3290850 - IBM Smart Analytics System

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Slide 1© 2009 IBM Corporation
This document is for IBM and IBM Business Partner use only. It is not intended for customer distribution or use with customers.
August 26, 2009
IBM Smart Analytics System
A Workload Optimized Solution
The New Power Equation
This document is for IBM and IBM Business Partner use only. It is not intended for customer distribution or use with customers.
2009 IBM Corporation
Thank you and welcome everybody. Today’s call is about an announcement that we made, actually an early announcement in July around the IBM Smart Analytics System. Hopefully you’ve all had a chance to download the slides. It is a big file so it may take a little bit of time. As we mentioned we’ve got about an hour to take you through some of the content around this exciting announcement.
© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Power Systems
Introduction – Workload Optimized Systems
Scott Handy, Vice President, WW Marketing, Strategy & Sales Support, Power Systems
Time to Value – IBM Smart Analytics System
Greg Lotko, Vice President, Warehouse Solutions, Information Management
IBM Smart Analytics System Overview and Identifying Opportunities
Drew Freidrich, Marketing Executive, InfoSphere Warehousing
Power Systems Configurations
Charlie Goodman, WW Sales Executive, Global Markets
This slide contains the topics that are covered by the narration written in the transcript of this slide.
If you move to slide #2, I’ll share with you today’s agenda.
We’re going to have Scott Handy, Vice President from Power Systems to kick it off and to talk about Workload Optimized Systems and how that fits into that mold.
Greg Lotko, Vice President for Software Group Information Management is going to share a couple of thoughts on the time to value benefits of the IBM Smart Analytics System.
Drew Freidrich is going to talk about what the content is in the announcement, what the product is all about and some of the value there and identifying opportunities around this combined hardware, software and services solution.
It’s going to come back to me. I’m Power Systems Offering Manager. I’ll share a couple of thoughts on what the actual configurations are made up of.
Then we’re going to turn it over to Charlie Goodman who is the WW Sales Executive for Global Markets. He’s going to take your through some of the sales operations and processes that we put in place around this offering.
Hopefully this will be a good session for you and at this point I’m going to turn it over to Scott Handy.
We Are In A Great Position To Capture The Market
A Top Priority!
“Business intelligence is the #1 technology priority for the coming year.”
"Meeting the Challenge:
The 2009 CIO Agenda"
The business intelligence (BI) market is a perennial evergreen. While it has seen ups and downs in the past decade, its growth vector remains strong, and aggregate revenues should exceed $12 billion by 2014.
A Growing Market Opportunity!
Forecast: Business Intelligence, 2009 To 2014
“IBM is the only vendor that is in the top 3 ranking (across all three IDC category’s) and holds close to 20% share of each market segment.”
Data Warehouse Generation Software
Data Warehouse Platform Software
Data Warehouse Management Software
A Powerful Market Position!
This chart has a progress report for Forrester from 1008-2011 as to Core BI, Business performance solutions, predictive analytics/data mining, text analytics, complex event processing with totals from $8,483 to $12,790 in US$ millions. *Forrester forecast is 47090. Source: Forrester Research Inc.
There is also a chart for Gartner and for IDC.
A Growing Market Opportunity!
The business intelligence (BI) market is a perennial evergreen. While it has seen ups and downs in the past decade, its growth vector remains strong, and aggregate revenues should exceed $12 billion by 2014. Forecast: Business Intelligence, 2009 To 2014.
A Top Priority!
“Business intelligence is the #1 technology priority for the coming year.”
"Meeting the Challenge:
The 2009 CIO Agenda
A Powerful Market Position!
“IBM is the only vendor that is in the top 3 ranking (across all three IDC category’s) and holds close to 20% share of each market segment.”
Data Warehouse Generation Software
Data Warehouse Platform Software
Data Warehouse Management Software
Let me start on chart 3 and discuss the opportunity at large. I think people know who are keeping up with the industry trends what’s going on and that business intelligence has been big and it continues to get much bigger. As we deliver more storage capability and performance along with much more advanced software, we’ve been able to move from sort of a batch reporting type of monthly reports to customers being able to do real time business intelligence, real time analysis of their data and even automating what to do about it in given situations and you’re going to hear about some of that capability. Being able to dynamically respond is causing a new wave of growth and one that I think that we are most enabled and prepared to address if we can get in front of some of those opportunities.
It’s just a huge opportunity for systems, software and services and also how we are aligning around that. I think many customers have this as a top priority. I brought this play up in advance of this announcement to our Power Advisory Council, which is a lot of our top customers, and I was actually quite surprised at how articulate they were in some of these issues, in the hundreds of terabytes that some of them were trying to manage and do real time analysis of the shoppers at their particular stores or if it was retail or financial services, what they were trying to do from a risk analytics point of view. Real time analysis and shaving seconds off of those kinds of decisions or automating them and how big an impact that could have to their business.
It is top of mind with the right set of customers and I think we have a really good play. IBM is well positioned. They may think power is not a really a hardware based decision in a lot of cases and you’ll see that’s exactly how we feel and so we kind of bundled our power-based solution underneath a much broader solution. I think far more relevant is the $10B in acquisitions that Software Group has done to position software to be the right set of tools that they need and the capabilities we’re putting in GBF to go address that.
Let’s discuss why there is the hardware integration.
© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Power Systems
Workload Optimized Systems Require a Broad Portfolio of Hardware,
Software and Services Capabilities
Pre-integrated hardware, software and services optimized for a specific workload and based on deep client experience for:
Faster time to value
This slide contains the topics that are covered by the narration written in the transcript of this slide.
On chart 4 you see the workload optimized systems and we’re moving to this as a direction. We can just take Business Intelligence and if you look at the 8000 or so engagements we’ve done from a services point of view and with how customers deal with particular workloads and how to make the selection of the right platform. They go through a process and they figure out where would it run best, what skills do I have, what applications do I need, is the applications available on what platform—they go through this process and they do it themselves. They’ve picked the right workload optimized system based on a set of parameters that they go through .
What we’re saying is for these six solution areas, IBM has identified that we’re going to be focused on first class delivery of these, both in integrated systems which we’re going to talk about in the first box, the Analytics System, as an integrated system. We’ll also be delivering all these through Cloud-based services as a sort of adjunct to this. We’ll build it on the customer’s premise or on the IBM climate. This is not a Cloud discussion. We’re actually talking about integrated systems that we can actually sell to a client and this is the Smart Analytic System.
By doing this integration, you’ll see in the set of charts after me, the customer gets much faster time to value going from months down to weeks of how fast they can get this up and start making the better decisions which is what they really want as opposed to integrating the system. They’ll get much better performance because we’ve integrated the systems for optimum performance. This includes the right amount of processing power for the amount of storage that’s included, and the right amount of memory and we’ve done some specific system tuning for this combination of software and hardware together and we’ll do more. In fact, in doing this project we’ve looked at things we can do with Power 7, for instance, to tweak it a little better.
This slide has a page titled Information-Led Transformation. It highlights business analytics & optimization solutions from Business Solutions to Communications.
The next title is Business Analytics & Optimization Platform with sub-headings of Performance Management & analytics and Advanced Analytics.
The next is Trusted Information Platform including Information Integration & Master Data Management, Enterprise Content Management and Data Warehousing & Data Management.
At the bottom is Systems Platform.
On the left of the slide is Solutions—over 4,000 dedicated consultants.
Software—over $10B in software investments.
Systems—Over $6B in Systems Level R&D.
Chart 5 talks about what we’re doing here. Bob Moffat, our Leader here in STG, is very keen on integrating STG into the rest of the IBM Corporation and leveraging them as another huge route to market, if you will. So far all of the plays you've seen from us have been linked into the greater dynamic infrastructure play within the Smarter Planet framework. Everybody has seen the new power equation in a dynamic infrastructure. Notice that this one is actually not under dynamic infrastructure. It’s actually under the Information-Led Transformation which is another one of the four pillars of Smarter Planet. We’re now linking into another one. We plan to link into more areas.
