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qqh{q, q{ q* sffig cHnqflq-zT


qqlE: 5-l1i 2002(lNVl'257st4,

ei. €ldd .iqitcrqT,

3Tlr. fiisrq,qqf+tq, qr C.j qfeTg cffir qarqq,

iktt qqi q "r+q,qlr q-r rte, e.rf iq,

q{ f{*Tt liooo3

fu$q: Manufacture of technical pesticides andDistrict Thane, Maharashha by M/s SCChemical lndia Pvt. Ltd.) reg.

Ti*f : Ministry's leuer no. J-1 I011/711200tJA.II dated 14.6.2002.


d'rrdc + 3c+frd qElrfil q*iqi * €scf i e+n cffif,n EI qqiflrirq EHq i3rjqid (d Flq 3{5+6 {fdf * erym qd certification of compliance qjt erl4qnT qid+{{

(liF€fu R.fJ) qiq sRr €ir,'q +q ifua t I ergalwr qffifi ri;rcq q1 aq€r5c q{ fi3rq€r-s 41 q .fr t I


{qrq: BciqdE{R

1. ei. ,ri. "fr. rFrt, i{t{r6, cqtd{ur, qr \I.i ldqq .{FEdr' {'ldc, fF{{:I wf{{rrt14q, q1q qTrr +s, 3rdtiq, d f{<t1 - i 1oo03 4i ern qscrrf qq eTr+.*+{+r4crfi tr( r

2. ShIi V. S. Raju, Plant Manager. M/s Srunitomo Chenrical India p\,1. Ltci.. T_ll71118/l l:l/251. MIDC, Tarapur, Boisar, Thane ,l0l 506 lor infbrmation.

/-t-5.--vf(*r+ 1qq1


SPEfD POSI'd+a arqtdq, qftT q

'i7.Regional Office, Western Region,"ri,*q qqfuq

"rqt""Kgnd va Parvavaran Bhavan"f-q # -i0 3,/Link Road No l

E-5, ft{iq{ rrr/Ravi Shankar Nagar,lr,rTd (q0s0)/Bhopal-462016 (M.p.)

Telefax: 0755-2465054F-mail: _ajay.mehlotral i argor.in

TelFF: tzl 5.2015

intermediates at the existing unit in MIDC. Tarapur.,

Enviro Agroc India P\4_ Ltd. (now M/s Sunitono

^<-\( <t:.'_1(---lrtrr4 (Sq)




Monitoring tIe lmplementation of Environmental SafeguardsMinistry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change

Western Region, Regional Office, BhopalMONITORING REPORT


Project type: River- valley/ Mining/ lndustly/Thermal/ Nuclear,lOther ( soecill )


2. Nane ofthe project Manufacturc of tcchnical pesticidcs andintennediales at the existing Lrnit in MIDC,Tarapur, Dist. Thane by M/s SC Enviro AgrocIndia Prt. Ltd. (now M/s Sumitono ChemicalIndia Pvt. Ltd.)

Cl<aran!e letter (s)/OM No. & date J-l l0l 1/7112001-lA.ll dated 14.6.20021. Location:

a) District (s)b) State (s)c) Location l,atitude/Longitude


Maharashlra18142' 2oo2o' N / 72!45'- 73045' E

5 Address 1'or correspondencea) Address of the Concemed Proiect Chief

Ingineer'(with Pil1 Code & telephone/telex/ l'ax numbers)

b) Address of llxecutive Project Engineer/N4anager (u.ith Pin Code/fax nunbcrs)

'fhe l)ircctor-M/s Sumitorno Chcmical lndia Pvt. Ltd.,Mori Mahal, 71r' Floor, 195, J. Tata Road,Churchgate, \4umbai 400 020The Ceneral Nlanager (NIfg),V ) Sul.rro no ( he nr.. l lrrdir Pr r Lt.l..l-lli lJ- 118 25l.N4lDt.lur.rprr. B"i. rr

Ph.02525 272888/2728896 Salient f'e"hrres

a) Of the projeclb) Of the EMP

EIA/EMP has beei submitted to the Ministry anddetails ucrc includcd in rhe earlrer monrturirrgreports.

