Added value from VSL Stays: in situ evaluation of vibration Viaduct ...

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T H E V S L N E W S M A G A Z I N E • I S S U E O N E 2 0 1 1


Added valuefrom VSLStays: in situevaluation of vibrationViaductreplacement in Auckland

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ts FACTS&TRENDS 6ETA: VSL systems validated 6

New markets: Modernising Laos 7

BUSINESS 4IMPROVEMENTCommunity actions 4

SITE INSIGHTS 16Spain: Dramatic stays at Talavera 16

Poland: Ready for kick-off 19

Australia: Precast advantage 22

South Korea: Fixing links 25

COVER STORY 8LNG/LPG containment structures:Added value from VSL

INTERVIEW 30Peter Meyer, SAH

R&D 26Stay cables: In-situ performance analysis

Cover photo: Newmarket Viaduct ReplacementProject, Auckland, NZ

NEWS, magazine published by VSL International Ltd. • Köniz, Switzerland Director of Publication: VSL communications • Jane Rousseau •

Editor in chief: Elisabeth Lichter-Rodriguez • Co-ordinators: Christine Mueller-Sinz, Carlos Such, Doris Tong. Distribution: Myriam Doré • Design: Red Line Photos: Yves Chanoît, Christine Mueller-Sinz, Simone Mengani, VSL staff, others Copyright: VSL 2011 •

TECH SHOW 32Staged successThe Newmarket Viaduct Replacement projectcombines staged construction with deconstruction of the existing viaduct in the heart of Auckland, New Zealand


PEFC /10 - 31 - 1238



TECHNICAL REPORT 27Post-tensioning systems: Slab system to be born





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VSL has been providing expert solutions to its partners throughout the

world since 1956. Its renowned reliability and dependability in every

aspect have been at the heart of this long and successful history.

Supplying the dependable systems required to build safe and durable

projects: today’s infrastructure projects must be both long-lasting and

sustainable. VSL’s systems enhance safety and longevity because they

can be adapted to suit any application - even in challenging situations,

such as LNG tanks1.

Being a dependable partner in its business relationships: trusted and

long-term business relationships, such as our bar activities2 are of

utmost importance in tackling the challenges of complex and

demanding construction projects.

Providing dependable engineering for complex and/or unusual projects: experienced

staff and the capacity to adapt to any site situation are underpinned by VSL’s main asset -

the strength of its technical centres and continuous R&D. A good example of this is the

viaduct replacement project in Auckland3.

Dependability in all aspects is not enough on its own - a comprehensive approach is

guaranteed by VSL’s capacity to have a vision, to innovate and to come up with alternative

solutions for the benefit of the project. We have always made the utmost efforts to be a

reliable partner for all our clients, and will always continue to do so.

Highly dependable

EDITORIALI S S U E O N E • 2 0 1 1

D a n i e l R i g o u t , C h a i r m a n a n d C E O

1 Pages 8ff2 Pages 30/313 Pages 32ff

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P our les Enfants des Rizièresis a non-profit organisationaimed at helping

disadvantaged children in Vietnam.Bouygues Construction’scharitable foundation TerrePlurielle is contributing fundingtowards the Long Hai centre,which will make it possible to feedand care for local disadvantagedchildren as well as giving themaccess to schooling. In 2009, thefoundation contributed towardsfinancing the construction of anadministrative building, aclassroom, kitchen, canteen andmulti-purpose hall. The latestproject includes the building of sixnew classrooms, physiotherapyfacilities and a crèche.


Enfants des Rizières –Children of the rice fieldsInititated in Vietnam, VSL staff members in Ho Chi Min, Hanoi, Hong Kong and

Singapore have joined together to help make life better for the children at a

community centre in Long Hai, Vietnam. The personal commitment of everyone

involved was the key to success...

abandoned children, as well as thechildren of families in greathardship in the city of Long Hai,Vietnam. The centre is also usedfor schooling the children orproviding them with occupationaltraining. Two hundred children aretaken care of in the MaisonSociale, where they are fed,educated, given medical treatmentwhen necessary and can play andlive in a safe and caringenvironment. The Maison Socialehouses abandoned children andhelps them to (re)integrate into anormal school education system,without needing to struggle to findthe next meal or a place to sleep.

Touched by the project and itspotential impact, the staff andmanagement of VSL Vietnamdecided to organise a collection of

clothes, books and toys for theMaison Sociale. The idea, initiatedby the head office of VSL Vietnamwas taken up and extendedthrough the regional network byVSL Singapore and VSL HongKong. Staff members could handover donations either at theirproject sites or in the main office;the donations received were storedand transported to the centre inJanuary 2011. “I was deeplyimpressed by the personalities ofthe people in charge of theorphanage in Long Hai,” saysRonan Hasle – Ground EngineeringRegional Business DevelopmentManager and Managing Director ofVSL Vietnam, who initiated the

The APER (Association Pour lesEnfants des Rizières) built theMaison Sociale de Long Hai tohouse street children and

project within VSL. “The director isan impressive lady whose deepand personal involvement makesyou want to participate in theproject. She really does all she canto help the children in need. I amconfident that our donations willbe put to good use.” ■

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T his year’s safety day at VSL’sSt. Légier offices inSwitzerland adopted the

theme of preventing stress in theworkplace. Part one was dedicatedto nutrition, stress and physicalactivities, plus a quick guide to firstaid. The second half of the dayinitiated discussions on topicsrequiring a more in-depth analysisof potential risks. Several proposalswere suggested for further ways ofimproving well-being at work andtheir implementation is plannedwhere possible. ■

T he Earth Melody event inHanoi was organised by ecowebsite

and GGIO Vietnam with fundingfrom VSL Vietnam. With over 500participants, it was the perfectopportunity to learn aboutenvironmental issues andexchange ideas on sustainability.The idea is that everything has itsown melody, even the earth.People were encouraged to take anhour to listen to this melody andadjust their behaviour to enhancesustainable development. ■

V SL’s Technical Centre inSingapore, VSL Vietnam andVSL Chile recorded further

milestones in 2011. The TechnicalCentre passed an audit inaccordance with ISO9001:2008,ISO14001:2004 and OSHAS18001:2007. TCAA alwaysconsiders safety, environmentalimpacts and quality. VSL Vietnam’sHealth & Safety ManagementSystem passed its certification toOHSAS 18001:2007. VSL Vietnam iswell aware that the hard workdoes not stop here and iscommitted to maintaining thecertification as well as achievingISO14001:2004 in 2011. With theISO 14001 Environmentalcertification added to thepreviously obtained ISO9001(Quality Management) and OHSAS18001 (Health & SafetyManagement) certifications, VSLChile has now also achieved triplecertification. ■

S taff and management of VSLHong Kong joined efforts tosupport the victims of

Japan’s devastating earthquakeand tsunami. People in theaffected areas are suffering fromshortages of shelter, food andwater, on top of the loss of life. VSLHK’s staff immediately organisedin-house fund raising, donatingalmost HK$ 18,000 (21,650). The company donated the sameamount and the donations werepresented to the Consulate-General of Japan on 30 March. ■

V SL Australia is a corporatemember of the InternationalFoundation of Emergency

Architects Australia, which helpsto rebuild devastated areas in asustainable manner. Participationin this initiative stems from VSL’scommitment to sustainabledevelopment, which encouragesinvolvement in the economic andsocial life of others. At Christmas,VSL Australia donated toys todisadvantaged children in theSolomon Islands. Donations werealso sent to the Smile Group inVietnam whose mission is to helpfamilies affected by Aids. ■ I ntrafor sponsors the Dubai

English College under-18 girls’touch rugby team and bought

the team’s kit and kit bags. Thegirls were coached to success byJon Kendry in the 2010 / 2011season, winning every match andevery tournament they entered. ■

V SL Australia joinedEmergency Architects and arecord 80,000 other budding

athletes to participate - andcomplete - the 14km-long City2Surfrace in Sydney. “Your support is verymuch appreciated and the moneyraised by you and your generoussupporters will go towards one ofour upcoming projects such asbuilding toilets in PNG. We havemade over $750 from yourcombined efforts and donations onthe day” (Emergency ArchitectsAustralia, August 2010). ■


Relax and feel good




Touch rugbysponsorship


Earth Melody


Donations forearthquakevictims


Three moresuccesses



Donations tothe SolomonIslands

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> Use of a new VSL

formwork traveller

design has shortenedconstruction cycles ona pair of new bridges inMalaysia. VSL designed,supplied and installedfour pairs of formworktravellers, in whichfixing of the web reinforcement is no longer obstructed bythe inner core formwork. This improvement shortened theconstruction period allowing the main contractor to achievea seven to eight day cycle, rather than the 10 days initiallyplanned. VSL’s works also included prestressing for thebridges over Sungai Danga and Sungai Skudai. The bridgeshave 165m main spans and were built using the cast-in-situsegmental balanced cantilever method. ■ Contact:

> VSL has recently extended its

range of PT systems with twomulti-strand stressing anchorages,a tendon coupler and a one-strand slab post-tensioningsystem. The systems are coveredunder VSL’s European TechnicalApproval ETA 06/0006, which is inaccordance with ETAG 013.