In this particular area GBS actually created a whole new service line around business analytics and optimization and it’s the first time in a decade they’ve seen an opportunity big enough to create a new service line. The last time they did this was through ERP and CRM which was a pretty big opportunity. This thing is going to be big. They announced this in the first half of 2009 and already have 4,000 dedicated consultants to this space and we now have an IBM offering of hardware, software and services that just happens to be based on Power and we love it. We’re doing some GBS teaming to win agreements with the GBS folks so that they’ll be favouring our solution because you all know that we have other Partner solutions, which we’ll still have, but this is the lead IBM approach and what we’re asking you to heavily promote.
In addition to that, there’ll be a Software Group lead sales effort on this and you’ll see the Software Group’s contacts in the back. They’ll have the predominant opportunity identification but that does not mean that you won’t find opportunities on your own talking to your own customers just like when I talk to the Power Advisory Board and some of those CIOs, PTOs and some of the technical people. They know exactly where this will fit and get them engaged and give them some leads. We expect you to do some lead generation too or help when asked in assisting on some of these accounts. Underneath this, of course, we’ve got a huge systems opportunity in this as well. You can see on this chart the mapping all the way from, you have to imagine Smarter Planet all the up to the top, and then the information about transformation. There is a tremendous amount of demand generation being done in the marketplace around these particular solutions that should also bring in opportunity. This is just a broad teaming effort along with the rest of the IBM Corporation.
With that you should understand that this is a pretty big effort by IBM. We signed up for a lot of incremental revenue for this. You’ll be needed to assist in hopefully opportunity identification. We are grateful that this thing was built on Power but when the Software Groups really looked over the Portfolio products with us and decided what would be the best architecture for this, this is what we decided we needed, especially because of the integration we do all the way from the base system through the firmware to the operating system. You’ll see that we even distribute updates to this as one integrated stack including the hardware, the storage, the servers, the firmware, the operating systems and the software Group software as one integrated Service Pack for the customer. A lot of cool things have been done because we own the system end to end and what we can do is translate that to the customer’s benefit.
With that I'm going to turn it over to Greg Lotko who is my counterpart on the software side and is responsible for the Data Warehouse Software. He’s going to take you through the solution, how to sell it and where to get contacts so that you can be successful. Pay attention.
© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Power Systems
On the left of this chart is the Build from Scratch component stack—testing & validation, installation & configuration, acquire components, and pre-implementation system sizing which would take 12 months.
On the right side of this chart is the Pre-Built configuration (everything is in a box) providing faster results and less risk and only taking 12 days to install.
Hi folks. I’m on slide 6 titled IBM Smart Analytics System. This is very straight forward, very obvious. Think about it. We’re in business--you guys are sellers—what are we trying to do? We’re trying to drive revenue. Our customers are focused on the same thing and, hence, whenever they’re making an investment, they want to drive that time to value down as short as possible. If you look at the Warehouse space, if you look at the analytic space and business intelligence, they can gain huge value on the competition just from the information they can gather about their customer set, the products they can put in front of them and how they can run their business. When they make that purchase decision from you, from our Software Sellers, they want to get to that value as fast as possible.
When you look on the left side, a Build From Scratch approach can take many, many months—pre-owned implementation, the system sizing, the selection of the software that they’re going to use, acquiring their components, getting them in-house and then assembling them, installing and configuring, making sure that they’re going to interact together appropriately, and then the testing and validation across the whole stack.
With the IBM Smart Analytics System you can go in there with your Software Group counterparts, talk about a form factor that provides this capability out of the box, already implemented, we go onsite, we install it, we plug it in and you’re ready to go. On the three small configurations of this from 4-50 TB, you can get this done within 12 days.
© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Power Systems
Additional benefits to the seller with the pre-defined IBM Smart Analytics System configurations
Time to price configuration - 24 hr turn around time (customer benefits as well)
Less than 2 weeks to fill order (customer benefits as well)
Reduced complexity of placing the order through the proposal team
$$$ Over compensation $$$ A significant sales incentive will be deployed on all sales of the Smart Analytics System in 2H. Details will be communicated later this quarter.
* Prices used are list and not finalized
Comparison of IBM Smart Analytics System to Custom
Why is it better to sell the System as opposed to the piece parts?
(Medium Workload capacity used as an example)
Included Included 1st year Included
Server, Storage, SW
Bottom Line
$ 2x
This slide contains the topics that are covered by the narration written in the transcript of this slide.
Prices used are list and not finalized.
We’ll now go to the next slide 7 titled: Comparison of IBM Smart Analytics System to Custom.
Why would you or why would our customers want to buy this system versus the custom beyond the time to value which we talked about. In the Smart Analytics System, we’re providing one-call support. In the Custom or the piece parts environment, they can’t get that. So, think about somebody’s who is having an issue with their environment. They don’t know whether or not it’s the hardware, the Warehouse software, Cognos software, VOX or anything else. They’ll be able to make one phone call to get to a centralized support structure that has knowledge across this system and can also access deeper skills directly into the products and coordinate that across the stack. This is not available in the Custom environment.
A Coordinated Stack Certification—if you put this together in piece parts, you as the customer have to manage the piece parts. You have to think about whether this version of this software work with that level of that OS. What Firmware levels am I on? In a Smart Analytics System, not only do we ship with the coordinated stack that we’ve certified but ongoing, we provide linkage to it on a website that shows here’s the testing we’ve done and here’s the validated stack coordinated across that. That is left for the Smart Analytic System so they know where to upgrade to.
Services—if you look at a Custom implementation, you’re not walking over patterns that necessarily everybody else has. You have all these unique things involved with it. The implementation is going to take longer than doing something with is pre-defined, preconfigured or run over that same path.
If you want to get premium support for that solution, again you have people who are pricing that and getting involved with that and needing to learn the uniqueness of your environment. The implementation services, the premium support services are all included in this and also we have the ability to get these as part of the system at a much better price point. The Health Check is also included.
Think about environments out there. We know that when customers are left to their own devices, they can tend to drift. They might drift off the coordinated stack that they should be on. They might drift in their usage. They might install other things on the box that maybe they shouldn’t have or they might not have them configured appropriately. Somebody might get in there and monkeys and say I know how I’ve got it set up on XIV System, why not fiddle with this here? And they run adrift. We’re including the Health Checks in here for the first year; one after 6 months and then a follow-up, so that we can assure they stay on that preconfigured, pre-worked pattern and are getting the optimal performance out of the system.
Can they get the same Server Storage Software Custom versus if they buy it as a Smart Analytics System? Yes, they can buy it but again they have to put it together and again there are things we’re doing in the system to optimize for the software with the hardware and the OS and for the interaction of the software pieces of Cognos with InfoSphere Warehouse.
The bottom line is that all the things on the left are part of the system preconfigured and worked over that pattern. The things on the right are going to cost you more on the order of 2 x as much if you’re doing this in a Custom environment. This gives you a competitive advantage of why you’ll be more likely to close this deal and close this sale as a Smart Analytics System versus a Custom.
Some additional benefits—time to price this configuration. We can turn around pricing of the standard configurations for the 6 preset sizes ranging from 4-200 TB within 24 hours. There is a centralized proposal and order team that you have access to. On the 3 smallest configurations—4, 12, and 25 TB—we can fill these orders within 2 weeks from close of business. Obviously, the customer benefits from that as well.
The complexity of placing this order is greatly reduced. Think about a Custom environment where you have to go into all the different systems, figure out the piece parts, look at checklists, make sure you’ve included everything. We have a centralized Proposal and Order Team where you’re going to go to a link, enter into a database, tell them the size system you’re trying to get and they will be able to generate all those configurations for you.
Last is that you look at this chart and say if the Custom is 2 x as expensive, why wouldn’t I as the seller want to sell that if I could because I’m going to get more comp. We recognize that as an issue. We also recognize that we might have different Sales Teams that might have different motivations. Maybe an STG seller that wants to sell a larger server or maybe there’s a Software Seller that says, well if I sell a different bundle of software, I might be able to get more in the box. We’re helping align these sales teams by having a special over-compensation plan which is a target incentive for you folks that will make this so that you absolutely are making exactly the same, if not more, by selling a Smart Analytic System and you’re going to greatly reduce your time to closure, see a great improvement in the team in the cross divisions and even in the pricing we’ve already pre-worked out the discounting levels that you don’t have to negotiate with your Partners across different divisions of whose going to give up what percentage of which piece part. It is priced at the System level and it will be discounted at the System level.