'7. Breaklp oflhe project areaa) Submergence area: tbrest & non-Foreslb) Others

18196 sq.m.

8. Breakup of the projecl alfected popLrletionwith eruneration ol those losiighouses/dwelling units only agricultural landonl1, both duelling units & ag cultural land& iandless Iaborers/artisansla) SC, ST/Adivasib) Others(Please indicate whether-these figures are

bascd on any scicntific and systematic suneycarr-ied out or only pr-ovisional figures. if asurvey is calried out give details & year ofsurvev)


9. Financiai detailsra) Proiect cost as originally planned and

sLrbsequent re!ised estinlates and the yealof price reference

br \lloc:rri.rn rn '.lc l,,r I ]\ll \ rth item wi e

Rs.5.2B Cr.

Delails noT Dr'o\,ided

N4NR & Certification olSuDrllomo Chcnic,rl l dia Pvl. Lld.. Thane dld.1.2.2015

and year $ise break-upc) BC ratjo/JRR and th,- year ofassessmentd) Whether (c) includes the cosl of EMP as

shoun in the abovee) Aotual expenditure incured on project so

far1) Actual expendilure incuned on EMP so 1ar

Details not provided

Rs. 5.80 Lakhs incuned on monthly basis on O&Mof ETP, monitoring of air & \\'ater quality.hazardous wasto disposal chargcs & grccn bcltdeveloDment and its rnaintenance

10. Forest land requiremellta) lhe status of approval fo| diversion of

forest land for non forestry use

b) The status ofclearing felling.c) I hc status of CA, if an-v

d) Comments on the viability &sustainability of CA progranr in the lightofactunl field experience so 1'ar


1l l he status of clcar fclling in non-forest areasrruclt .rs 5ubln(ri(rtc( aret ur re5er\ L'ir.approach l{oads.). if any with quantitatjveinformation required.


12 Status ofconstruction (Actual &/or planned)a) Date ofcommencementb) Date olcompletion


I l. Rer..r.r" lor delrr ii tlre pr.ri<. t i5 \cr ru sl:rn NAl-1. Datos of site Yisits

:r) 1he dates on which project was monitoredb_v the RO on previous occasions, ifany

b) Datc ofsite visits 1br this nonitoriig report


4 2 201515. Dctails ol conespondence \\'ith PA for

obtaining act on pl.xrs/information on status ofcompliance to saf'eguards other than theroutine Lellers 1'or logistic suppofi for sitevisits. (The first monitoriig repofl maycontain the details of all the letters issued solar, but thc later rcports may cover only theleiler issued subsequently)

Date Letter from R.O. Datc Reolr from P.A.6.i.08 CornpLiance repod sub.

)7.1.09 Cornoliancc reDon a5 Dcr LC sLrb

5.i.0() Compli:lnce rep"ri d: per | ( crb.

28.7.09 Compliance report as per EC sub.-.f t l0{_nmpli3.1(qlqfntLil,per lr .Lb.

27.7.l0 Comp alltlc lepurl .ls oer EC sub

12.2.I I ComD iancc rcporl as per [C sub

21.7.11 Comp iance repoft as per EC sub

12.1.12 ComD iance repofl aS per EC subl4 2 l2 Si\ monrhlv colnnlience r'e i0 7 12 ComD iaDce repo as per EC sLrb

MNR & CertiUcation ofSumilomo Chemical lndia P\1. Ltd.. Thane dld 4.2.2015

29.1.14 Six monthly compliance, data sheet &analysis repot sub.

15.2. l4 Compliance certifi catjon req.

21.3.14 CTE/CTO, ElAillMP, show cause notices/closures. details of court cases, Form-V,expenditurc incurred on EMP, status oluploading. dala shect, chronology ofevents. TOR, monitoring schedule req.

29.5.1,1 Req. information sub.

6.0.l4 Sott copr of El { sub.

20.1.15 Six monthly compliance. data shect &analysis repoft sub. & compli,urcecefiifi cation agirin req.

27.2.15 Information sought sub. aller the visjt25.3.15 Inlbnnation sought srLb. aiiel the visit

\'l\Il I .errfi\. io I J \.Li'Jno.l er,ic:rl ln,i; P'I l rd., . hane dld 4.''nl <


O.M. No. : J -ll07l /7 1 /2001-lA.ll dated I 4.6.2002

Complied. The gascous enlissions and suspendedpafiiculate ma11er lrom Yarious process units.boilers & DG sets havc bccn monitored weekly bythird party and analysis repoft of thc sanrc, as

submitted, do not show anomaly.

