Astr , Stell

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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Astr , Stell. Space and Stars. astronomy. The science that deals with the material universe beyond the earth's atmosphere. . asteroid. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Astr, StellSpace and Stars

astronomy The science that deals with the

material universe beyond the earth's atmosphere.

asteroid Also called minor planet. Astronomy . any of the thousands of small bodies of from 480 miles (775 km) to less than one mile (1.6 km) in diameter that revolve about the sun in orbits lying mostly between those of Mars and Jupiter.

stelliform Star shaped.

astrodome A transparent dome on top of the

fuselage of an aircraft, through which observations are made for celestial navigation.

astrologer The study that assumes and attempts

to interpret the influence of the heavenly bodies on human affairs.

stellar Like a star, as in brilliance, shape, etc.

aster Any composite plant of the genus

Aster,  having rays varying from white or pink to blue around a yellow disk.

asterisk A small star like symbol (*), used in

writing and printing as a reference mark or to indicate omission, doubtful matter, etc.

disaster A calamitous event, esp. one occurring

suddenly and causing great loss of life, damage, or hardship, as a flood, airplane crash, or business failure.

astragal A small convex molding cut into the

form of a string of beads. Compare bead and reel.

astray Out of the right way; off the correct or

known road, path, or route.

astringing To compress; bind together; constrict.

circumsteller Surrounding a star.

castellated Architecture, built like a castle, esp.

with turrets and battlements.

rostellum A small beaklike process, such as the

hooked projection from the top of the head in tapeworms or the outgrowth from the stigma of an orchid.

interstellar Situated or occurring between the


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