AIIM & Accenture Surveys, 2007
59% of managers
This slide contains the topics that are covered by the narration written in the transcript of this slide.
Thanks a lot Greg and thanks to everybody for joining. We talked a little bit about the comp and a little bit about the marketplace. Let’s talk about the actual solution itself. I’m on slide #8 right now entitled The Information Challenge. What we’re really talking about here with the value proposition is really about the information. What our customers can do with the information, the insight they can actually glean from the information. Data really is the key. You’ve got such things as competitive data which helps organizations do things like reposition themselves as they attempt to jockey for a better position. Customer data tells important things about a customer’s buying behavior and new trends and patterns that they can take advantage of. Then there is operational data to really identify what the inefficiencies are and really allow companies to do more with less.
You’ve got all this this information and without the insight it’s virtually impossible to remain competitive but there are problems and challenges. We’ve got things like information silos. It is a lot easier for a department to go off and build its own operational data store with all their information as opposed to participating in a greater data warehouse. You’ve got volume and variety which we’ll talk about on the next page but information and data volumes are just growing at a hyper-growth pace.
Think about business velocity. Things move really move much faster today then they ever have and as time goes on as far as the velocity of business, that will continue to compress more and more and more. There was this great survey done by one of the systems which basically lead to the fact that 59% of managers miss information. There are bits and pieces they can’t get, can’t find or they simply do not exist. One of the biggest things of all was the fact that most people don’t have confidence in the information that they have. The information is missing pieces, it’s inaccurate, it’s out of date—it’s just bad information. 42% of managers use the wrong information. When you look at all of these things combined, sure you’ve got all of this great information but if you can’t take advantage of it, if you can’t put it to work with the power of your information which is really a critical aspect of your operation--it’s as critical as the money you have in the bank--you know you’re going to fall behind the competition.
© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Power Systems
Risk Management
Customer Profitability
Risk Management
Customer Profitability
Let’s go to the next slide. Why are analytics so important? We’ve talked a little bit about the amount of data that’s basically being collected, processed and managed. It’s really astonishing how much information is produced every day. I believe that something like 15 petabytes of data are created every day which really, if you think about it, means 8 times more information that is created every day then is in all the libraries across the entire US.
Sifting through this information and extracting data or insight from this information, transforming this information to actionable knowledge is a difficult thing , and it’s great to have all this information, but without the analytics, without the ability to look at the information and find the gold hiding inside, as for your decision making, you’re pretty much just guessing.
Analytics are really important across all industries for a number of different reasons—across manufacturing, finance, telecommunications, retail. We don’t have government here but it’s really important to government for things like threat, fraud, intelligence and anti-terrorism. Simple things like customer segmentation such as recognizing who your customers are and who your most valuable customers are and maybe even recognizing who your least valuable customers are, the customers you should be spending the least amount of time on. Analytics are really, really important. You’ve got all this great information which is good news but you have to be able to take advantage of it.
© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Power Systems
Improve effectiveness of vendor negotiation
Tailoring of assortments to stores and markets
Cost reductions (advertising and productivity improvements)
Dillard’s implemented a customer and merchandising warehouse for analyzing patterns in its data. The solution provides customer segmentation and market basket analysis. Unlike competitive products, with the No Copy Analytics, the process and results are performed by the warehouse and remain in the warehouse.
Implemented an IBM InfoSphere Warehouse on Power Systems/AIX and currently implementing Cognos for new dashboard development.
Identified opportunities to reduce the cost of mailers through market basket analysis:
performing low-value activities to higher
value analysis of product placement,
performance and customer preferences.
by the business has enabled deeper, more
frequent and efficient analysis to be
IBM Smart Analytics System
A major department store chain in the US with more than 300 stores in 29 states
The Benefits
The Solution
The Challenge
Improve effectiveness of vendor negotiation
Tailoring of assortments to stores and markets
Cost reductions (advertising and productivity improvements)
The Solution
Dillard’s implemented a customer and merchandising warehouse for analyzing patterns in its data. The solution provides customer segmentation and market basket analysis. Unlike competitive products, with the No Copy Analytics, the process and results are performed by the warehouse and remain in the warehouse.
Implemented an IBM InfoSphere Warehouse on Power Systems/AIX and currently implementing Cognos for new dashboard development
The Benefits
Identified opportunities to reduce the cost of mailers through market basket analysis:
performing low-value activities to higher
value analysis of product placement,
performance and customer preferences.
by the business has enabled deeper, more
frequent and efficient analysis to be
We’re going to move on to the next slide. I’m moving kind of fast because we don’t have a lot of time. Let’s talk a little bit about a customer example as far as what people are basically doing with analytics, basically within the warehouse environment.
We’ve all heard of Dillard’s. They’re a major department store based in Little Rock, Arkansas. Like everyone else they’re struggling to survive. The retail market competition is very intense so they’re always basically looking to get the leg up. Like other retailers, they’re trying to identify who their most valuable customers are including the VIP segment so they can mine it in order to make sure they’re extracting maximum wallet share from them.
Dillard's had an assumption from the get go that the vast majority of its VIP customers shopped for shoes, so shoe shoppers were considered their most valuable customer segment. The reason why is all those shoes may have been their primary purchase. They also purchased a lot of other things in addition to shoes which really influenced and lifted a bunch of other sales. Shoe shoppers were considered the most important.
Dillard's basically implemented InfoSphere Warehouse and they used it to analyze patterns in their information itself. They did a bunch of segmentation and market basket analysis. Using the data mining capabilities within InfoSphere Warehouse, it identified customers who primarily purchased shoes weren’t necessarily the most profitable customers. In fact what they discovered was that customers who bought shoes as a secondary purchase and cross shopped the store for other items were much more profitable than the primary shoe buyers. Now, again, that may not mean a lot to us but it means a lot to Dillard's.
This new segment that they identified basically made much larger purchases and responded to discounts and promotions much better than the other VIP segments and they were able to extract a lot more value and money from this particular segment which is really what it’s all about. There are other things that have been used before. Customer relationship and management in this particular marketplace is always a big deal using the analytics and the warehousing to do things like reduce the amount of direct mail that they send out; also increase the effectiveness and the reach of the actual direct mail and promotions that they’re sending to their audience as a whole.
There is more information on the slide and we have a number of our customer success stories that we can share with you guys as far as how warehousing and how analytics can really, really benefit the customers.
improving merchant
analyst productivity
improving buying decisions –
improving its percentage of merchandise selling at full retail price –
improving inventory management –
improving overall productivity –
improving performance on application systems –
building and strengthening customer loyalty –
tailoring assortments to meet buyer preferences –
communicating with the customer more effectively
© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Power Systems
Where Does Warehousing Fit In
On this slide are two POWER Systems on the left of the slide.
In the middle is a stack of what look like canisters with spokes radiating from the upper side. On the lower side are four cubes with arrows pointing to the stack which is the InfoSphere Warehouse. An arrow point from it to 2 cubes.
On the right of the slide are 3 computer monitors (Cognos Bl) with arrows pointing to the InfoSphere Warehouse in the middle.
Let’s move on to the next slide. It’s still Analytics 101 but where does the warehouse actually fit and what does it do? I consider the warehouse to really be the central nervous system of the entire information management of value chain. A warehouse is where people gather and bring information together. It’s kind of an information melting pot. It’s where you bring all of your structured and unstructured data that you extract from all of these different sources where you analyze it, put it under the microscope, do things like uncover, find and draw conclusions and analyze this information for hidden intelligence such as emerging trends, behaviors, patterns and clustered relationships.
Once you’ve done all this you share the information, get it out to all the decision makers across the company, you’re on your sales floors with up-to-date information on customers, your marketing team with new market trends and competitive intelligence and a Customer Service Team with transaction history and caller profiles to really increase their efficiency. Once you’ve shared all the information you basically act and make it happen. You make better sales decisions, better marketing decisions, customer service decisions etc.
