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Documents Whitman Pioneer - Spring 2011 Issue 6

WHITMAN NEWS, DELIVERED Walla Walla, WA March 3 2011 Page 1 Men’s Tennis team seeks high-caliber competition Men to play more teams outside of NWC, aim…

Documents Whitman Pioneer - Spring 2011 Issue 8

WHITMAN NEWS, DELIVERED Walla Walla, WA ISSUE 8 VOLUME CXXVIII Music Department in Flux !"#$ %!! Four professors have or will leave Whit- man, resulting…

Documents Whitman College Pioneer Fall 2011 Issue 6

volume cxxix page 4 page 4 Seth Dawson â12 terms Obamaâs killing of Anwar al-Awlaki âauthoritarianâ Katie DeCramer â12 talks IM football, cookies and the politics of…

Documents Whitman Pioneer - Spring 2011 Issue 10

1ISSUE 10 WHITMAN NEWS, DELIVERED Walla Walla, WA VOLUME CXXVIII When Whitties Drink... PAGE 5 From Breasts to Chests The FAH raises money for breast can-…

Documents Whitman Pioneer Spring 2012 Issue 7

ISSUE 7 | March 8, 2012 | Whitman news since 1896 CUT TIME PIONEERT he 1896EX AMICITIA VERITAS ITHE WHIT MAN P O N E ER Recently faculty deci-sions have motivat-ed a desire…

Documents Whitman Pioneer - Spring 2011 Issue 11

1ISSUE 11 WHITMAN NEWS, DELIVERED Walla Walla, WA VOLUME CXXVIII THE STORY OF OUR WASTE Feature goes dumpster diving in honor of Earth Week PAGE 5 U.S.…

Documents Whitman Pioneer - Spring 2011 Issue 13

1ISSUE 13 WHITMAN NEWS, DELIVERED Walla Walla, WA VOLUME CXXVIII How much should athletic ability matter for college admission? For NCAA Di-vision I schools,…