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Documents Infomir MAGic Solution (English Version)

HistoryItem_V1 DefineBleed Range: all pages Request: bleed all round 5.67 points Bleed area is outside visible: no 5.6693 1 5.6693 5.6693 0 0 8.5039 Fixed Both AllDoc CurrentAVDoc…

Documents Familia y escuela 2012

HistoryItem_V1 DefineBleed Range: all pages Request: bleed all round 0.00 points Bleed area is outside visible: yes 8.5039 1 8.5039 0.0000 0 1 8.5039 Fixed Both AllDoc CurrentAVDoc…

Documents Comunidad_territorial e Constituição Provincial

HistoryItem_V1 AddMaskingTape Range: all pages Mask co-ordinates: Horizontal, vertical offset -11.36, -1.89 Width 18.93 Height 587.69 points Mask co-ordinates: Horizontal,…

Documents Gianella, A._lógica Simbólica..., Caps. 2, 3, 7, Ed. Coop., 2002 (Doble Faz A4) v2

HistoryItem_V1 InsertBlanks Where: before current page Number of pages: 1 same as current 1 1 20 722 364 CurrentAVDoc SameAsCur BeforeCur QITE_QuiteImposing2 Quite Imposing…

Documents Familia y Escuela mineduc

HistoryItem_V1 DefineBleed Range: all pages Request: bleed all round 0.00 points Bleed area is outside visible: yes 8.5039 1 8.5039 0.0000 0 1 8.5039 Fixed Both AllDoc CurrentAVDoc…

Documents Bobov Psak in Federal Court

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vg,e n vpxe sh i Excerpt From The English Translation Page 1 Notice of Petition (Stamped) Petition + Appendices Petition (face sheet) 3. Petition…

Documents Introducción a la Filosofía Del Tiempo y Del Espacio - Van Fraassen

HistoryItem_V1 TrimAndShift Range: all odd numbered pages Trim: none Shift: move down by 14.17 points Normalise (advanced option): 'original' 32 D:20150915002608…

Documents fultonpix

HistoryItem_V1 Nup Create a new document Trim unused space from sheets: no Allow pages to be scaled: yes Margins and crop marks: none Sheet size: 9.010 x 12.310 inches /…

Documents IPC (Palau) - UBA XXI. Módulo 1 (El Conocimiento. Las Ciencias Formales), Eudeba, 1994, Selección....

HistoryItem_V1 InsertBlanks Where: before current page Number of pages: 1 same as current 1 1 20 722 364 CurrentAVDoc SameAsCur BeforeCur QITE_QuiteImposing2 Quite Imposing…

Documents boletin casa de la cultura afrouruguaya Nro.9

HistoryItem_V1 DefineBleed Intervalo: todas las páginas Solicitar: sangrar todo el contorno 14.17 puntos El área de sangrado está fuera de la zona visible: sí…