There are a number of different technologies that go into the entire information value chain. I’ve got a picture of it here. You’ve got the hardware which would basically be the base where the database technology would reside on top. You’ve got the warehouse where the analytic applications book inside the warehouse and draw all their conclusions. That’s kind of a high level of what the warehouse is and what analytics are.
© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Power Systems
The Pressure is On!
But first IT must overcome:
Integration nightmares that disrupt existing environment
Poorly designed systems that do not scale
Inability to meet service level agreement requirements due to system downtime
Incomplete system components
Difficult to maintain and service systems resulting in performance degradation or forced downtime
But this is not possible if:
Sales cant understand customer needs at point of sale to recognize upsell opportunities based on known behaviors or customer profitability
Operations can’t track purchase patterns throughout the day to allocate inventory or predict staffing requirements
The Call Center can’t understand customer’s most recent activity or accurately predict customer churn
But first IT must overcome:
Integration nightmares that disrupt existing environment
Poorly designed systems that do not scale
Inability to meet service level agreement requirements due to system downtime
Incomplete system components
Difficult to maintain and service systems resulting in performance degradation or forced downtime
To recognize opportunities, and take fast, decisive action!
But this is not possible if:
Sales cant understand customer needs at point of sale to recognize up sell opportunities based on known behaviors or customer profitability
Operations can’t track purchase patterns throughout the day to allocate inventory or predict staffing requirements
The Call Center can’t understand customer’s most recent activity or accurately predict customer churn
Marketing can’t quickly recognize new buying trends or high value customer behavior to target the right promotion or offering for each customer interaction
Let’s go to the next page: Getting the Answers. It’s not Always that Easy. We talked about the fact that information is growing at an incredible pace, that there are problems with the information, there are gaps with the information, people don’t trust the information or can’t find the information.
If you have a warehouse up and running and if you have analytics up and running, you can solve a lot of these problems but as Greg mentioned earlier, building a system from the ground up is a very, very difficult thing to do. Not even building a system from the ground up but having 5 or 6 different vendors or Systems Integrators coming in to build your Information Management System and analytic system from the ground up. It’s also a tremendously daunting, expensive and time consuming problem.
If you’re in the IT department and they come to you and basically say we need a business intelligence system up and running as quickly as possible, you’re going to have a number of things standing in your way. You’ve got integration nightmares, poorly designed systems that don’t scale, and incomplete systems. Your ability to react quickly and really fulfill the analytic demand for the line of business are really, really critical.
If your system doesn’t scale, if your system isn’t forever diligent and ready to adjust based on what the new demands are, you’re going to find yourself waiting forever to get it up, spending lots and lots of time and not getting a lot of sleep or enjoying your job that much. In addition to that, you’re going to have your Sales Organization, Marketing Organization, Services Organization and everybody basically screaming that we need answers. We need answers to make the best decisions. Actually, if you look at what we’re dealing with right now as far as the recession goes, you know the line of business guys and decision guys are under a tremendous amount of pressure to make decisions and to make them very, very quickly. This basically means that if they don’t have the right insight, if they don’t have right information, they’re going to make the wrong decisions. The wrong decision today based on our current economic situation can really mean the end of your business.
© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Power Systems
An integrated, high-performance analytics solution for accelerating delivery of insights for faster, smarter action
Able to adjust and grow based on your company’s ever changing business needs
broad analytic capabilities
powerful warehouse capabilities
set-up services and single point of premium support
Delivering results in days instead of months
Introducing the “IBM Smart Analytics System”
Overcoming The Obstacles To Business Transformation
This slide contains the topics that are covered by the narration written in the transcript of this slide.
Let’s go to slide 13. Here’s where we get to the IBM Smart Analytics System. Basically this is an integrated high performance off-the-shelf system that is pre-configured, pre-tuned and deeply optimized. In short, it is workload optimized. The idea is that this a component-based system which is designed to be incredibly flexible, to be up and running very, very quickly, to be much less expensive over the long term and to fulfill all of the analytic needs that your company really has. Scott mentioned at the beginning of the call that this is something that IBM is firmly putting the company behind.
You’ll notice that it’s branded IBM and that’s for a reason. It is because the Analytic System is really a way to bring the full value of IBM across the hardware, across the database and across the analytic applications to bear in a very fast time-to-value manner and solution for our customers, delivering results in days as opposed to weeks or months.
© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Power Systems
Deeply optimized by IBM experts
Flexible growth to meet changing business needs
Delivering results in days instead of months!
Flexible growth to meet changing business needs
Analytics Software Options
Business Intelligence capabilities
Let’s go to the next chart. What’s in the System? This just gives you an idea of some of the capabilities. We’ve got Analytic software Options like the Business Intelligence software, Dating Mining and Text Analytics and Cubing Services. This would be the analytic capabilities you’ve got inside the InfoSphere Warehouse right now as well as the Cognos BI Business Intelligence.
You’ve got a Powerful Data Warehouse platform which would include InfoSphere Balanced Warehouse as well as the world class POWER series hardware, specifically the 550 and the IBM Storage DS5300. This gives you an idea of what actually comes in the box.
A word of caution: I’m giving you the information here outlining some of the specific features and functionalities that are actually in the box itself. When we go up there and we talk about this, this is an integrated solution and we try not to break it down into its piece parts. There are different options in the way that you can actually sell this but on the whole, I think you really want to talk about the whole system.
© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Power Systems
Capacity Sizing
BI Capability
System Capacity
12 Days
Named Users
This slide has a capacity sizing chart. It shows that BI Capability and System Capacity are going in an upward direction.
This slide contains the topics that are covered by the narration written in the transcript of this slide.
Add capacity & analytic capabilities as requirements evolve
There are three boxes on this slide.
The first says to start right and it has one Analytic System.
The second says to add more capacity and shows where there are two more systems added.
The third box says add new analytic capability. This box has 6 analytic systems.
Let’s go to slide 16. This slide gives you some visual representation of the flexibility and scalability of the system itself. You can start off with one incarnation of the Analytic System. As your user and data capacity increases you can basically add more data and user modules to scale up to whatever that capacity happens to be and you can also add new analytical capability.
Again, currently the analytic capability we have has to do with the business intelligence, the data mining, text analytics and multi-dimensional cubing services. One of the real benefits of this system is that when we look over the course in the long term we plan on adding more and more analytical applications over time. That’s really one of the big value propositions of the system itself because as new analytical capabilities come online, the product itself becomes more of a whole product solution and we have more things to offer our customers. I see a day probably in the near future and I don’t have an exact date, and Greg would probably shriek, but where SPSS would basically become a part of this system as well.
Again, it’s the value of the system today and the promise of the system coming tomorrow.
© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Power Systems
Pre-optimized Business Intelligence Software triples out of the box performance*
* Based on IBM Laboratory Tests. Actual results may vary depending on specific environment and configuration.
IBM Smart Analytics System
This slide has pictures of two web pages with the Smart Analytic System in the middle.
Let’s go to the next slide. This gives you a little more information about the Business Intelligence capability in the first incarnation of the Smart Analytic System yet it’s fully integrated turnkey, it combines the powerful business intelligence capabilities of a Cognos 8 BI and it is really designed to hit the ground running.
Again, it provides things like a single consistent view of your business, has all the integrated reporting, analysis, score-carding, dash boarding, and analytic capabilities. Of course, it’s pre-tuned for optimal performance to deliver rapid ROI. As I said this is the first incarnation with the Cognos 8 BI.
© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Power Systems
AIX #1 in OS/Platform Reliability
The industry’s most complete integrated and optimized analytic solution
Each configuration can be augmented at anytime to meet new requirements by simply adding new analytic capabilities, user capacity or data capacity
Pre-configured Cognos 8 BI can triple out of the box performance
Power Systems hardware family, World record performance -TPC-H 10TB benchmark
Lower initial and 3-year cost,
50% less floor space through superior data compression, server and storage performance
Different generations of hardware, software & storage working together in a single solution
IBM Smart Analytics System
This slide contains the topics that are covered by the narration written in the transcript of this slide.
