-pockel expenses required by tne move. The requirement for supportlrlg recelpls and taxability of the allowance will be govemed by Accounting Service Procedures.

Lease Tennlnatlon: The Company will pay up to lhe maximum of two (2) months rent towards the acrual cost in terminating a tease.


Time aff for Mow: If regular~ Who are~.,.. requlnld to mcMt !heir~ 110 rttfiWI res.iCienCe headQuatters Ott a r.gulat c.v ot wet1r.. tNy shell be~ one (1 t day off With pay to 8SSlSt In 1M move.


8cleruibn or tills llrne off Wrlh pay w~J be at the dlacretlon of the Company.

Noo-l'louM'holders: Wlleo tne residence lleadquatltn of 1 rwgvtar emplOyee wno 11 a ~ IJ changed, lt\e cost of llansporting ctte ernployeo WIG t» p;ald. The Company, <~I their ~may aulhol1z8 aauat 1110111ng ~ to • mwomum or $500.00 are tmp sum payment of $500.00 towards lhe cost ol moving I)III'50niil deets. inCUjing ~ No reJtnbiAsemEl'II1Wl be made tot lnciOental 0&114 ~ c ,..., ~


This 5IICiion does not appty to ope~tralflll'lg nor 10 tnd.nturacl apprentices Wllh Jess Ulan two (2) yeet!o' servloo

Kllo~NtN: All employees desaibed under the Hovseholdera end Non-householders sectlons may be allOWed the regular kilon'letre mte tor driVIng the emP10}'Ge's car .to the new locellon provided cttat such cost is not more than It would otherwise oost for transpol1atloo of the employee's family and for freight oo at'iipmont of tha automobile.


When the Company considers a preUmll'lary 1t1p 10 tho new location Is !leoessary for Interview or for the employee to seek -a hoUI!e, the tJme, board and lod:glng and travelling eJCpenses of the ernployee maybe paid.

legal and ~~~ Estate Brokerage Fees: ln addiUon 10 the PfOYI$10ns of the Householders and Kilometre sections, Wrlh llle eltceptlo!l of employees and circumstances ~sted tn Exceptions subsectlon. below, 1"e9Uiat employees wno are hQu5eholders, required by the Company to mow their prindpaJ rnldence, shall be enlilled to the following:

(i) The Company will reimburse the employee up to $3,500.00 for legal rees end disbursements aetually lncurr&d In sellfng the Old residence and/or buying the new principal residence, (legal fees will be In accordance with a standard recognll.ed scale and could include such Items as la11d ll'!lnsfer tax, survey and legal fees associated with arranging or discharging a first morlgage and mortgage appraisal fees).

(II) The Company will reimburse the employee for standard brokerage fees up to $ t 1 ,500.00 related to the sale of the old principal residence.

(lfl) To qualify for payment of BxPBnSBS Involved In purotlaslng a new reslclef1ce. the employee must give WTiltim notloe at the llme ol his/her trellSfer that he/she lntenda to btJy a residence.

A- 107

(IV) If an employee 6ells • mobile homa {La. 1 lt8ller detlgned and ua&d exclUsivelY a• a residenc:e v.tlfCh eu:ee4s 2 6 metres (8.6 teet) 111 wlctth 01 1 0 .• 67 mett• (35 feet) en .length). '*'she Is aonsidefed !o have sold tlhllhM resldai'ICL

M W'-' an employee's actual c:cst uceeds the mmclmum allowed In either (I) or (If) abo\~'& the employee l1'l8y IJlJiil.e any ~ h tr. other 11em up to the maxmum of $15.()00.

£ltcaptlons: Any tranAI:lfon wnlcb Is not counmanced wllitln one (1) year of the date of the empoyee's t'nlnSter. Exte115101'1 d l.hl.s llme penod shaU be altho dilcretion ot IN Ccmpany.

Moii!IS resulting from • dernollOn rot CllUSit.

6.18.e Housing Auistanc• Pla.n

Eligibility ror the Houslno A$$lsranoe ~ 1$ ooncl4lonal cwt (he M.pkJyee ab!CIIIIO t1t all tl\e requirements of the Houslog Assistance Plan liS listed bolow:

(1) Application

(I) The housing assistance ptan applies to teg\Jia~ employees ellgjble under Item 5.18.5 who are subject ttl a forced transfiw or whO nave r8Ciel\led a wnllllll diiC'Jaration thai they are 6Urplus.

(II) The proVIsions of thls pofrcy are only appflcabllt to the pMcfpll rnhtancle ol h employee. but do not cover oll1er (ltiCCme prodiJClnO) properties. ootta.ges which are not the principal residence,, farms, commercial real estate holdings, tenanted properties (e.g. duplex or ~rlpfex). mobile hemet on leasod land, or resldenOO$ with uroa fonnaldenyde foam lneulallon (UFFI) ot prop.eftle& u defined 111 Item 5, 18.6 (e) (Ill),

(Ill) It wiJ1 be the prerogative ol the Company to r~loot an em.ployoo'r; epptlQitlon for Housing Assistance If the property lit not en ai::c:aplablo riSk, wUh free and doer

• (b) Pun:~ G~nt..

(I) The Company will provide • purchaeo gl.lttranllee bated 011 llfl appn~lsal of the Pf0P811Y's cum~nt war1h by • group of up to tlvoo (3) be selected by mutuol agreement belween Corpotele Real E1rtii!O and lho employee. The ~isals Mil be done el 1111tne thltle cofwet~lent to \he employee and hisJtw fJmlly. lndivlduel apprel&IIJ6 ~ to tht C:O~f\Y by the reeltors/apprals:ers Will not be dlsdosod to ensiJI'It ob}t!lc!Mt)' for aiJmtnt and future appra~Yls.

(II) The Compiwly will notrequas~ al)pl'fllealt untD lh& employee Is readY to list tis or hl1 ho\1$8 in IN ~tp~tce. PfOI/Id!ng lhla It· W!lhln one (1) year o( the t'l''*f88'•1ran3 to IN OGW WOflo.loc;tiOO, .and the employee Is prepa~ed to abide by SUbNctlon &.18JI (b) (IY) and SlJtKecUon 6.18.6 (c) (i).

(Iii} The emPloyee rniAt IGCel)t Of ~ ltle COm~~~~ny'$ Purchasa Guarantee within nve WOftclng oays of ita ~tpl, If IN employee re}ects the Purchase Guarantee,

A- 108

the Company has no fUI1hef rasponslbii!Y Wid~ ~ 10'IO Anlstenc:o 01 the PuRlhase Guarantee. ~. ihe emplo)'M Will atilt t1o tlfWtled 10 the othlt telocaUon assistance benll.fillJ Including tllii.U (e) (1~).

(W) tr me emplOyee-- 10 pa/1lelPDIO In the ~:JUsinO AsslatAnce PIM.. tne ~ must oat list the ~Y 101..._ Ul'ltilllle ~chae GuanlntM hu ~ ~~CC~Pitd

(c) listing of Propwty

(1) If an employee ctlcJomi to JW(CPifle In the 1-it~Uulg Aaos~ Pl:~r~. by 11CC11pl/ng the Punlhase the employee Wlllln,madlatoly 1st tho ~Y ror 90 days OCl MLS (wnete SUCih seMce II 1'1&11a1M1) at a PriCe not &XC I Bdi1Q 107'1Co Ol the guarantee6 f)(lce.

(R) Undet the tioUslng Assfst8ncl Plen. !he Com.-nv ~en CPTIPio)w'l prii'IC(pol residence In the former lociJIIon at market valUe, If the emo~ It unable to &ell it Within 90 days.. The houte ma)' be ptutchased by or tumed eMit to the Company after 30 days If the house Is vacant end ·~t~e employee egrt 11 with Ulls acflon. The employee musliM ., Wlillt'1111N1 no ,...1 estate foes Will be flllld If the pR)petly Is purcf'laMd by the Company.

(lit) The employee will retain the riQhl to sell to a Chlrd patry l.lltll sUCh time as U\0 propBflY Is ~ by or b.Mned Oll8f to IN1 Company tor te88le..

(IY) tn oro« to asstsl the employee to dl$pole oil he propeny QlledKIOU$IyancS ole fair matXet value. the employee must notify t11e Empbyee Reloeallon Mmlnfllli'Dklf daD offers to P~Rhase durii'IO the 11at1ng Ptriod. 'Tho Company nwy •~ U10 employee to a~t an offer which It lower thtU'I ·the Purc:hase Guaronte, whereupon tho employee will be compensate.~ for the dllrf.H'enoe belVolllen ln. Company'& Purchase Guarantee end the amctunl ol the OlfM The employee's acceptance or any olfer ten than the Company's Pun:ha5EI G1.111nu11ee Ia not mandatory and the employee will retain contnll d the sala of tho reaidonoo throughout the Osting period, N. offers to purclhase Wlll oe held In confidence by trn1 Employee RelOcation Admlnl.alrator.

(d) Sale of Prope!1y by th9 Compal!)'

(ll The employee mut~t be prepared to sign pcl'4'1!~~' ot attorney aulhori7Jng lho Company ro sell property on the employee 'I behalf on lhe firsl day f01io11.1ng lila 90 ~Y listing period. If the employee will be una;ble to vacate the premlSes at thel tme. the Employee RelocatJon Administrator 1n111t be notlfled.

uo The Company wlll pay to the employee the cfflferonoe between the value or tno property to the Company (Purchase Guarantee) and aD emhng enourntxances, including the advance or equity wtlen the houue Is tumed over to the ComPII"Y or at the el'ld of the 90 day llstlng petiod, whlche11!1f comes llrsl

(Ill) When an employee app(les for asslttanoe uncler this proced~n, he Of 5110 must declare under oalh, If required by the Compamy. aU encunbran<leS d any nature or klncl wnal£oever. inc:fudlng elCeaJliom, chanel mot1gages. and ootlces of c:on<IJIJoMI sale$ contracts which the 811\ployee is obllg~ 10 P"Y

A -109

(tv) Ill CllnsicleniUon ot 11'10 peymeot co ll'e emplcJ!~ ot U.III'IIOUtli establshed In Subndlon 5. lU (d) (li). the omployM wilt oomploto a deed d sale df lhe Pfoperty, 00111o'e)ing the aame by good and nlarlo.etable tiUe, t.~t subjea lO a1 •*~ ~. 10 Ule Co!'I'IPJilY or 111 nomll'lee

(e) Advan~ of Equity

(I) In OI'Cl~¥ 10 ~ 11'10 •mployoe Wilt! fun~ ~or a dopo~lt or down payment on a r11'11denc.tiat lhe rMtW lOcation, an acMinca of up 10 10M~. of the employee's equity (P\.trchaM GuarMtee mlnul encumbrances) In the employeo's prlnclpal residence at the 101111« loc:8tlon rnoy be 108/led to 1t1e 4Jimployee by the Company.

(II) tr the employee ecceptl 0'10 Compony purc.Na.o guen~ntee and sells hlslt1et principal rolldonce durtng tho 90 day htlng $]10rlod, he/she Is responslble for ropay!ng O'te NNanao of EqllltY to the Comptmy within five (5) working days of the dOsing date ollhe eale of the former retlden~ce. F1llure to do so will activate the appropriate Interest Ghargta to che emplo}'lla bnod on the Tr8aSury Division's Pubflshocl Interest Rate Sc::t!Odule (efllPlo)'eo housing lollft flw (6] yeartenn) In erroct on thu closing dolo of utt It Is the ortlployee't respon&lbility to repay the Advance of Equity to the Compnny within fillet (5) days of the sale or tile fonner f'esldeoco, 0(' within 90 days from the do to or Is suo of the Advance, whlohowr comes Oral.

(Ill) All employee Wha reJecll tl'e Company'& Pur~ase Guara"tee. may la!<e advantage of lhe AdV8nce of Equity opUon. I I tho former prmclpal residence Is not sold within 90 days of I he date of lssuo. tho ompfoyoo must pay fnlere6t to lhe Company at his/her own el(p811se oommonofl'lg on tho 91 st dey. Tho lntel'8strat.e wiU be based on the Treasury Ol111slon's Publllahed lntl!reat Rate Schedule (employee housing loan fi\19 [5) year tofm) IJiliOn the eJCI)It81lon of the 90-<Jay period· h Is tho amployeo'• 1'8aponatbMib' to repay the Advance of Equity 10 U'lt Company when the former resldonca Ia 1:10ld, or wllhln 180 days (ebt [6) months) from dale of Issue of tho AdVIII'ICCI, Wlllehovor 0C1t1* rU"'L

(f) liOUM Evaluation end OuatWitM Plan

Upon subseQuenllnlnaforw'llhln the CQmpeny, en employee wiJI be QI&81WI'Ieed hislhef pun:hsse pnce \41 to a maldmum of four ( 4) trnea tllshlor baH salary et the lime of the transfer (plus 01 minus $3,000 lor lmprollemenrs or damages to 1M pteper1y). This goarantee will be fbf a P8flod of ten (10) ~,. IRll'll !he date of~­lmprtMitl1llnts must be vetllled by 1'8Clelj)tl e.nd dO 1101 lndllele norm111 potn\ing, decorating and malntenai'IC8 costs. An OfT'IPioyw c.,.y not soil tv.lher house lot lOu than the guaranteed amount wilhout lhe consent all th6 ComPftny

lf ao employee contracts 10 hive a house buill in d'lre ,_ fotallon. tho Employe• Relocation ~tor. Curporate Real &~.are. n~Uttlfm!QII« en appt'IJUJ of tho .--principal CMidenco upon OOI'I1pletl0n lD estllbliistt the •gUAnmtM amount•

II an ~ who Is elgible lor the lbJsa Evalu•rtlon and GulnrniCM Ptan raiects, or does not q\lllfr1y for. the Compa~YYS Houtlng A.Ws.fitnCII Plat'!, lne fallowing a{s)\MliO!l WI~ apply. The ~ must not Mil to a thl~ Ptlt1Y lor • price leu Ulan 111e employee's Oftglnal pun:hlsa price, lll\les.l h Ulll prlelea opprowd by tl1o Emplo)'M Ralocabon Adminfstralor, Colpon~te Real Es•"•


The ptlce lew! QI*Wtlteed by In& House Ellall.tatiOfl and Guaran:ee Plan will be mod11led ~ In the evant of e significant reduallon In the level af reel estate pnce. lhn:IU!Qhoul Ontario.

5.18.7 Tran•ftr or Rtgular EmploYM• - St-aff Reduction nd R~l Proclld\lfl - PWU Aarttment - Miele 11

No moving axllQnsu Will be paid for an employee being 1rec:alled to a vacancy.

RI!QIIfl thllll tnclude employees wno are reclasslfiect (rom a lower c:laul(fcaJion to their original dBSSIOcatlon 01 wuU os employees who have terminated employment and are rac:alle<l.

When regular employees who, with tho approval of the !'E1glon or division are OCGUPylng a house or a trailer on COmpany property or a slte under control of tho Compaf'y, become surplus end aro unable to transfer under Miele 11 but a~e laid off, they &hall, If required by the Company to move, be reimbursed under Section 5.18.5 or 5.18.7, whichever Is applicable, In en amount equal to the cost or a mow back to the regloni!il office or to the actual location to Which lhe employee desires to move, whichever Is the letsser.

5.18.8 Ute of Tralltra

Special Trailer AllowanQt: Regular employees enUUed to moving e)lpenaes who are movtl'(g to sites that do not have convonlent facilities for parking household trallen will be entitled lo a cpeclal trailer allowance of $150.00. Such facliiUes lnctudo blocking op of trallora. 1'100k-vp of Wll~r. sewage, elec:lrfclty and the Qke.


Employees mewing to established traUer par'U, either privately ~d or on Company propen,y, Will nol be et~lilled 1o this special allowance.

At Temporary Ht•dqwu'tAira: Regular emplo)'886 IM'Io tdeslm to liW In a !.railer whlJo working away lrom their residence headquarters may do 10 wrth ~he aPIJIOval of the Company.

When moving !he (roller from one temporary location to ai!Oiher tempOnsry tocatbt. lha employee 11111 be enowed V1e COf>t of only public fl81\spon•uoo unlet$ 1t1e emp~oyoe 3 11M1Q hlslhor car for Company PIM'pOSeS. In Which case the sllll'ld'illd kilometre rate Will be allowed.

At R.nldenee Httaclquart~:

(-J When a regu&ar employee ~ Jo a trailer and 1Tl0\111!1 ltlo the .w rttlkWlnca headq!BI1ln by ear. payment shall be·

(I) In ad dillon to the 81.11horized car IU!omolte rate , a som to nlne CMta { IQ.09) per kllornatre for moving by 11'118 &h011etl prll$:ral route betwnrl tne lYoiO m t111 q headquarters.

(JI) Noonal llwlg expense en route !Of the ~te and tntmec:IVltl f~

(Ill) The speclla1 lrailer dowance afSt!fO.OOwill bt1 pa.d


lnckfenlal out-of-pocket moVIng eXI)(!nses will not be paid.

(b) When an employee lives in a tr.JIJer bllt does not own a car or feel$ tMIII'Ie car II not aUIIAbJe lO pull the traller.

(1) The COmpany wm anange for the l'1lOIIIng or the tralle.r by the most economical method.

(II) TI1e employee will be responsible rorananglng a new location for the trailer.

(Ill) The employee and/or family will not occupy lhellaller while ln transit

(lv) Transportation expense will be supplied In the same manner as If the employee were movtng from one house to ~II« except !hal Incidental out-of'1)0Ckel movtng ~Will not be paid.

(\1} The &pedal traier a1owance ot $150.00 w11 be paid Where. a~l<:DI*.

(e) When an em~yee who lives fn a trailer. decides to ITve In a hoUse etlhe new toc&tlan.

(I) Per50nal elfecls and furniture exclUding the trailer Will be moved.

(ll} The employee and family will be supplied tran~portatlon In the usual monnor.

(Ill) The employee may clalm a $4,500 allowance ro.r mlscell&neous out-of.<poakllt e~s requlred by the move. The reqUirement tor supporung reeetpt.a and taxabmty of the allowance will be governed by Accounling SeNioe Pf1)Cedw..

(d) When an employee who riVBS In a house deddes to live In a trailer at the new locellon, ~t wu be either:

(I) Mollfno e)(J)enses tot futtlilLnl and fam~, but not trailer, II the employee doues the lurnltUI"8 $hlpped, or

(II) Expenses as ouUlned In residence headquarters Subsectioos (a) and (b), If furnllure fs moved in the trailer.

(IU) Tho apeclal trailer allowance of $150.00 will be paid Where applicable. but tho dl; turbanoe allowance will not be paid,


Tho Company will oot accept responslbUity for any damage to an employee'$ 11811er and/or contents wt1ile 1n transit un6er any of !he orcumsumces mentioned In Subsedlon 5.18.6.

5.11.9 On Retr,..,.nt

A regular em~ on retirement sflaD be reimbUrsed under SUbsec:Uol15.18.5 endS. 18 7. wttlchoVOt b IJ)plic:llble,. In an amount equivalent tD the cost of !he move to any ~rlotl ln Onwrio In Which I he employee desires to settle If:

A -112

(a) A house or ttaller Is occupied o.n Company property or a site under the Company's conl101, and

(b) The Company requites the mow.

!i18..10 Alloc:atlon of Moving Expenses

When an employee Is moved from one location lb another, the expenses involved shall be charged lD the location to which the employee Is moved except Tn lhe case of a move of a retrrlng employee occupying a COmpany-owned nouse. In this Instance !he expenses shaO be charged to the residence headquarters at the time of retirement.

5.18.11 Change of RMidence Headquartars

On a ct\a~e of res.ldeoce headquarters the employee w.n be enlilleiiiD acwal expenses for a pei'IOd of up 10 one (1) month. Heist\& shall be eni!Ued lb an allowance of $50.00 ead1 day helsho Is elig!Oie ~ereafter.


5.151.1 Genof111

It Is onen necessary ror CompaTIY employees Including 1t1ose on transfer to work at lemporary work headquarters which are at points c!istant from their residence headquarters.

HaiJing due regard to the nature. lmportanoe, end length or I he job and wtlen practicable. I he Company shall, w1thtn reasonable PmltJS, reimburse the employee for expenses Incurred In retumfng to hls/her restdence headquarters OI1Ge each week. II an employee chooses to ~emaln allhe temporary work headquarters, the Company wiU pay the lesser of !he cost of moala and accommodation or the cost o1 the e&«.m tnp to lllslhef regutarworic l'leadQuaners.

5.19.2 Return to ReaKt.oc:e HNdquartwa on Permanent Transfer

M employea permanently transferred lD a new residence headquarters Will be reimbursed ror e~ Incurred In rell.lming to his/her old m!donce headquartefS QOCe each week until he/She moves Ills/her famUy to t11e new loc:allofl, The maximum period of enlillement will be rour ( 4} montl\s from the dale of transfer to the new residence headquartefS unless axteosion ls authorizsd by lhe Company.

Entitlement shall cease wtlen the employee moves his/her family to the new location.

All travel time associated with the retum to residence lleadquarters will be outside the employee'$ &cheduled hours ol work.

Ths employee will not be entltled to da1m payment for travel lime.

5.18.3 Return to Resldenoe Headquartens When TlliiUfwred to a T•mporary WOfk Headqulllte,.

~illemenl wdl be for the duratJon d the transfer (subfecllo poslponemant as per 5.19..5 (b) below).

JJt lrawf tlmo asscdated with I1IIUm to Ngulllf ~'lert Wtll be Olll;slde Ule ~ploo}M's ~ hours Of WOik. The &mllkt)*l 111111 bel onf11lad In poyment fbr 3C:IIlal time 11pen1 lravelllng at svalelht time to • maximum o1 edit (8) h0011a each way.