Complied. Company has set up the three locationsfbr AAQ monitoring on the bdsis ol- rnicronrcLeorologicrl c,.r Jir'un.. wcckl\ tutr.),is repo-1.shorv all the paranelers uithin prcscribed norms.

As reflected in the EMP. thc plocess eflluentand utilitics should be adequdtel,y treated tomeel the norms plesclibed lbr CETP andshould be regularly monitor-ed prior todisposal into the CE fP at'l'arapur.

Partly Complicd. The process clfluent and \\'asteu'ater from various utilities was being treatcd inETP having capacity 300 KLD to meet rhe inlctnorms of CETP. Weekly sarnples ol pr-ocess

efflucnt were collected and analyzed lbr theparaneters stipulated by the Ml,CB. AnalysisIeports do nol sho\\' an) anomal!. Howcvcr.bioassay tcst reports \\'ere not sllbmitted and PAwas directed to do so. I hc yearly consumption oluatcr u'as 22i79 n' and about 7i02 rn' elllrrent\.vas pencrated durino 2012- l 3

Complied. '[otal waste generated lvas beingdisposed at CHWSTDIi site de\,eloped by N,I/s

Munbai Waste N{anagement l-td. About 2,1.88MT *'aste q,as generated du ng 2012,11 u'hichwas within lhe limits

SPIICIFIC CONDITIONS:Thc gaseous eorissions (SO2. NOx) and.r..pendcJ prrlic,rl-rc mrttrr'. frorr rariou"

process units should conform to the standardsprescribed b] 1he concemed authorities fromtime to tine. At no 1ime. lhe emission levclshould go beyond the stipulated standards. Inthe event of failute to pollutio11 controlsystei(s) adopted by the unit. the respectiveunit should not be restarted until the controlmeasules aLe reclilied lo achieve the desired

everv thlce months.

A minimurr of threc AAQ noDitoring. lrl- r\ \.1oL.ld he ,et ul hr e.l nn tltc rr.icronreteorological conditions as well as whcrernaximurr ground lcvel concenlntion ofSPN4, SO?, NOx alc anticipated inconsultation \^/ith the SPCB. l'he datar-ecorded should be submitted to the llo atBhopal every six nronths and to the SPCB

Thc hazardous solid waste (E)'P sludge)should be incinerated. As per the comlllitmentgiven in Lhe ENIP the incinelator ash shoL dbe disposed off in the common securedlardfill site approvcd by the SPCB dt MIDC.Ialoja being developcd by M/s MumbaiWastc Mallagenent Ltd. The secured la[dlillsite should be plovided with irrpermcableHDPE linins and Icachrte colleclion frcili

5. The conpany shall monitor and maintain thec)anide concentration in all the batchesbefore disoatchins the efflLrcnt to the CFTP in monitorcd resular'lv- Anal\sis rcDorls ha!e heef

Complied. Cyanide conccntmtion in all rhebatchcs as well in effiucnt outlet was beirlg

MNR & Ccdification otSufritolrro Chemical lrdia Pvl. l.td.. Thane drd 4.1.2015

addition to the existing checks. Sensors fordetecting CN leakage should be provided atstrateqic locations at the work place.

subnritted which do not show any anomaly. PAhas submitted that sensors for detection of cvanideleal<ase have been nrovided.

6. Thc cyclonic scrubbel design should be

Drodified to facilitate the proper flue gas llorv.o rlrar Jcsired selarclion efficicrc\ is

achieved. Company must take up this matterwith the sLLppliers and modify the same.

Incinerator enissions should be regularlymonitored-

Complied. The cyclonic scrubber design has been

modified for dcriving by-produots liom wastegases.

7. Compan) should lbllow a well-plannedcnvironmental monitoring progmmme tomonitor the release ol obnoxious vapours,'lugitive emissions and housekeeping oI renlant.

