
19 Ways to Get More Customers Online

brought to you by NerdyGirl Writers

In today’s world of reaching the world without having to leave your living room, engaging

potential customers is crucial to a business.

We live in a new world where everything can be bought and sold from the comfort of our homes, so having a STRONG ONLINE PRESENCE is a MUST.

To build a successful business you need extend your brand identity and marketing

strategy into the digital world.

Here are 19 PROVEN ways to help you build a solid reputation and

presence online, which gets YOU more customers.

Your Website

1. Build an Effective Website:

● Is your website easy to navigate?

● How hard is it to find crucial information?

● Do you have a clear call-to-action?

2. Create a Company Blog:

● SEO: Higher chances of getting onto the first page of search engines

● Customer Outreach: Solving problems for potential customers

● Customer Retention & Referrals: Draw your existing customer base back to you by publishing useful content

● Reputation: Establishes YOUR authority in YOUR industry

3. Nurture (and Grow) Your Email List:

● Create engaging and personalized messages that draw customers BACK to you.

● Make the reader feel special & cared for

4. Create a Sales Funnel:

● Create a special piece of exclusive content and offer it for free in exchange for an email address

● Prove that you are worthy of a potential client's attention

Getting Social

5. Establish Effective Presence on Social Media:

● Curate engaging content

● Engage with your customers

6. Do Some Social Listening:

● Know when people are talking about you

● Know when conversations relevant to your industry are happening on Social Media and participate in them.

7. Don’t Forget Pinterest:

● Does each one of your blog posts feature at least one Pinterest friendly image?

● Did you install that Pin It button for easier sharing?

8. Use LinkedIn as a Source for New Leads:

● Join relevant LinkedIn groups and participate in conversations

Cultivate Relationships

9. Make Friends With Influencers:

● Comment regularly on THEIR posts

● Share THEIR content

● Engage with THEM on Social Media

10. Publish Expert Roundups:

● Use other’s authority to your advantage

● Establish your authority in the field by connecting

11. Feature Others’ Content:

● Tag them on Social Media when you share their content

● Add your own personal endorsement of the content

● Be generous, be different, and be memorable

12. Don’t Forget Your Existing Network:

● Provide them with useful tips & other quality content

● Reach out & say HI from time to time

Other Ways To Promote

13. Create & Publish Helpful/Entertaining Videos:

● You can use your phone or computer’s built in camera to capture videos

● Videos are an excellent way to boost SEO

14. Try Podcasting:

● Connect with influencers by interviewing them or featuring them

● Check out to see how easy it is to get started

15. Promote Your Blog Using Syndication Services:

Try out the following services:

● Outbrain● Zemanta

● SimpleReach

16. Create Infographics:

● Infographics make it easier to process large amounts of data in a visually appealing way

● These are also shared a lot on Pinterest & other Social Media

Advertise With Paid Ads

17. Advertise on Social Networks:

● Almost every platform offers a paid advertising plan

● Paying for ad space circumvents the evolving Social Media algorithms

18. Experiment With AdWords:

● Use Google’s unique method to get in front of potential customers

● Google provides businesses the option to pay for clicks which which means you only pay when someone clicks on your ad

And Most Importantly...


19. Be Human:

● Create a spirit of HONESTY

● Everything you publish online has to be consistent

● Use a headshot as a profile photo rather than a logo– because people like working with people they feel like they know, not

faceless corporations

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