European Technical Approval (ETA)VSL systems validated

FormworkMake it short

> VSL Australia has been working with

Civil & Allied Technical Construction

(CATCON) on the design of wind turbinefoundations that offer considerablematerial savings over conventionalapproaches. The foundations are for 23 Suzlon wind turbines at Tarago in New South Wales, Australia. VSL’s worksalso include the supply and installation of post-tensioning and ground anchors forthe 79m-tall turbines, which have a rotordiameter of 88m. VSL Australia hasdeveloped both gravity and ground-anchored foundations for the project to suitthe differing ground conditions at eachturbine location. ■ Contact:

Renewable energyMaterial savings

NC Anchorage

offers the advantage of enhancedcorrosion protection of thetendons, in class PL2 accordingto fib bulletin 33. In addition tothe classic application in internalbonded tendons, the GC stressinganchorage can also be used forexternal tendons and forcryogenic applications such aspost-tensioning of LNG tanks.The GC anchorage is compatiblewith VSL tendon coupling systemsand standard stressing equipment.

introduction in the structuralconcrete and finds its majorapplication in the post-tensioningof nuclear containments. Furtherunits of the same anchorage typeare under design to cover othertendon load ranges. With the V tendon coupler, VSLadds a well-proven coupler, whichallows a new tendon to beconnected to a tendon that hasalready been placed in theconcrete, but not stressed. Thistype of movable coupler offers ahigher degree of flexibility toconstruction operations.VSL has also introduced the S6-1plus one-strand tendon systemwith a corrugated plastic duct (PT-PLUS® type 22) alongside its four-strand bonded slab post-tensioning system, which usesPT-PLUS® type 72/21 corrugatedplastic duct. This type of tendonoffers an enhanced level of corrosionprotection, in addition to the bondachieved by grout injection. ■Contact:

GC Anchorage

The stressing anchorage GC isprimarily designed for thestandard use of internal bondedPT tendons in the bridgeconstruction industry. Thestandard anchorage units offertendons with ultimate capacitiesbetween 780kN (three strands,140mm2) and 10,323kN (37strands, 150mm2). They can beused with both corrugated steelducts and corrugated plastic PT-PLUS® ducts. PT-PLUS®

The NC stressing anchorage ismade for 55 strands with 0.6”diameter with an ultimatecapacity of 15,345kN (55 strands150mm2). The anchorage body isbuilt up with three load bearingsurfaces for a more gradual load

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> VSL has been at the forefront

of introducing new building

technologies into Laos, wherehydroelectric and mining projectsare leading to rapid economicdevelopment. The capitalVientiane is being transformed into a modern city with many newbuilding projects. Workingclosely with Lao contractors anddesigners, VSL has introducedthe VSL Bonded Slab post-tensioning system to the market.This has brought significantadvantages over reinforcedconcrete. In particular, reducedfloor-to-floor heights allow anextra floor to be constructed

New marketsModernising Laos

EquipmentNew rig for CWB> Intrafor has secured another

diaphragm wall project in theheart of Hong Kong, where it willbe using a specially developedrig. Challenges includecontending with busy traffic,buried seawalls and lowheadroom, for which Intrafor has developed a rig to allowexcavation in this restrictedspace. The Central WanchaiBypass (CWB) CentralInterchange adjoins the CR3project, which Intrafor hasrecently completed. The new21,000m3 project is thecontinuation of the CWB cut andcover tunnel and runs alongsidethe IFC building - one of theworld’s tallest towers. Theproject is due to start in Augustand will be completed in 11 months. A BC40 cutter andtwo excavation cranes will bemobilised for the project. ■Contact: craig.kurten@vsl-

> The Lake Hefner Clearwell

project involved the longestapplication to date of VSL’sbonded VSLAB system andcrews were part of some of thelargest slab pours in the tankindustry. Both base and roofpours lasted nearly 24 hoursand each consumed about1,680m3 of concrete. The152.4m-long slab is part of a6.7m-high post-tensioned 45.6 million litre tank inOklahoma. There were severalchallenges, including designingthe walls, columns and roof toaccommodate thermalexpansion and contraction. ■Contact:

Bonded slabLongest pour

within the capital’s 26m heightlimits. Other advantages includelarger column-free areas,reduced construction times andreductions in overall constructioncosts and last but not least thereduction of the CO2 emission byup to 27%. To date, VSL isworking on or has completednine projects in Vientiane,including the 45,776m2 ThatLuang Trade Center. ■ Contact:

AwardsScenic settingfor PT> The Sun Moon Lake tourist

centre won the Taiwan Public

Construction Golden Award –

Excellent Quality in 2010. Theproject is one of Taiwan’s mostpopular scenic spots and VSLcarried out the post-tensioning.The designer chose post-tensioning to create long-spanarch beams and slabs. VSLprovided consultancy at thedesign stage and also suppliedand installed the post-tensioning. ■

Safety first> The AST–VSL Joint Venture

building a major bridge in Abu

Dhabi reached a significantsafety milestone when twomillion man hours were accruedwithout any lost-time accidents.The client awarded themanagement team an award forexcellence in safety to recognisethe achievement, whichrepresents more than a workingyear without incident. The projectemploys 840 personnel, splitbetween office and site. ■

Second GatewayBridge win> Brisbane’s Gateway Upgrade

Project has been namedAustralia’s best infrastructureproject of the year. The 21.55billion project was presentedwith the title at InfrastructurePartnerships Australia’sNational Infrastructure Awards.VSL, in alliance with AbigroupContractors and LeightonContractors, built the duplicateof the existing bridge over theBrisbane River. The project alsoincludes 19km of new orupgraded motorway. ■

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Singapore LNG Terminal on Jurong Island will be the first open-access, multi-user LNG Terminal in Asia.

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Added value from VSL

VSL has a proven track record in LNG and LPG tank projects throughout the

world and its ability to add value is a key factor for successful construction.

The latest example in the booming market is the SLNG project in Singapore,

one of the world’s biggest LNG tank construction sites.

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specialist contractors in the tankconstruction industry and has aportfolio of more than 60 referencesites worldwide, spread over thelast 30 years, with tailor-madeoffers and scopes varying from thesupply of post-tensioning, PTdesign, provision of specialformwork systems required toconstruct the structure’s walls, theeconomic Heavy Lifting solutionssuitable for raising the tank roofshell prior to concreting, to largerfull packages that can include all ofthe above, together with installationof the passive and PT reinforcementand the concrete. The SLNG project

possibility of spillage due to a failureof the inner steel tank containingthe LNG. They typically feature aprestressed concrete outer wall anda high-nickel steel inner tank, withan extremely efficient insulationlayer between walls.

Post-tensioned concrete is the idealsolution for providing a safe outercontainment structure as it reducescrack width to safeguard againstfailure (see box). As a worldspecialist of post-tensioning, VSL isa natural partner to bring addedvalue in these demanding projects.VSL is one of the most experienced

Long considered only as a by-product, natural gas has become aserious alternative to oil and coal.Demand is increasing and naturalgas’s future market share is forecastto grow far beyond its current 21%.Before the development of liquefiednatural gas (LNG) technology,natural gas could only betransported by pipeline. Gas couldnot take advantage of that mainstayof the international oil trade –marine transportation. Thedevelopment of LNG has changedthis and the improvements intechnology and costs mean that gasis rapidly becoming aninternationally traded commodity.

Meeting futuredemandsModern LNG tanks are double-walled full containment to avoid any

Who needs gas?Today, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan arethe leading LNG importers, representingmore than two-third of world LNG imports.Indonesia, Malaysia and Algeria have beenthe leading LNG exporters for the lastdecade, with Qatar emerging as a majorplayer in recent years.The world’s energy consumption is projectedto increase considerably over the next 30years with fossil fuels continuing to cover themajority of the world’s energy needs. Globaldemand will continue to grow and socountries with a domestic surplus of naturalgas will look into solutions to convert it intoLNG or into liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Itcan then be stored in specially developedstorage tanks and shipped to wherevernatural gas is required. When its temperature is lowered to -161°C,natural gas liquefies and occupies just1/600th of the volume that it does in itsgaseous state. Liquefaction thus offers asolution for transporting and storing naturalgas in areas far from pipelines. Tankerstypically carry between 145,000m3 and morethan 200,000m3, which represents roughlythe annual energy consumption of 50,000households. When it reaches its port ofdestination, the LNG is regasified in specialterminals and injected into the gas network.