Complied. An environnent rnonitoring plar was

submitted which \\'as lrcing follo*ed.

8. 'lhe company should have in place nolsernitigation measMes like noise levelmonito nq. use ofnoise protcction plugs etc.

Complicd. A noise mitigatioll measure has beenimplemcr tcd rriLhin plant. Noi'c nrorri orin; u:.beiDs carried at varjous Iocations within plant.

9. 'lhc IrP shall also comply with allenvironmental proteclion measuressafeguards reconrmended in the EIA andanalysis reDorts.


Complied. Unit has already prorided saletyequipments to all the l!,orke].s as reconmended inEIA,

B. GENERAI, CONDITIONS:l'he PA must stlictly adhere to the stipulatiollsrnade bv the MPCB and the State Govt.

Complicd. PA has obtailed CTO vide letter no.BO/AS (1)/EIC no. TN-3173-1o/tuCc-1198 dated13.6.2013 rvhich valid uoto 31.8.2016.

) No hrrthcr cxpansion or nrodifications in the

flJn . r,, r,l hc ,:rried ort '\irLcur pf:orirpproval ol the MoEF.

Agrccd to Comply. PA has sLrbmitted lhat thecondition is "Noted" and asslrred to abide b! thecondition.

ln case of deviations or alleralions in theproject p|oposal lion] those subnlitted to this\linisr\ l;r il.:rr'-n.e. r fre'lr relererccshould be rrade to the Ministly to assess theadequacy of condilions imposed and to add

additional environmental prolection measr.resrcquircd, ifany.

,A.gr€ed to Compl). I,A has subrnittcd that thccondition is "Noted" and assured to abide b! thccondition.

1. The PA must strictly comply with the rules andregulations urder N4SIHC Rules. l9B9 as

arnended on 3d October, 1994. Prior approvalslrom Chief Inspcctorate of Factorics, ChicfController ofExplosives. etc. mLrst be obtained.

Partly Complied. All relevant approlals halealready been obtained which a1c as bcio\\':. Chiel Inspectordte ()1' Factories (Rel no.

2(M)(i)'21119 Vasai. Chiel Conlroller ()1' Explosives (ReL no.

P/HQ/MH/15/203 r (P7322)The statrLs ol solvent stor-age area is shorvn inPhoto 1 Copy olonsite ernergency plar and mockdrill rcnofts \rerc not submitted.

). The PA mlrst strictl] conrply with the rulcsrnd regLrlalions with regiird 10 the handlingrrrJ Ji.pu..-rl .'l \-u.-rrJou. ur r(c ilaccordance \rith the HWMH Rules. 2000.Authorization liom thc SP(lB nlust he

Complied. PA has obtained CIO Vidc lctter no.

1.0/BO/AS(TyTN-5 I 63- 14,/CC Cellir\/CC-9108dated i0.9.2014 valid up 10 31.8.2016. Details ofhazardous u'aste have been submitted. Liquid\r'aste \r'as stored in barrels at designated area

MNR & Certification ofSumilorno Chemical lndia l'vt. l-td..'l'hane dld4.2.2015

obtained for collectioMreatment/storage/disposal of hazardous vuastes.

(Photo 2), With regard to ETP sludge, it $'asstored near the ETP before its disposal to TSDF.

6. Occupational health srLrveillance programshould be undertaken as regular exercise forali the ernployees. specially lbr those engagedin handling hazardous substaulces.

Complied. Occrpational health surveillanceprcgr.un l\'as being conducted on quarterly basisand records for all the omployees as pcr theFacbries Act and lecords were maintrined

7.-l-he ovclall noise levels in and around theplant area should be kept rvell uithin the.tandrud: 185 dBnl bi pror iding noi.econtrol measurcs including acoustic hoods,silencers- enclosures etc. on all sources ofnoise geremtiol]. The,urbient noise levelsshould conform to the standards prescibedunder EPA Rules, 1989 viz. 75 dBA (da,v

time) and 70 dBA (nisht time).

Complicd. Noise lelels irl and around lhe plarrarea (11 stations) u,as being monitored at va|iouslocations lvithin plant. Analysis rcporls do notshow any anomaly.

