Documents tagged
Technology Intro to Angular.js & Zend2 for Front-End Web Applications

1. Intro to Angular.js & Zend2 for Front-End Web ApplicationsAdrian Esquivel [email protected] Chief Expert 2. About Me • • • • •Grew up in Miami Computer…

Documents Introduction to interacting with list data using Knockout and REST web services.

Slide 1Introduction to interacting with list data using Knockout and REST web services Slide 2 Who is the one they call Xenox? Slide 3 Musician Developer Father SharePointian…

Technology Getting started with angular js

1.Getting started with AngularJS Maurice de Beijer2. Who am I? • Maurice de Beijer • The Problem Solver • Microsoft Integration MVP • Freelance developer • DevelopMentor…

Technology AngularJs

1.Angular 2. Angular Expressions 3. $interopolateProvieder 4. Undefined / Null 5. $eval() 6. 2-Way Data Binding 7. {{ username }} 8. angular.module('opentalks')…

Technology MEAN Stack - Google Developers Live 10/03/2013

1.Intro to the MEAN Stack Valeri Karpov Kernel Tools Engineer, MongoDB @code_barbarian 2. Who is this guy? - CTO of SCVNGR (LevelUp)…

Technology AngularJS Deep Dives (NYC GDG Apr 2013)

1.AngularJS Exposed: Deep DivesNitya Narasimhan@nityaNYC GTUG MeetupApril 23, 20132. AngularJS (breaking it down..)¤  1: Introduced (Feb) = bird’s eye view (what…

Technology Banner XE CAUSE 2013 Part 2

1. Banner XE Trivia A quick and somewhat random tour of things I’ve learned 2. Topics Database changes Git Repositories Building from Source Admin vs. SSB Config Files…

Software Ruby on Rails y AngularJS

1. Ruby on Rails y AngularJS Introducción al mundo de Ruby on Rails, AngularJS y el rol de ambos en la construcción de modernas aplicaciones Web Ing. Leopoldo Rojas Moguel,…

Software React JS and why it's awesome

1. Reactand why it’s awesomeAndrew [email protected] 2. React First Impressions 3. React First Impressions 4. React First ImpressionsWTF?! 5. “Reaction” to React…

Software Angular js for beginners

Angular JS QuickStrat Md. Munirul Hoque Why Angular ?? Two way data binding. Data Dependency Injection. MVC- MVVM - MVW HTML Templating MVC done right Most frameworks implement…