Let’s go to slide 18. This is an important slide because this is some of the differentiation that the system really offers from an IT perspective. Again, we talked about the flexibility of the system. It can be augmented any time simply by adding new analytic data or user capabilities. This is designed to be done very quickly, very cleanly and very inexpensively.
Speed—it’s preconfigured with Cognos 8 BI and (inaudible). We’ve done some tests where basically you can triple the performance of Cognos 8 BI right out of the box. Of course, it’s got the greatest hardware system on earth, the Power Systems and we’ve got the world record performance – TPC-H benchmarks.
Affordability—it’s a lower initial overall 3-year cost to lower total cost of ownership over the lifetime of the product itself. It requires less floor space.
As far as availability goes; again, we have rolling upgrades really at this time approaching zero downtime which is incredibly important and a comprehensiveness which is one of the things that I don’t think we talk about enough. Really one of the great differentiators that we bring to the marketplace that’s really sustainable is the breadth and depth of the overall technologies stack that we have. Everything from the Power Systems hardware from the warehouse capability to eventually bring to bear all of the assets we have from information server and the data quality and the MDM and of course all of the analytical capabilities such as Cognos and eventually SPSS.
Really IBM has got more depth, more breadth and we can really go out there and say confidently that we have the most comprehensive information management stack in the industry today.
Rolling upgrades to approach zero planned downtime
36 minutes of downtime per server in a 12-months... (source: Yankee Group)
The industry’s most complete integrated and optimized analytic solution End 2 end wh
End to end with cognos support
© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Power Systems
Doesn’t have enterprise class components
Poor on Analytical Functionality
Little traction to date
Poor on Analytical Functionality
Reference configurations only (Dell, Bull, HP)
Limited scalability due to SMP architecture
No Support for H/A
Teradata is primary competitor
Targeting enterprise class customer
Focus on Enterprise Data Warehousing
HP Oracle Database Machine
Does not have the Same Analytics as Oracle RDBMS Options
IBM Smart Analytics System
Focus on Enterprise Data Warehousing
HP Oracle Database Machine
Does not have the Same Analytics as Oracle RDBMS Options
Doesn’t have enterprise class components
Poor on Analytical Functionality
Little traction to date
Poor on Analytical Functionality
Reference configurations only (Dell, Bull, HP)
Limited scalability due to SMP architecture
No Support for H/A
Let’s go to the next slide. This basically touches on some brief competitive analysis. We have extensive analysis on everything from Teradata to Netezza, Microsoft. If we just look at Teradata for example. IBM as compared to Teradata; we really extend the value of the database beyond the server to the analytics. We provide a much simpler appliance, richer capabilities, we have lower total overall cost of ownership then Teradata does over the entire life of the system. With our systems, customers can really leverage their investment across the entire enterprise. They’ve got one skill set for the Operational Data Warehouse that they can basically leverage across everything which applies to industry standards and common operating systems.
This is just really a taste before we get into a deep, dark overview and this could take the life of the entire presentation itself. We’ve got professionals on staff who can basically provide you with all of the information that you need. These are just some of the competitors that you should really be looking for in the marketplace and I believe there is some contact information and places you can go for more competitive data at the end of this presentation.
© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Power Systems
Profitability Analysis
CRM analysis, sales analysis
Are you currently involved in projects for:
Is your:
Information spread all over your enterprise in multiple data marts/warehouses?
Availability of your existing data warehouse not meeting service level agreements?
Existing data warehouse not meeting performance expectations?
Are you assessing:
Netezza or Teradata
Microsoft SQL Server or “Madison”
Data Warehousing
Business Intelligence
Operational Reporting
Profitability Analysis
CRM analysis, sales analysis
Is your:
Information spread all over your enterprise in multiple data marts/warehouses?
Availability of your existing data warehouse not meeting service level agreements?
Existing data warehouse not meeting performance expectations?
Are you assessing:
Netezza or Teradata
Microsoft SQL Server or “Madison”
Let’s go to the next slide. Here are some of the questions we really need to be asking. These are some of the things i think we need to be looking for as far as what a potential deal might look or where we could basically go with the questions we could ask as far as opportunity identification goes.
If you get customers currently involved in things like building a data warehouse, fraud prevention which is trying to reduce losses or threats with regard to fraud or money laundering or things like that, Operational Reporting, Master Data Management; we’ve got a whole list of them on this slide. What it comes down to is if you have customers trying to manage information and trying to extract insight from that information across any one of these projects and probably a number of project we haven’t even got listed here, the point is if they’ve got data and they want to extract data and they need to do it quickly, they also need a system that can grow as fast as their demands grow, then this is definitely somebody who would be interested in this particular type of product and this particular type of solution.
We can ask them things like how quickly their data volume is growing, how many data marts they have across their system, is the information available to everyone who needs it and are they currently struggling with bad information and are making bad decisions as a result of it in all information projects.
If you find that customers are looking at companies like Netezza or Teradata, or MicroStrategy or Business Objects as far as Business Intelligence goes or if they’re talking to any of the Data Warehouse vendors or any of the Analytic Application vendors, it’s likely that this system is something that we can put in and that they can do a lot with it and get a lot of value out of it and you can find quite a bit of opportunity.
If we can go to the next slide. Guys, i know this was quick and we didn’t have a lot of time on this. Again, Doug will point you to all the additional information and you can contact me at any point in time if you have a need for something more in depth. Doug, I'll turn it back over to you.
Thanks Drew. There is tons of information there. That's great. One of the things that is pretty obvious here is that there is a lot to this analytics world. It points out the need again to leverage the Software Group Sellers because they have the trained pillars around this technology area. They live this stuff 24/7. They know how to compete with Teradata and Netezza. They’ve got tons of resources backing them up.
There have been a series of hour-long Webinars on each one of these competitors that we’ll make available to you folks as well if you’re interested in digging deeper into how the Smart Analytics Systems compete with some of these guys. This is the world that they live in. Our mode is identify an opportunity, engaging them and helping them come in and close the deal and take advantage of the incentives we have in place.
Drew mentioned that we probably never want to piece part this solution out to our customers but really approach it as a complete out-of-the-box solution. What I'm going to tell you in the next number of slides are something that you probably never want to use with your customers necessarily but will just give you a feel for what these Smart Analytic Systems are made up of in terms of the components underneath it.
© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Power Systems
1/4 DS5300 + 2x EXP5000
Choose the way that your Analytics Systems is deployed, by building Module By Module as your Business Analytical requirements evolve.
1/4 DS5300 + 2x EXP5000
0 to X Modules
1/4 DS5300 + 2x EXP5000
InfoSphere Warehouse 9.5.2
0 to X Servers
1/4 DS5300 + 1/2x EXP5000 (shared with admin module)
BI Module
1/4 DS5300 + 1/2x EXP5000
(shared with admin module)
Analytical Modules Orderable in standard Modular Building blocks
Capacity Sizing to be done Prior to GA
Modules are Available in 4 or 8 Core options
This is a complex chart as mentioned below. It consists of the headings System Foundation, Warehouse Platform and Analytical Modules which are explained in the narration.
Foundation Module
Single Module
1/4 DS5300 + 2x EXP5000
1/4 DS5300 + 2x EXP5000
1/4 DS5300 + 2x EXP5000
InfoSphere Warehouse 9.5.2
Cognos BL Module
1/4 DS5300 + 1/2x EXP5000 (shared with admin module)
Application Module
1/4 DS5300 + 1/2x EXP5000
(shared with admin module)
Standard Sizes available from 4TB to 200TB
Analytical Modules Orderable in standard Modular Building blocks. Capacity Sizing to be done Prior to GA.
Chart 21 is on Smart Analytics system 7600. You can see that this is somewhat of a complex chart. For any of these different configurations that Drew mentioned, the 6 different pre-configured systems that you can choose from—internally we’re calling them t-shirt sizes—for any of those specific t-shirt sizes, it’s going to be made up of a series of these modules that are based on the Power 550 Express, a certain amount of memory (32GB), a certain amount of disk and really they’re configured in an optimal manner based on the years of best practices that we have learned from in this data and analytics business. That's the other reason we really don’t want anyone altering these standards configurations because they are very well tuned and optimized for this type of workload.