8. The PP should have a scheme for socialupliftnent i11 the nearby village withreference to contribution in road conslruction.education of childrcn, festivals, health centre.sanitation lacilities, drinking u,ater supply,comnlLlnity awarcness & enploymenl to localpeople whenever possiblc both for technjcaland non technical iobs.

Partly Complied. Since the industry is located inthe industrial a1ea, PA has donated Rs. 5600 lromJuly - Decenber 2014 towards social festival inthe area. Although PA has claimed during carlierinspection that social up-liliment is yet to beprepared but no such plan u'as prepared so iir.

L (lrcen belt of adequate \\'idth and densityshould be provided to mitigate the efl'ects offugitive emission all around the plant. Aninimum of 2570 of the total land acquiredshould bc dereloped as green belt inconsultation with the locai DFO.

Complied. About 4500 sqm arer has been hn)Lrghlunder green bclt (Phot'os 3 - 4). PA was direoledlo mise plantation in thc vacant place availi'rblewlthin the premises.

t0 'lhe PA will set up separale EMC lbrelLctive implementation of all the abovestillulations under control ofSr. Executive.

Complied. EMC is headed by plant nandger whois assisled by co-coordinator and ETP operatoN.

11 The PA r.vill pr-ovide adequate funds bothr-ecurring and non-recurring to implement theconditions stipulated by the MOEF as well asthe State Govt. along with the implementationschedule lor all the conditiols stipulatedhelein. The l'unds so provided should not be

diverted for any other DurDoses.

Complied. Rs. 5.80 Lalds have becn incurred onmonlhly basis on O&M of ETP, monitoring oI air& $'ater quality, hazardous waste disposal charges& green belt development al1d its maintenance.

t) 'lhc RO of this Ministry at Bhopal/CPCB/SPCB will rnonitor thc stipulated conditions.A six monthly compliancc status repofi andthe nonitored data along \\,ith statisticalinterpretalion should be submitted to themregularlv.

Complied. A six monthly complianoe stalus alongwith analytical data have bccn subnitted regularly.

t:l The PP should advertise in at least tuo local.rc\\jpaper: \ :del) circLhled in the regi.'naround the ploject. one of \.vhich shall be inthe lemacular language of the localityconcelned informing that the proiect has been

Complicd. PA has been advefiised in two localnewspapers Damely "Free Press" and "Sakal" on18.6.2002 i.e. within stipulated period of sevendays.

MNR & CertificatioD ofSunrit(nno Chemical lndia Pvt. Ltd.. Tfiane dtd 4.2.2015

accordecl EC b,v the Ministry' and copies ofthe olearance leller are available $ith theSPcB/Committee and ma,v also be seen atrrcb.irc o. rlrc \4OFl l hrtl: enr lor.nic.in.'l'hc advcrtisement shoLrld be made withinseven dals liom the date of issue of theclearance letler and a copy ofthe same shouldbc forwarded to the Ministry's RO at Bhopal.

t1 The PA should iil'onn the RO as well as thoMinistry the date offinancial closure and finnlapproval of the project by thc concernedauthoritics and the date of starl of landdevelopment work.

Partly Complied. lhe date of final approval ofthe project was 1,1.4.2002 but details of financialclosure \\'ere not submitted-

15 The Minislry nay revoke or suspendclearance. if implementation of any ofabove conditions is not satisf'actorv.


Agreed to Comply. PA bas submitted that thccondition is 'Noted" and assured to abide bv thecondition.

16. The Miristry leserves the right to slipulateadditional conditions if lbund ncccssarl. fhccorrpany in a time bound manner *illinlDlement these conditions.

Agrecd to Comply. PA has submitted tl'rat

conclition is "Notcd" and assurcd to abidc br.cond ition


17. 'l_hc abovc conditions r'vill be enforced, inter-alia under the provisions of the Water (P &CP) Act, 1974, the Air (P & CP) Act, 1981,

the EP Act, 1986 and the PIL Act, 1991 alongu'ith their anrendrrents and rules.

Partly Complied. lt is infcrred from thc abovethat PA has obtained CTO rvhich is valicl up kr31.8.2016. The prodLrction was lbund \\,ilhin lhelimils from 2011-14 as per lhe details sLrbmitted.

