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DATED 2-8-2010






(EXTENT : 667.39 ACRES)



Submitted by:


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Form-1 for Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. 1

APPENDIX I(See Paragraph – 6)


(I) Basic Information

1 Name of the Project/s Proposed 1.9 MTPA Integrated Steel Plant atJharbandh, Galpada and Tarakabeda

2 S. No. in the Schedule 1(d), 2(a), 2(b), 3(a) and 4(b)

3 Proposed capacity/ area/ length/tonnage to be handled/ commandarea/ lease area/ number of wellsto be drilled

Production facility Phase IMTPA

Phase II(MTPA)


Beneficiation plant 2.1 2.1 4.2

Pelletization Plant 1.2 1.2 2.4

Sponge Iron Plant 0.75(5x500 TPD)

0.75(5x500 TPD)


Sinter plant 0.325(1x42 m2)

0.325(1x42 m2)


Blast Furnace 0.30(1x350 m3)

0.30(1x350 m3)


Steel Melt shop 0.95 0.95 1.90

Induction furnace 0.576(9x20 T)

0.576(9x20 T)


Ladle RefiningFurnace for IF

0.576(1x40 T)

0.576(1x40 T)


Electric Arc Furnace 0.448(1x70 T)

0.448(1x70 T)


Ladle RefiningFurnace for EAF

0.448(1x70 T)

0.448(1x70 T)


Billet caster,Blooms, slab caster

0.95(6/11 mradius)

0.95(6/11 mradius)


Flats, Rod andStructural mill

0.95 0.95 1.9

Coal washery 2.1 2.1 M 4.2

Captive Power plant

WHRB 50 MW (5x45TPH)

50 MW(5x45 TPH)

100 MW

AFBC 100 MW(1x375 TPH)

100 MW(1x375 TPH)

200 MW

Coke Oven Plant 0.175 0.175 0.350

Total plant Area = 667.39 acres

Ministry of Environment and Forests,Government of India accorded EnvironmentalClearance vide letter no. J-11011/ 241/ 2009. IA.II(I) dated 02.08.2010 for above manufacturingfacilities (Refer Annexure I for copy of ECletter).

4 New/ Expansion/ Modernization New, Application to MOEF is for extension of ECvalidity

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Form-1 for Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. 2

5 Existing capacity/ area, etc Extension of validity of EC as detailed in point 3above for project area of 667.39 acres

6 Category of Project i.e. ‘A’ or B‘’ “A”

7 Does it attract general condition?If yes, please specify

No since the following nearest at beyond 10 kmdistance from the project:

(i) Inter state boundary with Jharkhand at 140km, N

(ii) Critically polluted area - Angul-Talcher at23 km, NW

(iii) Eco-sensitive area/ WLS, etc. - ChandkaDampur WLS at 26 km, SE

8 Does it attract specific condition?If yes, please specify

No as it is not located in any industrialcomplex/estate etc.

9 Location Refer Annexure II for location planPlot/ Survey/ Khasra no. List of plot is enclosed as Annexure IIIVillage Jharband, Galpada and TarakabedaTehsil HindolDistrict DhenkanalState Odisha

10 Nearest railway station/ airportalong with distance in kms

Railway Station : Meramandali, 3.6 kmAirport : Bhubaneswar, 150 km

11 Nearest town, city, district headquarters along with distance inkms

Nearest town : Angul, 22 kmDistrict Head quarter : Dhenkanal, 36 km

12 Village Panchayats, Zilla Parishad,Municipal Corporation, Local Body(complete postal addresses withtelephone nos. to be given)

Vill. Panchayat : HindolDistrict : DhenkanalState : Odisha

13 Name of the applicant Rungta Mines Ltd., Integrated Steel Plant

14 Registered Address Rungta Mines Limited8A, Express Tower42 A, Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata 700017

15 Address for correspondence :Name P.K ChaturvediDesignation (Owner/ Partner/CEO)

Jt. Vice President

Address Rungta House, ChaibasaWest Singhbhum, Jharkhand

Pin Code 833201

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Form-1 for Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. 3

E mail [email protected]

Telephone no. (06582) 256321, 256424Fax (06582) 256442, 257521

16 Details if Alternative sitesexamined, if any. Location ofthese sites should be shown in atoposheet

No alternative sites under consideration. It is anexpansion project.

17 Interlinked Projects No

18 Whether separate application ofinterlinked project has beensubmitted?

Not applicable

19 If yes, date of submission Not applicable

20 If no, reason Not applicable

21 Whether the proposal involvesapproval/ clearance under : if yes,details of the same and theirstatus to be given:(a) The Forest (Conservation) Act,

1980?Not applicable

(b) The Wildlife (Protection) Act,1972?

Not applicable as not within 10 km of a notifiedarea

(c) The CRZ Notification, 1991? Not applicable as it is not near shore.

22 Whether there is any GovernmentOrder/ Policy relevant/ relating tothe site?


23 Forest land involved (hectares) Nil

24 Whether there is any litigationpending against the project and/orland in which the project isproposed to be set up?


(a) Name of Court Not applicable(b) Case No. Not applicable(c) Orders/ directions of the

Court, if any and its relevancewith the proposed project

Not applicable

* Capacity corresponding to sectoral activity (such as production capacity formanufacturing, mining lease area and production capacity for mineral production, area formineral exploration, length for linear transport infrastructure, generation capacity forpower generation

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Form-1 for Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. 4


1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involvingactions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography,land use, changes in water bodies, etc.)




Details thereof (with approximatequantities/ rates, wherever possible)

with source of information data

1.1 Permanent or temporarychange in land use, landcover or topography includingincrease in intensity of landuse (with respect to local landuse plan)

Yes Change in topography is envisaged due toconstruction of buildings, making rawmaterial and finished good yards. Thecompany has possession of 600.695 acresland, out of 667.39 acres required for theproject. Land use at present is agriculturalland (540.705 acres) under privateownership and government land (126.685acres). Company has acquired 600.695acres (comprising 540.705 acres privateland + 59.990 acres Government land).Balance is pending with Tehsildar, Hindol.This will change to industrial use.

1.2 Clearance of existing land,vegetation and buildings?

Yes The land will be cleared of vegetation forestablishing plant infrastructure andfacilities. Some trees will also need to becleared. There are no buildings on theproposed site.

1.3 Creation of new land uses? Yes Infrastructure facilities, offices, plantation,etc. will be created in the proposed‘industrial’ land use from the presentagricultural and government land.

1.4 Pre-constructioninvestigations e.g. bore holes,soil testing?

No Pre-construction soil investigation for loadbearing capacity studies shall be carriedout, but will not cause any significantphysical changes in the locality

1.5 Construction works? Yes Within the plant boundary, construction ofoffices and infrastructures, plants, furnace,stack yard for coal and iron, water reservoir,etc. will be there and this will effect the localtopography. The construction of boundarywall has been carried out and its impact onfree flow of rain water managed byproviding weep holes and drainagechannels. As the plant will be constructed,storm water drainage will be designed atplanning stage and constructed along withthe plant

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Form-1 for Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. 5




Details thereof (with approximatequantities/ rates, wherever possible)

with source of information data

1.6 Demolition works? No There is no structure in the area which willrequire any demolition work.

1.7 Temporary sites used forconstruction works housing ofconstruction workers?

Yes Temporary Sheds for workers, Technicians,Engineers will be made during constructionwhich will be converted into rest rooms forworkers and truck drivers after completionof construction.

1.8 Above ground buildings,structures or earthworksincluding linear structures, cutand fill or excavations.

Yes The whole structure will be made aboveground i.e. plant, infrastructure facilities,office building, residential colony (outsideproject site), stack yard for coal and ironand this will effect the local topography. Theconstruction of boundary wall has beencarried out and its impact on free flow ofrain water managed by providing weepholes and drainage channels. As the plantwill be constructed, storm water drainagewill be designed at planning stage andconstructed along with the plant

1.9 Underground works includingmining or tunneling?

No Not applicable

1.10 Reclamation works? No Not applicable

1.11 Dredging? No Not applicable

1.12 Offshore structures? No Not applicable

1.13 Production andmanufacturing processes?

Yes Steel will be produced in the integratedsteel complex via DRI - MBF – IF/EAF –LRF – CCM route. The respective processflows in the plant are described in theenclosed Pre-feasibility report (AnnexureVII).

1.14 Facilities for storage of goodsor materials?

Yes Facilities for storage of coal in coal stackyard, iron in iron stack yard. Storagefacilities for steel ingots/ billets and spongeiron. Adequate storage facilities have beenprovided for storage of raw materials. Allthe raw materials will be stored in stackswithin the premises at designated places.This will affect the free flow of water on thesurface during rains, for which drainagesystem will be designed and constructed.

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Form-1 for Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. 6




Details thereof (with approximatequantities/ rates, wherever possible)

with source of information data

1.15 Facilities for treatment ordisposal of solid Waste orliquid effluents?

Yes The various waste materials arising out ofthe technological processes would bereutilized to the extent possible. Slag fromblast furnace will be granulated and sold asby-product. Other waste materials whichcan not be reused are planned to bedumped in environmental friendly manner ina separate area.

“Zero Effluent Discharge” will be practiced.Industrial effluent from the plant will betreated in ETP and the domestic effluent willbe separately treated in the STP. Thetreated water will be re-circulated in theplant for various uses.

1.16 Facilities for long termhousing of operationalworkers?

Yes No colony provision has been given withinthe plant site. However it is given nearvillage Jharbandh, about 1 km from theplant site.

1.17 New road, rail or sea trafficduring construction oroperation?

Yes Increase in road traffic due to transportationof raw materials, finished product,movement of man and material to and fromthe plant will be there which will necessitateonly widening of the existing road. Duringconstruction also, there shall be movementof traffic to bring in the construction materialand plant machinery for installation.

1.18 New road, rail, air waterborneor other transportinfrastructure including newor altered routes and stations,ports, airports etc?

Yes Existing road will be strengthened andwidened to cater for the increase in traffic.The village level roads from Galpada andJharbandh passing through the plant to thesouthern side will have to be diverted andconnected with existing roads for movementalong north-south direction and east-westdirection.

1.19 Closure or diversion ofexisting transport routes orinfrastructure leading tochanges in trafficmovements?

No Not required.

1.20 New or diverted transmissionlines or pipelines?

No No such requirement.

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Form-1 for Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. 7




Details thereof (with approximatequantities/ rates, wherever possible)

with source of information data

1.21 Impoundment, damming,culverting, realignment orother changes to thehydrology of watercourses oraquifers?

Yes Two seasonal first order streams exist inthe plant area. Since they originate from theplant area, they will not be diverted but willbe merged with the plant storm waterdrainage system. However, the drainagewithin the plant will be designed in such amanner that the rain water gets collectedwithout causing water logging and anysuspended matter is settled in settling pondprior to release into the natural streams.

1.22 Stream crossings? No

1.23 Abstraction or transfers ofwater form ground or surfacewaters?

Yes Fresh water requirement for the plants andthe colony is estimated as 1475 cum/hr forphase I and 1475 Cum/hr for phase II.Water will be sourced from the Brahmaniriver located about 7.35 km N from theplant, through intake well. Water AllocationCommittee has advised for provisionalallotment of 2950 cum/hr. Final allotment isawaited

1.24 Changes in water bodies orthe land surface affectingdrainage or run-off?

Yes Two seasonal first order streams exist inthe plant area. Since they orginate from theplant area, they will not be diverted but willbe merged with the plant storm waterdrainage system. However, the drainagewithin the plant will be designed in such amanner that the rain water gets collectedwithout causing water logging and anysuspended matter is settled in settling pondprior to release into the natural streams.

1.25 Transport of personnel ormaterials for construction,operation ordecommissioning?

Yes There will be increase in traffic fortransportation or finished goods.Transportation of manpower, raw material,finished products will take place duringconstruction and operation stages.

1.26 Long-term dismantling ordecommissioning orrestoration works?

No There would not be any such dismantling,decommissioning or restoration of work.

1.27 Ongoing activity duringdecommissioning which couldhave an impact on theenvironment?

No There will not be any such situation

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Form-1 for Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. 8




Details thereof (with approximatequantities/ rates, wherever possible)

with source of information data

1.28 Influx of people to an area ineither temporarily orpermanently?

Yes Proposed project will require 1300 personsfor phase I and 1300 persons for phase IIwhich will lead to influx of people in thearea. Preference will be given to the localpeople for employment. Most of theunskilled employees will be taken fromnearby villages. However, for the skilledand managerial staff, the staff colony will beconstructed about 1.0 km from the plant.

1.29 Introduction of alien species? No

1.30 Loss of native species orgenetic diversity?


1.31 Any other actions? No

2. Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project(such as land, water, materials or energy, especially any resourceswhich are non-renewable or in short supply)




Details thereof (with approximatequantities /rates, wherever possible)

with source of information data

2.1 Land especially undevelopedor agricultural land (Ha)

Yes The project requirement is 667.39 acresout of which the company has possessionof 600.695 acres land. (comprising540.705 acres private land + 59.990acres Government land). The land use oftotal plot at present is agricultural land(540.705 acres) under private ownershipand government land (126.685 acres).Balance is pending with Tehsildar, Hindol.This will change to industrial use.

2.2 Water (expected source &competing users) unit: KLD

Yes Fresh water requirement for the plants isestimated as 1475 Cu m/hr for phase Iand 1475 Cum/hr for phase II. Freshwater will be from Brahmani river,pumped through intake well.

2.3 Minerals (MT) Yes The raw material required for theintegrated steel plant and its various subunits are Iron ore lumps, Washed Coal,Coke, ROM Coal, Limestone / Dolomite,Quartzite, Scrap, etc. The respectiveMinerals (MT) are mentioned on section3.6 of the enclosed Pre-feasibility report(Annexure VII).

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Form-1 for Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. 9




Details thereof (with approximatequantities /rates, wherever possible)

with source of information data

2.4 Construction material – stone,aggregates, sand/ soil(expected source – MT)

Yes The expected source of the constructionmaterial shall be from nearest vendors

2.5 Forests and timber (source –MT)

Yes For construction of doors and windowsmaterial will be procured from authorizedsuppliers.

2.6 Energy including electricityand fuels (source, competingusers) Unit: fuel (MT), energy(MW)

Yes The power requirement of the plant will bemet through own generation. The totalrequirement of power for the various unitswill be approximately 150 MW for phase Iand 150 MW for phase II which will bemet from captive generation and in caseof shortage - from OSEB. The captivepower generation will be based on WHRB(50 MW) and AFBC (100 MW) for phase Iand WHRB (50 MW) and AFBC (100MW) for phase II. WHRB shall be basedon the waste gases of the plant whileAFBC will be based on the middlings fromthe coal washery, char from DRI as wellas some ROM coal.

2.7 Any other natural resources(use appropriate standardunits)


3. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances ormaterials, which could be harmful to human health or the environmentor raise concerns about actual or perceived risks to human health.




