Documents 1 PHYSICS Mr. BALDWIN WAVES 14-Jan-14 AIM: What is periodic or harmonic motion? DO NOW 1.A mass is.....

* PHYSICS Mr. BALDWIN WAVES 14-Jan-14 AIM: What is periodic or harmonic motion? DO NOW A mass is attached to a spring on a horizontal frictionless surface. The system is…

Documents Chapter 6

* Chapter 6 WAVES Dr. Babar Ali * CHAPTER OUTLINE Wave Concept Wave Properties Wave Speed Wave Types Electromagnetic Waves Sound Waves Speed of Sound Doppler Effect Standing…

Documents Electrons and Quantum Mechanics

Electrons and Quanta Electrons and Quantum Mechanics Unit 5 Electrons Rutherford described the dense center of the atom called the nucleus. But the Electrons spin around…

Documents Light, Spectra, and Matter. Why will we spend so much time discussing the electromagnetic spectrum?....

Light, Spectra, and Matter Why will we spend so much time discussing the electromagnetic spectrum? We rely on remote sensing of EM radiation. Tells us the temperature and…