Documents tagged
Presentations & Public Speaking Why charities + content = change - Amanda Nicolas, 8 May 2014

1. Charities + Content = Change Lunch & Learn May 2014 2. We help charities use content to its full potential to achieve whatever they’re trying to do. 3. Content takes…

Documents Uniqlo

FA ST RETA ILING A NNUA L REPORT 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Year ended August 31, 2014 Contents 10 Message from the CEO 20 Corporate Governance 26 Business Overview 28 UNIQLO…

Documents UNICEF: Humanitarian Action for Children 2014

unite for children UNICEF Humanitarian Action for Children 2014 Overview UNICEF Humanitarian Action for Children 2014 | 32 | UNICEF Humanitarian Action for Children 2014…

Travel Jennifer Friedel Syria Presentation

1. The Future of Syria Refugee Children in Crisis 2. What is UNHCR?Za’atari refugee camp, Jordan. AFP/Getty ImagesThe Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for…

Entertainment & Humor Escape From Syria

1. PowerPoint Show by Andrew ♫ Turn on Speakers 2. The number of migrants fleeing into Europe this year has already reached 235,000, topping the total number of migrants…

Documents Impact of Conflict in Syria on Syrian Children at the Zaatari Refugee Camp in Jordan - Jabbar and...

Impact of conflict in Syria on Syrian children at the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan Sinaria Abdel Jabbara* and Haidar Ibrahim Zazab aCurriculum & Instruction Department,…

Documents Protracted Encampment Protracted refugee situations Refugee camps Governance and justice in...

Slide 1 Protracted Encampment Protracted refugee situations Refugee camps Governance and justice in situations of long- term encampment Slide 2 Protracted Refugee Situations…

Documents E M N S e m i n a r 2 0 1 4 B r a ti s l a v a W HY TO PROTECT REFUGEES ? W HY TO PROTECT REFUGEES ?...

Slide 1 E M N S e m i n a r 2 0 1 4 B r a ti s l a v a W HY TO PROTECT REFUGEES ? W HY TO PROTECT REFUGEES ? GENERAL AND EU PERSPECTIVES Presented by Boldizsár Nagy EMN…

Documents Country of the Day The second largest country in South America (after Brazil). An immigrant haven...

Slide 1 Country of the Day The second largest country in South America (after Brazil). An immigrant haven for Spanish, Italian, and German immigrants in the late 19 th century.…

Documents ActionAid schools | September 2013 | 1 Children in Conflict Israa’s story.

PowerPoint Presentation Children in Conflict Israa’s story ActionAid schools | September 2013 | ‹#› Children in Conflict – Israa’s story, September 2013 N.B Israa…