Details thereof (with approximatequantities/rates, wherever possible)

with source of information data

3.1 Use of substances ormaterials, which arehazardous (as per MSIHCrules) to human health or theenvironment (flora, fauna,and water supplies)

Yes The various waste materials arising out ofthe technological processes would bereutilized to the extent possible. Slag fromblast furnace will be granulated and soldas by-product. Other waste materialswhich cannot be reused are planned to bedumped in an environmental friendlymanner in a separate area. The oil andgrease shall be removed by means of oiltraps and skimming devices and will besold to the authorized recycling vendors.

3.2 Changes in occurrence ofdisease or affect diseasevectors (e.g. insect or water

No No water borne diseases anticipatedsince there is no effluent disposal.

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Form-1 for Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. 10




Details thereof (with approximatequantities/rates, wherever possible)

with source of information data

borne diseases)

3.3 Affect the welfare of peoplee.g. by changing livingconditions?

No The project will create direct employmentfor about 1300 persons in Phase I and1330 persons in phase II. Certain workslike security and canteen services will beoutsourced. Professional organizationswill be engaged for certain professionalservices like quality control, environmentmonitoring, and occupational healthmonitoring, etc. This will create secondaryemployment opportunities in the nearbyvillages.

3.4 Vulnerable groups of peoplewho could be affected by theproject e.g. hospital patients,children, the elderly, etc.


3.5 Any other causes No

4. Production of solid wastes during construction or operation ordecommissioning (MT/month)




Details thereof (with approximatequantities/rates, wherever possible)

with source of information data

4.1 Spoil, overburden or minewastes

No Not applicable

4.2 Municipal waste (domesticand or commercial wastes)

Yes Municipal waste will be generated fromthe colony, canteen and offices of theplant. In colony, the waste generationshall be at the rate of 450 gm/capita/daywhile in the plant it shall be 100 gm/capita/day

4.3 Hazardous wastes (as perHazardous WasteManagement Rules)

Yes 400 KL/annum of oil and grease and 20KL/annum of DM plant resin will begenerated.

4.4 Other industrial processwastes

Yes Char, ESP & Bag filter dust, Kilnaccretion & miscellaneous Dust, MBFSlag, MBF Flue dust, GCP Sludge, IF &LRF Slag, FES dust, CPP Fly ash, CPPbottom ash and washery rejects shall becreated

4.5 Surplus product No

4.6 Sewage sludge or othersludge from effluent

Yes Sludge from the STP of the colony shallbe generated @ 35g/capita/day while in

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Form-1 for Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. 11




Details thereof (with approximatequantities/rates, wherever possible)

with source of information data

treatment the plant, there will be sludge generationfrom ETP and GCP.

4.7 Construction or demolitionwastes

No During construction phase only whichwill be used as filling materials forconstruction.

4.8 Redundant machinery orequipment

Yes Some parts shall be replaced duringoperation which can be sold to recyclingvendors, especially the metals.

4.9 Contaminated soils or othermaterials


4.10 Agricultural wastes No

4.11 Other solid wastes No

5. Release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substancesto air (Kg/hr)




Details thereof (with approximatequantities/rates, wherever possible)

with source of information data

5.1 Emissions from combustionof fossil fuels fromstationary or mobile sources

Yes SPM, SO2, NOx etc will be emitted fromthe various material handling processes,transportation and stacks.

Based on air quality prediction modellingcarried out during preparation of EIAreport, the highest computedconcentrations in the three dominant winddirections are given below:

Direction Concentrations in µg/m3

(distance from stack)


N 9.14

(1.0 km)


(2.0 km)


(3.0 km)

NNE 8.03

(5.0 km)


(2.0 km)


(3.0 km)

NNW 7.68

(1.0 km)


(2.0 km)


(2.0 km)

5.2 Emissions from productionprocesses

Yes Dust and/or hot air are exhausted fromESP, DRI kiln, MBF stove and thermalpower plant as well as proposed induction

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Form-1 for Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. 12




Details thereof (with approximatequantities/rates, wherever possible)

with source of information data

furnace. SPM is the anticipated emissionand has been quantified in EIA. SPMemissions will be restricted below 50 mg/Nm3.

5.3 Emissions from materialshandling including storageor transport

Yes Because of large amount of materials tobe transported, automobile emissions canbe a source of air pollution. Finishedproducts also be transported through trucktransport on road. Hence, automobileemission from truck movements wouldalso be for finished product.

5.4 Emissions from constructionactivities including plant andequipment

Yes Some dust generation shall take placeduring construction, which can becountered by regular water spraying.

5.5 Dust or odours fromhandling of materialsincluding constructionmaterials, sewage andwaste


5.6 Emissions from incinerationof waste


5.7 Emissions from burning ofwaste in open air (e.g. slashmaterials, constructiondebris)

No No open air burning of material

5.8 Emissions from any othersources


6. Generation of Noise and Vibration, and Emissions of Light and Heat




Details thereof (with approximatequantities/rates, wherever possible)with source of information data with

source of information data

6.1 From operation ofequipment andtransportation machinery

Yes The noise generation due to machinerywill be in the range of 60 - 100 dB (A) andwill be restricted within the plantboundary.

6.2 From industrial or similarprocesses

Yes The noise levels near the sources suchas plant machinery, induction furnace anddiesel generator set will be slightly higherduring operation in their vicinity. However,they shall be within the stipulated

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Form-1 for Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. 13




Details thereof (with approximatequantities/rates, wherever possible)with source of information data with

source of information data

regulatory limits.

6.3 From construction ordemolition

Yes Marginal and temporary

6.4 From blasting or piling No Not applicable

6.5 From construction oroperational traffic

Yes Increase in noise levels due to additionalvehicular traffic catering to the production

6.6 From lighting or coolingsystems

Yes Heat generated in the vicinity of DRI kilns,furnace, light bulbs etc.

6.7 From any other sources No

7. Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutantsinto the ground or into sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastalwaters or the sea:




Details thereof (with approximatequantities/rates, wherever possible)

with source of information data

7.1 From handling, storage, useor spillage of hazardousmaterials

Yes If the oil or lubricant spills, it cancontaminate the soil and pollute thesurface and ground water. But properstorage of oil will prevent any such spills.

7.2 From discharge of sewageor other effluents to water orthe land (expected modeand place of discharge)

No Separate STP and ETP will beestablished for the treatment of domesticand industrial effluents, respectively.Zero effluent disposal will be practiced.Treated waste water will be reused inplantation, ash quenching, dustsuppression, etc. There will be dischargeonly during monsoon.

7.3 By deposition of pollutantsemitted to air into the land orinto water

No Air pollution control equipment such asESPs, bag filters will be provided and theemission of pollutant will be restrictedwithin standards.

7.4 From any other sources No

7.5 Is there a risk of long termbuild up of pollutants in theenvironment from thesesources?


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Form-1 for Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. 14

8. Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project,which could affect human health or the environment




Details thereof (with approximatequantities/rates, wherever possible)

with source of information data

8.1 From explosions, spillages,fires etc from storage,handling, use or productionof hazardous substances

No The process fuel like coal, char, coke andLDO will be received from differentsources and will be stored in plant forfurther processing and combustionusage. There are chances of fires;however, adequate measures will betaken at places to prevent suchoccurrence. On site emergency plan aswell as off site emergency plan will bemade prior to starting operation. Periodictraining for emergency preparedness willbe there during operation.

8.2 From any other causes No

8.3 Could the project be affectedby natural disasters causingenvironmental damage (e.g.floods, earthquakes,landslides, cloudburst etc)?

No The Plant area falls in Seismic Zone–IIand it does not fall under active seismiczone. The project would not be affectedby floods, landslides, cloudburst etc.

9. Factors which should be considered (such as consequentialdevelopment) which could lead to environmental effects or thepotential for cumulative impacts with other existing or plannedactivities in the locality

(Refer Annexure IV for 15 km radius map on toposheet)




Details thereof (with approximatequantities/rates, wherever possible)

with source of information data

9.1 Lead to development ofsupporting facilities,ancillary development ordevelopment stimulated bythe project which couldhave impact on theenvironment e.g.:

• Supportinginfrastructure (roads,power supply, waste orwaste water treatment,etc.)

Yes Total requirement of 1300 people isthere in phase I and 1300 persons inPhase II proposed project. Hence,accommodation for some people isrequired as mostly the peoples are fromnearby villages.

• Housing development Yes Housing colony will be developedapproximately 1 km near the plant. Due

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Details thereof (with approximatequantities/rates, wherever possible)

with source of information data

to it, the prices of land in the immediatevicinity will increase; some houses andcommercial shops will be constructed bythe locals in anticipation of thedevelopment.

• extractive industries No

• supply industries Yes There may be establishment of vehiclemaintenance workshops, kioskssupplying consumption goods, etc. afterthe commencement of the project in thevicinity of the plant as well as the colony.

• Other No

9.2 Lead to after-use of thesite, which could have animpact on the environment


9.3 Set a precedent for laterdevelopments


9.4 Have cumulative effectsdue to proximity to otherexisting or plannedprojects with similar effects

No The industries in the 15 km radius are asfollows:

1. MGM Steel and Power Plant (3Km,ENE)

2. Navbharat Ventures (3.8 km N)

3. Tulsidiha Plant (2.2 km N)

4. Bhushan Steel Ltd (2.4 km NW)

5. Lanco Power Plant (5.7 km N)

6. BRG Group of Industries (5.5 kmNNW)

7. Kanak Durga Stone Crusher (6.0km SE)

8. NALCO Power Plant ( 13.1 km NW)

9. NALCO SMELTER (14.1 km NW)

10. GMR Power Plant ( 10.1 km NNW)

The above are spread within a 15 kmradius. Hence, cumulative can occur ifthe industries do not take environmentalmanagement measures. However, so farsignificant cumulative impact has notbeen observed since dispersion of airemissions is over a large area anddisposal of solid wastes is in designatedareas.

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Form-1 for Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. 16

(III) Environmental Sensitivity : (Refer Annexure IV for 15 Km study area)


Areas Name/ Identity Aerial distance(within 15 km.)

Proposed projectlocation boundary

1. Areas protected underinternational conventions,national or local legislation fortheir ecological, landscape,cultural or other related value


2. Areas which are important orsensitive for ecologicalreasons - Wetlands,watercourses or other waterbodies, coastal zone,biospheres, mountains,forests

Water bodies/ streams

Brahmani river 7.35 km N

Nigra or Lingra Nala 1.5 km NW

Kisinda Jhor 4.7 km N

Kantei Nala 7.2 km WSW

Matelia Nadi 9.6 km WSW

Bauti Nala 9.4 km W

Bade Jhor 7.4 km SE

Kusumder Jhor 3.6 km SE

Agana Nala 1.1 km ESE

Nandira Jhor 12.6km NNW

Barasingha minor 12.7 km WNW

Water body in Babandh 12.4km SE

Water body in Bedapada 10.7km ESE

Water body in Khajuria 6.8 km S

Water body in Ranjagol 5.1 km S

Water body inSanamunda

4.4 km SW

Water body in Bankidi 7.0 km SW

Water body inBrahmanmara

7.8 km SW

Water body inDurgaprasadpur

13.8 km NW

Water body inGarhasantri

9.7 km NW

Water body inBurhabank

10.3 km NNW


Jharbandh RF 0.5 km SE

Ganthigarihia PF 5.4 km NW

Nimidra RF 3.2 km E

Bompa RF 10.7 km SE

Kai RF 10.1km SSW

Maharagadi RF 14.2 km ESE

Kankeli RF 12.6 km NE

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Form-1 for Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. 17


Areas Name/ Identity Aerial distance(within 15 km.)

Proposed projectlocation boundary

Barbank South RF 13.7km NE

3. Areas used by protected,important or sensitive speciesof flora or fauna for breeding,nesting, foraging, resting,over wintering, migration


4. Inland, coastal, marine orunderground waters

Same as point 2 above

5. State, National boundaries Nil

6. Routes or facilities used bythe public for access torecreation or other tourist,pilgrim areas

District HQ- Dhenkanal

Rail head Meramandli

36 Km

3.6 Km



7. Defense installations Nil

8. Densely populated or built-uparea

Only villages Within 15 kmradius as visible inAnnexure IV.

9. Areas occupied by sensitiveman-made land uses(hospitals, schools, places ofworship, community facilities)

Hospitals, school,community facilities arepresent in the villages.

List of amenities isenclosed as AnnexureV.

Within 15 km of thestudy area

10. Areas containing important,high quality or scarceresources (ground waterresources, surface resources,forestry, agriculture, fisheries,tourism, minerals)


11. Areas already subjected topollution or environmentaldamage. (those whereexisting legal environmentalstandards are exceeded)


12. Areas susceptible to naturalhazard which could cause theproject to presentenvironmental problems(earthquakes, subsidence,landslides, erosion, floodingor extreme or adverseclimatic conditions)

The Plant area falls inseismic Zone -II

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Form-1 for Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. 18

(IV) Proposed Terms of Reference for EIA studies: Not applicable

Ministry of Environment and Forests Government of India accorded EnvironmentalClearance vide letter no. J-11011/241/2009.IA.II (I) dated 02.08.2010 for IntegratedSteel Plant for following facilities.

Production facility Phase I


Phase II




Beneficiation plant 2.1 2.1 4.2

Pelletization Plant 1.2 1.2 2.4

Sponge Iron Plant 0.75

(5x500 TPD)


(5x500 TPD)


Sinter plant 0.325

(1x42 m2)


(1x42 m2)


Blast Furnace 0.30

(1x350 m3)


(1x350 m3)


Steel Melt shop 0.95 0.95 1.90

Induction furnace 0.576

(9x20 T)


(9x20 T)


Ladle Refining Furnacefor IF


(1x40 T)


(1x40 T)


Electric Arc Furnace 0.448

(1x70 T)


(1x70 T)


Ladle Refining Furnacefor EAF


(1x70 T)


(1x70 T)


Billet caster, Blooms,slab caster


(6/11 m radius)


(6/11 m radius)


Flats, Rod andStructural mill

0.95 0.95 1.9

Coal washery 2.1 2.1 M 4.2

Captive Power plant


(5x45 TPH)

50 MW

(5x45 TPH)

100 MW


(1x375 TPH)

100 MW

(1x375 TPH)

200 MW

Coke Oven Plant 0.175 0.175 0.350

The Company has not completed installation of Plant Facilities within validity forenvironmental clearance. Since the validity period for environmental clearance videletter no. J-11011/241/2009.IA.II(I) dated 02.08.2010 as per EIA notificationSeptember 2006 is expiring on 01.08.2015, hence, the company is applying forextension of environmental clearance validity.

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ANNEXURE : I Contd..

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ANNEXURE : I Contd..

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ANNEXURE : I Contd..

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ANNEXURE : I Contd..

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ANNEXURE : I Contd..

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ANNEXURE : I Contd..

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ANNEXURE : I Contd..

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Pvt. Land Acquired in Village Jharbandha : Khata No. 719

Plot No.

