Documents tagged
Technology High Performance Kick Ass Web Apps (JavaScript edition)

High-Performance Kick-Ass Web Apps (with focus on JavaScript)Stoyan Stefanov, @stoyanstefanov April 25, 2009 JSConf, Washington, D.C. About me •  Yahoo! Search • …

Technology Pinpointing Vulnerabilities in Android Applications like Finding a Needle in a Haystack

Slide 1 Pinpointing Vulnerabilities in Android Applications: Like Finding a Needle in a Haystack Roee Hay, [email protected] IBM Application Security Research Group Lead ©…

Documents Air Buildingapps(1)

Building ADOBE® AIR® Applications Legal notices Legal notices For legal notices, see Last updated 10/14/2011 iii Contents…

Education Aggregating Linked Sensor Data

1. Aggregating Linked Sensor Data Christoph Stasch, Sven Schade, Alejandro Llaves, Krysztof Janowicz, Arne Bröring Institute for Geoinformatics Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität…

Education Service Modeling Language, Sml

1. Service Modeling Language, Version 1.0 Service Modeling Language, Version 1.0 W3C Member Submission 21 March 2007 This version:…

Technology Web heresies

1. 5 Heresies James AylettKittens with JetpacksThursday, 27 October 2011 2. 5 HeresiesFor A Better World James AylettKittens with JetpacksThursday, 27 October 2011 3. 1:…

Technology Uk discovery-jisc-project-showcase

1. ProjectShowcase Twitter hashtag:#ukdiscovery Wifi:WellcomeNet 2. AIM25: Open Metadata Pathway AIM25: aggregating and cross-searching descriptions of archives held in London.16,000…

Data & Analytics Linking the prospective and retrospective provenance of scripts

1. Saumen Dey, Khalid Belhajjame, David Koop, Meghan Raul, Bertram Ludäscher 2.  Scientists process and analyze their datasets using scripts.  Retrospective provenance…

Documents II. Basic Web Concepts. Contents URIs HTML, SGML and XML HTTP MIME Media Types Sever-Side Programs.

Slide 1II. Basic Web Concepts Slide 2 Contents URIs HTML, SGML and XML HTTP MIME Media Types Sever-Side Programs Slide 3 II.1 URIs A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is…

Documents Geolocation Privacy Hannes Tschofenig International Working Group on Data Protection in...

Slide 1 Geolocation Privacy Hannes Tschofenig International Working Group on Data Protection in Telecommunications Rome, March 2008 Slide 2 2 Acknowledgements Thanks to Henning…