April 2013 Newsletter

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April 2013 Newsletter


Sometimes childhood things have a way of working there way into the core of our psyche and we carry things unwittingly with us. Do you ever struggle with feelings of inferi-ority and worthlessness? Do you feel like you’re not important or like you have nothing to offer? Well, don’t ever feel that way again! The bible says God chose you. You’re very special and unique to God’s plan for this generation. I would like to draw your attention to the word “chose” in Ephesians 1:4. It comes from a two Greek words that when compounded, they literally are translated to choose; to pick; to elect; or to select. It carries the idea of God personally select-ing YOU as his first pick!

"Just think of it. Before the first stars where hung in the sky or the earth’s crust was formed, God already had a plan to pick you as

one of His children. He made a way for mankind. He has pursued you your whole life. That’s how important you are! God wanted you and He is crazy about you!

The devil may come along to tell you that you’re worthless, no good, and have nothing to offer. But just remember, you are important to God’s plan. You are a trophy of grace! God Himself personally looked out over history, and from the very beginning he had a plan to rescue you.

As a child of God, you don’t have time to deal with thoughts of nega-tivism about your personal worth. You were chosen by God and paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ! You are worth everything in the mind of God! You have been cho-sen with enthusiasm. Before this world ever began. If you are in rela-tionship with God through Jesus his Son, it is because God chose you to the praise of his glorious grace.

You stand today as a trophy of God’s Grace! And the recipient of His love and blessings! Before you were born, before this world even existed, God put into motion a plan we’re you would be able to partici-pate in the divine plan of God. So from this moment onward, start out your day by declaring, “God chose me, and that makes me worth eve-

rything to him. I’ve been chosen to

be a central part of God’s wonder-ful plan.


Jeff Wiedenmeyer

You are Chosen

The Men’s small group on Wednesday nights is studying the book of Ephe-sians. Paul in this book does a great job of letting us know who we are and what we have in Christ. He makes a great statement in Ephesians 1:4 (NIV) “He chose you in him before the crea-tion of the world…” God had plan to pursue us before all of time began. He chooses us before we could ever choose him. Paul pulls back the curtain and says that before time or this world ever began, God initi-ated this plan, and this plan included you. God chose to make away for all mankind before this world began.

The setting is the baseball diamond and bunch of boys dividing up teams. The captains are down to their last grudging choices: a slow kid for catcher, someone to stick out in right field where nobody hits it. They choose the last ones two at a time—"you and you"—because it makes no difference. And the remaining kids—the scrubs, the excess—they are looked at as liabilities. "If I take him, then you gotta take him," they say. Sometimes you just wish you’d get picked as high as the sixth round, but usually lower is your lot. But just once you’d like one of the captains to pick you first and say, "Him! I want him! He’s the guy! I got to have him! The skinny kid with the tape on his glasses and the black shoes. You, c'mon!" But it never happens and you’ve never been chosen with that much enthusiasm.



Mary Ann Adams Children’s Pastor

Jeff Wiedenmeyer Lead Pastor

Kenneth Curtis Youth Pastor

Stay Connected with Jamestown First Assembly! Find Us Online: www.ourheartispeople.com

Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/jamestownfirst

Deacon Meeting Thurs. Apr. 4, 2013, 7 pm at the church


Sun. Apr. 7, 2013

Happy Birthday & Happy Anniversary for the month of April

Ervin Schauer - 6th Erica Halvorson-6th Bernice Baker-9th

Thomas Waldie-9th Reiny Deutscher-10th Wayne Junkert-11th

Gordy Entzminger-18th Marva Entzminger-20th

Olga Rueb-20th Mitch & Dixie Garder-25th (anniversary) Bob & Vivian Welsh-26th (anniversary)

Annual Business Meeting The Annual Business Meeting will be held Sunday, April 14, 2013 at 6 pm. There will be a potluck at 5 pm before the meeting. A-L bring sandwiches or

hot dishes, M-R bring a fruit or veggie tray and S-Z bring


Women’s Spring Outreach

Saturday, April 27, 2013

First Assembly of God church

Speaker: Dr. Carol Alexander

from Trinity Bible College

Registration begins at 8:00 am

Time: 9:00 am-2:30 pm

There will be a continental breakfast, lunch,

and door prizes Cost per person is $20.00.

For more information

contact Tamra Wiedenmeyer

Timothy was born and brought up in India. He attended Trinity Bible College and graduated in 1996. He met his wife, Karla, at Trinity Bible College. Prior to moving to India, they pastored in SD and NE. They have four children and are serving in South India. They are pastoring a church and are involved in planting churches, training nationals for lead-ership, oversee two schools which provide education for 950 under-privileged students. Karla oversees a crisis center which we started 4 1/2 years ago which serves women and children. They minister in the state of Karnataka, which has a population of 57 million With less than 2% who claim to be a follower of Christ. We have a vision of touching 500 towns and villages through church planting and compassion ministries.

Timothy Shamala, AG Missionary to Inda,

will be speaking at the church Sunday,

April 7 at 6pm.

