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Education Question 2

1. Question 2 how does your media product represent particular social groups? 2. How do the photos in your magazine share similarities with the magazines that influenced…

Entertainment & Humor Module 6

1.By: Katarina Bago2.     The reason for choosing Hardwell, is because I like his music. I believe that he is one of the greatest DJs in the world. He is known…

Education Music video analysis

1.Music Video Aims and ObjectivesMusic videos are a form of promotion of the artist/band who are able to entice people into listening to the song. Ituses certain conventions…

Education Initial Research of Music Videos

1. Scott WilliamsThis presentation will cover the subjects and topics that havebeen discussed during classesfor my A2 project, showing myknowledge during the early stages…

Entertainment & Humor Music Video Target Audience

1. POP The term Pop originally came from the word 'popular' showing that it is one of the most well known genres around. I enjoy the genre myself also, because…

Education Music Note Duration

1. Music and Math Visuals for teaching music note duration 2. Visual Value Need for multiple methods of representations…

Education Audience portfolio

PowerPoint Presentation Viet PhamChrist the King: Aquinas13L4022Audience profile Name: Alex OsmanAge: 18Subjects: History, Business, Drama and English.Hobbies/Interests:My…

Documents Harlem renaissance poetry2

Slide 1 The Weary Blues Langston Hughes (1923)Lines 1-3 create a relationship between speaker and subject. Hughes suggests that the blues offer an experience for not only…

Entertainment & Humor Enjoy the music with hip hop beats instrumentals

1. Welcome to 2. Enjoy the music with Hip-Hop Beats instrumentals 3. A collection of audio music called mix…

Entertainment & Humor Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

1. Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience? 2. Before I started my market research, I have already assumed that my audience will be targeted from teens to mid…