A New Approach to Green Hydrogen

Post on 30-Nov-2021






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A New Approach to Green HydrogenA collaboration between OMNI and KPE to produce low-cost hydrogen with negative CO₂ footprint from minimally prepared waste.

Chris Mamen, VP of Engineering (OMNI)DeLome Fair, Principal Process Engineer (KPE)

Global Syngas Technologies Conference: October 11, 2021 | KPE.com OMNICT.com

The Environmental Challenge

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Per Figure SPM-2. Anthropogenic methane contributed 0.5 deg. C of global warming vs. 0.8 deg. C from all anthropogenic CO2, comparing 2010-2019 to 1850-1900.

Reducing methane is the most effective means of decarbonizing the atmosphere in the short term

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Methane Reduction from Landfills

Methane Global Warming Potential

ü 20 years – 61x CO2e

ü 100 years – 25 x CO2e

ü Landfills contributed 17.4% of U.S. and 20% of Canadian anthropogenic methane emissions across all sectors in 2021

ü Life of methane in atmosphere is far shorter than CO2. Reducing methane from landfills is one of quickest means of reducing GHG in atmosphere

4 10/18/21

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Carbon Footprint of Hydrogen Production

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Bloomberg Markets with Amanda Lang and Chris Larsen on Earth Day 2021

7 10/18/21

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Europe Africa Asia Pacific Central/SouthAmerica



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Global Hydrogen Production

Reforming Coal Gasification Electrolysis


• Negative CO2e due to avoidance of methane

• ~ 1/6 of the electricity usage of electrolysis

• Paid to take waste, so cost of H2 ~ $3.50 USD, less the

value generated by carbon

• Carbon capture is simple, sequestration possible

• Full diversion of waste from landfills.

• Integrated, modular

• Can be used in conjunction with electrolysis

Hydrogen Generation Today

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Transition to a Global Hydrogen Economy• Transportation

• Industrial Energy

• Building Heat and Power

• Industry Feedstock

• Energy

9 10/18/21

Source – Hydrogen Council, Hydrogen Scaling Up Report, 2017

Hydrogen Production Forecast

Introduction to OMNI Conversion TechnologiesChris Mamen, Vice President of Engineering

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Minimally prepared “black bag” wasteon GPRSTM input conveyor in Ottawa

No sorting, one stage of shreddingto 100mm-, one magnet, no rejects

Waste Preparation for typical Fluidized Bed GasifierSorting, shredding, removal of all metals and

hard particles, drying, sizing

Minimal Waste Preparation, High Fuel Flexibility

12 10/18/21

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135 tonne per day commercial demonstration facility

GPRSTM FootprintLength 53MWidth 17MHeight 22.5M

Proven at scale on “black bag” waste

13 10/18/21

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Waste into Feeder

Converter Vessel dries, pyrolizes, gasifies volatiles

Carbon Recovery Vesselremoves fixed carbon from ash

Solid Residue Melter melts ash makes OmniRockTM Vitrified OmniRockTM out

Refining Chamber-Plasma torches refine raw OmniSyngasTM

OmniSyngasTM Out

Gas Quality Control Suite --Conditions OmniSyngasTM for downstream use

Standard size shipping containers




Preassembled modular delivery in 200 tpd units reduced project risk, cost. Improved quality, certainty of time.

OMNI200TM Gasification & Plasma Refining System (GPRSTM)

14 10/18/21

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• No air emissions during conversion of waste to syngas; only emissions are from end users of the syngas

• 100% diversion from landfill

• Never failed a source test

• Dioxins and Furans below level of quantification

• OmniRockTM is a nonleachable End of Waste Product

• Very low carbon intensity – can even be negative due to diversion from landfill CH4.

OMNI CT GPRSTM Pristine Environmental Performance

17 10/18/21

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OMNI CT GPRSTM – Flexible and Efficient

• Feedstock flexibility• Minimum capex and opex for feed preparation

• Select difficult feedstocks for higher tipping fees

• Recovered hot air can be used to dry wet feedstock for higher throughput and efficiency

• Less dependence on very long term supply contracts

• Wide range of applications• OmniSyngasTM can make heat, power, fuels, hydrogen, chemicals with no

fundamental changes to the proven core technology.

• OmniRockTM can be used in slag cement, as a construction aggregate, or as an abrasive blasting medium.

