Documents CLOUD OS WEEK People Centric IT Unified Device Management with SCCM + Windows Intune.

Slide 1 Slide 2 CLOUD OS WEEK  People Centric IT Unified Device Management with SCCM + Windows Intune Slide 3 ALL ABOUT YOU! Raphael Perez, MVP: Enterprise Client Management,…

Technology Unified device management_the_royal_albert_hall_v4_public

1. Service Management Provisioning Configuration Monitoring Protection Automation Service Management Provisioning ConfigurationMonitoring Protection Automation Service Manager…

Documents Ch1 Windows CE Introduction Jianjian SONG Software Institute, Nanjing University May, 2005.

Slide 1 Ch1 Windows CE Introduction Jianjian SONG Software Institute, Nanjing University May, 2005 Slide 2 Content What is Windows CE Windows CE Architecture Software Development…

Documents Business Needs and IT Challenges How can IT maintain user productivity and protect against evolving....

Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5 Business Needs and IT Challenges How can IT maintain user productivity and protect against evolving threats How can IT reduce complexity…