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in Singapore with 3 major tanksunder construction is among themost recent VSL’s projects (see p. 12-13). Meanwhile, the DabholPower Corporation in India hasrecently been a major client, withthree tanks for Dabhol 2, two forDahej and two at Hazira. Othernotable projects include PT for atank in Quintero, Chile, whose160,000m3 volume makes it theSouth America’s largest, the FujianLNG and the Shanghai LNG Projectphase 1 in China, and the secondphase of Korea’s Pyeong Teak LNGProject, as well as tanks in Algeriaand Poland (see boxes). In-depth

Providing safe structural solutions The inner containment of an LNG/LPG containment structure holds the liquefied gas. If it fails, the outercontainment steps in and must prevent gas leakage. The outer containment, which is typically made ofpost-tensioned concrete, also protects the inner structure from external impacts. Use of post-tensionedconcrete for the secondary containment also allows for a thinner wall than with conventionallyreinforced concrete. The reduced crack width achieved with post-tensioning helps make the secondarycontainment leak-tight in case of failure of the primary containment, as well as providing improveddurability against corrosion of the structure. In the extreme case, the concrete and therefore also theprestressing tendons may be subjected to very low temperatures. This means that the prestressingsteel and anchorages must withstand very low temperatures.

secondary enclosure, self supporting

in prestressed concrete

primary enclosure, self supporting

9% nickel steel tank

suspended ceilingwith insulation

bottom insulationinner containment

outer containment

reinforcedconcrete roof steel lining

concrete foundation

insulation of internalsecondary enclosure



knowledge of containmentstructures and a strong R&D focusallow VSL to implementcontinuous improvementsand to provide reliablesolutions, while alwayslooking for better ways oftackling the particularchallenges of each project. TheVSL approach is flexible and therange of services is tailored to thespecific project requirements.Whenit comes to repair and maintenance,VSL also provides customers withthe specialist advice needed for therehabilitation, strengthening and

Jongyeong LNG tank, VSL’s workscomprise the construction of the tank,

supply and operation of the climbform, as well as the supply and installation

of 793 tons of internal post-tensioning.

GC 6-19, one of VSL’s anchoragesused in LNG tanks


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VSL’s involvement in LNG schemes now goesbeyond the supply of post-tensioning and/orthe operation of climbform systems. Thecompany is also involved in the full scope ofwork required for construction of LNGcontainment structures. The Singapore LNGTerminal Project on Jurong Island includesthe first tanks where VSL has expanded itsscope to build the complete reinforcedconcrete structure that forms the outertank, right from the base slab up to the roofdome. VSL’s scope includes the concrete andreinforcement for the base slab, wall androof dome in addition to the operation of theclimbing formwork as well as the supply andinstallation of the post-tensioning system.The tanks use VSL’s AF anchorages insteadof the traditional U-loop type. Based on thelatest design developments, each tank isfitted with 240 vertical 6-22 tendons and 50horizontal 6-27 tendons, corresponding toabout 800t of strand installed in eachstructure. Singapore LNG Corporation Pte Ltd, wholly-owned by the Singapore Government– hasawarded the engineering, procurement andconstruction contract of Singapore’s firstLNG Terminal to Samsung C&T. Key aspectsof this base contract are the design andconstruction of a primary berth and threestorage tanks along with the processingfacilities. Kogastech from Korea designed

SLNG: full const r

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L N G / L P G C O N T A I N M E N T S T R U C T U R E S

protection of concrete structures,with skills in each of the main areasof structural investigation, repair,strengthening and protection.

Ongoing R&DinitiativesExtensive involvement in theconstruction of LNG containmentstructures has enabled VSL todevelop innovative solutions. One ofthe latest is the optimised VSL LNGTank Formwork system. Thismodular crane-handled system canbe used to build the circularcontainment wall without the needfor time-consuming and costlymodifications to the formworkduring construction especially atthe top connection wall-ring area. It minimises typical constructioncycles and provides optimisedinteractions between the varioussite activities. VSL’s engineering

teams cater for the various tankconfigurations while taking intoaccount the interfaces with othertrades to make the overall projecteasy to build and cost-effective.Safety is also improved as thesystem allows for completion of theentire concrete tank constructionwithout any major modificationsafter assembly and commissioning.It provides clear and unobstructedaccess to all working areas. Theset-up is optimised and crane timerequirement for formworkmovement is kept to the minimum.

AF solves accessissuesThe AF anchorage is a unique VSLsolution for the lower non-stressinganchorage of the vertical tendons(the AF can also be used for inclinedtendons) that allows avoiding theneed for a specific access such as atendon gallery at the bottom of thetank structure. When the concreteworks are completed at the walls,the strands, added withcompression fittings, are threadedone by one from the top into thevertical tendon duct down to thebottom AF cast-iron anchorage.First-stage grouting uses VSL’shigh-performance AF Anchoragegrout with a compressive strengthin excess of 100MPa injected in theanchorage to secure the strandends. The tendon is then stressedand secured normally from the topon its free length before being fullygrouted with standard post-tensioning grout. The AF anchorage


VSL’s AF anchorages allow vertical tendons to be installedwithout stressing galley



Świnoujście tanksThe contract for the supply and installationof the post-tensioning for new tanks at anLNG terminal in Świnoujście, northwestPoland, was awarded to VSL Polska in early2011. VSL Polska’s client is a joint ventureincluding Saipem, Techint and PBG. Each ofthe two 160,000m3 tanks has an 80mexternal diameter and a height of 42m.Installation of the 1,200t of strand, 1,000GC6-19 anchorages and 200 U6-19anchorages is expected to be completed inspring 2013.

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t ruction of a LNG containment

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the LNG tanks. Each tank will have a capacityof 180,000m3, making them among thelargest above-ground LNG tanks ever built.

Due to the project’s strategic nature, allparties operate an open door policy. The VSLset-up clearly makes the difference. AsMalcolm Thomas, construction manager forSLNG puts it: “We have a very good workingrelationship on site with VSL, they are verycooperative and proactive with regards tothe tank civil construction”.

Site works started in September 2010 and thetwo first tanks are being built in parallel. Themain construction period will last 14 months

but overall project duration for VSL’s work is24 months. VSL has started works on thethird tank in April 2011.

Swallowing five Airbus A380sThe overall volume of each concretetank approaches 270,000m3 - a size thatcould comfortably hold five Airbus A380aircraft – and each LNG tank will have aworking capacity of 180,000m3. • External diameter: 88.2m• Perimeter: 277m• Wall height: 40.9m• Tank total height: 51m• Wall thickness: 800mm

is the ideal alternative to U-loopsthat transmits the force right to thecorrect spot at the bottom of thestructure, without any dissipation orloss. No access, opening or tendongallery is required, except vents forthe grouting works. The AFanchorage also allows enhancingsafety as strands are handled oneby one instead as a bundle.

Cryogenic confidenceVSL has successfully tested andconfirmed its type E and Gcstressing anchorages for cryogenicapplications to ensure that thematerials perform as required atextreme temperatures in theunlikely event of an LNG tank’sprimary containment failure.Owners and general contractorsneed to ensure that the outercontainment can perform undertemperatures as low as -160°C. Inrecent years, VSL has successfullyconducted numerous cryogenic


Arzew tanks coming up

The installation of U-anchorages and thebase-slab tendons has marked the start ofwork by VSL on the Arzew LNG tanks projectin Algeria. Strand installation and stressingwill take place over the next 16 months forthe four storage tanks. In total, 1,546 GCanchorages of sizes 6-12 and 6-19 and1725t of PC strands will be installed for thepost-tensioning works on the tanks, whichvary in size from 120,000m3 to 160,000m3.The Italian contractor Bentini working forSaipem is in charge of the construction.

Health and safety first : warming up before starting the

work helps preventing accidents

Siteworks on SLNG in Singaporestarted in September 2010.

The overall project is due forcompletion in 2012.

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Grout - the finishing touchThe quality of the post-tensioninggrout is of utmost importance toensure durability and performanceof the tendons, and thus the safetyof an LNG containment structure.VSL’s HPI® High PerformanceInjection process is theresult of intensive

research and development works tocombine a special grout withstringent on-site testing andinstallation procedures that aim toimproving the quality of groutingactivities.Locally available grout constituentsare tested and assessed for theircompatibility and an optimisedgrout is designed from there tomeet the project specifications.Alternatively, VSL provides its VSL-HPI® high-performance grout mixpre-bagged. It complies with allstandard tests for bleed, flow time,strength and volume change. It alsomeets the stringent requirements ofthe inclined tube test, wick-inducedbleed test, mud balance test andstability of flow time, ensuring ahigh standard of grout at all times.

Achieving excellenceThe VSL Academy training facilitiesbring together all of VSL’s technicalexpertise in order to equip eachtrainee with proven knowledgeabout the company’s post-tensioning systems. Three stages of

tests on its E and Gc anchoragesinitially at the Switzerland’s Empamaterials science laboratory andsubsequently at Daewoo’slaboratory in Seoul, Korea, toensure that they perform asrequired at these extremetemperatures. In all the tests, thepost-tensioning anchorages wereexposed to very low cryogenictemperatures by injecting liquidnitrogen at -196°C.

Steel PLUS plasticThe PT-PLUS® system isparticularly suitable for situationswhere severe corrosion or highfatigue loading are expected.

