Documents tagged
Technology XQuery Novelties (XML Holland 2010 - hardcore xml)

PowerPoint-presentatie Geert Josten Hardcore XML track XML Holland XQuery Novelties 11 november 2010 ‹#› Welcome, my name is Geert Josten. I have worked as content engineer…

Documents 3_booleanAlgebra

CSEE 3827: Fundamentals of Computer Systems Boolean Algebra M&K 2.3-2.5 Agenda • Standard Forms • Product-of-Sums (PoS) • Sum-of-Products (SoP) • conversion between…

Documents Automation Studio

AUTOMATION STUDIO User’s Guide  FAMIC Technologies 2000 Inc. All rights reserved. User’s Guide for the Automation Studio. Document Number: AS4_GUI_EF01_008 REPRODUCTION…

Education SQL Server Stored procedures

1. Stored Procedures CIS-282 2. Scripts v. Stored Procedures Script: Text file of SQL commands Stored Procedure: SQL commands stored in database itself SPROC’s have more…

Documents C-Question-Bank-ebook

Material from Interview Mantra. Subscribe to free updates via email. Material from Interview Mantra. Subscribe to free updates via email. Favourite 50 – C Interview Question…

Documents Ams50 Scripting

Scripting Guide Proprietary Notice The software described in this document is a proprietary product of Indigo Rose Software Design Corporation and is furnished…

Documents Abs guide

1. Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide An in-depth exploration of the art of shell scripting Mendel Cooper 6.5 05 Apr 2012 Revision History Revision…

Education Md03 - part3

1. Module 3 Identifiers, Keywords, and Types   2. Objectives •Using comments in a source program•Distinguish between valid and invalid identifiers •Recognize Java…

Business What's New in for ISVs?

1. What’s New in ISVForce? DevelopersAndrew Smith: salesforce.comRyan Spraetz: salesforce.comRaja Rajaram: 2. Safe HarborSafe harbor statement under the…

Technology XQuery Novelties (XML Holland 2010)

1. XQuery NoveltiesGeert JostenHardcore XML trackXML Holland 11 november 2010 2. Agenda Original Scope Extending Scope Newest Extensions Beyond Scope Summary11…