For instance, this foundation or data module, or perhaps a failover module and a management module might consist of the extra small t-shirt—one of each of those. The large t-shirt might add a user module and an additional failover module. We’ve figured all that stuff out already. You just select one of those t-shirt sizes and we put all the parts together.
Then you have the analytical modules which are optional; they’re not a necessity. On the left hand side, those 4 modules you have are like the foundation and you can add the analytical modules on to that. As Drew mentioned we have a business intelligence module, a flex and data mining module as well that you can add on to this. Again, those modules are a combination of software and the Power 550 server with x amount of storage and memory associated with it in a very pre-configured manner.
QuickShip also available for selection, with or without BI Module
This slide has a picture of an e-config support page.
If you move to chart #22, this is some of the stuff that we’ve been doing internally just to give you a feel for how our proposals are going to be done. We are in the process of updating e-configs with our 6 t-shirt sizes as you can see here. You can just go into e-config and they’re can actually be someone from our Proposal Team that Charlie will talk about that will go in a do this. Choose one of these based on customer requirements. Again, we’re trying to maintain a level of standardization with these and not get into a customized world.
Drew mentioned the fast shipping option for our small 3 t-shirts. That’s really that 12-day example. If you order one of the larger 3, you may not get that 12-day shipping or if you go in and tailor one of these smaller configurations, you could also eliminate the ability to get that 12-day fast ship option.
This slide contains the topics that are covered by the narration written in the transcript of this slide.
Early Announcement
September 25th
General Availability
The Letter 112 process is a way to get approval to give the not to exceed (NTE) price of an unannounced product to a customer*
*You will not be able to formally quote the customer through the quoting tools until the product’s e-announce date
Letter 112
October 25
IOD Conference
August 27
Customer Webinar
On this slide there is a picture of the Smart Analytics System, the Letter 112 and a timeline which is covered by the narration written in the transcript of this slide.
The Letter 112 process is a way to get approval to give the not to exceed (NTE) price of an unannounced product to a customer.
You will not be able to formally quote the customer through the quoting tools until the product’s e-announce date.
The next chart is a timeline for you. In July we did what I would call an informational announce through an RSA process and we also had a big event in Hawthorne for Analysts that was very well received. I don’t know if you had an opportunity to view that but we had a 3-customer panel as well who talked about the value of analytics to their business. I think it was actually the fellow from Dillard’s who said we just wish we had the Smart Analytics back when we started this because it would have saved us so much time and money and risk, but July 28th was when we first announced this. What you haven’t seen to date is any pricing. That will come in September. Right now we’re looking at September 8th as an additional announcement from a Software Group that will pull all of the pricing information into this . Between now and the point in time when we will announce pricing, if there are any opportunities it really is brought to the Software Group folks and conducted under a Letter 112, a letter of non-disclosure basically, to build a proposal that includes the price point put out.
Tomorrow we’re doing a customer Webinar, a fairly short information week-sponsored Webinar, and then general availability of the Smart Analytic System is September 25th. I want to point out also the large Software Group DB2 oriented conference, the information on demand conference, that’s done in Las Vegas in October. There is a lot of focus on the IBM Smart Analytics System at that and a number of executives that are participating. There is a one day IO/CEO king of conference to really focus on business value of Smart Analytics. I encourage you to drive your customers to that event if you can.
That is kind of the timeline there. At this point I’m going to turn it over to Charlie Goodman. He’s going to talk about Sales Operation.
Doug, thanks very much. I appreciate that. I’m going to spend a few minutes here discussing how we sell this and some of the sales support that’s in place for this Smart Analytics System. I think as we look at this, what I ask you to do is look at this announcement. I think this is a very, very exciting announcement. This is something that really separates IBM from the pack.
Our value in this space is really the bundle that we’re offering here, this whole solution that we’re tying all the pieces together and coming to the customer with a complete solution. In fact at the beginning of the presentation, Scott and Greg were talking about the value of having this all bundled together. That is really our strength. When we go to our customer, what our customers are telling us the value in this is that IBM is providing a total solution—the hardware, the software to make all the pieces work, the build and deploy services to put all the pieces together and then the ongoing service. Those are just absolutely critical to our customers.
When you look at your Senior Executives at your customers, these guys aren’t really very concerned about what the nuts and bolts are underneath it. They just want it to work. When we look at this solution we have; we have something that is unique in the industry. We’re able to offer that complete hardware, software, services and ongoing support all together with all IBM products. This is very, very unique. This is a tremendous differentiator and a tremendous value add.
As you look at this, we offer a complete solution and our competitors are really coming with a bag of parts. They may come in and say, yes we put all these parts together but they don’t own them or control them. There are different parts that they’ve even snapping together. I think as Greg was talking this morning, as issues happen they have a myriad of different hot lines to call and process of problem determination. What we have here is very unique, so please take advantage of it. Resist the urge to take this apart. As specialists I know you try to optimize on what you know and the value of our individual products but I ask you to look at this from an overall product standpoint, overall bundle standpoint, because that’s the product and that really is a tremendous value we are bringing.
As we go to sell this, it is interesting because we are not selling a product like we have traditionally sold. We’re not selling in our silos, a power box, a storage box or a piece of software. We’re really selling a solution so we have a slightly different approach to selling this. We have to work together as a team to sell this.
© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Power Systems
The new code "SW/SMART" has been approved and created.
The code is not functional at this time, The update is currently scheduled for August 10, however, a rush has been placed to make it functional earlier than that.
Opportunity Identification
Document Customer Requirement
Define Recommended Solution
Compose Preliminary Proposal
Proposal and Order Team (in Brazil ) w/ Deal Hub Support
Present Preliminary Proposal to customer
InfoSphere & GBS
Opportunity Owner
Compose Final Proposal
Proposal and Order Team
w/ Deal Hub Support
** Note : Readily available Preset proposals are only available for pre-determined selected list of countries requested by Sales in the rollout plan (agreed to list maybe a subset of overall plan)
Present Final Proposal to customer
InfoSphere & GBS
Implementation Services
Lab Services
Business Partners
The new code "SW/SMART" has been approved and created.
The code is not functional at this time, The update is currently scheduled for August 10, however, a rush has been placed to make it functional earlier than that.
Opportunity Identification
Opportunity Owner
Document Customer Requirement
Define Recommended Solution
GBS and InfoSphere Solution Architect
Note: The Siebel product category code for the IBM Smart Analytics System is SW/SMART.
Please make sure this is entered into the Siebel record for this opportunity
Compose Preliminary Proposal—Proposal and Order Team (in Brazil) 2/ Deal Hub Support.
Present Preliminary Proposal to customer—InfoSphere & GBS
Compose final Proposal—Proposal and Order Team—w/Deal Hub Support
Present Final Proposal to customer—InfoSphere & GBS
Place and Track Order—Proposal and order team w/Customer Fulfilment Support from ISC (in STG)
Implementation Services—GBS, Lab Services, Business Partners
Note: Readily available Preset proposals are only available for pre-determined selected list of countries requested by Sales in the rollout to list (maybe a subset of overall plan).
If you could jump to chart #25 which starts with IBM’s Smart Analytic System—Who sells and How? I ask you not to get caught up in the details of this. I want to talk about this chart kind of at a high level. The details that are there are for your reference.
When you look at the box that’s circled up on the top left; when we look at the Power Sellers, their role in this process is really to leverage their relationship which they have with so many customers and be able to find opportunities where this solution might fit. You heard about some of the competitors like Netezza and Teradata. You hear these being bumbled around your accounts. You want to make sure you get the Team alerted to this this and brought in.
I believe Greg, or perhaps Drew, was saying that this is a solution-driven sale. The lead on this sale in most cases we believe to be the Software Group InfoSphere Sales Rep. They really have the skill to talk about what the warehouse brings, the value it brings the customer. But we absolutely need the Power and the Storage rep to be partnered very closely with them to make sure they bring the whole value of the IBM Team to the customer.
