Documents tagged
Technology 3 geotop-summer-school2011

1. GEOtop: Richards G. OKeefe, Sky with flat white cloud, 1962 Riccardo Rigon, Stefano Endrizzi, Matteo Dall’Amico, Stephan Gruber, Cristiano LanniWednesday, June 29, 2011…

Education Thermodynamics of freezing soil

1. The thermodynamics offreezing soils Matteo Dall’Amico(1), Riccardo Rigon(1), Stephan Gruber(2) and Stefano Endrizzi(3)Vienna, 5 may 2010(1) Department of Environmental…

Documents HYDRUS1D_4

The HYDRUS-1D Software Package for Simulating the One-Dimensional Movement of Water, Heat, and Multiple Solutes in Variably-Saturated Media -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0…

Documents Conductivity Testing of Unsaturated Soils A Presentation to the Case Western Reserve University May....

Slide 1 Conductivity Testing of Unsaturated Soils A Presentation to the Case Western Reserve University May 6, 2004 By Andrew G. Heydinger Department of Civil Engineering…

Documents UNSAT_2002 (2)

Third International Conference on Unsaturated Soils - UNSAT2002, março, Recife, ISBN 90 58093727 v.1, p295-300. 1 INTRODUCTION Several numerical models for simulating flow…

Documents Gas Phase Transport Principal Sources: VLEACH, A One-Dimensional Finite Difference Vadose Zone...

Slide 1 Gas Phase Transport Principal Sources: VLEACH, A One-Dimensional Finite Difference Vadose Zone Leaching Model, Version 2.2 – 1997. United States Environmental Protection…

Documents 2- and 3-D Analytical Solutions to CDE

2- and 3-D Analytical Solutions to CDE Equation Solved: Constant mean velocity in x direction! Hunt, B., 1978, Dispersive sources in uniform ground-water flow, ASCE Journal…

Documents Variably Saturated Flow and Transport: Sorbing Solute.

Variably Saturated Flow and Transport: Sorbing Solute Variably saturated flow With variably saturated flow, fluids fill only part of the pore space. Flow properties depend…

Documents Land Surface: Modelling & Data Assimilation

Slide * Soil Type at T799 FAO(2003) 6 dominant soil type Used to assign: hydraulic properties (drainage and surf. runoff) field capacity & wilting point for SM analysis…

Documents Variably Saturated Flow and Transport: Sorbing Solute

Variably Saturated Flow and Transport: Sorbing Solute Variably saturated flow With variably saturated flow, fluids fill only part of the pore space. Flow properties depend…