3013, 3082, 3120, 3005, 3332, 3138, 3016, 3608, 3410, 3506/3932, 3076, 3077, 3110, 3331,

3398, 3400, 3512, 3537, 3542, 2828, 3277, 2963, 2965, 2969, 3029, 2733/4901, 2744, 2794,

2799, 2802, 2971, 3024, 3334, 2804, 2731, 3178, 3025, 3027, 3032, 3033, 2891, 2966,

3052, 3285, 3280, 3282, 3504, 3605, 3174/4279, 3505, 2982, 3322, 3324, 3326, 3328, 3501,

3527, 3528, 3532, 3553, 3556, 2975/4013, 3572, 2735/4358, 2967, 2962, 2972, 3166, 3084,

3103, 2826, 2837, 3437, 3443, 3559, 2785, 2833, 2835, 2840, 2842, 2850, 2875, 2873,

3336, 3373, 3375, 3383, 3388, 3419, 3490, 3491/4066, 3423, 3444, 2907/4012, 3319, 3316,

3500, 3526/4010, 3525/4011, 3329/4006, 3555/4007, 3299, 3303, 3062, 3074, 3088, 3093,

3095, 3114, 3600/4327, 3604, 2830, 3547, 3548, 3549, 3093/4333, 2784, 2787, 2977, 3297,

3302, 3305, 3309, 3311, 3571/4032, 2778, 2782, 3158, 3004, 3008, 3106, 3109, 3121, 3137,

3140, 3142, 3145, 3589, 3607, 3406/3885, 3110/4061, 3110/4062, 3078/4055, 3134, 3078,

3118, 3133, 3076/4053, 3078/4058, 3085, 3086, 3089, 2927/4904, 2845, 2847, 2849, 2852,

2868, 2870, 2871, 2876, 2880, 2882, 2886, 2888, 2895, 2926, 2832, 3489, 3488, 3487,

3486, 2954/4905, 3042, 3042/4841, 3265, 3264/4259, 3056, 3535, 3110/4059, 3077/4056,

3076/4051, 2812, 2816, 2820, 2822, 2912, 2914, 2918, 2920, 2922, 2925, 2999, 3335, 3339,

3408, 2902, 3124/4375, 3288, 3127/4374, 3131/4376, 3107, 3349, 3048/4816, 3321/4817,

2984, 2989, 3337, 3342, 3344, 3360, 3000, 3415, 3426, 3442, 2986, 3410/4031, 3343/4405,

3350, 3019, 2905/4496, 3050, 2750/4908, 2862, 3340, 3369, 3136, 3449, 3274, 3502, 3503,

3519, 3520, 3536, 3092, 3354, 3356, 3355, 3358, 3540, 3539, 3252, 3357, 3561, 3562,

3563, 3569, 3584, 3438, 2730/3907, 3193, 3196, 3200, 3203, 3521, 3306, 2988, 3262/4810,

3262, 3101, 3098, 3276, 2768/4909, 2776/4910, 2817, 2818, 2821, 2913, 2917, 2919, 3275,

3283, 3571/4033, 3076/4054, 3076/4052, 3535/4064, 3110/4060, 3077/4057, 3238, 2901,

3045, 3044, 3162, 3260, 3545, 3550, 3586, 3552/3914, 3499, 3497, 3484, 3492, 3479, 3481,

3483, 3476, 3472, 3474, 3466, 3477, 2743, 2745, 2797, 2800, 2801, 2728, 3428, 3433,

3530, 3565, 2753, 2754, 2808, 2813, 2814, 2807, 2810, 2807/4854, 3813, 2843, 2853, 2854,

2878, 3371, 2865, 3451, 3510, 3174, 2846, 2848, 2872, 2877, 2923, 3043, 3380, 3397,

3600/4171, 3049, 3365, 3376, 3403, 3286, 3393, 3407, 3450, 3511, 2896, 3330, 3391, 3456,

3573, 3577, 3538, 3259, 3574, 3576, 3264, 3578, 3293, 2866, 2883, 2890, 2956, 3289,

2841, 3317, 2893, 2874, 3372, 3377, 3382, 3422, 2786, 2789, 2836, 2839, 2851, 2856,

3374, 3420, 3445, 2834, 3490/4065, 3491/4067, 3205, 3149, 3197, 3201, 3183, 3209, 3229,

3225, 3233, 3236, 3246, 3053/4167, 3188, 3187/4829, 3187, 3189, 3209/4883, 3231, 3212,

3039, 3041, 3153, 3427, 3404, 2861, 3392, 3456/3992, 3602, 3390, 3269, 3600/4408,

3600/4409, 3600/4409/4871, 3381, 3429, 3543, 3087, 3389, 3536/4503, 3010/4511, 3156,

1033/3861, 3878/4498, 3061/4620, 3150/3908, 3152, 3184, 3148/4622, 3249/4676,

3249/4677, 3908/4478, 3163/4556, 3164, 3144, 3162/4481, 3162/4522, 3162/4490, 2889,

2887, 2793, 2736, 3441, 3122, 3106/4513, 3145/4512, 2892, 3037/4520, 3147, 3146/4584,

3523, 3560, 3168, 3169, 3037/4541, 3192/4579, 3192/4580, 3192/4581, 3192/4590,

2713/4597, 3192/4527, 3037/4612, 3038/4613, 3111/4686, 3522/4689, 3364/4721,

3522/4748, 2720/4779, 3162/4480, 3390/4290, 2746/4903, 2752, 2790, 2792, 3192/4571,

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2867, 2869, 3155/4822, 3155/4823, 3505/4842, 3071, 3068, 3070, 3067, 3072, 3111, 3112,

3116, 3119, 3176, 2829, 3090, 3097, 3099, 3079, 2928/4902, 3307, 3294, 3295, 3606,

3020/3884, 3017, 3581, 3464, 3465, 3470, 3471, 3473, 3478, 3480, 3475, 3482, 3485, 3493,

3495, 3494, 3496, 3498, 3467, 2724, 3813/3878, 2864, 2897, 3454, 3452, 3463, 3453, 3469,

3761, 2975, 3554/4008, 3580/4005, 3533/4009, 3327, 3506, 3251, 3310, 2783, 3290, 3291,

3298, 3301, 3304, 3308, 3571, 3057, 3058, 2721/4241, 2721/4242, 2909, 3059, 2730, 3150,

3051, 3600/4328, 3524, 3529, 3566, 3531, 2899, 2903, 2904, 2978, 3146, 3061, 2978/4878,

2908, 3148, 3003, 3009, 3010, 3012, 3015, 3104, 3123, 3128, 3132, 2916, 2995, 2806,

2809, 3094, 3100, 3113, 3115, 3125, 3126, 3157, 3181, 3185, 3190, 3195, 3211, 3202, 3223,

3228, 3232, 3237, 3241, 3212/4176, 3188/4601, 3268, 3063, 3036, 3064, 2788, 2885, 3399,

3401, 3513, 3541, 3258, 3459, 3460, 3323, 3338, 3351, 3367, 3387, 3395, 3418, 3421,

3582, 2976, 3518, 3507, 3508, 3322/4675, 3038, 3040, 3040/3847, 3037, 3551, 3546, 2957,

2961, 2955/4906, 2959, 2958, 2960, 3065, 3066, 3117, 3096, 3117/4063, 3060, 3159, 3182,

3198, 3207, 3210, 3218, 3220, 3224, 3234, 3245, 3517, 3522, 3047, 3048, 3250, 3284,

3318, 3320, 3321, 3325, 2990, 2991, 2952/4907, 3172, 3273, 3278, 3279, 3281, 3287, 3364,

3552, 3579, 2953, 3046, 3287/4877, 3046/4814, 3047/4815, 3192, 3191, 3192/4789, 2907,

2983, 3315, 3329, 3525, 3526, 3533, 3554, 3555, 3580, 3590, 3591, 3343, 3347, 3001,

2796, 2798, 3023, 3333, 3179, 3214, 3189/4501, 3197/4502, 3201/4500, 2980, 2900, 3199,

3208, 3215, 3219, 3227, 3230, 3235, 3242, 3247, 3240, 3244, 3212/4487, 3222, 2985, 2992,

2996, 2997, 3257, 3379, 3300, 3514, 3516, 2732, 2803, 2970, 3022, 3026, 3028, 3031,

3180, 2968, 3030, 3030/4863, 3030/4866, 2803/4868, 3105, 3124, 3129, 3014, 3081, 3127,

3131, 3083, 3255, 3557, 3568, 3506/3933, 3402, 3409, 3413, 3054, 3313, 3386, 3414, 3312,

3018, 3053, 3055, 3263, 3352, 3417, 3585, 3588, 3601/3831, 3314, 3585/4818, 3585/4819,

3585/4820, 3585/4821, 3585/4843, 3585/4844, 3439, 3462, 3577/3955, 2730/3906,

3150/3909, 2987, 2998, 3348, 3359, 3425, 3361, 2905/4592, 3266, 3011, 3006, 3108, 3130,

3139, 3141, 2858, 2863, 2981, 2994, 3135, 3341, 3363, 3366, 3368, 3370, 3384, 3396,

3431, 3455, 2860, 2898, 3394, 3424, 3435, 3448, 3362, 3534, 2897/4486, 3346, 2751, 2859,

3416, 3436, 3575, 3447, 3378, 3296, 3385, 3292, 3254, 3558, 3567, 2838, 2824, 3253,

3583, 2905, 2993, 2974, 2910, 2964, 3432, 2791, 2795, 3564, 2825, 2729/4183, 2727/4911,

3035, 3073, 3091, 3097/4482, 3102, 3034, 2777, 2811, 2911, 2915, 2924, 2769/4912, 2921,

2815, 2819, 2823, 3143, 3132/4516, 2720, 3167, 3167/4851, 3405, 3406, 3165, 3544,

2901/3860, 3020, 3261, 3461, 3587, 3163, 2857, 3038/4542, 3249, 3184/4572, 2780, 2781,

3192/4589, 2894, 2881, 2884, 2872/4602, 2881/4603, 2872/4606, 2848/4604, 3509,

3510/4701, 2779, 2979, 3515, 2929/4614, 3191/4681, 3194, 3226, 3248, 3446, 2855,

3061/4679, 3160/3944, 3160/3944/4837, 3440, 3468, 2906, 3075, 2879, 2805, 3592/4369,

3592/4371, 3592/4384, 3592/4370, 3155, 2844, 3502/8782, 3603, 3191/4526, 3193/4528,

3037/4565, 3187/4573, 3193/4600, 3192/4598, 3192/4599, 3192/4577 and 3192/4578

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Pvt. Land Acquired in Village Galapada : Khata No. 731

Plot No.

3110, 3094, 3146, 3148, 3150, 3180, 3203, 3205, 3192, 3187, 2924, 2924/3612, 3154, 3157, 3225,

3226, 3226/3850, 3091, 3107, 3121, 3029, 3108, 3113, 3118, 3140, 3198, 3207, 3209, 3219, 3220,

3242, 2972, 3055, 2833/3573, 3032/3335, 3078/3358, 3171, 3125, 2979, 3109, 3119, 3139, 3195,

3197, 3210, 3037, 3090, 3114, 3260, 3032, 3078/3357, 3134, 3175, 3201, 3247, 3199, 2974, 3043,

3045, 3244, 3246, 3248, 3269, 2965, 3051, 3126, 2986, 3264, 3129/3410, 3079, 2980, 2933, 3170,

3167, 3026, 3115, 3117, 3141, 3208, 3229, 2985, 3176/3859, 3261/3860, 3127/3857, 3131/3858,

3127/3866, 3131/3867, 3176/3868, 3261/3869, 2987, 3089, 3064, 3049, 3102, 3035, 2995, 3155,

3254, 3255, 3270, 3271, 2937, 2959, 3021, 3024, 3166, 3168, 2934, 2940, 2950, 2958, 3087, 3098,

3177, 2936, 2938, 3023, 2991, 3237, 2833, 3100, 3234, 2968, 2929, 2833/3518, 3173, 3084, 3232,

3149, 3151, 3178, 3183, 3185, 3191, 3202, 3223, 3182, 3078/3359, 2971, 2964, 3050, 3088, 3093,

3106, 3120, 3122, 3169, 3078/3354, 2988, 3052, 3099, 3128, 3228, 3235, 3236, 2960, 2981, 2982,

2983, 2984, 3038, 3047, 3053, 3153, 3158, 3039, 3104, 3107/3418, 2941/3551, 3072, 3065, 3031,

3078/3356, 3075, 2927, 2967, 2928, 2966, 3133, 2928/3871, 3175/3533, 2962, 3233/3534, 2942,

2944, 2947, 3048, 2961, 2953/3613, 3106/3543, 2941, 3076, 3069, 3115/3877, 3117/3878, 2939,

3082, 3080, 3046, 2928/3875, 3243, 3218, 3243/3409, 3206, 3213, 3217, 3218/3906, 3112, 3136,

3135, 3081, 3083, 3085, 3103, 2931, 2976, 2930, 2975, 2932, 3022, 3025, 3101, 3044, 3250,

3039/3460, 3250/3462, 3189, 3193, 3239, 3078, 3058, 3070, 3073, 3123, 2990, 3059, 3172, 3174,

2973, 3124, 2935, 2951, 2955, 2957, 3086, 3127, 3131, 3176, 3261, 2969, 3127/3841, 3034, 3267,

3078/3355, 2832, 3105, 3105/3416, 3106/3417, 3056, 3061, 3067, 3143, 2996, 3159, 3252, 3253,

3256, 3257, 3188, 3194, 3238, 3036, 3041, 3039/3461, 3268, 3092, 3097, 3028, 3027, 3160, 3164,

3163, 3221, 3222, 3057, 3060, 3066, 3074, 3077, 3132, 3138, 3227, 3181, 3186, 3111, 3145, 3130,

3196, 3116, 3147, 3152, 3179, 3184, 3200, 3204, 3131/3507, 3033, 3030, 3156, 3165, 3162, 3262,

2952, 3273, 3272, 3275, 3277, 3279, 3278, 3274, 3276, 2953, 3040, 3096, 3161, 2989, 3054, 3063,

3068, 3071, 3062, 3142, 3078/3353, 3241, 3031/3334, 3137, 3224, 2970, 3265, 2964/3535, 2954,

3266, 3263/3539, 2965/3540, 3082/3541, 3120/3542, 3245, 3217/3575, 3211, 3212, 3205/3676,

3203/3683, 3205/3687, 3205/3688, 3245/3907, 3091/3548, 3154/3554, 3103/3562, 3263, 3088/3607,

3129, 3233, 2936/3596, 2938/3597, 2956/3598, 3023/3600, 2992, 2926, 2834/3919, 2925, 3231,

2956, 2977, 2978, 3094/3680, 3190, 3095, 3230, 2943, 2945, 2946, 2948 and 2949.

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Pvt. Land Acquired in Village Tarkabeda: Khata No. 831

Plot No.