Protecting infrastructureagainst extreme events

Infrastructure assets such as oil and gasrefineries and terminals have an inherentrisk of highly dramatic accidentalexplosions. Protection against suchextreme events is essential for associatedcritical infrastructure, including controlrooms. The commitment to safety isparticularly well developed in the sector,and VSL can provide blast resilience andupgrade solutions for buildings andboundary controls. The risk of blast effectsin the oil and gas infrastructure market canbe further increased by the geographiclocations of such installations. VSLInfrastructure Protection is a company thatcombines blast engineering analysis anddesign expertise with a global specialistconstruction network. This expertiseallows VSL to provide relevant and secureinfrastructure protection solutions.

Fit for cryogenic applications: VSL’s anchorages tested in the lab.

In addition to standard steel ducts, VSL supplies its PT-PLUS® duct system for enhanced corrosion protection and fatigue resistance of the tendons.

HPI® grout to guarantee the quality of grouting.

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theoretical and hands-on trainingare provided, all in accordance withinternational recommendations fortraining and qualification ofpersonnel in specialist post-tensioning works. This ensures aconsistent approach andencourages the sharing of bestpractice.

VSL’s experience, technicalknowledge and continuousdevelopment of products andsolutions combine to make thedifference. Long-term clientrelationships are testament to VSL’sabilities as a reliable projectmanager. VSL’s internationalnetwork allows for cooperationacross the group wheneveradditional expertise is needed on aproject. Big players in theconstruction of containmentstructures repeatedly rely on VSL.

From LNG to nuclearapplicationsNuclear containment structures present uniquechallenges in terms of the required performance,the difficulty of installation, the specialised layoutand the size of the tendons. Special designs andmethods are essential to meet the extremelystringent requirements for installation and long-term behaviour. Some of the issues encountered innuclear applications are also met in LNG tanks dueto the long circular tendons. VSL’s recent R&Dactivities and involvement in the nuclear field areapplied to other containment structures as well,ensuring the highest level of safety and durability atall times.

Gas Field Liquefactionfacility



Shipping Regasificationplant

Gas Utilities

Today, LNG accounts for nearly a quarter of the international natural gas trade.

Another LNG tank project in Korea:Pyongtaek, completed in 2010.

The best example is the amount ofrepeat works provided to the maincontractor Samsung. After severalsuccessful projects in Korea inrecent years, VSL is now workingwith Samsung on the SLNG site inSingapore (see box). “Whenproblems occur, they look forsolutions and solve them”, says Shin Won Seob, site manager forSamsung C&T on the SLNG project.Bong-Doo Park, responsible forproject control at SLNG adds: “Wehave already worked on several LNGtank projects in Korea with them andour cooperation is very successful. We will definitely recommendincreasing VSL’s scope in futureprojects.” ■

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Dramatic stays at Talavera> CTT-Stronghold (VSL Spain) is

nearing completion of work on aproject that includes a dramaticcable-stayed bridge over the Tajo River and its approachviaducts. Stays are covered with adeep red external pipe in contrastto the white concrete of thestructure. The cable-stayedstructure has a free span of 318msupported from a 185m-highinclined pylon by stays up to 410m

> VSL Spain’s recent transport

projects have included cruise and

bus terminals, as well as thedeparture and arrival halls atMurcia and Gibraltar airports. VSLscope has covered both, the post-tensioning specialist works andsupply of special systems such asbearing, architectural bar systemsand VSoL®. A post-tensioned solution waschosen for both terminal buildingsto allow spans of up to 14m.Dragados built the Gibraltarterminal to Valladares Ingeniería’sdesign and the project was a greatsuccess, despite working in anoperational airport. The newMurcia terminal – built by SACYRto a Pondio Ingenieros design –was also challenging because ofthe schedule, which required40,000m2 of slabs to be built in fourmonths. ■ Contact:

Spain andGibraltar


long. VSL has supplied andinstalled 2,000t of stay cable strandand 152 dampers. In total, 466t ofPT strand have also been installed,with 1,700 CS 2000 anchorages.The client is Castilla-La Mancha’sDepartment of Civil Works.Engineering is by Estudio AIA andthe main contracting joint ventureis led by SACYR, working withAglomancha and J Bárcenas. ■Contact:


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Precastingin theAzores

> CTT-Stronghold (VSL Spain) has

recently completed the supply and

installation of post-tensioning andtemporary stays for a new high-speed rail viaduct over the Ulla River.The 168m main span of the 630mviaduct is formed by a 105m-highstilted arch. Anchorages connectedthe deck to a temporary abutment

and special SSI 2000 anchoragesconnect it to the permanentabutment. The cantilevered arch wassupported by 24 pairs of temporarystay cables, which had to be adjustedduring construction. The workrequired special stressing tools,hollow jacks and stressing chairs. ■Contact:

> A consortium of VSL Portugal

and precasting specialist

Vigobloco has designed and castelements for 19 viaducts and 39 overpasses on a new 95kmhighway being built by Ferrovial inthe Azores. The viaduct decks arecomposed of five I-shapedlongitudinal beams. These wereinstalled on temporary bearings,together with precast planks, tosupport the casting of an in-siteconcrete slab in a second phase.The overpass cross-sectionfeatures U-shaped beams andplanks. The project’s precastingplant produced 406 concretebeams and 50,000m2 of planks atan average rate of four beams and480m2 of planks per week. ■Contact:

> The innovative VAO project at

Valle Oriente in San Pedro includesoffice, residential and commercialspaces together with a five-starhotel. VSL has been involvedrecently with the second and thirdof five phases of the schemedesigned by V&FO Arquitectos fordeveloper Internacional deInversiones. Liu Residences is apost-tensioned 36-storeyresidential building where VSL hasdeveloped the structural design andthe post-tensioning for 40,000m2 ofslabs. The third phase is creating amixed-use 45-storey building withcorporate and residential areas.VSL has been developing thestructural engineering and has


Valle Oriente variety


Spanning the Ulla river

recently begun the installation ofpost-tensioning for 71,000m2 ofslabs. The fourth and fifth phasesare still under development andinclude a 60-storey mixed-usebuilding. ■ Contact:

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> CTT-Stronghold (VSL Spain)

has successfully completed

jacking and tilting work to repair aconcrete bridge in Toledo. Thebridge is composed of twoindependent decks, each withseven prefabricated 2m-highdouble-T beams and a top slab.Differential ground subsidence hadcaused irregular cavities to appear.The client decided that the bestsolution involved installing newpiers, raising each deck with theVSL VeRSO® system and addingnew crossbeams. ■ Contact:

> VStructural and VSL have

completed the first of two critical

lifts for Granite Construction’sdismantling of the Old River Bridgeover the Mississippi River usingVSL’s lifting and lowering technology.Traffic now uses a new bridge, whichfeatures VSL stay cables. The oldbridge has frequently been struck bybarges and even survived a planecrash. In a single long shift, VSLused eight SMU 120s to lower its125m-long 950t main span ontobarges, held in the swift current bytugs. ■ Contact:

> The expansion of HDI-Gerling’s

central office building in

Hannover features a remarkableatrium roof that will cover thecomplete building. VSL executedthe roof tensioning operation forclient Max Bögl. Four pylonssupport the 50m by 50m area andtensioning was carried outsimultaneously by 56 lifting unitsplaced around the edges. Theoperation pulled the edge columnsinto position, enabling installationof 20t of glass façade. ■ Contact:

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Bridge’slast lift

> A complex three-phase launching

operation has taken place in SanSebastian to install a 160mcomposite bridge weighing 600t overthe A-8 motorway for client JV Altunay Uria – Murais. First step was to jackup the 600t curved viaduct from its


Viaduct venturetemporary supports before launchingit in two phases using VSS skiddingequipment and SLU 70 units.Temporary steel towers with jackswere used in controlling the loadsand levels at the two piers. ■ Contact:


Twin tilt at Toledo


Hannover’satrium lift

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Ready for kick-off

> Poland’s New National Stadium

in Warsaw will play an importantpart in the 2012 UEFA EuropeanFootball Championship,accommodating 56,000 spectatorsunderneath a cable-net andmembrane roof system. The roofstructure features 144 radial cables

together with two tension rings and astunning central spire. VSL wascommissioned to install 148 jacks forthe erection of the cable net roofstructure. Erection was in two stages- cable lifting followed by tensioning.The stadium opens later this year. ■Contact:

> CTT-Stronghold (VSL in Spain)

has successfully launched a

composite viaduct over theVerdugo River for Spain’s high-


High-speed launch

St Petersburg aqueduct. VSLhas been awarded the stay cableworks on the Petrokom StayBridge, which will carry two 2m-diameter water pipes. The130m main span is supportedfrom an inclined pylon by fivepairs of SSI 2000 stays, and onepair for the back span.

Stays for Kirovskiy. VSL hasbeen awarded by Volgospetsstroythe contract for stay cabledesign, component & equipmentsupply and technical assistancefor the Kirovskiy bridge inRussia. The stay cables will beinstalled in a symmetric fanconfiguration. VSL will supplyand install 56 SSI 2000 stays.

