Documents tagged
Technology Creating and Sustaining Communities Around Shared Data: The Case of OCLC

1. Creating and Sustaining Communities Around Shared Data: the Case of OCLC Karen Calhoun Vice President, WorldCat and Metadata Services ALCTS Forum January 2009 2. The OCLC…

Business Bs bab 3

1. MAINTENANCE WORKGeneral ObjectiveC3001 / UNIT 3 / 1: To understand the scope of circulation system in tall buildings.Specific Objectives : At the end of this unit you…

Documents Smarter Information Management Presenter: Dianne Macaskill Chief Executive Archives New Zealand.

Slide 1Smarter Information Management Presenter: Dianne Macaskill Chief Executive Archives New Zealand Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5 Our Approach The outcome should support…

Education Recording systems and their effect on animal breeding in Ethiopia

1. Recording Systems and Their Effect on Animal Breeding in Ethiopia By; - Nahom Ephrem 2. INTRODUCTION • Cattle extension and breeding schemes depend on reliable recording…

Documents NARA_T733_R1_02 [Records of the Office of the Reich Commissioner for the Strengthening of om

/ GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. No. 2. Office of the Reich Commissioner for the Strenthening of Germandom The National Archives National Archives…

Documents NARA_T733_R3_46 [Records of German Field Commands Corps (Part I)]

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. No. 46. Records of German Field Commands: Corps (Part I) The Nat iona l A r c h i v e s Nat iona l A r c h i v e s…

Documents NARA_T733_R4_62 [Records of German Field Commands Corps (Part VII)]

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. No. 62. Records of German Field Commands: Corps (Part Vn) (I, LH - XCI Corps) The Nat ional Arch ives Nat iona l Arch…

Documents The Baringo County Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill 2013 Draft.doc

ANNEX THE BARINGO COUNTY ALCOHOLIC DRINKS CONTROL BILL 2013 ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS Section PART IâPRELIMINARY 1- Short title and commencement. 2- Interpretation. 3- Objective…

Documents Propensity Score Models for Nonresponse and Measurement Error John Dixon U.S. Bureau of....

Slide Propensity Score Models for Nonresponse and Measurement Error John Dixon U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics June 20, 2011 The opinions expressed are those…

Documents NARA_T733_R3_52 [Records of German Field Commands Army Groups (Part II)]

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. No. 52. Records of German Field Commands: Army Groups (Part n) The Nat iona l Arch ives Nat ional Arch ives and Records…