890, 891, 969, 970, 979, 980, 149, 150, 145, 147, 145/4872, 1059, 1039/4587, 1025, 1026,

1021, 1041, 1040, 1039, 1017, 983, 1011, 895, 895/4801, 902, 902/4813, 1003, 1014, 1015,

1019, 1020, 1003/4860, 906, 22, 20, 21, 23, 155, 156, 9, 93, 953, 972, 157, 972/4841, 927,

930, 931, 925, 33, 944/4857, 239, 251, 252, 253, 876, 883, 976, 901, 901/4814, 903,

904/4815, 994, 904, 1037, 1069, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 151, 153, 154, 159, 160, 17, 87, 90,

92, 885, 955, 971, 867, Dec-34, 13/4835, 14/4836, 15/4837, Nov-33, 161, 1005, 8, 21/4725,

23/4732, Sep-33, 20/4724, 907, 1044/4727, 905/4763, 86/4762, 200/4761, 50, 51,

1039/4764, 88, 89, 1025/4612, 140/4207, 1004/4666, 1007, 1008/4385, 1007/4896, 7,

959/4600, 959/4600/4829, 959/4600/4830, 959/4600/4831, 51/4649, 222, 223, 19, 156/4771,

905/4772., 888/4773, 886/4775, 960/4774, 27/4776, 940/4777, 225, 255, 27, 180, 181, 1006,

250, 254, 137, 237, 35/4820, 118/4822, 137/4821, 237/4823, 129/4824, 117, 131, 138, 139,

237/4880, 129/4881, 892, 968, 978, 959, 975, 38, 44, 136, 166, 170, 171, 182, 193, 198,

206, 231, 909, 913, 915, 918, 934, 935, 947, 999, 40, 46, 125, 132, 135, 140, 165, 167, 172,

261, 280, 861, 872, 898, 900, 967, 981, 1044, 1022, 1043, 1017/4484, 1039/4586, 86, 91,

94, 954, 973, 1070, 1070/4852, 905, 1001, 1001/4832, 929, 987, 43, 48, 115, 205, 920, 924,

939, 941, 943, 945, 948, 984, 997, 186, 952, 177, 178, 179, 188, 200, 201, 913/4677,

907/4697, 1070/4753, 907/4701, 224, 998, 957/4372, 906/4729, 940/4692, 905/4772/4816,

912/4800, 893/4811, 914/4664, 995, 908/4734, 877, 1035/4856, 887, 953/4842, 155/4888,

10, 18, 208, 218, 262, 276/4901, 888, 960, 870, 886, 963, 871, 964, 889, 962, 869, 961, 215,

229, 230, 257, 279, 284, 285, 258, 260, 286, 859, 32, 39, 45, 141, 142, 143, 183, 233, 911,

914, 917, 922, 932, 937, 944, 154/4818, 17/4817, 87/4889, 152, 162, 1042, 109, 1027, 1029,

1030, 1034, 1028, 1033, 1036, 24, 1064, 956, 25, 26, 52, 957, 1063, 1066, 1009, 28,

1035/4827, 1035, 956/4847, 958, 1063/4848, 868, 897, 899, 966, 982, 1045, 220, 221, 226,

228, 283, 862, 863, 1061, 1038/4828, 1038, 256, 259, 884, 977, 36, 37, 41, 42, 47, 120, 121,

122, 124, 123, 126, 128, 133, 134, 144, 163, 173, 174, 175, 176, 202, 235, 238, 921, 923,

940, 942, 949, 985, 986, 996, 1008, 936, 940/4799, 896, 991, 34, 35, 118, 119, 129, 130,

169, 184, 195, 197, 232, 857/4900, 858, 910, 912, 916, 919, 933, 938, 946, 1000, 49, 114,

116, 127, 203, 1062, 1038/4212, 951, 951/4812, 893, 894, 965, 164, 168, 882, 875, 881,

873, 880, 995/4273, 908, 1002, 1016, 1018, 1023, 1024, 908/4819, 207, 209, 216, 217,

200/4332, 1060, 1038/4211, 1010, 1012, 1013, 158, 158/4825, 1013/4826, 110, 214, 860,

111/4271, 1032, 1040/4485, 29, 30, 49/4389, 146, 190, 111, 219, 227, 31, 196, 185, 187,

189, 236, 148, 1004, 1039/4597, 1039/4597/4838, 990, 53, 914/4645, 913/4646, 914/4654,

913/4655, 874, 879, 1039/4662, 913/4665, 194, 199 and 204

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Govt. Land possession Taken

Village: Jharbandh

Plots No.

2416, 2721, 2723, 2735, 2827, 3175, 3216, 3243, 3601, 3765, 2720/4278,

3017/4320, 3058/4383, 3058/4385, 3572/4004, 3007, 3021, 3069, 3206, 3217, 3805,

2734, 2973, 3221, 3239, 3412, 3570, 3592, 3075/3900 and 3766

Village : Galapada

Plots No.

2994, 3240, 3259, 2973/3313, 2974/3314, 2963, 2960(P), 3144, 3216 and 3249

Village : Tarkabeda

Plots No.

234, 864, 865, 928, 950, 1031, 1065, 1004/4297, 1013/4296, 936/4387, 210, 211

and 212

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Govt. Land under acquisition through IDCO

Village : Jharbandh

Plot No.

2831, 3080, 3177, 3491, 3600, 3601/3945, 2729, 3173, 3204, 3256, 3270, 3345, 3353, 3411,

2818/3965, 2819/3966, 2820/4271, 2821/3968, 2939/4000, 2951/4001, 2737, 2738, 3002,

3154, 3160, 3161, 3170, 3171, 3271, 3272, 3457, 3458 and 3602/3991,

Village: Galapada

Plot No.

3020/3298, 3001, 3042, 3089/3316, 3251, 2941/3301, 3129/3299, 3230/3300, 3214, 3215

and 3258,

Village : Tarkabeda

Plot No.

878, 926, 974, 1067, 1080(P), 191, 192, 866, 988, 989, 992, 993, 85, 213, 1068, 1039/4264

and 1042/4314,

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Page 40: · Email dsp@rungtamines ... (540.705 acres) under private ownership

Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. [1/10]

VILLAGE WISE AMENITIES IN THE STUDY AREA AS PER CENSUS 2001 CODE NAME OF VILLAGE EDUCATION Medical DRINKING WATER POWER P & T COMMUN- BANKS / CULTURAL APPR. TO INCOME EXPENCES SUPPLY ICATION SOCIETIES FACILITY VILLAGES (Rs. Lc) (Rs. Lc.) DISTRICT : DHENKANAL TEHSIL : PARAJANG(P) 02283000 Palasahi P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP,R ED PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(0-5), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) Ph(0-5) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02283100 Dihakamar P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP,R ED,EO PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(0-5), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- C(>10) PHC(0-5) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02283200 Patarapada P-1,M-1 PHC-1,PHS-1 W,HP,C ED PO-1 BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(0-5), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- RS(>10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02283300 Sankamar P-1,M-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP,R ED PO(0-5), BS(5-10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) Ph(>10) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), NW(5-10) STAU(>10) 02283400 Gailo P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), HP,R ED PH-1 BS(5-10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), NW(5-10) STAU(>10) 02283500 Kundandeipur P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP,R,C EA PO(>10), BS(>10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), FP-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02283600 Panibhandar P-2,M-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02283700 Badakamar P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP,R NA PO-1,PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(>10),COP(0-5), CV(>10), PR-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02284800 Panigengutia P-1,M-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP,R ED,EAG,EO PO(>10), BS(0-5), COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1, -- -- PHC(5-10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NR-1 NW-1 STAU(>10) 02284900 Roda P-1,M-1,S-1 PHS-1 W,TK,HP,R EA PO-1,PH-1 BS(>10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1, -- -- RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NR-1 NW-1 STAU(>10) 02285000 Renthapat P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP,R ED,EAG PO(>10), BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(>10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02285100 Tarahata P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(>10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02285200 Siarimalia P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) TEHSIL : MOTUNGA 02293100 Mangalpur P-1,M-1,S-1,SS-1 PHS-1 W,TK,HP,R EA PH-1 BS(5-10), COM(5-10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- RS(5-10), COP(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02293200 Kusupanga P-1,M-1,S-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP,R EA PO-1,PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(>10) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02293300 Kurunti P-1,M-1,S-1,SS-1 PHS-1 W,TK,HP EA PH-1 BS(5-10), COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02293400 Itapa P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP EA PH-1 BS-1, COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(>10) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02293500 Narendrapur P-1,M-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP EA PH-1 BS-1, COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(>10) RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02293600 Asanabania P(5-10),M(5-10), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK NA PO(5-10), BS(5-10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), FP-1 -- -- C(>10) PHC(>10) Ph(5-10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10)



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Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. [2/10]

VILLAGE WISE AMENITIES IN THE STUDY AREA AS PER CENSUS 2001 CODE NAME OF VILLAGE EDUCATION Medical DRINKING WATER POWER P & T COMMUN- BANKS / CULTURAL APPR. TO INCOME EXPENCES SUPPLY ICATION SOCIETIES FACILITY VILLAGES (Rs. Lc) (Rs. Lc.) 02293700 Sibapur P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP EA PO-1,PH-1 BS(5-10), COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(>10) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02293800 Kochilamada P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP EA PH-1 BS(5-10), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(>10) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02294000 Charadagadia P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP EA PH-1 BS(5-10), COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(>10) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02294400 Motunga P-1,M-1,S-1,SS-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP EA PO-1,PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(>10) RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02294500 Kharagprasad P-2,M-2,S-1,SS-1, PHS-1 T,W,TK,HP,R EA PO-1,PH-1 BS(5-10), COM-1,ACS(5-10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- C-1 RS(5-10), NACS(>10),OCS(>10) SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02294600 Kharagprasad P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP EA PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(>10) RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02294700 Suravi P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP EA PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(>10) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02294800 Bido P-1,M-1,S-1 PHS-1 W,TK,HP EA PO-1,PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02294900 Taladanga P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP EA PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(>10) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02295000 Ranjasinga P-1,M-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP,R EA PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) Ph(0-5) RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02295200 Nagari P-1,M-1,S-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP,R EA PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(>10) RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02295300 Gaudapasi P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP EA PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- C(5-10) PHC(>10) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02295400 Chintapokhar P-1,M-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP EA PO-1,PH-1 BS-1, COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(>10) RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02295500 Malibido P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP EA PH-1 BS(5-10), COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(>10) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02295600 Binakarkaten P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP EA PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(>10) Ph(0-5) RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02295700 Budhapanka P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP EA PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(>10) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02295800 Brajabiharip P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP EA PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) Ph(0-5) RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02295900 Salapada P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP EA PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- C(5-10) PHC(>10) RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02296100 Kunjabiharip P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP EA PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(>10) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02296300 Nadhara P-1,M-1,S-1,SS-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP EA PO-1,PH-1 BS(5-10), COM(0-5),COP(5-10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(>10) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02296400 Ekagharia P-1,M-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP,R EA PO(0-5), BS(5-10), COM(5-10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(5-10) Ph(5-10) RS(0-5), COP(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1



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Page 42: · Email dsp@rungtamines ... (540.705 acres) under private ownership

Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. [3/10]

VILLAGE WISE AMENITIES IN THE STUDY AREA AS PER CENSUS 2001 CODE NAME OF VILLAGE EDUCATION Medical DRINKING WATER POWER P & T COMMUN- BANKS / CULTURAL APPR. TO INCOME EXPENCES SUPPLY ICATION SOCIETIES FACILITY VILLAGES (Rs. Lc) (Rs. Lc.) NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02296600 Jarada P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP EA PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(5-10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(0-5) Ph(0-5) RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02296700 Nuara P(5-10),M(5-10), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK NA PO(5-10), BS(5-10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), FP-1 -- -- C(>10) PHC(>10) Ph(5-10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02296800 Talabaghalun P-1 ALH(5-10), W,TK,HP EA PH-1 BS(5-10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- MCW(5-10),PHC(>10) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02296900 Uparbaghalun P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(5-10), W,TK,HP EA PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- C(5-10) MCW(5-10),PHC(>10) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02297000 Nayabhagirat P-1,M-1,S-1 ALH(5-10), W,TK,HP EA PO-1,PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- MCW(5-10),PHC(>10) RS-1, SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02297100 Nayabhagirat P-1,M-1,S-1 ALH(5-10), W,TK,HP EA PH-1 BS-1, COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- MCW(5-10),PHC(0-5) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02297200 Kalusahukate P-1,M-1,S-1 ALH(5-10), W,TK,HP EA PH-1 BS-1, COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- MCW(5-10),PHC(0-5) RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02297300 Haladibahali P-1 ALH(5-10), W,TK,HP EA PO-1,PH-1 BS(5-10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- MCW(5-10),PHC(0-5) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02297400 Budhipahad P(5-10),M(5-10), ALH(0-5),MCW(0-5), W,HP EA PO(>10), BS-1, COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), FP-1 -- -- C(5-10) PHC(5-10) Ph(>10) RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02297500 Uperpal P-1 ALH(0-5),MCW(0-5), W,TK,HP,R EA PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(0-5) RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02297600 Meramandali P-1,M-1,S-1 ALH-1,MCW-1,CWC-1, W,TK,HP EA PTO-1, BS-1, COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- FWC-1 PH-1 RS-1, SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02297700 Nimidha P-1,M-1,S-1 PHC-1,PHS-1 W,HP EA PH-1 BS(5-10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- RS(>10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02297800 Ranibania P-1,M-1 ALH(0-5),MCW(0-5), W,HP,C EA PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(0-5) Ph(>10) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02297900 Badalo P-1,M-1,S-1 PHS-1 W,HP,R EA PO-1,PH-1 BS-1, COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- RS(>10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02298100 Artasantraka P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP EA PO(0-5), BS-1, COM(5-10), CV(>10), FP-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) Ph(>10) RS(5-10), COP(5-10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02298200 Murdangapali P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP EA PO(0-5), BS-1, COM(5-10), CV(>10), FP-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), COP(5-10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02298300 Balaramprasa P-1,M-1,S-1 AYD-1,PHS-1 W,HP,R EA PO-1,PH-1 BS-1, COM(0-5),COP(0-5), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02298500 Handifuta P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP,R EA PO(0-5), BS-1, COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(>10) Ph(5-10) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02298600 Ghodadian P-1,M-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP EA PO(0-5), BS-1, COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(>10) Ph(>10) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02298700 Naraharipur P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP,R,C EA PO(5-10), BS(0-5), COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(5-10) Ph(5-10) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10)



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Page 43: · Email dsp@rungtamines ... (540.705 acres) under private ownership

Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. [4/10]