You’ll also see over in the other box the Solution Architect. We believe we’re going to have to bring the FTSS community very much brought into this discussion and to be aware of the value of the total bundle we’re bringing to the customer. As we look at the Power Seller again, we’re looking at them being primarily helping with the OI and then supporting the InfoSphere Sales Team as we drive through the sale.
You’ll notice the area kind of greyed out down below. As we get into the details of the sale, Greg, Drew and I even think Doug mentioned, the Proposal and Order Team we’ve created. This is a brand new group of people that have been created that are experts at creating proposals and ordering this product. These people are there to help the Sales Teams drive these solutions and help with the administrative data and making sure that all the details are put together to respond to a customer request for proposal and we wanted to help put the orders through to advantage that so we don’t burden the local Sales Team with that.
You can see some of the detailed steps they go through but I think the big picture you want to grab here is that this Proposal and Order Team is there to help you be successful in this and will pick up a lot of the details of getting the configurations and orders done.
© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Power Systems
The Portal is a Lotus Notes application and can be accessed as :
SERVER ADDRESS = d25db02.torolab.ibm.com
Database directory and path = bwcustdb.nsf
Link to the portal : Notes://D25DB02/852575C8006C54E6/
For access issues : Send a note to “WW Proposal & Order Team”
Questions :
Use “Ask a Question” interface at the opportunity level in the new portal
Send a note to “WW Proposal & Order Team”
The Portal is a Lotus Notes application and can be accessed as :
SERVER ADDRESS = d25db02.torolab.ibm.com
Database directory and path = bwcustdb.nsf
Link to the portal : Notes://D25DB02/852575C8006C54E6/
For access issues : Send a note to “WW Proposal & Order Team”
Questions :
Use “Ask a Question” interface at the opportunity level in the new portal
Send a note to “WW Proposal & Order Team”
If we move to chart #26, these are the links to get to the Proposal and Order Team. If you see an opportunity and you’re not sure who to turn to, you can reach out to this Team and they will make sure they get you connected into an InfoSphere Sales Rep and make sure that person connects with you and gets the sales process started. In a couple of charts, you’ll see some additional linkages and names for the Leads for the InfoSphere Sales Team.
Enterprise Class opportunities
Ex: XS configuration consists of 4 Power 550s + IBM Systems Storage
Successful implementations grow and grow and grow
Smart Analytics System shortens the sales cycle
Cognos Optimized for AIX
Leverage SWG CHAMPIONS and Deal Hub for proposals
Sales Resources/Links
Key Dates
July 16
July 23
Enterprise Class opportunities
Ex: XS configuration consists of 4 Power 550s + IBM Systems Storage
Successful implementations grow and grow and grow
Smart Analytics System shortens the sales cycle
Cognos Optimized for AIX
Leverage SWG CHAMPIONS and Deal Hub for proposals
NEW !!
Sales Resources/Links
July 23
STG Contact--WW STG Contacts
Name--Charlie Goodman, Doug Macswan
UKI--Henry Cook, Damon Wilde
Let’s move to slide #27. This summarizes a little bit about the opportunity here in this context and there is some information at the bottom of the slide on Web links and resources. I want to focus on the text at the top left of the chart. I want to point out a couple of things that I think are pretty important to sellers.
The first thing mentioned is Enterprise Class opportunities. I don’t know if you got this from the presentation yet but these tend to be very big, very expensive businesses. Our customers need them. These are things that our customers a re used to spending billions of dollars on, so these are very, very high revenue opportunities. You can see that even the extra small even has 4 processors. When you get up to the higher end systems we’re talking tens of billions of dollars. The customers are driven to do this because of the leverage they need in their business. So these are tremendous revenue opportunities for us.
The second point is that once we’re successful in selling these to our customers, these tend to expand dramatically over time. Our customers will tend to add additional processing capacity and tend to add a tremendous amount of storage capacity to these warehouses as time goes by. This is an absolutely great solution to get installed to your customer because it becomes an annuity for you. These are really an exciting solution for our customers. The value they drive out of our customers is very big.
As we talked about earlier, the bundle that we’re selling, this whole solution packaged together really shortens the sales cycle dramatically. We’ve had products like this in the past that have taken months to deliver this. Now with this new offering, we’re able to deliver this in weeks. We’re able to deliver a much, much faster time to value to our customers. Please take advantage of that when you’re discussing this with your customers. There’s a significant value that our customers derive from that.
As you heard, Cognos has lapped into this. It’s a great way to get Cognos into your customer to provide the value that the product can give. As we mentioned, there is a dedicated sales Team. This is the Proposal And Order Team that’s in place. This Proposal And Order Team will leverage the Software Group. InfoSphere champions are available to help the sales teams and they’ll also leverage the deal hubs to make sure that we get the right pricing all put together for your proposal.
We’ve got a lot of support built around helping you on this and bringing value to you in the sales cycle. In addition Greg mentioned that there’s an incentive that’s put in place. This incentive can provide a lot of reward to the IBM Sellers selling this across the SB Software and the STG Seller communities.
Hey, Charlie, if you don’t mind, it’s Greg and I’d like to interject a point.
On this sales incentive I want to make sure people are well aware of this. This is something that as you’re working these deals, it’s very important that you pre-register them to be eligible for this. Your Sales Managers are being trained and your Leaders. It will have to be identified in the Software Group Challenge database and there is a unique Siebel number-SW/Smart—that you’ll use to identify this. This is very important because it has to be pre-registered in order for you to qualify for this incentive. I want to make sure you’re all aware of that. Thanks Charlie.
Hey Greg, that’s a great point. You certainly don’t want to go through all this hard work and find out that you didn't get the bonus because you didn’t do the paperwork right. That’s a great point. Make sure you do that. Make sure when you’re in Siebel that you put in that great code—SW/Smart– and that certainly helps you register for that. It also makes it a lot easier for us to get resources to you and help you in your sales situation.
Down on the bottom left of this chart, you’ll see Sales Resources and links. Those are hot links to the Web Pages and Wikis that have additional detail on that and they are being constantly being updated and new information is being put out there. There is a wealth of information around this product and certainly the worldwide team is there to help you.
Down on the right side of the chart at the bottom you’ll see contact names. These are the InfoSphere Leaders in each one of the IMPs out there. If you are in an IMP that is not listed here, please let us know and we’ll make sure we get that name to you. These people will help you make sure you get the right resources on an opportunity that you come up with .
© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Power Systems
Start Identifying Opportunities Today, Leverage Qualifying Questions, And Track With Unique Siebel Code: SW/SMART
Learn why it is better to sell IBM Smart Analytics System over custom solution piece parts
Learn how it benefits you the seller
Start Identifying Opportunities Today, Leverage Qualifying Questions, And Track With Unique Siebel Code: SW/SMART
Learn why it is better to sell IBM Smart Analytics System over custom solution piece parts
Learn how it benefits you the seller
Let’s move to chart 28 which is the Top Three Actions. The very first thing is that this is a wonderful opportunity for us. It’s a great opportunity for IBM but it ‘s a great opportunity for ourselves and it’s a great opportunity for our Partners to go our and start identifying opportunities. What I would ask is that you look at your customers and identify where we might be able to go and discuss this solution with the customers. I think it’s very important to look across the breadth of your customers and then within your customers, you’re looking at the line of business and identify areas where we believe we might be able to have this conversation.
Take a look at some of the information that we have on the wiki. We certainly got a great overview today on the call but look at some of the information to get more details around what the value of this product is and the benefit that can come to your customer. When you talk to your customer, you can really enlighten them as to why we’re different from anybody else in this place.