Dozens of decks. VSL is carryingout post-tensioning works for aproject on the A4 highway insoutheast Poland. The projectrequires post-tensioning for 36 bridge decks built onfalsework. The largest viaductwill contain 1,200t of post-tensioning. In total, VSL willinstall 2,700t of strands, 2,000 GC anchorages and 430 GCK couplers.



to co


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ner S


ich B



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speed rail network. The viaduct iscurved in plan with a total length of120m and the total weightlaunched was 950t. It was built up

on temporary steel supports andlaunched in two phases using theVSS 500 skidding system. ■Contact:

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> Switzerland’s A9 highway links

Lausanne to Villeneuve and about30km runs along the shores of LakeGeneva. Steep slopes, deep ravinesand spurs have dictated theconstruction of major viaducts,

> The new Il Diamante de Chiasso

shopping mall features thetechnically impressive feat of ahuge but extremely thin concreteshell. The egg-shaped structurestands 22.5m high and has a widthof 52m and length of 92m, with nointermediate columns. Its walls arejust 100mm to 120mm thick. Theshell’s sloping zones are madefrom shotcrete, accounting forabout 70% of the surface, while therest of the structure is of pouredconcrete. VSL’s post-tensionedcables are installed at the shell’smedian level, to withstand the hoopforces generated by the abovestructure working as a vault. ■Contact:


Thin eggshell


Slope on the water

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bridges, tunnels and retainingwalls. The lake section built in 1974now needs major upgrades to meettoday’s safety and environmentalstandards. VSL has been appointedto supply and install anchors for a

293m-long wall that stabilisesslopes beneath the highway. Anchorinstallation began last year and thesecond phase is under way to installthe remaining 54 anchors. ■Contact:

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extensive project to renovate partof Ostrava’s historic district. TwoL-shaped buildings together forma square, five-storey complex ofoffices and shops. The structurewas designed with post-tensionedslabs using the four-strand systemin a flat duct with SO 6-4 and H 6-4anchorages. Multistrand cablesand EC anchorages were installedin the beams, typically of 15mspan. The VSL ADAPT system wasused to control the stressing of the117t of prestressing steel. Thebuilding’s main contractor wasGemo Olomouc and the design wasby PPP. ■ Contact:

Czech Republic

Historic renovation


Banking on PT

> Six writers’ ‘cabins’ will be

attached to the canopy ofSwitzerland’s Maison de l’Ecriturein Montricher, whose designresembles a honeycomb with 270 cells. The 400mm-thickcanopy will have a 4,500m2 surfacearea and will be supported by 96 pillars, which are between 9mand 18m high. The structure hasbeen built with traditionalreinforced concrete as well as nonpost-tensioned strands 1/4” andpost-tensioned strands 0.6”. Inaddition to the post-tensioning,VSL provided seven slidingneoprene bearings, which wererequired for part of the canopy.Post-tensioning has allowed two12m-high buildings to be anchoredto the ground in a column-freezone. ■ Contact:

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> VSL Middle East continues its

long history of challenging projectsin Qatar with a contract for the newInternational Islamic Bank (IIB)headquarters and commercial tower.Work is currently about 50%complete. In 2009, Haman Bin KhalidContracting awarded VSL MiddleEast the contract for the design,supply and supervision of post-

tensioning for 30,000m2 of PT slabs.The project consultant is DARA, whileHyder Consulting is independentconsultant for the PT works. The IIBheadquarters building consists of 44 post-tensioned floors abovebasement, ground floor andmezzanine levels. Work began on sitein October and is currently at level 29.■ Contact:

> The Forum Nova Karolina

shopping and entertainment

centre is a key aspect of an

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> VSL Australia has formed a

sub-alliance with Thiess for theconstruction of three viaducts on theF11 Hunter Expressway. Theviaducts will be built using thebalanced cantilever method. Thescope for VSL includes modificationof the launching girder used on the Gateway Upgrade Project and the design, set-up and operationof the precast moulds for the 564 segments. The sub-alliance isalso supplying and erecting theprecast concrete columns. Thedesign of the precast moulds isnearing completion and the erectionof deck segments is due to start inlate August, with project completionscheduled for November 2012. ■Contact:

> Use of precast pier

construction on Melbourne’s

38km M80 Ring Road Upgrade hasallowed each pier to be erected in asingle night shift, requiring onlyshort, off-peak lane closures. Theother major benefit is that the piersare cast indoors, unaffected byinclement weather. Conventionalin-situ methods would haverequired long-term lane closures.

> VSL has designed a modular

truss system to erect the TKOBridge, whose deck is supported onarch piers that cantilever 10m fromthe pile cap. The system will be firstused to build the arch supportsbefore being modified andrepositioned for use in lifting the1,600t deck. The truss system waspre-assembled on land in twosections weighing 30t and 70t,before being transported by bargeand installed in March. ■ Contact:


Precast advantage



Hong Kong

Truss for TKO

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Work is being carried out by theTulla Sydney Alliance, consisting ofVicRoads, Thiess, ParsonsBrinckerhoff and Hyder. VSL’s sub-contract covered the supply of theprecast and the supply andinstallation of pier post-tensioning,involving 69 pier segments and 28 crossheads. ■ Contact:

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> Dragages-Bouygues JV awarded

Intrafor a contract to build

diaphragm walls and carry outground treatment works for acomplex MTRC contract covering asection of Hong Kong’s Express RailLink project. Intrafor will be incharge of a wide range work forground treatment to allowunderground works and to limit theeffects of tunnelling works as closeas 1m to existing structures.Techniques include jet and rock


Anchors for Banora

Hong Kong

Beating granite

> Kuala Lumpur City Hall adopted

a fully precast solution for theBangsar flyovers and VSL hasworked in joint venture with a localcontractor for the precasting anderection works. A total of 10 columnsand 158 box girder segments wereerected, using the free cantilevermethod for the deck. Day-time trafficdisruption had to be minimised andso precast components were erectedonly at night. VSL’s method requireda width of just 4m, mitigating theimpact on traffic. ■ Contact:

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Dolsan delivery. VSL Korea’sscope on the cable-stayedSecond Dolsan Bridge includeddeck construction, post-tensioning and stay cable supplyand installation. VSL carried outtasks including the design of theform traveller and analysis forsuperstructure construction. The230m main span was completedend 2010.

Cutting curves. The Anthony’sCutting project involvesrealigning 5km of highway toavoid steep inclines and tightcurves. It is being undertaken byan alliance made up of VicRoads,John Holland and Aecom. VSL’ssub-contract covers supply andpost-tensioning of 102 piersegments. Precasting ensuresspeedier construction andenhances safety by reducingworking at height.

Saima overpass. North ofBangkok, the Department ofRural Roads designed anoverpass to reduce trafficcongestion at the Saima junctionin Nontaburi Province. Maincontractor Thaiwat HighwaysEngineering awarded VSL a sub-contract for 210t of post-tensioning. Completion isscheduled for July 2011.



No impacton traffic

Jet Grout ZoneCross Passage to be mined

34 to


Jet Grouting for Cross Passage



Railway Tunnel

Completely Decomposed Granite

Marine Deposits


Drilling for Jet Grout (Inclined where required)

Railway Tunnel



Existing Utilities

fissure grouting. Extensive utilitiesmake drilling a challenge. Twin-boretunnels are being excavated running1.15km north and 2.4km south of aTBM launching shaft. Intrafor is alsobuilding the shaft, made of a 44m-deep diaphragm wall with a totalexcavation volume of 21,000m3.Ground conditions are difficult dueto the presence of a concreteseawall founded on a rockfill bundwith underlying granite. ■ Contact:

> Ground anchors are an important

feature of the Pacific Highway

bypass, where VSL was awarded asub-contract by the Banora PointUpgrade Alliance, which is made upof Abigroup Contractors, SeymourWhite, RTA and SMEC. One of themain portions of work is theexcavation of Sextons Hill to depthsup to 18m. VSL’s sub-contract coverssupply and installation of permanentground anchors, drainage and soilnails. The 434 anchors involve a totaldrilled length of 9,500m. VSL startedthe permanent works in January. ■Contact: ghoesman@vsl-

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> Ocean Grand in Taipei is a

15-storey residential building

featuring wave-shaped balconies,which have repeating shapes onalternate floors. The developer Da-In and the main contractorContinent Engineering Corporationboth appreciated VSL’s post-tensioned solution, which enabledthis unusual design to becomereality. Post-tensioning allowedcantilevers of up to 4.75m,

satisfying both structural safety andarchitectural objectives. VSL provided the post-tensioningdesign, materials and installationfor the balcony slabs. The projectuses the VSL S-5 slab bonded post-tensioned system anchorage for atotal slab area of 13,000m2. Since itscompletion in October 2010, OceanGrand has become a landmark onthe bank of the Dan-Sui River. ■Contact:

> Stay cable installation work

was carried out end 2010 for acombined cable-stayed and basculebridge that will become a landmarkat DaPeng Bay, Taiwan’s largestlagoon and a national leisure area.The crossing of the lagoon’s mouthfeatures Taiwan’s first bascule