VILLAGE WISE AMENITIES IN THE STUDY AREA AS PER CENSUS 2001 CODE NAME OF VILLAGE EDUCATION Medical DRINKING WATER POWER P & T COMMUN- BANKS / CULTURAL APPR. TO INCOME EXPENCES SUPPLY ICATION SOCIETIES FACILITY VILLAGES (Rs. Lc) (Rs. Lc.) 02298800 Sridihi P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP,R EA PO(5-10), BS(0-5), COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(5-10) Ph(5-10) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02298900 Bachhuribank P-1 ALH(5-10), W,HP EA PO(5-10), BS(5-10), COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- MCW(5-10),PHC(5-10) Ph(5-10) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02299000 Chheliabedha P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP EA PO(>10), BS-1, COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), FP-1 -- -- PHC(>10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02299100 Paneilo P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP,R EA PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- C(0-5) PHC(0-5) Ph(0-5) RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) TEHSIL : BALIMI 02300200 Rakala P-1,M-1,S-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), C ED,EAG PH-1 BS(5-10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02300300 Panaghudughu P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), HP,C ED,EAG PO(0-5), BS(5-10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(>10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02300400 Amana P-1,M-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), HP,C ED PO(0-5), BS(5-10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02300500 Sanjapada P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), HP,C ED,EAG PO-1,PH-1 BS(5-10), COM(>10),COP(5-10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02300600 Badibahal P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W ED PO(0-5), BS(5-10), COM(>10),COP(5-10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) Ph(>10) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02300700 Khaliberana P-1,M-1,S-1 PHS-1 W,HP ED PH-1 BS(5-10), COM(>10),COP(0-5), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02300800 Nadeilo P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), HP,C ED PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(>10),COP(0-5), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(>10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02300900 Bramhanapuru P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), HP,C ED,EAG PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(>10),COP(0-5), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(>10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02301000 Naraharipur P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), HP,C ED PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(>10),COP(0-5), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- C(>10) PHC(>10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02301100 Chandrasekha P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W ED PO(0-5), BS(>10), COM(>10),COP(0-5), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- C(>10) PHC(>10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02301200 Kankalu P-1,M-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), R EA PO-1 BS-1, COM(>10),COP(0-5), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02301400 Mitikapasi P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), HP,C ED PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(>10),COP(0-5), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- C(>10) PHC(>10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02301500 Sarapa P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), C ED PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(>10),COP(0-5), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(>10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02301600 Raghunathapu P-1,M-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), HP,C ED PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(>10),COP(0-5), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(>10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02301700 Nuagan P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), HP,C ED,EAG PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(>10),COP(0-5), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(>10) Ph(>10) RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02301800 Mahatala P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), HP,C ED,EAG PH-1 BS-1, COM(>10),COP(0-5), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- C(>10) PHC(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10)



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Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. [5/10]

VILLAGE WISE AMENITIES IN THE STUDY AREA AS PER CENSUS 2001 CODE NAME OF VILLAGE EDUCATION Medical DRINKING WATER POWER P & T COMMUN- BANKS / CULTURAL APPR. TO INCOME EXPENCES SUPPLY ICATION SOCIETIES FACILITY VILLAGES (Rs. Lc) (Rs. Lc.) 02301900 Beruanpal P-1,M-1,S-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), HP,C ED,EO PO-1,PH-1 BS-1, COM(>10),COP(0-5), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02302000 Gandijhara P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), HP,C ED PO(0-5), BS-1, COM(>10),COP(0-5), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- C(>10) PHC(>10) Ph(0-5) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02302100 Galapada P-1,M-1,S-1 PHS-1 HP,C ED,EAG PH-1 BS-1, COM(0-5),COP(0-5), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02302200 Bhanupada P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), HP,C ED PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(>10),COP(5-10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(>10) Ph(>10) RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02302300 Chitipada P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), C ED,EAG PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(>10) Ph(5-10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02302400 Nimabahali P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W ED PO-1 BS-1, COM(>10),COP(5-10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(>10) RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02302500 Kothalu P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W ED PO(0-5), BS-1, COM(>10),COP(5-10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- C(>10) PHC(>10) Ph(0-5) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02302600 Jhadabandha P-1,M-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W ED,EO PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(>10),COP(5-10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(>10) RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02302700 Madhupur P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK NA PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- C(5-10) PHC(5-10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02302800 Nua P-1,M-1 PHS-1 W,TK,HP ED PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(5-10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- RS(>10), COP(5-10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02302900 Thokar P-1,M-1,S-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PO-1,PH-1 BS-1, COM(0-5),COP(5-10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02303000 Barasingha P-1,M-1,S-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(0-5), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02303100 Tarkabeda P-1,M-1,S-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(5-10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) RS(>10), COP(5-10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02303200 Kadala P-1,M-1,S-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PO-1,PH-1 BS(5-10), COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02303300 Benipathara P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), S ED,EAG PO(0-5), BS(5-10), COM(>10),COP(0-5), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) Ph(0-5) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02303400 Badamunda P-1,M-1,S-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), HP ED PH-1 BS(5-10), COM(>10),COP(0-5), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02303500 Kantimili P-1,M-1,S-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP ED PH-1 BS(>10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02303600 Sanamunda P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PO(0-5), BS(>10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02303800 Paikpurunako P-1,M-1,S-1,SS-1 AYD-1,HMD-1,PHC-1, HP EA PO-1,PH-1 BS-1, COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHS-1 RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02303900 Janhamunda P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W NA PO(0-5), BS(>10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- C(5-10) PHC(0-5) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02304000 Solanali P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP ED PO(0-5), BS(>10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10),



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Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. [6/10]

VILLAGE WISE AMENITIES IN THE STUDY AREA AS PER CENSUS 2001 CODE NAME OF VILLAGE EDUCATION Medical DRINKING WATER POWER P & T COMMUN- BANKS / CULTURAL APPR. TO INCOME EXPENCES SUPPLY ICATION SOCIETIES FACILITY VILLAGES (Rs. Lc) (Rs. Lc.) NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02304100 Jharabeda P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP ED PO(0-5), BS(>10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), FP-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02304200 Nuapada P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP ED PO(0-5), BS(>10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- C(5-10) PHC(0-5) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02304300 Patala P-3,M-1,S-1 PHS-1 W,HP ED PO-1,PH-1 BS(>10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02304400 Bankidi P-1,M-1,S-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP ED,EAG PH-1 BS(>10), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02304500 Jhaduberani P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), R ED,EAG PO(0-5), BS(>10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(>10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02304600 Panuberani P-1,M-1,S-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), HP,R ED PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02304700 Dahanimara P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP ED PO(0-5), BS(5-10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1 -- -- C(0-5) PHC(>10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02304800 Khalapal P-1,M-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP ED,EAG PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(>10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02304900 Nagiaberani P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP NA PO(0-5), BS(>10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- C(0-5) PHC(>10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02305000 Iswarapur P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP ED,EAG PO(0-5), BS(>10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- C(>10) PHC(5-10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02305100 Gotiaberani P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP ED PO(0-5), BS(>10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- C(>10) PHC(>10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02305200 Kantamila P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP ED PO(0-5), BS(>10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02305400 Mahalunda P-1,M-1,S-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP ED PH-1 BS(>10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02305500 Bedanali P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP ED,EAG PO(0-5), BS(>10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- C(>10) PHC(5-10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02305600 Maguberani P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP ED PO(0-5), BS(>10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02305700 Krushnachand P-1,M-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK ED PO-1 BS(5-10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02305800 Gulehi P-1,M-1,S-1 PHS-1 W,TK,HP ED PH-1 BS-1, COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02305900 Dudurokot P-3,M-2,S-1 AYD-1,PHC-1,PHS-1 W,TK,HP ED PO-1,PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02306000 Bramhanamara P-1,M-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) Ph(0-5) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02306100 Kumurusinga P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PH-1 BS(5-10), COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10)



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Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. [7/10]

VILLAGE WISE AMENITIES IN THE STUDY AREA AS PER CENSUS 2001 CODE NAME OF VILLAGE EDUCATION Medical DRINKING WATER POWER P & T COMMUN- BANKS / CULTURAL APPR. TO INCOME EXPENCES SUPPLY ICATION SOCIETIES FACILITY VILLAGES (Rs. Lc) (Rs. Lc.) 02306200 Ranjagola P-2,M-2,S-1,SS-1, CWC-1,PHC-1,FWC-1 W,TK,HP ED PO-1,PH-1 BS(0-5), COM-1,ACS-1 CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- C-1 RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02306300 Asarada P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02306400 Balimi P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PTO-1, BS-1, COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) PH-1 RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02306500 Kukuta P-1,M-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PH-1 BS-1, COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02306600 Sanahindol P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PTO-1, BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) PH-1 RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02306700 Nandapur P-1,M-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02306800 Gurilo P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PH-1 BS-1, COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) TEHSIL : HINDOL 02307300 Tangisal P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP ED PO(0-5), BS(5-10), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02307400 Balasar P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP ED PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) Ph(>10) RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02307700 Hariharapur P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP ED PO(0-5), BS-1, COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1 -- -- C(5-10) PHC(0-5) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02310400 Baghadharia P-1,M-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP ED PO(5-10), BS-1, COM(0-5),COP(5-10), SPCL-1 PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(>10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) TEHSIL : RASOL 02312400 Panchupada P-1,M-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PO-1,PH-1 BS(5-10), COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02312500 Jarada P-1,M-1,S-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP ED,EAG PH-1 BS(5-10), COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02312600 Haripur P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP ED PO(0-5), BS(5-10), COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1, -- -- PHC(>10) Ph(5-10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), FP-1 NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02312700 Badabahal P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- C(5-10) PHC(5-10) Ph(5-10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02312800 Giridharpras P-1,M-1,S-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PO-1,PH-1 BS-1, COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02312900 Karanda P-2,M-1,S-1 PHS-1 W,TK,HP EA PO-1,PH-1 BS-1, COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02313000 Khanditiri P-2,M-1,S-1 PHS-1 W,TK,HP ED PH-1 BS-1, COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02313100 Brahmapur P-1,M-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PO(0-5), BS-1, COM(5-10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10)



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Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. [8/10]

VILLAGE WISE AMENITIES IN THE STUDY AREA AS PER CENSUS 2001 CODE NAME OF VILLAGE EDUCATION Medical DRINKING WATER POWER P & T COMMUN- BANKS / CULTURAL APPR. TO INCOME EXPENCES SUPPLY ICATION SOCIETIES FACILITY VILLAGES (Rs. Lc) (Rs. Lc.) 02313200 Bedapada P-2,M-1,S-1 PHC-1,PHS-1 W,TK,HP,C ED PO-1,PH-1 BS-1, COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02314700 Bhingira P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PO(0-5), BS-1, COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) Ph(5-10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02314900 Basanta pokh P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(>10),COP(5-10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- C(5-10) PHC(5-10) Ph(5-10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02315000 Thenga P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(5-10), CV(>10), MR-1,FP-1 -- -- C(5-10) PHC(5-10) Ph(5-10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02315200 Gulugundi P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), HP EA PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,FP-1 -- -- C(5-10) PHC(0-5) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) DISTRICT : ANUGUL * TEHSIL : BANARPAL 02439500 Tentulihata P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), HP ED PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(0-5), CV(>10), MR-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) Ph(0-5) RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02439600 Budhapanka P-2,M-1,S-1 PHS-1 W,TK,HP ED PO-1,PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(0-5), CV(>10), PR-1 -- -- RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02440200 Nuahata P-2 PHS-1 W,TK,HP ED PO-1,PH-1 BS-1, COM(0-5),COP(0-5), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1 -- -- RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02440300 Joragadia P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(0-5), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) Ph(0-5) RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02440400 Birabahanpur P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(0-5), CV(>10), MR-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) Ph(0-5) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02440500 Talabahal P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP ED PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(0-5), CV(>10), MR-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) Ph(0-5) RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02440600 Ganthigadia P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP NA PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(0-5), CV(>10), MR-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) Ph(0-5) RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02440700 Badakhali P-1,M-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP ED PO-1 BS(5-10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) RS(5-10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02440800 Bhagabatpur P-1,M-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP ED PO(0-5), BS(5-10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) Ph(0-5) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02440900 Narendrapur P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP ED PO(0-5), BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(0-5), CV(>10), MR-1 -- -- PHC(0-5) Ph(0-5) RS(0-5), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02441200 Gadasantri P-1,M-1 PHS-1 W,HP ED PO-1,PH-1 BS(>10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1 -- -- RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02441400 Gangijodi P-1,M-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,HP ED PO(0-5), BS(>10), COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1 -- -- PHC(>10) Ph(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02442400 Talatali P-1,M-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP,R ED,EAG PH-1 BS(5-10), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1 -- -- PHC(5-10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02443200 Juharpur P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP,R ED PO(0-5), BS(>10), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), MR-1 -- -- PHC(>10) Ph(0-5) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02443300 Similichhuin P-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP,R ED,EAG PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1 -- -- PHC(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10),



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Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. [9/10]

VILLAGE WISE AMENITIES IN THE STUDY AREA AS PER CENSUS 2001 CODE NAME OF VILLAGE EDUCATION Medical DRINKING WATER POWER P & T COMMUN- BANKS / CULTURAL APPR. TO INCOME EXPENCES SUPPLY ICATION SOCIETIES FACILITY VILLAGES (Rs. Lc) (Rs. Lc.) NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02443400 Chakuriapal P(0-5),M(0-5), ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP,R ED PH-1 BS(0-5), COM(0-5),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1 -- -- C(0-5) PHC(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10) 02444100 Gadatalamul P-1,M-1,S-1 ALH(>10),MCW(>10), W,TK,HP,R ED,EAG PO-1,PH-1 BS-1, COM(>10),COP(>10), CV(>10), PR-1,MR-1 -- -- PHC(>10) RS(>10), SPCL(>10), NW(>10) STAU(>10)

A B B R I V A T I O N S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

1. EDUCATION : P Primary school M Middle school S Secondary school SS Senior secondary school C Collage IS Industrial school TS Training school ALC Adult literacy class/centre O Other educational facilities 2. MEDICAL ALH Allopathic hospital AYH Ayurvedic hospital UNH Unani hospital HMH Homeopathic hospital ALD Allopathic dispensary AYD Ayurvedic dispensary UND Unani dispensary HMD Homeopathic dispensary MH Maternity home CWC Child welfare centre MCW Maternity and child welfare centre HC Health centre PHC Primary health centre PHS Primary health sub centre FWC Family welfare centre TB T.B. centre NH Nursing home CHW Comunity health workers RMP Registered private medical practitioners SMP Subsidised medical practitioner O Other medical facilities 3. DRINKING WATER T Tap water W Well water TK Tank water TW Tubewell water HP Hand pump R River water C Canal L Lake S Spring O Other drinking water sources 4. POWER SUPPLY ED Power for Domestic purpose EAG Power for Agriculture EO Power for Ind./Comm. purpose EA Power for all purposes 5. POST AND TELEGRAPH PO Post Office TO Telegraph Office PTO Post & Tele. Office PH Telephone 6. COMMUNICATION BS Bus Stop RS Railway Station NW Navigable waterways 7. BANKS / CREDIT SOCIETIES COM Commercial bank COP Cooperative bank NACS Non agricultural credit societies ACS Agricultural credit societies OCS Other credit societies 8. CULTURAL FACILITIES CV Cinema / Video hall SPCL Sports club STAU Stadium/Auditorium 9. APPROACH TO VILLAGE PR Pucca road MR Mud road FP Footpath NR Navigable river NC Navigable canal NW Navigable waterways (other than river & canal) Source : Village directory, Census of India, 2001



