Documents tagged
Technology Excel.01

1. FIRST COURSE Excel Tutorial 1 Getting Started with Excel 2. New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Windows XP Edition 2 XPObjectives • Understand the use of spreadsheets…

Education Using computer technology to turn speech into text

1. Using Computer Technology to Turn Speech into TextDragon Naturally Speaking(1)Speech Recognition SoftwareMargaret Springer1 2. Allows you to talk to your computer and…

Education Essential Computer Concepts

1. FIRST COURSEEssentialComputerConcepts 2. XPObjectives• Compare the types of computers• Describe the components of a computer system• Describe input and output peripheral…

Documents Introduction to Computers and their Applications Course Introduction Professor Pepper.

Slide 1 Introduction to Computers and their Applications Course Introduction Professor Pepper Slide 2 Major Course Objectives §Create web sites §Know some of Office §Able…