Documents Proposed disposal of LLW to landfill near Kings Cliffe, Northamptonshire. Phil Watson Development...

Slide 1Proposed disposal of LLW to landfill near Kings Cliffe, Northamptonshire. Phil Watson Development Control Manager A Case study Slide 2 Contents Planning History LLW…

Technology Polair 4.2

1. POLAIR 4.2 The advanced atmospheric dispersion modeling software 2. Polair ©4.2 Reliable & Fast , Polair ©4.2 MODELS THE ATMOSPHERIC DISPERSION OFPOLLUTANTS. ForEnvironmental…

Technology Odotech - Products and Services for Integrated Odor Management

1. Products and Services forIntegrated Odor Management Odotech 2. Odotech Services Complete range encompassing every aspect of odor issues 3. I have an odor issue ! Where…

Technology Odoflux

1. ODOFLUX™ Sampling chamber for odors & volatile chemicals from surface sources 2. Odoflux™ Dynamic flux chamber used to measure emission flow…