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Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. [10/10]


1. EDUCATION : Primary school : 146 Middle school : 72 Secondary school : 41 Senior secondary schools : 7 Graduate collage : 2 2. MEDICAL Allopathic Hospital : 1 Ayurvedic dispensary : 3 Homiopathic dispensary : 1 Metarnity and child welfare : 1 Child welfare centre : 2 Primary health centre : 6 Primary health sub-centre : 22 Family welfare centre : 2 3. DRINKING WATER : Tap Water : 1 Well water : 136 Tank Water : 85 Hand Pump : 146 River water : 30 Canal water : 22 Spring water : 1 4. POWER SUPPLY : Power for Domestic purpose : 100 Power for Agriculture : 20 Power for other purpose : 4 Power for all purposes : 55 5. POST AND TELEGRAPH : Post Office : 34 Post & Tele. Office : 3 Telephone : 81 6. COMMUNICATION : Bus Stop : 37 Railway Station : 2 Navigable waterways : 2 7. BANKS/CREDIT SOCIETIES : Commercial bank : 2 Agricultural credit society : 1 8. CULTURAL FACILITIES : Sports club : 1 9. APPROACH TO VILLAGE : Pucca road : 56 Mud road : 150 Footpath : 140 Navigable river : 2 Source : Village directory, Census of India, 2001



RE : V C


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p.lingta $frl,ircrefl{nwtifBbRUNGTA HOUSE, CHAIBASA.833 201, JHARKHAND

Phone : (06582) 256861, 256761, 256661, Fax : 91 -6582-256442, Cable: RUNGTA

E. mail : [email protected] Website :


ITEM NO -9 To lmpart Authorization to Shri Pradeep Kumar Chaturvedi for dealingwith issues related to getting extension of validity of Environmentat Clearance forDhenkanal Steel Plant of the Company

The Chairman informed the Board that the Company is in need of getting extension ofvalidity of Environmental Clearance for its Dhenkanal Steel Plant for which an Authorizationis required to be given to some one who can sign, submit and execute form(s),document(s) etc. on behalf of the company. After discussion following resolution waspassed by the Board unanimously:

"RESOLVED THAT Shri Pradeep Kumar Chaturvedi Joint Vice President of theCompany, be and is hereby authorized to make correspondence, represent, sign, file andsubmit various papers/ documents/ forms as and when required in relation to gettingextension of validity of Environmental Clearance from the concerned officials ofGovernment Department on behalf of the Company for its Dhenkanat Steel Plant situatednear Jharbandh, Galpada and Tarkabeda villages of Dhenkanal District in Odisha whichmay include Form I and PFR for extension of validity of Environmental Clearance, Consentto Establish, Consent to operate etc. and to do all such acts, deeds and things as arerequired in connection therewith

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT a Letter of Authorisation be issued in favour of Shri pradeepKumar Chaturvedi for doing all the needful activities as is required in course of gettingextension of validity of Environmental Clearance of Dhenkanal Steel plant of theCompany."

t"'Ss*'n,z u'*"o

(MUKUND RUNGTA)DirectorDtN- 00072640Add: - Rungta House, Chaibasa

Dist. - West Singhbhum, Jharkhand- g3320l

RsgisroredOflice:8A-ExpressTower,42A-Shakespeare Sarani,Kolkata-7OOO17, WESTBENGAL. INDIA,Phone:(033)22816580.22813751, Fax:91-33-22815380CIN: U2691 1 WB1 962P1C025691

Typewritten text
Page 51: · Email dsp@rungtamines ... (540.705 acres) under private ownership

E{ndl . [email protected]

lto ngtu .st ines Whniteb-- _--( DHENKANAL srEEL

"o1,, ) csl{J20911W81962PtC025691

Site Office: Korian By-Pass, Korian, Dist.: Dhenkanal-759013, ODISHA, INDIAWorks : At - Jharabandha, P.O. - Nimabahali, Via - Meramendli, Dhenkanal - 759 121 , ODISHA

Telefax : +91 6762 228361. E-mail : [email protected], Website:



This is being informed to all the concerned that Shri Pradeep Kumar Chaturuedi

Joint Vice President of the Company, is hereby authorized by the Board in its

meeting held on 13.12.2014 to make correspondence, represent, sign, file and

submit various papers/ documentsi forms as and when required in relation to

getting extension of validity of Environmental Clearance from the concernerJ

officials of Government Department on behalf of the Company for its Dhenkanal

Sfee/ Plant situated near Jharbandh, Galpada and Tarkabeda villages of Dhenkanal

District in Odisha which may include Form I and PFR for extension of validity of

Environmental Clearance, Consent to Establish, Consent to operate etc. and to do

all such acts, deeds and things as are required in connection therewith

Such Authorisation for aforesaid purpose shall remain valid until rescinded by the

Board of the Company.

l')l/ n ^


signature Attested by shri MUKUND RUNGTA Yj/(Director)

For Rungta Mines Limitedt\\ \ -//,N\_rzl

(MUKUND nUr,r6ralDirectorDf N- 00072640Add: - Rungta House, Chaibasa

Dist. - West Singhbhum, Jharkhand- 833201

Regd. Office:8A. Exprcss Tower, 42A. Shakespeare Ssranl, Kolkoto.700 0't7, WEST BENGAL, tNDlA. Phone (033) 22816580,22813751, Fax: 91-33-22816380

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DATED 2-8-2010






(EXTENT : 667.39 ACRES)



Submitted by:


Page 53: · Email dsp@rungtamines ... (540.705 acres) under private ownership

Pre-feasibility Report for Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. 1


Project name Integrated Steel plant (Dhenkanal Steel Plant ) Project proponent Rungta Mines Limited Location Jharbandh, Galpada and Tarkabeda, District

Dhenkanal, Odisha Latitude 85° 17' 12" to 85° 18' 45" E Longitude 20° 45' 14" to 20° 46' 24" N Total Area 667.39 acres Present Land use break up

LAND USE IN CORE ZONE (IN HA) Sl. No. Total area Fallow

Land (Private)

Barren Land

(Govt.) Area (ha) 667.39 540.705 126.685 Percent (%) 100 81.02 18.98

Total area of land under the steel complex shall be 667.39 acres of which 600.695 acres has been acquired (comprising 540.705 acres private land + 59.990 acres Government land). Remaining under acquisition through IDCO.

Product DRI, Power, Steel, Pig iron Rated capacity 0.95 MTPA steel in each phase Working days 300 Manpower Phase I-1300 and Phase-II 1300 Implementation Schedule

60 Months

Expected cost of the project

Phase - Rs. 2083.58 and phase II Rs. 2067.13 crores

Elevation Approximate 90 m (Core zone) 60 to 312 m ( Buffer zone)

Topography Flat Water requirement 2950 cum/hour Source of water Brahmani River Power description 150 MW Phase I and 150 MW in phase II power

generated shall be utilised in its proposed steel plant Power source Captive Power Plant

2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 Identification of project and project proponent The proposed Integrated Steel plant is one of the projects of M/s Rungta

Mines Limited (RML), which is a one of the leading and the oldest mining group of the mineral rich belt of Orissa & Jharkhand.

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Pre-feasibility Report for Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. 2

The company's vision & mission is to utilise its core values & strengths, complemented with the vast experience gained, to help it keep pace with the changing times and respond to domestic & international market forces by maintaining consistent quality & dispatch schedules, making RML synonymous with reliability.

Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India accorded

Environmental Clearance vide letter no. J-11011/241/2009.IA.II(I) dated 02.08.2010 for Integrated Steel Plant for following facilities.

Production facility Phase I


Total (MTPA)

Beneficiation plant 2.1 2.1 4.2 Pelletization Plant 1.2 1.2 2.4 Sponge Iron Plant 0.75

(5x500 TPD) 0.75

(5x500 TPD) 1.50

Sinter plant 0.325 (1x42 m2)

0.325 (1x42 m2)


Blast Furnace 0.30 (1x350 m3)

0.30 (1x350 m3)


Steel Melt shop 0.95 0.95 1.90 Induction furnace 0.576

(9x20 T) 0.576

(9x20 T) 1.152

Ladle Refining Furnace for IF

0.576 (1x40 T)

0.576 (1x40 T)


Electric Arc Furnace 0.448 (1x70 T)

0.448 (1x70 T)


Ladle Refining Furnace for EAF

0.448 (1x70 T)

0.448 (1x70 T)


Billet caster, Blooms, slab caster

0.95 (6/11 m radius)

0.95 (6/11 m radius)


Flats, Rod and Structural mill

0.95 0.95 1.9

Coal washery 2.1 2.1 M 4.2 Captive Power plant WHRB 50 MW

(5x45 TPH) 50 MW

(5x45 TPH) 100 MW

AFBC 100 MW (1x375 TPH)

100 MW (1x375 TPH)

200 MW

Coke Oven Plant 0.175 0.175 0.350 The Company has not completed installation of Plant Facilities within

validity for environmental clearance. Since the validity period for environmental clearance vide letter no. J-11011/241/2009.IA.II(I) dated 02.08.2010 as per EIA notification September 2006 is expiring on 01.08.2015, hence, the company is applying for extension of environmental clearance validity.

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Pre-feasibility Report for Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. 3

2.2 Brief description of nature of the project The nature of the project is ferrous metallurgical industries and falls under

the category of primary Metallurgical industry, Thermal Power Plant, Coal Washery, Mineral Beneficiation and Coke Oven Plant which is item no. 3(a), 1(d), 2(a), 2(b) and 4(b), respectively under category “A” of the schedule of EIA Notification, 2006.

2.3 Need for the project and its importance to the country and or region India’s economic growth is contingent upon the growth of the Indian Steel

Industry. Consumption of steel is taken to be an indicator of economic development. While steel continues to have a strong hold in traditional sectors such as construction, housing and ground transportation, special steels are increasingly used in engineering industries such as power generation, petrochemicals and fertilizers.

2.4 Demand-supply gap The Indian Steel industry has entered into new development stage from

2005-2006 riding high on the resurgent economy and rising demand of Steel. Rapid rise in production has resulted in India to become 5th largest producer of steel. It is estimated that, India’s Steel consumption will continue to grow at nearly 16% rate annually, fuelled by the demand of construction project. The National Steel Policy envisaged steel production to reach 110 million tonnes by 2020. So considering the huge demand of steel, this project is important for partial fulfilling of demand.

2.5 Imports vs. indigenous production Imports are not expected to impose a significant threat to domestic players

in future. There is no proposal. 2.6 Export possibility First priority is to meet domestic demand, however, would also take into

account export possibilities. 2.7 Domestic/ Export markets Sponge Iron shall be used as raw material from within house for producing

steel. The steel shall sold in domestic market. Total power generated from the 300 MW will be utilised in the DRI, SMS, Blast Furnace, LRF and Rolling Mill, etc.

2.8 Employment generation (Direct and Indirect) The manpower requirement for steel plant is 1300 people in each phase

and an equal number in indirect employment.

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Pre-feasibility Report for Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. 4

Many more persons will also get employment in the ancillary & other services connected with this project.

3.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 3.1 Type of project including interlinked and interdependent projects No 3.2 Location with Coordinates District & State : Dhenkanal & Odisha Village : Jharbandh, Galpada and Tarkabeda

Latitudes : 20° 45’ 14’’ to 20° 46’ 24’’ E Longitudes : 85° 17’ 12’’ to 85° 18’ 45’’ N Location map showing general location, specific location and project

boundary enclosed as Enclosure I.

3.3 Details of Alternate Sites & Environmental Considerations No alternatives under consideration since the project has already been

granted environmental clearance as well as several other clearances are in advanced stage of processing. Majority of the land has been acquired. The proposed project will be incorporated within the 667.39 acres.

3.4 Size/ Magnitude of operation Plant area: 667.39 acres Manufacturing facilities for which EC was granted

Production facility Phase I (MTPA)

Phase II (MTPA)

Total (MTPA)

Beneficiation plant 2.1 2.1 4.2 Pelletization Plant 1.2 1.2 2.4 Sponge Iron Plant 0.75

(5x500 TPD) 0.75

(5x500 TPD) 1.50

Sinter plant 0.325 (1x42 m2)

0.325 (1x42 m2)


Blast Furnace 0.30 (1x350 m3)

0.30 (1x350 m3)


Steel Melt shop 0.95 0.95 1.90 Induction furnace 0.576

(9x20 T) 0.576

(9x20 T) 1.152

Ladle Refining Furnace 0.576 0.576 1.152

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Production facility Phase I (MTPA)

Phase II (MTPA)

Total (MTPA)

for IF (1x40 T) (1x40 T) Electric Arc Furnace 0.448

(1x70 T) 0.448

(1x70 T) 0.936

Ladle Refining Furnace for EAF

0.448 (1x70 T)

0.448 (1x70 T)


Billet caster, Blooms, slab caster

0.95 (6/11 m radius)

0.95 (6/11 m radius)


Flats, Rod and Structural mill

0.95 0.95 1.9

Coal washery 2.1 2.1 M 4.2 Captive Power plant WHRB 50 MW

(5x45 TPH) 50 MW

(5x45 TPH) 100 MW

AFBC 100 MW (1x375 TPH)

100 MW (1x375 TPH)

200 MW

Coke Oven Plant 0.175 0.175 0.350 Manufacturing facilities could not be installed within valid ec period:

Production facility Phase I MTPA

Phase II (MTPA)

Total (MTPA)

Beneficiation plant 2.1 2.1 4.2 Pelletization Plant 1.2 1.2 2.4 Sponge Iron Plant 0.75

(5x500 TPD) 0.75

(5x500 TPD) 1.50

Sinter plant 0.325 (1x42 m2)

0.325 (1x42 m2)


Blast Furnace 0.30 (1x350 m3)

0.30 (1x350 m3)


Steel Melt shop 0.95 0.95 1.90 Induction furnace 0.576

(9x20 T) 0.576

(9x20 T) 1.152

Ladle Refining Furnace for IF

0.576 (1x40 T)

0.576 (1x40 T)


Electric Arc Furnace 0.448 (1x70 T)

0.448 (1x70 T)


Ladle Refining Furnace for EAF

0.448 (1x70 T)

0.448 (1x70 T)


Billet caster, Blooms, slab caster

0.95 (6/11 m radius)

0.95 (6/11 m radius)


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Production facility Phase I MTPA

Phase II (MTPA)

Total (MTPA)

Flats, Rod and Structural mill

0.95 0.95 1.9

Coal washery 2.1 2.1 M 4.2 Captive Power plant WHRB 50 MW

(5x45 TPH) 50 MW

(5x45 TPH) 100 MW

AFBC 100 MW (1x375 TPH)

100 MW (1x375 TPH)

200 MW

Coke Oven Plant 0.175 0.175 0.350

The project could not be installed due to:

1. Fluctuation in steel market

2. Roadblocks in project due to linked mines as follows:

a) State Govt. did not sign Mining Lease of linked mine due to issues raised about the sanctity of allocation of Coal Mines by the Hon’ble Supreme Court.

b) Uncertainties in the coal linkage which commenced on 2012-13 due to IMG, Supreme Court case, etc

c) Financial issues raised by the Bankers due to non-availability of mining lease.

d) Lack of environmental clearance of linked mine

e) Lack of forest clearance of linked mine

f) Cancellation of Coal mine allotted for supplying coal to this power plant by the Supreme Court of India.

g) Uncertainty about the availability of coal required for plant operation as on date.

h) Financial Crunch due to uncertainty in steel & power sector in view of the cancellation of all coalmines.