LFTL Banquet, Sunday, May 5th. There will be a steak banquet at 6 pm

with a program at 7pm. More details to follow! Contact Tom

Waldie for more info.

Sunday School Christian Education Meeting

When: Sunday, April 28, 2013

Time: 12:00 noon-right after the morning service

Where: Church fellowship hall

This is a potluck. Please bring something to share.

Contact Tom Waldie for more info.

S.S. Morning Service Toddlers Evening Service

7 Loree H. Amy Fearnside Jordan S. Carol H.

Precilla Mater

14 Vivian W. Amy Fearnside Lynn K. Erica H.

Percilla Mater

21 Bonnie D. Kandy E. Vivian W.

28 Pattie C. Terri Marshall Wendy H. Jill Riffe

Bethany Hillesland


JBQ State Finals Bismarck Evangel Sat. April 6th @ 10:00 a.m.

In need of officials and volunteers! Please contact pastor Mary Ann if you are willing to help!

A Big Thank You to everyone who made a pie or bought a pie at our BGMC pie auc-tion! We raised $3,320 for Buddy Barrel! God bless you for your generosity and giving!

Derby Cars are available for $5. Please see Jeremy Simpson to get a car. We would like to see a great amount of participation for this event. The more cars there are the more fun it is for everybody. If you purchase a derby car kit we are asking that you enter the car in the races or return the kit to us. Thank you!

Are You an Obedient Christian?

When confronted with such a question, most of us start processing a checklist we keep in our heads about what we should do. This checklist will usually include things like:

Do I attend church and Sunday school regularly?

Am I earnest and regular in prayer?

Do I daily study the Scripture?

Such a list usually has several more entries and each represent some aspect of the Christian walk that we consider important. I would like to suggest one that does not make it on very many lists: Am I a faithful member of a small group? Now, I know what you are thinking: that is not even given as a New Testament command, so why do you think it ranks up with those already given? Let me explain!

The importance of small groups is that this is the place where we can easily obey the “one another” com-mands. 1 Peter 1:22 states: “Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sin-cere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart.” In 1 John 3:18, the apostle John amplifies this: “Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.” I do not know about you, but I have a lot of problem in loving one another deeply, when all I get to do with most members of the church is to greet them and shake their hands. There is just not enough time to connect deeply. This is not the case in my small group. Each of us gets to know each other in a more personal way. We know when they are up and when they are down, we know their triumphs and their struggles. We each know each other well enough to love in word and deed.

The problem for us is that most of our church gatherings do not allow us to love one another in the way the apostles expect. We are not together in such a way to find out the needs of our brother and sisters or love them with real action. In the context of a small group we can have more serious fellowship, discern their needs and be accountable to one another.

I hope I have not given the wrong impression about small groups. If you take the previous words seriously, you may think that this is hard ministry, kind of like weekly hospital visits to gravely ill friends. Nothing could be further from the truth. We love each other and when we get together we have a blast. I love to visit my grand-children and they also love when we visit. Small group meetings are not quite this much fun, but close and for the same reason. Whenever you are with the people you love, it is a blessing. This is usually the most fun I have all week. Sometimes we have hard times, when members are sharing their struggles, but on average for every tear that is shed there are many more shared laughs. In the kingdom of God the joy always exceeds the sorrow.

I would be remiss if I did not talk about outreach. There are too many people who are suspicious of organ-ized religion. All they know about church is what they hear on TV and read in the papers, and you know that scandals make the best news. However, most of these same people who are cynical about the church will ac-cept an invitation to a small group. They will see people that they know by name and they will come to know that the Jesus your group believes in is a whole lot different than their misconceptions. You have heard it be-fore: you may be the only Bible some people ever read. I might add that it is not your job to get them saved in the first meeting. Instead, let them taste and see that the Lord is good. What better place than in a friend’s house?

How are you doing on the “one another” commands? These are so much easier in a small group of like-minded believers, that we start to understand why Jesus says his burden is light. Join one our small groups and see what life together is really like.

Curt Hill Small Group Facilitator




Ladies, on April 15

th and 16

th we will be starting our new study, “Redeemed”,

Embracing a transformed life. Written by our very own Kerry Clarensau, AG national Women’s Ministry Leader. In this Bible Study, insights on how God can transform every area of our life as we embrace an all consuming relationship with Him. Join us Tuesdays at 9am or Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. Dr. Carol Alexander will speak to us about the topic of, “The Intentional Woman” for our One Day Conference, Saturday, April 27

th, from 9:00 am-

2:30pm. Registration starts at 8:00 am with a continental breakfast and also a catered lunch from the Depot. Cost is $20. You won’t want to miss this great event. Buy tickets now! Also come join us on Friday, April 12th at 6:30 pm at the church for Ladies Night Out. Loree Hill will show us how to decorate with stamping beautiful bags for the gifts at our Ladies Confer-ence. Come and enjoy good fellowship as we make these bags for our ladies


Tamra Wiedenmeyer Women’s Ministry Cooridinator

Men’s Bible Study – Small Group Meets Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM downstairs fellowship hall.

