Health & Medicine Urticaria

1. Dr. Angelo Smith M.D WHPL URTICARIA 2. • Urticaria (from the  urtica, "nettle" from urere, "to burn“) commonly  referred  to  as hives, …

Documents Escmid Sore Throat Gl Cmi Mar2012

CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION VOLUME 18, SUPPLEMENT 1, APRIL 2012 ESCMID Guideline for the Management of Acute Sore Throat GUEST EDITOR Mical Paul Publication of this…

Health & Medicine Resistencia antimicroviana

1. The evolving threat of antimicrobial resistance Options for action World Health Organization 20 Avenue Appia CH - 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland Tel: +41 (0) 22 791 50 60…

Health & Medicine Academy of Dental Resources' San Francisco PowerPoint presentation 2011

1. DDS, CNC, ND “ Sweet Success with Xylitol” Thank YouCSPD!San Francisco April 9 th2011 DDS, CNC, ND 2. My Contact Information [email_address] 208-478-5437 3. Sugar…

Documents upper airway infection

Sinusitis, Laryngitis, and pharyngitis Prepared by; John Micahel Orias SN UM Objectives:  Within 30 mins. Of my discussion, my co-student nurse      …

Documents Papulosquamous Dermatoses

1 Papulosquamous Dermatoses Rania AlSaied MD 2 Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris 3 It is a chronic papulosquamous disorder of unknown etiology characterized by reddish orange scaly…

Documents Anti Tussive Tranx

Subject: Pharmacology Topic: Antitussives Lecturer: Dra. Aguinaldo Date of Lecture: October 2, 2011 Transcriptionist: The Soloist Pages: 8 COUGH Cough is a powerful physiological…

Health & Medicine Otitis part 3

1. NON-SUPPURATIVE DISEASES OF EAR 2. MUCOUS OTITIS AND SEROUS OTITIS The accumulation of fluid in the middle ear The absence of acute inflammation 3. MUCOUS OTITIS The disease…

Health & Medicine Family presentation

1. Interventions for Geriatrics in Mental Health By: Amber Knight, Sibyl Kirkland, and Heather Zimmerman 2. Geriatrics • Population in United States 2012 – US residents…