3. Environment Clearance from competent authority was received on 2nd August 2010; but Consent to Establish was received from State Pollution Control Board, Odisha on 21st January 2012 i.e. after 18 months of receiving environment clearance.

4. Rehabilitation of Villagers did not occur on time as villagers did not move from the site same was completed in December 2014.

Now the company is participating in auction of coal blocks being conducted

by Government of India to secure a coal linkage, where after the project is expected to be able to commence implementation.

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3.5 Project description with process details 3.5.1 Sponge Iron Plant Iron Ore (lumps or pellets) is reduced by heating with solid carbonaceous

material, such as coal, in a Rotary Kiln to temperature of about 1000°C. After reduction, products are cooled in a drum type rotary cooler and then separated into Sponge Iron and Char by magnetic separation. Main Raw Materials- iron ore, coal and dolomite are fed to the ground hoppers with the help of pay loaders and tippers and are carried away by belt conveyors to the crusher house. Screened and crushed raw material, calibrated by weigh feeders is fed into the kiln

The main reduction process occurs in a rotary kiln. The iron ore is reduced

by carbon monoxide generated by burning coal. The material is discharged in the Rotary Cooler at a temperature of about 700ºC, which is cooled up to 90ºC. The product of kiln is taken to a sealed rotary cooler where the product is cooled by indirect water spray. The hot water is collected and passed through the cooling tower. The evaporation loss is made up with make-up water. Raw Material Handling System Main Raw Materials Iron Ore, Coal & Dolomite shall be fed to the ground

hoppers with the help of Pay loaders and Tippers and carried by belt conveyors to the Crusher House. Screened and Crushed Material will be carried out by belt conveyers to the stock house, having 5 days bins. The main raw material handling system consists of iron ore crusher, vibrating screen and conveyor belts for preparation of raw material as mentioned above. Raw Material Feed System

The stored Raw Material are calibrated by Weigh Feeders separately for Iron Ore, Feed coal, Lump Coal, Injection Coal and Dolomite and fed to the Kiln through a Rotary Airlock Feeder. The feed mix will be fed through feed tube, which shall be sealed for leakage of gases with a sealing air fan, which creates a positive pressure to avoid the gas escape. The Injection Coal system injects coal at the discharge end of rotary kiln to avoid Coal starvation with 1 bar pressure at which leakages are not possible. There is a burner system, which shall be used for initial heating up of the kiln to 400C. Calibrated quantity of combustion air is also fed through the same opening. Main Processing System - Kiln The main reduction process occurs in a Rotary Kiln of 80 Mtr Length and

4.80 Mtr diameter made by boiler quality Plate. The Drive unit consists of 2 nos. main drive gearbox and 1 no. auxiliary gearbox. The kiln is supported by four nos. tyres and 08 nos. support rollers, one girth gear and two

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pinions. Calibrated quantity of air is fed to the kiln by shell air fans mounted on the kiln shell. The iron ore is reduced by the carbon monoxide generated by burning coal.

The product of Kiln is taken to a Sealed Rotary Cooler where the product is

cooled by indirect water spray, which is discharged to a conveyor at about 90C.

The cooler discharge is also sealed with a collecting hopper. There are 4

nos. slip seals at Kiln Inlet, Kiln Outlet, Cooler Inlet & Cooler Outlet that shall be made up of Ni hard steel. The seals are also lubricated to avoid false air entry into the kiln and gas leakage from the kiln. At inlet side of the Kiln, a back flow chute is made which is sealed with a Double Pendulum Flap Gate Valve. Cooling System The material is discharged in the Rotary Cooler at a temperature of about

700ºC, which is cooled up to 90o C. The Drive Unit consists of one Main gearbox and one Auxiliary gearbox. The cooler is supported by Two Tyres and four support rollers. This will be cooled by indirect circulating cooling water system, the hot water shall collected and passed through the cooling tower. The evaporation loss is made up with makeup water. Product Separation System The Cooler Discharge material consists of Sponge Iron lumps, fines and

ash of coal (char), and is taken to a vibratory screen and two nos. magnetic separators by belt conveyor. The Magnetic and Non Magnetic material are separated here and stored in fully closed hoppers. The Product House consists of silo for sponge iron lumps, sponge iron fines and char. The char shall be used as fuel in the proposed Power Plant. Flue Gas Cleaning and Pollution Control The flue gas coming out from the Rotary Kiln is passes through a Dust

Settling Chamber, in which the heavier dust is settled down. The bottom of the dust settling chamber is immersed in the wet scrapper water which is working as the sealing to avoid the gas leakage and false air entry. The gas next passes through the After Burning Chamber (A.B.C.) in which the carbon monoxide and un-burnt carbon are burnt completely. The flue gas is taken to the Waste Heat Recovery Boiler (WHRB), where the recoverable heat is utilized for generation of high pressure steam. The flue gas is next passed through an electro static precipitator (ESP), where the gas is cleaned up to maximum level. The clean gas passes to the atmosphere through the Chimney with the emission level of less than100 mg/Nm3.

The boiler bottom hoppers and E.S.P hoppers are provided with a dense

phase ash handling system. The dust collected from these hoppers is sent to an ash silo by pneumatic conveying system. Finally the stored dust in the

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ash silo is taken to the solid waste disposal site for storage and final disposal to brick manufacturing plants/ cement plants. Requirement of Raw Materials The main raw materials for sponge iron production are iron ore, coal, and

dolomite. 3.5.2 Steel melting shop A brief description of the manufacturing process is as follows. Induction furnace Induction furnace works on the principle of Induction melting of scrap/

sponge iron with the help of electric power. An alternating electromagnetic field induces eddy current in the metal so that the electrical energy converts into heat, whose quantity depends on the resistivity of the charge. Induction furnaces operate on current of commercial frequencies (50Hz) or on current of higher frequencies from 500 to 2000 Hz. These furnaces are beneficial in steel making for low melting loss.

An induction furnace constitutes a single larger primary coil made of water-

cooled copper tube. The working voltage is impressed across the terminals of the coil. The furnace has a rammed lining. The ramming material silica mass contains should more than 96% silica and minimum of Al2O3 & Fe2O3. Before ramming the material, a steel template is kept inside the furnace and the material is rammed between the template and the insulated coil of the induction heater. To minimize the consumption of electric power and cut down the melting period, the crucible wall must be as thin as possible. The inside of crucible lining is in contact with liquid metal while it’s outside surface contacts the water-cooled induction Charging In order to control the air pollution in the induction furnace, dust extraction

system will be installed. It consists of suction hood, cyclone, wet scrubber etc. Suction hood mounts on the head of furnace; the flue gases will be sucked through the hood. The blower sucks the flue gases through hood along with pipe, which connected to the cyclone and wet scrubber. The wet scrubber cools the hot gases of furnace through water spray. The nozzles spray water uniformly and perform the fog. The cyclone and scrubber separates the solid particles, dust and it falls down in the bottom of the water tank. The cool and fresh air will be exhausting through the Air Vent, in which the dust concentration will be less than 100 mg/Nm3. Ladle refining furnace The LF installation will be single station system with provision for arc

heating, inert gas stirring, and addition of ferroalloys and additives. The LF

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will be complete with the transformer, Ladle stirring System, Aluminum wire feeder, Carbon injecting device, additives storage and addition system, Sampling and temperature measuring device. A fume extraction and cleaning system consisting of bag filters, ID fan and chimney with the related duct work will be provided. Continuous casting machine Billet caster: The billet caster is complete with ladle stand, mould

assembly, Strand guide segments and supports withdrawal and straightening system, mould cooling system, Cut- off equipment incl. length measuring device, marking machine etc.

3.5.3 Mini Blast Furnace The purpose of a blast furnace is to chemically reduce and physically

convert iron oxides into liquid iron called "hot metal". The blast furnace is a huge, steel stack lined with refractory brick, where iron ore, coke and limestone are dumped into the top, and preheated air is blown into the bottom. The raw materials require 6 to 8 hours to descend to the bottom of the furnace where they become the final product of liquid slag and liquid iron. These liquid products are drained from the furnace at regular intervals. The hot air that was blown into the bottom of the furnace ascends to the top in 6 to 8 seconds after going through numerous chemical reactions. The air is blown through tuyers in the bottom portion and liquid iron is tapped from the tap hole. The blast furnace complex will consist of two blast furnaces and two pig casting machines along with the requisite support facilities, namely the stock house, coal injection system, cast house, gas cleaning plant, de-dusting facilities, slag granulation facilities, etc.

The blast furnace flue gas is passed through Gas Cleaning Plant. A part of

the clean gas is utilized for stove of blast furnace and balance clean gas is used as a fuel in the boiler.

3.5.4 WHRB power generation unit Manufacturing of sponge iron in rotary kiln generates approximately

110,000 Nm3/hr of Flue Gases at 850 – 900°C from each 500 TPD kiln. As the flue gases contain substantial sensible heat, it is proposed to utilize the heat for power generation through waste heat recovery boilers.

The waste heat recovery boilers consist of radiation chambers to evaporate

steam at 34 kg/cm2 pressure. The steam is carried to super heater system where the temperature is maintained at 430°C. The boiler has an economizer, which utilizes the heat of outgoing gases to raise the temperature of feed water from 100 to 200°C. The steam is used to rotate the turbine and to generate power.

The condensed steam is collected and recycled to the boilers as boiler feed

water. A DM water plant is provided for preparation of de-mineralized water for make-up to the steam-condensate cycle. The flue gases are passed

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through ESPs, where the dust concentration is brought down to below 50 mg/m3.

2.5.5 FBC based power plant It is proposed to install 100 MW power plant in each phase with two number

FBC Boiler of 375 TPH each capacity, based on coal and char firing. The boiler will be of natural circulation, balanced draft, single drum type and will be equipped with fluidized bed firing system. The boiler will be provided with Electrostatic Precipitator to maintain particulate concentration in flue gas at chimney outlet below 50 mg/Nm3.

2.5.6 Coal Washery The ROM coal needs crushing and washing to reduce the ash content

before it can be used in DRI plant. Therefore a coal washery is provided, which will consist of a coal crusher, screening station and washing equipment.

2.5.7 Coke oven plant Raw coal is crushed in a crusher into powdered form and charged in the

oven for the purpose of carbonisation. In the process, the volatile matter in the raw coal gets released in the form of gas and is burnt in the oven as well as in the flues and after the completion of the carbonization process, within the duration of 36 to 38 hours, the raw coal get converted in the form of coke. The coke is then pushed out from the oven and quenched by water.

2.5.8 Beneficiation plant, Pelletisation plant and Sinter plant Normally iron ores with Fe content above 65% are desirable to achieve

better productivity either in blast furnace or direct reduction. Due to non availability of quality iron ore, the run-off-mine (ROM) needed to be beneficiated to lower the impurities to improve the strength of sinter and pellet quality. Hydrocyclone is proposed for the upgradation of iron ore as well as for de-sliming of slime particles present in the feed. Beneficiation plant shall be of 4.2 MTPA while the pellitisation plant shall be of 2.4 MTPA. Mixture constituting of ore fines, limestone, bentonite, coal and slurry ore fed into disc pelletisers. Pellets then go through drying, preheating, recuperation, induration and looking before use. A sinter plant of 0.650 MTPA. Sintering is an agglomeration process of iron ore fines/blue dust, coke breeze and fluxes. The sinter generated will meet 40% of the charge mix of Blast Furnace.

3.6 Raw material required along with estimated quantity, likely source,

marketing area of final product and mode of transport of raw material and Finished product

The detail of raw material and their sources is given below in Table 1. It is

planned to have own railway siding within the plant to eliminate road movement for raw materials as well as finished products.

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Sl. No. Description Qty (MTPA)


1 Iron ore 4.8 Own mines

2 BF grade iron ore 0.27 Own mine

3 Coal (non cooking ) 4.2 Talcher Coal Field

4 Coal coking 0.23 South Africa

5 Dolomite 0.124 Rourkela

6 Bentonite 0.034 Open market

7 Quartz 0.0975 Open market

8 scrap 0.115 Open market Details of product/ finished product The detail of product and captive use as well as outside sale is given in

Table 2.


Phase-I Phase-II Product

Captive use Outside sale Captive use Outside sale

Beneficiation Ore 12,60,000 Nil 12,60,000 Nil

Pellets 11,25,000 23,590 11,25,000 23,590

Sponge Iron 7,50,000 nil 7,50,000 nil

Sinter 3,25,000 nil 3,25,000 nil

Pig iron 57,600 8,065 57,600 8,065

Billets, Blooms & Slabs 9,64,865 nil 9,64,865 nil

Rolled product NIL 9,26,270 NIL 9,26,270

Clean Coal 10,50,000 nil 10,50,000 nil

Middlings 8,40,000 nil 8,40,000 nil

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3.6.1 Mode of transport of Raw material Raw material will be transport through Rail/ Road. 3.7 Resource optimization/ recycling and reuse envisaged in the project Recirculating cooling water system shall be provided in the plant. The

recirculating cooling water pumps to the various consumers in the plant will pump cold water from the cooling tower basin. The hot water return from the consumers will return to the cooling tower for cooling and recirculation.

To meet the requirement of demineralization water as make-up water for

boiler, de-mineralization plant of suitable capacity will be provided. Water quality shall meet the Turbine and Boiler Manufacturers’ recommendation.

Entire waste water from the SMS and CPP complex shall be treated and

reused for afforestation, green belt watering, sprinkling and dust suppression. There is no liquid waste discharge from the Plant premises except during monsoon when the sprinkling and watering demand will be almost negligible.

Fly ash shall be utilised in brick making, road embankments, filling the low

lying area, etc. 3.8 Availability of water its source, energy / power requirement and source The estimated make-up water requirement for the Complete Steel Plant is

2950 cum per hour. Water allocation committee (WAC) has advised for provisional allotment of 2950 cum/hr. Final allotment is awaited. The plant shall be generate 300 MW energy in form of electricity from its captive power plant and shall be utilized in DRI, SMS, IF LR, EAF Beneficiation plant and coal washery, etc.

3.9 Quantity of wastes likely to be generated (liquid and solid) and

scheme for their management /disposal The main solid waste will be fly ash generated from power plant. Fly ash

shall be utilised in brick making, road embankments, filling the low lying area and cement plant, etc.