5.19.4 Aa•lgnmenta to Trafnl"CC Coui'Sft

Employee• assigned to temponvy wor1c hNdQuanora ror tral~ courses ofliW (5) days« more will be compensated for e:xpense1 lnc:utrOd U\ roturnii)SI to his/her reslderloe ~~ee«tuerters OI'!Oe eact~ w~k,

No compensation shan be made for tl'le rntll'llott (3)1-o.n oltraveltlng ume eecn way. P•Yf!1elll fOf periods be)'OI1d tn. t~rtt lllreo (3) hoCn w,u lbe «1 stra~ lime r&lll$ up to a mulmum ot a normal dafs b<a~Kt pay.

5..19..5 QualificatiON to Above Polley

n. rotum lrips mentiooecl tn SecOon 5..18. , , Will be gran~ed subject to lhe following condillonl.

(I) 8ofi.WUng of Ttlpa

Rerum trips to residence headquatteta shall be rMI'Je at times when service or apparolus will not be Jeoparclf:t.ld thoroby except n case of emergency SiJCh as Illness lo the family or other mall6rs nlonly lmporlont to en ernployee.

The Company will schedule the lrlP to meet tho fl(Hids of the ma{orlly concerned or oy mutual agreement whore the wor1c of some omplo~!!eS Is dependant on tile aaslstanee or presence or olhet omployeos,

(b) Po.tponem.nt of Retum to Ruklene.e Hoadq1111rtera

fl, etlhe end of a ~ when a rotum to residence headquarters would nonnally take plaoe, It apfX';ar& ll'lat the jOb WID~ completed on 01r ~fore Wednesday of the following WMtc, the relvm tnp may be po~t¥10n0d until the job1 has been c;ompleted. It work lt not pfllmlld 011 !he weekend, the employee will have ttl• option of ntmainiog etlhe tampomy hea<k!VIIItert or cltlmlng ~ equiValent 1oosl ol staying at the temporarywo!1( headquarters and make his/her own AtTangementt.

(c) Uae of Ccmpany Vehicles

Tho round tnp to rt!lldonco helldqunrtm must be made wiihln the scheduled non-working period. It mu•t bo made ltl ~ Coml)3n}r vehicle IMlenever the services ot a sullatlle vehlole are a~~alfllble.

When e 5UII8bJll Company '4hlcle I• evalable-, emJJIIoyees who do not avall themsaiYUS ot these facilitieS wm not be re•mtJurAJd tor tfan.sporlatlon expen~es. Those WM remain 11 the temporary wotk heddquiWn 111111 be treated 1m If they ~MJre at residence headquaners,

A· 1 l4

~~alton by Cotnp$ny ve~ Is not pre~ the eqwValent of public tramportolion CIOSts or tr. standard kllometre allowance, whtohewr Is lesser, will be IIUihor!zed by hl&lhet Q.$)eMsor for an employee 'ollho chooses Ia hishler own car NINCI ot QUI* ~tlon I« nmselfihersef atone or for c::arMng other employees M passengtn.

{d} lsolaDd l.Dc;atlona

In spea:al CliSeS wl1en a wmponuy WOit lleadqual1ers Is f9molo from public transporta!fon, alt\PIC)yees will be allowed to ac:a.tmU!ata or "banlt" owrtline al stuvghl rime nlle.s to a maX1n'IVm Of 40 ftOtn In ordof to llelote oXJra bme away from lhe job. ~ permission !>Nitl o~y be granted when the miUOrlly of t.he affected emplqyeas agree.


Each speaal CM8 Is subject to egi'I!Himenl beltween the WJU Exeoul.l'4 Committee and t.abQI.Jr Rettlfona.

5.19.6 Altamatlw to Ratum to RKlMnQ Haadquanan

The ComP811Y ~II oonstder paying Ira~ costs uo to ~• m.~tmum ol tho costs to re~ headquarters wh811 an employee WCahea to go to some olhor localioo for personal reasons suc:n as to join hlslher family who al"8 vec:allonlng.


5.20.1 General

The payment or ~yment ol board lllllllodgfog (or ll\llng..ouf allowance lnlleu t~ sll;lll be pradlcatad on epan1tlon or nOn-se.paratlon from the emplo)llle'a Re5ldence Headquarters as defW\ed In Pan A Item 5. 12.

No free tJoal'(l a.nd lo6g1ng we be giVen to et~• 1••• Wha.lheY •,.loarted In their ra~ldet tee headqu81101'5 ~DDpt w.ncn camp fac!t~lai are provided

wtten Applicable: Board and lodg1nQ alloWance Is only .~ when !he.....,.,... 1$ ab$ent from resldenee hea4quetterS for mons than one ( 11 ) """""'

For penods of lime I,SJl to one ( 1 ) montn. th$ ll"llliovH 1$ ,eni!Uod 10 ~ ., Ollrlorta repo11 lor actual e.xpense lncurec1.

5.20.2 Rata ot Allowance

The board and lodq10g llilowatlce shall bo S1S.OO per lh!J'·

Statutory Holiday. and Vacatlont 8oatd and wall be allowed for t.tatutory holidays.

A· 115

During annual vacatlofl perlod,lodgill\1 expenses only Will be allowed, whenever it Is l"e"''S4fY for the employee to retatn this lodgtng tor use after vacsllcm, and approval has been obtalnld fram the Comp311y.


If, I.A'ldar certain a~ and local c:ondi\ions, lhe statw:latd rate IS oonsiclered Inadequate, and It would r6'S1Jit in undue hatdmip to the amployee, o HQher weekfy limit, comrnerAUtate With existing ccncltliem, may be set wllh the approval of the Company. In this case, II'Mt requesl must be supported by wuehers.

ln. sQ!ndard rates for board and lodglng In COmpany boa!dlng houses shall be $4.60 per day The 1111es for OrTs, apprentice$, junior alefks and summer students earning the equfvatent of salary range 54 or lowet .sllaH be SZUlO per weell.

S.2CU Abatnce from A .. ldence ~

The Company shall 8$$UIT\8, wtthln reasonable rrmits, the oost assoela1ed wiltl meals, lrawt and lodglnO wh!le an amployee Ia nslgned to a lempormy headquelter$. Where possible. amgle toOm accommodatloo wm ce I)I'O'Iided.

Board 1111d lodging shan be supplied without charge if th& employee Is Hvlng In COmpany-operated quarters.

When employee& are required to work away from their normal headquarters for three (3) conacc:uUve days or more In a week, U1ey shaU be entitled to elalm $20.00 In compensation for lolundly and long distance telephOne calls home. The ~lons ollhls Item shall also apply to employees who are In receipt or actual expenses or board and lodging alowance due to cNM9ft In tesldence headqu8l'lera In accordance With Secfloo 5.20.4.

lUOA Change of Headqu.._.

(a) A~tgulat Employna - Houaaholders

A regular employee •hall be paid expenses up to a maximum period offOIJr (4) monthS 01 fOllows;

A01uai expenses for up to one ( 1) month from the date of actual transfer to tile new location, and thereafter the standard board and ~ allowance unttllhe llme the household ls moved to the new location.


S\Jott an amployee muf>t be a householder and enbtled to the payment or el(penses as outlined in Part A. Item 6.18..

Extension of Allowance: Payment of any allowanca beyond the perfod of four (4) months must be authorized by the ·Company.


EJJglblo Employt~M: Payment or this elloWanat Win be made onlY 1o an emplo~ Who lnOtealaa an Intention to move 10 the MW locellon.

If tflo employee relJ.& to move Within tho ume limit, any casn allowance paid ml$/ 0( bovrd "IIOwance 11haiJ be I'8CQIIeftld by the Company unless the reasons for nol moiling ware bltyood the control of tho employee andlor tha employee aG~ually did board in the llfiW locatiOn CIIJrlng this period.

(,b) No!Wioua-"oldera

On tnmsfer to Com~nyooperated quarten;, an employee who Is a norHiousetlolder shall pay fot boiW and iodglt\g immed.ately on transfer.

If not liVIng In Com~rated quarters. an employee who 1s a ~r shall be permitted 8CW11I a~ 10 e maximum of up to one (1) month, ~fter Which no eOowariCe w1ll be made.

(c) Apprentlcn

llttai\Sferred 10 a 110111 hee<lquartats upoo completion cl the lraltllf19 c:ourse.. fhe eppterillc& shell l1tCf!Mr allowances M provided lor a ~in Section 6.20. 4 (b).

(cf) Attendenoe Itt CompanY"()~ Trlrlnlng CourNS

Soan! 8J'Id IOdglng wll be prolllded or boarlf ancllodginQ allowance shaft be paid to au emplO)'QeS When allending o Company-operated 1ra1n1ng coorse.


5.21 .1 Tlme Cl\arvee •nd ape~- Union Reprenntatlvee

Time off and ~penses for Union orfictw'a wiU be granted ln 8CXIOI'dance with Negallaled Policies and PlliCUces Number 3.

~1.2 llme Charvea for £mp!oy1es on Unlon Bualnen

When the time of employees on Union business Is payable by the Union, such time shall be charged at normal rates or pay. The nonnal payroll burYJen without the admln.stration cnarge of ten peroaol (10%) will b8 applicable only ror Un1on releases in excess of live (5) consecutive days.


Approved eye protectiOn shall be supplied to IndiVidual preso-lpllon to all employees who no!1'Tlally wear glasses and are reqvlred to wear eye protectlon for an appreciabl9 amount of time In the performance or their duUes.



5.23.1 Genentl

Employees lfllrtlrlo ~logoriN ond dosJgrw~led weekly.sraJaJied calegorlea will provide at lhelr cwm aJCpenu, lhci ordinary hDnd 1001~ of the trade. The1sa tools are llsled In tl'le appropriate oc:cupallonnl definition/lob doevnlOr'lt and mual be or at least Industrial quality, wttk:li pennits employoet to perlocm t11elr work .. tely. elflclently and tc) the standard otdlnarlly demanded In any glwm ~. (OWing to tha marked dlfforenoes In lha nature of work performed by ernployeet Wl\0 eru classified rn the same trade oatogory, Tt Is unreasonable to eXpect a tlildteperson to possess or ha\18 on the job, &1/fKY toollllsted for hlslher trada. Learners and lmprovors mutt acqutmany of the tools listed as and when hlsJher work demands their use. Em~" 1111 enoot.ngad to buy tools which aarry a lil!ellme guarantee.) Tools wttTeh are requiiWid lor equipment or apeclel types, Which are peculiar to certain lOCations ee well as tools that toU In lhG daQ of lhop oqulpmenl, will be supplied 1end maintained by tne Company. TheM. and elmllttr types of toots, have been purpoaety Clmltted from the lis !A.

6.23..2 Tool R..,ltcement/Upgn~dlng

Eadl en1ployee. u dctactlbed n 5.23.1, wtll be allowed 19% of the per10nal toolllsr retail price c:elclltatlon per caJenciM year tor tool reptec:ement or ~)radlng based on his/her~ tool Uet ns dGftnod 1ft tho Oocupatlonol OeflniUon. A minimum alllowance of $50.00 por ye8( for eocl'l employee In each elassl.flce:!Jon Ia avallllbfe. For those e~nlltled to the mlrnmum aHowonca of $50.00, the ullUSed por1lon 101' one (1) year may be camled rotward to the ro11ow1ng year to a maldmum of $60.00..

To quaWy for llf'IY relmt~~.nemont reC!IftplS muat be accumulated and s.ubmlttad lor amounts In exe~na o1 $S(U)O For amounts ollen than $50.00 lhetl8 f11081pt. ahould be tubmltt.e<lat IN end of the year.

5.2:3.3 Lo .. by Ffre or Theft

Personal tools whlah ore slolen, are clestroyed or dames red by fnto an ellerlt which rendcn !hem unuaable. will be replaoed by the Company. Tl'less losses must be lnwrreci In tho axen:tse of Compllny txltlnen and on COmpany propet~ty, except Ml8fe 111ey OOOUf on or et non-company locations tn tho exarclat ol Company business. Smal or lnccnsequenllal IOslles WOUld be recovered through 6.23.2.


5..24.1 O.ner•l PoU'cy Re~dlno Work Clothing

EJCcept wheAl pro'o1ded by lhtl Company In aC()O('da(lce With thS. CoiltKIJWI Aoteern~rt, employees mu~ provlcfa al their own e)(peOse sulta'* cjothlno ror the perlormallOt d tOOtr regUlar dulles. In gorwral, alothl119 must be suitable for tne &ale and ell'dent pttrlonnanc:a of the wcwft but need not be uniform ln appeaa111lCe

So tar osle ~ Wllh ttandatd IIOfeS' policy. tile Clompeny Will purcha&e c::M01n ~vll6• or wen clotlltng In bl.dlt for resale on the most favourable tetnna possible 10 e~mployoet 1equklng them In come!<lllon with Company wont..

A- 113

5.2:4.2 Spec:bll Clothlne That May a. Ptovfded .t Company tEapenaa

The Compclny shan ~ speclial weanng apru~l'lll whella li b requlrad at no cost co lhe enlJ)Io)'ee. Clothing Will be provided when it l$ not poul.llle because d spec:liJI dirt. to !lave dolhes clellned ~tlct.-.Jty or c:ommen:lally. In m e~NJe It m3Y be acceplable 1o provide the deaning fadliiG and not 0. debs.

Wh6nt unilorm appearance Is required, unllonns v.ill be jJIOVIded.

(., SJMd al Conditions

Requuts for Items of o.loth~~~g not monliOned bul wh!Cih might be reasonably wpplied under U1e condltloM set forth herefn ~ be conaldered, each caN oo•ts own merits.

lll8 company will supply metamiiY c10111lng wttere Ill Ia reasonably available to U'le Company and Is requeelad by • pregnant employeo.

5.24.3 t .. uanc», C~~n~ of, and Rnponalblthy for Clothing Pl'lovldad by Oto Company

In ordef that the use obtained from clothing purchasecl b)tlho Company may Justlry 111• expenditure. lhe folloWing shall be carefully obse!Yed:

(a) Exoeptln Isolated C4$eS, speolol c:rothlng muat not be IUued to any one employee ror etoluslve use but must be kept availAble for t~ny e"1p1oyee Who msy roqulr~~ 11 for Company purposes montlonod horoln.

(b) Wh&n MO longer required on the lob, cloth•ng must ht promptly returned to local headquarters, statloll or I1Vok whore It Will bo rotdiiJf ovnltoble WllCII' req\ll!Vd

(e) All clothing furnished by the Compgny will mn.ln the proporty of the Compony and mu;t b!l clearly end prominently marl<:ed for ouy idanufJcallon

(d) Whefeloss or doatructlon or Company dolhlngluu.t to an employue oc:cura 111 a result of carelessn&$$ on the part or the employee, tho aniPIOYGCJ Wlll be required to make good on suc:tt lou,

Subjecl lo oertaln conditions outlined horwln, f98CI<~I clo\tdng IMY bo obtalnod el tne expense of the Company lot Issuance to employees Ullder lhe folbwlng conditions:

(e) Where UnHorm Appearance I• Required

Where untform appaaranc:e Is reQuired by U~ Company u In 1he case or cett11i11 receplionlsta, guides., mMsengert. d/tllert, and QC!Uifty gu11rda unlforma wtQ bo prcMded.

Employees '" lhe foHowtng d8S&Ifk:atlona WJM oa provldad W!lh 11 S200 ~tllowanc.o annually 10 otrset tile oost of cklanlng ·thelf unlforma

• Nuclear Sea.nity Oflioers • Emergency ~es Maintainer • CommurUcaiiOns Co-ordrnator$

A· n9

(f) F« Woril Otbfct. of l.htt Empl~s Reg~~lar RcX~tlne Dutl.u

A Umlted number or rainproof coats and 1\als may tie oblamed and kept at oonatruction lleadQual'lel$, eUet'ldecl steUons. etc., lot petSOns wt1o normally WOfft Indoors but who ore OQCIIlllonally required to Wotk c)ut al doors undet adverse wealhltf COC'Idillons, as for example wtlen wor1<i~ during ema~encles, operating SWitches. cleaning racki, etc

Clolhltlp 11Jppll9(1 at slattons shOUld be bmtled to one or two coats and hats, dependll'l! upon t/111 number of om ployttQ.

(g) For Normal Wor11 Which Mu.t be Performed OC!~tasfonally, Unct.r Extreme Oondltlom

HIP or knee lengt/1 rubber boot~> and weatherproof c::oats and hata may be obtained and Issued temporarily to construction worllers. matntenBI\ce workers, and labovrers ·when required to work In alCirerne(y wet locations or under advorse wanlher conditions.

Ono or two rainproof coats and hats, depending upon the number of employe85 lnvolved, may be p1ovidad tor each tine. forestry enid maintenance truck or gang rot use In emergenoles whan wort<ers could not be reasonubly aJII)OCied to h1va protec:tlw doltling av11llablo ttl aU time&.

(hi For Work htvolvlng Exposure to MatMI:al• that 11ra Injurious to Holth and Particularly Dt•ttuctlvt of Clothing

Rubber boots. aprons and gloves or an approved "'a tertii may be pi'O\IkJod lor employees when hllndling acids for battenes. doa~1lng lransfonner colts ex lot oli'Mir WOflc which rs similarly destructive of clothing.

Aprons. glows and sleeWI$ made or plastic, plastlc•coaJed or other approlt'Od mateMI mey be proylded for am~ who are required to handle CAIOSO!t, creosotod poles or tlmber as a j)(otedton against bums or dilmage to c:lothlng.

Proledlw clothing siJCtl as coveraUs, gloves and 1\Jitlber boots may be jii'OYided for IIE!mporary Issuance to employees lor use When &PI)IYfnQ hel1liodoa

Beeell$4 or the fire h.alanl Tn weldlng end the desll'llldlve nlllln of the worlc, w.idC!fS' aprons. ormleLs and ~vnue.ts may be llfiMde4,

(I) To Promota s.t.ty

Safety he a~. eye protec:llot\ rut)ber ;t;,_ (ellclrlGal). and sim1h1r llcm•lltlhlch are designed exctusiYe.ty ror the safety or ernplo)'eas atMS the '-'•'~lO c1 wttlcn ~ n'laCta obllg~ on certain types of WI'A wtll be prtMC1td by IN Comp3ny.

Spec;:at foot'Jpaar w111 be pi"'\''ded for ltle uftlly Oil worllrS when ,.ql.llrecllo work neor forebays, sluices. etc.. IM'ICier VCf· lltppery Of othenwke Nurdous GJndltlc:llw.

A - 120

Safit(Y Footwear.

(I) Emplo)ees reqU!red to wear ptgtect•ve footwear wnl be relrnburr;ed as followa:

The dollar Writs (aciiAI CDSt) al'e:

(a) For l1lose penoll.$ AIQUtf1ld 10 regulaliy we<W d imb4ng 'PUR Of wno 8111 regularly feqUn<IID d'll1b seel ~ es PM of lheir normel dUIII!~

two (2) pairs 11'1 one ( t ) calendar year. one (1) palr to a rnax~r~Jum ol $250, and anotner pair to a ma~mum of S200

(b) A dollar llmrt or $200.00 for each pair wiD applY to olhor~ who choose or are required to wear CSA approved ESR Jlf'C)t8CIMt footweur

(a} Otners who choose notto wear awtoved ESft prolodMI, Yd be retmbiJrsecl fifty per cent (50%) of the 8CIUaJ cost. liP 10 a muinun relmbtlrsemef\l of $100.00 I* pal(.

(II) Employees who are not requ!fecllo wear ptOtec:ll~~e foot•DV

Emplo~s who purchase &afety foot.vear Wll be r~ Olflty-ttv'ee en:1 one-lhird percent (33-11314.) of the actual C0$1 up to a mal((fiiUITI reimburSement of $20.00 per pair aubjoct to the ~pprovaJ of the epptOprtat• manager orsupel"\50f.


Temporary employees will be relmbur$ed for a lfl&l(Jmutn ol one ( 1) pair in each six-montn per'IOd.

A hmit or too10 (2) palrw or ~arety $hoe$ or boots per person wi1l be SUbsldtzedln 11 caiOfldar yttar-

These actual coat me•lmums Include appl~ble raxes.


Employees shall have purchasing privileges at Surplus Equipment an!i Material StorM to the same limit as e)Ctende<l lo the general public..


Il ls ~ tt1at employees whose employment terminates Wilh the Company shill ~ responslble f()( the return of any Corrlpany property Issued to them durtng the tenn of 1/lotr employmenl Failure to n~tum sud! proi)Srty shall result Jn the Company ck!ducting Ita current valUe from aey rnonlea OWing to the employees.


When the docks are Clhanged due to daylight sav1ng lime, th11 following prlnelplos Will &lpPiy

A - 1~1

5.27.1 Employees who 81'11 saheduled to worlt during the atfetttad hours Will work • shift whiCh IS

eilhet shortened ot eldendild by one ( t ) hoor.

5.27 2 Payment for lhe shortened &hilt wll remafn as noonal hollfl worited. reflecting no penally to employees.. Payment ror the el(tended sl'lltt W\U have U'W~ houiS erech!ed to RWE entiiJement at the appropriate rate tor normal tlours WOikad or for thos.~ employees who hll\le opted out a! ~E. payment at the app10pr1ate rate WID be made


Each employee shall be enti.Ued to a 10 mlnVta 19St p81Mod 1n I he ntst hatr and $8COnd halt of each soheciUled woril d~W at a time deslgneted by the O:m~pany.


5.28.1 Solllrles and wages of an arnployeeslhrougl10ut !he oonnpany oowred by ttu5 agreement. unle6S otherwi159 stated, shaA be paid once every two (2') weeks 01'1 the third ThiJfsday followlng completion of the pay petlod. Th It payment Will be by dlmct depo61t to one acoount. designated by the employee In a canadian ffnenoJal lnstnutlon with a Canadian Payment Association (CPA) serviceability code of 1 or 2. (CPA sorvloaablllly code derllllOonsln effect June 5, 1991 or subseqUfltlt code numb8fs providing equlvatem accessibility), The Company Is re&pen&lble ror the cost or depoeiUng these funds to the employee's eccount.

