Documents wcms_104895

Working Time Around the World John Maynard Keynes once made the bold prediction that the three-hour work day would prevail for his grandchildren’s generation. Seventy years…

Economy & Finance In times of recession women & men at work & work-life balance throughout the life course in Europe

1. IInn ttiimmeess ooff rreecceessssiioonn::WWoommeenn aanndd mmeenn aatt wwoorrkk aanndd wwoorrkk--lliiffee bbaallaanncceetthhrroouugghhoouutt tthhee lliiffee ccoouurrssee…

Documents Facilitating flexibility ánd security for older workers: HRM-arangements in 4 European countries...

Slide 1Facilitating flexibility ánd security for older workers: HRM-arangements in 4 European countries CEDEFOP (Thessaloniki, 30 sept. 2008) Frank Tros Hugo Sinzheimer…