LIVE OUT LOUD: Book of Ephesians In the book of Ephesians Paul describes all that we have in our relationship with Christ. He describes how to walk and stand strong in this relationship. Many Christians live a defeated life, as they don’t fully understand their position in Christ. The Christian life is the most joyful life, a life where you have hope, a life where God makes the impossible possible, a life of comfort in the midst of sorrow, a life of strength when we are weak, and a life of purpose. Join us as we unleash the truth’s of Ephesians and learn to LIVE OUT LOUD

Friday, July 26th and Saturday July 27th. Sunday, July 28th will be come as you are Sunday!

More details to follow! Contact Marva Entzimnger for more information. RV & tent sites available.


Breach Youth Church

Pursuing the moments,

Kenneth Curtis

Fine Arts


April 19th-20th

We will be leaving for Fine Arts in Minot at 11am Friday April 19th

Talk to pastor Kenneth for more info

When: April 26th


Pizza, Prizes for best comedy sketch, most

comedic outfit (be modest!) and then end-ing the evening with a Tim Hawkins movie!

A rock concert featuring “Union Street Orchestra” and “The Exchange” Friday

May 24th @ 5:30pm

APRIL 2013

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 9 am Ladies

Morning Break 3 7 am Deacon

Prayer 6:30 pm Ladies Evening Break 6:30 pm Men’s 318 Club 6:30 pm Kidz Club 6:30 pm Youth Church

4 7 pm Deacon Mtg

5 6 10:00 am JBQ finals at Bis-marck 7 pm Prayer time @ church

7 am Pastor Jeff pm Missionary Timothy Shamala


9 9 am Ladies Morning Break

10 7 am Deacon

Prayer 6:30 pm Ladies Evening Break 6:30 pm Men’s 318 Club 6:30 pm Kidz Club 6:30 pm Youth Church



13 7 pm Prayer time @church

14 am Pastor Jeff Annual Meeting 5pm Potluck 6pm Meeting


16 9 am Ladies Morning Break

17 7 am Deacon

Prayer 6:30 pm Kidz Club 6:30 pm Ladies Evening Break 6:30 Men’s 318 Club 6:30 pm Youth Church


19 20 7 pm Prayer time @ church

21 am Pastor Jeff pm Pastor Ken-neth

22 23 9 am Ladies Morning Break

24 7 am Deacon

Prayer 6;30 pm Evening Break Bible Study 6:30 pm Kidz Club 6:30 pm Men’s Bible Study 6:30 pm Youth Church

25 26 6 pm Youth Event-Comedy night

27 WM’s Spring Out-reach 7 pm Prayer time @ church

28 am Pastor Jeff pm Pastor Mary Ann


30 9 am Ladies Morning Break

Phone: 701-252-4092

Fax: 701-952-1575

E-mail: assembly@daktel.com

First Assembly of God 1720 8th Ave SW Jamestown, ND 58401


for the newsletter

needs to be into the office by the 15th of

the month. Thank you!

~ Sunday ~ 8:30 am

Connection time in the fellowship halll 9:30 a.m.

Sunday School 10:30 a.m.

Morning Worship & Children’s & Toddler’s Church

6:00 p.m. Evening Worship Service

~ Monday ~ 7:00 p.m.

Small Groups meeting at various locations For more info contact: 252-4092

~ Tuesday ~ 9:00 a.m.

Ladies Morning Break Bible Study 7 :00 p.m.

Small Groups meeting at various locations For more info contact 252-4092

~Wednesday~ 7 am Deacon Prayer at the church

6:30 p.m. Ladies Evening Break Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study Kidz Club

Youth Church at Slater Center Small Groups meeting at various locations

For more info contact 252-4092

~Thursday~ 7:00 p.m.

Small Groups meeting at various locations For more information contact 252-4092

~ Saturday ~ 7:00 p.m.

Prayer Time






District Council @ Fargo

thru the 10th

Fine Arts @ Minot

Trinity Bible College Days


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Sunday School (for all ages)

9:30 a.m.

Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.

Children’s & Toddler’s Church (ages 3-10)

10:30 a.m.

Evening Service 6:00 p.m.

First Assembly of God 1720 8th Ave SW Jamestown, ND 58401

Phone: 252-4092 E-mail: assembly@daktel.com www.ourheartispeople.com www.facebook.com/jamestownfirst

Return Service Requested “...stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together …

Hebrews 10:24-25


Opportunities for worship, learning, fellowship and service.

April 2013 Sat 6 JBQ finals at Bismarck Mon 8 District Council at Fargo thru the 10th Sun 7 Missionary Tim Shamala Sun 14 Annual Meeting potluck Fri 19 Fine Arts at Minot thru the 20th Sat 27 WM’s Spring Outreach Sun 28 Sunday School Christian Education meeting

May 2013 Sun 5 LFTL Banquet Mon 6 Wm in ministry retreat thru the 8th Sun 12 Mother’s Day No evening service Fri 17 Children’s Worker’s Banquet Sun 19 Pinewood Derby Mon 20 Camp Work Week Sun 26 JHS Graduation Speaker Dan Johnson

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