6.29.2 Existing employees wtlo wem pale! the eqUivalent or onE• (1) wee~'s base pay dunng 111e transtlfon from weekly pay to w~~ekly direct depollit pay ~viii have the amount ollhls one (1) week payment dO(JIICied from their nnol payment Of salaries end wagll$ from the company (I.e, termination, retirement, eto.).


This provl&lon deals With the rights of PWU members who accept temporary International project assignments Involving projeOI work to be perfom•ed Within Ontario.

(~ The PWU malnrallla the right o( representation for ,members performing work oo such projec:1t.

(b) The PWU rec:ognl:es thO need to hnve the ability \ttl assign volunteer PWU members to such project assignments, away from Company fac~lllleiS. In order to meet these needs, Bruce Power may requlro labour cootract fleKfbllily.

(c) The Soetor Vlce·Preslcfentand Bruce Power will jointly develop principles for the establishment of labour terms and condldons for fnternaiiQnsr projects lrwolv1ng work to be performed by PWU WOlken; In Ontario.

(d) The proposed labour tomts and c:ondllioM ror Ont~lrio-based work for a particular lntemaUonal P«>feCI wm be subml1tecl by B~ Power to lhe PWU Sector Vlce-Preslclent t01 revtow, ~ the 1)11nllfples (iolnlly developed under Item cl have been satisfied, the Sooter VIce-President will provide written agr~•ment to the proposed terms and condltlons Within 48 hours. Where lbe pc'lnclples hlave not been sa!lslled, the Sector Vlce-Presldeflt will advl$8 Bruce Power W•lhin <Ia hours ot lhe Issues to be addressed, Will negotiate with 8Nce Power to resolve !htt58 lsmJes, and Will reach a nnalloinl dedslM (agreement or re[ec1i01l) wilhln an additlonal48 hoUrs. The terms and

"' . 122

tlOndltlons JolnUy agreed upon for a particolar project wiU change the normal provlslons or lhe CollectiVe Agreemenl for the term of the pal11cular international projecl.

(e) In the event of apply'mg Article 11, emplOyees who accept temporary Bruce Power assignments will continue to be considered as though they had remained In I heir home work unll and will be subJect to the COiltractual tenns and conditions then In force. Employees will be entitled during the tenn of their Ontario-based Bruce Power assignments to exercise their redeploymenl rights unless OHII detennlnes that to do so would seriously Jeopardize the International proJect, in which case rna affected employees' rights wJII be deferred until they return to their home uniL

(f) Bruce Powe(s use of external resources to perfonn International project work outside the PWU's jurlsdlctlon does not Invoke the terms ot Artlde i 2..


Bruce Power management Will meel With ttTe appropriala Sector VIce President to define that work to which A(tlde 12 does not apply.


When an employee Is required to work In plastic, abrasive blasting, llama spraying. high pressure water cleaning, chemical or fire retardant suits ofthe fully enveloping type with Independent air supply, he/she shall receive a speCial allowance of $17.00 (Jer day. For the purposes of this Item, a day shall be defined as any work period up to 12 hours.

This allowance shall also apply to those employees who use Self Contained Breathing Apparatus except When used for tralnlng or by Emergency Response Teams.


The benefits or personnel develop marl! to !he Company and to the lndlofidual are recQgnfzed.

Also recognized' Is !he emphasis placed on personnel development, When determining quaiiOcaliOils, for promotion purposes. The need for equitable development apportuniUes and treatment of individuals and groups Is clear. Therefore, it is agreed that

(a) IndiVIduals and groups should receive equitable development opportunities a net treatment.

In the event thai an employee cannot be released as requested, the appropriate El(ecutlve Team Member wlll meet w'1th tile Chief Steward to discuss al)d dlslllose all details wllh a view to resolving the Issue.

(b) Olsrupbons to training wlll be mlr1lmlled. Where the work sltuatton, unavoidably, pracfpitates an Inequality of development opportunity and tr~tment, such lneqully Will be' recognized and wlll not be aOowed to work to the disadvantage of lhal lndiiJidual or group.

(c) Employees shall receive 100% of approved reimbursable costs, paid for el(ternal training whleh:

A · l23

• c:reates « ma.iUalns ec1;p.loyee'a cs~ related to CU~Te~~t loO perforrnunce.

• cr.atas ~s capet6y lor 11 poslt!Cn ~tied In a_.. • t4 ian. l1lftlllnl~ or nld~nl plan.

~ shall reoetw ~ ol11!1g1$1ratw;wlulhon fees and lo~~m~ng motam! cma for Ul.emalllaiNng acMes wfli<:n create ernpiO,ae·~ capab(Iiry ror turura JOOt. wdhln tho Company a.nd prollided such training Is OWide wotl<lflg hours.

Re1mbut$8ment is conditional upon aatlJfactoty course completiOn •ncl a paaalrtO gracfe Where eppJicabte except Where the course Ia taken at the reque!l of Management.


5.33.1 P1111onaJ PrOC*tY

Re!rnbtnement by the Company tor lo$585 of !he e•ns*i)'ee's persOnal JliiOS*1Y as a teeUt of l'lldloeclliW oont.vninallon shall be ODilSidered anc1 tiliessed on the lndMdual ments of ead'l case.

5.33,2 to Radiation~

Each employee shall have access to his/her personalradlatlon dose record$,

5.33.3 Ionizing Radiation

The Union Otllce will be supplied wlth one ( I) oopy of the Rad1alion Proteotlon Roqulrementa and one copy of the Radiation Prot.ection Proceduret Manual, and all rellislons to lhete Requirements and Proeedures.

5.33.4 Umlll

Employees perlooning lhelr noonal work, who aJtOeed radiological lrmlts requlling tNm to be removed from cettalri w011t locaiions, shan be given suitable WOI1( alsewhere at not less then their basiC rate or pay'

5.33.5 PregiWit Atomic Radiation Workers

Every reasonablE! effort shaJJ be made to assign a pregnant Atomic: RadlaUOI'I Worker to o location where there Is no expected recordable f8d18tlon dose above natural badlground. In relocations of pregnant Atomic Radiation Worl<ers, the normal base rate of pay will be maintained. The r•localion period wlll be axtended for a reasonable period of tlfnll fot femoiO Atomic Radiation Wotk8fll who tncfrcate IJ1ey Intend to continue to b!'east·feed their babies aner they return to WOlle

5.33.$ Female Atomic Radiation WOf1ters Wishing to ConceW.

EWIY reasonable eff()ft shall be made to re-assign a female At.omic RadlatJon Wotl\'et, at tw request. 1o a lOcation v.Mre there Is no elC(led.ed meeS~.r.Jble radlatlon dose v.tlle aho i8 attempli'lg 10 conel.'t'o'$. The purpose of the reaSSignm(mlls to ensure Vlat the embryolfetu. 1s not exposed to ladcotlon durfng the periOd between QOnc;eptlon 8l'ld QOnfttmallon of pregnancy.

A - 124

The re-assigned f!lfT)ale Atomic Radiation Wori<ar shall have her wages maJntalnad under the foOowing condillons:

(a) the re-assignment is six (6) months or less, and

(b) the employee will have no more ltlan three (3) such re-assignments. and

(c) E'xoeptfons to the above may be granted at the dlsaellon of The Comp.;~ny's Chfel Physician.

5.33.7 Although every effort shall be made to mlnlmiza disruption Ia lhe continued training and development at the employee in her chosen career, it is recognized that re-assignment to a non-related work area may interrupt the training program. In the case where it Is interrupted, p(tlgresslon through the training program will be frozen for the duraUon of the reassignment.

5.33.8 Dose Umlts

Bruce Power·is QOmmitted to excellence In radiological safety performance. All radiation exposures shall be kept as low as reasonably achievable, consistent with sound opereiJng practices, and with due regard for employee concerns.

The Company will pursue a policy of conlroUing radiation doses lo Its employees such that Individual doses wiH not exceed 10 mSV (1 rem) per year averaged over any riVe (5) year period, provided the total collective dose does not increase as a result.

Each facility shall jointly develop annual targets and Implementation plans which will slnve to Improve on this standard and eliminate unnecessary radiation exposure,

The Grievance process ili not intended to apply lo Part A, hem 5.33.8, however, lnstanoes Where annual targets have been exceeded wid be reviewed by the Joint Health and Safety Cotnmittee af that tacRity. Such instances may also be fit mattef for discussion by the Joint Commlltoe on Radiation Protection.


5.3-11.1 As part of their normal dufies, all employees may be required to take actiOn tn response to emergencies.

5.34.2. Although membership of the Volunteer Emergency Response T earn (VERD Is voluntary, the Company reserves the right to appoint members if sufficient volunteers are not available,

5.34.3 Qualified designated members of the Volunteer Ernergency Response Team s/Tall receiw $2150.00 annually on their anniversary of beaom1ng a learn member. This allowance Includes the fact that VERrs w111 wear fire relardanl suits of the fully enveloping kind with Independent air supply, ior drills, training and emergencies fn I he course of their VERT duUes,

5.34.4 Employees who have been assigned the following ERO pos,tlons (OSST Captain, OSST. OSST (driver), SRC. EERT/MART, Cham Tech - MART, NO (U)-Mart) wm rec&lve an ERO premium of $0.65 per hour worl<ed wh1ie performing ERO du11es during praatk:9$, dnUs, training or events, and when they are speclficalry des~gnaled as pari of the ERO sh11\ COif\Piemem. Persoos acting as ERT Captains on eilhet dnlls. training or events &hall be patd $1/hr in addition to their normal pay on that shil\.

A - 125

8.3A.II Pe~ns acting as OSST Captains on el1her drills, training or events shall be paid $1/hr In addition to ltlelr nonnal pay on thalahllt, In addition to th.t $0.65 per hour pramlllm referenced ln 5.34.4,


5.35.1 Jofnt Penaiol'!and lmu!nance Committee


Nomenclature and participation on this Committee are subject to chanoe pending the lrnplementatron of amendments lo the Bruce Power Pension Plan, The p$rtlos agr4Mt to revise thls Item es necessary tor the next printl~ of the Collo1:Uve Agreement.

(e) SGope: To monitor the admlnlslrallorn and the financial status or the Pension an<l Insurance Plan cowtlng all plan members and to nrco!Mlend changes as set out below:

(b) ~reonnol: 'The "Joint Pension and Insurance Conntnillee" shall meet at least twice a ~ar Of as requested by either pany and shall consist of the following members:

• t11ree (3) PWU member& • three (3) Bruce Power management members

Each party will have the right to have a reasonable number ol resource personnel attend Ule meeiii'{J.

The chair will rotate between Bruce Power al1d PWIU, one meeting each

• evet)' errort Will be made to reach unanimous d11Cislons. In the event !hat a unanimous decision cannot be reached. decisions WIU be by a vote of a maJority or members represenllng both PWU and Bruce PoJWer.

(a) Function: In an advisory capoalty with &CI:le$$ to ltle neces581')'1nlormallon: (This Is Umlled In that It does not apply In respect or lnlotmallon as to the $1!Nlc;e, salluy, pension benerlts Of' other personall!llomna1100 ~elated to an)' •peclflo pllfSOn Wllhoullhat person's prior consent l


(I) Monltol' BI\J08 Powe(s eclmlnlstretlon of the ~ent~IOn Plan as estabffshed I.Wlder the associated regulations end rutos. and other a~l9flcable legl6la0on.

(II) Meko recommend81lofl5 respecting tho admlnf~lratlon or the Pension Plan.

(1lt) Promote awareness and understanding of the PenGlon Plllfl on the par1 or Plan members.

(tv) Review the Bruce Power's approved annual nna001al statements and Investment perf~noe.

A- 126

(v) Review the BNC:e Power's apprcwed Actuarial Valuations of lha Pension Pbn and cli$1:U$s the nee4 ror aSS~Jmp(k)rl Cihanges

(vi} Identify potenlial bene Ill changes and discuss C06l and other lmp1ic:allonl. Committee recommencfo!liOOS rOf benefit level changes wm be wbjeQt to l'illlfieallOf\ or the respecll\le p;~rent bodies.

(vll) The Committee will have 11\e role ol /MIIItll recomrnendlltlons QeneGtUy wtlh te$pee1 to the flObonaliiCCICIUflt. The Company wtn aoopl any such lliClOIMlendaUcns wt!h rasp&c2 to lhe natiOf\al account specificatJv describdd tn fhe AptU 1, 1990 ID March 31 , 1992 Memorandum ot Agt8el'I'IGinl, ~IX 'G•.

Life Insurance

(I) Review the financial posi!ICIII. pretnusms and l:axable benefrt& of lne Tlfa lntuntnee PfO\'i$IOn.S of lhe Plan.

(II) Identify potential benefit Changes and discuss cost and other lmpllc:auone. Committee recommelldatloos rcr beneftl level changes wdl be sUbject to nsli!lclllon of !he respecttvf) peo~nt bodJes

5.35.2 Joint Health and Safety Coneultatlon

The partles will consult tegular1y on corporate level employee health and safety mallo,., The following two (2) joint committees will be established to faCilitate this consultation,

.(a) Joint Polley Commfttn on Health and Saraty

(I) Goal

To partlclpate In the formaUon or health .and safety strategy and pefloy Dy provldlog lnformaUon and opinion from !he Union to 1he Company's execullve on ernployoo heallh lind satezy-.

(II) Pereonnel

(a) Company l'lealth and Safety Ad\llsory Committee.

(b) Union Executlve Committee and ctlairperson of Union Pn:JVindal Health Olld 5a1ety C:Omrnltlee and Union staff adVIsor.

(c) The chalr will rotate between the chair ol the Company Health ancs Saroty AdVisory Comml~ee and the Union ProVincial Health end Safoty C»mmlu ...

(Ill) Function

(a) Identify problems and tssuas or company significance whiCh nave not been resolved In the Joint Health and Safety Worlling Committee.

(b) Review proposed Initiatives and advise the corporate exocUIJI/0,

(c) Re'lfew any changes to safety.refated legislation end provide direction to the cotpOrale e~tecullve to ensure that saJety policies. ptogrnma end proce8181

A -127

meol leglsfatl\le requlntmants, em~ HI health and ufety at WOtk ts auured, and 11\et ut.ty performance Is continually lroprowd.

(d) EvalUate e!tl61lng policy and ectl/lae U'ltt oafporat& executiVe Clfl recornmel'lded changos. Thfl IIJnclfiOill!lppll"!*'lloularly to setety rules and wot1t protection oodo.

(o) Davalop Joint Pollclo11 Ott HCI:IItl'llllnd ~iafoty

• Aulhol'lly lo Stop W0111

(f) The committee wUI meet on..,. • yoor or 111• mutUally agreed.

(b) ,Jofnt Health ~md Salety Working Comml"••

(I) Goal

Provide recommendations to aeslat the Htollh and Safety OMstcn In the development, implementation ond evalu11110r1 of corporate employee health and s.afety policy el"'d I)IOgmms.

(II) Pal'lonnel

(a) Manager. ProgramJTtlnq O.penment. 1-ileaflt\ end Safety Dl~ion and other management a~rf :~s deomod noce11mllry from 11me to tlme.

(bJ Union ProW1Cial Healttland Safety Commlllao and Uruoo staff edvlsof to a maximum o1 eogllt (8).

(RI) Fu~on

(a} f'artlclpale ~ lhe ldeniJtlcohon cA prol*WN 1M Issues of Compeny slgnlllcance in employo.o healltllllld Sl!lfety poflcy and preeta.

(b) Partldp;llaln the di!MI.!opolant, promollion and ImplementatiOn or Company health and safiltY programa.

(c) Study, develop enct malt& ~llions for c:Nnges to the eofPOI'ale safety Mia and wor1< protec:IJOn code. 1M hn:ruon can be dalegatact ID an ad hoc pap 11111h mufual .-mont.

(d) The oommiJ.tee wil normally anempe ID tUCllo.'O 1ssua1 ol mUiual C1IGIGI llefor1t seefdnQ fnterventrol\ bV aentor "~' 01 IN Joint Ccmlnltee on Health and Safety.

(e) The c:ommutee w.t meet twice 11 )'NT or •• muii.!Jiy ~

(e) J afnt iradas Claulfladlon Comm&tt.

A Joint cornmlllee shan be est.abli$l'lod on the fObwlng bD

(i) Name: Jofnt Trades Claulflcation Commlllla.

A• 128

{Ill Personnel: Maximum or three (3) appointees from eael1 patty,

{Ill) FunetJoru To study and fbrmulale descriptions and dulles of aU hourly-rated and week!y-rated trade cfasslf1C8lions on wa9e schedules 22, and 23 presenlly not Included In Negotiated Policies and Pracllces Number 4, but no! to producre a job avalu:tllon or ranking system.

The oemmlttoo will commence Its work within one (1) mooth after the settling of th& 1972 COII&ctlvll Agreement and shall meet regularly until !he task Is completed.

(IV) llmlta of Authority: The committee shall work Within the recommendalians, preamble and occupational fonnal agreed to pnMously.

The results or tl)ts commiUwa activitY shall be subject to aocepUJnce aod ratification by the Union and the Company at the negotfaUog level

(v) A copy of oil occupational definiiJons ~U be made available to each employee through hlthlorcontael ~.

(VI) The Joint Tl80es Cla.ssiOcetlon shal ~ !hat cMies for trades job6 ore de flood. Their focus Will~ on the 68Wiopment o1 <looUments describing Job dutlos, CJnd Wlll not~ tx ostabllsh Q)ll'lpl!nsatlan for lhese jobs. There Is a need for dlrect line ~ment ln\'01\lemllnl to determine Qlmtnt and fu1Ura duties. Tllb COmmittee shoUld o.lto Wll/tt lowafds ~lop!l1g a system Which Will allow deflnlllons/dOcllmenll to ~ orocucec~ qlll<;:ley and ft!l•ly 10 famTilate retponslvo~ to chltngtng no~•

(d) Jol.nt Committee on ~tM.Ion P~on

A fo-nt OOCM\i ttae WIJ be M~ on 118 fol1awlng bMis:

(1) NatN; Joln.t Com!Mtee on ~lion ProtectiOfl

(II) Goal: To 11t0vlde a forum for oommunlcatloos between Management and empi(Weo roptl!Untatl\lea on .-c!JallOn prole<liiOII toplca, oncl to develOp reeommenclallons to S8f'UOr ~nt for IITip!OWimonraln the mdiatlon protea!ion program. Tho I'UIJitirlg program Is Ol!pOOiod to folld to a level of Plf{etmanoe that compe~es ~ W1lh the IIMt ln our bu51ness-

(lil) Struc.tute:

(a) Chair. The chalr shall rotate on a yearty lltlllll between Managemen\ and a PWU E~teo.ttlw Representative.

(b) M•mbers:

• Silt (6) Management representabi!Oa • Eight (8) PNU Members llhllch would lnelud&:

Sedor V'rce President PWU Sector Slalf Officer PWU Radiation Safety Tech PWU Malnlenantt~

A · 129

PNU ()perNcr PNU Hoatln t1n11 Sefaty Rep PWU Chief Stewatd PWU Mod•fatloni'T'ed'lnlclan

~ Two (2} Soc:ioty ~nraww

(e) Secret..-y: Shall rotate on a )IMI1Y basis bOIWeen tne Managemenl fii!PI'8S8111111MII and tna PWU ~ IJI.illf. Manalr8fTTent or lhe PWU shan I'IOl hold boUl MC:nltary and chair pcslllicnt a t the same lime.

(d) runctiOf\:J! PI'OVkfe, wilh ·reepecl to efnplayee and publlc healttl and w!"oty. proup 111convnendlllons on fmpro~tnts to tne radlaUon safety pr~ram lO IJw Company, by:

• r~ev.'lng pelformanot, evaluatlf1i; against targets al1d memaJ atandal$. ttnd recommending bnll8d goats and performance objectives

• evaluotlng performance, ldenll(ym!Q problem area$ and seek commitment for cho119e as approj:Jfiate

• promoting good tadietlon protecll43n j:lractk:es

~ defining overall PJ'0911lm direction

• defining apPfOI)rlate changes to the RadiatiOn Protection Regulations, supporting procedures, and assonlated programs

IIIII undoratood tho above Witt be modll1ed to reflect the tinal output of the Ouallly Improvement Team.

(a} F~ of mMtlnot and quorum:: u- Joint Committee on Radiation Protection Will "*It quarteey. A quorum WIU be not les5 than 50'MI of tne rnember:t from o.ach of the patbes. In the event tnat a quon.m is nol acNoWd, mat qU8t'lerty meellng wil be amcelled.

(t) John ffnploymtnt E~y/Div:.rai\Y Commltttt

(I) Ooell To PIVVkle a JOW IOMn forwotlc on Bruce PcM\ar Corporate~~ Equity, Hlmon Rlgnt5 ond Olllatstty poftcfes 1!lndlor assodeled ....,.pomte IssUes

(U) Perwonrwl: r•) Thll eommlnoe WIU be stNctured to provide broad represantalfon fftlm tne Company and tho PWU. Up 110 six (6) posrtians wtU be made avar!a.ble to be 5harl9d equaQy between the PWU end lhe Compony

(b) n. PWU and the Cofnpai~y w.n be al.lo'Ned slatl ad'JISOI'S u ~Ired.

(111) F\mctJon: To meet and excl'larQe informatklf\ regulafly to ensure that the oommlttM It ltlfOfmfld of progtess on initlatJYH unclettake, by the Coqlcnlion and lt)e Unton. &en PartY WlQ ldelllify end bring lrotward em8(9IOSI COfPQ'8te issu.s tor di!ICUSSiona. Bolh parties will a:ltampt to agn• oo recommendation(s) acceptable


to aU parties ano fQ( deliVery lo the VIce President, Bruce Power Human Resources and/or to IM PWU Executive where appfOI)tiate. Where agreetnent cannot be reached, each party will communiea18 expedlllousty their positions to ~ ebcWe appropriate part)'.