• Over 75% LHV cold gas efficiency

• Low parasitic power usage. (Example: electrical power consumption to make hydrogen is 1/6 that of electrolysis)

18 10/18/21

Introduction toKP EngineeringDeLome Fair, Principal Process Engineer

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From diesel fuel to biomass recycling, KP Engineering

brings success to energy initiatives. Our lengthy background in the execution of complex chemical process

industry projects is the key to responsibly converting your materials into high-value end products.

At KP Engineering, our clients create sustainable futures.We engineer their path.

21 10/18/21

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• Awarded 9,000 BPD renewable diesel unit in New Mexico. Currently in construction.

• Awarded FEED for 15,000 BPD renewable diesel unit in California.

• Pipeline opportunities:− RDU revamp, Gulf Coast

refiner− RDU pre-treatment unit, Gulf

Coast refiner






n• Feasibility studies for:

− Waste Gasification to Liquids− 6.5 MMSCFD Hydrogen Plant− 45 MMSCFD Hydrogen Plant− 87 MMSCFD Hydrogen Plant− FEL-02 study for fully integrated RDU/H2 plant

• EPC proposals for:- 22 MMSCFD H2 plant- 25 MMSCFD H2 plant (HTAS SMR technology)

• Budget estimates for:- 6.2 MMSCFD plant- 16 MMSCFD plant

• Awarded design/supply delivery for:- 13 MMSCFD CO Plant in La.- Syngas Separation Unit in La.


te to



•Municipal waste to green hydrogen project in California

•Creating green hydrogen using solar and municipal waste in Ontario

•Development of renewable gas and solar energy in Arkansas

•Process Design Package “PDP” engineering for key syngas licensor in renewable space (final product: green gasoline)

•FEL-01 proposal for distillery spent stillage processing

22 10/18/21 Confidential

Our refining experience translates to value in varying markets

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Project Specific Options and Optimizations• Syngas Compression

• Number of Trains

• Hydrogen Purity

• Cogeneration of Power• Sulfur Recovery

• CO2 Capture

• H2 can be a precursor to other end products.

Hydrogen from Syngas and recovered heat

23 10/18/21

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Unifying efforts: OMNI and KP Engineering

24 10/18/21

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• Oxygen can come from VPSA, cryogenic, or electrolysis.

• Benefits of paring with electrolysis:

– Electrolysis O2 has no argon, so high purity is easy to achieve. GPRSTM

does not require dry or compressed O2.

– Heat from GPRSTM improves the efficiency of electrolysis.

– Electrolysis can be used for peaking, while GPRSTM is a baseload.

– Electrolysis H2 can adjust H2:CO ratio readily for making liquid fuels as an

alternative or supplement to the WGS.

Pairing of Electrolysis with the OMNI GPRSTM

25 10/18/21

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Electrolysis vs OMNI 5000 GPRSTM to produce H2

26 10/18/21

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• Agreement with KPE to cooperate exclusively to engineer and produce an integrated modular product for hydrogen from waste using OMNI’s GPRSTM and KPE’s downstream equipment.

• Projects– California with Hcycle and the LLCI– Foshan, China with Urban Gateway– Others in development in Canada, Europe, and U.S.

• Long-term agreement with developer on the U.S. West Coast + Japan + Korea for MSW to Hydrogen projects

Commercial Deployment of Waste to Hydrogen, Q4 2021

27 10/18/21

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Media Announcement on October 11th, 2021

28 10/18/21


HOUSTON (Oct. 11, 2021) – KP Engineering, LP (KPE), a leader in the design and execution of customized EPC solutions for the refining, syngas, hydrogen, and renewable fuels industries, has entered into a mutual collaboration agreement with OMNI Conversion Technologies Inc. (OMNI). OMNI is a Canadian company focused on producing clean green energy by converting energetic waste into OmniSyngasTM and OmniRockTM, with full diversion from landfill. The collaboration will enable the companies to supply equipment and technology to produce hydrogen from waste with a negative carbon footprint at less than half the cost of electrolysis.

A result of the long-standing mutually beneficial working relationship between KPE and OMNI, the new agreement formalizes the collaboration and provides a one-stop experience for potential customers. KPE and OMNI will co-market OMNI's patented technology. They will exclusively collaborate with each other to provide an integrated modular solution for converting a widevariety of minimally prepared wastes to hydrogen, while capturing CO2 for subsequent use or sequestration. Biomass-fed projects will fall outside of the scope of the agreement.

To read the full release, visit: www.KPE.com/resources

Thank you.DeLome Fair (KPE) and Chris Mamen (OMNI)

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