Documents tagged
Internet Lastfm

1. is one of the best entertainment web sites in the internet. It's mentioned in many top lists and really well known. What is it about? Actually, it is music…

Business Sponsorhip Bootcamp Presentation Patricia Martin

1. a presentation by Patricia Martin 2. Summary of Course Sponsorship overview Attitude shift Discovering your value Selling strategies 3. Sponsorship Basics Sponsorship…

Documents Radio Lumiere 2015-2016 Projects

Broadcasting Christian Truth to Haiti The Republic of Haiti A small, often troubled, mountainous country southeast of Cuba, Haiti was originally claimed for Spain by Christopher…

Documents CW by Jim Stafford, W4QO. CW What is CW? Continuous Wave – Morse Code “Invented” in 1836...

Slide 1 CW by Jim Stafford, W4QO Slide 2 CW What is CW? Continuous Wave – Morse Code “Invented” in 1836 Samuel FB Morse, Joseph Henry, Alfred Vail A system of transmitting…

Documents BROADCASTING #1 way to reach your audience! NOTE BUY MORE TV & RADIO – IT WORKS! NOTE BUY MORE TV....

Slide 1 Slide 2 BROADCASTING #1 way to reach your audience! NOTE BUY MORE TV & RADIO – IT WORKS! NOTE BUY MORE TV & RADIO – IT WORKS! Slide 3 EASTLAN RATINGS,…

Documents D-RATS Not Just for D-STAR radios Based on a presentation by Debbie Fligor, N9DN TCARC meeting...

Slide 1 D-RATS Not Just for D-STAR radios Based on a presentation by Debbie Fligor, N9DN TCARC meeting 3/9/2010 Presented at 2011 Orlando Hamcation by: John Davis, WB4QDX…

Documents Chapter 7

Chapter 7 The Design of Long-Distance Links Bahman R. Alyaei 1 Introduction The network may be defined as a group of switching nodes interconnected by links. We may refer…

Documents H OPCAT , 6dFGS & Star Formation Rates

HOPCAT, 6dFGS & Star Formation Rates Marianne T. Doyle Ph.D. Project Content The HIPASS - 6dFGS Connection My PhD Project & 6dFGS Investigate the question: How does…