(lv) Managernenlls respo!lfllbfe for time and expenses. except tor unfon staff lime associated 1111lh lhis cornrmnee.

(YI Refetwnce: T enns or Reference, Triparftte D•verslty/Empklyment Equity Team.

(f) Joint Employee and Family Ass istance Committ"

A Joint aommlltee will be established on the following baSis.

(I) Name: Joint Employee and FamilY Assistance Working Committee

(II) Goal: Provide recommendations to assist the Company and the UniOn In lila development, tmplementalion and evaluation or employee and family assl•taJICe policy and progrems.

(rll) PersoM el

(a) Chair. The chair shall rotate on a yaarty basis between tne Company ond o PWU representative,

(b) Members:

Representative from the Company Two {2) PWU representatives and one (1) staff advisor Two (2) ~ty represenla1ives

{c) Searelaly: The secretary shall be supplied by the Company,

(lv) function:

(a) Participate In the ldentjfica!ion of problems and tssues or slgntllcanco In employee and family assistance polir.y and prae11oes.

(b) Participate In the dewlopme:nt. promotion and implementatiOn ol emptoyco and lamily assiSianal flR9'3ms throughout the prcNin<:6.

(c) On an ong01"9 basis study, develop and mall& recommendAllonJ for~ to the ~y esnployee and faml!y aulstance pr09J am. TM fum::llon can be delegated to a SIJb.comiJllttee by mutual agreement

(d) The committee will noanaJiy attempt to reSOlVe tssues of mulu.~l •ntetut befoT9 seeking li1t8fVelltlon by the Senior Joint Uruon/Man.agem.enl Committee.

(g) Joint CommlttH on Security Issues


To provide te<:On'IITWindatlon6 to IISSilt Dnd Power dnd the Power Workers' Uniorl llllht <ltvelol)fntnl. lml)lemental1011 and MURtlon or secutl()' poi'IO!es ano prognams..

(b) Po,..onnel:

Representatives from Sruoo Power Power Workers' Un.on Rep,..sentattvo (Chlell Steward) Power WoOI.el't' UniOn ~rtty Repr..,entatiVJtt.

(c) Function:

(I) Po~ete In tho ~en~llcoUon of j:)(Oblt11111 end ISI\18t of tlfQillflcanot In ~cunty pofloy and ~s.

(II) Participate In the developrrnont, promotion end tmplomentatlon of security polfcy end practices,

(Ill) On an ongoing basia, etUCIIy, develop hrld make reoornrnendatlona tor ellange lo security policy and praotlott.

(Jv) The committee will OOI'ITI811Y oltempl to roaolvei&GUIIt of mututll lntere&l beforo seeking lntervantton by the JWP

(h) Joint Committee on Shift luuee

(a) eo.l:

To review Issues associated With 11atf n~qulrod to WOtk roilUng •h•tts and meJce recommendations to t~ Joillt Wotlctng Plll1y rega~lng ~W.S and strategies wni'ch win mnvmlza poteni13J !Walth and safel)' tmpaata or ahll\ wet~~ on stall'.

(b) Peraonnol:

Reprasenlai/WS (ram Bruce Power

Powef"Workefs Union ~101'\Uiu-.

(e) T enn- .of R.,.,;

Provide recot'IVTiellda~ regatdi1lg mWnllll~ U.l/npec:l of lhlii~Wff< otllhoft staff reQIMed ID WO!'Io; ~otattYg stnl\s, TheM coulctlnc~Ud!~IW\ things a preferred snift nMbonaJ patterns, «Stet, 5ktep patterns, olCCI'dsct rwgmons, ~pedal lnlhftl, SllppOft ~etc.


The ~will wpp('y 1M Union wdh PW\.1 ~d ~ end PriCIJces In q_uenutlea 10 distribUte to ils stewards &l'ld w\tta ~ a may 0.1 iMUOd.

A · 132


Any outstanding bargaining items must be addrt~Med wi11h n three (3) montha of raUfl121bon unless a new dale Is JointlY agreed to.

This agreement shall be pfinted on s!te in a Umety martni!T and made available by the Company lo the Union in sufficient

This oolledive asreement will also be plaaed on the lnlra1net and the Union w111 encoursge electronic usage.


This manual Is a supplement of the Collediw AGreement and Its pro\llslons shall apply as if $1!1 forttlln li.ltt llerein or as amended by 1118 P9Tfie$ In aQQOIU Wllh the temlt 0( reference as agreed to by the partfes in Mid-Term Agreement.


The Employer will supply all Chief Stewards wrth a monthly list ur all Union members' names In thetr unit In orl1er to facilitate itliS. the Union wlll lnfonn the Employer or tlfly changes to tho Chief Steward list or cnanges to ltleir respecli\19 Jurisdiction.

The Company wUI supply to the Union Offlce (Toronto), ~~ computerized llstol all PWU members, Including Appendix ·w employed by Bruee Power on a monlhly basis 1Ubject to LegislatiVe, CNSC or Securlly sensltiY& req ulrements. Tihe database will Include the following fields:

• Last Name

• First Name

• fnitfaf(s}

• Employee Number


• OccupaJJon Code

• Tille

• Bolldlr'\9 Code

• Status {Regular, PartTlmt~, eto.)


• year$ Qf service

Dofoned as ltw cktferance between CPJincnlase for Ontl!lrio (all1tems 1992 .. 1 00) l'or 1 12 monlt\ pMad ~md Y .

' . Note lnat 101' Ule foOowlng tenn periods lh& vesue of .'(' Will be ... follOWs.

January 1, 2018-December 31, 2010. Y = 2.00

January 1. 2017- Oec:embet 31. 2.017, Y c: 2.50

2. The COV. clltleranllal will be calc<Jiated to 2 decimal places besed on !he following formula~

(a) For the period of IJ'Ie agreement covering January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016 the COLA differential will be calculated In January 2017 based on the CPIInct&use lot tho 12 months ended December31, 2018. ~ paym•~nt will be made to 11\efO«< ole lump sum etreatJw December 31, 2016 and wiU be relroec11ve to the fwst payroll penod In 2018. The wage schedule will be adJusted effecti11e December 31, 2018 for any COLA dllferenUat.

(b) Forthe pettod of llleegreement oovertng January 1. 2017 to December 3 1, 2017 1he COLA differential w!U be calculated In January 2018 b8$ed on the CPI 111Crease for the 12 moolhs ended December 31, 2017. The paymmll will be made in lhe form of a lump aum etfec:1fve December 31, 2011 and WIU be retroecuve to 1M first pa)'I'OII penod In 2017, Tho wage IQheduls Win~ aojuoloO elfociiVo Decemtm ~1 . 2017 1or eny oov. cllfferentlal.

(c) All COLA dlfferentla1\ncreaa.a will be applied In aocoroance with the current Methods of CIIJcrolatlon.



The no!Tllol hoU,. or W()(lc for en Chemtcall'echnologist IPGSIIions 6Tlal be 40 hoUrs'* -.eelc.

8..1. t Tho fOlloWing )I ems u Ill out WI! I not appfy to the I)O!ItlclO of Chemical T edlnologtst

(at Se4llons 6.8 oncle. 7 • ~SOt$,

(b) Socllon 4. 12.7 (a) · SoiG<:tlon loiActlng In Vecanoit~s.

$.1.2 Tho lolowfng It oms u set oul wtft fiPPIY to Chemical T eclfvlologlst

(I) Seellon 15.8 • Relief Worl(.

lbt Soc!l10114. 12.8 • Cletktllll- TIKhnH:al ProYir.lons

(e) Section 4.12.6 (a)· Postlng Proc:eoures

(d) Section 5.9 - Ckv!cal T 8Clhnk:at Jd) EvaluaiiOn

A- 134

(e) Seclion 6.10 • Promolbn Rule.


By ~reement of bolh parties thls language • Part A Item 6.2 (8.2.1-4-2.4 (d)) has fleen suspended. This ltem will not appear In tha printed copy ollhe CoRIKI11ve Agn5ement.


IU. 1 Applicable Provlslons

The foOowlng sections shall11ppty to Nuclear Sealrlty OftlfC;ens/NIJC'jaar Response Teem.

5.1 5.2.6, 5.2.7 5.3.7 5.4.1, 5.A.4, 6.4.5 (l), 5.4..8 eXOtlpl 5.4.5 (I) (viU) 5.3 .10 4.4.4 5.31 6.8.3 5.24 4.127 (a) 6.5 5.33 5.32


5.8.2 (a - t) 4 12.6 6.9 5.10

6.3.2 Equivalent T1me Off (ETO)

Salaries and Wages Hours t)f WOO< Still\ DitleMntllll 0Ye11ln116 Premium P~ents Va<:$lieln • Shit\ WQtlters Plastic Sufis RellefWOik Speclall Clolhfng SelectAtDO tOIAcUng In Vaconcloa Pr'O\'Isil:~n of Meals Rildlatlon Personnel DeWiopmenl (Trarnlr~g and E)tpe(tenc:e) Ptinclplle!i re· Resourclng lor Relief. Acttng & Temponsry Assignments RellefWotk ()enceiTechn~l~~s Job EValuafion Protnollon Rule

Etnployee$ who work authorlmd ovenlme will be paid at the eppropnato premium tale or may bank the time at aPPfOt)tlate premium rates to a max1mun1 of fot1Y (40) l'tOin banked. Suc.h bankod Ume may be taken by mutualagreomenl betwoen the employee and hls.'her supetvlsor. Employee~ can only book ETO allvr7~ of 1racallon aod floatlng holidays are booked.

6.3.3 Fltneu Feclllty Mema.rsfllp/Fitn•N Bonua Strucw ,..

In recognition that the Company provides flnanclal assls~1nce to all PWU members for t•IJ'less membel'ahlp under the Healthy Wellness Comml~ (~~ or cost up to $200.00). The panles agree that any Security staff thai have been campensate<iiiJilder the Secority rrtnesa relmburaement program cannot avail lhemse!Yo$ ollhe additional 30% from !he lillallhY Weilness Committee,

The followlng subsectlons shall only apply lO Nuclear Security Ofr!C81S and Nuclear Response Team Officers or otller Nuclear Secu!lty employees as applf~blo.

A - 135

(o) All regular Seeuti\y employees wiU be etlglble for financial asaiS'!ance upcm ~ a fltfleu facility based upon the jointly agreed 11nanclal average COS1S WiiNn tl'le pgreed Zonea l<lenUfled beloW. The maximum reimbursement Is the cost tor ongo4'g bulc membership In a fitness facmty on a yesrty basis (raeelpts required}.

Zone t Port Elgin $350.00 ZOna 2 • Kincardine $380.00 Zone 3 Owen Sound $490.00 Zorle 4 Ou1tlam $360,00

Em~ living outalde these mnes 'Nil! reoel\'e the !lllanoal assl'stance nsodated wi1h the zone that It ~ most dnct !'OIJt$ fi'vrn Wllere lt'oey mide. M example tor olanty, If you realdalrl T oron\U then the appflcabla zone woukl be Zolw 1, ~Elgin.

OUier lonel moy De tldded INI!h ftgreemeol be.lwean the PNU and Managemer!l

Tha •ppro"fd will be f8VIewed annually be'-&n !he PWV and Management and an. DQJ..S flnancial assistance within tho agreed zones WID be adJusted accordingly.

The flnencMI1UIIt$1orte» dotUM for lltoe$s facility member&hlp relmbul$4!fTlflnt will only sunMI upott ogrtornent of bolh p8l1les (PWU and Mllll8gemont).

(b) Incumbent Security amptoyeosiNith medicel 11talr1Ctforlt vAll be •ccommodatad In the Security Ooportmontlfl to tar, as Is p011$lble. Posttlona aultable for medically restricted employeaa will tHIIdonli/Mt4. OUm~nt MRAW emplo)'M$ expressing a wtsh to leave the Dcponmont IMU bo oMted tnrough ltle rehabUitatlon pro~tan outtlnod in the Colt.aetNe AO.....-nent.

Upofl jofniiiQ"temOJ\I of the P<ll'lles (PWU end MaJ'IOOOmant), once the lneumbtnl Seoul\!y emplo)'ool With medlea1 ~ haw bMn doell with ot por tho Collocrtlve Aor-na.nt lhil prv111llon ~ IIUnseL

(c} The penles (PWIJ IIJld ~I) agree thellhcl PQI'IJClpotlon tn ttlelltMON bonua award testing 11 on a ~f)' b8sls al!d not • !11QUII'IIITienl of tt1o Job documont or CNSC regul:afior&

A bonU$ for maintmmng Che I11M$S Tavel {Onteno Polloe fnnaae Award (PIN)) of !he PWU n!pC'esented NRT v.i'lo I'IOid current CNSC NRT quaiiOcetJona wlll b8 oa fotlow1:

The bonus will be sti'IJC\Urod on a yearly basis (Sept. -Sept.) and paid (aucceaafl.ll completion of teat on 1 .. ettompt) out upon completion or the testing. Tl'le annual bonui l88t wm be carried out dunno Sepl and the fitness bonus wJU bo pro-rated tor new hl..-.s between ltlelr start dale and Sept. (ie: If a new employee startq In J11nu111ry thoy would receive 91121h'a ol tha 1,. year bonus upon successful completiOI'I). Management wUI provide one (1) monlh'a notice ol 111e ntness bonus lest date to 1M affected SfiCIJfl!y staff.

(I) $2,000.00/yeer up to the completion of the 3,_ yo1u (li) $2,600.00/year up to the completron of the 4"' end~"' )"1111'1 (Iii) $3,000.00/year for any additional years beyond the 5"' yeat

A· 136

ManaQ8!'11tmt wiD ~ one ( 1) monlh'6 notla. oll/1e Illness bonus test date to lhe atfec!ed Secully stal'f.

The fiWISS sts~rd h8$ cMnged ll$ 1'8(1\llff(l by (;NSC regvlatiOfiS llle bonUS \rUtmant of the NSO's wiH be fTICM!Id to the NRT bonu. structure and discussions wtll be ~ to determine ~ the employee w.JI be pao!tcl oo the bonus chart Wllh joint agreement between Ill$ penles {PWU 8tld ~ment).

The bonus strudl.n wid be ;alnlJY I8Vie'wed betwee10 the PWU and Managemenl and WUI be emellded to rec;oQtiiUI chan!lft In ~Ill· by ]dnt 1119f8emerrt.

(d) The selection pril:wtty for lha PWU l$pnl58nted NR'r positions Will be:



Oualltled" ~maJ appllawfts as per ~ 10

Appendix ·A·. EXtemala~ C:onllad slllf quaJ,riOd· at the time of posting of the external wcancy. ~~ m~ IIP'¢V to the external posting tluougtl the extemd hlnng p~aa.u ot 8ruee Power.

The PWU Appendix ·A" members for tho putpOses of the selecllon to vacancies will be treated as per Partl ·a- Appendix • A.• tedion 17 0 o/tne ColleoUve AgreemenL

These applicants will be giY8fl t m01~1h to oomplote the requltlld Cl'lSC tesllng on their own time end at theltr own GI(J)enM-.

• Based on Job spaclflcatioos and CNSC toqulremonta and training wt'llch may lie subject to changes tllfOUOh du. proceaa.


It is 1'1100Ql11zed tllat !he Company shell retain tho right to designata those poslliornl whtah require ooventge dl«tng the ah\Jidown. When a CMstmJlt ahutdoWn Is declared by the ~. eligible weeKJy.salatted emplo)'MII ahoH hll\'$ tho option or repayment by:

(a) Applying UIIUfi8d VIICIIIIOO crodlll trom t11o prot;enl •yetu (~ a Ctuistmas shutdown penod extends Into lhll nelCl 01110ndM year, an emp[loyee will ttave the right to use his/her llJ1liSed vacatJon from lhll p(Wv\oul ~f).

{b) ~ ~ year. vacatJon e.ntltlemm (fetttlcteCilto si'IUU!own daY$ onlY).

(c) R~stJng 11me olf w.lhoUJ pey (l'ealrletod iD ahii!IJ(own days coty),

(d) 100 1.11e o« mok-IHIP lli'M lt6tnugtl\ ~

The ~w~l mllln_, Nl8n.t of ~salaried emplOyees Who eleCt to WOlle m~ limO. TNI•~)'M will wort tmlke--up time WIINn the following periods:


A -1:J7

4 WQ1111!1g days Of leU Mor9 than 4 wotldng days

Oatobet 15 to February 1 October 1 to Mal'Ctl31

(t) The use or banked overtime houra as per Section 5.4.5 (t) (II). The selecUon or 6.4 (d) above precludes the use of lhla op!Jon dun"ng the malce-\lp period.

Unpaid ovai1Jme wol1ted shall be paJd to the employee al the appropriate premium tate In lha event of hisAlor transfer or tlllfnfnsJian pnor 10 ~~ the Clroe off with pay during ll'le shutdown petiOd

The employee willlndlcoto to hlslhet wper"Wot l'isiiW •lec:Uon cl the above options prior to the c:omm«rncement of tho make-u.P l*!od The~ may Chal1G•lli$/her options atony lime provided the employee's supaN!sot authortzss fh8 change.

6.5 dOURNi'#Pift&ON 'AA't

Deleted, tlfectl'W January 1, 2014


Many fadcn are lnvohlod In lllldo ~ The depth of lrrvol\lernef1t fl these factors det"~nos the lolltlf of IUpe!"Mion ,.qllifld. Thera are tiV8e (:1) levels or regular supervision wilhl'l'l Union junadlctlon.. Theae aro: uniOn trades $Uper.1sot -leval3, union trades SUP9flll50f - levol 2 and union trado• Guporvlsor - level1 The respoosibUfliss associated with each ot lhv:ft !ovals are sel out In tho 'Trades Responsiblillles and SUpeMsoly Q11ena~ dated July 15, 1968 which Is an appendiJI to lhla Ao~L

8.&.1 Tnldeapenaon ~••ponal.bllltl ..

A~ Ia ~uared to olllltCIIa judgment and COI'Itrol <MSt hili/her OM! aGtloos so lha:l lhe 11$$1gned work may be petfOtmed safely, efficienUy, afld effectr\lely, and wi1h ~tlon ot b effect Ofl olh!n.

In a wortl altuaUcn, a joumeyperson will bo responsible only tor his/her own work and the wort\ and 1111 n\'lo of one (,)apprentice or nelpor, liowevar, for the purpose of !raining, a joumeypei'IOI\ m11y be reqUired to teach trade skills of a specific task to more than one appn.11tlca or )outnoyper5on at ono ama. During such a teaching suuallon. the joumeyperaon Is ~ only tor the demonsltaUOn of lnlde skllts and not for the wol1t of the apprentices or )ouo~ lt!wNecl.

Related to lh• &boW, • "helpel" la a ~ ot tower classlllcatlon than the tradesperson ha/she 111 aUiettng: an "epprenttoe• 1s a pe($()11 of lower than fourneypersoo progression In a l.rade.

6.6.2 Supervf~ry R••poraibUftJ .. of • Union Tnldea Supervl•or ~ Laval 3

A unlon tradea ~UPBMsor • tewl 3 supoNises 811 assfgoed aew on speclllo Jobs and dOes 80 for periods up to two (2) days Without lace to face contact with his/her supeNisor v.t10 will carry out 1M hlghet responslbl!l11es of 1M job l etS frequent contact (~Cl~Jires that !he union trades supetvlsor- leve13 be paid at the a,wro.prlate ~~rate. He/She pelfonns physical work ac:llvltles. This classlficatlon 1$ paid at a reba whloh l$ eight pe1cerll (&'If.) abow

the joumeypefson rate of h1slher trade or eight percent (8%) above the joumeypersoo rate or ll'le higheSt l7ade supeMse<l. whichever is the gr'eater.

6.8..3 Supervisory Responsibilities of a Union Trades Supervisor -lew ! 2

A union trades supervisor- level Z supervises staff on a continuing basis to carry out a given work program. He/she performs physical work aelivltles. This classification Is paid at a rate whleh is 17 percent (17%) above thejoumayperson rate or his/her trade or 17 percent (17%) above lhe joumeyperaon rate of lhe highest trade supervised, whichever Is the greater

8.8.4 Supervlsory Responsibilities of a Union TratJ.• Supervltor- Level 1

A unk>n trades supervf6()( • level 1 performs the complete supeMsory ruponslbiUtles over a trade slaff. He/she perforrll$ physical work activities. This classiflcallon Is paid at a rate which Is 22 percent (22%) above 'ttte joumeyperson rate of hllllher trade or 22 peroent (22%) above the joumeyperson rate of the highest trade supervltwd, whichever Is the greater.

6.8.5 Supervisory ResponstbJIItles of a Man~~ge~"Mnt Supervisor

A management supeNsot'll respmsibUJiles 818 of a supervl.sofy NtUra as dBSC!ribed In the 'Trades Responsibir.tla and SupeMsoty O,teriils" Normally they must not take the place of skilled WOfkers. In the event that an emerg&MY WOfll condition afi$8$, 1ldlled help should be called in. However, Whefe ttJitable sldlleclllelp ia nole'ldable at the required Ume. superviSors are e~Bd to perform Whatever duties necessary. The foregoing Is not Intended to prohibit lhe supervisor f~m using the tools of the trade for training purposes.