Charles Goodman/Pittsburgh/IBM@IBMUS Sales Executive, NE and LA IOT
Doug Macswan/Waltham/IBM@IBMUS Global Markets, Sales Productivity Leader
STG Marketing/GTM
Doug Mack/Seattle/IBM@IBMUS Offering Manager, BI Power Systems
Krista Morris/Poughkeepsie/IBM@IBMUS Offering Manager, BI Solutions, STG
Catherine W Haddad/Austin/IBM@IBMUS Marketing Strategy & Planning Marketing Manager
Worldwide and Geo Contacts
Daniel Camerini/France/IBM@IBMFR IMT France, Information Infrastructure Leader, STG Sales
MAURIZIO RIZZI/Italy/IBM@IBMIT IMT Italy, Storage Platform, STG Sales
Masami Yoshimatsu/Japan/IBM@IBMJP IOT Japan, Sales Leader, STG Sales
Miao HOU/China/IBM@IBMCN GMT GCG, Director, STG Platform, STG Sales
Nirmal M Puranik/India/IBM@IBMIN GMT India, STG Platform Sales Leader
MoonSeoung Hong/Korea/IBM@IBMKR GMT Korea, STG Platform BUE, STG Sales
Charles Goodman/Pittsburgh/IBM@IBMUS Sales Executive, NE and LA IOT
Doug Macswan/Waltham/IBM@IBMUS Global Markets, Sales Productivity Leader
STG Marketing/GTM
Doug Mack/Seattle/IBM@IBMUS Offering Manager, BI Power Systems
Krista Morris/Poughkeepsie/IBM@IBMUS Offering Manager, BI Solutions, STG
Catherine W Haddad/Austin/IBM@IBMUS Marketing Strategy & Planning Marketing Manager
Worldwide and Geo Contacts
Daniel Camerini/France/IBM@IBMFR IMT France, Information Infrastructure Leader, STG Sales
MAURIZIO RIZZI/Italy/IBM@IBMIT IMT Italy, Storage Platform, STG Sales
Masami Yoshimatsu/Japan/IBM@IBMJP IOT Japan, Sales Leader, STG Sales
Miao HOU/China/IBM@IBMCN GMT GCG, Director, STG Platform, STG Sales
Nirmal M Puranik/India/IBM@IBMIN GMT India, STG Platform Sales Leader
MoonSeoung Hong/Korea/IBM@IBMKR GMT Korea, STG Platform BUE, STG Sales
If we look at the next two charts, there are contacts for both the STG on chart #29.
© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Power Systems
Kirk Boothe/Falls Church/IBM@IBMUS Sales Executive, NE and LA IOT
Richard Hale/Atlanta/IBM@IBMUS WW Analytics Sales Executive
Mark Ritzmann/New York/IBM@IBMUS Sales Executive, SW and AG IOT
Data Warehouse Solutions
Bill Wong/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA Program Director, DW Solutions
Lynn C Jonas/San Francisco/IBM@IBMUS Product Marketing, Smart Analytics System
Jim Lawrie/Markham/IBM@IBMCA Product management, Smart Analytics System
Alan Meyer/Riverside/IBM@IBMUS Senior Marketing Manager, Smart Analytics System
Phil Downey/Australia/IBM@IBMAU Sr. Product Management / Smart Analytics System
Worldwide and Geo Contacts
William J Wiegand/Rolling Meadows/IBM@IBMUS AG, InfoSphere Sales Executive
David Beeston/UK/IBM@IBMUK NE IOT, InfoSphere Sales Executive
Ronny Kerkhofs/Belgium/IBM@IBMBE SW IOT Warehousing Sales Executive
Hideto Mori/Japan/IBM@IBMJP Japan IOT, InfoSphere Sales Manager
Murray Reid/Australia/IBM@IBMAU AP IOT, InfoSphere Sales Executive
Kirk Boothe/Falls Church/IBM@IBMUS Sales Executive, NE and LA IOT
Richard Hale/Atlanta/IBM@IBMUS WW Analytics Sales Executive
Mark Ritzmann/New York/IBM@IBMUS Sales Executive, SW and AG IOT
Data Warehouse Solutions
Bill Wong/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA Program Director, DW Solutions
Lynn C Jonas/San Francisco/IBM@IBMUS Product Marketing, Smart Analytics System
Jim Lawrie/Markham/IBM@IBMCA Product management, Smart Analytics System
Alan Meyer/Riverside/IBM@IBMUS Senior Marketing Manager, Smart Analytics System
Phil Downey/Australia/IBM@IBMAU Sr. Product Management / Smart Analytics System
Worldwide and Geo Contacts
William J Wiegand/Rolling Meadows/IBM@IBMUS AG, InfoSphere Sales Executive
David Beeston/UK/IBM@IBMUK NE IOT, InfoSphere Sales Executive
Ronny Kerkhofs/Belgium/IBM@IBMBE SW IOT Warehousing Sales Executive
Hideto Mori/Japan/IBM@IBMJP Japan IOT, InfoSphere Sales Manager
Murray Reid/Australia/IBM@IBMAU AP IOT, InfoSphere Sales Executive
On chart #30, there are contacts for the InfoSphere Team, both worldwide and at the IMT level. Please reach out to any of us. We’d be delighted to help you get the right resources engaged in your opportunities.
© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Power Systems
What I’d like to do now is turn it back to the moderator and see if we can open the floor for questions. We have another 10 minutes so if we could open that up for questions, I would appreciate that.
Let me just wrap up and thank everybody for joining. Obviously this is an area where we’re doing some new things in IBM in terms of really building some end-to-end solutions consisting of multiple brands packaged together and put an entire sales process around it to help you sell with some of the right incentives and you’ll be hearing more about that information over the next couple of weeks.
Stay tined for pricing information coming up in September and again we’d encourage you to drive your customers to the Information On Demand event in Las Vegas on October 25th. I probably didn’t have the one chart here that had the link to wikis and sales kits and sales play dashboards and such. If you have the power points and put it in show mode, you can click on those links there and it will take you directly to that wealth of information that has brochures, solution briefs, presentation material and other things that you might find useful.
The only system offering broad analytic capabilities, a powerful warehouse foundation, all required software and hardware components, service and support from one vendor
Nether Teradata or Netezza have native analytics capabilities, only warehouse. They have to rely on third-parties for analytic capabilities, forcing their customers to deal with different delivery dates and support coverage
Oracle doesn’t deliver equivalent functionality in a pre-packaged faction
The only system offering broad analytic capabilities, a powerful warehouse foundation, all required software and hardware components, service and support from one vendor
Nether Teradata or Netezza have native analytics capabilities, only warehouse. They have to rely on third-parties for analytic capabilities, forcing their customers to deal with different delivery dates and support coverage
Oracle doesn’t deliver equivalent functionality in a pre-packaged faction
© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Power Systems
Faster to Run and Always Up
36 minutes of downtime per server in a 12-month period makes AIX the most reliable distribute platform in the market (source: Yankee Group).
Designed to minimize planned downtime
98% hot-firmware upgradeability allows maintenance to be performed while the system is running, further reducing planned downtime.
Upcoming HADR enhancements for InfoSphere Warehouse allows to perform rolling upgrades of warehouse software
Approaching Zero Downtime:
Build on the most reliable distribute platform in the market
World Record Performance!
Build on the most reliable distribute platform in the market
36 minutes of downtime per server in a 12-month period makes AIX the most reliable distribute platform in the market (source: Yankee Group).
Designed to minimize planned downtime
98% hot-firmware upgradeability allows maintenance to be performed while the system is running, further reducing planned downtime.
Upcoming HADR enhancements for InfoSphere Warehouse allows to perform rolling upgrades of warehouse software
On the right of this slide is a chart comparing IBM, HP/Oracle 10G and Sun/Oracle 10g.
IBM is showing the greatest growth of QphH at 343,551 with Sun/Oracle having the least at 108,099.
© 2009 IBM Corporation
IBM Power Systems
Built on the most reliable distributed platform in the market
36 minutes of downtime per server in a 12-month period makes AIX the most reliable distribute platform in the market (source: Yankee Group).
Designed to minimize planned downtime
Upcoming HADR enhancements for InfoSphere Warehouse allow to perform rolling upgrades of warehouse software
98% hot-firmware upgradability allows maintenance to be performed while the system is running, further reducing planned downtime.
High Availability
Built on the most reliable distributed platform in the market
36 minutes of downtime per server in a 12-month period makes AIX the most reliable distribute platform in the market (source: Yankee Group).
Designed to minimize planned downtime
Upcoming HADR enhancements for InfoSphere Warehouse allow to perform rolling upgrades of warehouse software
98% hot-firmware upgradability allows maintenance to be performed while the system is running, further reducing planne

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