Unusual design


Cable stayed and bascule


Expert advice> VSL Thailand has been working

on the reconstruction of

Bangkok’s Central World

Shopping Centre and Big CRatchadamri mall, which wereboth damaged by arson attacks inlast year’s civil unrest. VSLprovided expert post-tensioningadvice during inspections of thefire-damaged structures, followedby cutting and re-anchoring ofunbonded post-tensioning to allowsafe demolition of slabs damagedbeyond repair. In addition, sectionsof damaged floor slabs wererebuilt using the VSL Bonded Slabpost-tensioning system. Bothshopping centres have partiallyreopened, with full reopeningexpected this year. ■ Contact:

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bridge and its cable-stayed sectionhas a 72.9m-high pylon designed toresemble a ship’s sail. VSL Taiwancarried out the stay cable sub-contract, fitting a total of 20 staycables. ■ Contact:


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> VSL has been extensively

involved in the Busan-Geoje Fixed

Link project, an 8.2km routelinking Busan and the island ofGeoje. The project includes 3.2kmof immersed tunnel - for which VSLKorea carried out the precastingand construction – and two cable-stayed bridges. Bridge 1 has athree pylon arrangement with two230m-long main spans and two106m side spans. VSL Koreasupplied and installed the stays,temporary stays and dampers andconcrete panels. The composite

> Laksi Monument roundabout

is one of the most congestedroundabouts in Bangkok. Eventhough a north-south tunnel wasbuilt a few years ago, Departmentof Highways has decided toconstruct an east-west overpass.Siam C Bridge was appointed asthe contractor to build thesegmental box girder structureand VSL was awarded a contractfor supply and installation of 325tof post- tensioning. The projectstarted in October 2010 andcompletion is scheduled forOctober 2011. ■ Contact:

> VSL and Intrafor’s work on the

extension of the Bangkok MRT

continues a long history, which hasseen them involved in every line sofar. Main contractors Ch Karnchangand Sino Thai Engineering &Construction awarded VSL(Thailand) the external post-tensioning for the Purple Line’sentire 14km length of precastconcrete viaduct. VSL was alsoawarded a further 2,000t ofinternal post-tensioning, including



South Korea

Fixing links

deck is made up of steel grillageand concrete panels with in-situstitches. SSI 2000 stay cables of upto 6-55 were used, with lengthsbetween 32m and 124m. VSL’stechnical centre in Asia worked onthe choice of stay cables andinstallation method, as well as

damper assessment, design anddetailing. VSL friction dampers andGensui dampers were installedfollowing deck closure and finetuning of the stays. The officialopening took place in mid-December 2010. ■ Contact:

the AF-anchorage for verticalpost-tensioning in the columns. In addition, VSL will carry out 5km of segment erection using itsown gantry and will provide andoperate a form traveller for a 70m-span bridge. Furthermore,VSL is supplying and installing333t of post-tensioning for abalanced cantilever bridge for the State Railway’s Red Lineproject. ■ Contact:

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Lines engaged with MRT

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load cells at thecable anchorages• Damping performanceassessment by determining thevibration behaviour of a cable withand without dampers. This allowsthe validation of the performanceof an individual damper.The operating principle is based onthe measurement of the cable’sacceleration and subsequentprocessing of the signal accordingto different algorithms. Bymeasuring the ambient vibrationoccurring on the cable due tocontinuous external effects liketraffic or wind, Vibratest detectsthe tension with an accuracy in therange of the one obtained by forcemeasurement using a hydraulicjack at the anchorage (lift-off). Forevaluation of the dampingcharacteristics, the cable isinitially excited and Vibratestmeasures the cable’s freeresponse over time.

Vibratest is a complimentary offerto VSL’s state-of-the-art SSI-2000stay cable system with its Frictionand Gensui Dampers, but can alsobe applied as part of an inspectionand maintenance programme. VSL can assist its clients in thesystematic planning ofmaintenance operations, the

VSL extends its stay cable offer byproviding a fully integratedand compactanalysis systembased on in-situevaluation ofthe vibrationbehaviour ofindividual stay cables.

Vibratest is a tailor-mademonitoring unit consisting ofcustom-designed hardwarecomponents includingaccelerometers, a high frequencysampling data acquisition systemand a robust computer with agraphical user interface. Thesystem allows performingautomatic data processing andanalyses on-demand as well asgenerating measurement reportson the spot. The sensors arehoused in a robust and fullyencapsulated casing attached tothe cable at a certain distancefrom the anchorage. All otherelectronic parts are integrated in arugged carry-case includingbatteries for a completely flexibledeployment during measurementcampaigns.

Vibratest is a multi-functional system, offering a wide range of applications• Monitoring of the stay cabletension on site during theconstruction phase avoiding theneed for labour intensive tensionmeasurements by jacking of theanchorage (lift-off) or theinstallation of permanent ortemporary load cells. • Tension monitoring after bridgecompletion during themaintenance phase as part ofregular inspection operationswithout the requirement to install


implementation of inspection andmaintenance plans as well as theperformance of measurementcampaigns and the subsequentevaluation of the obtained data. ■

In the fieldVibratest has been successfullyapplied for damper performanceestimation on a number of projects.

Incheon Bridge - South Korea

Vibratest analysis performed on

a landmark project

Incheon Bridge in South Korea, with its 800m long

main span has been equipped with 192 VSL

dampers. Part of the VSL scope was the

assessment of the dampers’ performance in-situ.

The Vibratest analysis software has been applied

to validate the damping characteristics against

the specified requirements.

The results of the measurements have been

presented at the fib (International Federation for

Structural Concrete) convention in Washington 2010.

Luling Bridge – Louisiana, USA

Easy to use integrated system

for accurate analysis

Vibratest has been used for the in-situ

measurement and damping analysis on Luling

Bridge. Cross analyses performed by external

experts confirmed the accuracy of the



In-situ performance analysis

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The VSLAB® S-Series will become the latest member of VSL’s anchorage

family complying with ETAG 013 offering an interesting new alternative

in the slab market. Launch is planned mid 2011.


Slab system to be born


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The improved constructability ofpost-tensioned slabs, the overallsavings on materials and formworksystems due to more slenderelements as well as acceleratedconstruction cycles combined withlarger spans and wider supportcolumn grids are the key successfactors of modern post-tensionedfloors in buildings. Enhanceddurability due to crack control anda significant reduction in carbonemissions by drastically reducingthe volume of concrete andreinforcing steel are becoming evermore important additional benefitsin today’s sustainable construction environment.

Modern qualityrequirementsOnly the use of efficient anddurable post-tensioningcomponents designed to the latestquality requirements can ensurethat owners, clients and users aregetting the best value for theirproject.

Historically, regional preferences,codes and acceptance of differentconstruction methods have led to a wide variety of anchorage andducting systems used in slabconstruction around the world. Asa result, the slab market has seenover time the appearance of anumber of low grade components.Based on current knowledge andstate-of-the-art, which are theresult of continuous research &development in the post-tensioningindustry, many of these systemshave to be considered asincompatible with modern qualityrequirements jeopardizing thedurability of a structure andresulting in a shorter service lifeand increased life-cycle costs.

Nowadays, modern andinternationally applicable codes,guidelines and recommendationsare available to assist owners,designers and post-tensioningspecialists in specifying suitablesystems for an enhancedperformance. One of the mostadvanced documents in thatrespect is the European TechnicalApproval Guideline ETAG 013integrating the know-how ofnumerous other internationaldocuments. VSL had early-onidentified the need for enhancedsystems in the building sector andits continuous development of theslab post-tensioning technologyhas also been at the origin of thecreation of a new anchorage serieswhich is currently undergoingextensive testing to ensure itscompliance with the most stringentquality requirements.

Introducing the VSLAB® S-SeriesThe new VSLAB® S-Series is a slabpost-tensioning system based on0.6-inch strand technologyconsisting of end anchorages andcouplers combined with a flat ductfor use in slender slab elements.The availability of tendon sizes S6-1, S6-2, S6-3, S6-4 and S6-5with ultimate capacities between260kN and 1,395kN allows astepless selection of the requiredtendon force and spacing. Strandgrades can be varied according tolocal availability in line with allcommonly applicable standards.The S-Series has been detailed formaximum efficiency by minimizingfriction losses. While its block-outsize is designed to be integrated inthe thinnest slabs it still allowsearly stressing for acceleratedconstruction cycles. The ‘slap-on’

P O S T - T E N S I O N I N G S Y S T E M S


VSL post-tensioning technology: a cost effective and elegant solutionto tackle the challenges of modern construction.

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principle (installation of theanchorage after casting of theconcrete) offers major advantagesto contractors by separating thecritical paths of concreting andpost-tensioning while at the sametime minimizing finishing works.Grout caps are available as anoptional accessory furtherenhancing the durability of thesystem by providing maximumprotection against aggressiveenvironmental agents.

By extending its range of slabanchorage units to allintermediate tendon sizes betweenone and five strands, VSL’s 0.6-inchsystem offers a highly efficientalternative to existing 0.5-inchsystems still in use in some areas.The application of a stepless 0.6-inch anchorage series providesvast productivity gains and hencesignificantly acceleratesinstallation cycles.