OVeraQ s~ of a rAW Is PfOI/Ided by 11 .vpe~sor and/or uniOn ll'9de& supervisor • klvel 3 0\lt \he apptOP\ate reSJ)OMlbtl~les set out In P8l1 A. Se<xllons 6.6.2 to 6.6.5. However, a ~w may be a~ned a task without a regular StJpeMsor In aJiendance, In Which case a lempora.y IIUJlOMsot may be appointed. In such lnstall08$. any rvspoosibility for aupe!VIsion must be aaalgned, It caMOt be lla8U!Tied. When so assigned, the level or supel'\llslon to be performed and paid must be designated in acoordar\CI8 wUh the preceding Seotlon 6.6. Employees shall not be held eacauntable for more then joumeyperson responsibilities that have not been assigned.

Where no regular sul)eMSOf Is an a job the following &hall apply:

(a) Where a joumeyporson Is respocalblo for ons {1} helper Of one ( 1) apprentice, there 5ha0 be no payment for supe1Vis1on.

(b) Where two (2) joumeypersons are worklng together and each Is responsible for hlshler own work, there shall be no payment for supervision. However. where a joumeyperson Is held responsible for the work of another lradesperson. olher than a helper, 118/she shall be appointed and paid as a lead hand or union trades supervisor- level 3.

(c) Wttere a job. which Is preplannod by a supeMsor and whlcl'l can be completed In one (1) day, Is being perfomled by three employees whose work ls 1ntel'dependen1,. one of them shall be appointed and pal<! as a lead hand. A lead band Will be pale! fol assigned responslbllitios In excess of two (2) hours per day, in whlch case he/she sl'lal1 be paJd live percent (5%) above lhe joumeypen~on ra1e of tlislher 1rade or five percent l~)

A -139

above the joumeyperson ra~~t ol tho highell trade tJupclfY!sed, WhlclhiMir Is 1M gra&ter rw a rnlnunvm of four (4) t10urs or U\e aCioaJ 110urt wol'kacs as aleac:t hand, ~rIa grealer. Lead halld responSlblll"" ere as appondtd 10 the "T111dea Reapontlbll1IJes and Supefvfsory Cnllf\0' document.

Whens a group of ~are W011<JnU at a locallon on )obs whlllh .,. .Independent or one another and planned by a supeMsor 10 that no oo-cnlll\ation of tholf aetiVIU.a fa rwQutrad, addlllonal supel'll!slon w1ll not be reqUlfecl. WIWo the Jol> roquii'9S tno111 U"lon one ( 1) day to complete or Is not prepllln'l8d, or 111 baing perlonnod by tour ( 4) or lTIOf'8 employees or whe"' the assigned responslbllllln oxcetld leed hoi'ICI responalblllllos, one (1) of tllem shall be appointed and paid es a union tl'adea IIJI)tlr'VIsor • level 3 or lew I 2 super.isor. In such caAel( he/she siJI)OIVIses for l1l<Q thlln two (2) houri In a day he/she shall be paid the supervlsOfY rate for a minimum of rour (4) houra or lhe actual ttoura he/she supervlll&s, whichever f.s the greater.


Preplanned mea.ns planning whldllll dOI'Ie away from tho job alta. It does not relate to on tho site detallttd ptannlng.

e. 7.1 Schedule of Pl!lyment for Rellof Supenllalon In en Eabbtlthed Poaltlon

When required to relieve In a union supervisory position for ont (1) worklng Cl:syot more payments shall be made in aocordanoe Wtlh Appendix Gl - Competency BaiOCf Progression Plan, Mid-term PWU·MT·0019 and PWU-t.OU-008.

When required to reflell8 1n a non·uniOI'I t\lpervlsory potlllon lor a J)OfbJ of OM (1) WOI1<1f10 day or more, payments shalf be made In nc:cordAnoo wl~h Se<:Uon 0.8 4.


6.8.1 Bruce Steam Pl•nt!Nude•r Oparatora

Escn Bruce Steam Plan! Operator end NUCllear Opera tar who roqulrea • Mmilltry of Commercia.! and Consumer Relations (MCCR) or Environment and Q\e~ Mlniatry (EEM) cerlltlcete will be paid at hisll1er basic rata to write each 'elt8mlnatlon once. Arrangements will be by mutual agrooment.

The application or this ctau~;.cuhall not quallfy an em~illlo. who works on the day that hrf't.hG writes tne examination, for premium rain ot pay.

0.8.2 c.rtlficate Rel"lftala

Steam Plant Operators an<l Nuclear Opera.lo111 who are nequlred by tho Company to ll'lelr Ollf1l{~Cates Witl'l the Mlnlltty of Commetdel and COII\SUITIGf RotaJJonf Of E!Mronment ond Enerpy M'ln!Stry, Will have Ule cost of auch reJWWB~S) ralmbursed.


Refer \o Mld·Term PW\J.MT-0026.

A - 140

U 1 Allthorlzed totuclear Operator Retention of Aulhonzalion Polfcy

Refet to Mid-Tenn PWU-MT -0025

6.9.2 AU~~ ft,\$ar Opera~ tn Tramii'!Q lswaasing Capabllil}' Compensa~ ~ Pollay

Refl!f to Mid-Term R-169.


6.1 0.1 All Nuclear Operators are expected to progress to Grade 02. Step 8. Nuclear Operators must CICimplele the training associated wtth each step of the wage schedUle.

~1 0.2 NUClear OpetaiOIS wt10 fall to progress to Golde 02, Step 8 Will be treated aooordlng 110 Part A. llem 4 .1 1


M~l malnlainers, civil malntalnen and sl\lft oontrof technicians may be regutaey required to !*form DR assessing as a pert of their normal du!ies as oodlned 1n thetr respectiw oocupatfonal definition Il ls understood that this allows the mechanical mamlainer civil maintainer and shin control technician to do OR auessfng on jobs helslle Will be working on. This would 4no1Ude: (i) hlslher own work. (II) Wl'lere he/she is part or a crew on a particular jobi and (Ill) where a job he/she expect a to work on Is passed on to a subsequent crew even if 1'101 yet •tartec;l. 'the maintenance assessor rate was ba19ained In recognition of the totality of dulles Wllhln the 1nalntenance assessor oc:cupatrooal defimtion(s). Some or these duties are common to maintenance, cMI and control maintenance assessors and mechanical maintainer, ciVil maintainer and shift control tectmlclan journeypen10ns. Ills inapproPflale \0 pay mechanlc8J maintainer. civil maintainer or shUt oontrottecttnician step up 10 the maintenance assessor olassfficatlon for performing one or two of these common duties for a shon period of lime.

If the tl8daspetSOn Is required 10 perfom~the dUties of assessor, ID the exclusion of hlslher mechanie111/clviVconlrol maintenance dulle5 tor a period or one (1) day (8 hours) or more. step up to a58ea&Or will be paid. This mtght ocour tor temporary worl< or SA VH relief. or Where a number of OR's are assessed by one lndlvld~ on shllt

Maintenance a11sessor positions may be filled on a long-term temporary basis. The time shaft not Bl(OOad 1 8 montl1s afler whlot!lhe Incumbent will revert to his/her regular classification and location. The number of positions In a department filled on a temporary basis will not exceed 50% of the positions filled on a regular basis. All employee wlll not be selected for these positions for two (2} consecullw terms. Employees will be notified of long-term temporary opportunities by means of local posting at the deparlment with the temporary need.

Regular and tong-term temporary maintenai!C8 assessors wm not normally work shl" . Short-term atop up to malnt81'1ance assessor may be established on shift In accordance with Part A. Item 5.2.6 (b).

It the supervisor ol the ma~ntenance assessor Is a unton supervisor, the supervisor Is paid at the appropriate percentage above the joumeyperson rate of the respective maintenance trades group.


It Is unden;tood that oons!sleot with the Coaeclive Agreement, the expectation is lhatlhe maintenance a$$8SSOI' po.sltJon wm normally be iiffed by an Individual With experience in the respecUve marnr.enance group.

Selections will be made In accordance-with Article 10.1.


The normal hours or worl< for all control technician positions shall be 40 hours per Week,

6.12.1 The folloWing provisions will not apply to shll\ control leclmlcians.

IIams 6.6and 6.7 - Supervisors.

6.12.2 Relief

(a_) Wt-.ere a shtfl control technician is required to provtde ~llel tn the senior shill control technician posfOon, hetshe shall be paid for all suoh hours worked at the tate for lhe posillon as outlined In Schedule 23, GtaCJe 01.

(b) Where a shift oontroltechl1ician is required to raOeve In a non-union supervisory position ror a period of one (1) working day or more, he/sl!e will be paid twenty-two percent (22%) aboVe the respective ]oumeyperson rate or five peroenl (5%) above their normal rate·, whichever Is greater.

6.12.3 Placement In Shift Control Technician Positions (Grade 03)

Employees from other classifications who are eligible to apply for shirt control technician positions Within Bruce Power will be considered bel ore hiring outside ll'le Corporation. These employees, If selected, would be placed al the appropriate position from entry tevet or higher, based 01'1 Management's assessment or experience and quallficallons.

Ills agreed that If an employee was not selected ttley would have redress through the gfiellallco procedure to challenge their nor»electlon srnce such selections are made under At1ide 10.

6. t2.4 Prog,....lons

S6e Memorandum of UnderstancftllQ dated February 23, 1987.


6.13.1 Project Crews will be staffed on a voluntary basis.

6.13.2 Employees on Project Crews are considered to be regular employees with all tenns and conditions and benefits as per the collective agreement, except as noted In these provisions.

6.13..:3 Management wiU review the prqposed use of the Plo)ec:t Crews with lt'le PWU and solicit Input on the Pro}fiOt Ctew(s) SIZe, oomposllion, source of staff for !he aew(s), proposed peak work limes. etc.


t.13A Emplo)ee& on ~ FYojeCI Qew WjjJ be enbllci<S to 1t1e 88n!MI number of yearly houn; as a regular employee and be paid for thcsa hours at straight llmo on the sama pay be£is as 11 non Prqed Cl'vw revu'.ar anptoyee.

a. t a.s Each ~ on tho Project cr.w m.y h<MI Il di!Yorenll n1AI'TIIber o1 ho~n aveilable to worll, due to lho appl'icatlQn of vaceiiOil rightJ. ftoaJing hOlidays., and statutOIY llofldays, (a ·9·· 2080 tv. miraJs Slal.u!Of'Y hoCdays 80 hrs, minus 3 tloab~ nofidays 24 hrs, and appropnata vacallon 213/416/6 weekti}.

8.13.8 Employees maybe req~W&d to wottt days Of &hit wot1< on8/10112ttourscf\edUI.u up to 60 hour1 per week antS a minimum ol.O hours per weetc.

8.13.7 Shift dUterentlat {lden!ltied lo Part A. hem s. 3.7} and paynll8nt fOr sdlediile(f WOffc on weakends antS sta!U!Diy holidays rldenttied In Part A. l181in s.3.10 (1) (aJ)INlll be pakf 0\11 on an as worked basi$.

8.13.8 Management will establish !he amout\1 d oveftin~M~ req001ed In 1ne yoaar, -.g_ 50 hoin.. 100 houra, 150 houn;, etc. 30 percent of lhts overtime wtl be at 1.5 tlrl\8S lltld 10 ~ll'l •t 2 Umes. This overtime will be pald OIJt In equal installmeots In 88l:h pay cheque.

8.13.9 Any owrlln~M~ above that requited In 6.13.8 8boW w!U be paid atlhe ~,. pttMnlum ratet.

G. 13.10 Management will post the schedule September 1 lor the tiQilow1ng )'08f thowlng v.tten 1M majority of the WOfk will be required (i.e., peak worlt to moel project sc:tn•dul, .. ) Em..,.•• WtR be given 7 days notice If !he project schedules are aqju&ted to meet tyatem dam.tinda. l'he adjustment can be no more than 14 days In either dh'8Ct101l ~allure to glvo 7 clays notlco would result In penal\}' paymeni$1!1S per Part A, Hom 6.2.tS (a).

8.12.11 Employees will be entitled lo establish blocks of tlrne wtltn they Wlll:le unavailable f« wotk assignment(&). This time off cannot coofllct with t~ llkel)r poriods reqwoo for them to work,

6.13.12 ~meot w11 post (locally) Septembef 30 tor proj&Cls In lilt following yoeJ SelecUont WIO be on a seoioc: qualllled basis. Actual formation ol the crEIW will dopllnd upon a aurtlclent number d appropriately qualified applicants.

6.13..13 The pat1les agree that the totar number or emplo}'ee$ 10 F'rQJ~t and those In cate C:UOip&menl shall exceed the nwnber of OIT\ployeelln ba~e oomplomonl.


The base war!~.~ for 40 hour wort .. has been reducutd to 39 houlW par week

(al The f1Dimld ICheduted and fl8ld houri of WOI'k wlll11rMaln 8i 40 per week.

(b) Emplo)oeel bellln 80r;Mtl fOf' RWE effec:llve Januet)• 1• of eech year.

(c) evensme rates 1!4 be peld lor aiJIOors In el!lllm of !lOmi&J $CIWtdOied hoUT6.

(cf) Thl$ banked lime 11'\J.Y be tljl(on on sucn u~ as the• omployee and ht&/l'ler SIJpei'Vlsor mutually agree UjXII'I roac.rf'G roasona.llle lldYanca r;otlc:O on the part at the employee,

A · 143-

Rules of u~e to tie treated slrnller to vaca,tlon Um,e. Short notice cases win be treated on a Ol;'lse by case basis.

(e) Banked time may be Ia ken off in oms (1) hour lncrarmenls.

(f) Any outstanding RWE an employee has at the end of the calendar year will upon employee request be paid out at the employee's barss hOurly rate. The employee must Inform their supervisor In wrtling by November 111 if tlley wish to halls their outstanding RWE paid out at year end.

(g) An employee may carry over up to 24 houn; of a current year's en\itlement Into the following year. Any remaining entitlement beyond those 24 hotJrS will be paid out to the employee at their base hourly rate at the end of liTe year In which II was accrued.

(h) If an employee terminates, unused banked lime willl be paid out at straight time rates.

(I) If an employee uses more than lhelr accrued entltlflmenl and then leaves a 40 hour Job or terminates, the employee will be required to pay back lhe addltlonal entitlement they had used.

Ol San ked lime will not accumulate fO( any period of unpaid leave exceeding 40 consecutive tcheduled hours. Scheduled· days off ·~Iff not be considerEid as breaking the consecutive natute or scheduled hous:s. Banked lime will accumulate during a paid leave of absence and Pregnancy/AdoptlveiParenlall Leave,

(k) Upon Initial lllrl119 to e regular poslllo(l, or a stJCcesllfiJI applicant moiling (rom a 85 or 37.5 hour position lo a 40 hour position, the employee will be given the choice of ottoosing to opt out of RWE and reoelrve pavment R:lr the equiValent 2.5% that would be ooonted as pensionable earnings. This one lime opportunity to opt out of RWE may be made by the employes anytime between 60 days alner receiving the rate for the posl tJon and up to the llrst ~nniversary after reeefving the rarte for the position.

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ti)Q.l7 2.llii).Ol 2.133.27 2. 173.!1Z 2.2&1111 2. ll'U4 2.217 .Ill U!OS5 U1U1 2.J1U0

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. IR 115 -~



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Cbtd.Mii:law C5.t

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A - 172

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5I o..l-l(J).(8).(7) 2B.CXl 31.8!1 :33!4 l5.8Z - 42.43 o&U1 643

N0JEa: H~....-..-~'llltl ... 4.1dPIII.A

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53JIII 5IIDI IIS.05 57.12 - eu111 1!021 61.:!5 82.41 83.12 GUS ms

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<U.&l &81 51.51 I53.SI 56JI3

... !O.A5 $1A2 52.311 SI3J 58J8

40.A7 110.44. 51.A1 52.31 543l 5&75 5521 $26 572J 51.111 511.01 60.15

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A - 175


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A - 176















B- 2


for~" hliwnance, Repair and~ Power Wcwtter~' Umon Aulanad WOIII mllde •1\1$ enter.ct Into


8ruc.e Power LP (w8ruct Power" 01 tN "E~

POWER WORKERS' UHIOH tPWU) (benlinabr c:alecf u. •unlan")

8 ·3

Bruce Power I Power Workers' Union

SECTION 1 PREAMBLE.~-............................................................................................................ 5

SEC'T10N 2 SCOPE OF AGREE.M.ENT .,,_,,t ... ._,,,,,. ... u._,, .• , .... ._,....._._. .................... . . ..... .._ ... ........ _ .. _. ................ ..... ......... 5

SECnON 4 WORK ASSIGNMENT ............................................................................... ._. H . .... u •••••• ••• • • • 6

SECTION 5 UNION RIGHTS AND REPRESENTATIVES ................................................................ 7

SECTION 6 SUPERVISION ..... - ...................................................................................................... 7

SEC'TlON 7 UNION se·cURrTY' .............................. ,,... ...... ._ ................ -."--'*-···_._. .............. N' .. ........... .... . ....... , . . ......... . ............ 8

SECTION 8 EMPLOYMENT PRACTICESIHIRINGILAYOFF ........................................................... 8

SECTION 9 HOURS OF WORK ..................................................................................................... 10

SECTION 10 WAGES AND PAY PROCEOURE ............................................................................... 11

SECTION 11 UNION AND B.ENEFTT FUNDS ..................................................... - ........................... 14

SECTION 12 TRAVEL AND ROOM AND BOARD ALLOWANCE. .................................................. 14

SECnON 13 TOOLS AND CLOTHING ·····~H ......................... , ..................... -................ _,_ .... -......... u ......... 17

SECTION 14 GRIEVANCES AND ARBITRATIONS ................................................ ~ .• - .................. 17

SEC'nON 15 COMMt'TTEES ............................................................... U-i ...................... ............... .. ~_ ................. 18

SECTION 16 PREGNANCYIPARENTALlADOPTION LEAVES ................................ ~ ................... 18

sec ·noN 17 SE.L.ECTION TO VACANCIES,,, ................ ,-......... _ ................................... ..,. ............... ""' .... , .. 19



Schedule A


100 WHEREAS the Unlao, as delinacS in lhe COWtlnQ page of INs Aopendbt, IS able 10 provide competent. $~~~Jed enc1 qta&rlld WOfU:n to pelfonn 1M wen eommo walhin soope clllUs ag1eemet1t; end

WHEREAS BM::e Pow.- and 11-.e U11ion deSh 110 mUII.Ially est.~ and stabQiza ~ hours <tr!d ~ tlOrldiOons fC'I' Ill~ o( &uoe Power~ supplementary malnlenance. tepaif lli1Cf oth8l f'ooMif WOI'Aer Assigned wor1t and tvruw. to ef'ICOI6398 closer co-ope~ation and ~ between Bruce Power and the Unlcn to lhe end hit a sal.lsfadort'. conlnlous and hamlOiious relatlclnsNcJ wil eat between the parties 10 1tlla Agrwmont.

NOW THEREFORE n. Coml)lltl'f and 1he Union tm~n~al!y ti9'M that 0'18 ~ conditions as set out ~low sh9ll be ~ICllble 10 lhNII ~Joyee$ crt Bruce f'lower


200 A. Bruce Power recognizes the Union as 1t1e 11018 t>atgafnll'lll agent for aJI employees wtto perform supplementary maintenance, repalr and other Power W~ Assigned Wlrt.

B. This section applies to 1111 wort!. as denned In A. ebow .ave and exoeplthat work which Is performe<l by f'JWU regular employee:; aa defined In 11le Colleotllle Agreement and shall include but not be limited to

Civil Troc.1es Uncortffltd Including union aupervtsors and apprenrlces

CIVil Trades CertlniKJ Including union Gupervlsors and apprenllces

Mechanical Trades Including union supervisors and apprentices

eectncal Tf11dt$ 11'1cluding union supervtSors and apprentices

and a.II111Qulat fOb cJassff1cationa as they a,ppear In wage schedules oonstiiU«ng f*'l of lhe eo.ecttve Agreement AddltJonal ClaSSltlcalions are:

AGcen ContrOl ()peF8IOr

W8Utr Traatment Plant Opetatcr

Qerfcal Slatr. InCluding

Cfor1c U Admin watlon (BSR Stteam)

Clerk I AdmtnfstraOOn. (Trolmng Seht'duler)

Admln"trabve Assistant

Safoty T eelmlaat;


Such othef classificallons sul:lsequenlly agreed lo by the parties. (See Wage SChedules.)

An e~yee of any dassillcallon required to opera I.e vehides « WOI'tt equrpme.nt shall h8Ye a current license as required by proYinclallegislalion.

C. The Un.on reoQgnlzes Bruce Powflf as the mlusiVe employer agency fct thiS Agreement, and In aD matters pertelnlng to the admfnistration or this Agreement

D. The 181m ·employee" refers 10 ell casual employees of the Employer In the clasalficattons as set oulln Item B abova.

E. The lelm "Employe(' shall mean Bruce Power Umited Partnership.

F. Supervisory tales for Appendix ·A" employees shall be 12% above !he !Dial Wage Pacl<age (0( single lrade dulies supeMilon dUlles and 18% above the total Wage Pilckage for supervf$1on duties.

/1. This ~ shaQ be deeme410 tndllde any additional Appetdx atld/Of wage schedUle added, as the said appendices aodlof wage sched!Jies may be revised by Bruc& PoNer and ltle Union by mutual ag!e8111en~ from time 10 lime.

202 Gaographfc Jurisdiction

A Tile jurlsellctJon of the Union Is all of BOice Power Umited Partnership.


302 A. This Appendix shall be subject lo amendiTienl at any t1TTI8 by mutual consent of the j)8ftloa hereto.


400 A. No ~rupplementary ma~nlenance, repair or other Power Worker Assigned work for Bruce Power shall be conttacted or 6Ubconllacted except where Bruoe Power does not normany perlonn the wortl of the Mechanical and/or CMI Trades, suoh worll may be contractoo Of subconttacted,

B. Bruce Power will provide notice to tile Union as lar In advance as possible or all new work c:omlng u!ldetlhe scope of this Appendl~.