Electrostatic Precipitator and Bag Filters Systems will be installed for

pollution control of air emissions. Dust particles collected in the hoppers (below ESP) and conveyed pneumatically. This shall be disposed by trucks. Wastes like slag, runners & raiser from IF and scales and return scrap, etc. from Bar and Rod Mill will be recycled and reused in the process. Domestic waste shall be generated from the plant office, organic component of which shall be composted/ vermi composted. Quantity of waste generation is given in Table 3.

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Sl. No.

Source Phase I

Phase II


1 Oil and Lubricant 250 KL 250 KL 500 KL

2 DM plant resin 18 KL 18 KL 36 KL

DRI Plant

3 Char 1,87,500 1,87,500 3,75,000

4 Coal fines 1,05,000 1,05,000 2,10,000

5 ESP & In plant Dust

37,500 37,500 75,000

6 Kiln Accretion 3,900 3,900 7800


7 Slag 66,780 66,780 1,33,560

8 MBF Flue Dust 6,540 6,540 13,080

9 GCP Sludge 5,460 5,460 10,920


10 EAF/IF & LRF Slag 1,06,290 1,06,290 2,12,580


11 Fly Ash 1,76,166 1,76,166 3,52,332


12 Middlings 8,40,000 8,40,000 16,80,000

13 Reject 2,10,000 2,10,000 4,20,000


14 Coke breeze 49,385 49,385 98,770


15 Solids 2,762 2,762 5,524 3.10 Schematic Representations of the Feasibility Drawing which give

Information OF EIA Purpose EIA / EMP report has been prepared. Ministry of Environment and Forests

Government of India accorded Environmental Clearance vide letter no. J-11011/241/2009.IA.II (I) dated 02.08.2010 as per EIA notification September 2006. The Environmental clearance is expiring on 01.08.2015, so company is applying for extension of environmental clearance validity. The layout plan is given in Fig 1.

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4.0 SITE ANALYSIS 4.1 Connectivity Road link The proposed plant is accessible by all weather road from the district

headquarter Dhenkanal and town Angul, which are located at distances of 36 km and 22 km, respectively. The site is located on NH-42, at a distance of 4.1 km, which connects Bhubaneswar to Angul.

Rail link The nearest railway station is Meramandali at a distance of 3.6 km. Air link The nearest airport is at Bhubaneswar, which is approximately 150 km from

the site. 4.2 Land form, land use and land ownership The company has possession of 600.695 acres land, out of 667.39 acres

required for the project. Land use at present is agricultural land (540.705 acres) under private ownership and government land (126.685 acres). Company has acquired 600.695 acres (comprising 540.705 acres private land + 59.990 acres Government land). Balance is pending with Tehsildar, Hindol. This will change to industrial use.

4.3 Topography The ground elevation in the study area varies from approximately 60 m to

312 m. Change in topography is envisaged due to construction of buildings, making raw material and finished good yards.

4.4 Existing land use pattern As given in section 4.2 above. 4.5 Existing infrastructure Infrastructure like office building, canteen, strengthening of roads, waste or

waste water treatment is proposed. Temporary sheds for workers will be established at the site. Jharbandh village has a primary school, power supply for domestic use. Besides this the village also have bank, post and telegraph office and cultural facilities.

4.6 Soil classification The colour of the soil is usually reddish to light black, silty clay in texture

and pH is Neutral in nature.

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4.7 Climatic data from secondary sources Temperature As per the nearest IMD station, Angul (1994-2001), the mean of minimum

temperatures recorded at IMD station Angul ranges from 12.69°C in December to 21.46°C in May. The mean of maximum temperature ranges from 28.63°C in December to 40.21°C in May.

Rainfall Rainfall shows wide and erratic variations. The average annual rainfall at

IMD station Angul was recorded as 1266.80 mm from 1994 to 2001. The monsoon season is spread over the months from June to September.

Relative Humidity Relative humidity is higher during the period of SW monsoon and lower

during other months. The relative humidity varies from 40% (March) to 81% (August) during evening hours and 40% (March) to 81% (August) during morning.

4.8 Social infrastructure available Hospitals, school, community facilities are present in the villages in buffer

zone within 10 km of study area. Social infrastructures are existing as per Census.

5.0 PLANNING BRIEF 5.1 Planning concept We have not completed installation of Plant Facilities within validity for

environmental clearance. So company is applying for extension of environmental clearance validity.

5.2 Population projection During operation phase, around 1300 persons will be under direct

employment of the company in each phase. Many more persons will be indirectly engaged either on contract basis or in transportation of materials in provision of different services associated with the project. As majority of unskilled and semi-skilled persons will be from the surrounding villages, benefits will extend to the local population.

5.3 Land use planning (break up along with green belt etc.) The land use of the core area will be changed during the construction and

the operation phases. Land use of the entire project area will be changed from waste & barren and low-yield agricultural land to industrial use. The

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proposed integrated steel plant is spread over 667.39 acres land. During construction phase, parts of the project area will be converted into internal roads, water reservoir, buildings, green belt and plantation, etc. From almost barren land, the features of the plot will undergo changes due to construction. Break up of land use is given in Table 4.


BREAK UP OF PLOT AREA Sl. No. Description Area (Acres ) Percent

1. Plants & facilities 193.65 29.0 2. Stock yards 51.81 7.74 3. Area for solid waste disposal 155.20 23.2 4. Green belt & plantation 220.00 33.0 5. Administration building 1.40 0.28 6. Water reservoir 5.33 0.78 7. Roads 40.00 6.00

Total 667.39 100.00 5.4 Assessment of infrastructure demand (physical & social) An assessment of the facilities available in the villages in and adjacent to

the plant site is education, hospitals, drinking water, communication and approach road. An assessment of the facilities available in the villages in the study area based on Census 2001 has been done and given in Table 5.



Parameter Present Status in villages within 10 km of the project

Scope for improvement

1. Education Description - nos. Primary School -146 Middle School - 72 Secondary School - 41 Senior Secondary School - 7 Graduate college - 2

Provision of middle school, secondary and senior secondary schools, etc. in villages/ panchayats in which they area absent.

2. Medical Alopathic Hospital - 1 Ayurvedic Hospital - 3 Homeopathic Despensary - 1 Metarnity and Child welfare - 1 Child welfare centre - 2 Primary Health centre - 6 Primary Health sub centre - 22 Family welfare centre - 2

Provision of medical facilities such as primary health centre, maternity and child welfare centre, etc. in villages/ panchayats in which they area absent.

3. Drinking water

Tap water - 1 Well water - 136

Provision of potable drinking water supply

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Sl. No.

Parameter Present Status in villages within 10 km of the project

Scope for improvement

Tank water - 85 Hand pump - 146 River water - 30 Canal water - 22 Sping water - 1

through hand pumps is available. Nearby villages can be gradually supplied with tab water as the project is established, as part of the CSR plan.

4. Power supply

Power for domestic Purpose - 100 Power for agricultural - 20 Power for other purpose - 4 Power for all purpose - 55

The government can be interacted with on behalf of the villages to provide power for agriculture and other purposes.

5. Communication

Bus stop - 37 Railway station - 2 Navigable waterways - 2

Transportation facility to hospital and nearest town could be maintained and strengthened.

6. Approach to village

Pucca Road - 56 Mud road - 150 Foot path - 140 Navigable river - 2

Approach road to most of the villages is already strong & pucca. Few villages where road is not well developed can be developed.

7 Post and Telegraph

Post office - 34 Post and Tele office - 3 Telephone - 81

Communication facilities could be improved.

8 Banks/ credit societies

Commercial bank - 2 Agricultural credit society - 1

Provision for bank within the project site/ colony will be made

9 Cultural facilities

Sports club - 1 Provision for sports club will be made in colony and villages volunteering for maintaining a sports club can be monetarily supported as part of the CSR plan

5.5 Amenities / facilities Education, Hospitals, drinking water, power supply, post and telegraph,

banks, communication and approach roads are present in the villages in buffer zone within 10 Km of study area.

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6.0 PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE 6.1 Industrial area (processing area) The manufacturing facilities will be established in the proposed plant

premises. 6.2 Residential area (non processing area) Residential colony will be construction near plant, approximately 1 km away

near village Jharbhandh. 6.3 Green belt The green belt equivalent to 33% of the plot area will be developed. 6.4 Social infrastructure No private social infrastructure is proposed. The social infrastructure in the

surrounding villages will be improved as a part of the CSR activities of the company. Approximate expenditure for CSR Initiatives’ undertaken by Dhenkanal Steel Plant from the period 2009- 2014 are given in Table 6.



Sl. No.

Year Health services

Education & Communication

Infrastructure development

Sustainable livelihood

Culture & Sports

Total in INR

1. 2009-10 309,379 348,669 1,338,610 624,700 467,298 3,088,656 2. 2010-11 1,659,266 4,722,483 1,823,930 1,822,994 3,419,228 13,447,901 3. 2011-12 426,748 3,046,861 1,207,992 1,693,468 1,28,324 7,673,303 4. 2012-13 131,208 2,043,672 916,217 1,974,623 1,026,253 6,091,973 5. 2013-14 33,953 583,134 349,355 2,465,958 255,941 3,688,341 6. 2014-15

(upto 9/2014)

930 757,078 419,585 6,482,905 525,873 8,186,371

Total 2,561,484 11,501,897 6,055,689 15,064,648 5,722,918 42,176,545 6.5 Connectivity Refer section 4.1 6.6 Drinking water management (source & supply of water) Refer section 3.8 6.7 Sewerage system & industrial waste management Domestic waste will be generated from the manpower in plant office,

organic component of which will be composted/ vermi composted. The sewage from the Plant and colony shall be led to Sewage Treatment Plant.

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Pre-feasibility Report for Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. 21

It will be provided with biological treatment facility to control BOD and suspended solids. The treated effluent, conforming to prescribed standards, will be continued to be used for watering plantation and in monsoons, discharged to the nearest nala. The plant will be based on zero discharge principle. All the domestic and industrial effluents will be properly treated and completely recycled in the system and maintained in future also. Thus, there is no discharge of effluents envisaged from the plant.

6.8 Solid waste management The principal solid waste produced by any steel plant is slag, scrap, scale

and dust. The dust from dust catcher of DRI unit and dust from SMS section will be recycled to the extent possible in the plant itself or sold to outside parties.

SMS slag from EAF will be used in land fill at low-lying areas. Slag from

Blast furnace will be granulated and sold to the cement plants for slag cement. Scrap from SMS and other areas will be recycled in the steel plant to the extent possible. Scale and debris from HSM will be recycled to the maximum extent possible in the plant itself.

Huge quantity of solid waste is generated from power plant as ash, which is

collected through ESP, economiser and hopper. The ash is then conveyed to silo through dense phase system and it is mixed with water to make it moist in ash conditioners and finally loaded into tipper for disposal. The main users of fly ash are cement plants, brick manufacturing units, land fill sites, etc. The quantum of solid waste generation from the different units of proposed plant are given in 8.



Source Total (TPY)

Reuse/ Sale (TPY)

Remarks Balance for

Disposal (TPY)*

Storage- Temporary

Storage-Permanent Emergency Provision

1 Waste Oil &Lubricant 500 KL 500 KL Shall be sold 0 3 months Nil 2 DM plant resin 36 KL 36 KL Send back to

manufacturer for regeneration

0 3 months Nil

3 Refractory waste 10 10 Converted to low temperature refractory

0 3 months Nil

DRI Plant 4 Char 3,75,000 3,75,000 AFBC boiler 0 1 week Nil 5 Coal fines 2,10,000 2,10,000 AFBC boiler 0 1 week Nil 6 ESP & In plant Dust 75,000 0 Into disposal

site 75,000 Nil 15 years

7 Kiln Accretion 7800 0 - 7,800 Nil Nil BLAST FURNACE

8 MBF Slag 1,33,560 1,33,560 To cement plants

0 1 month Nil

9 MBF Flue Dust 13,080 13,080 Sinter plant 0 1 month Nil 10 GCP Sludge

10,920 0 Into disposal

site 10,920 Nil 15 years

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Pre-feasibility Report for Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. 22

Sl. No.

Source Total (TPY)

Reuse/ Sale (TPY)

Remarks Balance for

Disposal (TPY)*

Storage- Temporary

Storage-Permanent Emergency Provision

SMS 11 EAF/IF & LRF Slag 2,12,580 1,00,000 Village road

construction & low land filling, disposal

1,12,580 3 months Nil

POWER PLANT 12 Fly Ash 3,52,332 1,00,000 To cement

plant/ bricks manufacturing units of own & others

2,52,332 1 week Nil

COAL WASHERY 13 Middlings 16,80,000 16,80,000 AFBC boiler 0 1 week Nil 14 Reject 4,20,000 2,10,000 AFBC boiler

after re-beneficiation

2,10,000 1 month Nil

COKE OVEN PLANT 15 Coke breeze 98,770 98,770 Will be re-used

in sinter making within plant

0 1 week Nil

SINTER PLANT 16 Solids 5,524 5,524 Will be re-used

in sinter making within plant

0 1 month Nil


17 Tailing Waste 1,40,000 0 Will be disposed in tailing pond

1,40,000 Nil 15 years

Note : The waste is to be treated as by product, and therefore, maximum use of solid waste has been proposed.

6.9 Power requirement & supply / source Refer section 3.8 7.0 REHABILITATION AND RESETTLEMENT PLAN There is displacement of 54 families which have been rehabilitated &

resettled as per R&R Policy, Government of Orissa. Compensation has already been paid through IDCO.

The plant and allied activities will provide job opportunities for eligible

persons and many will find employment in ancillary & other services connected with this project.

118 educated unemployed youths from the effected families have already

been trained in Industrial Training Centres (ITC) for up-gradation of their skills and employability. 31 other unemployed youths from affected families have also completed their training in local Industrial Training Centres and have appeared at the All India Trade Test (AITT) in 2014. Another batch of 36 candidates have also been sponsored this year for ITI in the local Industrial Training Centre for the course period 2014-15 & 2015-16. The

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Pre-feasibility Report for Extension of validity of EC for Integrated Steel Plant of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. 23

management is also establishing its own ITC in the locality for providing training on skill development ad employability.

The proposed long term activity will open up market and opportunities

growth for self employed and cultivators. To this extent, the impact will be significantly beneficial since un-employment and under employment is the main socio-economic problem faced by the people in this area.

8.0 PROJECT SCHEDULE & COST ESTIMATES 8.1 Project Schedule The completion schedule of the all facilities within 60 months after received

validity extension of Environmental Clearance. 8.2 COST OF THE PROJECT The total cost of the project is Rs. 2083.58 crores for phase I and Rs.

2067.13 crores for phase II. 9.0 ANALYSIS OF PROPOSAL (FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS) Local persons will be provided with either direct employment or indirect

employment. They would be mostly recruited in unskilled, semi skilled office assistant categories, etc. This will improve the economic condition of the local people. The employment of local people in primary and secondary sectors of project will upgrade the prosperity of the region.

With the advancement in technology and the stringency in permissible limits

of emission along with regular monitoring, it is possible to operate plants of this type by having minimal impact on the environment.