The new VSLAB® S-Series can beused in combination with flat steelducts or with VSL’s proprietary PT-Plus® plastic ducts providingreduced friction during stressingand enhanced corrosionprotection. ■

The new VSLAB® S-Series has moved astep closer to market introduction with thesuccessful completion of testing accordingto FDOT (Florida Department ofTransportation) requirements.

The new VSLAB® S-Series is designed tocomply with the requirements of theEuropean Technical Approval Guideline ETAG013:• Resistance to static loadThe system must withstand a specifiedpercentage of the strands ultimate capacitywithout premature failure.

• Resistance to fatigue loadingThe tendon must withstand dynamic loadingwithout exceeding a specified allowableloss of cross section.

• Load transfer to the structureAnchorage and local zone reinforcementmust be able to transfer a specifiedpercentage of the tendon’s ultimatestrength to the concrete without unduecracking of the structure.


in the lab






0%1 2 3 4 5

Strands per tendon unit

0.5" System0.6" System

Productivity of duct and anchorage installationFor the same amount of pre-stressing the useof 0.6-inch strand and larger anchorage unitsallows major savings on cycle times

The new VSLAB® S-Series is a slabpost-tensioning system based on 0.6-inch strand technologyconsisting of end anchorages andcouplers combined with a flat ductfor use in slender slab elements.

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for 2011 is 70,000t, a figure that islikely to go up in the coming years.In addition, we also provideaccessories, couplers, endanchorages, nuts and plates.

SAH’s growth rates are

impressive, what are the


The first reason is that we producehigh-quality products. Even in so-called low-wage countries, qualitybecomes more and moreimportant. Frequently, we noticethat quality is now consideredmore decisive than the price.German products are consideredhigh quality and innovative. Clients

Where does Stahlwerk

Annahütte stand?

Stahlwerk Annahütte (SAH) is theworld number one in theproduction of hot rolled threadedsteel bars. We have our ownsubsidiaries but also market ourproducts via sales partners. Wehave – and this is a particularstrength of ours - successfullyapplied for the different approvalsrequired in design offices and onconstruction sites around theworld.

We produce two product ranges:SAS Threadbars and SBQ bars.The SBQ bars are primarily used inthe automotive industry. We provide the construction andcivil engineering industries withour SAS threadbars. We roll acontinuous thread along the wholelength during manufacturing, sothe bar can be cut to any lengthand coupled for specificrequirements. Applications arelimitless - we adapt to our clients’requests. Diameters vary from12mm-75mm, with steel gradesranging from a low 500 to a high950 – 1050, used for post-tensioning applications. Thethreadbar systems are suitable forall kinds of applications:reinforcements, post-tensioning,geotechnical applications, miningand tunnelling, marine ties andformwork ties. Our forecast output

should never lose time and moneybecause of bad quality of the parts.SAH’s competitors have difficultiesin keeping to these quality levels.

How do you see the immediate


Countries such as China, India,Indonesia and the South-Americancontinent are upgrading theirinfrastructure at an impressivespeed. We are looking into themining industry in Australia. We have products that areparticularly well suited to miningapplications, including fullygrouted anchors, resin anchorsand expansion shell anchors.


Stahlwerk Annahütte is world leader in the threadbar

business with the market’s largest product range. Peter

Meyer, CEO, comments for VSL News Magazine the business

opportunities and challenges of the bar industry.


“Quality is now considered m o

The stock of bars at thewarehouse of VSL Middle Eastin Dubai allows to keep thelead time to a minimum

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What is your relationship with VSL?

SAH is a system provider; we notonly supply parts, but alsocomplete solutions for technicalengineering professionalsthroughout the world. We run ourown sales offices in areas whereour clients and partners, such asVSL, are not represented. We haveclose ties to VSL in regions such asthe Middle East and Singapore,where we have joint ventureagreements.

How do you innovate?

Originally, threadbars were usedas post-tensioning elements inbridges. The surface of the productitself has not changed muchduring the last 50 years. At thebeginning, there were only threedifferent diameters; today we havebroadened these ranges. Ourinnovations are in newapplications, developed togetherwith our clients. Our strength is tocome up with innovations inapplications and new products. Weteam up with the best in the fieldand come up with what’s best forthe end client and the project. Wecooperate with the market leadersto develop new concepts. Also, SAH strives to achieve value-added sales with real partners, notmere resellers. We have workedhard to reach our position and weneed to extend our economic leadand increase our distribution andsales network. To do so, we rely onmarket leaders that will not onlybuy and resell, but also developwith us new applications thatconfirm our business position. Thisinteraction is very important for allparties involved.

15 years now, our approaches aresimilar and our relationship ismarked by respect andunderstanding. Neither VSL norSAH provides low-quality, low-costproducts and solutions. Theongoing exchange of ideas andcommunication between us helpsus to create new potentialapplications and markets with areliable long-term partner. ■

Is this always achieved through


Partnerships can have differentforms. In Switzerland, for instance,VSL is market leader in thethreadbar business. We wanted toreinforce this strong position bycreating a dedicated entity. VAS isa 70:30-owned company thatdemonstrates the cooperationbetween VSL and SAH and hasbrought together expertise fromboth companies. We have jointventure agreements in the MiddleEast and Asia, where VSL alreadyhas a presence and is a preferredpartner. Sometimes, we opt forsimple cooperation, as in Germany.

What makes you feel close

to VSL?

VSL is market leader in technicalengineering and developsinnovative solutions worldwidewhich are always creative andtechnically challenging - they thinkout of the box. VSL is workingthroughout the world; this is whatwe aim to do, too. We speak thesame language and understandeach other. Our cooperation hasbeen successful for more than

m ore decisive than the price”

Hot or cold?

VSL offers a wide range of hot-rolled andcold-rolled products. The VSL Bar system isused for soil nails, rock bolts, micropilesand similar applications. The corrosionprotection depends on the required servicelife, the consequences of failure of a groupof anchors and on prevailing environmentalconditions. VSL provides a full range ofprotection options to meet projectrequirements and all comply withinternational regulations.

Made in Germany

The history ofStahlwerkAnnahütte goesback to 1537,almost 475 yearsago, when Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg,filed a decree of foundation. StahlwerkAnnahütte has been in production ever sinceand is the oldest steelworks in Europe, withthree production facilities for accessories inGermany, in Slovakia and in Romania thatfollow stringent quality control andassurance procedures. It was taken over byMax Aicher group in in 1975. StahlwerkAnnahütte supplies its customised steelbars to the automotive, tool andconstruction industries, always providing‘Made in Germany’ quality for anyapplication.

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The Newmarket Viaduct Replacement project combines staged

construction with deconstruction of the existing viaduct in the

heart of Auckland, New Zealand. The staged approach allows

the motorway to remain open to traffic throughout the project.

This is the first time a bridge of this size has been taken apart

in this way and VSL is part of the project alliance.


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Start with creating the new

southbound structure

Works started at the end of 2008.The first of 468 segments were castin early May. At the same time, substructureworks started with the foundationand the piers. Half of the piers arebuilt on pad footings and theremainder on piles and pile caps.


Erect the pier segment, commission gantry and

launch the new southbound

The pier segment shells are delivered from the precastyard about 25km south of the viaduct and erected on top ofthe first two piers. The reinforcement is then fixed and thepier segment diaphragm is cast in-situ. During November2009, the first two balanced cantilevers, consisting of 20segments each, were erected by cranes and connected atthe centre span with a cast in-situ closure pour. Completionof this 120m-long deck allowed assembly of the launchinggantry, followed by commissioning and load testing. Thegantry carried out segment erection from February to July2010, ready for installation of the edge barriers, drainage,road lighting and pavement. The launching gantry was thenmoved away from the new structure during an 18 hourswitchover, allowing the new southbound carriageway toopen to traffic on 4 September 2010.


Old southbound

Construction sequence

Old northbound Old southboundNew southbound Old northbound Old southboundNew southbound Old northbound Old southboundNew southbound Old northbound N

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Beware of traffic and cut out

the old southbound carefully

The redundant southbound structure couldnot simply be torn down as no trafficinterruptions during the project were allowed.Instead, it needed to be deconstructedsegment by segment. Extensive temporaryworks and propping were required to assurethe stability of the existing southbound andnorthbound carriageways throughout theduration of the works.


Engage VSL jacks for the mid-span

closure stitch, lower the segments

Temporary works to support the mid-spanclosure stitch were installed on top of the deck.The mid-span segment was cut using diamondwire cutting equipment so that the VSL strandjacks installed on the stitching beams could beengaged, allowing the mid-span closure stitchsegment to be lowered to the ground. Thegantry used to build the new southboundbridge was then operated to deconstruct therest of the cantilever. The same launchinggantry - today almost a landmark in Auckland -had already been used on Hong Kong’s DeepLink Bay and on the Waiwera project, just anhour down the road from Auckland.


bound Old southboundNew southbound Old northbound New northboundNew southbound Old northbound New northboundNew southbound Old northbound New northboundNew southbound

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Organise separation

Extensive non destructive anddestructive investigation works werecarried out on the existing structureto verify and confirm the designassumptions. This work had to becompleted before deconstructionwas allowed to start. Duringdeconstruction, the main focus wason load monitoring, using straingauges installed on the temporaryworks. Steel brackets andtransverse propping were installedto allow separation of the oldsouthbound and northboundsections. Installation of longitudinalpropping and a shield beam enabledsegment removal by launchinggantry.