C. The )urlsdlcUon of the Unlon shalf be as descnbed ~~Section :l of this Appendlx



501 A. The Union will deSignate Union representatives as Accredited Union Represent.abves Lo handle the day-to-day administration at this Agreement The Union will ootlt'y Bruce Power in Wfilihg oi the names of such Union representabves. or eltemates fn the 811'8111 or illness or unavailability. so that they may be Issued odentlfic3tlon calds to petmlt entry to work locations. Upoo enteni'!Q ll'1e wortc location,. such representatives after Identifying themselves to the Company representative wru be free to otlserve the progress and conduct ot !he work and to oonduct oonnal Union business aSSOCiated Wlll'l tile administration of this Collecfille Agreement. The Union undertakes that ttlese representatives wm not unduly tnte{fera In any way with said work.

502 A. Employees covered by this Appen<fiX are represented locally by the regular Health and Safety RepresenlaiJva

B. lhe Union reserves ttle tight to appolnt or remow any Steward or Senior steward on any work sile whefe workers are employed under the terms of this agreement. The Bruce Power Representative shall be notlfted In writing when a Steward or Senior steward Is appointed and when such Stewards cease to act as Stewards.

C. The Steward/Senior Steward wilt be responsible for his/her regularly assigned worlt on behalf of his/her Employer.

D. Such Stewards/Senior Stewards shall be allowed suffietent time to see that the provisions of this Agreement are obsar~~ed.

E. No Steward/Senior Steward shall be disct1mlnated against by the Employer because of the performance of their duties as a Steward/Senior Steward.

F. Where appropriate as decided by the Union and where more than one Steward Is required, one Steward shall be appointed Senior Steward.

G. The Senlot Steward, provldmg he/she Is qualified to pert'OITTI the wonc. shall not have fllelr employment leonlnated Wilhoutlhe consem of the Accredited Unron Represantaliw until as near as possible to lfle compfallon ollhe )ob. unless With Just cause.


600 A. When selecting supeMsors first comlderauon wm oe gtven to PWU Regllla!Bnp)oyees.

B. The selection of supervisots through this Appendix Will be the responsibility of the Emp~ and done by name hlfing from Union members. When making appointments to the sUll8Nisory levels. the Employer will glve conslderetfoo to those PWU member$ presentry employetj pUI$WUI\ to t.hls Appencillc hOWever lhls does r~ot create an ob(lgadon to make an appointment of a supervisor from ltleSe employeas. The relentkm of supenllsors Will be 1118 exclusive right of the Employer.

C. Supervisors shall be membe.s of the PWU and shaiiiBgisler at lha Union Off'IC8 and ba Issued w•'lh clearance cattl!>. It clearance has not been provided within three (3) woridng days !he Employer may Ptooeed With the employment or the supervisor unless tile employee's union dues are ln arrears.

B - 7

D. The rates of pay ror all supervisors covered by this Agreement will be set fof1h In lh& current wage schedules.


700 A All employees falling und8f the scope of this agreement will be membeni Qf will applY for membershiP ln the PWU wilhln fifteen (15) calendar days, and Will maintain such membership in good standlng In the Union as a condltlon of employment The Employer w\11 co-operate With the Union but bears no responsfodlty tor policing membership status.


NOTE - The folloWing referral procedures only apply to classfficatlons for Wl'llctllhe "Suu~ Trades Unions'" (BTUs) do not have refenat r~ts pursuant to l1le Chestnut Par!( Ac:cord Addendum (CPAA) end In lltuellons wtlen the •Building Trades Unions· do not. for whatever reason, supPly worit81'11 pUI'SUant ID their rights under the Olestnul Park Accord Addendum. Name hire praetlon between the Employer and the BTUs shall be consistent wtth their respec:Uve consiNCilon agnteme~

• The term "Building Tn~oea UnlontJ" Is a tcnn uaed tn the Chestnut Part; Accord Addendum and does not mean any partlcvJllr otganllallort ol unions other than the participants In the CPAA.

800 A. A contact person will be designated by Bruce Power for the purpose of co-ordinating employment as speoJRed ln thls Section.

B. The Employer and the Union wilt exchange the names of the\r represental)ves who will be responsible for CO.Optlf8tlng In tho rafermland employment of reliable and competent workers.

C. The Employer wm notify the Unlon of f~.tltlre staffing ruQulrements fO( all employees coming wtthfn the scope of !I'll$ Agreamenl

D. Tbe Union wm co-operate with U18 Eml)lover and advise Bruce POwer contact person of ltle name, address 8lld telepilone number of those being referred as soon as It Is known and before 1t1e employee OOI'IVTiellC8S work.

E. The affected Chief Stewa.rd(s) sllaU be no!Jfled when an Appendix 'A" employee Is hJrad, tenninafed lor any reason and when transferred from one approved Appendix "A" work package ID another.

801 A. The employmMt of wortters shan be carried out on the following basis and sequence:

(f) SUoh INM\ers shall no1 be employed unless they are l.n possessiOn of a elearanoe card from the Unlon offiat.

(ill For non-trades ctassifallons the Employer and the Umon Will joinUy provlda lndMduals b) be lnci\Jded in the supply pool.

6 · 8



To satisfy business needs the Employer may make a request for a specific IndiVIdual to be referred from the Rsl ol members by the Union based upon reQuirements for speciansed knoWledge and/or skills Integral to the work to be performed. These requests will not be unreasonatiiY denied. The parties agree that fa1mess of operation of the referral system, as It applies to the indiVIdual participants In the pool, is critical to a successful raferral system and will be consi~ered wnen making such requests,

II the Union Is unable to furnish appropriately qualified or certified members or non-member (perrnil l'loldars) workers to the Employer within tnree (a) worlllng days or the Urns the Union office recefves the request for workers (excepting Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays), lhe Employer shall be affof'Qed the right to employ ~ers {permit holders) as are available. The Union Will issue cl'earance cards to workers hlted in these clrct.~mstanaes. Non-members referred In this sUuatlon will be considered permit holders and the Union will notify the Employer when permit holders are referred.

Permit holders by dassificafion may be n~pfaced by Union members afler three (3) working days' notice to the Employer but In no case until such permit holders. ttave worked a minimum of one (1) month.

802 A. When worlc Is unavalrable. an Employer may elact to layoff.

In all cases of layoff the Employer shall layoff its employees within the ola~sfOcatlon.

B. The purpose of this Section is to ensure fair and equitable treatment of employees In the event of reductions In the work force:

(I) The retentiOn of employees who are members o1 the Union and covered by this Agreemenlln the Employer's service ,;hall be governed by lhis Section.

(IIJ For the purposes of this Secllon, the dassincations are those In Section 2 200 B.

(UU Emp!Oyees to be retained must have the necessary qualffioaUons, sknls and have demonstrated the abWty to satlsfac:lorily perform the wor1< to be done.

(lv) Seniorny as used In this Section Is based on the employee's Established Commencement Date (ECD).

{II) In the event of a reduction of staff and subjecl to (Iii) and (IV) above, employees Who ere not members ot Union shall be laid oft prior to empfoyees who are members of the Union. Employees who are not members of Union shall not be subject to tl)e COI1dltlons contained In (vi) below.

(vi) Subjec:l to (iii) and (Ill) above, the following conditions shall apply:

{a) In the event of a reduc::tton of $laff, the Employer WJII identifY Wlllch of tne class1ficaUons rafBm!d to in Section 2 200 B will be affected.

{b) l111he eVent of a reductJon of staff, employment relentiol"' sl!all be by seniority subjed to 802 B (iff).

B -9

(lril) In cases wwoMng redi.Jc:tlCWI of 114f'f, en empf4)yee wtll ~ lose their servloe credlllsenlofii.Y unless l'ltiiJ\'Ie nos • IQJJf( ., 1&el'llloe ol grntor Umn ' '" (6) months. An employee tenninated tor 11111~ of ttle totlowlrlg reasont will not 1osct lho1t atn11te Cl9dlt unless he/she has a brut( 1n service oil greater than tntee (3) montns:

(a) discharge for cause, (b) voluntary termrna.tion;

(viii) An employee leld olf will bG lstued • Record of Employment Form ln~lceting •tayoff • shortngo ofworf(" doling bac.k to hla/llor li111tl doy of tnyoft.

C. Stlrndof'r

(II Standoff Is a meahsn1sm 10 b4l utilized for snclrt durations by lho Employer. Whan work Is delayed e.g., matorhsl shor1&gol! end 1releaaa of achoduled work. Tht standoff process 11 nat Intended to cfrcumvenlt the Leyoff pro011dUt11.

(II) II the Employer elect& standoff, flrese"'es lhtt right 10 ttanclolf Ita employees lnoludmg stewards without PBY up to a maximum of fifteen (16) conaecullve worf(lng days'. No da1ly tmvel or room and t:ll>tlrd ellowa~ will be paid to en employee for a standoff ptlrlod. ProVIding tlolshe Is quntlfl.CS lo perform lhe work, Sel'llor stewards shall only be placed on sttsn1doff wi'Min oil others In lhtt worit group era on standoff.

(Ill) II slanclolf oonllnues beyond llfteen (15) conlecutllllt working days, an employee, $l histllef option, mey elect to remt~~tn oo •ten doff \tp to • moxtmum or 45 days' or be removed from standorr ot anytime duh~ •nat 45 daya'.

(lv) An emPloYee standoff ahall be tasued a Reco1rd or Etnploynlent fotmloelleallng •618ndoff -lack or WOfll" dating b96. 10 hlllh~r 111'1\ t'J<lY on alandolt.

M If an employee eleas layoff, It &.hall be earrte<l outtn <K:CC~dance with tile tMmlll ot Subsection 802, Item A and 8. Where approtpriale, an emplo)'M laid off Wll be issued a RIICOid ot Employment Form Indica ling "layolr • &hoflage of work" datmg bac:k tn his/her fnl day on standoff

(IIi) No employee anefl be plaoecl on Jtandoff 1'1101• tlwt I'Mol81lnul'IMy, In a catendor year (.IMuary 1st to December 3 161), unless ~oddltlonallt4nd01f(a) Is agrwed 10 by the empiO)Iee.


eoo A. The hours of work for AppeOOil·A· employee$ shllll be me tame u 11nc1 be eslAI:.Il,tJod In ltle same way aathe hotn al WOI'Il fOf f'8!l\JIIIr employeea with the foiiCIWing IIDleptlon:

Employees will be considrlrwd to biave vnlum...d, where appllahle, to wen., ~ddltioNJ outo~ge aehedWI ape4:ftitd on the Staff ~UW.Ip ReqUisJtlon at aodl ~ • ICC*pQOO tht r.,.,.,..J.


A. The hoftdays recognized under this Agreement are

New Yeat's Day Good Fooay Easter Monda~ V\ctot1a oa y Canaefa Day

Civic Hortday l.atxrur Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Boxing Day

Family Day

8 . Recognized holidays felting on a Saturday or Sund'ay shall be observed on the folloWing Monday. When Chnstmas Day fall$ on a SaJurday or Sunday, 11 shall be observed' on lhe follOWing Monday and Boxing Day on the following Tuesday. When New Year's Day falls one Satutrlay, 11 shaV be obsenled either on lite pracedlng Friday or following Monday.

902 A. All hours wot1ced outside the normal daDy scllecfuled hours shal be paid at two (2) limes lhe r;traJght Ume rata.

Rest periods, meal am~ngements, CM!I1tme distributlon and all other owtfime arrangements shall be the same as for ~emp~.

903 A. Call in aJTi111961'1enls stlall be lhe same as for regular employees pkls !he applicab4e. Board 01 Travel Allowance.

8 . Shift schedules Will normally be established to coincide with shift arraJ"19ements for regular employees. Any amendments to the hours of wock will be established by mutual agreement between lhe Employer and tile Union. Penalties, notice periods and shih differentials etc. shall apply lhe same as the~ do tor regular employees. However. lha notice pertOd Is nol applicable between ttle date or hire and initial shift assignment for up to len (10) calendar days {W<duding Statutory Holidays),

904 A. Annual unprakl enlltlement YaGation shall be twenty (20) wcmDlQ days and In spedal <lfQI!nSiai'ICGS. upon agreement of the lJnlon and lhe Bnp!oyer additional vacallon may be granted providing work sdled\llng MD pennil All Yacatiun will be taken With the ~ or the Employer and approval &NU not be unreasonably denlect

A. Appencllx. •A" ernployl:es are eligible far 2 familY care days but if line Is not repaid 'Within cme month or if the employee tennlnates Ulell employment prior to paying back the lima the cost will be recovered from the employee by the company. The time shall be worked back on an hour for hour basis. Duling tills one ( 1) month lime frame 'family leave taken' may be adjusted to 'family leave unpa1d' In a minimum of one (1) hour Increments.

906 A. Should bereavement occur In an Appafldll( A employee's family, he/she may request bereavement leave. and he/she shall be grantsd such time olf with pay as Is reasonable under tile olroumstances. A pertocl of up to lh~ (3) days may be granted with pay In tile event of the death of an lmmac!late fam1Ty member only whiclllndu!SeS. parent, parent~. spouse and child.


1000 A. Wage re1es lor employees in the ciBssiOcaliOns listed in SUbsection 200, item B.. of this shall be as set forth In the current wage sdledules. The Employer wm proYide the Union with current wage schedUles.

B. 11


B. Wage rates for afl cfassificatlons listed In Subsectltln 200, Item B of this Agreement and any new ctasslficatton added by mutual agreemenlt will be drawn up In accordanw witt! the rouowing: The base rate for each classffloation shall be estabfished equal to the top step base rate for the correspol'ldlng olasslflcatlon of regular emj31oyees. The base rate, plus ten (10) percent vacallon and statutory holida·y pay, plus welfare remittances (Initially established at $1 .65), plus retirement reml1tances (Initially establlshed at $5.00) shall form the Total Wage Package, Negotiated w11ge increases are applied to tha Total Wage Package.

C. Where a particular BTU chooses, pursuant to ihe CPM, to require welfare or retirement remittances lhat are a different amollnt lhan lhose proVlde<J for in this Appendix the Total Wage Package lor the affected employees is ad)U!Ilad accordingly. However In no case will an adJusted Total Wage Package or Base RaiEt exceed the Total Wage Package or Base Rate provlded for In this Appendix.


Table of Relationships

ClassfficaUon Pewent of 'Base Rate Certified Trade 5 year Apprenllceshijp (other than Civil Trades)

• Joumeyperson •100 - Apprentice

5th period 80 41th perfod 70 3n:l period 60 2nd period 50 1st period 40

Certffied Trade 4 year Apprentlcesnlp (other lhal"' Clvn Trades)

- Joumeyperson .100 - Apprenllca

4lh period 80 3rd periOd 70 2nd period 60 1st period 60

-Welder 100

Pay Proced'liro

(I) Employees shall bli! paid weekly ar1d paymen1t fora'\}' g)ven week will be made not later than the sl.XIh Working day after tile ctosl~ of the pa}lltlll period, bUt In any event, not later than Thursday or the followlf~Sf week.

(II) This payment wm be by din;. at deposit to one .account des'lgnated by the employee fn a Canadian linanclallnslltutron willl a Canaidian Payment!> Association (CPA) serv'lceabiJlty code or 1 or 2. (CPA servlceabiJfty code definitions In effect June 5, 1 gg1 or subsequent code numbers providing equivalent accesslbiniY)- The


Company Is responsible tor the cost of depositing these fUnds to the employee's aocounL In the event this Is not possible, wages shall be paid by the Employer at the worillocalion, before qUII!Jng time, In cash or by cheque • payable at par Tn th!! locali\y of the work location.

Pay Statements shall be available electTQnically and can be pnnted 11e\tlr19 forth:

(a) the penod or time or the work for which the wages are being paid;

(b) the rate of wages to which lt)e employee is entitled;

(c) the amount of wagea to Which I he employee Is entllled;

(d) the amount of each deduc:tion from lt)e wages or the employee and the purpose for which each deduction Is made~

(e) any <~tlowanoe or other paymentlo which the employee Is entitled;

(fj the amount of vacation pay for which U1e employee Is being credited;

(g) the amount of recognized holiday pay fOr which the employee Is being credited; end

(h) the net amount or money being paid to the employee.

B. On Termination

(i) An employee who voluntarily tem)lnates their employment will be provided final pay on the next regular pay day for the period worked.

(11) An employee WUI have finer pay deposited and terminatloo documents (Record of Employment) sent electronically to Services canada within eight (8) WOflllng days from termination. This does not preclude an employee being paid his/her final pay at the work location prior to the expiration or the e{ghl-day period,

(iii) An employee who is dfsetlarged shaQ be provided with his/her final p~ immediately If the Employe(s pay faolllties are at the work locatiOns or as per Item B (II) above, If the Employer's pay racllllles are no! at lhe work location.

(IV) Failure of the Employer to comply with the requirements In Clause 1001 B (I), (ii) and (iii) will entitle lhe employee to two (2) hours all he straight time rate for each nom~al worlt day of no~pJiance_

B ·13


NOT£· The remittance arrangements for trades worke~ referred to Bruce Power from a BTV putsuant to the Chestnut Park Accord Addendum. for Retirilmenl. Health and Welfare. •nd Union funds shall be remitted to the appropriate BTU as per the CPAA

11 0{) A. The Employer agrees to deduct from the total wage pacl<age above al1d pay Into an operaUIIe welrare plan for all hou~ earned. Such welfare payments wm be set f0f1h In the wage schedules provided by the Union.

B. The Employer agrees to dediJct from the total wage package and pay Into an opemtlve rotirement plan an amount or money per hour to be determined by the Union ror all hours earned" Such pension payments will be set forth ln the wa!je schedules proVided by the Union.

1101 A. The vacation and recognized hollday pay rata shall be ten (tO} pen:enl of vacallonable groaa oarninga. Tha vacallon pay rat& shall be four (4) percent and the recognized holiday poy rate shan be etx (6) percent.

B. Payment or vacallon And recogniZed holiday pay shall be made weekly.

1102 A. The Employer agreet to dediJCI Unloo FundS rrom wages aod to remit the amounts c.1educted to the Union. The amounts to be deducted and remitted w!Q be as set out in the w11ge sc:hodlilea at1aohed hereto.

B. A chea<olf system of Union inltlation fees and dues w1ll be made operative for the lifetime of this Agreement The Employer will supply full ched~Qff lists of employees sui)J&ct to cnedloiT at regular lntvNals IUid ~!'lieS ID collect monthly for the union dues payable to Ina UniOn. The Employer Wflll180$(1\ll ll'lo monies so collected to the designated olf'ICial!l of the U~on. The Unooo Wlll loelemndy the Employer for any liabnity artslng fn:m tne daductlon cA lnfllaliOn rea and dues as requested by the Union.

C. The Employer shall put lnlo affed any changes to Union funds or dues upon notJflcatlon by the Union.

0. The Employer will arrange for sach wotlcer falling under the furtsdlollon of the Union to sign a Union dUes ctleckotT auU10riz:allon n a oondllloo or emptcvmenl at the lime he/she is emplo~


1.200 DallY Trawl Allowanc.

A.. The dally travel allowance will be pald by the Employer to its employees who am not living In camp or receiv1ng a sl.lbslstence allowance as rererred to ln Subsection 1201 , on lhe folloWing basis;

(I) tr an employee lives within 40 radius kUometres or the wont site no travel allowance Will be paid.

(Ill 1r an employee nves within 40·56 radius kilometres of the work slte they shall receive $15.69 per Clay travel allowance effective Ja!IUSI)' 1, 2014, $26.20

B ·14

e1fecti118Jan:uary 1, 20t5, $26.72 etfec:trw January 1, 2016, and $27.39, effective Jan~ry 1, 2017 ior each day worlted or reported for.

(Ill) It an employee lives wllhin 56 to 80 kllometres of the work site lhey shan receive $30.73 per day Ira vel allowance effective JanuaJy 1, 2()1~ $31.34 efrlldive January 1. 2015, $31,97 effective Januat)' 1. 2016, and $32..n, effective January1, 2017 for each daywcr!(ed or reported fof.

(Ill) If an employee aves within 80-97 radius ~lometres of ltle wor1< sfte they shaD recerve $3!1.15 per day travel allowance effective January 1, 2014. $36.A7 effective January 1, 2015, $37.20 effective January 1, 201~ and $38.13, effective January 1. 2017 ror each day wcr!(ed or lllported ror.

(v) If an employee Oves glllatar than 97 radius kilometres from the work site and does nol Qualify fot SIJbststence alloWance under Subsection 1201 betow. they shall receJve $40-AlZ per day travel allowance effective January 1. 2014. $41.22 afreotlve January 1, 2015,$42.05 effec;ttve January 1, 2016, and $43.10, effective January 1, 2017 for each day wor1<ed or reported for.

(vi) vvtlen an employee rs directed to report to a work site ltlallnvolves I ravelling around a natural bamer, the dlstaooe around I he nalural bamer shall be the shorteel distance measured by a series of slralghllines. The sum of the distance of these straight lines shall be applied to the ring concept 1o establish the employee's travel allowance entitlement. board allowance entitlement and Initial and return allowance entitlement

(\IIi) A natural barrier Is defined as any obstruction or Impediment Which creates an unreasonable relall011shlp between radius kllomelras and actual kllomeuas travelled.

(vliij The travel allowances listed above will be Increased by the same percentage and at the .same limes as are wage rates.

120~ Room and Board Allowance (Subalatence)

A. The following conditions will apply for employees whose regular residence• Is more than 97 radius kilometres 1rom the work site:

(t) An Ernptoyel' may supply either.