The quantity of generation of effluent andhazardous u'aste found u'ithin the limits. 'lhc

monitoring of air and $'ater quality was i'oundsatisfactory. It rvas observed during the visit that.in old incinerrlor u-. not put into opercLiorr(Photos 5 6) for rvhich PA was dircctcd todisrnantle for safety reasons. New incinerator wasinstalled and \'vas lbund in operation (Photos 7 -8). Moieover, bioassay test repofls were rotsubmitted and PA rvas dircctcd to do so. Cop)'ofonsite emergencl plan ancl mock drill rcports \&crc

not sublnitted. Cop) ol' the PLI was also notsubrnitted.


1. Chronology of events: PA has submitted that TOR application uas submitted to MOEF vide letter dated20.1.2011 & proposed TOR q'as considered on 30-31.5.2011. Subsequently TOR rvas issrLed vide ielterdatcd I5.7.201 L Thc prcscntation made before the EAC again on 12.6.2012 and EAC sub-committce had

visited the site on 7.5.2013. PA has requested Regional Ollice ofthe Ministry fbr issuance ofceftillcationvide lelters dated 15.2.2014 & 20.1.2015. The Regional Olfice requested lor inlbrnation w.r.t- issuance olcertjication vide lefter dated 21.3.2014. Requested intbnnation was subnitted vide letter dated 29.5.2014.'l'hc dcsircd information u'as submitted after the visit vide letters dated 27-2.2015 & 25.1-20I5.

2. lmplementation of Condilions: It is inf'erred liom the above that PA has obtained CTO u.hich is valid upto 31.8.2016. The produclion was lbLrnd within the limits fion 2011-14 as per the details submitted. Thequantity of generation ol elllLrenl and hazardous $aste found rvithin the limits. The monitolilg of air and

MNR & Certificatior olSunril('no Chcmical Indla P\4. Lkl.. Thane dtd 4.2.2015




uJater quality $as lbund satisfactoly. It u,as observed during the visit that an old incincrator \\'as not putinlo opention (Photos 5 - 6) for which PA $as directed to dismartle for safcty reasons. New incineratorwas installed and \\'as lound in operation (Photos 7 - 8). Moreover, bioassay test reports \\'erc not

submitted and P-A Nas directed to do so. Copy of onsite emergency plan and mock drill repofts were notsubmjtted. Copl ofthc PLI was also not submitted.Housekeeping: It was found satisfactory.Revierv w.r.f to MOEFS letter dated 30.5.2012: The above mentioned report was prepared aller site visitfbr the proposed expansion and implernentation ofstipulation was revierved as on 4.2.2015.Court Cases: PA has submitted that there is no couft case against them.Uploading of compliance on lreb sitc: It was submitted that PA docs not have rvebsite and henceLrploading \ras nol car ed ou1. Ministry may likc to tako up \\'ith PA during appraisal.With rcgards to issualcc of slrorv cause/closure notices: PA has submitted the lirllowing delijilsregarding shou,causc,lclosurc notices $hich ale issued over last three years:


Sholy causenoticc No.& ddt€


Reason Action tnkenby indust'ry

Final action bysPcu

IVIPCB/AST/ ts-cDi r.]-

4625 dated


33A ofWater (P &CP) Act.1974 andllA of Air(P & CP),Act, 1981

Closure rrolice issr.Led lor lbllowing:. Dircct daining of f,lter backwash

into finai outlet leading to CETP.. By passing arnngenent for

discharge of ellluent directly to finaltreated tank.

. Biodssdy test was not conducted.

. Non disposal of hazardous wastewithin stipulated time.

. No flow meter al final emuentdischarse.


Revoke orderwas issued videletter datedl.ll.20li afterconsidering thereply, personalhearing and visitof boardolficials.

N,INR & CcrLificalion ol Sun1ilolro Chenical India P\1. Ltd.. Thane drd 4.2.2015

Photo 1: Showing view ofsolvent st'oragc area Pholo 2: Showin oIHW in the carmarkcd aret

Photos 3 - 5: Sho*ing view ofgreen bclt

Photos 7 8: Showing view ofnew incinerator

\4NR & Ceftification ofsumilomo Clremical todia Pvr' Lld. Thane dtd 4-2 2015

top related