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Recycle the viaduct

One of the most importantaspects of the project is that the oldstructure will be completelyrecycled. Segments are torn apart,concrete and steel are separated; the gravel will be reused for roadconstruction works and the steelrecycled, too.


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Temporary works – steel brackets, transverse propping, shield beam – were massive on this challengingproject. The overall project scope consists of: construction of a new viaduct, deconstruction of the existingviaduct, realignment of on- and off-ramps, the Mt Hobson Road noise wall, landscaping and thereplacement of Dilworth Footbridge. The 160,000 vehicles a day crossing the Newmarket Viaduct in theheart of Auckland make it one of the busiest sections of New Zealand’s motorway network. Built in the mid-sixties, the Newmarket Viaduct was New Zealand’s first balanced cantilever cast-in-situ bridge. Increasedtraffic volumes and insufficient earthquake resistancehave now taken their toll. In November 2008, the NGANewmarket Alliance was awarded the contract todeliver the Newmarket Viaduct Replacement Project byDecember 2012. VSL is part of the Alliance in charge ofthis; the other partners include the client, New ZealandTransport Agency (NZTA) together with LeightonContractors and Fulton Hogan on the construction sideand, for the design, Beca, URS New Zealand, Tonkin &Taylor and Boffa Miskell.

Following Maori tradition

A volcanic stone worked into theshape of an axe was cast into the firstfoundation and the bridge receivedMaori blessings.

Existing viaduct - temporary works

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TAIWANVSL Taiwan Ltd.TAIPEIPhone: +886 2 2759 6819Fax: +886 2 2759 6821

THAILANDVSL (Thailand) Co. Ltd.BANGKOKPhone: +66 2 679 76 15 - 19Fax: +66 2 679 76 45

VIETNAMVSL Vietnam Ltd.HANOIPhone: +84 4 3976 5088Fax: +84 4 3976 5089

HO CHI MINH CITYPhone: +84 8 810 6817Fax: +84 8 810 6818


VSL Australia Pty. Ltd.NEW SOUTH WALESPhone: +61 2 9484 5944Fax: +61 2 9875 3894

QUEENSLANDPhone: +61 7 3265 64 00Fax: +61 7 3265 75 34

VICTORIAPhone: +61 3 979 503 66Fax: +61 3 979 505 47

SOUTH AUSTRALIAPhone: +61 8 8252 1900Fax: +61 8 8252 1911

TASMANIAPhone: +61 3 6249 3044Fax: +61 3 6249 3043

WEST AUSTRALIAPhone: +61 8 9437 9575Fax: +61 2 9875 3894


ARGENTINAVSL Sistemas Especiales deConstrucción Argentina SABUENOS AIRESPhone: +54 11 5272 87 52Fax: +54 11 5279 50 93

BOLIVIAPostensados de BoliviaSan Miguel, La PazPhone: +591 2 27 70 338Fax: +591 2 27 96 183

CHILEVSL Sistemas Especiales deConstrucción S.A.SANTIAGOPhone: +56 2 571 67 00Fax: +56 2 571 67 01

COLOMBIASistemas Especiales de Construcción S.A.SBOGOTAPhone: +57 1 620 96 34Fax: +57 1 620 58 16

MEXICOVSL Corporation Mexico S.A de C.VMEXICOPhone: +52 55 55 11 20 36Fax: +52 55 55 11 40 03

PERUSistemas Especiales de ConstrucciónPeru S.A.LIMAPhone: +51 1 349 38 38Fax: +51 1 348 28 78

UNITED STATESVStructural LLCBALTIMORE, MDPhone: +1 410 850 7000Fax: +1 410 850 4111

VENEZUELAGestión de Obras y Construcciones C.A.CARACASPhone/Fax: +58 212 941 86 75


EGYPTMatrix Engineering CompanyCAIROPhone: +20 2 344 19 00Fax: +20 2 346 04 57

SOUTH AFRICATsala-RMS Construction Solutions (Pty) LtdJOHANNESBURGPhone: +27 11 878 6820Fax: +27 11 878 6821


AUSTRIAGrund-Pfahl- und Sonderbau GmbHHIMBERGPhone: +43 2235 87 777Fax: +43 2235 86 561

CROATIATehnicki projekt d.o.o.ZAGREBPhone: +385 1 4664 586Fax: +385 1 4664 549

CZECH REPUBLICVSL Systems (CZ) Ltd.PRAGUEPhone: +420 2 51 09 16 80Fax: +420 2 51 09 16 99

FRANCEVSL France S.A.LABÈGEPhone: +33 05 61 00 96 59Fax: +33 05 61 00 96 62

GERMANYVSL Systems GmbHBERLINPhone: +49 30 530 28 06-0Fax: +49 30 530 28 06-99

NETHERLANDSHeijmans Beton en Waterbouw B.V.ROSMALENPhone: +31 73 543 66 02Fax: +31 73 543 66 11

NORWAYSpennarmering Norge ASRUDPhone: +47 98 21 02 66Fax: +47 67 17 30 01

POLANDVSL Polska Sp. Zo.oWARSZAWAPhone : +48 22 849 22 09Fax : +48 22 849 02 23

PORTUGALVSL Sistemas Portugal SedeQuinta da FontePAÇO DE ARCOSPhone: +351 21 445 83 10Fax: +351 21 444 63 77

Delegação NorteVILA NOVA DE GAIAPhone: +351 22 371 18 80Fax: +351 22 371 19 16


BRUNEI VSL Systems (B) Sdn. Bhd.BRUNEI DARUSSALAMPhone: +673 2 380 153 / 381 827Fax: +673 2 381 954

CHINA PRCVSL (China) Engineering Corp., Ltd.HEFEIPhone: +86 551 382 29 18Fax: +86 551 382 28 78

HONG KONGVSL Hong Kong Ltd.CHAI WANPhone: +852 2590 22 88Fax: +852 2590 02 90

Intrafor Hong Kong Ltd.CHAI WANPhone: +852 2836 31 12Fax: +852 2591 61 39

FT Laboratories Ltd.PING CHEPhone: +852 2758 48 61Fax: +852 2758 89 62

INDIAVSL India PVT Ltd.CHENNAIPhone: +91 44 4225 11 11Fax: +91 44 4225 10 10

INDONESIAPT VSL IndonesiaJAKARTAPhone: +62 21 570 07 86Fax: +62 21 573 75 57

JAPANVSL Japan CorporationTOKYOPhone: +81 3 3346 8913Fax: +81 3 3345 9153

KOREAVSL Korea Co. Ltd.SEOULPhone: +82 2 553 8200Fax: +82 2 553 8255

MALAYSIAVSL Engineers (M) Sdn. Bhd.KUALA LUMPURPhone: +603 7981 47 42Fax: +603 7981 84 22

PHILIPPINESVSL Philippines Inc.PASIG CiITYPhone/Fax: +632 672 13 95

SINGAPOREVSL Singapore Pte. Ltd.SINGAPOREPhone: +65 6559 12 22Fax: +65 6257 77 51

SPAINCTT StrongholdBARCELONAPhone: +34 93 289 23 30Fax: +34 93 289 23 31

VSL-SPAM, S.A.BARCELONAPhone: +34 93 846 70 07Fax: +34 93 846 51 97

SWEDEN / NORWAYInternordisk Spännarmering ABVÄSTERHANINGEPhone: +46 10 448 74 29Fax: +46 8 753 49 73

SWITZERLANDVSL (Switzerland) Ltd.SUBINGENPhone: +41 58 456 30 30Fax: +41 58 456 30 35

VSL (Suisse) SASAINT LEGIERPhone: +41 58 456 30 00Fax: +41 58 456 30 95

TURKEYMega Yapi Construction & Trade Co. LtdANKARAPhone: +90 312 490 90 66Fax: +90 312 490 90 55

UNITED KINGDOMVSL System (UK) LtdLUTONPhone: +44 148 040 44 01Fax: +44 148 040 44 02

Middle East

SYRIAKahaleh for consulting engineeringDAMASCUSPhone: +963 232 47 02Fax: +963 11 22 14 595

UNITED ARAB EMIRATESVSL Middle East LLCDUBAI, UAEPhone: +971 4 885 7225Fax: +971 4 885 7226

DOHA, QATARPhone: +974 423 1117Fax: +974 423 1100

HEADQUARTERSVSL International Ltd.

Saegestrasse 76

CH-3098 Köniz - Switzerland

Phone: +41 58 456 30 00

Fax: +41 58 456 30 95



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