(a) tree roQm and board In camp or s good sland.ard of board end lodging:


(b) subsistence aUowanoCi; o,-

(11) An employee rn~y exercise hlsJher option nol to stay In a oamp or accept free room and board. Arl employee wtto exercises this option shall receive a subsistence allowance as follows:

(•I When an employee's regular resld~Jnoe I$ more lhan 97 redl1,1s kilOmetres frOm the work site and the employee maintains temporary accommodations

8 - 15

at or near tile work site ihe employee s1lall be paid a subsistence -atkManGe of 197.84 per day e.'fedtw January 1. 2014, $99.79 effttdNe January 1, i015, $10U'9 •ffltc:tl~~e Jlinuary 1, 20161111d $104.33, effectllle January 1, 2017 !Or each day wot1ced or reported for. The subsistence alfowaf1ce aboVe will be maeased by tne same percentage and at the same limes a.s are ~ rates.

(b) Wilen an employee's residence Is more than 500 ktlomet~s from the wortt &ire and the employee Is working a four (4) day by ten ( 1 0) hour per day shift, the employee will be patd one ( 1) eddlllonal day's subsistence aHowance. When an employee's residence is more than 250 kilometres rrom the work site i!.nd the employee Is working twelve (12) hour shifts. the employee will be paid one (1) additional day's subsistence allowance.

B. An employee shall not qualify for da#y travel allowance or room and bostd allowance as provided for In Subsection 1200 and Subsection 1201, Item A above, when such employee reports for wortt but does not remaln at work. for hislher scheduled dally hours unle&S excw;ed by an atJII'Joriad representative or his/her Employer. Such permission :~hall not be unreasooably denied.

C. Upon appltcallon, payment of Room and Board/Travel Allowance will be Issued for lhe nrsl lwo pay periods. FaUure to provide satisfactory proof of eligibility during tills period will tesullln cassation of payments and the recovery in two equal amounts. In tile event or termination lor any reason before lull recovEK)I, any balance owing Will be deducted from lila final pay,

•For the purpose or this Section •regular residence•;

t The place where the employee maintains a self-contained, domestic establishment (a ciWelllng hoUse. apartment or similar plaoe of residence where e person genaralfy eats and sleeps and for which he/she can show proof af financial commitment). This 1s in contrast to a boarding l)ousa facifrty which Is not self-oontalned; and

2. The employee normally resides In I he resfde11ce except for those periods of lime Wlian, because of lhe location of the work, the employee obtains temporary aooommodalion for that wotk. location.

3. For matropolltan areas (Toronto and Hamilton) the calculation of distance shall be tl1e employee's regutar residence.

4. For au other areas, the calcutatlon or distance shall be based on the locat.lon or the d ty or town hall of the munlcipattty where an employee maintains a aelt-oontalned domeslic 8Slabl1shm1111l described above, Ill !hose municipalities Wh4!re a dly Of town hall does not exist. then the posl atr~ee $efVi11!JI'Iislher self-<XJntalned domesllc eslablstlment wm apply.

1202 lnftfal and Rlltum T,..,_l and TranspOrtltlon

A. On recruitment of work8fS who live beyond 16'1 kiiOITieltes from the wori< locatiOn, tha Employe/ shall pay C{)(pOI'S'le kilometre rates as follows: for workers livtng oulslde Ontelfo, the corporate kPometre rate shaD be paid from the point of entry to Onlano to

1t1e Sruoe sil& W1Q lhe most dltee1 meltlod; torwcwl!era wno en~ recrvlted 11'1 Ontario, the corpcnle ~meue tale shall be paid from wNH'e the worker fivealn Onlai\O to tt\e Bruce s.te. to addllion, 1M Employer $llaJI pey tn111et !liM besed on one()) heM's pay tor each 80 kllomelres. « PIVt thefeof, r1 trawl 1o IB·II'18lCinlum ot 8 houri' pay for the inlliallrl) It) the woric location from wtlere the worllilll' llll!llS.

B. To qUalify for payment In Uam A. Uw employee muet be engaged In wott< for a mwmum ot flttecm (15) wot1clrtg days or the duf8.IIQO or lhe job, ~-It leA

c. On leilllhtllon of employment diJe 10 • ~ c,( start, 4111 emplo""" qUJ'fied for payment as a msU1 rlltllm 8 aboVe, shall be enll~-. to n~tum tn1WIIe~ cubjtalsd In the All18 manner a 1n Items A abo-~• for the rettJm lnp from tho tumllll ~ location to wnetelhe wot'IIW fiVe&. An~,_ wtlOM employment t.ennlnlltos lor MY reason OV'le! trial\ ~J()fl of 11~ WI not ba eligible Cor Tllturn pilyment

1203 Us. of Ptnorutl Vehlde

A. An employee who IS n~quesled or receives e,pprmnl from en ~ed ~ of hlsltler Empto)ler to use hlsltw personal ~~ for the ~ ot hl$/het Employer $hal be re~ atltle 001 pol ate kilomotre tllle JOr .ueh UN of l'l1sll1er Wlf1ld&.


1300 A. ~ tools wn be proll1ded by 1t1e Employer.

1301 A. EmpioytaBS 8t11 required to wear PTIIIGCIN& Clolhlng1 and LIM protec:tl~ ~I eppropnale for 11'18 wotk being dOne. The Employ<tr 51\81 supply emplo)iHs ~ .n dole proXimitY to ~ fin! ha:l.iJrdS (l e., 01*' nernes) wtlh fteme resistant Clh&alls.

B. The Employer w.rt supply pro!edflle clothing fndudllng u1oves. high visibility dolhlng. talnwea~ and coveraUs Where • PJ)t'OPri•ta at no oont to !hi emi)!Oyoe. Ptotedl\le ck)lhlng U\8.1 Ia J)I'OYlded by the ·fi11Pio)« wm be ChatQ«< 0411 10 an emf)lo)M and the employee 1hall be responslble lor the return of such prolec1;ve c~ and eqWpmc~nt upon completion of the wom ii'MliYecl.

C. EmployMs shall supply lhemsef\les with. and weal' ot all times on 1M lob. safety footwear,

When 91\ Employer Wlshel an Otf1ployee to wtar a epecd1colly ldenlllled safety tlelmet. tho Employer shAll provide II on loan, completa With a new llnt~r.


1400 (a) Bruce Power shall appolnl employees bayonc!l the j\l'lldlctlon ol the Union to act as contacl suporvisor. Eoch conJactsuperv!sor nl\811 bo responsible ror oMno or securing • decision on any grtevance submltl111d to 111mlher by o Unlr;~n rftprasentalive on behalf or any employee Of SJt'OUp of employees under hlll/hor­supeN!slon. Grievances will be referred to t~l11t contact supe!VIaor W\t/lln 30 dtlys or the diacovery of lhe event giving, r1to tl> the grlev•~· If a satlsfactCH'Y decision Is

not made DY ltle contact stJpervisor within 4\l hoors, the Urf1011 representatrve may, wllhln 30 days, refer the gnevance to medlatlon/arbitrallon.

(b) Tl'le r(i(erratto me(llelionlarbUraliol'l shan be made as follows:

Jules Bloch or an altemate as agreed to by ltle Parties.

(c) The arbltratorsllall set a hearing date to take place wlthln ten (10) working days of the date of tl'le referral and shall render a decision on the case within 30 days of the completion of the nearing of the matter. Tne parties agree \hal they will facilitate to the greatest extent possible the expedllious completion of the hearing process.

(d) The deelsion of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties. The arbitrator shall not have Jurisdiction to alter or overrule thfs agreemefll or to make any decialon Inconsistent wiltlthls agreement.

(e) The arbllrator shall have all the power and authority of an arbitrator under Section 48 of the Labour ReJati011s Act. 1996, and all the power and aut11ortty of arj arbitrator under Article 3 of the Collective Agreement including the power to determine violations of Article 2A of the Collectllle Agreement.

(f) Maintenance of 1'10rmal earnings shall be provided by Bruce Power for all Umon representatives, attending at the grievance process. Including the arbitration hearing, The fees or all arbitrators and costs associated wllh arbllmliOI'l hearings shall be shared equally by the parties.

(g) UnJeu othmvlse a,greed to. ~er a letter(s) of ,.primand/or disciplioary penalty has been on an employee's flle for a maximum of 2 years of cumulative active employment, and there have been no further occumlf!ces, then tt. letterts) ~ reprlmatld and/or disciplinary penalty wlll be removed from all files.


1500 Joint Commlttaee

A To advance hamlonlous mlotlons between Brutle Ptlwer and the Union and to prtWOOte a safe work ·env.ronment, Bruce ~and the Un100 shall appoint a Jolnt Committee compria!d of two (2) PWU and twO (2) Management & appointed by lhe pal1les and appropriate resources.

The Committee Will meet at least quarterly.

The parties agree to work together In good railh to address ISSUes that impact the bUSiness.. For example senlorlty issues.

The CommlHee &hall al&a review the worll. program and mall~ associated with the administration of this Appendix wtlh U1e Intent of ecnleVIng unitomllty of appllcatioo of this Appendix wherever employees are working. The Committee may also consider matters related to salety.

B · 18


Provisions of the Employment Slalldards Acl 2000 as rev1sed from lime to ttms Will appry. In addition, an employee's seniority will accumulate while on leave provided this does not affect 111e normal layoff date.


PWU represented members who have pedormed WO(k. for 8/\Jc:e Power pursuant to tl'lls Appendix will be entllled to apply to regular positions for which they are qualified and Will be given fair and objective consideration aner regular employees. In these cases elqlerience acquired while employed at Bruce Power will be la.ken Into account When assessrng an appl~c:ant's qualifications.

Senlon1y will be considered but creates no obligation on the Employer for the purposes of <lPPiicalions to regular positrons and Will be calculated on the basis or acctJmutated service at the Bruce site galnetl thtough casual employment

1. No regular Bruce Power employee will be laid off as a direct result of work being performed pursuant to Appendix A of the Collective Agreement and It Is the intent of the Rertles that Regular Employees will perform work or a continuing nature.

2. Bruce Power shall share all related intormaUon ror making an assignment as far In advance of the work as possible.

3, Bruce Power representatives and the PWU Sector Vice-President will agree upon the proposed assignment prior to the assignment being made by the Employer.

4. Fainng to agree on the assignment of work will result In an expedited resolution process.

5. Should the parties fall to agree on the assignment of wori\ to employees hired pursuant to Appendix A, the Issue wlll be referred to Mr. Jules Bloch, or to an altemate as agreed to by the parties WhO wm ltct as the sole arbitrator for resolution or the dispute. The Arbitrator shall have authority to decide Issues related 1o the assignment or worl< to the Regular Workforce or to the Appendi,r ·A" Wonaorca as well as IJ\e authority to decide Issues ~t~laled to contracting and/or suboontraatlng of work In accordance with Section 4. The Arblrrator Wtll decide Whether the bl.lsfness case warrants the contracllng or subcontracllng of work.

6-. The arbtlrator wtll hear the dispute Within three (3) days or the dispute bell'lg refem~d to Arbitration. The Arbftratron may t>e conducted by conference call.

T. Briefs shall be Pf6paied by each party Whlcfl will include a statement of facts, a brief ~vment and any other Tnfofmation i!l\d/or documems relevant lo !he Issue. Briefs will be e~tchangecl between the parties and provided to the artlilrator at least

8 · 19

24 hour& betore the arbitral/on healing begins. Witnesses may be called With leave of the asbtttator.

a The decision ol the arl.>llrator shall be final and bindi"9 on the parties.

B· 20



All p10vlslons ol Appendix A (e.g. wage pacl!age~. hlr'tol] and layoff etc.) WIU apply to lhe c.iassificatlons herein except thoSe (tlat are specitiCally stated In ttlls agreement Appendix A-1

Article 1 Recognition

This agreement $all apply to aU MaCihfnists, Machinist Welders. Machinist Mlllwright-'turtline Erectors. Equipment Repair Machinists, Dnll Doctors, Conveyor Mechanics. Machinist Helpers, Madh1nist Apprenllces and AUto and 01e&el Medlanlcs and Al.lto and Diesel Mechanic Appreolioes wtlo pelfonn CONfN ctiOn iodlls11Y wOOl. end Cittlar BTU assigned wCfic pursuant to the Ole$11'1\11 Plll'k Aocoo:j and AISdendum. when suetl worle Is perfcwme<! by or lor 8twa Pl:lwer, save and except persons above the rank of slibfotepen;On;

1.2 If additional clas:Pfiaallons and wage rafes are requfred, 'lhey wtll be negotiated and Will become part or this Appendix A-1.

Attlclo 2 Work Assignments end Jurl•dlctlonal Boundaries

2.1 When It appears necessary, prior to assigning work, lhe Employer will discuss the work assignment with the Union, As far In advance as possible be1ore lhe start of new WOJ1( or lt1a lmp!ementallon of new work methods arising from technological change or new equipment des{gn. the Emplo)'llr agrees that dlsCUS$kms aboul WOrk assignments witt be held with the Union.

The jf.lllsdlctlonal bol!ndatjes betwel;)fl crafts shall be those which are clearty established by custom, practice and tradition, or agreements between Unions. The PWU holds aU jurisdictional rights formerly hetd by the lAM and the partiss shall respect past decisions or awards rendered by appropriate bodles.

2.2 Local site representatives snd a Union officer shall be Invited to markup meetings and receive FAX mark-ups.

Article 3 Recall

3.1 (Applicable only to the 3 Btuoe Power employees al tha dale of PWU certlflcalion ).

Employees are a nUlled to be recalled to any requltvment for workers under this agreement, by eeniOrlly within a cJassilicatton. An employee recalled to employment wllhln twelve (12) months of their date of layoff shall have thelr seniority data re·catculaled lo Include previous service whh lhe Employer. An employee not recalled to ernploymenl within twelve (12) months or their date of layoff, shall have their name removed from the appropriate recall list and shan los& all seniority.

8 · 21

Article 4 Wage Ratas and Worldng Condltrons

4.1 The Wage package for the Joumeyperson 1:!assiticatlon shall be adjusted to the same rate as ltlat paid to lhe Appendllx A Mechanical Mamlalner.

4.2 The retes for all Subfotepersons covered b~f this Appendix A·1 shall be the appropriate Joumeyperson rete plus $1.7• per hour, effective Jan. 1, 2014, effectfve Jan 1" 2015 plus $1.78 per hour, l)lfeclfve Jan 1•, 2.016 plus $1.81 per hour, Alld effective J""uary 1'1, 2017 plue• $1,86 p., hour.

4.3 The trades' wage schedule will be drawn up in aooordance with the Table of Relatlonshlps, which Is shown In the wage 1rohedule. This table Indicates ltle relationship to be maintained between the basic classifications Wlltlln the Unfon. Changes In baSic cfasslflcallon 1wage rates shall be accompanied by changes In ll'le subsidiarY classlflcatlon wage rates In accordance With the percentages shown In lhe table.

4.4 Cooslruction Radiation Protectjon Ass!slanl; (R.P.A) is a Construction Trades Person wno he~ achieved ltle rull radiation •qualifiCation {Green) via the Bruce Power TTBining Progfam, plus has success1futty completed I he cpnstructlon R.P.A. training and checkouts., also has performed R.P.A. functions while under ltle superviSion of a My qualified Construc1Uon R.P.A to the satisfaction of the Co!'\Struction Site &!fety Officer and the Ste11ion. Heallh Pl\yslcs UniL R,P,A. wUI be paid a wage package equivalent to the Alppendix A Safety Technician wage pacj(age When perfQrmlng ~n R.P.A. funciiQIO and Will fBPQrt !0 the Site S@f~ly Unit. An R.P.A fs a •quakflcalion" and not a "trade iunelfon• Irrespective of union or ttade affiliation.

M iele 5 H-ours ofWofk

Artlcle 6

Miele 7

Tt)e pro\'lsl()(ls of ltle lAM May 1. 2004 to April 30, 2010 ArtiCle 17 shall ~ applicable wtftlltle following additional language;

II an ~mployer intend:; to change !he weekllf hOUrs or work a minimum of ltlree (3) days wnUen notice shall be sent tc1 I he Loaa.l Union.

The start. lime for the day !ihllt shall be betv.l(len 6:00AM and 9:00 AM. The start lime for the afternoon shtft shall be tmrn~dlately follOWing the day shift or wtltlln lwo ho~o~rs el!her way or the end or the day shift. Crews may have different start times,

Lunchroom FaollltiK

The provisions of the lAM May 1, 2004 to Atprll30, 2010 Artlcle 23 shall be appUoable.

Meals on Unscheduled OvertiJM

The provisions of the lAM MB\1'1, 2004\o AIPtll30, 2010 ArtiCle 24 Shall be appliCable.

B - 22

~ S Tools and Clothlng

The jliOvfsions oflheiAM May 1, ~ loApril30, 20t0Ar.Jde29 s/ul be ~.


B- 23



The purpose Of ltlls doeunenlls to provide a method to allow movement of staff on site, ~ the needs of lh6 bus1ness and tile needs of employees. As> ~II this process recognizes ~ayment pnnciples contafned In ltle M.o .u, between PWU and SEC, dated A¢1 27. 2000 (See ~ndlll F). The key to suaoessi\Jl application of this prooess however, Is to have an deployment requirements Identified well In advance, ha\16 those requlremenlS detailed, and prvl/lde ltle partJes ample opportunity to resolve problems or anomafles as th!Jy are encountered. Planning lis therefore or the utmost tmportance.

'Jlle processes ldenll(led tlejoW Will be used for the rolloWif'!g!

1. Lateral moves ot stall' on $itefbf assigMlenta one {1) lllOI1th (4 weeks) or longer in duration.

2. Initial artd subsequent assignments tc "Sita SpecialtY' Crew. on alta (e.g., HVAC, SGIEPG, CranBS, 0/H Doors, Breaker loftoe., Monltorfng).

J . Deployments of Incumbent and new hires within o dasslllcsllon, to nn vacant positions. whiotl have been recently filled by Arllclfe 10, or by external hire

Lateral Deployments

Assignments to ''Sit. Specialty'' Crew•


• When a cleployment($) Is ldeniiOed for an assignment of one (1) month or longer, Management will provide a detailed summary of lhe aaslgnment, the location of the assignment. thct durauon. ll'le claaamcatloo(a) 1'11qulred, and the numbef(s) required.

• Management w/11 ClliW&s staff across slte On tho appllcable classificalion(sll seeking volunteers for the ast~tgnment (e.g., voiUTlleers for a Unit Outage),

• Selections to the esslgnment(s) Will be made on the prtnclple or senior clloice from the volunteer list.

• If there are lrtsut!lclenl volunteers, Management will have the right lo ronsaript employees to rill the needs or the assignment. This wlll be done on the basis or juniority force.

• In the event that tho prinQ!ples ol seniority cholce and/or junlor force canna! be upheld due to skill requirements or sustalnablllty or other work programs, Management must present all detailS of thase clrcumstances to the applicable Chief Sleward. In addition. the Joint Working Party w\M monitor application of this process and will have authority to provide direction In regards to staff training needs. associated with releasabnity issues pUrsuant to site deployments under thls agreemenL

B · 24

~nt to flU ~eeenl(y AdvtrtiNd and FIUed Poeltlons on Site


• Mana~ment will Identify to an incumbent• In lhe cliUlltncatioo 1t1e vacant asslgrlrnenl$ whtctl oeed to be filled ondet this deployn'lllr'lt

• tnc:umbents Jn the dasslficatton, along wttl'l the reQII'ItJy IW..ciiii.ICX'!'$$M appllcanl.l, W\1 YOIUnteer for the asslgnmenl

• Setectlons to the assignment wlQ be made on a &enb c:t1otce but$

• If there are I'\Ot &Ufficient 1101unleers, lhe re<:enlJy hked candidates Will be planed In the vacant assignments on a sel'iar choice, jlln!odOI'ce' ba$4$.

• Seniority will be based on the employee's ECD:

• II 2 or more employees haYe the same ECO, the en~p!Oyee Wllll 1he II!Qhef ~ployee number will be deemed most senior;

• ApprentiC181 and Trainees 'NIIl not be subject loIN$ agreement. and can be deployec1 by Management on an as needed basis, to ex;105e them to afSlllas oflhe bt.l811leSI,

In llg)lt 01 Bruce POWif's oommHment to pi'OYidlng emplo!,menl seounty ID !he PWU for the dura lion of thl& Cohdlve Agreement. and Jn light of the <~greement reached In regard a to Site Deployments oorua;ned In this dOcUment. the One Site Ajgreemenf (Mid·term R-7&6) Wfll be suepended until the end of this COIIecti¥9 Agreement.

For Power woncers Union For Bruce Poot.litr




Th6 establishing ol an Appfentlcesh!p Program Within 8Nce Power Is a PfiDnly to both 111e Power workef's· Union and Bruce Power. Addlllonally. the parties bellove tllat an Appnlntlceship Program wilt be one of lhe foundatioos from whiC:Il we Will get our omployeu l'or the future.. thereby sustaining our business in the tong tenn.

Therefore, 1tle parties are making the following~ based recotnlllW10Atlons to the Main Committee, undefStanding lhat details must be ~ed out regatdlrg admlrltatr.~tlon nnd operation of a Bruce Power Apprentlceshlo PrograJn.

These recommendations are listed below:

• A Joint Apprenlloesfllp Committee will be 811.8blllhed (4 Mltnegomimt & 4 PW\1) to oversee apprentice&tlip ls$ues.

• Apprenticeships will be eslablished for the Mechanlcaf, Conlrol and Clvll Maintenance (Certified) classllications, as well as for Nucfe5f Operltcn.. 001et claulflca.tiOM may be added as agreed to by the partles.

• Bruce Power end the Power WOf'kers' Union will hJvo lolnltnput tnlo infti.itl ~lon of apprenUces. Apprentices Will be consldt~rod fult·llme empfoVoes upon th4tlt hinng.

• Bruce Power commits to offer those opprenttce. wtlo complete I hilt eppten!IOestllp and obtain ttle1r respeotrve oertiflcatlon. e ~aitlon In the cJ868111catlorl 11110 wtllel'l ttleV were hired.

