
Tim Kent, CAEExecutive Director

Public Policy Government Relations Coalition Building Getting It Done Through A Mix of Internal

and External Actions

What does your Association stand for on issues that matter to the livelihoods of your members?

Do their policies align with your Association’s values?

What kind of resources are offered by the national organization?

What are the issues that matter to the business of the Association and its members?

Policy positions should be developed and communicated in an atmosphere of transparency for your members, the public and the media.

Conduct environmental scan Inventory of current policies by staff Assessment of relevancy Survey membership on issues of concern Board/ExCom briefing Policy task force Present proposals for member comment Board discussion/action

Should be presented through:

◦ Web site

◦ Association newsletter or magazine

◦ Board orientation

Professional societies vs. trade associations

Consensus doesn’t necessarily mean unanimity but it helps

Board leadership must be united behind final decision

N.C. Association of REALTORS® and the organization’s stated opposition to a real estate transfer tax

Commitment is the key

◦ Time◦ Money◦ Personnel

Taking action to align your public policies with laws and regulations

Key questions◦ Legislative vs. regulatory?◦ Offense vs. defense?◦ Monitor or advocate?

Information sources

The Insider subscription serviceUnder the Dome blog, Carolina Plotthound, NC Policy Watch, Carolina Journal, Talking About Politics, NC Free Enterprise Foundation,Twitter accounts of prominent NC journalists

Will you use staff time, contract lobbyist(s) or both?

Must register with N.C. Secretary of State

Will members be involved on a regular basis?

Investment of time◦ 6 months in odd-numbered years◦ 2 months in even-numbered years

Find a champion to introduce bill Define and communicate your issue 61 + 26. In some cases, it becomes 72 +30 “How an idea becomes law”


Define and communicate your opposition

Mobilize your membership

Grassroots contact software (e.g. Capital Impact)

Engage professional assistance

Embrace your allies, identify your enemies

Identify other groups that have an interest in your legislation.

It’s better to be forthright than to be sneaky

Helps your organization gain access

Requires financial commitment from the members of the Association

Contributions must be individual and voluntary. Contributions must be disclosed.

Citizens United court ruling

Allows corporate money without disclosure

Involvement by N.C. associations

N.C. Secretary of State (lobbyists)

N.C. Board of Elections (PACs)

Know the rules: Ethics and media scrutiny

“Lobby tax”◦ Tax deductibility vs. payment by proxy


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