• Apptentlces who are hired will accrue seniority dUring lholr apprenUce~p tenn and will have Article 11 rights.

• Apprentices will be paid an establl;hOd wa_ge rate on Initial hire, alld w;u progress through to the journayPorson role of pay otsraps delermlned and laid out by 1M Joint Approotlceshlp Commlltee.

• For every 3 Apprenflceltllps In a daJSIIloatlon that •ro requlll!d, 1 Apprenticeship will bo offered to Internal staff, -as tong a~r they mast minimum qualification requirements,

• New hires lnlO a ctasslflcaHon and deemed by ""~ Joint Appre,Uceshtp Comnuttee to be Apprentices, Will be registered Into a reoognlzed apprenticeship program as BI'\IC8 Power Apprentlcer;, wlthfl'1 90 days of being selected/hired Into ttle cle6tllllcoHon.

The pe111e5 agree to the following hlrlng/aelecUon process:

• The Company and llle Union will continue to promote appronlleaship careers at Bruce Power ttvough initiatives such as the PNU "TI'Zid& Up for Success• process, and 111rough ottlef p(OCesses as JojnUy deemed apptoptiata.

8 · 2e

• The par1Jes will agree ID the Initial screelilng process and criteria to be used to screen applicanh> for BM:e POWer epprantJceshlp opporti.lnllla&. This would Include educa!loo requirements, expenence. and any ot.hor raqull'eclpniii'SQUisltes.

• The pat1185 wiQ review aU ar»ncalion and $CI'1!ening lnfon'netion and joint!)' develop the "short ll&r of appllce.nts 10 be toaled andfoe intervle'NII!Id. Tlle parties will also jointly dewlap and a~ree to testing and lnten~ew malanefs .and content

• The PWU Will review test scores for cootlnnaUon or mUng and !lcoring of "sh011 1181' applicants.

• The appflcable Chief Stewan:l (or delegat.e) will be COihtaatOd when lnter.tlews are to btt held end will be given the opportunil'( to sit In on &IIIMervlewa. and have Input Into lhe finallntervlew scoring, Based on the Oreal scores e~nd mtings or applfoants, selections will be made with Input from lhe applicable Chief Steward (or delegate).

• Csndldatesselecled Will be processed and receive offer leiters as per standard practice from Bruce Power Mana!J8ment.

Note: An selections will comply with any Bruce Power Employment EQuity inttlatlves/requlmments.

For Power Worker's Unloll For Bruce POWitt




1, During the negotlatloi'IS (Of a renewal Colteclil/6 /IQI'eamont concl~ed In 2001. the parties agrve<~ to amend, elfective April 1, 2002. !ht~ Pension Plan to provide tor the reduction of the CPP Integration adjustment factor from .626% to .500%. In addhion. the parties ag~eed to provide for an Increase rn employ'ae Cor'lll'ibutions. Acoorolng to the agreement lhe Increase In omployee contributions to the Pension Plan wHI oc:cur When ai>Se!S of the plan fall below 106% af the llabllltlas ~18Sed on a solvency valuation.

2. This Mel'nOfa.ndum Is t.o confirm the agreement of tho patties, that regardless or When Bruc& Power Is entitled to lnC18asa employee cootriibutlom; to 4.5 and 6.5% ror earnings below and above the VMPE, sucl'llnarease w111 not be lmp!4mentel1 bef0111 lhe earller or the fiflng of lhe ne~ Actuarial Valuation (January 1, 2003) provldad the Valuation shows lhal lhe assets or the plan are below 106% or the llnbllitias based on a solvency valUation or December 31, 2.00:3

3. This letter &hall be daemlld to be part ollhlt curren( Collective Agreement e,xplring December31, 2003.

Dated at Pert Elgh\ !hill 14" day of December, 2001.

ForlhePWU For Bll\.le«t Powa1



1, The partft agree that employee$ who work 40 hours Wtll be enbUed to GhoOA wh8lllef to aonbnue to raoeive RWE. 01 to opt out of RWE on a ~ basil.

For those employees who ClhOose to opt out of RWE.. their wage~ wUtl>t lncreaJed by 2.5". This will be counled as penslonal)le trme,

Those employees Who do not opt out of RWE wfl1 remain QOvered by tho prolli&lon$ of SecUon A-6.14.

2. The union agrees that manageiTWlnl wlllelq)IOnl tho additional option ttv\L would rosullln etnployees ·beiog able 10 m.Ue an annual ehdce as to Wl'leltw they would 11\8 to OClt out of RWE or not. This Q9liM mvst meal peNJon 1\llee. If en ernpfoyu chootet to opt out ol RWE. UWJy would rec:e.'W payment fOI tho equ~valent of up to 2.6,. t~ would be oounlecl as penslanable ~ If the ~do not opt out of RWf;, l.hey wYI remaWI ~by the proYiSlOnS ol s.:!IOC'I M .14.

B -29



Anal Ve~ Apnl21, 2.000 Rev. l - Decembet 1<1, 2001

It • the lotenllon ot &vee Pc7Mw to establish a posl~Ml. mutvally benel\cla1 1'4dll.lonshiP Ill Bn.tclo With lhe PWU. It ts Btuce Power's be :er Chat this Momoranclum or Undel'l51anding Will be Ill& first ste9ln aeatJng well a relallonship lor 11 codifln lhe lnlenlions and obligations and teNet as an understanding that allows both .,artiiJs to proceed on the basts ol dear •~oll!ltlons of betlaviof an4 relatlonsh ps.

1. Union Recognition

(I) Brvoe Power WIQ recognize the Power WO(Jcer. Ur~Jon (PWU) as the sole barvelnlng ntpresentatlve of employees allhe Bruce Who 1\a~~e wcrted under the terma and c;ondllions of lhe PWU f OPG colleclhle a~t dated April 1, 2000 (the 'coleGII\/8 ogreemenl").

(b) SubJect to the amendments listed In this Memofandl)m of Understanding, BMle Power will be the &l.lccessor 10. end assume all the oblil)l!llOns or the colleatlve agreement.

2, Workforce Securlty

(1) Bruce Power will offer employment, effective on the Closing Data {being the dele on which BEC become!l the legal suoaessor to OPG lor labor relations purposes), to all employees Of OPG oove111d by lhe PWU Colletti~~& Bargaining Agreement and am 11'1\Pioyed in I)O$ltlorts ~Mtllng to the Bruce assets as at April 19, 2000, Including those who are on apprOII'ed leave of absence,

(b) AJ offers of employment made by Bruce Power Will be made to aC(X)rdRnce with opplia~~ble law and In accordance with the collective agreement.

(c) PWU employeea who accept these job offer& Will mlaln their seniority and mcelve fuU service credit for aervlce with OPG for all purposes In relatlon to tne conecllve agreement.

(d) Bruce Power agree~~ that (Of the period oltima commencing on the Closing Dale and ending lhe or (a) the date on Which Bruoe Power decides not to restart any pan of Bl\lce A. or (b) lhe date on Which tile Bruce A rttstart ends, Of (c) 1M end Of lhe operalfol'l of tn. QUmlnt collective agl'lltWI'1«<l. It snan not tnvotuntanly tayolf members or the PWU bergalnlng untL Vblurrtaty layoffs shall ~ on a senior choice basis. AU vecenoles sliall be posted and filled. This does not prohibd lhe normal val'lanoe In numbers of hltfng haH members employed.


J. 8t1t1on Improvement lnlt141tlws

eruoe POW8f, In acqutnng the Br'\ICie AJ;sels, Is proposing to make a very slgnlllcant long tenn financial Investment tn the future of tho silo. To fuQy reeognlze the competitive nature or the rvttn deregulated mart<etplllce a new reletlonship with 1~16 workfor<:e Is required. ll'le releiiOnSilip with the PWU Is seat~ as an Important building block for the continued Improvement of 11'1f.l Bruce '8' site end the proJe<it to restart the Bruce 'A' units. PWU recognmos that lor the Bruce plants to compete tn a de"'gulated electriC utility Industry, a number or the eXIsting lebo\Jr c011tra<:t conditions end working practices must be altered. These lnlllatlves, however, aannot be successful wtlhout lhavtng detailed Implementation processes and procedures. In recognition lhallhe prooe1ises and procedures must stiU be developed, 8Nce Power eM the PWU agree to work collec:tt\lely towards the following lmplemen1Btion schedule:

Joint Working Pal1y

Wlthln 30 clays following the signing ol a d&llnlUve agreenn11nt between Bruce Power end OPG (the •dellntuve agreomenr), the PWU agrees to the formntlon of a Jolnt WC!I'klng Party (" JWP") which will be responsible for the del/elopment of tho inllfalfves dlst:ussed below and rorseourlng the support of the PWU aile memberahip not only for Implementing the lniU&Uves speolflaally listed In this Mei'Tlorandum of Agreement. blJl elsa for also making future statJon Improvement fooommendatlons. This Committee will be 'comprlaed of an equal number of management and PWU members. Tl'le PWU members ~~II be selected from the Br\loe me!Ylbemlllp by the lJnlon.

Sits Wide lnllllltlva

(a) 51~ Leave

Bruce Power and PWU agree 1tlal the our1'9nl aldl loave usage levels are elq)e(lted to Cleollne during the flrst year after the Closing Date. 'fhe JWP shall monitor usage during that pe~ or tim$ and shall meet at the end ol the vear 10 review usage levels. If usage lellel!l are nO( at reaaonable level& • I !hat lime, the FWilea ag111e to lake joint BC1ion 10 redUCl8 usage to reasonable lewis.

(b) Mixed Wotic Groups

Many lnillalfves will be undertaken to mprow. the Wl)li( planning proce.s& and allow the Slaflto be more ptOCI\Jc:tlve at !be woe% site • .PWU Slrall will per1Jclpate In an such d.tscusslons as a meane of lnfluenclr1g the design or the Improved arrangements. PWU agrees to the Introduction or Mixed W0111. T eanu Yltlt~ will have the ablllly to WDfk to.gether 10 complete any mbted dlsc!l)(lne task Within thttlr kMII or compeeeocy a.& sat out tn Appendoc 1.

(c) FlN T .. ma {rbc·lt·I'!OW) Will be 8$tBb"s)1ecj 01 ~Pf1918, Such teem W~l be created by the cornbtnatlon ol all skill types aQ'OSB the slta. Thtse teams wtll serve as a fast fespon&e gfOI.Ip Who can handle emergent work end taclde II on a short-larm basls. so protectirlg tf!e jntegrlty ol tile 13-wealt planning prograi!IS. PWU agrees to the lnlroc!uctiOil of such teams as descl ibed In prinafl)le In PWU . .r.rr .0031' - AX IT NOW (FIN AGREEMENT).

B · 31

(d) Contr1ct 8fl'tlc:u

8NC.'8 Powltr ore commuted to the PWU employees on the site and to the bellel ·lhat the use of our own ataff ID undertake ccn work Is a critlcal element of the 1\Jture swceu. 11w0 w.t howewr be oc:asions ¥A~en the sUe r.source ~n be supplemented by CXJntraetor tesoorta This Wlll&IJOw our OWil staff to concentrate on their prime fOCU$ of safe and t~~llable plant ~· Bruce PoNer IJ. of t.he view that the use of contract labour has been a problem ate a In the site operatloos tor many years .and ~ current ammgementt are seen as an impediment to the comm&ltlsl valldity or tho site. In raoognltiOn ot ttte peroepCJons held by Bruce Pt:Nter on the restrlctlveneta or the cunni aiTlJngements PWU a.nd Bl\108 Power agree that the current PSA Will be auapemled 101' aD 'A' s.tatlon restart actNilles and lhat the ·e· atiltlon Gml"98f1'*1t• will be aimtiMty Sll$panded for one yvar ro~ow~ng the ClosinQ oa... 0\.rlnQ U1fs one-year potlod lhe .!NP w.t monlror lhe oont'tadOf uaace with tne intonllon of crea!lng a new retatlon&l'ltp wtiiCh eao be tnc:orpor.rted in the next Co!leciNe Barglll!llfl9 AQreement

(e) SeniOflty

Bruce Powt!r Is commllltd to the cfe'.;eloC!ment or • hlQhly al<llled and motivated worldoro& and to the f'&oOI)rM!Iutorlng of as many 'A' piMt unlll os convne!OIIIy possible. In undertaldng flls major program of work 8ruce Power IIIIWW'II of the 11ta demographics and Wll be aealtqj to eddtolt lhi~ (l'lrougl1 rocn.dtmant n ~ programs. However the curMnt tenloti(y provlalon.t nwy be • bonler to tteht.ll'lflg the rapid result& necessery to u."'fonn the ()(Oanlmllon. PWU agroe~~ thai. for a pertod or one >-ear commencing on the Closing Date, tho rt·.atllfllng of the Bruce 'A' units wil be achieved with reference lo 1M prlnoples ol senlonty but that Btuoe Power shall have lhe ability to aelect the PW~enled cancllCialb they eanaiC!er most eppracmate tor the rola. F« the same pariod 01 time, 'B' station PQ81UOOI selectionS will take acc:o~~tt of seniority IM the Bruee Pvww m.MOgement teem Wll hava the~ to l8ted the most appropnale PWU r&Pf1l$0nted appltc:ant For lha1 ~. cledslonllaken Wilt be monitored by the JWP. Wtthn the CMI and Cloncal jot) famJilK normal s.enior'rt)' provisions Will COI'Itlnue to apply. Current M iele 10 PfcMslont win applY to promol.ions.

(f) Rewatd & Recognition

ThO Bruce "te fsoes aomt c.Nltlanglog tlmcrs In the ~Ia ted marketplace and the employe6a wtn b& asked to contnbule signllk:erltly to the ~ pn)gl'8mS.. Ill rocognlllon or lhls Bruce Powtr Is oommitt!Mit.o the ltlltoduc;ti()o ot a profit shatfrlg progrom which will allow omp10yees to racelll'e a paybeek for lhiJir conttlbutlon. Bruce Power wUIInlrod1.1(;41 tt profit sharing system the structure ol which Is subject to PWU approval, which Will commence lncoma Cllslrlbullon at the beginning of the rmaoclal yoar Immediately following the Closing Date. Bruce Power will IdentifY the goals and ~tllltl of thiS: sc:t1emo ol'ld the Implementation strategy Will encourage ownership by tho PWU site memberShip. The Joint Wotlllng Party Wid ha\18 a role In de!Nenng the lmplcmonltallon plan for ltlls work program.


(g) No Strike PfOVIIfon

to ~coonltioO lhat this agreement ml)t8Sellts a 081111 relatlonshlo between BEC end the PWU the PWU agrees that tor the term of It'll current cole CCI\'e egroemenllh«e will be no c-sn110n of work, a reluaell to WOlf( or to conllm• to wortc bye~ In cctnblnallon or In coneerl or In accordance with a common l.lfltlefS nell~. or t JloW.Ciown Ot oUler CJOnCerted II<IIIVIty on the pert of lifT\~ da$1Qn"8<110 restrid or limit CII.J!IM.

tlnvle Table Hegotlatlona

After It'll Clo6mg Date., and ., preparallon for coiiD<lllve bargaining for the neJC1 colleclr4 tgnMment between lbe parties, BEC would Uka 1o tJimpllfY 11\0 lodustrtal relations negotiating machinery lt1rOugh the ~lion of o stn~lla table negotiating forum and the creation of a .single salary apne lhatlls designlld to allow upward movement of PWU members based on acqlb'lllon o1 addltlonal skilla 81"1d competency. PWU agntes to aupport the Introduction of 11\t~lnJUall~tt~ and Bee Q$JI'88S th811tle lnihatiVe shaU not diminish In any way th1t rights of PWU members to 1C8ny out t7le work they !ll.mlf111y do.


Rnal Version Aprll 27, 2000


Mixed Work Teams Agreemelnt

This Agreement seeks to address one of the root eauses of compo1ne.nts reliability pr1)blems by promoting a working arrangement whicn creates a greater ownerstliP and accountability ror equipment performance which will lead to an Improved performance In operaflbrl. The empiQyees Involved in lhls lnlllatlve will be encouraged ID lak$ ownership tor the plant systems they are responsible for and they will be trained to nave the necessary skills ID vndertake this eohallced set or ~l.f119s.

Item 1. Outline of Proposal

Phase One. creation of six maintenance department work teams: U~ree In the mechanical area and three In the electrical area. These leatns wiD be:

1, Valve Team 2. Ro\allng Equlpment Team 3. Miscellaneous Mechanlcal Team 4. Breaker Relay Team 5. Swilchyard Team 6. Miscellaneous Elec1rical Teilm

A minimum of one Group Leader wlll be assigned to the Malntenan~ce Teams.

Phase Two: cn,>SS·!tainlng of skllls In order ID supporl; prlmary ~kJifll· end to !T<Iin efficiencies. acamples of the training that may be Included would be basic et~trical and mecl'lenlcal theory, basic: tool box skill training and tagout of equlpmen1 training. TechnlclallS lllill be Involved In designing the training, EXamples of using skills thai technicians are cross-tramed would ~~ !laving a mechank: assist an electrician by lltUI'\g landlng ll:lad!;, having an elec:lrfcian asslsl a me!Chanlc on the valve team by doing cleanliness verification or haVing an electrician assist an operator h1 tagging out a piece of equipment.

Item 2: Job De&crlptlon!Competenclas of the Naw/RDYlsed Aola(s)

Employees will continue to pertorm their prtmary skill In support Of a team or mixed sllllls. Employees Will. however. also receive traln{ng to allow them to perform additiomal skills to the level that they are competent to perform.

Item 3. Number of Employau Requlr*IS to Partlc:lpat• In Propc~&al

The number or employees on eacll team and the compost lion or eaclt team will vary based on the most effective team balance and the degree or actJvlly necessary to address lhe underlying performance concerns.

Item 4. Source of Racn lltment and Preferred Matl'lod of Selectlion

l:mployees will be selected according to U'leir disc•pllna by qualifications and seniority.

Item 5. Outline Training Program

The goal ts \o give XXX hours per year of ~ining to each employee on eac,_, team. The specific lralning will vary and Will be assigned based on the team I hal the employee Is a member of and the work that Is to be performed.

Item 6. TimelinefSchadule

Combining electrical and mechanical and I he selection of teams should be Implemented 'frnmadiately. The schedule lor Phase TWo wm be determined by the success of the Phasw One activities.



The parties agree 10 ~ dwelop • Compelenc)' Based PI'Ogression puoess fof eacll ruped!Ve joo f&mtl1. ~ ma)' PfOQf'8SS ~ 11\e Ptogresslon PT'OC8$$ by meeting and demonstratJng competencies, wNch will be jointlY df!Wiopec1, and with each Prog~S610n will be ndd1tlonat compensation paid to the employee. (Example shown In Chal1 #1 below.)

A Jojnl PW~t (earn wiJ oommenee work on lhls llf1deavour lmmedlate{y following taUfJcaOon of 1M Colecll'w Agruernent ~an implamentaaon da.ts of Janu~ry 1• 2003.

The piM'pOse of ihla PrQgressfon process is to allow employees to develop 1hemselws at their own pace as wD as pravlding the capabilities and nexlbllltles requrmd to help IMke the bua,ness soocesafl.d.

Due to the's shlft to Mixed Work Teams. this Progress'lon Plan atao covers U• need to have Union Svpervlsors who are oompetent to be able to supeNise multi-faceted areas (Ops, MIM, ClvJ, Control~ Th& pal1les egme to lncorpotare a Progression soheme, which liiCO()IIll'nodatn development or Union T earn leaders t.o be able to supervise disciplines or ditrerenl Job farnllles.

This wlll be managed as a selr·fiJndlnl) plan, Whereby busb~ess savings from application wlll be the souroo or funding for progressions. This Is seen as an innovative approach towards a mor-e fleJ(Iblo and productive working situation for Bruce Power staff.

trnplemenJallon or INs process WJU requlre amendments to affected oolleotMJ egreemeill cla\lses.


Union Tearn Leader (WOC'king Supervisor)




1 Competency Conlpetenoy Competency Competency



Union Team Leader (W0111ing Supervisor) I Comp49tency Com~ !Leney Compt~tenoy

2% 2% 2%

In regards 1o C\Jmtnt Incumbent$ in lhe UTS II Meohanlent. CIVIl and lWE classlncatiOns. these employees will be grand felhered Into the progres!llon scheme shOwn above In Chart #2 and wlllllave successive clernonstraletl C!OI'Ilpetencies a~klec1 (o their base rata which Is t 7% abow the joumey pel'$0n rate.

Power Worller's Union 8ruce Power












PWU.JI..()06 BEREAVEMENT LEAVE [Part A Item 5.6.1 (b)]


PWU-JHJ08 BANKED TIME IN LIEU OF OVER11ME (Part A Item 5.4.5(1)(1)]











PWU-MT -0002


PWU-MT -0004


PWU·MT -0006

PWU-MT -0008

PWU-MT -0009






PWU-MT -0021


PWU·MT -0025



PWU-MT .0030

PWU-MT -0031

PWIJ-MI -0032

PWlJ-MT ..0033

PWU-MT .0034




ARTICLES 10.3117.0











































































PWU-L.oU-001 0











CMI Maintenance Development Ptagrarrt


PWU StUdent Rate&Svmmer/Coop/Developmentai

Operating Engineering Educational Bun~ary

Appendix A Safety To<:bnlctan Hiring Criteria & Progreaslon Stepe

Appendix A Project T aehnlatan II Hlrlng Criteria & Progression Steps

PWU Attendance Assistance Program - Pllol Program

PPE Rezoning Team

Outage Resourcing and Execution

AppendiX A NSO and NRT On·Golng Requirements

Shift Work.Supply Chain Dlvlalon

Appendix A Valve Diagnostic Technician Hiring Crlterhs & Progression S~eps

Units 3-8 RefurtJishment Agreement

top related